DIY New Year's gift for a girl. Creative DIY gifts for the New Year

You can buy anything in the store, but you know that receiving homemade gifts is a thousand times more pleasant. Here are 17 cozy, healthy, simple, and super budget-friendly options. Instructions included.

A great gift for tea lovers. “Tea connoisseurs don’t drink sawdust from tea bags!” - you say. But who’s stopping you from packaging good, expensive tea in envelopes?

You will need:

  • a cone made of foam plastic or thick cardboard;
  • round cardboard box and rice for stump;
  • tea packed in small paper bags (the quantity depends on the height and diameter of the cone);
  • glue gun;
  • star, bows and other decorations of your choice.

Cover the cone with tea bags, applying glue to the top of them. Move from bottom to top in a checkerboard pattern. It is better to use bags of contrasting colors: the tree will look more elegant.

Glue the lid of the cardboard box to the bottom of the cone. Fill the box itself with rice to make the tree more stable, and then attach it to the lid. If you don’t have a ready-made box of the required diameter at hand, make it yourself. Take a tube from a roll of paper towels as a basis or glue it from cardboard according to this pattern.

Decorate the tree with bows, rhinestones and other decorative elements, and glue a star to the top of the head.

Tara Aveilhe/

Girls will highly appreciate such a gift. After all, this is an individual scent; no one in the city will have such a perfume.

Before you create, find out what smells the one you want to please prefers. For example, if a girl likes citrus scents, she will need lemon or orange. To add woody notes, you need sandalwood or cedar oils, powdery ones - roses or vanilla.


  • ½ cup almond butter;
  • ½ cup grape oil;
  • 100 g beeswax;
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E;
  • 60 drops of lemon oil;
  • 25 drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • 20 drops of lavender oil;
  • 20 drops rosemary oil.

Mix almond and grape oils with wax in a separate saucepan and place in a steam bath. When the wax has completely dissolved, let the liquid cool slightly and add essential oils and vitamin E. Pour the future perfume into molds. A bottle of old hygienic lipstick, a jar of Vaseline, etc. will do.

Once the wax has hardened, the perfume is ready to use. All that remains is to package them beautifully.

A great gift for freezing girls. A pair of warm, fairly sturdy socks that you don't wear can be turned into fingerless gloves.

Additional materials:

  • needle with thread;
  • heart cut out of felt.

Trim and sew the sock as shown in the photos. Be sure to hem the edge to prevent fraying, and make all seams from the inside out.

Sew a felt heart on top. You can use any other decorative means. For example, embroider the inscription “Happy New Year!” or embroider mitts with rhinestones.

Another DIY gift for those who are always cold is. By heating it for 1-3 minutes in the microwave, you will get a great heating pad that also smells nice.


Paracord is a cord made of nylon. Initially used as a material for parachute lines, but then paracord began to be used wherever a lightweight and durable cable might be needed. For example, stylish men's bracelets are woven from it. In ordinary life it is just a decoration, in an extreme situation it is a life-saving rope.

Exist various techniques paracord weaving. Here is one of the most common.

You will need:

  • 150 cm of paracord of one color and the same amount of another (it is desirable that the shades be contrasting);
  • 75 cm of black paracord;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • needle and thread.

From paracord you can weave not only a bracelet, but also a keychain, or make a braid for a knife or a car steering wheel. You can easily find the diagrams on the Internet. It’s even easier - watch video tutorials on YouTube, there are many of them.

You can not only drink from such a mug. You can leave messages on it for your household or just draw.


  • white porcelain mug without relief;
  • slate paint;
  • masking tape;
  • brush.

Chalkboard paint is most often used to renew the surfaces of school boards. Now big choice such colors. You need one that can work on ceramics. For example, like this one.

Choose an area of ​​the mug that is comfortable to write on, but that will not come into contact with your lips when drinking. Cover the rest of the mug with masking tape.

Degrease the untaped area and apply paint to it in a thick layer. Remove the tape and leave the mug in a well-ventilated area for a day.

When the paint is dry, place the mug in an oven preheated to 150°C. After 30 minutes, turn off the stove, but remove the mug when it has cooled.

Now the mug can be washed in the dishwasher and put in the microwave.

If you are one of those who like to give experiences rather than material things, you will love this idea. After all, it’s not only a delicious warming drink, but also a reason to go or invite you to visit.

Take some pretty glass jars and fill them about a third full with hot chocolate or cocoa powder. Add a few candies or pieces of chocolate. Fill the remaining space with marshmallows.

Decorate the jars to your liking. For example, place a piece of fabric under the lid and attach a heart made from candy canes to the top. The label can serve as a postcard; write your wishes on it.

Another variation of this gift is a set for mulled wine. Take an orange, an apple, a clove and a cinnamon stick. Pack it all beautifully, make a label with your wishes and add a bottle of good red wine.

Candles - traditional New Year's gift. But glamorous store-bought ones are one thing, a personalized candle or a candle with a phrase understandable only to the giver and recipient, or even with a photograph, is another.


  • white candles with a diameter of 5–7 cm;
  • A4 size printing paper;
  • parchment paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;

Trim the parchment paper so that it is 1-2 cm wider than the A4 sheet. Glue the parchment to the printing paper, turning the edges over to the other side. Insert the sheet into the printer with the glossy side, that is, the side where the parchment is. Print out the image you would like to place on the candle.

The drawing will appear on parchment paper. Now you need to transfer it to a candle. Cut out the image, attach it to the candle, wrap it tightly with another layer of parchment on top and direct a stream of hot air onto the resulting structure. If the picture becomes lighter, it means it was imprinted on the candle. Carefully remove the top layer of parchment and let the wax harden.

The gift is ready! If desired, you can decorate it with rhinestones or sparkles.

This cosmetic bag greatly simplifies the search for the necessary items, because any lock can be opened.

You will need:

  • 10 zippers 15–20 cm long;
  • safety pins;
  • needle or sewing machine;
  • threads

Sew the zippers to each other from the inside out; for convenience, you can first attach them with pins. Close the resulting fabric into a ring and sew. Also sew the zippers across in front of the dogs, and then turn the cosmetic bag inside out.

This is a gift for a person who cannot part with gadgets. Using the same principle, you can sew a phone case.


  • a piece of felt suitable for the size of the tablet;
  • 2 buttons;
  • sewn-in magnets;
  • safety pins;
  • dense thread in the color of the buttons;
  • thread in the color of felt;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

Fold the fabric so that the bottom part is longer than the top: this is the future cover of the case. Sew along the edges and turn the product inside out.

Cut the lid into a wave or semicircle. Sew a button to the middle. Attach the second one below, to the case. Make a loop between them, as shown in the photo.

Sew a magnet onto the base and lid of the case on the left and right. The fashionable case is ready!

You can also make a stylish organizer for headphones, flash drives, phones and other gadgets from an old book in a beautiful binding. Here's the detailed one.


A gift that will delight not only children, but also adults with a sweet tooth. Making Santa Claus's sleigh is very simple.

You will need:

  • glue gun;
  • ribbons and other decor;
  • sweets: chocolate, sweets, candy-shaped candies.

Here is a detailed video instruction.

A gift for a bosom friend or colleague. Beer can come in handy on January 1st, and brown bottles can easily be styled to resemble Rudolph and friends. (Rudolph is one of Santa's reindeer, distinguished by his red glowing nose.)


  • beer in dark glass bottles;
  • decorative wire;
  • toy eyes;
  • red pom-poms;
  • ribbon and bows;
  • box;
  • Super glue.

Remove labels from bottles. Make antlers from wire for future deer.

Glue them to the back of the bottle. Attach the eyes and nose to the front. Tie a ribbon (to prevent it from slipping, you can fix it with glue).

Decorate the rest of the bottles in the same way. Put them in a box and decorate it.

A gift for economical women and men who love to cook.

You will need:

  • cotton fabric with a New Year's pattern;
  • batting for lining;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • needle.

If you have a sewing machine, the work will not take much time. Detailed video instructions - from pattern to thread cutting - are included.

Inside such a mitten you can put a spatula, a ladle and other little things useful for the kitchen.

A little more imagination, and your New Year's gift will become even more original. Attach a ring to the spatula and hang favorite family recipes printed on cards and laminated on it.

Glass snow... wine glass

Balloons with a miniature figure and artificial snow inside are very popular. Life hacker already shows how to make something similar from an ordinary glass jar. Today it's the turn of wine glasses.


  • transparent wine glass;
  • thick cardboard;
  • a figurine that can easily fit into a glass;
  • artificial snow;
  • bows and other decor;
  • glue.

Cut a circle out of cardboard with the same diameter as the wine glass. Glue the figure to the cardboard. It could be a Christmas tree, fawns, or, for example, a car with a Christmas tree on the roof.

Place artificial snow, finely chopped white paper or foam plastic on the bottom of the glass. Glue the cardboard base to the edge of the wine glass and turn it over. Decorate the leg with a bow or ribbon.


In the past year, blankets are very large knit incredibly popular. Finished products are quite expensive, so it is more profitable to make a blanket yourself.

Merino wool is best suited for this, but other thick threads can be used. Video tutorial is attached.

You can also knit a beautiful, warm scarf with your hands, without knitting needles or a hook. Life hacker has already seen how this is done.

This gift will help you remember the best moments of the past year. Just choose the best photos and print them. Get some clear ones glass jars and vases. Round and cylindrical vessels work best.

Many people have flaky skin in winter. If there are such people among your friends, prepare them a sugar-lemon scrub as a gift..

According to Chinese calendar, the symbol of 2017 is the rooster. Therefore, gifts with the image of a rooster or in the shape of roosters and hens will be especially relevant. A universal option for such a gift is a Christmas tree toy.

You will need:

  • cardboard blank in the shape of a rooster;
  • thick fabric;
  • filler for toys;
  • twine and lace ribbon;
  • white outline;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue gun

The manufacturing process is shown in the following video.

You can sweeten such a gift with sweet cockerels on a stick. Many people still have their uniform from Soviet times.


  • ½ cup granulated sugar;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of water (just to moisten the sugar);
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (in some recipes add regular tablespoon or a pinch of citric acid).

You need to boil syrup from sugar and pour it into a form generously greased with vegetable oil. Then stick the sticks in and wait until everything hardens.

If you know other original DIY solutions, share them in the comments.

It is also important that this method helps to significantly save money. This is also beneficial for the recipient - after all, any homemade item immediately becomes exclusive. It's nice to know that no one else has such a thing!

Inspiration and patience are the two main components of a homemade gift. To do this, first we come up with an idea, then we purchase the necessary parts for our craft and... let's get started!

Let's start making New Year's gifts with our own hands

Don't be alarmed, everything is quite simple. Remember, to make unique New Year's gifts you don't have to take design courses or be a seamstress.

Here are some gift ideas:

Classics with a new twist

You can turn a banal gift into such a gift, which in an updated guise will literally amaze the recipient with its brilliance. To do this, we make a blank from thick cardboard or wooden planks; a ready-made version made of plastic is also suitable - in general, this is not important.

The main feature here is the decoration. We cover our frame with glue and generously sprinkle it with glitter, whatever we have on hand - colored, silver, gold. That's all. We wait for the glue to dry completely - and the creative photo frame is ready. All that remains is to insert a New Year's illustration, a memorable photograph or a simple piece of paper with words of recognition into it.

Leather bracelet

A stylish and versatile gift suitable for both women and men. It looks bold and modern. We take thin pieces of leather with snap buttons at the ends. Now braid them into braids. Make the density as you wish. You will definitely like this gift and will stand out from others. A leather bracelet will become a long lasting reminder of the giver.

Ribbon bracelet

But this bracelet is intended for female hands. To make it, prepare a contrasting satin ribbon and beads, and you will also need a lighter. The manufacturing technology is as follows:

  1. we thread a ribbon through the bead and tie a knot on it;
  2. the same actions with the second and subsequent beads;
  3. the tape at the free ends must be melted and connected;
  4. To hide the joint externally, make a bow.

Choose your own color scheme. Each combination allows you to create a unique decoration.

Panel with color tints

Such colorful gift You won't find it in a regular store. You need woolen threads in at least four colors (it’s good if there are more colors), a silicone mat with holes. Tools: scissors. Determine the range of this decoration yourself - you can range from neutral pastel ensembles to incredibly complex color blocking. The process is like this:

  1. first make multi-colored pompoms from threads;
  2. then thread the threads and secure the pom-poms on the mat (into the holes);
  3. maintain symmetry when forming your ornament, use soft shade transitions.

Mouse (rat) in the form of a pillow

A gift from the category of funny but practical. Performs as a simple pillow. Using the templates, we cut out the parts from the fabric we liked and sew them together, focusing on the photo. Choose the color yourself. The mice will look creative and add a special charm to your home interior. However, not only bright mice look great, but rats too - they look very similar. Monochromatic ones also grab attention.

Do you want to stand out in particular? Cut and sew various decorative elements along the edges of the pillow, and small buttons instead of eyes. This is unlikely to be used for its intended purpose - most likely it will be an element of interior decoration.

For a cozy kitchen

Such gifts will appeal to those who love to cook. They will perfectly complement the kitchen interior and brighten it up. Make original cereal bags. We take linen or other dense fabric - always natural. We sew small bags using the simplest pattern. Once you have made the edge flaps, tie them up and add embellishment. Don't forget to attach a tag with the name of the cereal or embroider it on the bag itself.

New Year's pendant

When people see such beauty, they don’t imagine that they can make it themselves. Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! You need: a small glass bottle with a stopper, which has a chain, miniature (sold in stores) and some fine salt. Now let's get started:

  1. First, pour a thin layer of salt onto the bottom of the bottle;
  2. then place the Christmas tree inside;
  3. Finally, tightly seal our magic pendant with a cork. That's all the technology is.


It will be another unique New Year's present. It is used both as bedding and as a decorative detail for a room. First of all, you need burlap (you determine the size yourself) and fabric from which the fluffy “pile” is made. Ready? Let's get started:

  1. trim the edges of the burlap sewing machine either manually;
  2. cut out fabric strips five to six centimeters long and two thick;
  3. take an ordinary pencil and use it to thread a strip of fabric through the burlap;
  4. we tie a strip on the front side of our rug;
  5. In this sequence we thread all the available strips until the cape is completed.

Christmas tree dishes

With this craft, you are simply doomed to an amazing effect! With the help of simple manipulations, you will be able to add special New Year's notes to your usual cups. This way you can paint not just one cup, but an entire tea set. For work you will need: a white mug, paint brushes (you need thin and thick), paints of various colors and also electrical tape. The object of transformation can be a mug of any color. You need to do the following step by step:

  1. stick electrical tape onto the vessel so that you get the silhouette of a Christmas tree;
  2. paint the resulting stencil in green color thick brush;
  3. After waiting for the paint to dry, repeat the entire procedure again, but making the Christmas tree slightly larger or, conversely, on a different place on the surface of the mug. Paint the Christmas tree a different color;
  4. Your final touch will be to apply snowflakes to the painted Christmas trees - use a thin brush and appropriate paint.

Keychain book

Surprise your loved one with this miniature one. You need: paper and thick cardboard, fabric or a piece of leather for the cover, a cutter and a ruler, a chain with some cool pendant, as well as beads, a letter medallion and other additional decorations. Let's get started:

  1. cut out sheets of paper for a future book;
  2. fasten them together by stitching with thread;
  3. Prepare a blank for the cover from cardboard;
  4. separately prepare the base of the cover and attach the selected upholstery material to it;
  5. fix the base with cardboard and cover it with upholstery fabric or leather, bending it inward;
  6. attach the book to the chain with the selected item, add decorative elements.

Another DIY gift is ready!

In parting, I want to say that if you really want to, you can cook great gift for the New Year 2020, created with your own hands. The main thing is not to be afraid to take the first step. And for those who don’t have enough of these ideas, I recommend visiting them - there are tons of them there.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

The first snow recently fell. It immediately began to be washed away by the tedious rain, but we realized that the New Year had already woken up and reminded us that it was just around the corner! Our first wet snowball has flown away, we caught the first snowflake on our tongue, and now it’s time to start preparing the first New Year’s gifts, so that later, during the holiday bustle and planning of the January “mini vacation,” we don’t miss the time and buy everyone impersonal standard sets.

We have collected 10 interesting ideas New Year's gifts and souvenirs that you can make with your own hands. Small crafts, cute warming accessories and pleasant festive little things - everything that will help create the right atmosphere on this most magical night of the year. So, it's time to work miracles.

1. DIY commemorative Christmas tree decorations. Photo balls.

The very best New Year's gift, which will always come in handy on a festive night, and will later remain a memorable souvenir, is a Christmas tree toy. And the memory is doubly so - this is a Christmas tree toy with a photo - let's make New Year's photo balls. This is a great handmade New Year gift idea for family and friends. Print out some photos from your last New Year's celebration and place them inside clear balloons. A set of such balloons with all family members will especially appeal to grandparents.
Read how to make such a gift in the “New Year’s Photo Ball” master class.

2. Gifts from your baby

Parents of a small child probably already know the cool “Baby’s First Footprint” kits, from which you can make 3D prints of a hand or foot. For the New Year, this idea can be modernized and unusual Christmas tree decorations can be prepared - just paint the prints with bright colors.

Balls can also be made with palms

Children's hands will turn the simplest things into magical ones - for example mittens with handprints of little helpers. Also try to print small legs inside slippers for dad or grandpa. Or do t-shirt with imprinted baby hugs.

You can also make New Year cards with your baby - it’s a very fun and ticklish activity!)

3. Craft ideas. Knitted New Year gifts will keep you warm in winter.

If you still remember school lessons on labor or grandma’s instructions on knitting, then you won’t have any difficulty bringing these New Year’s gift ideas to life.

Let's start with the classics. Knitting warm and cozy DIY scarf! Both your girlfriend and your loved one will appreciate such a gift, and, of course, your parents and grandparents will be delighted!

To knit such a scarf you need to master only 2 steps - a set of loops and garter stitch. And these video tutorials will help you:

All that remains is to choose the color and thickness of the yarn and the size of the knitting needles - you can knit a light, neat scarf from thin yarn or a massive, incredibly warm and cozy coarse knit scarf.

Try changing thread colors as you knit to create stripes. You can add buttons or a small beaded pattern. Add fringe, braids, or pompoms from fluffy threads to the edges (see How to make a pom-pom from threads).

If you are confident in your abilities and have sufficient skills, then you can try tying socks or mittens. On the Internet, on specialized websites, you will find many detailed lessons and tips.

You can also sew something unusual. For example, a great gift for the New Year - heating pad in a knitted case, and knitted “clothes” - a cover for a cup will keep your favorite drink hot for a long time.

4. Fragrant Christmas tree decorations

From vanilla sticks, pine cones, fragrant spruce branches, orange slices and star anise (star anise) you can build cute Christmas trees, houses, stars and even assemble garlands from them. Even after New Year's Eve Such toys can be used as natural flavors - to decorate your workplace with them, for example, for the rest of the winter.

5. Delicious New Year's gifts

Gifts that can never be enough. Especially under the tree. Especially in a big company!

Bake something delicious gingerbread cookies according to this recipe and pack it in a beautiful New Year's box. You can make holes in it in advance and add ribbons so that it can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Very popular in the West gingerbread men- they have already become a kind of symbol of Christmas and New Year. And it’s really easy to make nice souvenirs from them, for example, for colleagues or classmates. The prepared little men can be “individualized” using colored glaze - add glasses, just like the accountant Olya, a beard, like the programmer Vitka, and a tie, like Pal Andreich, and put them in CD packaging (genius - simple!) - edible ginger colleagues are ready to please their prototypes!

If you get gingerbread men, then you can move on to the next level of culinary skill - cook Gingerbread house , just like in the fairy tale about Hansel and Gretel. The parts for it can be baked according to the same cookie recipe, then the resulting “construction set” can be assembled using icing and used to decorate the exterior of the fairy-tale building. Here is a sample diagram -

From the same series - homemade, fragrant and aromatic jam. It’s best to ask your grandmother or mother for a traditional and proven recipe, but you can also look for something exotic on the Internet. We hang tags with wishes on the jars (“Raspberry jam for coughs and winter blues”, “Jam from garden cherries and my love”, “Currants for good luck!”, “Gooseberry jam for yourself”) best dad in the world"), wrap it in a nice colored fabric or paper, tie it with ribbons. Don't forget about honey- the most important and delicious protector against winter snowstorms and blizzards.

Here's how to pack sweets for a child in an original way. Make a personalized New Year's gift from your baby's favorite treats.

6. We remember our art lessons. New Year's origami

Well, the easiest thing is Christmas decorations made from colored paper. You can make such souvenirs with your children. Children will be able to decorate their room or classroom at school with them.

Here, for example, are the simplest origami toys - Santa Claus from a square of red paper.

Here's another instruction Santa Claus made of colored paper.

You will find many other schemes on the Internet. The easiest way to make toys is by following video tutorials. Here, for example, is a detailed lesson on modular origami "Christmas Star".

The result is stars like this:

7. Ball “Melted Snowman” and Snowman from an old light bulb

Another unusual Christmas tree toy. Pour some sugar-snow into a transparent Christmas tree ball, throw in a mini bag of orange paper - it will be a carrot and a few black peppercorns - the eyes and buttons of a melted snowman. The winter ball is ready!

Another idea is a snowman made from a burnt out light bulb. Cute, isn't he? It’s very easy to make - read our master class.

8. Winter in miniature - snow globes

Try making these fabulous New Year's souvenirs - snow globes. Plastic toys placed in a jar and covered with artificial snow - read our detailed master class on creating such winter wonders in a jar.

By the way, you can make Christmas tree decorations in the same way - put small Christmas trees inside a transparent ball and cover them with artificial snow -

Or you can insert real Christmas tree branches, pine cones, forest moss into the ball -

9. Decorative Christmas trees

What could be a more suitable souvenir gift for the New Year than one of its symbols, for example, a Christmas tree? Of course, it is unwise to go on a visit with natural spruce, because... Most likely, by December 31, the owners have already dressed it up, but making and giving a decorative interior Christmas tree to friends, colleagues or relatives is a great solution! We offer more than 30 master classes on making a Christmas tree with your own hands, you will probably find one that you like or get inspired by ideas and come up with your own: the one and only.

10. DIY New Year cards

Colored paper, scissors, glue, ribbons, beads, plus all your imagination - these are the ingredients for a wonderful handmade card. You can buy a ready-made postcard with a hand-drawn cheerful company and personalize it with printed photos of friends.

Need ideas and detailed instructions? We have prepared many options for New Year's cards that you can make with your own hands - get inspired!

Polina, a representative of Canva, approached me on VK and offered to recommend to my readers their website, where you can create an almost individual calendar for free for yourself, or as a gift to family and friends. I honestly looked at their website and I liked the idea. On the site, anyone can easily and quickly create original calendars for their home or workplace, as well as as an original and inexpensive gift. Users can choose from a variety of free pre-designed mockups and then personalize it by uploading their own photos or choosing from Canva's existing collection. The finished calendar can be printed in high resolution. I think this is quite interesting. Honestly and frankly, I recommend this service to you completely free of charge. I felt uncomfortable taking money from the company, considering that they also offer this service for free to users. I think we all owe each other something nice just for the sake of it. I hope you found Canva useful.

2016-12-28T08:01:35+00:00 Oksanamo Master Class

The first snow recently fell. It immediately began to be washed away by the tedious rain, but we realized that the New Year had already woken up and reminded us that it was just around the corner! Our first wet snowball has flown away, we caught the first snowflake on our tongue, and now it’s time to start preparing the first New Year’s gifts, so that later, during the holiday bustle and planning for the January “mini vacation,”...

[email protected] Administrator Kaprizulka

Useful tips

Get ready to search New Year's gifts for loved ones? Today, many stores offer a huge number of goods, but there is nothing nicer than receiving a gift hand made.

Some gifts you can make yourself, and some you can make. together with children. From the many gift options, you can safely choose several that you like. Hereseveral selected interesting gifts that you can do.

Some Christmas gifts are simple, others are a little more complicated, but you'll have a lot of fun making them. Feel free to involve children while developing themimagination and motor skills. Also get ideas, and create something of your own.

On our website you will also find:

  • How to make a snowflake
  • How to make a Christmas tree
  • How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands
  • DIY New Year cards
  • DIY New Year's ideas
  • DIY New Year's decorations
  • DIY New Year's compositions

Children's New Year's gifts. Snow globe.

You will need:

Glass transparent container with lid


Waterproof glue

Small figurine

1. Remove the lid from the container and glue a figurine to its inside (in in this case porcelain dog).

* The figurine should not be higher than the depth of the container, otherwise the lid will not close.

2. Pour glitter into a container.

3. Pour water into the container.

4. Close the lid.

5. Turn the container over and shake it to make it “snow.”

New Year's gifts for children. Christmas tree under the snow.

You will need:

Transparent glass container with lid

Miniature Christmas tree

Artificial snow (can be replaced with sparkles)

Glue moment (glue gun)

* Select a container that will completely fit your small decorative Christmas tree.

1. Remove the lid and glue the Christmas tree to the inside of it.

2. Pour some artificial snow into the container.

3. Carefully close the lid with the Christmas tree glued on and turn the jar over.

4. Shake the container so that the snow falls onto the Christmas tree.

New Year gifts. Christmas trees for kids.

Kids will really like this gift. Not only is it bright and beautiful, but you can also teach children colors, geometric shapes and etc.

You will need:

Large sheet of green felt

Several small sheets of felt (for Christmas decorations and gifts)

Double tape

1. Cut out a triangle from a large green piece of felt - this will be your Christmas tree.

2. Cut out colorful gifts from several small pieces of felt. To make bright gift boxes “wrapped” with bright ribbons, cut several strips of felt and glue them in the shape of a cross (see picture).

3. Also cut out Christmas tree decorations, lanterns, icicles, etc. from various sheets of felt.

4. The Christmas tree can be attached to the wall using double tape or thumbtacks.

5. Now you can give it to children New Year's toys made of felt so that they can attach them to the tree by simply pressing the toy to the tree - they will catch on to the material and will not fall, but they will be easy to remove later.

DIY New Year's gift ideas. Handmade New Year's wreath (garland).

Let the children try to make this decoration themselves. It's very simple and they'll love tracing their pens. Then the gift can be given to grandparents.

You will need:

Colored paper


Paper plate (round or square)


1. First you need to trace the pen on colored paper with a pencil.

* If there are several children, then for each you can use different colour paper and then use them all.

* If the child is alone, but you want to make the garland multi-colored, you can trace your right hand on paper of one color, and your left hand of another.

2. Cut out the children's hands drawn on paper.

3. Take paper plate and cut out the middle part from it - you have a frame.

4. Apply glue to the frame.

5. Have each child glue their pieces to a paper frame.

6. All you have to do is add the ribbon and you can give it as a gift and decorate your home.

New Year's gift ideas. As a souvenir for grandparents.

This is another option for a New Year's gift for your beloved grandparents.

You will need:



Colored paper




Small photos

Plastic toy eyes

1. Prepare paper and trace the children’s legs and arms on it with a pencil.

2. Cut out the pieces.

3. Place the templates on felt, trace and cut out.

4. Insert wrapping paper into the frame to create a beautiful, festive backdrop.

5. Collect moose as in the picture. Add pom pom eyes and noses. All details are glued to the background.

6. You can cut out snowflakes from felt or buy ready-made ones and add them to the composition.

7. All you have to do is add photos and you're done.

New Year's toys-gifts. Build your own snowman.

Your child will definitely love building their own snowman. You can make such a set for him so that he can enjoy the game and also develop his creativity.

You will need:

Felt in different colors (namely white, red, brown/black, grey, green, yellow, blue)

1 sheet of thick felt


Snowman template (preferably on a thick sheet of paper or cardboard)

Small resealable bag

1. You can draw the details of the snowman yourself with a simple pencil or print them using THIS LINK.

2. Cut out all the parts.

3. Place the template on felt, trace and cut out. Add some details like buttons, fingers, mouth, nose, etc.

4. You can glue some parts so that they are part of the template. For example, glue the eyes of a snowman.

5. Cut a rectangular piece of thick felt so that it serves as a background for the snowman and also fits into the bag where you will put all the parts of the toy.

6. Place everything in a resealable bag and your New Year's toy gift is ready.

The magical time has come when you can... remember with tenderness the best moments of the passing year and make New Year's gifts with your own hands for your closest people. Do something enjoyable and useful creativity, which will fill your heart with love and warmth.

New Year is perhaps the most fabulous holiday, and everyone is looking for their own miracle and beauty in it. It will always remind us of childhood, and be associated with gifts and an upcoming miracle. And when you become an adult, you can do this miracle yourself, you just need to show a little imagination. We have prepared for you the most creative ideas on how to make New Year's gifts with your own hands. They are expecting you interesting video lessons, bright photos and unique master classes– get ready to create and enjoy the process and the result.

The pre-New Year bustle is troublesome, but very nice time. After all, there is a desire and opportunity to give gifts to your loved ones attention, warmth and, of course, pleasant surprises , which they may have missed so much throughout the year. And if you also put in a little effort and do everything yourself, then such a gift will have no price at all.

Get ready to try on the role of the Good Wizard, because we will teach you how to make New Year's gifts with your own hands for 2020. What will bring your loved ones joy and New Year's mood?

  • Souvenirs.
  • Sweets.
  • Postcards.
  • Toys.
  • Warm accessories.
  • Beautiful New Year's things, without which it is simply impossible to imagine the upcoming holiday.

So, we invite you to plunge into the atmosphere of joy and magic yourself and master a few simple master classes.

DIY gifts for the New Year: simple master classes for beginners

Most universal New Year's gift– this is, of course, a postcard. And if you make such a surprise with your own hands, write a couple kind words and hang it on the Christmas tree, this gift will also become the most valuable. Let's do something like this stylish postcard. For this we need:

  • scrapbooking paper;
  • a simple card without a picture;
  • decorative carnations or craft pins;
  • stationery glue;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors.

  1. Prepare paper for scrapbooking. It is better to take 12 sheets with different designs on New Year theme. Let them all be in the same color scheme. Cut 12 rectangles, 10 cm long. Make the width of the first rectangle 9 cm, and increase all subsequent ones by 6 mm.

2. Roll the rectangles into tubes, about 1 cm in diameter. For this it is better to use a pen or pencil. We glue the edge of the tube, as shown in the photo.

3. Glue the tubes together in descending order so that we have it turned out to be a figurine of a Christmas tree. We leave the Christmas tree to dry a little, and then “plant” it on the double-sided cattle on top of our postcard.

4. Decorate the Christmas tree to your taste– decorative carnations, rhinestones, sequins, bows. We insert the decor between the seams of paper tubes.

And this is another idea for New Year's cards with your own hands.

You can make one for those with a sweet tooth Christmas tree made of candies.

It's very easy to do. Cut a cone out of white cardboard and alternately wrap it with New Year's tinsel and cover with colorful candies, using double-sided tape. Also secure the layers with regular tape.

Also, instead of a Christmas tree, you can make New Year's basket and put in it whatever your heart desires.

Cute New Year's gifts for all occasions

It happens that you need to prepare a huge number of gifts for the New Year, but there is not much time and opportunity for this. Use your skills and talents. For example, if you knit or crochet, prepare in advance cute, creative souvenirs that your loved ones will absolutely love. For example, “warming” clothes for a cup or chic openwork snowflakes a true craftswoman can knit it in just a couple of hours.

If knitting is still not your thing, we offer you a wonderful idea for inexpensive corporate gifts - felt rims for cups will cheer up your colleagues and demonstrate your care and attention. Decorate a strip of felt with funny figures, place it on a cup and secure the ends with glue or Velcro.

Also on New Year it is customary to give Stuffed Toys and sometimes the most unexpected materials are used for them. For example, for making these snowmen you can take regular socks, of course, clean and whole.

Cut the toe off the sock and tie the bottom with thread. Pour in rice or other cereal and form the body of the snowman, giving it a round shape. Tie with thread and add rice to form a head. Tie at the top. Make eyes, a nose, decorate the figure with a scarf and buttons. Use the cut part of the sock as a hat for a snowman. Such a gift will be a real surprise for both adults and children.

How to wrap and beautifully present a New Year's gift?

It happens that you already have a gift, and you just need it beautifully packaged. There is also a lot for this creative ideas, which will help you turn the congratulations process into a real fairy tale. For example, you can make stylish bags made of natural linen and hide them throughout the apartment. In each of these bags you can hide a sweet prize or some cute trinket - made of beads or other material.

You can also use a more traditional packaging method - a paper box.

In general, gift processing is also a very important process. If you are preparing a surprise for colleagues, you can make original ones out of paper New Year's boxes, templates of which you see on this page.

You can decorate ordinary boxes very stylishly and concisely - use available materials and your imagination!

Modern crafts simply fascinate with their diversity and beauty. Yes, New Year's souvenirs for 2020 are some kind of continuous holiday of creativity and joy! Watch video lessons and enjoy creative activity and beauty.

Ideas for New Year's souvenirs for friends and family