Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Scenarios for holidays and entertainment

Entertainment according to traffic rules in senior group

"Red, yellow, green"

Target: prevention of road safety; prevention of child road traffic injuries.Tasks: 1) consolidation of acquired knowledge on traffic rules;2) improving the skills of orientation and coordination of one’s movements in the current situation on the road or street;3) developing children’s interest in learning traffic rules.Material: puzzles with images of cars and signs, landmark stands, roads. signs, pedestrian paths, cardboard traffic lights, 3 benches, 3 tunnels, circles of green, yellow, red colors according to the number of all children, large circles of green, red, yellow flowers, 3 steering wheels.Progress of entertainment . Children enter the hall and sit on benches.

Presenter : Make yourself comfortableTake your seats quicklyOn holiday to the country of Traffic LightsWe invite friends

The city where you and I liveCan rightfully be compared to an ABC bookABC of streets, avenues, roadsThe city always teaches us a lesson.Here it is - the alphabet above your head:We see signs everywhere with you.Always remember the alphabet of the city,

Traffic light runs in . Traffic light Svetoforich : I was in a hurry, I ranOh, did I get there?Is this d/s No. 5 “PIN and GVIN”?(Children answer)

Traffic light Traffic light: Oh, sorry, I didn't say hello or introduce myself! Hello! My name is Svetofor Svetoforich Migalkin, Doctor of Science in Traffic Sciences. I am the most important one on the road! And I came here to check how the guys know the rules of the road and whether they know how to behave on the street. And now, first of all, I’ll check how fast and attentive you are.

Music sounds, teams enter wearing circles. They line up and say their chants. Little red ones. We are red signals,Dangerous for traffic.You follow all the rulesAnd don’t yawn on the road.Green ones . Green signals aheadThey will tell you when to cross the road.Remember this, friend, always,So that trouble doesn't happen suddenly!


Here on duty at any time

A clever guard is on duty.

He controls everyone at once

Who is in front of him on the pavement?

Relay race “Who is the fastest!” . Children are given 2-3 sets of paper parts with pictures of cars and road signs. After completing the mosaic, children must name the car and the sign.Presenter: Guys, please tell me, when we walk on the street, who are we?(Pedestrians) . Right! Where should pedestrians cross the street?(Guys answer)

Presenter: And the next relay race is called"Pedestrians." Relay "Pedestrians" . You need to run around all the chips, walk along pedestrian crossing and run back to the team - pass the baton to the next one.

Traffic light Traffic light: And these are my assistant lights.You must distinguish clearlylight green, yellow, red.Get to know them.

Dramatization "Traffic Light" (4 children, prepared in advance, participate) One has a cardboard traffic light on his chest, the rest have red, yellow and green circles on his chest. Children line up one after another. There is a child with a traffic light ahead.1st child: To help you, the path is dangerous,We burn day and night – green, yellow, red!Our house is a traffic light, we are three brothers,We have been shining on the road for all the guys for a long time...2nd child: The strictest is the red light, if it is on.Stop! There is no further road, the path is closed to everyone!3rd child: So that you can cross peacefully, listen to our advice -Wait! You will soon see a yellow light in the middle!4th child : And behind him a green light will flash ahead,He will say: “There are no obstacles, boldly go on your way!

Presenter: Guys, please tell me how to cross the street?(by transition) What types of transitions do you know?(Ground, aboveground, underground) Relay race “Types of transitions”. You need to follow the zebra crossing to the bench(land crossing ), walk along the bench(overhead passage ), crawl into the tunnel(underground crossing ) and run back and pass the baton to the next one. There are corresponding signs before each crossing.

Presenter: Well done boys! Well done! And to begin the next task, you must first solve the riddle:The guard watches vigilantlyBehind the wide pavement.How to look with a red eye -They will all stop at once.And the green one will wink -Both cars and peopleLet's go ahead! (Traffic light)

Traffic light Traffic light: So now I’ll check how well you know traffic lights and how to distinguish traffic signals.Game with everyone "Find your color" . Each one has a red, green or yellow circle. While the music is playing, everyone runs around without touching each other. As soon as the music stops, everyone should stand under the large circles of green, yellow and red colors corresponding to their circles.

A road sign comes out. On his chest he has a tablet with a road sign turned upside down. Presenter: Guys, who is this?Road sign: I am a road sign. But I can't show anyone the traffic rules. I can only open up when you answer my questions.. Competition “What? Where? Where?" 1. How many signals does a traffic light have?(three) 2. Is it possible to start crossing the street when the signal is yellow?(No) 3. Where should pedestrians walk?(on the sidewalk) 4. Where should cars go?(along the roadway) 5. Where can you ride bicycles?(only on special tracks ) 6. Where do people wait for passenger transport?(At the stop)

Road sign: Well done guys And now I can show you the rules of the road! Do you recognize me?(Opens “No Bicycles”) Where can you meet me?(Children answer.) Presenter : Right. And the next relay race is called"Road signs" Game "Road Signs" . The teams take turns being shown the signs, and the children must correctly name what the sign means. Number of characters according to the number of children.

Traffic light Traffic light: And now, to take a little break,I'll start a game for youI will ask you questions - answering them is not easy.If you act in accordance with the rules of the road, then togetheryou answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”Game with everyone “It’s me! It's me! These are all my friends! -Which of you is going forward?Only where the transition is?(Children answer) - Who flies forward so quickly,What does the traffic light not see?(The children are silent ) -Who knows that the light is red-Does this mean there is no move?(Children answer) - Which of you, going home,Is it on the pavement?(Children are silent) -Which one of you is in the cramped tram?Gives place to elders? (Children answer)

Presenter: Guys, if we are traveling on a bus or trolleybus, then who are we?(Passengers) Right! Let's now imagine that we are passengers. Where should people wait for the bus?(At the stop) Is it possible to try to open the doors on the bus yourself?(no, the driver opens them with a special button) Is it possible to talk to the driver while driving?(no, he cannot be distracted. ) Is it possible to lean out of the window?(no, it's dangerous) Is it possible to walk on the bus while it is moving?(no, you might fall) Is it possible to talk loudly on the bus?(not allowed, it will interfere with other passengers) Well done boys! You know very well the rules of behavior in public transport.

Presenter: And our next relay race is called “Get on the Bus”

“Get on the Bus” relay race. At the signal, the last one in the column runs to the chip, runs around it and sits on the end of the bench. The whole team performs such actions. The last to run is the captain with the rudder. He sits at the beginning of the bench. This is where the relay ends.Then, while the children are sitting on the benches, St. St. approaches them, hunched over and holding his back. The children give him a seat with the words: “Please sit down!”

Presenter: You see, Svetofor Svetoforich, how well our children know the rules of the road and the rules of behavior on the street and in transport! They will never get into an unpleasant situation on the street, right guys?Traffic light Traffic light: Yes, I see that the guys are well versed in the rules of the road and know how to behave on the street and in transport, they know the road signs. They are also very dexterous, attentive and fast. Well done boys!Be careful on the street, children.Remember these rules firmly.Always remember these rulesSo that no trouble happens to you.
Presenter: This is where our fun ends, and finally, the guys have prepared some tips!
Child 1 : So that there is no trouble,
So that there is order,
Road rules
No need to break it!
Child 2: If you want to be healthy
And live up to a hundred years,
Don't you ever try
Go to the red light!
Child 3 : Be careful on the road!
Take care of your hands and feet.
Follow traffic rules
Otherwise there will be trouble!

"Journey Behind the Traffic Light"
entertainment script

according to traffic rules
in the middle group of kindergarten.

Integration educational areas:

Physical Culture





Target: Creating an atmosphere of fun, goodwill, the need for collective communication, friendly competition and pleasure.
- To reinforce children’s initial understanding of traffic lights.
- Consolidate knowledge of colors: red, yellow, green.

To consolidate knowledge about the types of transport that are available in the city.
- Strengthen children's knowledge of road signs.
- Contribute to the psychological rapprochement of children and the development of positive emotions.
Preliminary work:
- In the group in direct educational activities: teachers’ stories about transport, traffic lights, road signs.
- Examination of illustrations.
- Reading poems about transport, asking riddles.
- Design of a corner according to traffic regulations.
- Creative works on visual arts.
1. Package: traffic light layout, 3 circles: red, yellow, green; 3 traffic lights; 3 hoops: red, yellow, green, 7 scarves each of red, yellow and green; ball; puzzles; rod; road signs; 3 pins and circles for playing; words of the game “It’s me...”.
2. Music center.
3. Disc with music recordings.
Guest: Dunno.

Progress of entertainment.

Children enter the hall to the song “Road Rules.”

Educator: Guys, we live in a big beautiful city. What is our city called? There are many different cars moving along the wide streets. What is the name of the transport that we have in our city? (Children list.)

(With shouts about Dunno runs in)

Dunno: Guard! Help! Save!

Oh, I almost got hit by a car, and the driver was also rude. Is it possible to be rude to people?

I was asked to deliver a parcel to you, and at the same time, I was asked to learn the rules of the road from you.

Well, if you promise to teach me the rules of the road, then I will show you what’s in the package (The children promise to help Dunno and teach him the rules of the road).

Dunno: (takes out objects from the parcel one by one, takes out a model of a traffic light without three-color windows and discusses): Guys, what is this? Is it a rocket or some kind of pillar? Is there something missing here, what do you guys think? Do you think that three colored circles are missing here: red, yellow and green? And what will it be? Just like a traffic light, I saw it today when I was running across the street towards you, it had such a beautiful red light on it...

Why are you all looking at me like that? Well, they already told me that you can’t run across a red light, well, guess what, I’ll still pay attention to all sorts of nonsense.

(The guys object that this is not nonsense at all).

Do you know why there are not enough lights here, do you know what happened to them?

Dunno: And I know what happened to the lights, I accidentally overheard a story. In one beautiful old city, three lights met at a crossroads: Red, Yellow and Green. A dispute ensued between them about which of the lights was the most important.

The red light says: “I, the most important, are the color of a fire, a fire. When people see me, they know that there is anxiety and danger ahead.”

The yellow light answers:“No, I’m more important. My color is the color of the sun. And it can be both friend and enemy. So I warn you: Be careful! Attention! Do not rush!"

Green Light says:“Friends lights, stop arguing! This is me - the most important color - the color of grass, forest, leaves. I remind everyone to be safe and calm."

And so the dispute between the cherished lights would have continued at the crossroads of the city if a lone hero had not intervened. He had three eyes, but they had no color. That's what he said.

“Friends, there is no need to argue! Each of you is very bright color, and each one is very important. Let's be friends! We will always work together to help all people on the streets of the city.”

The cherished lights were very happy. And since then, at the intersections of big cities, cars and pedestrians are controlled by friends-lights and friend-traffic lights!

Guys, do you know what the traffic lights mean? Why do people need a traffic light in general? (Children's answers.)

Oh, guys, look, our traffic lights are not lit. Let's light the lights.

1 game “Light up the traffic lights”

3 children must insert into the windows on the traffic light models in the right order lights of the desired color by selecting them from those proposed.

Dunno: Now I will also know, guys, why a traffic light is needed and remember what the colors of the traffic light mean.


On the roads for a long time

There is a traffic light owner!

All the colors are in front of you

It's time for you to introduce them.

The traffic light is red

The path is dangerous - there is no road!

And if the yellow light is on, -

He says, get ready!

Green flashed ahead -

The way is clear, move on!

Game 2 “Red, yellow, green!” (Children stand when the traffic light is red, march in place when it turns yellow, and walk when it turns green).

3 game "Funny traffic light". (Children, to the song “Traffic Light,” jump around the hall with multi-colored handkerchiefs. At the signal, they fold the handkerchiefs by color into hoops of three colors lying in the center of the hall - they make a traffic light).

Dunno: Oh, look what else is in the package (takes out a ball). Let's play ball. Where should we play? Let's go to the road, is there a lot of space there? (The children object, they don’t want to go on the road). Oh, you might think you can’t play on the road, but have you never played on the road? Where can you play ball then? (Children answer that they can play ball on sports fields, in the kindergarten area, etc.)

Well, okay, we won't play on the road. Come here to me, I know for you interesting game.

4 game "Yes or no".

(Children stand in a circle, Dunno is in the center). I will throw the ball to you and ask questions, and you will answer “Yes” or “No” and return the ball to me. And at the same time I’ll check if you know the traffic rules.

Dunno: Driving very fast in the city. Do you know the rules of movement?

Dunno: The traffic light is red. Can I go across the street?

Children: No.

Dunno: Well, the light is green, then you can walk across the street?

Dunno: Got on the bus without taking a ticket. Is this what you're supposed to do?

Children: No.

Dunno: The old lady is very old. Will you give up your seat to her?

Dunno: Is there a pedestrian walking down the street?

Dunno: The traffic light has 8 eyes, but we only have two?

Children: No.

Dunno: Are people waiting for the bus at the bus stop?

Dunno: Can you play or ride a bike where cars are driving?

Children: No.

Dunno: Does everyone always have to cross the road?

Dunno: You shouldn’t calmly walk down the street when you can skip along it?

Children: No.

Dunno: Well, well done, I see that you know the rules, and now I will know too.

Dunno: Oh, kids, I used to love riding on the roof of a trolleybus, a train, and I often rode as a hare. And now I know that this cannot be done, and I promise you not to do this again.

Well, let me look in the box to see what else is there. And there are also riddles here for you (he asks children riddles about transport; for a hint, you can show the children pictures of various cars).

5.Riddles about transport.

He doesn’t go on his own, he doesn’t go,
If you don't support it, it will fall,
And you put the pedals to use -
He will rush you forward.

Drinks gasoline like milk
Can run far.
Carries goods and people
You are familiar with her, of course.
He wears shoes made of rubber,
It's called...

A strong man on four legs.
In rubber boots
Straight from the store
He brought it to the piano.

The street goes
It takes everyone to work.
Not on chicken thin legs,
And in rubber boots.

6 game "Bus". (Children stand freely around the hall and perform a dance - the game “Bus” by E. Zheleznova).

Dunno takes a rod out of the package and asks the children what it is.

7 game with a rod.(Children stand in a circle. To the music “Road Sign”, the children pass the baton to each other with their right hand. As soon as the music is interrupted, the one who has the baton raises it up and calls the road sign, which Dunno shows).

Game 8 “Whose team will get together sooner?” (Children choose colored circles as desired. To the music “Kindness” by the group “Barbariki” run around the hall, when the music stops, they need to form a circle around the pins of the same color. Then the pins are moved to another place.)

Game 9 “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”
Dunno: If you act in accordance with the traffic rules, then you unanimously answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” If not, keep quiet.
Which one of you is going forward?
Only where the transition is?
Who flies forward so quickly
What does the traffic light not see?
Who knows that the light is green
It means the way is open,
Why is the yellow light always for us?
Does he mean attention?
Who knows that the red light is
Does this mean there is no move?
Which one of you is in a cramped carriage?
Did you give up your seat to the old lady?
To live without knowing grief,
To run, swim and fly,
You must traffic rules
Always and everywhere comply!

Dunno: Oh, there’s nothing else in the package for you guys. Yes, you don’t need anything else, you already know a lot and know how to play well. Thank you for teaching me a lot too. I will never break traffic rules again. I invite you to drink delicious tea.

Children leave the hall to the music.

Yulia Ogurtsova

Entertainment script

By Traffic rules

for middle and older children

"Journey to School" road signs»

Compiled by: Ogurtsova Yu. S., Pavshik O. V.,


MDOU "Kindergarten" No. 56

Target: Strengthen ideas about street rules; introduce to road signs; develop behavior skills on the roadway.

Vocabulary work: Road signs: "Crosswalk", "Careful, children", "Traffic light".

Material: Road signs, flags of three colors, two cars, cones, two hoops, pedestrian crossings, steering wheels.

Preliminary work. Conversations about modes of transport, study street rules, educational games, reading, drawing.

The hall is decorated with visual aids traffic rules.

Children enter the hall and sit down like passengers on a bus.


Children, do you like to travel? Then I suggest go V unusual country called "Three Wonderful Colors". To get to this country you need to buy bus tickets. Tolls - answers to questions about traffic rules.


1. Name the main traffic lights.

2. Who is the participant traffic?

3. What types of transport do you know?

4. What special machines do you know?

5. Who does the bus transport?

6. Where should I wait for the bus?

7. What do they call those who travel on the bus?


Well done! Everyone got a ticket.

Music is playing ("We're going, going, going") and children imitate riding cars and buses.

Well, here we are. Oh, it looks like someone is running towards us.

Pinocchio runs in (music from the movie "Pinocchio") with tears in his eyes.


What's happened? Why are you crying?


Hello children! I want to go to school, but...

Finding yourself in a big and noisy city,

I was confused and lost...

Without knowing the traffic lights,

Almost got hit by a car!

There are cars all around, here's a trolleybus,

And suddenly the bus is on the way. To be honest, I don't I know:

Where should I cross the road?

Guys, can you help me?

And, if possible, tell me,

How to cross the road,

So as not to get run over by a tram!

(O. Kalashnikova)


Of course, Pinocchio, we will help you! Road rules we already know a lot!

A traffic light appears to the music.

Traffic light:

Hello my friends. I know many! I stand tall at both Masha and Petya and look at all of you carefully.


Yes, traffic light, you are our friend. Listen to what poems the children know about you.

Children preparatory group recite a poem about a traffic light by G. Gladkov

Traffic light:

Come on, Pinocchio, show me how to cross the street?

Pinocchio doesn't succeed right away. Children 2nd junior group to the music "Cars" pretending to be a bus help Pinocchio learn to navigate road.

Traffic light:

Guys, let's remember what do you know the rules of the road?

Children take turns telling Pinocchio rules, and he tries to fulfill them...


Go to the road You can only go to a green traffic light.

2-child. Go to the road It is possible only in special places where there is a pedestrian crossing.

Traffic light:

Oh, guys, I know interesting riddles! Guess them!

Everyone knows stripes

Children know, adults know,

Leads to the other side (Crosswalk)

striped horse,

Her name is zebra

But not the one at the zoo,

People keep walking along it.


Moving on no need to rush the road, you should walk at a measured pace. You can't talk on the roadway!


You can't go out on the road because of the car, bushes and snowdrifts.


You can't play close roads or on the roadway. You can only play in designated areas.

Traffic light: Well done boys! For the fact that you know so much traffic rules, I'll play an interesting game with you.

The game "Three Colors" is being played

Traffic light: (handkerchiefs of three colors in hands)

Even though I'm strict, guys,

Still, I'm ready to play.

I'll wink with a red eye -

You freeze at once. (get up)

I'll wink yellow-

We are waiting, standing! (sitting)

I'll wink with a green eye -

You will all go AT ONE! (Walking in place)

Pinocchio: Guys, you helped me a lot today and for this I also want to play with you.

The game "Rent a Car" is being played.

Pinocchio pays attention to hung road signs.

Pinocchio: Oh, what kind of pictures are you here? hung up?

Children: This road signs! Now we will tell you about them.

A knowledge quiz is being held road signs.

Educator: Pinocchio, now you know how to do it cross the road correctly? Can you get to school by yourself?

Pinocchio: Certainly! Now I can get to school on my own! And now I have to go, first grade is waiting for me.

Educator: Pinocchio, don’t leave, the guys really liked you. They want to play one more game with you.

A relay game is being held "Taxi".

Pinocchio: Well, now I have to go. Goodbye friends!

Holidays according to traffic rules are compiled in accordance with the program requirements of the preschool institution and age characteristics. Practice shows that classes and entertainment on the rules of the road, which reinforce this knowledge, make an invaluable contribution to the development of a well-rounded personality, a responsible citizen, and an attentive pedestrian.

Scenarios for holidays and entertainment according to traffic rules

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Traffic regulations, road signs. Quizzes, intellectual competitions
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 4439.
All sections | Traffic rules, traffic lights, road signs. Scenarios for holidays and entertainment

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In order to release a child into the world, the task of adults is partially to prepare for the difficulties that he will encounter. One of these important points will be correct behavior on the streets and roads of a populated area. The responsible role assigned to preschool educational institutions is to prevent child injury on road. To this end, in preschool institutions classes, targeted walks, and events to familiarize yourself with traffic rules are held. The purpose of such classes is to systematically familiarize yourself with the rules of safe behavior on the roads and spatial orientation, which will reduce the number of accidents.

The purpose of conducting classes, leisure, entertainment and holidays to study and reinforce traffic rules is:

  • Development of intellectual abilities.
  • Formation of cultural behavior on the streets and roads of the city.
  • Development of psychophysiological qualities of children that will help ensure the safety of the roadway.
  • Formation of self-esteem, self-control, self-organization.

Work of MBDOU No. 19 of Nevinnomyssk

with preschool children to familiarize themselves with the rules of the road.

From year to year the number of road transport in our city and our country increases. City streets with a stream of moving cars require children to have good orientation, and orientation is formed in the process of practical activity. The rapid development of road transport and the increase in traffic intensity poses a serious challenge - ensuring the safety of children. According to statistics, every tenth victim of a traffic accident is a child. The child is interested in the street and everything that happens on it. And often, carried away by something unusual, he finds himself in dangerous situations on the street, especially in summer period. That is why, already at preschool age, it is necessary to teach children to navigate their immediate environment. This is all the more important for a future student to know, since he has to travel from home to school and back. Plays an important role in preventing traffic accidents involving children. preschool work to explain traffic rules to children and instill skills of disciplined, cultural behavior on the streets and roads. After all, it is difficult for a child to understand what a braking distance, driver reaction time or traffic flow is. Children often suffer from a lack of understanding of the dangers posed by a car. Program development of preschool educational institutions It is planned to teach children traffic rules from the first junior group. The teacher’s work plan included such forms of work with children on traffic rules as excursions, observations, conversations, looking at pictures, reading works, memorizing poems, various didactic and role-playing games. Preschool teachers, in their work to familiarize children with the rules of the road, also focus on the program “Basics of safety for preschool children” by R.B. Sterkina, O.L. Knyazeva, N.N. Avdeeva, namely the section “Child on the streets cities. Starting from the first junior group, our kindergarten works to familiarize children with various types of transport, to educate children in the ability to behave on the street and the roadway. Children with early age attracted by the variety of surroundings: houses, streets, vehicles moving along them. Observing street life in itself does not ensure the formation of correct ideas about the rules of the road. It is difficult for children to independently learn the ABCs of traffic, understand the changing of traffic lights, and understand their meaning. This forced us to start teaching children the rules of behavior on the street in a timely manner. Compliance with the rules is the result of good manners. Research by psychologists shows that children have a gap in theoretical knowledge and its practical application. Conscious application of traffic rules is impossible if children do not know how to distinguish and name (depending on age) the left, right side, and middle. Traffic rules require the child to navigate in space and react correctly to changes in the environment. To achieve success in mastering traffic rules, educators at MBDOU No. 19 in Nevinnomyssk communicate between all sections of the program. In classes on speech development, visual arts, the formation of elementary mathematical representations, physical education, music and other types of activities pay attention to the formation of spatial orientation in children, the development of a quick reaction to changes in the environment. With traffic rules preschool teachers introduce children systematically and consistently, complicating the program requirements from lesson to lesson and from group to group. In junior and middle groups During targeted walks, in classes, and in games, teachers direct children’s attention to the movement of pedestrians and vehicles, name the colors of traffic lights, introduce them to the street, with the words: “traffic light”, “sidewalk”, “pedestrian”, “crosswalk”, “car” . They specify the name of the car parts: cabin, wheels, doors, etc. The knowledge acquired during the walk by the pupils is consolidated in the process of classes: on the application - gluing a traffic light; in a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, they are taught to distinguish between the left and right sides; during design - building a street, a road, the teacher accompanies the actions with the word: “We will have a sidewalk, who will walk on it?” On physical education classes kids are taught to move in a certain direction - forward, backward. Outdoor games are played: “Train”, “Tram”, “Sparrows and Cars”, “Find Your Color”. Thus, children gain experience moving along the street, their vocabulary is enriched, and their level of spatial orientation. In the senior and preparatory school groups, educators connect scattered information about traffic rules into a consistent and harmonious system of ideas. Children of these groups clearly know and practically use their existing knowledge of traffic rules on the street, know road signs, and know about the work of traffic police officers. Teachers of older groups play with the rules of the road in various games. All children in the pre-school group can practically cross the street and clearly know the road from home to school.

The ability to apply traffic rules is developed in children based on methodological literature available in the preschool educational institution: “ Guidelines on teaching preschool children traffic rules”, St. Petersburg, 1994; “How to ensure the safety of preschool children”, K.Yu. Belaya, V.N. Zimonina, L.A. Kondrykinskaya et al., M. "Enlightenment", 2004; “For preschoolers about the rules of the road”, E.Ya. Stepanenkova, M.F. Filenko, M. "Enlightenment", 1979; “Safety on the streets and roads”, N.N. Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkina, M.D. Makhaneva, M. LLC Publishing House AST-LTD, 1997; Methodological manual “Teach preschoolers the rules of movement”, V. Klimenkov. Teachers use in their work the materials available in the teaching room. big choice didactic games according to traffic rules: “Signs on the roads”; "Road signs"; "Traffic light"; "Who left"; "What changed?"; “Who will arrive at kindergarten faster?”, “We are going, going, going!” In their work, teachers use pictures of traffic rules and illustrated manuals available in kindergarten. Using fiction and looking at pictures with children, preschool teachers remember and know that the correct perception of a work of art depends on the level of the child’s imagination.

In each group of MBDOU No. 19, “safety corners” have been created, where visual and game material according to traffic rules. The material is replenished and updated throughout school year. Children independently play familiar games and look at illustrations without adult intervention. A “safety corner” is also designed in the preschool hall; its purpose is to inform not only preschool children, but also their parents about traffic rules and the need to comply with them. To improve work with children, educators with my own hands We made models of streets with intersections, road signs, and traffic lights. In MBDOU No. 19, children are regularly instructed on traffic rules in a playful manner once a month. For each briefing, instructions have been developed that are approved by pedagogical council. Throughout the year, teachers introduce children to fiction according to traffic rules: Dorokhova A. “Green, yellow, red”; Zhidkov B. “What I saw, traffic light”; Northern A. “3 wonderful colors”; Klimenko V. “Who is more important than everyone else in the world!”, “The incident with the toys”; Turutin S. “What is a traffic light for”; Mikhalkov S. “My Street”, “Cyclist”; Marshak S. “Policeman”, “Ball”.

The close relationship between our preschool educational institution and their parents plays an important role in familiarizing children with the rules of the road. Educators do a lot of work on traffic rules with parents, introduce them to software requirements, are involved in the production of material for conducting classes, games, and performing various tasks with children. For example, parents and their children completed drawing and appliqué work at home, and an exhibition of work on traffic rules was organized at the preschool educational institution. Various consultations are held with parents in groups on traffic rules, including parent corners Visual information stands on this topic are being created.

At the end of the school year, teachers of all age groups The preschool educational institution is studying the level of children’s assimilation of program material on traffic rules according to specially developed criteria, which makes it possible to identify the level of children’s assimilation of the material and outline the tasks of working with children during the summer recreational period. Carrying out work to familiarize children with the rules of the road, educators are confident that the knowledge and skills of driving on the street acquired at a preschool educational institution serve as the foundation for preparing a child for school, and ensure the independence and culture of behavior on the street for our graduates. It should be noted that pupils of preschool educational institutions come to school with certain skills for proper behavior on the streets. School teachers also note this. The role of the preschool educational institution in the prevention of road traffic injuries is great, since it is systematic, targeted, correct educational work with preschoolers creates a strong skill in children’s behavior on the street, helps preserve the life and health of the child, ensures independence and awareness of children’s behavior on the street. The preschool educational institution contains a lot of diverse didactic material on teaching children traffic rules. Teachers are looking for new modern forms working with children on traffic rules, and they succeed.

Deputy Head I.O.Vasilenko


Basics of life safety


Abstract sports entertainment for older preschoolers.

Target: to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, about the rules of the road, about various types of transport, to develop attention, improve coordination of movements, strengthen the muscle corset, help improve motor skills, and cultivate a culture of behavior in public transport.
Benefits: street pictures, different types transport, road signs on stands and pictures, a zebra crossing path, two tunnels, two hoops, 2 games “Fold the traffic light”, steering wheels, bags, strollers for the game and “traffic light” (circles - red, yellow, green ), two balls, colored cards according to the number of participants, a cassette with music.

Children enter the hall. The hall is decorated like a city: there is a pedestrian crossing (path), a bus stop, and a traffic light.

Leading. Today we will take you for a walk through the City of Road Signs. First, you and I will go on foot. Where will we go (shows pictures of houses, streets, roadways)?

Children's answers.

Leading. That's right, we'll walk along the sidewalk where pedestrians walk.

The city in which you and I live,
It can rightly be compared to an ABC book.
Here it is, the alphabet, above the pavement:
Signs are hung overhead.
ABC of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Always remember the alphabet of the city,
So that no trouble happens to you.
Leading. We walk along the sidewalk (to music different kinds walking: on toes, with wide steps, sideways, side steps; running, jumping). We have come with you to the stadium, where we will hold the “Jolly Pedestrians” warm-up.
ORU "Happy Pedestrians"

  1. “The pedestrian woke up” I.P.: - feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 – raise your arms straight up, look at your palms, 3-4 – starting position (6 times).
  2. “I saw a traffic controller through the window” I.P.: - feet shoulder-width apart, right hand up, left hand down, 1-2 - change hand positions: right forward-down, left forward-up, 3-4 repeat count 1- 2 (6-8 times).
  3. “Are there any cars?” I.P.: - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. 1-2 - turn to the right, arms to the sides, 3-4 - starting position. The same to the left (3 times).
  4. “Walking along the transition” I.P.: - feet shoulder-width apart, hands at the bottom, 1 - arms to the sides, 2 - bend the right leg at the knee, raise it up, clap under the knee, 3 - lower the leg, arms to the sides, 4 – starting position.
  5. “Where is the bus?” IP: - basic stance, arms down, 1 – jump, legs apart, arms to the sides, 2 – starting position, 3 – repeat count 1, 4 – starting position. Perform 8-10 jumps, alternating them with walking.

A car horn is heard. Kuzya the brownie runs in.
Brownie: Phew, I almost got hit by a car.
Leading. Hello, what's your name?
Brownie: Brownie Kuzya.
Leading. Where were you crossing the road that you almost got hit by a car?
Brownie: Wherever it was convenient, I moved there.
Leading. Guys, where should you cross the road?
Children: A pedestrian! A pedestrian!
Remember about the transition!
Underground, above ground,
Know that only a transition
Leading. That's right, along the pedestrian crossing. Let's show Kuza
where it is necessary to cross the road (the children walk with Kuzya
along the pedestrian crossing (path)). Tell me guys what
Are there pedestrian crossings? (children's answers) Correct
above-ground and underground (shows pictures). Kuzya, you understand
where should you cross the road?
Brownie: Of course I understand. Along the pedestrian crossing.
Leading. To reinforce this rule, we will play.
Game "Underpass"
Children are divided into two teams. At the leader’s signal, I run through the “underground passage” - the tunnel. Whose team gets to the other side of the “street” the fastest wins.
Leading. Kuzya, tell me, where were you in such a hurry?
Brownie: I was running away from Baba Yaga. She wants me to live with her
hut, but I want to be in the village with people. Yaga's forest is very
boring. And I got lost in the city. Help me get there
to my village.
Presenter. Guys, can we help the brownie? (children's answers) Then, now we
Let's go to the bus stop and take the bus.
Children, together with the brownie, approach the “bus stop” (there is a “bus stop” sign on the counter, the presenter shows pictures of road transport: a bus, a passenger car, various types of trucks).
Leading. How can you call these cars in one word?
Children's answers (cars, transport). What types of transport do you know (cars, trucks)?
Leading. What sign is this? (shows the “Bus Stop” sign, children answer). Now we will see whose team will move from one stop to another faster.
Game "Transport the Passenger"
Children are divided into two teams. A “driver” is selected, he holds a hoop - this is a bus. At the signal, the “Driver” transports passengers from one stop to another. The team that transports passengers the fastest wins.
During the game, Baba Yaga runs in. She tries to push everyone away. Kuzya is hiding behind the children.
Presenter. Dear, you can’t behave like that on the bus.
Baba Yaga . I am not respected, but a real Baba Yaga. I need to hurry. And you are disturbing me.
Leading. Guys. Let's tell Baba Yaga how to behave on the bus. (children's stories) Baba Yaga, where are you in such a hurry?
Baba Yaga . I'm looking for Brownie Kuzya. He ran away from me. Haven't you seen him?
Leading. We just saw that he doesn’t want to live in the forest with you. He wants to live in the village. Let him go.
Baba Yaga . No, I won't let you go. He won’t run away from me anywhere, he’ll get lost in the city. Something will definitely happen to him - he will get hit by a car. Nobody will help him.
Presenter. The guys will help him.
Baba Yaga . (sees Kuzya) There you are! They won’t help, I bewitched the traffic light, mixed up all the signs.
Presenter. Our children know the rules of the road, they will fix the traffic lights.
Game "Fold the traffic light"
Children are divided into two teams of three. Each participant runs up to a “traffic light” (two rectangles with three circles) and lays out one colored circle. Who will lay out the colors of the traffic lights faster and correctly?
Leading. You see, Baba Yaga, our children have bewitched the traffic light.
Do you want to play the game “Cars, Pedestrians and Traffic Lights” with them?
Who makes sure that everything is on its way
Did you know how to behave?
Attention, looks straight ahead
There's a three-eyed traffic light on you -
Green, yellow, red eye.
He gives orders to everyone.

Game "Cars, pedestrians and traffic lights"
One group of participants is given steering wheels - they are “cars”, another group is given bags, strollers - they are pedestrians. The presenter shows two circles different color(circles of red and green colors, both circles are yellow and gives an explanation for whom which signal “lights up” - for drivers or pedestrians. Cars on a green signal - drive, on a yellow signal they stand, on a red signal they crouch. Pedestrians turn on a green signal the road along the pedestrian crossing, at the yellow one they stop, at the red one everyone joins hands. Baba Yaga tries to confuse the children, but she fails.
Leading. Our guys know traffic lights well.
Baba Yaga . They know the traffic lights, but they don’t know the road signs.
Presenter. Let's check.
Game "Collect road signs"
The game is played by 2 teams
In front of children, at a distance of 2-3 m, road signs (signs on stands) are placed in one line. Using a counting rhyme, children determine the order of the teams and, according to the order, begin to knock down the sign by throwing the ball. Each knocked down sign can be picked up only when the road sign itself is named correctly. If the answers are given incorrectly, then the sign is put back in place. The team that collects the most signs wins. Baba Yaga and Kuzya also participate in this game.
Presenter. Yaga made sure that our guys know the road signs. They also know poems about them. (Children take one sign at a time and line up, each talking about their sign).

Well, now, all the signs,
Get together in a row
And all the traffic rules
Tell me for the guys.

"No Entry" sign:

The driver's sign is scary
Cars are prohibited from entering!
Don't try rashly
Drive past the brick!

Pedestrian crossing sign:

There's a land crossing here
People walk around all day.
You, driver, don't be sad,
Let the pedestrian pass!

Sign "Pedestrian traffic prohibited":

In rain or shine
There are no pedestrians here.
The sign tells them one thing:
"You are not allowed to go!"

Sign "Underground pedestrian crossing":

Every pedestrian knows
About this underground passage.
He doesn't decorate the city,
But it doesn’t interfere with cars!

Sign "Bus, trolleybus, tram and taxi stop":

There is a pedestrian in this place
The transport is waiting patiently.
He's tired of walking
Wants to become a passenger.

Railway crossing sign:

There is not just one sign here, but many:
There's a railroad here!
Rails, sleepers and tracks –
Don't joke with the train.

Hospital sign:

If you need treatment,
The sign will tell you where the hospital is.
One Hundred Serious Doctors
There they will tell you: “Be healthy!”

"Children" sign:

There are children in the middle of the road,
We are always responsible for them.
So that their parent does not cry,
Be careful, driver!

Road Works Sign:

Road works sign.
Someone is fixing the road here.
You will need to slow down the speed
There are people on the road.

Gas station sign:

You won't get there without gasoline
To the cafe and shop.
This sign will tell you loudly:
"There's a gas station nearby!"

Telephone sign:

If you need to call
Whether home or abroad,
The sign will help, he will say,
Where to look for your phone!

Hotel or Motel Sign:

If your journey has been long,
We need to lie down and rest.
This sign tells us:
"There is a hotel here!"

Food station sign:

When you need food,
Then come here.
Hey driver, pay attention!
Food station coming soon!

Maintenance sign:

Ah ah ah! What a pity!
Something suddenly broke with us.
This sign tells us:
“Here is machine Aibolit!”

Dangerous turn sign:

This sign sounds the alarm -
This is a dangerous turn!
Of course you can go here,
Just be very careful -
Don't overtake anyone
Do not change passengers.

"No Bicycles" sign

Remember the sign, friends,
Both parents and children:
Where he hangs it is impossible
Ride a bike!

Leading. Let's look at the signs again. These are the signs -
prohibiting : “Entry prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic
prohibited”, “Passage prohibited”.
Information : "Paragraph
food", "Hospital", "Road post", "Pedestrian
Warning: “Attention children”, “Road
work", "Dangerous turn".
Baba Yaga . The signs were learned. Well, you can’t guess my riddles.
Leading. Let's try.
Baba Yaga.
This is a strong machine
Rides on huge tires!
Removed half a mountain at once
(dump truck)
* * *
He will oblige us to go quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how
On your way...
(road sign)
* * *
And, walking along the roads,
Don't forget, kids:
The edge of the road is for pedestrians,
The rest is for... (cars)
* * *
What is this zebra crossing on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open,
Wait for the green light to blink.
So this is... transition
* * *
Underground corridor
It leads to the other side.
There is no door, no gate,
This is also... transition

* * *
The house on rails is right here,
He will kill everyone in five minutes.
Sit down and don't yawn,

* * *
Raised two hands up -
He took two veins in his fists.
“Make way, guard,
I’ll run along the pavement!”
* * *
Carries a trunk, not an elephant,
But he is stronger than the elephant.
It replaces hundreds of hands!
Without a shovel, he digs.
* * *
Drinks gasoline like milk
Can run far.
Carries goods and people
You are familiar with her, of course.
He wears shoes made of rubber,
It's called...
* * *
A canvas, not a path,
A horse is not a horse - a centipede
It crawls along that path,
The whole convoy is carried by one.
* * *
I run with two legs
While the rider is sitting on me.
My horns are in his hands
And the speed is in his feet.
I'm only stable when I'm running,
I can't stand for a minute.

Leading. The children guessed all your riddles. You must let Kuzya go.
Baba Yaga . I liked it at your kindergarten. It’s possible, Kuzya and I
shall we come to visit? And I will accompany Kuzya to the village, I will tell you
I promise. As a parting gift, I want to give you small gifts.
(Gives the children books about traffic rules and leaves
together with Kuzya)

Leading. So our walk through the City of Road Signs has ended.
There are so many difficulties on the roads, no doubt.
But we have no reason to be afraid of them,
Because traffic rules
Available for pedestrians and cars.
And so that everyone is in a good mood,
Follow the traffic rules, people!


Traffic rules quiz
“The traffic rules are worthy of respect.”
Senior and preparatory groups.
Quiz script:
Guys, we live in a beautiful city with wide streets and avenues. A lot of cars and trucks, buses and minibuses travel along these streets every day. And no one bothers anyone. And this is because there are such clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. Now we will find out who remembered the rules better and who is the most attentive.

A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases,
We're having fun this morning!
Spring gives us a ringing holiday,
And the main guest on it is the game!
She is our friend, big and smart,
Will not let you get bored and discouraged,
A cheerful, noisy argument will start,
It will help to learn new things!

Jury presentation. Introduction and greeting of teams.
What is the name of the senior team? I ask the team captain to answer.
Captain 1. Team of the senior group (children in chorus) “Traffic Lights”.
Captain 2. team of the preparatory group (children in chorus) “Pedestrians”.
So that the ardor of fun does not fade away,
To make time go faster.
Friends, I invite you
To the riddles quickly.
Teams are invited to a table on which pictures of modes of transport are laid out.
Teams, are you ready to start the mindfulness competition? Then I will explain the rules to you: I will read you a riddle, and you will show me a picture with the answer. Whoever collects the most pictures wins. Is everyone clear? Begin!

Amazing carriage
Judge for yourself
The rails are in the air, and he
He holds them with his hands. (trolleybus)

For this horse food -
Gasoline and oil and water.
He doesn't graze in the meadow,
He rushes along the road. (automobile)

What a miracle - the blue house
There are a lot of kids in it
Wears rubber shoes
And it runs on gasoline. (bus)

What a miracle, miracles!
There are two wheels under me.
I spin them with my feet
And I swing, I swing, I swing! (bike)

Floats boldly in the sky
Overtaking birds in flight
Man controls it
What's happened? (airplane)

A steam locomotive without wheels,
What a miracle locomotive.
Has he gone crazy?
He went straight across the sea. (ship)

Rushes like a fiery arrow
A car rushes into the distance.
And any fire will flood
Brave squad. (fire engine)

Rushes and shoots
He grumbles quickly.
Can't keep up with the tram
Behind this chatter. (motorbike)

Our friend is right there
He'll kill everyone in five minutes
Hey buddy, don't yawn
Heading off …. (tram)

He reminds me of a dragonfly
Takes off into the clouds
Takes flight
Real... (helicopter)

This bird has no wings
But one cannot help but marvel.
As soon as the bird spreads its tail,
And will rise to the stars. (rocket)

In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results of the competition, I invite the teams to relax and play for the fans. I will read you a poem, and you can guess the name of the game we will play.
If the light turns red -
This means it is dangerous to move.
Yellow light - warning -
“Wait for the signal to move!”
The green light says -
“Come on, the way is open!”

What is this poem about, guys?
Correctly, our game is called traffic light and it has the following rules: when I show you the green circle, you must stomp your feet, imitating walking, the yellow circle - you clap your hands, and on the red circle - keep silence.

Guys, you are all great! You are so friendly and attentive, but it’s time to see which team is the most dexterous. We played “Traffic Light” with the fans, now we’ll play with the teams. Each team has a set of cut-out pictures “Traffic Light”. Whoever collects it first wins.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

It's time to hold a team captain competition.
I will pin pictures of traffic signs on the easel for each captain, but they forgot to draw these signs to the end. And I will ask the captains to help me. You need to complete the signs, name them and say where they are installed.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

It's time to warm up and run the relay race. The teams stand on the starting line, 3 cones are placed on the team track, behind them in a hoop lie three balls from a dry pool, matched to the colors of the traffic light. The child, starting on command, must jump on fitballs to the hoop and take one cube in his hand. Take the fitball in your other hand and run back to the starting line, pass the fitball to the next child. When all the cubes are on the starting line, the relay race is held in reverse order: with a fitball and a cube in his hands, the child runs to the hoop. Leaves the cube in the hoop and jumps on the fitball, going around the cones.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

We all know that you have to be extremely careful on the street, you can’t rush, run, or jump. You need to be restrained. Now we will see if our teams can show restraint and fulfill all the conditions of the next competition. This competition is called "Road Signs". I read you a riddle and show you a sign. And you must raise your hand. The jury members look at who raised their hand first, ask him, and only then can he answer.

There are many signs on the roads,
All children should know them!
And all the traffic rules
Must do it exactly.

By stripes black and white
The pedestrian walks boldly.
Which of you guys knows -
What does this sign mean?
Give the car a quiet ride….. (pedestrian crossing)

Hey driver, be careful!
It's impossible to go fast.
People know everything in the world
This place is where ..... (children) go

What should I do? What do i do?
You need to call urgently!
Both you and he should know
In this place …. (telephone)

I'm walking in a blue circle
And it’s clear to the whole neighborhood,
If you think about it a little - ...... (pedestrian path)

I didn’t wash my hands on the road,
Ate fruits and vegetables
I'm sick and I see a point
Medical………. (help)

The path is not close to trouble
You didn't bring food with you
will save you from starvation
Sign road point ..... (food)

Tokens are awarded for correct answers.
The jury sums up the results of the competition.

I suggest we all play together, listen carefully to the questions and answer together.
Now I'll check on you
And I’ll start a game for you.
I'll ask you questions now -
It is not easy to answer them.

If you act in accordance with the traffic rules, then answer in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” And if not, keep quiet.

Which of you goes forward only where there is a transition? ………

Who flies ahead so fast that they don't see the traffic lights? ………

Who knows that the light is green, it means the path is open,
What does the yellow light always tell us about attention? ……….

Who knows that a red light means there is no road?

How many of you walk home along the pavement? ………

Which of you in a cramped carriage gave up your seat to an old lady? …….

The jury is invited to sum up the results of the quiz.