One year of marriage congratulations. Congratulations on the Calico wedding (1st wedding anniversary)

Calico wedding:
A year is family experience.
Calico wedding -
This is your holiday.

This is just the beginning
Have a bright journey,
Let in family life
Enough love for you.

Let the warmth not melt,
The marriage will be stronger
May there always be enough
Joy in the eyes.

Bitterly! Bitter again!
How can we live without these words?
And there's so much around
Calico flowers!

Do you have a reason to be happy -
Happy first anniversary!
We wish you to meet happiness along the way,
You won’t even notice the difficulties.

Calico wedding is just the beginning
Life is bright, bright, without sadness
And successful plans, common goals.
May success in any matter help your cause.

Let love grow stronger and bloom,
Let him give you smiles every day,
Let the comfort never leave the house,
And fate helps you in everything!

Happy first anniversary. May your future be easy common path, may happiness dwell in your home, may love reign in your hearts, may there always be room for romance and tenderness of feelings on the chintz blanket of family life.

Your first common date is
We have lived a successful year together.
You guys are very young,
Only time, like horses, flies.

I wish that you are in turmoil,
In a series of endless days
To the call of the heart, the souls are not deaf,
And they didn’t become callous or colder.

I wish the house to be comfortable
And there was plenty of love, in full,
So that you walk the same route,
So that one wave rocks you.

Every day so that those bonds grow stronger,
What brought you together under one roof,
So that the wife is an eternal muse,
And the husband was a support, a wall!

Anniversary... You've been together for a year now,
And may God protect your union.
Let there be no place for sorrows,
And love burns forever in the heart.

Be a support for each other
And always forgive each other.
Forgetting about grievances and disputes,
Carry love through the years.

You give each other only joy,
Even on the hardest day.
And you will understand what is next to you
The best of all people!

Calico wedding - a year has passed.
There were many different, difficult concerns.
Together you learned to resolve them,
We want to keep it the same in the future.

So that love increases every year,
The beautiful wedding day was remembered again.
So that you can idolize each other,
Happiness and adversity are shared equally.

Calico wedding - first anniversary.
A year has flown by, and I congratulate you!
You have become more experienced, mature and wiser,
Now I want to live to see the golden age.

Smile at each other more often, like children.
Don't forget to say nice words.
After all, there is nothing more important in the world
Love, which is the basis of all foundations.

Time goes by so quickly
And now, you’ve been together for a year.

We sincerely congratulate you
And we wish you bright happiness.

So that we live together, without worries
IN Great love after year year.

To respect each other
And they never offended me.

And good luck in a chintz dress
Let him come to your bright home.

Live without getting sick or crying
She will bring you a covenant.

And your wedding is chintz
On this journey of life.

Let it be a prerequisite for good
It will help you move through life together.

Happy first anniversary to you
I congratulate you now
And I wish that it continues
The flame of love did not go out.

To let passions rage
And never cooled down,
Never to touch
You are hurt and sad.

Understand, respect
And love each other
Cherish your marriage
Forgive all shortcomings.

A year has passed since that very date,
When love brought you together.
May there be happiness in your home,
Let love and tenderness reign in him.

Sorrows, troubles and adversity
Let them pass you by
And these joyful years
They will make you a strong family.

Today is your family's anniversary,
It's not a little and not a lot,
You've only been on the road for a year,
There is still a long road ahead.

Don't lose your love
Let your feelings still warm you,
After all, those who love can do everything
And troubles will be overcome.

Your year is made of chintz
And still a little weak,
But we know and believe everything,
What a lot of happiness awaits you!

- the date that you definitely want to celebrate. On this day, close friends most often gather and have fun parties. And just friends have a rather important task ahead of them - to come up with an original congratulations on their first wedding anniversary, perhaps in verse. It is poetry that will be most appropriate. You can, of course, compose it yourself, but for those who are not endowed with poetic talents, we offer cool and original congratulations with in verse, as well as toasts and funny statuses.

Congratulations to my husband

With you, a year is already like a day,
It was bright and not boring.
Thank you, husband, for even a shadow
Didn't darken the euphony
Hearts beating in unison!
The melody of the soul is beautiful -
Double crystal chime,
I agree with you to live like this forever!

Respecting the ancient custom,
My husband, I give you a scarf...
I appreciate you and understand
And you are a connoisseur of my soul.

I strive for peace and grace
Didn't float away in the mortal race,
And I want to wish you and me:
Let how many drops there be in the foamy sea -
Happy days were destined for us,
How this year has passed slowly.

So that we love more strongly
So that in soul we, of course,
Remained young forever,
Just like the day you declared your love!
When I decided to become yours!

Happy first year after your wedding, dear, congratulations,
I confess that your love melts like a snowflake...
Calico clouds with you rocked us for a whole year,
Together it’s easy and simple for us, no sadness!

I will surround you with care, just as you pamper me,
I lift myself off the ground when you kiss me
I dissolve in your gaze, as if I were a bride,
As if you were still a groom, tili-tili dough!

I wish, husband, for the first year of weddings,
You win always, everywhere, in everything,
I believe that luck awaits you,
Together we will achieve our dreams!

Yes, I'm behind a stone wall - your back,
But I will also lend you a shoulder,
And let’s believe the capital truth:
A close-knit family doesn't care about anything in the world.

What I wish for my beloved husband
For your wedding anniversary?
So that there are no winters and cold in relationships,
So that our love is still hot,
So that the sun shines and warms,
She didn’t let bad weather into our house,
So that your heart only burns for me
My igniting passion, moreover!

For a wife's chintz wedding

You are my sun and moon
I don't see others!
So let's drink the glass to the bottom
Because we are family!

A year has already flown by since the wedding,
It's like a light moment
But like a scattering of arrows
Your gaze caught up again...

And tenderness confuses me,
Not wine
And now not even a day without you
I am not allowed to live.

Beloved wife - here is a cotton scarf,
I wrapped a gift for you in it:
On the anniversary of a little gold,
May our wedding day be memorable and bright.

I look into your eyes: I don’t hear the clock running
And I remember: here in a veil and white,
Like a fairy from a fairy dream
You walked towards me, glowing and timid.

Only a year has passed, but for me it’s always
You will be a tender and beloved bride,
We will never part with you
And the wedding vow will be unbreakable.

Wife, happy wedding day, dear,
In a year, you and I have already become one,
Love has passed all the tests
And you and I are two halves...

I want you not to be upset
Over trifles, and I wasn’t angry,
She sang and laughed more often,
And she always shone with tenderness!

In the year of the calico wedding, I wish my wife,
Feel happy every day!
Let love not go out in our hearts,
I will continue to carry in my arms,
And let the white birds sing in your soul;
And you create comfort for both of us.
I'm happy - we've been like a family for a year,
I am yours forever, you are forever mine!

The calico wedding holiday has arrived,
And again I confess to you frankly
What I wanted and what I dreamed came true:
Living as a family with you as one is soulful!

Every day I fly home on wings,
I didn’t know it was so nice to be married
Every morning you make my day,
I love you, wifey, incredibly!

I’ll tell you not for the sake of beautiful phrases,
And not for a festive and vain service:
That tenderness fills every time,
When I think it's been a year with you wife.

Let the shadows of quarrels not darken our life,
Let the spring of love last longer,
And a bright candle of devotion,
It will glow in the window all your life.

From parents

On the wedding anniversary - a chintz scarf,
Thread to thread - warp, weft...
The threads of fate are intertwined,
This is what happens in the world of weddings.

God probably wove you into a knot,
After all, husband and wife are the warp, the weft...
We wish that the canvas
It remains strong - only one thread!

So that the family never breaks apart,
The thread in the children was quietly twisting!
We already want healthy grandchildren,
“Happiness to you, children!” we repeat like a prayer.

Children, we wish you a calico wedding year,
So that love and harmony light
The sun was shining over your estate
I wish you a hundred happy years.

So that children's trampling could be heard around the house,
Laughter reflected in your eyes;
So that your income grows by leaps and bounds,
Money was always in the bins.

Let life flow with a good song,
Okay and peacefully, so that everything is in unison.
And without sadness, and in joy together -
Let the most wonderful dream come true!

The honeymoon is over
It's already been a year since the wedding,
But your best hour is ahead
Family friendly affairs.

From mother and father
Please accept my congratulations,
And as a hint - a piece of chintz,
For a child's birthday.

We wish you, preserving the customs,
Live in harmony, respecting each other,
Like father, mother, and close relatives,
Families continue the tradition with love.

Husband - let him be the breadwinner and the armor,
The wife is compliant and wiser in advance,
May there never be a sad day,
Live happily, without boredom, without getting sick!

Here's your calico anniversary -
Before the golden wedding, go okay,
Let your heart forgive everything in advance,
And let the beloved be with the beloved!

From variegated chintz to iron strength
May your happy marriage rise
The wife is a candle, and the man is a piece,
And here comes the spark. And the darkness recedes!

From friends

Family is like a bird, and the bird has two wings...
Let love last lightly, lightly,
Only together can a husband and wife fly into the sky:
Learn to listen, see, and also endure.

Quite a bit has passed since the wedding - a year,
Let your whole life go slowly.
The fire does not go out, there is comfort in the house,
Well, friends, believe me, they won’t let you get bored!

Friends, let's celebrate the calico date,
After all, it’s been a year since the fireworks died down...
I wish you to continue to live happily and richly,
To create a route to success together

Two kids, or three at once...
Not a little, but more of everything for you!
Healthy, like the shoots of a sequoia tree
And smart, like dad, beyond his years!

At night - passion, and during the day - peace,
Sail on your love waves
On a family boat without storms and without downtime
To the wonderful and treasured shores!

I wish you, friends, on your wedding anniversary
Loyalty for a whole century is simply swanlike,
Let the beauty of the young wife not fade,
Empty blizzards will bypass you in quarrels,
And the husband builds a career, instantly, without stress,
And doubt will never arise in each other.
And let the dawn of love shine brightly over the house,
Well, let’s remember last year: “Bitter! Bitterly! Bitterly!"

Calico your anniversary is an important date!
May spring not leave your blooming garden,
Keep this fervor for decades,
Let the couple not forget the wedding bouquet.
Remember, do not forget your vows to metal,
After all, an angel was flying over you at that moment!

Congratulations to our friends on their calico wedding,
We wish that the darling becomes even sweeter,
And I couldn’t get enough of my beloved,
Let these two loving hearts fuse into a whole!

Their journey began a year ago, but this is just a start!
So that your eyes burn as they do now,
At Zheleznaya’s wedding, I hope to take a walk there too,
Just don’t forget to call me later.

On the first anniversary of the family, I wish you
So that the feeling of novelty does not disappear,
The tracks rolled together,
The joint roads did not seem small.

So that expectations, requests and dreams
You have always had things come true, first in agreement,
So that the husband has dinner waiting for him, and the wife has flowers,
And they woke up and fell asleep, kissing!

I wish your family to have peace and quiet,
And the chintz wedding remained a blessing for years!
Build your life with care and respect,
Let your heart be open and your eyes open...
So that you don’t get tired of the troubles together,
And you celebrated your wedding date every year!

Cool and funny

“Bitter!” - again, as if a year ago,
Friends asked to come to you for your anniversary,
And by the way my wife’s eyes light up -
You definitely learned how to kiss.

They must have worn the chintz into trash
Their beds in the honeymoons,
I had to take care of my young friends:
We are giving you new sets of sheets!

Did you want to celebrate a chintz wedding quietly, without friends?
After all, this is your joint and very first anniversary!
Since you lasted together for a whole leap year,
Everything is going well and true for you...
We wish you to maintain your love for fifteen years,
Well, then upgrade to Love Forever!
And a bunch of little girls and guys -
Friends now want to become godfathers!

We congratulate you on your wedding day and present you with gifts,
We know that in a year we erased all the bedding sets...
Let us wish that the love marathon continues,
And we give you bedding made of satin and chintz!

Marriage is the science of compromises,
It's been a year since the wedding,
Your life should be scheduled,
After all, a family is not a music hall.

Every minute is needed
Go on patrol for others,
Live harmoniously and amicably,
Family life is like a choir.

You've been married for a year, all your friends congratulate you,
Of course, they wish you happiness and money!
But there are minor reproaches to the spouses:
Friends somehow became lonely without you,
Go from the nest to visit more often,
And running away from the team - stop it!

A roll of chintz for diapers,
It's already been a year since the wedding,
It's time to bow down over the child,
Was I in vain wishing for three children at the wedding?!

For young spouses on a chintz wedding
I wish you peace, happiness and warmth;
And, of course, money for your estate
In the center of the metropolis, not our village!
And there are eleven children, so that they can immediately form a team,
Well, someone needs to glorify the land?
So that stress-free life can be a resort life,
And be able to dream big, like me!

How can we not have a drink on our anniversary?
For the intimacy of dear spouses?
I don't want to offend anyone:
So that everything is clear with them!

To make the pose more assertive,
Role-playing games, everything...
In the morning, coffee in bed and roses,
May your wife smell and bloom!

So that the husband is a real macho,
He may be domestic, but a cool male!
Don't laugh, "sex" means a lot,
I will tell you this as a sage...

The first year of marriage was difficult...
Where is that reckless guy?
Where's the lighter girl?
No salary - there will be a rolling pin,
No lunch - no fur coat!
Your relationship is fragile
But over the years they will become stronger,
After all, in the family lives easier!
Let your chintz not tear,
Everyone's first year is like this -
Get used to it quickly!
Happy first wedding anniversary!

Calico wedding! The year flew by quickly!
The husband became very important, as if he were a minister!
Don't look to the right, don't look to the left -
That’s what my wife ordered, she’s the queen here!
We wish you guys a happy marriage!
This is not the last holiday date,
Let there be at least two hundred anniversaries ahead -
Live to a toothless old age together!

You now have a mother-in-law and mother-in-law,
Husband and wife are blood to each other!
For your Calico wedding, friends,
I have a funny rhyme for today:
Let your husband's beer belly grow!
And let your wife’s belly grow,
But only because it will be in it
The one whom storks bring into the house!

The year has galloped by,
Like a zealous horse!
My husband has become even more beautiful
Even though he was beautiful!
And the wife is blooming with might and main,
Like a dandelion!
My husband will come home from work again,
Lies down on the sofa
And the wife is like this to the guests
Today the table will be set,
What joy mother-in-law
Even his mouth will open!..
Happy wedding year to you, friends!
To live together,
Let the family grow quickly -
Kinder you need!

SMS congratulations

1 year is not a long period, the marriage is completely green!
May your husband always be well-fed and in love!
And let your wife bloom and smell fragrant!
Happy Anniversary! The first year is difficult, everyone knows!..

Happy Calico wedding! First date
In family life! Everything is ahead!
You guys divide everything between two -
Happiness and difficulties, sun, rain!

I can hardly fit it in a short SMS
All your wishes! I'll shorten it to make sense:
Let the Calico wedding be the beginning of everything
Have a long family life, and there will be happiness in it!

Understanding and patience
Freaky mood
I wish you a strong marriage!
Happy anniversary -
She's called Sitseva!
Let your heart beat with love
You are up to a hundred years old, dear ones!
Happy first year, dears!

Mendelssohn's waltz has already finished!..
Calico wedding – the beginning of the beginning!
Your family was born a year ago,
Each spouse is now twice as wealthy:
Your love has doubled in a year,
There are now two mothers - mother-in-law, mother-in-law!
There are even two salaries for two!..
And I dedicate this poem to you two!

I send my congratulations to my sister:
You and your husband are having a Calico wedding!
I pray to God for your marriage,
And I want to wish you so much -
Patience, a lot of joy, love,
You two share everything in the world!
You managed to build your nest,
So let the chicks be born in it, children!

Happy first anniversary, dear wife!
Amazingly beautiful, so smart, gentle!..
The first year that we lived was a fairy tale for me!
Not a day passed without me soaring with happiness!..

Thank you, husband, for having me!
Thank you for the first year of our life together!
Thank you for being so accepting of your family!
Thank you that we are together in happiness and sorrow!

From your witness
Happy 1st year!
Let the house be a full cup,
May you have enough patience
Don't swear, but happily
Spend all your days and nights!
There are no spouses so beautiful!
I love you very, very much!..

I am writing a heartfelt verse for you:
I ask you not to quarrel,
Love each other and take care,
Give the warmth of family meetings!
Only a year has passed since the wedding day,
He is full of pleasant worries!
Let Chintz cement your union,
And let the hearth of love burn!

White dress with veil, wedding rings!..
A year ago on this day those wedding vows were taken!
We, friends, congratulate you on your anniversary, Sitseva,
And we wish you to treat each other so tenderly!

The family has its own age,
Today you are only one year old!
The husband lived with his wife
Without grief and worries!
So let it always be like this,
Love burns in hearts!
What, a year?!.. Let the years pass,
Radiculitis will come -
This is how you test your love!..
And Chintz is just a start!
And let the blood boil with feeling
After a hundred anniversaries!..

From your parents to you, children, let the text fly!
The family year - the first, difficult one - is what you are going through today!
The wedding is called calico, we congratulate you on it!
Let the union not be broken until the end of family days!

Short, friend, mine will be a poem!
You take care of your family world,
After all, a wedding from Chintz is the beginning of the journey!
I wish you and your husband to reach a hundred years!

What a wedding it was a year ago!..
Everyone couldn't take their eyes off you!
Let phrases about love ring forever!
We would like to congratulate you on your Wedding Day!


From my husband

I'll raise a glass to the best wife
Over the past year I have taken a closer look at you.
And I was convinced: I couldn’t find anything better.
Not in London, not in Delhi, not in Paris!

From my wife

I'll drink the champagne to the very bottom,
For our year together, where we are husband and wife!
My husband spoils me, thanks to him,
But someone threatened to get the moon...
And someone promised me stars from heaven,
When he called you down the aisle temptingly.
So I want to justify you
All the clouds of hope, and I will wait.
And don’t get away with it, listen to you,
After all, we are in each other’s destiny forever!

From parents

Raise your glasses, guests,
Here's to your wedding anniversary!
I want in this toast
Both daughter and son
Wish you a happy life,
And peace and prosperity,
Live in a rich Fatherland,
Loving each other is sweet!

You will replace today's calicoes with paper,
Then on leather, and then on linen...
So let's drink to the love that will last
Golden before the wedding. Days - a million!

We will celebrate the chintz wedding as needed:
For the perfect couple, friends, let's pour a glass!
Let the spouses live happily and very amicably,
And from two to many, so that the family matures!

I wish that love does not fade away,
This is your first anniversary together...
Everything is ahead, and this is just the beginning:
At the start, attention, spouses: “Bitter!” - march!

The toasts will last a long time
About Love, but where to put the prose?
I wish you never to part,
Never cry, never get sick,
To cope with grief,
You could give in to each other
We took on work together in the house,
In anger, what stupidity was not burned away!
So that, like on this wedding anniversary,
We realized how much was ahead
Find out more about half of the heart,
Beating with fire in the other chest.

Happy year, as the day flashed by,
From our wedding like a meteor
He opened the doors in happiness,
Where there is no place for reproaches, quarrels...
And I believe that it will continue to be so,
Everything will be joyful and simple,
Perhaps we will rejoice in marriage!
Let's raise a toast to happiness!

To the cake

Now the magic will happen -
The husband will cut the cake with a knife!..
What a celebration it was!..
We cherish him in our hearts:
After all, on this day you were a year ago
Walked timidly towards the altar!..
And your gaze shone with happiness,
When you whispered “I love you”...
A year has flown by... just a year!..
And there are still seas ahead
Of the most trembling concerns,
After all, you didn’t get married in vain!..
And the ocean awaits ahead
Happy events and dreams!..
Let the hurricane pass you by
From evil, resentment, anxiety and tears!
May life be as sweet as cake
What's on the table for the anniversary!
The wedding is made from chintz - the first grade,
And the highest grade – in a hundred years!

Pro statuses for VK, Fb and other social networks

A calico anniversary is a good reason to walk twice at your wedding.

We are having a Calico wedding today. There is nothing left before Zheleznaya, only 64 years.

The Calico wedding is coming soon. Please do not give me bedding. The gift given for the Green Wedding was not erased.

A year has passed since the wedding, and I was convinced that I was right when I agreed to get married. Yes, and in general, over the past year it has become clear that I am always right.

A year ago, at my wedding, I thought in surprise: “What am I doing?” The question is still relevant.

A year ago, at my wedding, I thought in surprise: “What am I doing?” The question was burdened with the exclamation “Why?!”

The whole family and relatives congratulate you:
To Love Forever you have straight roads!
After all, the light of love illuminates everything in the world,
It contains the highest meaning, it contains Truth and God.

These are very good words from my family, in my opinion.

I liked the anniversary greetings to young people who want children.

Oh so touching congratulations that I couldn’t help but cry :) That’s how sentimental I am :) I love my husband!

First met on the site, really cool congratulations, both for husband and wife! Thanks a lot! Add more new ones more and more.

And now your first year has passed.
It may have been difficult for you.
A year full of happiness and worries,
It will be very difficult for you to forget.

Keep the flame of the hearth,
Treasure each other the same way.
And your feelings, as they are now,
You will carry it through time.

The first year flew by.
So much happiness and so much trouble.
A year ago you are the bride and groom,
But today it’s the other way around.

The chintz of the first year is so thin,
Both lightness and tenderness are visible in it.
Hurry up and give you a bunch of diapers
And great happiness without a bottom.

Respect, love and care
In a year, in three, in five!
And although marriage is also work,
I am so pleased to congratulate you.

Our dears! Congratulations on your first marriage anniversary! We wish that in ten and twenty years your relationship remains as warm and tender as it is now. We wish you mutual understanding, respect and the ability to compromise. Let your family grow stronger and, of course, grow! Happy holiday!

A year has passed, there is no doubt
Your life is a complete dessert!
Happy anniversary,
We wish you happiness and joy!

Let love reign in the family,
Let her blood boil.
Don't let quarrels bother you,
May they protect you from adversity!

More luck in life for you,
Strength, good luck and patience.
Good luck to you in your endeavors,
Kindness and respect.

Happy first anniversary!
May happiness await you in life,
Calico wedding is yours
It will be a golden start.

I wish you no troubles
Live together year after year,
So that when you quarrel, you instantly make peace,
All grievances were forgotten.

Let love not fade away
It only grows stronger and blooms,
And in all the years to come
Become the strongest family.

Your wedding is made of chintz,
Exactly a year since it took place,
I wish you to glow with happiness,
And may fate always smile.

Respect family and appreciate
Enjoy your moments together
Give yourself joy every day,
It's like the bride and groom again!

Your wedding is only a year old,
She's still very young
And demands your attention
Love, warmth.

Calico wedding, it’s your anniversary!
Please accept congratulations, beloved ones, from us.
After all, a lot has already been passed and a lot is ahead,
And if something went wrong, we’ll leave it behind.

We will be with you, we will always support you,
Be a happy couple for many years to come.
May joy never leave you, may the Lord bless you,
You will have eternal love - unlimited.

A year ago you got married
They twirled in the wedding waltz.
You lived a happy year,
They honestly deserved the chintz!
Long and happy life
We want to wish you.
So that there is money in the family,
Children appeared in the house.
We'll come again in a year
Happy anniversary!

You stayed together for the first year.
Love has not disappeared during this time,
But it only flared up again and again
And tied you to each other more tightly

Today you have a chintz wedding,
And the first year is the most difficult.
We want to wish you love and happiness,
Living in agreement until the wedding is golden!

Today is exactly one year since the day
How did you become spouses?
And be together forever
They firmly promised each other.

Let's face it - she's young
Your “calico date.”
But you are a strong family,
And we are very happy about the anniversary.

Let your feelings become
Every day even stronger.
Sadness will disappear forever,
And hearts do not grow cold.

Be sensitive, please.
And you are tolerant of each other.
And they won’t be afraid of you
There is darkness and an evil blizzard in the souls.

For longevity of families
There is one great recipe:
We want to hear the laughter of children!
We wish you love and happiness!

A year has passed since your wedding!
Happy anniversary to you.
Today you set the table
And we walk together again!

May your bonds never
They will not become unwanted captivity.
And happiness for many years
How the sun shines from the sky for you!

1 year has passed since the wedding
And the anniversary has arrived!
They lived it without worries,
Love has not cooled down over time!

We hasten to congratulate you
Give today!!!
Love, believe from the heart,
May we live together forever!

Don't quarrel over little things
Don't open your hands...
Live to your joy
The envy of everyone around!

You've been together for a whole year already!
Or rather, ONLY...
Let each guest say
Today loudly: “Bitter!”

After all, you are still completely
We are not tired of each other.
Love to the envy of everyone,
Go towards a common goal!

Let living together bring us together,
Children will appear...
Concord and love to you,
And earthly blessings in abundance!!!

Happy Anniversary!
You have been married for a year.
Everything in it was with you...
So many joys and troubles...

We are with you today
Let's celebrate this day
When you became a family,
Hastening to put on the rings...

Take care of these bonds -
There are none better or dearer.
Let marriage not be a burden
Until the end of your days...

Yours, I give it now!
One year has passed since this date,
But the fire of love did not go out!

Also passionate, tight hugs,
Like that memorable day when
In a black tailcoat and white dress
You said “yes” to each other!

Well, your first year has passed,
The family is still so young.
But they still deserve the best odes,
Chita You are our dear.

There have been many grindings,
And we experienced everything together.
Of course love was saved,
We wish you to continue to do so so that you don’t lose heart.

Your marriage is still so green,
He was only one year old.
But still protected by love,
From the sad misfortunes of life.

Since they shouted bitterly at you,
Only one year has passed.
We give you an A for today,
After all, this happiness suits you very well.

We wish that in your honor,
We have gathered this way more than once.
It is good that there is any news,
And your story was happy.

Just a year has passed since
When did you join your union?
Accept compliments quickly
For the strength of your tender bonds.

We wish you more love,
Patience and understanding towards each other.
Live happily longer
To a wonderful wife and beloved husband.

We celebrate your anniversary,
Today is our first time.
It's nice that your house is painted,
The notes are gentle and good.

That love knows no boundaries
In a word, everything is wonderful about you, friends.
We sincerely congratulate you,
Our young, sweet family.

Wedding anniversary 1 year congratulations in prose

Congratulations on not yet big, but such significant holiday, the first anniversary of a legal relationship! Let love help you meet all the next ones together. Until the “golden” wedding!

Today is exactly one year since you are wife and husband! Let love lead you through life. And every hour it will bring you closer together!

It's been a year since you've been a family. Although it’s more likely that only a year has passed since you got married. But there is already so much that connects and inspires you. May it remain so in decades to come!

Happy wedding anniversary 1 year funny

12 months ago

They started calling you family.

Today is your anniversary

Such a beautiful, bright wedding.

And I congratulate you on this!

Hooray! Long live the family!

Exactly a year ago you were in the registry office

They gave their consent to the family.

Let's go hand in hand

Plow the expanse of the earth.

And during this time they began

Relationships have become stronger!

You have become spiritually closer,

The fire of love has not gone out!

For your wedding anniversary

I wish you not to waste your feelings!

To rush into each other's arms,

So that you can hear the crunch of passion!

Wedding anniversary 1 year congratulations to husband

We've been married for a year!

Time flies in joy.

Congratulations dear

Happy anniversary of love!

It seems like just yesterday

Our wedding was celebrated.

And now it's time to meet

A year since they said “yes”!

Congratulations, husband -

We are celebrating bodies and souls!

Let happiness last forever

My favorite person!

I love you as a husband

It's been a year already, my dear.

Dinner awaits us with candles

And let's celebrate with you!

First year life together- one of the most difficult. Members of the newly-made family are just getting used to each other, getting used to habits and subtleties. And if the family managed to withstand this period, then surely the rest of their path will be smooth.

It’s not for nothing that the first wedding anniversary is called calico. The fact is that the relationship between a man and a woman during this period is very fragile, like calico fabric that can tear at any moment. Therefore, if you need to congratulate a family on a chintz wedding, then the first thing you should emphasize is the strength of their relationship. No small or large quarrels, troubles, failures and difficulties could break them now, and therefore they will not be able to break them in the future. It will be easier later, because over time the person becomes closer, you get used to him and realize that you have to live with him for the rest of your life.

1 year wedding anniversary greetings are meant to encourage married couple. Your words should be an incentive for them to continue to maintain a strong, passionate relationship. Remind them that there are other significant anniversaries around the corner. Mention the wedding itself, because it was not so long ago.

On this holiday, a man and a woman give each other cotton towels, scarves, and linen. You can do the same by gifting them some kind of fabric item. Or you can choose something individual, because there are no restrictions. The only condition is to give a gift from the heart, because such a gift, even the most insignificant one, will be received with a bang.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
It’s not for nothing that it’s called calico,
I'm in this Holy holiday I wish you
Love for many more years to come!
From the outside it seems so little -
Just a year... Happiness can't be counted in numbers!
So that it never fades away -
Let love live eternally in our hearts!

Congratulations on mobile

Without sparing beautiful words,
On this day and at this hour
Happy first anniversary
We want to congratulate you!

Calico wedding is yours
Let it only bring joy!
We wish you further
Move forward together!

It's already been a year since your wedding!
Today you welcome guests again,
And congratulations, gifts with warmth
You receive from family and friends!
We wish you patience with each other,
Health, happiness and family warmth!
In difficult moments, give your spouse a hand,
May your life be beautiful and bright!

Champagne sparkles brightly!
The first year has already flown away.
He has a ribbon of light chintz
It flashed by so quickly for you.

Let it be just as easy and carefree
The fate will be your family.
Let the abundant river flow
In harmony, happiness, love.

Life in harmony, friendship, love...
In the past the registry office, the impressions are new.
First time family birthday
Are you ready to celebrate today?

Yes, of course, what are we talking about?!
Well, spouses, vivat! Congratulations!
And cherish romance in feelings
We sincerely wish you many years to come!

I look at you - tears sparkle in my eyes
I'm so happy that such a couple exists!
Love like this can only be a dream,
Pushkin should write about her and Pavarotti should sing about her!

Friend, happy wedding anniversary!
And even though people call her calico,
Your first year, believe me, is the most important!
Happy love to you! There is only comfort in the house!

Congratulations, bride and groom!
A year has passed - a year of sacred love,
We wish to live another two hundred,
So that you can do a lot!
So that you have children,
Not one or two - better than five!
So that your neighbors will marvel at you,
Smiling, counting the guys!
So that years and centuries later,
You loved each other more deeply
Children saw in your eyes
The same light of unquenchable lights!

How fast time runs,
How the moments and hours fly by,
And now the year is coming to an end
Since your wedding spring

A year has passed since the wedding
You swore eternal fidelity
Like in a white, beautiful outfit,
You have stepped into a new life

But your love, as before,
Everything is also strong and durable,
After all, not on earth, but in heaven,
It is forever sealed.

Happy wedding anniversary, friend!
The first year flew by so quickly!
I sincerely wish you happiness!
A sea of ​​money, interesting things to do!

Sincere love, comfort at home,
Loyalty and tenderness in the family!
Let everything be easy and simple for you!
Let everything be like in a wonderful dream!