The problem of improving education in internal affairs bodies. Formation of professional traditions and their role in the education of personnel of internal affairs bodies Historical work as a means of improving professional activities

History shows that education is a priority at turning points in the life of the state, society and people.

And it is during such periods that the implementation of education is fraught with considerable difficulties, and nevertheless, any reforms and decisions are doomed to failure if they are not supported by increased attention to education, closely linked to the realities of the changes taking place. The universal truths of education, which have evolved over centuries, do not become obsolete, but at each new methodological period of time they require new understanding and require new technological developments. Moreover, the problems become more complicated if in the previous period the work of education was weakened. This is exactly the situation that occurs in modern conditions of the activities of internal affairs bodies.

It is no coincidence that the Russian Minister of Internal Affairs refers educational work in one of the most important areas work with personnel and ensuring operational and official activities6. TO shortcomings carrying out this work he attributes:

Underestimation of the place and role of educational work in the system of ensuring operational and official activities;

Declarative and detached from life nature of the conduct;

Its insufficient effectiveness, which does not stand the test of real practice,

Failure to have the proper impact on the results of operational activities,

Official discipline and legality;

Outdated approaches, organization,

Principles, forms and methods that do not take into account the realities of today;

Lack of a departmental system of information and propaganda influence on personnel;

Unconstructive opposition of material and moral principles in motivating employees;

The predominance of repressive practices in relation to erring employees, while negative manifestations could be prevented with proactive systematic education of personnel;

Weak connection with civil society institutions;

Significant outflow of personnel and erosion of the professional core of internal affairs bodies (especially the criminal investigation department and the service of local inspectors);

Insufficient level of pedagogical culture of some managers involved in the education of subordinates, etc.

Weaknesses in the education of personnel are considered by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as the causes of many shortcomings in operational activities: increasing cases of inattentive response of employees to messages and statements of citizens about the commission of crimes, hiding them from registration, unjustified termination or refusal to initiate criminal cases, falsification of reporting data on the detection of crimes, illegal actions, reducing the level of public trust in government authorities, etc. The reduction in the number of educational staff, the curtailment of training and retraining of specialist educators for internal affairs bodies were recognized as erroneous.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is tasked with the task of modernizing the educational work system with the personnel of internal affairs bodies and units, for which significant changes are made to its nature, content and organization, aimed at:

Restoring the attitude towards educational work as the most important direction for increasing the efficiency of operational activities and solving the tasks assigned to internal affairs bodies;

Determining the place of educational work in ensuring the operational and service activities of the entire system of internal affairs bodies, aimed at:

Formation in employees of a complex of civil, moral, spiritual and other professionally significant qualities of a police officer, determined by the needs of this activity;

Training of employees capable of implementing the tasks of law enforcement in a democratic society, ready to respect the constitutional rights of man and citizen and in practice to effectively protect them;

Ensuring high anti-corruption resistance of employees and reliable immunity to professional personality deformations;

Development of a scientific basis for the development of a system of educational work in relation to modern conditions;

Creation of a regulatory, legal and methodological basis for the functioning of educational work both within the ministry and directly in the internal affairs bodies of the constituent entities of the Federation;

Bringing the organizational and staffing structure of educational apparatuses into line with the changed conditions;

Organization of training and retraining of specialist educators for internal affairs bodies;

Organization of training for managers at all levels of the theory and practice of educating subordinates, increasing their pedagogical and managerial competence. “The main figure in the system of organizing educational work with personnel was and remains the head, and first of all the head of the internal affairs department. It is he who is entrusted with personal responsibility for the organization and state of educational work with subordinates.”

Work in these areas is already underway, but much more remains to be done. And here it is very important to realize the complexity of this task and the need for high pedagogical competence to successfully solve it.

“The path to respect for the employee’s profession... and support from the state may turn out to be hopelessly long if in the minds of each of us there is no understanding of the complexity of the modern period of social development, development of our own impeccable line of behavior in the service and at home, awareness of our personal significance in the matter of service citizen, society and state,” said the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Legal pedagogy has theoretical and applied developments that can contribute to the implementation of educational work to improve its quality and efficiency. And here it should be remembered that the task of modernizing the entire system of educational work requires new theoretical and applied pedagogical developments to solve the most pressing, modern problems.

Related information.

The role of educational work in the system of work with personnel. Subjects and objects of education in the internal affairs department. Plans reflecting personnel and educational work in the internal affairs department and their main content. Participation of the head of the internal affairs department in the planning of educational work and its implementation.


The successful implementation by internal affairs bodies of the tasks facing them, the improvement of operational and official activities are directly related to the formation of high professional and moral qualities among employees, the strengthening of the moral and psychological climate, discipline and legality in service teams. This, in turn, requires increasing the level of educational work with personnel, highlighting priorities in the personnel education system, improving the organizational and staffing structure of educational apparatus and ensuring their optimal financing.

At the same time, in modern conditions, the educational measures taken and the forms of their implementation often do not fully meet the requirements and are not adequate to the realities of life, the needs of the operational situation, or the quality of personnel. The Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at a meeting on December 23, 1998, having examined the state of work with personnel in the personnel policy system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, noted that until now, personnel work has not become a priority task for managers at all levels of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and has identified the main directions, ways and methods of its improvement in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. In modern conditions, the Main Directorate of Personnel and Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is directing significant efforts to reforming the personnel education system, establishing socio-psychological work in internal affairs bodies, and improving the legal framework for organizing this activity.

Only in recent years, the system of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has adopted the following fundamental documents in this area: Directive No. 1 dated. June 19, 1996 “On urgent measures to radically improve the work with personnel in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”; Concept for the development of internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (1996), Concept of educational work with cadets and students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (1996), Concept of personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (1998).

The latest document defines a specific program of activity for managers of all levels, personnel and educational apparatuses, identifies priority areas of educational work and the most effective forms of its implementation.

1.1. The concept of educational work

The transformation processes taking place today in the political, economic, social and spiritual life of Russia have a significant impact on the content of state personnel policy.

Personnel policy is, on the one hand, an integral part of the general policy of the state, determining the goals, objectives, principles, nature, directions, forms and methods of working with personnel, requirements for personnel in specific historical conditions, and on the other hand, it is the most important means of implementing external and domestic policy, economic, political and cultural transformations, strengthening law and order.

The goal of the state personnel policy is to implement the general policy of the state by organizing the activities of personnel in all spheres of public administration (education, medicine, armed forces, law enforcement agencies). The latter determines the staffing of all areas with highly qualified, professionally well-trained specialists.

The conceptual apparatus that allows us to consider problems associated with state personnel policy has two main components: personnel - as a socio-economic phenomenon, including a permanent (regular) composition of workers, i.e. able-bodied citizens who are in labor relations with government agencies, enterprises with various organizational and legal forms of ownership, who have certain professional training and have special knowledge, labor skills in their chosen activities, as well as politics - the art of government, activities related to ensuring state interests in any area of ​​the country's life.

State personnel policy is based on certain principles, i.e. basic theoretical ideas that reflect the patterns of development of society and the state and determine the chosen direction of activity of subjects of public administration.

In the scientific literature, the principles of state personnel policy are systematized. Thus, among them is Professor of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia L.M. Kolodkin includes:

Scientific and realistic personnel policy;

Systematic and comprehensive solution to personnel problems;

The universality and multi-level nature of personnel policy;

Prospects for personnel policy and consideration of long-term social consequences when changing it;

Democracy and taking into account the opinion of the team when solving personnel problems;

Flexibility and innovation in working with personnel, taking into account historical domestic experience and foreign practice;

Social partnership and equal access to public service;

Spirituality and humanism in personnel policy;

Legal and social protection of personnel.

The personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is an industry modification of the state personnel policy and is intended to determine ways and methods for improving the system of working with personnel, developing prospects for the development of the Ministry's personnel potential.

The goal of the personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the period until 2005 is the formation of a highly professional, stable, optimally balanced personnel corps of internal affairs bodies, most fully consistent with modern and projected socio-political, economic, criminogenic and other conditions, capable of effectively solving the tasks assigned to Ministry, society and state.

As noted in the Concept of Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the achievement of the above goal is ensured by solving the following tasks:

Consistent implementation of a unified personnel policy in the Ministry;

Organization of work with personnel based on the use of scientific achievements, advanced domestic and foreign experience;

Improving human resources management based on modern scientific, analytical and information support;

Development of the regulatory legal framework in the field of work with personnel;

Determination of scientifically based standards for staffing of internal affairs bodies;

Increasing the efficiency of using the personnel potential of internal affairs bodies;

Ensuring the implementation of social rights and guarantees for employees of internal affairs bodies;

Transition to a new model of law enforcement, characterized by a focus on serving society and citizens;

Improving educational work with personnel.

In internal affairs bodies, personnel policy is carried out in the following areas:

Improving the management of personnel processes in internal affairs bodies and divisions;

Recruiting with qualified and competent personnel, increasing the efficiency of their use;

Development of a modern system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel;

Development of psychological service of internal affairs bodies;

Reforming the system of activities to strengthen the spiritual and moral foundations of service in the internal affairs bodies.

The latter necessitates the formation of the personality of an employee of internal affairs bodies in inextricable connection with the tasks assigned by the state to internal affairs bodies. The main one is the implementation of the constitutional provision on the recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Unfortunately, the radical transformations that have taken place and are taking place in our country have disrupted the usual mechanisms of behavior: stereotypes and patterns of behavior, established traditions and norms that previously existed in society have been destroyed. As a result, an ideological vacuum appeared. All this taken together gave rise to conflict situations at various levels: political, interethnic, labor, family and others, which were imbued with constant errors in politics, economics and other spheres of public life. At the same time, we must not forget the lessons of history: in society, any transformations can be successful only when they are based on the traditions of the people. Thus, the assimilation of state-patriotic values ​​by employees of internal affairs bodies is a necessary factor for the proper performance of official duties, since the main requirements for civil servants are: professionalism, competence, responsibility for decisions made, loyalty to the Constitution and the Fatherland.

In modern conditions, when the state is turning to the values ​​of Russian spirituality, a sense of national pride, and patriotism, there is more than ever a need for active educational work among employees of internal affairs bodies. It is this work that will help solve one of the most important issues facing law enforcement agencies today: to form a positive image of an internal affairs officer who correctly understands the essence of the transformations of civil society, its values ​​and is ready to firmly stand in defense of state interests.

Educational work in internal affairs bodies is the purposeful activity of managers of all ranks, personnel and educational staff, public institutions to develop high civil, moral, psychological and professional qualities among personnel, to mobilize them for the “successful implementation of operational and official tasks, strengthening the rule of law.” and service discipline.

The relevance and significance of educational work with personnel and the need for its radical improvement today are caused by:

1. A decrease in the level of moral and psychological state of personnel, which manifests itself in an increase in violations of discipline and the rule of law. The number of employees held accountable for violations of the law has increased almost one and a half times in the last five years, and for violations of discipline - almost doubled. Of particular concern are the facts of employees committing serious crimes, including group crimes, for personal gain. There are not isolated cases of betrayal of the interests of the service and abuse of official position. The level of drunkenness among personnel remains high.

2. Loss of professionalism and a decrease in the level of general culture of employees. The number of complaints and statements about their rudeness, rudeness, and inattentive attitude towards citizens is not decreasing. There are frequent cases of insult and humiliation of people who turned to the police for help. A number of employees do not know how to behave in public places, when communicating with citizens.

3. A decline in the public rating and prestige of service in the internal affairs bodies, and the population’s trust in their work. According to the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, on average, 39% of the population in the country are not satisfied with the work of the internal affairs bodies and believe that they are not able to ensure law and order and the personal safety of citizens.

4. Increased physical, moral and psychological stress, increased pressure on employees from illegal elements. All this is aggravated by political and economic instability in the country, the aggravation of the crime situation, which in turn led to a loss of confidence among some employees in the necessity and usefulness of their work, apathy, and indifference to the results of their work. As a result, the outflow of qualified personnel and the erosion of the professional core in leading services does not stop. A reduction in the personnel selection base and a deterioration in the quality of newly recruited persons have a negative impact.

5. Local suspension by decisions of local administrations and legislative assemblies of social guarantees, benefits and compensation for personnel established by law. There have been systematic delays in the payment of salaries, especially to employees supported at the expense of the local budget.

Administration at various levels practically does not provide employees of internal affairs bodies with free housing. The number of people on the waiting list for housing is increasing, and the possibility of obtaining loans for its construction or acquisition provided for by current legal acts has been reduced to nothing. A constant fact is the untimely payment of insurance amounts and amounts to compensate for damage caused to employees due to the failure to receive funds from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for these purposes. With the increase in the number of criminal attacks against employees of internal affairs bodies, the decisions taken by the courts towards the persons who committed them are inadequate to the illegal actions. The evidentiary value of the testimony of employees of internal affairs bodies in courts has been downgraded, especially in cases of actions in conditions of professional risk, while the number of claims against employees for compensation for moral damage has simultaneously increased.

6. A decrease in the effectiveness of information and psychological-pedagogical support for operational and official activities of employees. Educational apparatus does not fully provide work with personnel, since in recent years, with the numerical growth of personnel in the internal affairs bodies by more than 40%, the educational apparatus has decreased by two-thirds compared to its previous composition, its structure has been disrupted, and its organizational structure has been weakened. methodological management of the activities of city district authorities, services and departments of internal affairs in matters of education, social and legal protection and moral and psychological training of employees and the level of professionalism of a significant part of the management staff, especially newly appointed employees of educational and personnel apparatus in the field of work with personnel not in fully complies with the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The moral and psychological unpreparedness of some employees for actions in extreme conditions, confusion, emotional breakdowns, inability to overcome difficulties in everyday work activities negatively affect the quality of performance of operational and official tasks, lead to death, injury and injury to employees and determine the urgent need for radical improvement of the organization and carrying out work with personnel of internal affairs bodies. The specific program of educational activities of managers of all levels of employees of educational and personnel apparatuses for the near future is determined by the Concept of personnel policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and Directive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 1 of June 19, 1996.

1.2. The role of educational work in the system of work with personnel

The leading place in organizing educational work in the system of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and coordinating the actions of educational subjects belongs to the Main Directorate of Personnel and Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, within which the Directorate of Educational Work directly solves this problem. Similar functions on the scale of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate are assigned to the departments (departments) for working with personnel (educational work), which are part of the personnel departments (departments).

In city district internal affairs agencies, the heads and direct organizers of targeted educational work with personnel are the heads of the agencies and their deputies for personnel. The subjects of educational work also include heads of services and departments, personnel personnel, mentors, public organizations and public amateur bodies operating in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In working with the personnel of internal affairs bodies, a special role belongs to the educational apparatus, because “it is the organizers of the educational process who are the connecting link between superiors, commanders and subordinates, who convey to the mind and heart of every employee and military serviceman the state significance of the tasks assigned to them, and mobilize the personnel for carrying out orders from senior superiors, instilling professionalism, strengthening the cohesion and moral and psychological attitude of teams.

Fedorov V.I. On the role and tasks of heads of apparatus in working with personnel of internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in modern conditions.

1.3. Subjects and objects of education in the internal affairs department

In the hierarchy of the educational apparatus system, the leading role is occupied by the Department of Educational Work of the Main Directorate of Personnel and Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which structurally includes the following departments:

Organization of educational work;

Organizations of psychological work;

Propaganda and public-state training;


Social work.

The Department is also operationally subordinate to:

Central Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

Cultural Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

Studio of Artists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.V. Vereshchagin;

Central Library of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

Club of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The main goals of the Department of Educational Work of the State Administration and Communist Party of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are:

Development and practical implementation of measures to mobilize personnel of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system to implement state policy in the fight against crime, ensuring law and order and legality;

Formation of moral attitudes of employees of internal affairs bodies, focused on strict observance of the Constitution, laws of the Russian Federation, loyalty to the Oath;

Ensuring the moral and psychological stability of personnel, improving their general and professional culture;

Organizational activities for the implementation of legally established social and legal guarantees for personnel of internal affairs bodies, families of deceased employees and veterans of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system.

Based on these goals, the Department of Educational Work solves the following tasks:

1. Analyzes the moral and psychological state of personnel, compliance with discipline and the rule of law in internal affairs bodies and divisions. Together with the services of the Ministry, it takes part in the development and implementation of the Concept of educational work in internal affairs bodies and other program documents in the field of work with personnel. Regularly prepares and sends field reviews on the state of law and discipline among the personnel of internal affairs bodies, etc.

2. Provides information and analytical services to the management of internal affairs bodies and departments on this issue, prepares documents and materials for government bodies and management of the Russian Federation, interested authorities, the media, and public organizations.

3. Organizes work on state and legal information for the personnel of internal affairs bodies, methodological support for public and state training of employees, lecture propaganda, design of visual campaigning in units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system. Develops forms and methods of countering the penetration of elements of extremism, nationalism and religious fanaticism into service teams, and attempts to split service teams on an interethnic and interfaith basis. Annually draws up instructions for organizing and conducting public and state training and approximate topics for classes, sends methodological developments to the localities.

4. Ensures the popularization of the heroism of service in the internal affairs bodies, the promotion of selfless acts of personnel, using for these purposes the capabilities of museums, palaces of culture, clubs, studios, centers and other cultural and educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,

5. Interacts with film studios, creative unions, the media, sociological centers and analytical services, public associations on issues of strengthening the authority and increasing the prestige of the profession of an employee of internal affairs bodies. Carries out the publication of materials on the given issues.

6. Ensures the regular development and publication of educational and methodological materials, recommendations in various areas of educational work, organizes retraining and advanced training for certain categories of educational staff. Provides methodological assistance to heads of internal affairs bodies in this matter.

7. Participates in the development and examination of the regulatory framework for ensuring the social and legal protection of personnel, interacts with government bodies and interested authorities, public organizations when considering issues related to the protection of the legal rights and interests of employees, teams of internal affairs bodies, participates in development of targeted programs for the social development of internal affairs bodies, promotes the creation of a material and technical base for the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system to solve social problems of personnel.

8. Organizes the provision of legal and social guarantees to the families of dead and injured employees, disabled people and veterans of internal affairs bodies. For these purposes, it uses the capabilities of professional and veteran organizations, public unions and foundations. Provides assistance in organizing similar activities locally.

9. Carry out methodological work on the organization of individual educational work, the development of mentoring, the activities of public amateur bodies of the internal affairs bodies, the development of recommendations for the preservation and development of the traditions of the internal affairs bodies.

10. Organizes psychological support for the activities of personnel of internal affairs bodies, analyzes the causes and conditions of suicide cases, inappropriate behavior of employees in extreme conditions and emergency situations. As part of this task, the Directorate is developing proposals for the formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in service teams of bodies and units, methodological recommendations for conducting psychological training of personnel for actions in normal and extreme conditions; organizes the provision of psychological assistance and support to employees after being in unusual situations, as well as to members of their families; provides methodological assistance in organizing psychological support for special operations; prepares methods for preventing professional deformation, emotional and psychological breakdowns, developing skills of psychological stability when solving operational and service tasks; organizes training, retraining and advanced training of practical psychologists in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

11. Summarizes and disseminates positive experience in working with personnel of local authorities and units, holds national and regional meetings, working meetings, scientific conferences and seminars to improve this work.

12. Inspects the state of work with personnel in the bodies and divisions of internal affairs, educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia during inspections, control and targeted checks.

At the same time, in the practical activities of the Department of Educational Work there are a number of untapped opportunities to increase the efficiency of the educational process. The guiding Documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia emphasize the importance of:

Increasing the efficiency of work with the personnel of the managers of the main link of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system - the city district internal affairs agencies; tightening control and increasing responsibility for working with personnel; providing a personal example for leaders, organizing training for them in the theory and practice of educational work; implementation of best practices;

Strengthening the influence of the main departments and departments of the central apparatus of the Ministry, sectoral services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate in resolving issues of organizing work with local personnel; overcoming among some heads of structural units the underestimation of the importance of educational work with people as the most important factor in increasing the efficiency of the operational activities of internal affairs bodies;

Improving the organization and style of work of personnel and educational apparatuses, their interaction with other departments, the own security service; increasing the level of professionalism of educational staff; eliminating cases of unjustified transfers to equivalent positions in other services; bringing the organizational and staffing structure and number of these apparatuses in accordance with the functions and tasks assigned to them, and the volume of activity; formation of a psychological service in internal affairs bodies and divisions;

Increased attention to the activities of deputy chiefs (commanders) for personnel directly responsible for organizing educational work: ensuring their training and retraining, advanced training; preventing cases of assigning responsibilities to them that are not directly related to the assigned area of ​​activity;

Intensifying the work of positively proven public amateur bodies - courts of honor, officers' meetings, veterans' councils, women's councils, etc. and using their capabilities in the professional and moral education of personnel, strengthening the moral and psychological climate in service teams.

At the level of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Internal Affairs Directorate in transport and sensitive facilities, the educational function is assigned to departments, departments for working with personnel (educational work), which are part of the personnel departments (departments) of the relevant apparatus of the internal affairs bodies.

The staffing levels and organizational and staffing structure of these departments (branches) are determined taking into account standard models and within the limits of standards and staffing limits established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In most of them, divisions (departments, groups) have been created, similar to those that exist in the Directorate of Educational Work of the Main Directorate of Criminal Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The activities of departments (departments) for working with personnel (educational work) are voluminous and multifaceted and are similar to what was discussed above. Therefore, we will dwell only on the most important forms of their activity.

2. Planning educational work in internal affairs bodies

2.1. The role of planning in organizing educational work in

Educational apparatus develops and submits for consideration to the boards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate programs and long-term action plans to intensify educational work with personnel.

A long-term program for the implementation of the Concept of Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has been approved in the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Saratov, Kursk, Lipetsk regions and other subjects of the Federation. At the same time, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Magadan Region operates a specialized program “Improving the moral and psychological climate in service teams, increasing the role and responsibility of management at all levels in matters of strengthening discipline and legality among personnel”; at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Voronezh Region - "Comprehensive program to strengthen discipline and the rule of law for 1999-2000."

In the Ulyanovsk region, along with a long-term plan for working with ATC personnel, it is practiced to draw up annual plans for working with personnel in leading services. Such plans include: identifying employees responsible for organizing work with personnel, analyzing its effectiveness; the creation of our own certification commissions, designed to relieve the Central Attestation Commission from resolving minor issues; holding departments, departments and services of their own “personnel days” and other events.

At the initiative of the educational apparatus of directorates and personnel departments, the most pressing issues of working with personnel are brought up for consideration by collegiums and operational meetings, preparation for which is often carried out in cooperation with other interested services of ministries and departments. At meetings of the boards, as a rule, the most typical problems are discussed: “On the practice of using rooms for educational work, rituals and traditions of internal affairs bodies in working with personnel” (Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate), “On a set of measures aimed at preserving and strengthening psychological and physical health of employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Belgorod Region"; “On the ongoing work with employees who require increased attention and control” (Voronezh Regional Internal Affairs Directorate); “On the state of interaction between the internal affairs bodies of the Saratov region and veteran organizations and measures for their future development”; “On violations of discipline, strengthening the rule of law among personnel and measures to prevent them” (Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ivanovo region), etc.

2.2. Types of plans reflecting personnel and educational

work in the police department and their content

Much attention in many Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate are devoted to regulatory, legal, information and methodological support for educational activities in internal affairs bodies. Almost everywhere, regulations on departments (departments) for working with personnel (educational work) and their structural units have been developed and approved by the relevant managers.

The most important regulatory document regulating the organization of work with personnel, defining the main directions, priority forms and methods of educational work, the participation in it of various categories of management personnel, everywhere became the Plan for the Implementation of Decisions of the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 1998, which approved the Concept of Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia for the near future, the requirements of Directive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 1 of June 19, 1996.

A significant place in the activities of educational apparatuses is occupied by the preparation of methodological recommendations to the organizers and participants of the educational process, which, according to their scientific level, can be divided into two groups.

The first group includes recommendations prepared by departments (departments) of educational work together with researchers, teaching staff of scientific and educational institutions. They are the result of the scientific development of a specific practical problem of organizing work with personnel and, in their content, are, as a rule, significant and scientific documents, the introduction of which into the practice of internal affairs bodies leads to positive results.

The second group is the independent generalization by the educational apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate of the accumulated experience on the ground and, on this basis, the issuance of practical recommendations to the subjects of the educational process. The topics of such recommendations are very multifaceted:

The rights of managers in material incentives and material restrictions for employees of internal affairs bodies;

Organization of work with personnel in order to counter various forms of extremism;

Forms and methods of individual educational work with various categories of personnel;

Organization of mentoring in internal affairs bodies;

Design of visual propaganda, educational work rooms;

Organization of the work of revenge courts;

Suicide prevention;

Organization of educational work with employees of high-risk groups;

Improving the heroic-patriotic education of personnel;

Organization of legal protection for employees;

Organization of educational work with personnel in conditions of service under the enhanced version;

Psychological preparation of personnel to perform service and operational tasks in extreme conditions.

Personnel departments (departments) pay great attention to the development and publication of information materials both for employees and for supervisors and educators. In some I Ministry of Internal Affairs and Internal Affairs Directorates, such materials are published in the form of leaflets, in others - in the form of information bulletins on working with personnel (educational work), in others - collections of normative documents, individual brochures, and practical recommendations.

Thus, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Murmansk Region issued a Memo to employees involved in maintaining public order during the election period. The Internal Affairs Directorate of the Magadan Region uses small format instructions. “The use of physical force, special means and firearms by the police”, “Police activities and the rights of citizens”. The Main Department of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region annually publishes information and methodological materials for leaders of public and state training groups. The Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Orenburg, Kostroma, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and a number of other regions periodically publish information bulletins on work with personnel. A number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate have published collections of regulations on the issues of social protection of employees of internal affairs bodies, recommendations on psychological support for official activities, brochures, leaflets on the culture of behavior and treatment of citizens and other information and methodological materials.

The educational staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate practice the compilation of reviews and analytical reports on various areas of work with personnel. They outline a fairly wide range of issues and problems of this activity, for example; on the state of transport discipline among personnel; on legal protection of personnel; on the results of studying public opinion on the activities of the police, the moral and psychological climate in service teams; on organizing work with young employees; about the actions of employees in extreme conditions, etc.

It is necessary to note this type of information and analytical document, which highlights the positive experience of educational work among personnel. At the local level, the subject of study, generalization and implementation of best practices are the most pressing problems of personnel education, in particular: only in 1999, in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Lipetsk Region, the positive experience of the deputy commander of the riot police for personnel, police lieutenant colonel V.S., was generalized and disseminated. Ruleva, in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Voronezh Region - the experience of the Ostrogozhsky GROVD psychologist A.I. Pomogalova, in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Chita Region - the experience of the work of the council of mentors of the Ingodinsky District Department of Internal Affairs, in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Murmansk Region - the work of women's councils.

An important area of ​​activity of educational staff is their participation in comprehensive inspections of internal affairs bodies and departments, conducting control and targeted checks of the state of work with personnel, and compliance with the requirements of departmental acts. During inspections, educational staff provide practical and methodological assistance to the inspected managers, conduct instructive seminars and demonstration classes, participate in the development of plans for eliminating deficiencies and implementing proposals for improving educational work. In addition, positive experience in training personnel, strengthening discipline and the moral and psychological climate in teams is identified and generalized.

A comprehensive inspection of city district agencies and units, carried out in 1999 at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Voronezh Region, made it possible to study the leadership style, professional level, and organizational abilities of heads of agencies and units, and to evaluate the role of deputy heads of personnel agencies in the official and operational activities of internal affairs bodies in the new conditions. Based on the results of the inspection, specific recommendations were made.

Another current area of ​​activity for educational apparatus is their participation in the preparation of combined detachments sent to “hot spots” in Russia. As a rule, it includes: I

Selection of persons sent to a zone of extreme conditions using special methods, including psychological testing with subsequent issuance of recommendations (psychological passports) to detachment commanders for conducting targeted individual educational work;

Training of secondees, which, as a rule, is carried out permanently in the training centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate according to a specially developed program, uses the capabilities of military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense in a number of places. Special instructions for actions in emergency situations are developed and issued to travelers; all of them are supplied with topographic maps of the emergency area;

Unconditional provision of personnel for combined detachments; located monetary and clothing allowances, personal protective equipment, and families - state-established benefits and compensation, and upon return, material assistance is provided, including at the expense of sponsors;

Maintaining constant communication between units located in the emergency zone and sent bodies and units, as well as relatives of employees. As a rule, for subjective coverage in the media of the progress of the combat mission by combined detachments, as well as informing the families of employees, representatives of the press centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate are sent to the zone of special conditions;

Providing moral and psychological support to personnel *during service in special conditions. In this regard, the most effective form is the trips of delegations to “hot spots” to present state awards to distinguished soldiers, transfer parcels to relatives and friends, humanitarian aid from colleagues, video recordings of appeals from parents, wives, children, and colleagues. According to business travelers, such meetings have a positive impact on strengthening the moral and psychological state of personnel. This is exactly how the fighters of the combined detachment of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Bryansk Region assessed the arrival in 1999 of the head of the Department V.A. in the combat zone in the North Caucasus. Fesunov.

It is necessary to keep in mind that the moral and psychological state of business travelers largely depends on their emotional mood. Therefore, it is absolutely correct to act in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Altai Territory, Bryansk, Yaroslavl regions, where ceremonial rituals are held in connection with the farewell and meetings of employees participating in combat operations in zones of armed conflicts.

The effectiveness of the educational process in internal affairs bodies and departments directly depends on a number of circumstances. On the one hand, a significant reserve for improving the activities of educational apparatuses is to bring their organizational structure and staffing levels in line with the tasks assigned to them and the volume of activities. At the local level, the above problem is solved by introducing into practice the experience of private security and the state fire service, which have created educational and personnel apparatuses (departments, groups) in the largest units, introducing positions of deputy heads of criminal police units, public security police in large city regional internal affairs agencies by personnel.

On the other hand, in a number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate, new Forms of work have been tested, intensifying the activities of educational apparatuses, increasing the level and state of work with personnel. Thus, in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a monthly summing up of the results of educational work among city district authorities has been established; in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, an annual review is carried out (based on a special regulation) on the best organization of work with personnel among city district authorities, combat units, and fire departments.

In the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ulyanovsk region, teams of internal affairs bodies use such a form of educational work as “personnel days.” During their preparation and implementation, a number of organizational issues were resolved. Firstly, their legal status in the system of forms of work with personnel has been established. Secondly, such events began to be planned for a quarter with a mandatory preliminary check of the issue submitted for discussion or hearing. Thirdly, they were carried out in teams of bodies and divisions under the strict control of employees of the personnel and educational apparatus of the Internal Affairs Directorate and with their active participation.

At the same time, time-tested forms and methods still remain in the arsenal of organizational activities to intensify educational work, including such as hearing reports from educational staff at operational meetings, their regular and extraordinary certification.

In the organization of educational work, sociological research has become widespread to study the personal opinions of employees of the GROVD, combat units, which make it possible to identify factors that negatively affect the state of service training and discipline, the formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in teams. The research results are subsequently used in preparing materials for board meetings and operational meetings.

During 1998-1999 A comprehensive study of personnel was carried out at the Transbaikal UVDT. The result of this work was considered at a meeting of the board, where a long-term plan for improving the moral and psychological climate in bodies and departments was adopted.

These are the main directions of activity of the educational apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate and the most common forms of their work.

2.3. Participation of the head of the internal affairs department in planning educational

work and its implementation

In any business, success is predetermined by people, their professional preparedness, ability and desire to work efficiently and strictly fulfill the functional duties assigned to them.

In this regard, the head of the internal affairs body, in order to increase the productivity of operational and official activities, must, first of all, establish a system of work with personnel, improve the professional and moral qualities of employees, strengthen discipline and the rule of law.

Directive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 1 of June 19, 1996 on the radical improvement of work with personnel instructs the management of internal affairs bodies to “consider carrying out daily work with subordinates as part of management activities, a priority area that has a direct impact on the final results in strengthening law and order and the fight against crime. Particular attention is paid "to the state of work with personnel in the main link of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system - the city district internal affairs agencies.

Sociological studies have shown that any experienced leader spends 60-70% of his time working with people. At the same time, from the assessments of subordinates it is clear that only one out of five managers has high educational qualities.

The main methods of educational influence of a leader on an individual and a team are: firstly, the word (the ability to clearly, convincingly, convincingly and emotionally convey an idea, task, information to employees); secondly, the ability to combine what is expressed with practical implementation in practice, i.e. in business; thirdly, the personal example of the boss in all areas of his activity - service, compliance with the requirements of discipline and legality, standards of professional ethics, disciplinary practice, care for subordinates, etc.

In the most general form, the requirements for the personality of the leader-educator are as follows;

a) the presence of certain theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy, individual and collective psychology, social psychology, knowledge of effective forms and methods of collective and individual work with employees;

b) the ability to practically organize the educational process in a service team;

c) high moral culture for establishing personal informal relationships with subordinates and members of their families, resolving interpersonal contradictions and conflicts;

d) the ability to draw correct educational conclusions from the emerging relationships in the team of an organ or unit.

Responsibility for the state of work with personnel, compliance with discipline and legality by the personnel of the city district internal affairs agency is assigned to the head. His direct official responsibilities include organizing and conducting work with personnel and participating in the education of subordinates.

The leading role of organizer of all work with personnel belongs to the first head of the internal affairs body. The chief solves problems related to the education of personnel through the deputy for personnel, personnel and educational apparatus, heads of services and departments. In working with personnel, he also relies on public associations of employees operating in the internal affairs body.

The participation of a manager in the education of subordinates is carried out in three main areas: the organization of direct educational work and personal participation in it, caring for subordinates, and the creation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team.

The algorithm for the activities of the head of the internal affairs agency in organizing a targeted educational process includes:

Analysis of the moral and psychological climate in the team, the state of discipline and legality among employees and the adoption of comprehensive measures to strengthen them, including the systematic planning of this work;

Ensuring the participation of all heads of services and departments in the education of subordinates by identifying priority tasks at a specific time stage; presenting them to subordinate managers; organizing their training in methods of educational work, the basics of pedagogy and psychology; monitoring the condition and effectiveness of work with personnel; regularly hearing reports from subordinate superiors and commanders at operational meetings;

Organization of individual educational work with personnel with the help of targeted leadership and control over its implementation by subordinate managers, as well as personal participation in it, primarily with their deputies, heads of services and departments;

The use of mentoring in the professional and moral formation of the personality of a young employee. The head of the internal affairs body, together with his deputy for personnel, must assign a mentor to each young employee by order, organize their training, monitor their work, hear reports from mentors, and reward the best of them for effective work in preparing new recruits;

Taking measures to create a system for employees to comply with discipline and the rule of law. This is one of the most important tasks of a manager at any level of management, for which, in accordance with the requirements of departmental regulations, their personal responsibility is provided;

Implementation of measured and reasonable disciplinary practices. The right to reward and punish subordinates is an effective educational tool in the hands of the boss. Encouragement promotes the development of activity and initiative of employees, stimulates their self-confidence, and discipline increases the responsibility of subordinates for the results of their performance, maintaining order and discipline. Types of incentives and disciplinary sanctions, the procedure for their application, the rights and responsibilities of superiors in applying incentives and imposing penalties are regulated by the Regulations on Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation and the Instructions for its Application. The head of the internal affairs body is not only obliged to be guided by these requirements, but also to ensure their strict compliance with subordinate heads of services and units. He is given the right to cancel, mitigate the penalty announced by subordinate managers, or impose a more severe penalty within his competence; - organizing informing personnel on issues of domestic and foreign policy of the state, trends in the development of the socio-political and socio-economic situation in the country, changes in current legislation, new legal and departmental regulations, the state of operational activities and personal participation in it; - planning and conducting various educational activities. The head of the internal affairs body takes care of creating conditions for their implementation and promotes the introduction of new, effective forms of educational work. Participation in ceremonial rituals, professional skill competitions, and various cultural, sports and recreational events is also of great educational importance. The formation of high professional and moral qualities in personnel is positively influenced by professional training, the organization of which in internal affairs bodies is the responsibility of the head. The order of the internal affairs body determines the procedure for organizing and conducting classes on current service, physical and combat training, approves the schedule of classes, forms and methods of instructing group leaders, monitoring the conduct of classes, and the progress of employees. The first manager, as a rule, personally took part in conducting classes with employees enrolled in the personnel reserve for promotion, with young employees. In all this, special attention is paid to increasing the effectiveness of the educational impact of all types of classes;

Interaction with public organizations and public amateur bodies - courts of honor, councils of mentors, veterans, trade union organizations, various associations (participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, internationalist soldiers, etc.). The latter, with a well-functioning system of interaction, make a significant contribution to the education of personnel.

It must be borne in mind that in accordance with the current regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the head of the body directs the activities of the courts of honor and mentor councils. He approves their work plans, directs the efforts of these formations to strengthen the discipline, education of employees, and improve their professional skills. Timely informs the active public about the tasks facing the team and the moral and psychological climate in it. Provides assistance in carrying out events (ensuring the attendance of personnel, providing premises, transport, etc.), takes into account their opinion when working with personnel.

The most important area of ​​activity of the head of the internal affairs agency, which directly affects the effectiveness of educational work, is taking care of personnel. This goal includes, first of all, ensuring social and legal protection of personnel. Particular attention is paid to employees who have become disabled or injured while performing official tasks, as well as to the families of deceased employees. At the same time, it must be taken into account that in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia N 426 -1996, demand has been increased from those managers who do not pay due attention to this issue.

In his daily practical activities, the head of the body takes all measures to create the necessary conditions for the work and life of employees: the construction and repair of office premises, the opening of rest rooms for duty personnel, the operation of gyms and shooting ranges or their rental, the organization of full provision of personnel with all types of allowances, in accordance with the law, facilitates the provision of housing to employees, the full implementation of social benefits, guarantees and compensation.

This area of ​​activity also covers the creation of the necessary conditions for advanced training of personnel, study by employees in evening and correspondence educational institutions.

No less educational charge is carried by the decisions made by the head of the body on personnel matters: reassignment of employees, promotion to higher positions, inclusion in the reserve for promotion, submission of the next special ranks for the assignment of justifications for their delay, certification of personnel.

The manager’s activities to create a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team include seven main areas:

1. Formation of correct service relations, which ensures the full manifestation of the three statuses of each employee;

Civil - respect for his personal rights, public dignity guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation;

Official - a clear regulation of the rights and responsibilities of an employee, using him in accordance with his qualifications, a fair assessment of business and personal qualities, because in practice, the less perfect the assessment system, the less employees develop the energy of the day and the more they spend it on the “approach” to to the boss;

Personal - ensuring recognition in the team, satisfaction with one’s informal relationships in the team.

2. Formation of public opinion, which, like a regulator of people’s behavior, is used by the leader as a means of eliminating backward and harmful group and individual views and sentiments for the common cause.

3. Creating a positive emotional and psychological mood in the team.

The personal moods of employees, as a rule, depend on: determining for each of them the immediate and long-term prospects in their work activities, satisfying pressing interests and needs, clear organization of service, creating an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support; absence of rudeness, tactlessness, rudeness in interpersonal relationships.

In this regard, it is necessary to always remember that, according to sociological research, for every minute of conflict due to the rudeness and tactless behavior of the manager, there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences for each subordinate, during which, naturally, no work goes well.

4. Formation and development of traditions, which, according to A.S. Makarenko, are the social glue for the team, holding it together into a single whole.

5. Stimulation and motivation of professional activities.

6. Personal example, which manifests itself in compliance with laws, organization and discipline. He must combine efficiency and exactingness with attentive and sincere communication.

In order to master the art of communication with people, a manager must respect the personal dignity of his subordinates, know the characteristics of their character and temperament, be restrained, patient, attentive and tactful, have diverse interests and high professionalism. Subordinates appreciate the leader’s simplicity of communication, but do not forgive a primitive and simplified approach to themselves.

7. Reliance in educational work on public associations of employees.

In creating a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team, the organization of legal assistance to employees held accountable for actions in the performance of official duties or injured during service is essential.

The chief carries out all work with personnel in the internal affairs body, relying on the assistance of his deputy for personnel, who, by virtue of his official status, is called upon to professionally organize and conduct educational work with employees. An approximate list of the main functional responsibilities of the deputy head for personnel in the field of educational work is determined by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia N 420 -1993. These include:

Analysis of the qualitative composition of personnel and a comprehensive study of them in practice;

Organization of professional training of personnel and own participation in conducting classes;

Organization of personnel certification;

Analysis of the state of discipline and legality, preparation of proposals to strengthen them;

Taking measures to implement the rights and guarantees of social protection of personnel;

Organization and conduct of educational, cultural, educational, sports and recreational work among employees;

Knowledge of the needs and identification of measures to improve the living conditions and activities of personnel based on studying the requests and sentiments of employees;

Establishing and strengthening connections with public associations, labor collectives, and the media;

Reviewing letters, complaints and statements about the activities and behavior of employees, receiving subordinates, as well as citizens on issues related to working with personnel, and taking measures to eliminate identified deficiencies.

The deputy head of personnel plans his work on developing high professional and moral qualities among employees, mobilizing them to increase the effectiveness of operational activities, strengthening the moral and psychological climate, discipline and legality among personnel in a special section of the work plan of the body as a whole. It, along with measures to improve the quality of personnel, improve the selection of candidates for service, retain personnel, improve their professional skills, form a reserve for promotion and organize work with it, includes specific measures to implement the guidelines of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on working with personnel; organizing and conducting individual educational work, mentoring; strengthening discipline and legality among personnel; state legal information and conducting classes in the system of public and state training; organization of professional-moral and heroic-patriotic education; ensuring cultural leisure and development of physical education and health work among personnel; interaction with public associations; ensuring social and legal protection of employees and members of their families.

In carrying out planned activities, the deputy head of personnel relies primarily on the commanding staff, who subordinate to them employees, mentors, heads of public amateur bodies and public organizations, which can rightfully be called the teaching staff of the city district authority. The deputy provides them with assistance, achieves unity, consistency and continuity in educational work. Teaches them (especially junior management) the practice of organizing various events, the use of certain forms and methods of individual cultural, educational and mass sports work, instills in educators responsibility for the assigned work, and guides their self-education and self-development.

The deputy head of the internal affairs body for personnel pays the main attention in his activities to the heads of services and divisions. It is their daily activities in educating subordinates that largely determine the effectiveness of solving operational and official tasks, the state of the moral and psychological climate, the level of discipline and legality among personnel.

a) determining the goals and objectives of educational work for each head of the service or unit, developing and communicating to them clear criteria for assessing the level of educational work in the unit;

b) analysis of the level of education of various categories of personnel, employees of individual services and units, identifying the causes of and ways to overcome failures in educational work;

c) planning educational work with management staff;

d) instructing heads of services and departments on the organization and conduct of educational work with subordinates, providing them with the necessary methodological and practical assistance, creating the necessary conditions to ensure their successful educational activities;

e) organization and implementation of training for management personnel in the methodology of conducting educational work, the basics of pedagogy and psychology, and improving their pedagogical skills;

f) organizing the exchange of experience between superiors and commanders in training and educating subordinates, studying and disseminating positive experience in this activity;

g) bringing information to managers about the state of affairs in the team, about the requirements of the governing documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on educational work, conducting interviews with this category of officials on their knowledge and implementation;

i) carrying out systematic monitoring of the educational work of the heads of services and departments (especially individual), organizing the hearing of reports from managers with subordinates at operational meetings with the head of the internal affairs body, keeping records of the results of this activity;

j) making proposals to the head of the body on the validity of the disciplinary practices of the management staff.

The means and forms of educational work that can be used by the management of services and departments are very diverse. Among them are:

Carrying out individual educational work with subordinates in various forms. At the same time, special attention is paid to persons prone to committing misconduct, having omissions in their official activities, and young employees;

Careful selection of mentors, their instruction, assistance in educating and training young employees, monitoring this work;

Systematic monitoring of the activities of subordinates and the optimal use of disciplinary measures against them;

Conducting classes in the system of public and state training;

Giving lectures, conversations, reports on various problems of official activity, strengthening discipline and legality, compliance with professional and moral standards of the Code of Honor;

Providing assistance to subordinates in resolving various issues of official and social activities, ensuring the necessary working and living conditions.

The priority direction for improving operational and service activities, strengthening discipline and the rule of law in internal affairs bodies is training managers at all levels in the forms and methods of training employees and organizing work with personnel.

A number of directions and forms of training for management personnel have been tested locally in the internal affairs bodies, meeting the realities of the modern period and the requirements of the governing documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Among them, first of all, we can name the organization of permanent seminars for management personnel on the problems of educating subordinates, organizing their social and legal protection, and strengthening the moral and psychological climate in teams. Such seminars (schools) have different names and cover various categories of management personnel (including deputy heads of internal affairs bodies for personnel). Their main purpose is to train students in the most effective ways, means and methods of training employees, to familiarize them with scientific recommendations and positive experience in this field.

During the course of a year alone, in the Voronezh Region Internal Affairs Directorate, heads of 5-7 services are trained in similar seminars, in the Vladimir Region Internal Affairs Directorate - up to 20 one-time seminars with various categories of leaders (from heads of agencies to junior commanders of combat units), during which issues are examined in detail individually -educational work, moral and psychological training, social and legal protection of employees. Due to regional specifics, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug organizes semi-annual training and methodological gatherings for the management staff of city regional internal affairs agencies. At the end of the training camp, students take tests and standards for combat, service and physical training, the results of which directly affect the establishment of official salaries for these individuals. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Komi Republic, managers are trained directly in the body, institution, or department of internal affairs. For this purpose, working groups are formed from the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to travel and conduct on-site instructional and methodological classes with managers, including on mastering effective methods of training personnel. The efforts of the management of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ulyanovsk region are directed towards the implementation of the “training of educators” system. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the training of middle managers - heads of departments, guards, posts, commanders of combat units, as well as active members of public associations of internal affairs officers.

An important form of work aimed at training managers in methods of educating subordinates is the internship of newly appointed heads of bodies (institutions) and their deputies for personnel in departments (departments) for working with personnel (educational work) of the personnel apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Internal Affairs Directorate, and Internal Affairs Directorate.

Some Ministries of Internal Affairs and Internal Affairs Directorates have introduced a procedure for taking exams on a personal computer for those newly appointed to the position of head of the internal affairs agency on their knowledge of regulations in working with personnel, forms and methods of training employees, in others such tests are accepted not only from persons who completed the internship, but also periodically from the entire management team.

An effective direction of working with managers is to increase their role and responsibility for the level of education of subordinates in the team. Organizational activities to resolve this issue are implemented through:

a) introducing into the functional responsibilities of managers at all levels provisions on personal participation and responsibility for the state of educational work among subordinates.

In almost all the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate, similar additions and clarifications have been made to the job descriptions and functional responsibilities of management at all levels. Thus, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory slightly changed the criteria for assessing the activities of the head of the body (institution). The manager was not blamed for a large number of disciplinary sanctions in the subordinate team in the event that violations were identified by the management of the body, corrective measures were taken for them adequate to the offense and, at the same time, no emergency incidents were allowed among the personnel due to the fault of the employees, and the number of gross disciplinary violations, including cases of drunkenness;





Head of the Department

criminology and psychology

police major

T.A. Khabibullin


by academic discipline


on topic No. 2

“Pedagogical foundations of education and training

Department of Internal Affairs employees"

specialty 030501.65 Jurisprudence

Time – 2 hours

The lecture was prepared by Associate Professor of the Department of Criminology and Psychology, Police Colonel, Ph.D. L.V. Safronova

Discussed and approved

at a department meeting

Purpose of the lecture: consider the categories of education and training of employees as the most important factor in the formation of personality, consider the essence and content of the process of education of personnel in the internal affairs department and the content and features of the process of training of employees of internal affairs bodies, as well as the characteristics of the main forms and methods of education of personnel, principles, forms and methods of training personal composition of internal affairs bodies and legal education in the learning process.

Didactic materials for the lecture:

Computer graphics, diagrams, slides.



    Levitan K.M. Legal pedagogy: textbook / K. M. Levitan. – M.: Norma, 2008.

    Mukhametshin F.B., Safronova L.V. Introduction to pedagogy: A textbook for adjuncts. – Ufa: UUIM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2006.

    Legal pedagogy: Textbook for universities / Ed. V.Ya. Kikotya and others - M.: UNITY-DANA, Law and Law, 2004.


    Iskhakov E.R., Bagishaev Z.A. Professional pedagogy: Textbook. – Ufa: UUIM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2006.

    Kodzhaspirova G.M. Pedagogical dictionary: For students. higher and Wednesday textbook establishments // G.M. Kodzhaspirova, A.Yu. Kojaspirov. – M., 2003.

    Reforming the system of educational work in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: Collection of materials for the educational and methodological collection of heads of apparatus on work with the personnel of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Krasnodar, March 31 - April 1, 2008) / Under the general. ed. V.L. Kubyshko. – M., TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2008.

    Safronova L.V. Personality: the problem of definition // Bulletin of the UUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 2006. No. 4. P. 65-72.

    Safronova L.V., Rakhmatullin R.Yu. Cultural sample as an element of culture: pedagogical aspect // Bulletin of the UUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. – 2007. – No. 3 – P. 56-62.

Lecture plan.

    The general concept of education as the most important factor in the formation of personality. The essence and content of the process of training personnel in the internal affairs department.

    Characteristics of the main forms and methods of training personnel.

    Principles, forms and methods of training police personnel.

    Legal education in the learning process.


In the field of law enforcement agencies, pedagogy has its own characteristics, content inherent in this branch of human activity and specific tasks in the field of education and features of the training process for police officers.

It’s good if law enforcement agencies employ impeccable employees who are well-mannered, love their job, dedicated to duty, responsible, diligent, cultured, etc., but a person changes over time under the influence of many factors. The life of law enforcement agencies convincingly confirms this. Therefore, the education and training of personnel must be viewed as an important positive factor.

Relevance is that the success of educational work is often determined by the ability to create a creative atmosphere in a team of police officers: to ensure that each employee works willingly, improves his skills, and improves the culture of interpersonal relations. Solving these problems is possible only with competent organization of educational work and the desire of employees to work on their improvement, training and development.

Theoretical and practical significance The lecture is that the professional activities of police officers are often associated with educational functions, in addition, working with law enforcement officers is also a process of developing and improving their social qualities, professional development, and sometimes the formation of new professionally important qualities.

Question 1. General concept of education as the most important factor in personality formation. The essence and content of the process of training personnel in the police department.

Back in the 16th century, the famous French thinker M. Montaigne (1533-1592) wrote: “The greatest and most important difficulties of human knowledge are encountered precisely in that section of science that deals with education and training.”

In modern science, the concept of “education” has several meanings. It is considered as:

Firstly, as a function of human society to transfer previously accumulated values ​​to new generations: knowledge, morality, work experience,

Secondly, this term refers to the social formation of personality. In this case, we mean the entire space that forms the personality, i.e. school, family pedagogy, environmental influence on the individual, the influence of a friendly environment, social institutions, the media, both in organized and pedagogically unorganized forms, their influence on the development of younger generations, the formation of their social experience.

Thirdly, there is a third interpretation of the concept of “education”. It leads directly to the professional activities of specialist teachers and is defined as managing the process of development of the student’s personality. From here a number of derivatives are formed: “educational process”, “educational work”, “methods of education”, “means and forms of education”.

In the activities of police officers, education is understood as a purposeful process of formation and improvement of the most important social and professionally important qualities of an individual as a citizen of society and a bearer of universal human values: spiritual, ideological, patriotic, humane, behavioral, moral, legal, cultural, labor, etc. Working with law enforcement officers is also a process of developing and improving their social qualities, professional development, and sometimes the formation of new professionally important qualities. Education in a police department is a continuation of the formation of citizens of society, which, by and large, is intended to accompany everyone’s entire life and be carried out always and everywhere. Celebrating it, pedagogy speaks of the upbringing of a person by all circumstances of life.

In relation to internal affairs bodies, education faces the following tasks:

Creation of a system of influences on the consciousness and behavior of employees. This system includes: civic, moral, legal, professional, aesthetic, economic and other education. The implementation of this system presupposes the mastery by police officers of a system of relevant knowledge in social sciences and the formation on this basis of a scientific worldview, moral convictions, and consciousness;

Organization of official and non-official socially useful activities of employees;

Ensuring correct official and non-official relations between managers (supervisors) and subordinates, between members of the team of employees;

Caring for the health of employees, developing their physical strength, satisfying their reasonable material and spiritual needs, strengthening their everyday life and family life;

Formation among employees of the need, desire and ability for self-education, comprehensive development of their personality, professional improvement, and team strengthening;

Pedagogization of the environment, i.e. organizing the environment for its formation in such a way that it has an educational effect on employees.

Features of the training process for police officers include:

Specific focus of education;

Implementation during education of moral and psychological preparation for actions in service conditions;

The objects of education are adults who already have established views and habits;

The education of police officers is carried out by immediate superiors, who are endowed with greater rights and powers;

Education takes place constantly in a team that has a special organization, statutory relationships, and a unique way of life.

Employee education is successful in conditions where a reasonable interaction of objective and subjective factors is achieved.

Subject Education in the internal affairs department is carried out by leaders of all categories, as well as teams of departments and services, and various public formations.

Specific in the activities of the head of the internal affairs body is that he must solve the tasks of training personnel in close connection with solving the problems of law enforcement activities, which often take place in a difficult operational situation with a shortage of time.

Educational activity is possible only if there is interaction between educators and those being educated, the establishment of mutual understanding between them, consistent with the goals of education. One of the important conditions for correct educational relations between the teacher and the student is taking into account the characteristics of the object of educational influence. What is specific to the object of education is that it is also a subject (subject to active work on its improvement).

Features of the organization of the education system in a law enforcement agency. The education system in a law enforcement agency includes five main areas of educational work:

– creation of a nurturing environment,

– ensuring the educational nature of law enforcement activities and its management,

– ensuring the educational nature of professional training in a law enforcement agency,

– the use of special general forms of educational work,

– stimulation of self-education.

Creating a nurturing environment is carried out through the correct construction of the management of the body, maintaining order, proper support, creating in the team a business atmosphere of responsibility for the state of law and order, a sense of cooperation and camaraderie, healthy public opinion, moral and psychological climate, the formation of healthy traditions and customs.

Ensuring the educational nature of law enforcement activities and its management is carried out by the individual work of everyone on its self-improvement, by example and help from work colleagues, seniors, mentors, bosses, by the use of pedagogical technologies by managers in the management process, by imparting an educational character to all forms of group discussion of ways to improve activities (meetings, discussions in groups, debriefings, summing up results, using incentives that increase conscientiousness in work, rewards and punishments, etc.).

Paths ensuring the educational nature of professional training in a law enforcement agency the use of evidence, verbal persuasion, suggestion, emotional influence, demands, assessments, approval, condemnation, motivation, persuasion by example and personal experience, encouragement for self-esteem and introspection, comparison, teamwork, competitive relations, organizing the provision of comradely assistance to those lagging behind, encouragement mutual support and revenue; the leader's display of fairness, benevolence, democracy, and personal exemplary passion for his work; differentiated and individual approach, self-study tasks with subsequent testing, individual assistance; simulating situations of failure of the first attempt to solve a problem, supporting those who are experiencing difficulties, advance trust and many others;

Application of special general forms of educational work It is intended to enhance the effect of its other directions, to supplement it with educational influences that are weak or applicable in them. This direction is implemented by holding meetings, discussions, lectures, meetings with the population, veterans, participants in military operations, organizing work with families, etc.

Stimulating self-education. Self-education is an indispensable element of the adult education system. No one can make a person what he stubbornly does not want to be. Self-education is the meaningful, purposeful work of a police officer to develop positive character traits, professional and business qualities and standards of behavior, determined by the personal and professional interests of the employee and the needs of society.

The unity and interrelation of education and personality development is a regularity of the education process. Its result—personal development—depends on quality education. In turn, the content, forms and methods of education depend on the level of general development of those being educated.

The basis of the educational process, the source of the formation of socially valuable personality traits, is activity and communication. The more expediently the activities of those being educated are organized that are useful to society, the more intelligently their communication is structured, the more effectively the educational process proceeds - this is its pattern.

The study of people, facts and patterns of upbringing as specific relationships allows us to consider the holistic process of upbringing as the totality of all educational relationships, determined by the goals of upbringing and the corresponding activities of its participants.

The pedagogical influence of educators on the pupils involves the purposeful organization of activity, communication, systematic and planned development of the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres. There are three main functions of interaction between educators and students:

1. The developmental function consists of developing the personality of the student in the process of interaction with the teacher.

2. Educational - in the implementation of educational goals regarding the individual and the group in which the individual is included.

3. Organizing comes down to the expedient construction of the activities and communication of those being educated, due to which these processes become means of the purposeful formation of teams and their members.

The process of education is carried out through direct (immediate) and indirect influence, based on principles, certain methods, techniques and means, in appropriate forms.

It can be argued that a pedagogically competent organized system of education, with all its specificity in a hard-working practical body, contributes to solving the problems facing the internal affairs department. Its creation is real, does not require any supernatural efforts and mainly depends on the responsibility, efficiency and pedagogical professionalism of its main subjects.

Conclusions on the first question. Education in a police department is a continuation of the formation of citizens of society, which, by and large, is intended to accompany everyone’s entire life and be carried out always and everywhere. Celebrating it, pedagogy speaks of the upbringing of a person by all circumstances of life.

The tasks of pedagogy are related to the pedagogization of the environment, i.e. organizing the environment of its formation in such a way that it has an educational effect on employees. These include: creating a system of influences on the consciousness and behavior of employees; organization of official and non-official socially useful activities of employees; ensuring correct official and non-official relations between managers (supervisors) and subordinates, between members of the team of employees, etc.

The education of police officers is carried out by immediate superiors, who are endowed with greater rights and powers. A specific feature of the activities of the head of an internal affairs body is that he must solve the tasks of training personnel in close connection with solving the problems of law enforcement activities, which often take place in a difficult operational environment with a shortage of time.

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patriotic education employee

1. Civic and patriotic education of police officers

The need for civic and patriotic education is due to the fact that the younger generation does not always have a stable social position. The crisis phenomena taking place in our society directly affect the spiritual and legal education of the younger generation.

Improving activities to develop civil-patriotic qualities of an individual should be guided by the interests of modern youth. Only then can this idea become a force that encourages children to accept and love the Fatherland.

By patriotic education of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is meant part of the general educational process, which is a systematic activity to form among personnel a patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, a willingness to conscientiously and selflessly fulfill their duty to protect the interests of the state and the rights of citizens. These qualities are professionally necessary for a modern internal affairs officer. Shortcomings in the education of personnel, which are the cause of numerous violations of official discipline, the rule of law, and malfeasance, are recognized today as one of the most significant problems hindering the improvement of the efficiency of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Significant efforts are being made by the heads of internal affairs bodies and educational apparatuses to radically improve the system of personnel education.

Veteran organizations are becoming more and more actively involved in this work. Thus, a seminar held at the Main Internal Affairs Directorate in Moscow by the activists of the public organization of veterans of internal affairs bodies on the topic “Patriotic education of young employees of internal affairs bodies” made it possible to coordinate the plans of veterans and heads of internal affairs bodies of the capital, and to intensify their interaction in educational work. A lecture group of 300 people has been created under the Veterans Council. 1,200 veterans are involved in practical service activities, providing assistance in the prevention and detection of crimes, and the professional and moral education of young employees. A lot of historical and educational work is carried out by veterans on the basis of museums and corners of the history of internal affairs bodies, club institutions of bodies and departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In most regions, they have become the basis for organizing patriotic events, where events dedicated to memorable dates in Russian history, lectures, and meetings are systematically held. The advanced experience of using the Internal Affairs Directorate Museum in the Orenburg Region for patriotic education has been approved for dissemination in all veteran organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. The cultural centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Main Department of Internal Affairs in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Samara, etc. can be called real centers of patriotic education.

Such mass forms of patriotic education as rallies, competitions, and festivals have proven themselves well. Thus, with the active participation of the regional council of veterans of internal affairs agencies and internal troops in the Kaliningrad region, annual gatherings of young employees began to be traditionally held. Also, annually there is a review of primary organizations of veterans of internal affairs bodies, a charity event “Day of Remembrance” and a number of other events. With the participation of the Council of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops of the Chuvash Republic, the Institute of Culture for employees of internal affairs bodies was created. A show of amateur performances with the participation of veterans was successfully held at the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Kurgan Region. Veterans and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan take part in the Victory Salute festival, a number of cultural and sports events of a patriotic nature.

Veterans' councils consider not only the personnel of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also students as objects of work on patriotic education. The rallies of patriotic associations at the police lyceum at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in the Perm Territory gained all-Russian fame. Veteran organizations are active in Moscow police colleges, St. Petersburg and Novocherkassk Suvorov schools, and school law classes. The veteran organization of the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia patronizes a number of Moscow schools.

2. Requirements for the subject of educational work

The subjects of the system of education of employees of internal affairs bodies and educational work in the Internal Affairs Directorate are: society, state institutions and agencies, local government bodies; mass media; various public organizations; families and close relatives of police officers; managers of all levels (both direct and immediate superiors of the personnel subordinate to them); deputy heads of personnel; personnel apparatus (and directly the bodies of educational work); headquarters, services, other governing bodies; military and labor collectives; practical psychologists, mentors, public amateur bodies. An important role in education belongs to the service team. Acting as the leading subject of education, the state sets federal educational standards and supports various forms of upbringing, education and development. From the above it follows that education is the purposeful activity of society, the state, their institutions and institutions, as well as individual educators to form the personality of a citizen (employee), meeting the needs of the time and encouraging a person to self-improvement. Education is a complex, multifaceted, dialectically developing process. Educational work in internal affairs bodies is the purposeful activity of managers of all ranks, personnel and educational apparatuses, public institutions to develop high civil, moral, psychological and professional qualities in employees, mobilize them for the successful implementation of operational and official tasks, strengthening the rule of law and official discipline . Understanding the role and place of all participants in the educational process, the interconnected elements of the system of educational work helps management personnel more accurately determine the functions and tasks of the subjects and assess their capabilities. Figuratively speaking, the head of the internal affairs department and his deputy for personnel must constantly remember that it is they who manage this system, “put all its elements into action” and can have a very tangible influence on the consciousness and behavior of personnel, provided that the means of educational work are used correctly, its various forms and methods. One of the main criteria in the educational process is the pedagogical technology of educational work, which is understood as a set of forms, methods, techniques and means of targeted educational influences and interactions of officials, taking into account the patterns and principles of education of police officers and guaranteeing the effective functioning of the education system as a whole.

The main constant requirements for a teacher are:

Love for teaching;

Availability of deep specialized knowledge in the subject being taught;

Wide general erudition;

Pedagogical intuition;

Highly developed intelligence;

High level of general culture and morality;

Professional knowledge of a variety of teaching and educational methods.


1. Methodology for conducting educational work with personnel of internal affairs bodies / V.M. Burykin, V.M. Shamarov. M., 2002.

2. Applied legal pedagogy: Textbook./ Ed. V.Ya. Kikotya and A.M. Stolyarenko. M., 2008.

3. Fundamentals of organizing educational work with personnel in internal affairs bodies: textbook / edited by. ed. doc. teacher Sciences, Dr. legal sciences, prof. V.Ya. Kikotya. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2009.

4. Legal pedagogy: Textbook / Ed. V.Ya. Kikotya and A.M. Stolyarenko. M., 2004.

5. Bakirova G. Personnel management training. M., 2004.

6. Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. St. Petersburg, 2001.

7. Kovrov A. Personnel loyalty. M., 2004

8. Maryin M.I., Budanov A.V., Borisova S.E. Prevention of professional deformation of the personality of an internal affairs officer. M., 2004.

9. Fundamentals of educational work in the Department of Internal Affairs: Album of schemes. Zhevlakovich S.S., Tikhomirov S.N., Tsvetkov V.L. M., 2003.

10. Fundamentals of work to strengthen official discipline and the rule of law in internal affairs bodies: textbook / edited by. ed. candidate of pedagogical sciences V.L. Kubyshko. - M., TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2008.

11. Pedagogy in the activities of the head of the internal affairs agency. / Ed. I.V. Gorlinsky. M., 2002.

12. Sokolova E.N. Moral and psychological training of law enforcement officers. Pedagogical aspect. Ed. V.Ya. Kikotya. M., 2005.

13. Batyshev A.S. Practical pedagogy for the beginning teacher. Mu., 2003.

14. Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. St. Petersburg, 2010.

15. Improving the work on professional and moral education of personnel of internal affairs bodies: a collection of materials from the All-Russian meeting of heads of bodies, divisions, institutions of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation / edited by. ed. doc. teacher Sciences, Dr. legal sciences, prof. V.Ya. Kikotya. - M.: TsOKR Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2008.

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Education has always been and is of a specific historical nature; it is closely related to the socio-economic, political, spiritual, moral and cultural state of society. The effectiveness of education in the conditions of the revival of democratic Russia and the solution of large-scale national tasks of social renewal is determined not only by how it ensures that a person assimilates original cultural values ​​and social experience, but also by the readiness and preparedness of citizens for conscious activity. Ultimately, the most important result of education is a person’s readiness for self-education and self-development. An active, comprehensively developed personality is the main resource for the further development of society, the state and its apparatus - the internal affairs bodies.

The creation of an effective pedagogical system for educating employees of internal affairs bodies has acquired a decisive character and has become a priority direction of the state personnel policy. This is explained, first of all, by the tasks facing the internal affairs bodies in the conditions of the turning point that Russia is experiencing today. In Art. 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, our state is defined as a legal state, and for it to actually become such, the education of the personnel must be impeccable, without which it is impossible to count on well-being in other areas of its functioning.

Under educational work In internal affairs bodies, the purposeful activities of managers, personnel and educational apparatuses, and public institutions are understood to develop high professional, civic and moral-psychological qualities among employees, increase the level of general culture, and mobilize them for the effective implementation of operational and official tasks.

In the general pedagogical understanding, education is a systemic, purposeful activity of the state and society, their institutions and institutions, administrative, industrial, public organizations and individuals to assist citizens in their social (political, legal, moral, cultural, etc.) personal growth in the interests of themselves and society (Stolyarenko A.M.).

Education (educational influence) on internal affairs bodies employees is carried out in specially created organizations (OU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation) and in organizations involved in it along with the performance of their official functions (OVD). Thus, we can say that education is a permanent process that continues throughout the entire period of the employee’s service.

In modern science, the concept of “education” has several meanings. It is considered as: 1) as a function of human society to transfer previously accumulated values ​​to new generations: knowledge, morality, work experience, 2) this term refers to the social formation of personality. In this case, we mean the entire space that shapes the personality (school, family pedagogy, environmental influence, the influence of friendly surroundings, social institutions, the media, etc.); 3) management of the process of development of the student’s personality. From here a number of derivatives are formed: “educational process”, “educational work”, “methods of education”, “means and forms of education”.

In the activities of police officers, education is understood as a purposeful process of formation and improvement of the most important social and professionally important qualities of an individual as a citizen of society and a bearer of universal human values: spiritual, ideological, patriotic, humane, behavioral, moral, legal, cultural, labor, etc. Working with law enforcement officers is also a process of developing and improving their social qualities, professional development, and sometimes the formation of new professionally important qualities.

Features of the training process for police officers include:

Specific focus of education;

Implementation during education of moral and psychological preparation for actions in service conditions;

The objects of education are adults who already have established views and habits;

The education of police officers is carried out by immediate superiors, who are endowed with greater rights and powers;

Education takes place constantly in a team that has a special organization, statutory relationships, and a unique way of life.

Upbringing - multifactorial process. It is necessary to take into account and use objective and subjective factors that influence the formation and development of an employee’s personality (see Fig. 2).

The correspondence of subjective factors to the objective conditions in which the employee’s personality is formed helps to successfully solve educational problems. Multifactoriality, as a feature of the educational process, lies in the fact that, firstly, self-education is a powerful factor influencing the individual, and secondly, the education of an employee is influenced by other factors, taking into account which is important when organizing and conducting educational work.

The following groups of factors influencing the education process are distinguished:

1. macroenvironmental factors (society) - through socio-economic relations; through ideology, morality, law; through the media.

2. Microenvironment (family, work team, friends...) through relationships; through public opinion; through group sentiments; through traditions, customs

3. Activity (through content; through conditions; through organization)

4. Education (self-education)

5. Biological factor (heredity factor) inclinations, inclinations

Rice. 2. Factors influencing the formation and development of personality.

It is necessary to create a relatively controlled “educational environment”, which represents set of microfactors– the immediate environment, living conditions and service of employees. These factors can be consciously influenced in order to change them and ensure a positive impact on the socialization of employees. Only taking into account the influence of these factors, the system of social education of employees in the city regional internal affairs agency becomes an integral system.

Microenvironmental factors can be represented in the form of certain characteristics of the conditions of service, including:

1) the level of organization of service in the city district internal affairs agency;

2) the socio-economic status of employees, the level of their salary;

3) the level of material and technical support for operational and service activities;

4) the level of information, computer and legal support for the activities of the city district internal affairs agency;

5) system of incentives and rewards for employees;

6) the state of the moral and psychological climate in the service team;

7) level of organization of cultural, leisure and sports spheres;

8) the nature of relations with local authorities;

9) the level of legal and social protection of employees.

With a favorable state or positive change in these microfactors (characteristics of the “educational environment”), more favorable conditions are created for the development and self-realization of the personality of a city district agency employee, the formation of professionally significant and moral qualities is accelerated and, ultimately, the effectiveness of official activities increases.

The education of employees of internal affairs bodies is carried out on the basis of the provisions of the Constitution, laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, charters, orders, directives and other regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Priority goals educational work are:

– formation in employees of internal affairs bodies of a complex of civil, moral, spiritual and other professionally significant personality qualities, determined by the needs and characteristics of operational and official activities;

– achieving a high degree of motivational readiness of personnel for the unconditional and high-quality performance of operational and service tasks, reliability and controllability in any situation; formation and maintenance of a healthy, stable moral and psychological state of personnel;

– training of employees capable of successfully solving the problems of law enforcement activities with strict adherence to official discipline and the rule of law, standards of professional ethics, and ensuring guarantees for the protection of human and civil rights.

The goals of educational work are achieved and implemented by solving the following tasks:

– formation of the state-legal worldview of employees of internal affairs bodies on the basis of statehood, patriotism, fidelity to the Oath, compliance with the norms of the Code of Honor of ordinary and commanding personnel of internal affairs bodies;

– mobilization of personnel of internal affairs bodies to successfully solve operational and official tasks, strengthening the rule of law and official discipline;

– ensuring a differentiated approach in organizing and conducting educational work with various categories of personnel, primarily the professional development and formation and development of the personality of young employees of internal affairs bodies;

– fostering respect for the history, culture, language, traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

– development of employees’ system of moral beliefs, value orientations, needs and motives for professional activity;

– education in employees of internal affairs bodies of the professional qualities necessary for the conscious performance of official duty, including in extreme conditions;

– formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in the teams of internal affairs bodies;

– using the capabilities of public organizations of internal affairs bodies in the field of educational work with personnel;

– instilling a culture of professional behavior and communication with people;

– formation of psychological stability of personnel to moral, mental and physical stress in the process of performing official duties;

– formation and support of a positive public opinion about the activities of internal affairs bodies, increasing the authority and prestige of the profession of an employee of internal affairs bodies, etc.

The currently functioning system of educational work with personnel of internal affairs bodies has an established structure - a certain set of elements and connections between them

The structure of educational work includes:

1) subjects of education, which include managers, personnel staff, mentors, public formations of the internal affairs body;

2) goals and objectives of educational work;

4) means of educational work;

5) forms of educational work;

6) methods of educational work;

7) the object of educational influence - the personality of an employee of the internal affairs body, certain categories of employees, the service team as a whole;

8) the results of educational influence - the formation of the necessary professional and moral qualities of the individual and value orientations, as well as the results of the operational and service activities of the team.

Subject Education in the internal affairs department is carried out by leaders of all categories, as well as teams of departments and services, and various public formations. Subjects of educational work in the city district internal affairs agency carry out targeted educational influence on the employee’s personality in the following areas:

– formation of a state-legal worldview;

– professional and moral education;

– legal education;

– developing the readiness and ability to resist the penetration of manifestations of nationalism, xenophobia, political and religious extremism into service teams;

– patriotic education;

– aesthetic education.

Specific in the activities of the head of the internal affairs body is that he must solve the tasks of training personnel in close connection with solving the problems of law enforcement activities, which often take place in a difficult operational situation with a shortage of time.

Educational activity is possible only if there is interaction between educators and those being educated, the establishment of mutual understanding between them, consistent with the goals of education. One of the important conditions for correct educational relations between the teacher and the student is taking into account the characteristics of the object of educational influence. What is specific to the object of education is that it is also a subject (subject to active work on its improvement).

The pedagogical influence of educators on the pupils involves the purposeful organization of activity, communication, systematic and planned development of the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres. There are three main functions of interaction between educators and students:

1. The developmental function consists of developing the personality of the student in the process of interaction with the teacher.

2. Educational - in the implementation of educational goals regarding the individual and the group in which the individual is included.

3. Organizing comes down to the expedient construction of the activities and communication of those being educated, due to which these processes become means of the purposeful formation of teams and their members.

The process of education is carried out through direct (immediate) and indirect influence, based on principles, certain methods, techniques and means, in appropriate forms.

A pedagogically competent organized education system, with all its specificity in a hard-working practical body, contributes to solving the problems facing the internal affairs department. Its creation is real, does not require any supernatural efforts and mainly depends on the responsibility, efficiency and pedagogical professionalism of its main subjects.

An important component of the success of the head of internal affairs bodies is knowledge of the principles of education and the ability to implement their requirements in practice. The principles of education are scientifically based pedagogical provisions that reflect its laws and express the requirements for the content, methodology and organization of the education process. The principles reflect advanced social and pedagogical ideas, norms, goals and values ​​of professional education. The principles as general fundamental provisions are equivalent; among them there are no major or minor ones. Therefore, they require complexity when used in the educational process.