Diamond wedding scenario. Example of a ready-made script for a diamond wedding anniversary Script for a 60th wedding anniversary

The couple celebrates their diamond wedding after 60 years family life. Very few married couples live to see this anniversary, much less retain their love. Even fewer spouses decide to celebrate a diamond wedding.

However, it is necessary to celebrate such dates, because it is no coincidence that this wedding anniversary is named after the most precious stone in the world.

The relationship between a husband and wife, which has lasted more than half a century, having lived both joyful and sad moments together, is like a diamond, more valuable than anything in the world.

Organization of a diamond wedding

The relationship between a man and a woman who have lived together for sixty years has become as strong as a diamond.

Diamonds have rounded edges, they are made up of many curved edges that intersect beautifully. There are pits, mounds, and drawings on the edges.

If we compare family life with a diamond, then we can say that the family life of the heroes of the day was not straight and easy. Failures and disagreements left their mark, but love also polished the edges, making them shimmer.

Ancient esotericists believed that diamonds were formed from the original elements: sky, air, water, earth, energy; they have magical properties.

Diamonds drive away enemies, protect from dangers, from complications during pregnancy, and bring all kinds of good luck.

Spouses who have maintained their union for more than half a century, thanks to their experience and wisdom, become excellent advisers in all life situations, teachers for their descendants, the spiritual force that unites the entire clan.

Example Scenario

Rhinestones will symbolize the stone after which the wedding is named, so you need to include them in the decor of the wedding table, as well as flower arrangements.

The main shades in the wedding decoration should be warm pastel colors - they are the ones that are successfully combined with the shine of rhinestone “diamonds”.

Family photographs in interesting photo frames, photo collages, slides and videos of family events on the big screen must be provided by the designers. There are no wedding anniversaries without such “decorations” of the hall.

Including musical accompaniment in the diamond wedding evening scenario is also not easy: over the course of 60 years, the musical preferences of two generations have changed!

The right decision would be to focus on the musical taste of the married couple. Bright modern compositions will come in handy at the end of the evening, during a festive disco.

All the closest relatives of the celebrants should be present at the 60th diamond wedding: daughters and sons, their children and their children’s children and, of course, the great-grandchildren of the celebrants.

Diamonds are, of course, given as gifts for a diamond wedding. Gold rings with diamonds should adorn the hands of the diamond “bride and groom” after their 60th wedding anniversary.

The 60th anniversary diamond wedding scenario assumes that the anniversary will be celebrated in the spirit of the times of the “main” - the “first” wedding 60 years ago.

There's a name for this throwback look: a retro wedding. It involves special decoration, a dress code for guests, cuisine, and entertainment. which were characteristic precisely of that time when the respectable “groom” and “bride” got married.

It is this idea - a retro wedding - that will allow the diamond “bride and groom” to remember their main celebration and feel at ease. This is exactly the scenario of a diamond wedding - reminiscent of them real wedding- will be the best gift from children and grandchildren.

However, if the family is very rich in children and there will be a lot of young guests at the diamond wedding, then the celebration scenario will have to include entertainment for them.

To deviate at this point from the given line of sight 60 years ago is not at all scary: clowning, fire shows, fireworks, and other modern entertainments will very successfully fit into the scenario of a diamond wedding evening, if there is a reasonable number of them.

Unfortunately, diamond wedding anniversaries are celebrated infrequently. Therefore, such events often attract the attention of people who are far from the life of a particular family - journalists.

The reports about family units celebrating their sixtieth anniversary are poignant to the core.

This date got its name for a reason. A diamond represents durability and reliability.

But before it became such a framed, faceted gem, it was a diamond that had undergone multiple treatments.

Diamonds and diamonds are the same thing. The only difference is appearance. Before cutting, a diamond is very inconspicuous, but once you put in the effort and time to cut the stone, it takes on a completely different appearance.

Stronger than a diamond relationship in a sixty-year marriage

If we draw an analogy between a diamond and family life, then in both cases effort and desire to achieve results are required. Spouses who have passed all life's tests together and have not deviated from the path can consider themselves the happiest people. Hence the great value for spouses - this is a rare anniversary.

Diamonds have a unique fame among the people. Both women and men dream about them.

It is believed that these are one of the most expensive stones, characterizing the stateliness and position of their owner. According to folk legends, they are able to protect their owner from quarrels, intrigues, and disagreements, bringing peace and comfort to life. They have the power to embody in the radiance of their facets tender love and admiration. No wonder this 60th wedding anniversary is called that.

Not every marriage reaches this date, so the sixtieth anniversary is rarely celebrated

This anniversary is not celebrated often. Therefore, there were no special traditions for this celebration. But one ritual has been preserved in many states to this day. On their wedding anniversary, the spouses write a message for their children and grandchildren and hide it in a safe place.

And it is allowed to read it when one of the descendants has been married for sixty years.

Each married couple independently decides what instructions they want to leave, perhaps simply describing their experiences and thoughts. Often, deeds of gift were attached to such letters and family secrets were revealed. In a number of countries, these messages are kept by lawyers in a documentary fund, awaiting the next anniversary.

Celebration organization

A diamond wedding is celebrated in a very specific way. And the scenario of this wedding event is special.

This is not a noisy feast, but rather the opposite, a quiet, calm evening in the company of loved ones.

A great opportunity for the younger generation to show their respect to their parents and the years they have lived together, to present a gift and congratulations.

Most often, spouses want quiet on this day. family holiday, but children and grandchildren can come up with an entertainment program

The guest list and seating order are compiled taking into account the age of the heroes of the day to avoid fatigue. The best option is if the spouses themselves draw it up. As a rule, over the long years of marriage, many friends have dropped out, leaving the closest ones surrounded. And the children should help with the wedding anniversary: ​​calling the guests, sending out invitations. The organization of the event should be concise.

In what format to celebrate the 60th wedding anniversary is up to the husband and wife to decide. Most often this is a family dinner or a relaxing tea party.

Children can help create a menu and write a script. Diamond wedding planners will have to try to combine intimacy and festivity. It is advisable that one of the close relatives be the host of the evening, since someone invited from the toastmaster may embarrass the elderly heroes of the day and their guests. In their own company, all invitees will be more relaxed. The anniversary scenario can be theatrical.

A simple tea party with homemade cakes would also be appropriate.

For example, an evening with the family by the fireplace - the family hearth. The celebrants are in the center and talk about their lives and love, what difficulties they had to overcome, and give advice to their children and grandchildren. Or another option, when the heroes of the occasion are seated on improvised throne-chairs. Crowns are placed on the heads of the husband and wife, and the royal couple - the king and queen - appears before the guests. The evening takes place in a solemn manner with humorous scenes.

It is better to draw up a scenario for the holiday with all your family together, remembering everything funny incidents from the life of the heroes of the day.

It makes sense to serve dietary dishes that are comfortable for elderly owners and their guests to chew. For drinks, give preference to good wine and soft drinks. And of course, what would a wedding be without a cake? To learn how to celebrate your parents' anniversaries, watch this video:

Competitions will help liven up the wedding evening, allowing young people to warm up and amuse the older half of the guests. A diamond wedding traditionally ends with a speech by the celebrants, which they may prepare in advance or simply say words of gratitude.

Anniversary gifts

Many guests often wonder what to give for a diamond wedding. The traditional gift for such an anniversary is rightfully considered Jewelry with a diamond.

Perhaps these will be rings with small stones or pendants.

Modern industry offers a wide selection of products, and you can choose a gift in any price range. Recently, guests have begun to buy common gifts. A gift from children in the form of their parents’ wedding rings encrusted with precious stones will be touching.

Practical household items are also given as gifts for the anniversary: ​​textiles (plaid, bed linen, tablecloth), household appliances (vacuum cleaner, TV), dishes, and other small items for household chores. It is worth noting various air humidifiers, nebulizers, ionizers, air purifiers, which the heroes of the occasion will certainly appreciate.

A family photo in a beautiful frame will touch the soul of the celebrants. And a whole photo album, made by hand, will immerse them in the memories of their youth. You can complement such a gift with poems or a song performed in honor of your 60th wedding anniversary.

Thoughtful decor of the hall where the celebration will take place will create the necessary atmosphere and mood of the evening. In the interior, it is better to resort to a retro style, reminding the celebrants of the times of their youth. These can be individual details: tablecloths, curtains, glasses, service from those years. To learn how to decorate a room with your own hands, watch this video:

Balloons, fresh flowers and garlands will add special romance to the room. Muted music, in the spirit of the 60s or classics, is appropriate. Dim lighting will complement the overall design.

Congratulations on the occasion

In old age, material benefits fade into the background; spiritual ones are more important. Therefore, it is very important to choose warm words for any gift, to express your caring attitude towards spouses and respect for marriage.

For so many years life together Having lived together, husband and wife have gone through a lot: quarrels and scandals, resentments and reconciliations.

At the same time, we found the strength to overcome them, learned to negotiate and compromise, and accept each other completely. The spouses, who have carried awe and care for each other, love and affection through the years, charm and inspire the younger generation.

Long-term marital unions are often compared to a swan couple

Congratulations on a diamond wedding should be simple and concise, since sometimes it is difficult for the heroes of the occasion to concentrate and understand the essence of the wishes. It is imperative to include regulations in the script to avoid overwork.

Congratulations written personally by the congratulator for the anniversaries are worthy of attention for the 60th wedding anniversary.

Unfortunately, not everyone has a creative streak, so you can use the poems of the classics. Congratulations on the diamond wedding from grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be appreciated: comic skit, dance of little ducklings, children's song “Congratulations.” From the photographs you can make a slide show accompanied by music from the youth of the heroes of the day. Such anniversary congratulations are touching.

A diamond wedding is a delightful celebration attended by all family and friends. Wedding celebration will strengthen family ties, allow you to improve relationships and forget old grievances, and provide unique emotions to all participants in the celebration for many years. Sixtieth anniversary - new stage in life. Anniversary celebration - excellent family tradition passed on from generation to generation.

Holidays are the best gift

This date is worth celebrating. The entire family clan and friends must show their respect, respect and admiration for the diamond pair. Therefore, the most valuable gift for the 60th wedding anniversary will be the organization of a celebration where the most important and beloved people of the anniversary will gather. Due to their age, it will be difficult for the spouses themselves to organize a celebration, but their children and grandchildren will be able to do it.

Inviting guests, choosing a venue, decorating the hall, ordering or preparing treats - all this is something that children should take on. It is best to divide the duties and responsibilities so that everyone does their own thing. The table can be decorated with compositions with shiny crystals.

The most important gift from those who are far from the couple will be coming to the holiday. No material gifts or sent congratulations can replace it. If the spouses would like to see one of their friends or distant relatives, you can surprise them and ensure that these guests arrive on the day of the celebration.

What to give your parents for their anniversary

In addition to organizing the holiday, you can give parents the following gifts:

  1. A trip to the sanatorium. Maintaining health and changing the environment at this age is simply necessary. If the parents’ health allows them to endure the journey, send them to one of the best hospitals abroad or in the North Caucasus. If you are worried about them, choose an establishment closer to home so that you can visit them.
  2. Journey. Those who do not like to sit still and can boast of good health will enjoy traveling. This could be a nostalgic trip to places of youth or to a place that the spouses dreamed of seeing.
  3. Family portrait. Ask the artist to depict your entire family, led by a couple. Such a gift will take its place of honor and will be looked at for long evenings.
  4. Wedding rings. Surely wedding rings anniversary heroes - thin strips of metal. You can give them to a jeweler and ask them to decorate them with diamonds and inlay them with small stones. This will symbolize the passage of a “diamond” milestone in the family’s history.

Remember that the most important thing for parents is the well-being of their children. And the best gift is time spent together. Invite your mother to the theater or dinner, and your father to a fishing or football match.

Celebration scenario

There are many options for the development of events during a significant wedding. You can create a diamond wedding script yourself, but it is not forbidden to use a ready-made sketch. Let's look at some ideas on how to celebrate your diamond anniversary.

The children and grandchildren of the spouses may well organize a small concert for the elderly, consisting of songs, poems, and funny skits. The mini-concert performances should be interrupted for snacks, during which it is necessary to honor the couple. It is also worth organizing some interesting games. A well-rehearsed concert will attract the attention of husband and wife, giving them joy and new impressions.

It would also be a good idea to organize a beautiful theatrical production, where the couple’s close people will act out the couple’s love story. Include in it the main moments of the couple's married life, such as dating, wedding, birth of children, travel, etc. In an improvised play, you need to take into account the place where the husband and wife met, be it school or college. The performance should end with congratulations from the characters in the play.

Wedding anniversary 60 years, diamond wedding

Diamond wedding - 60 years

After sixty years, a diamond or platinum wedding is celebrated
- a symbol of the diamond fortress of family ties. Diamond - stone
extraordinary purity and light, illuminates the path to family happiness,
an example of which is the life together of spouses celebrating this
The Diamond Wedding is truly a record-breaking date
married life, and accordingly, the symbol of this significant date
must be the most beautiful gem.
Despite all the difficulties and life problems, the couple maintained their relationship.
On this day it is customary to decorate the wedding rings of spouses.
diamonds, and you can give anything that will bring pleasure to the celebrants and
Diamond spouses have a lot to be proud of, and this anniversary is...
a wonderful occasion for a holiday with the whole family. Parents, children,
great-grandchildren and, perhaps, even great-great-grandchildren - no one on this day
will forget to congratulate family centenarians. Holiday, happiness and fun,
but not a word about age!
Only you can love like that
So that the feeling multiplies over the years,
And you know - love to prolong
You can only good deeds.
The feeling that the light gives us,
You managed to prove by deeds,
And now for sixty years
Your wedding day has flown by.

You deserve all the diamonds -
60 happy years
You passed easily, calmly,
Keeping the vow of love!
And today, congratulations
Happy great day to you,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Live together to be a hundred years old!

Wonderful story!
He has no equal in the world!
We counted at our leisure:
You've been together for five dozen years!
Even if you count
“One year – one carat”,
Each with a fortune,
It turns out he's rich!
But I won't waste an hour
In the bustle of crackling phrases -
Happy Diamond Wedding
I hasten to congratulate you!

Like a diamond in an expensive frame,
What is more valuable than any treasure,
Your union has been limited for years,
What did you share between the two of you?
We were in joy, happiness and sorrow,
We shared fun and work,
We wish you strength and health
To see how great-grandchildren grow up!

Six decades have passed
Like a young maiden in a white dress,
The groom, who was dressed in uniform,
He promised that there would be happiness
He said - and he was true to his word,
He carried his love through the years,
In the world he only loved her
And protected from bad weather
And today is the anniversary
We celebrate diamond weddings
Your faces are no dearer to us
More important and warmer than hugs.

The name of your union is diamond
You created it surrounded by love
Both the grandson and great-grandson will be happy today,
What kind of family did the gods reward you with?
Let your eyes not know your tears
From grief, failure and shock
And there will be happiness in life - how many stars,
And gentle, kind and sincere explanations.

This wedding is called a diamond wedding!
The most precious anniversary!
Everything passes, but remains with you
The one who is most valuable on Earth!
For 60 years you walked through life side by side,
We shared joy and sorrow together!
Let happiness be an endless waterfall
Flows into your hospitable home!

Congratulations on your diamond wedding
Diamond date!
Sixty wonderful years
Flew by unnoticed
But love is your amulet.
Leaning on each other
Understanding and enduring
You performed a miracle
Living together like this for a long time.
And today, on the wedding date
We wish you not to be timid
And probably so many more
Be together and have no regrets.
We hug with all our hearts
We are so happy for you!
Your feelings are so noticeable
In the gentle shine of your eyes

Congratulations on your 60th wedding anniversary
The anniversary sparkles with diamonds!
You've been together for sixty years already!
Today for loved ones, family and friends
You are the bride and groom again!
There is no more reliable couple in the world, dear.
We'll raise a glass to you!
We wish you happy and sunny days!
We will hug you tenderly and warmly!

Beautiful gem
Will cut through years and glass.
When family life beckons?
When you expect the best.
We wish you - let the edges of the spark
Your life will be illuminated like the dawn.
Let your heart remain pure
The anniversary is named so for good reason.
We wish you to remember the date
What a good day the light gave.
A day like this is like its own price
Beyond the sea of ​​laid out forces.

Diamond wedding - 60th wedding anniversary

You are exactly sixty today!
We congratulate you on your wedding day!
Let the years fly by like a bird,
We wish you good health.
Your age is not for ardent passion,
But we've come a long way together.
Now the most important thing is peace, participation,
And understanding is the essence!
Any year is good
And those in their youth, and these.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Live longer in this world!

Diamond wedding - 60.
This is worthy of admiration!
Your young ones will be surprised by your feelings:
You look and you smile involuntarily.
For so many years to understand each other,
To be together in joy and sorrow,
What fate has given me to humbly accept.
You are two captains of the sea in life!
May fate give you only happiness,
Joy and fun for many days.
You have long become an example for everyone,
May your anniversary inspire you.

You have lived together side by side for 60 years.
Your strong union has become an example for us.
As before, your eyes sincerely sparkle,
And your diamond anniversary is filled with faith!
We lovingly congratulate you today
Happy magical date! We wish you happiness
Good health and strong spirit,
So that children and grandchildren visit often!

Your marriage is now 60,
It is durable and valuable, like a diamond.
Your eyes shine the same way,
I want to tell you a lot!
You are great for being able to save
Happiness in the family is something to cherish.
We congratulate you and wish you continued
Be able to protect and cherish feelings!

The years have flown by like a snowstorm,
And I won’t get them back to you now,
Life wasn't very sweet
How the boat sailed on the sea!
You are together for exactly sixty years,
You have great-great-grandchildren!
And your marriage is brilliant,
May God extend your years,
Let them not step on the threshold
Trouble, misfortune or grief,
There will simply be a sea of ​​happiness!

We can hardly hold back our tears from joy,
And we bow our heads low before you!
For having lived together for so many years,
We know of no other such examples.
May God generously reward you with health,
May you be around for as long as possible!
We need your worldly wisdom,
And we promise to please you as much as possible.

Today is an extraordinary day:
You are close together sixty!
You found words of support,
When there was no strength to dream.
This life's path is not easy,
But you two were always together:
Shared joy, happiness, sadness,
Stubbornly staying close by.
This is a super diamond:
Such a strong family.
We wish you to always burn,
Burn out a flame from a spark!
Example worthy of wisdom
And a valuable life lesson:
I created a family - be faithful to it,
This act is appreciated by God!

Diamond wedding.
You've been together for 60 years.
Today we will shout again: “Bitter!”
“Love,” we tell you, “is advice!”
They proved by their example
You say there are no obstacles to feelings.
I wish with admiration
Long and happy years to you!

Glorious anniversary of our life together,
And it’s also called very beautifully -
Diamond wedding
In sixty years it’s counting!
This is a very rare and beautiful stone
And not everyone can afford it.
Only selected before this date
We can survive together!

The path is strewn with diamonds,
Your life is goodness and grace,
Love is alive in her, and that's the point,
Destined to meet each other.
God-bound destinies
Two dear and loving hearts,
Sixty years inseparable
Union of two gold rings.
Adversity and bad weather have passed,
May you never return
And so that there is happiness in life,
And may we always bake together!

Congratulations on your Diamond Wedding (60th Anniversary)

Diamonds are not hidden in the depths -
They glow in your eyes!
Not under the thickness of the earth kilometers -
In a kiss on wet lips!
In the warm word “love” with aspiration,
In mutual admiration of the two,
Before the registry office of holy promises
And in events dear to you!

Everyone should pray for you,
For you to ask God for happiness,
You are the embodiment of spiritual beauty,
We should all look up to you.
We'll shower you with diamonds from head to toe,
You are worthy only of admiration,
We wish you good luck, happiness,
Let adversity bypass you.

Happy Anniversary!
This is a diamond!
Back in the white dress
The women are standing.

We believe in happiness again
After the wedding we!
Bad weather will pass!
All dreams will come true!

The years have flown by like a snowstorm,
And I won’t get them back to you now,
Life wasn't very sweet
How the boat sailed on the sea!

You are together for exactly sixty years,
You have great-great-grandchildren!
And your marriage is brilliant,
Let it be as bright as a poppy!

May God extend your years,
Let them not step on the threshold
Trouble, misfortune or grief,
There will simply be a sea of ​​happiness!

Today is a diamond wedding
Time moves fast and slow.
Days merge into years, like rivers into streams.
But the numbers don’t add up so easily.
You have given us so many years in full,
Without losing enthusiasm and courage,
And the light whiteness in your curls -
This is not a sign of age, but of maturity!

A diamond looks so beautiful on your hand,
And the anniversary will speed up for you today.
The diamond has penetrated into your destiny,
And he created the best light for your family.

Congratulations on your diamond wedding,
I will send you many bright wishes.
May fate be covered with miracles,
And she will always be tender to you.

We wish you a diamond day today,
Happy many ideas.
We wish that the soul does not know the cold,
Love knew no hunger at all.

So that life blooms and makes you happy,
Let's congratulate you on your anniversary now.
Let your heart be forever young,
And happiness, joy is unearthly.

Only a few people note this.
Even erases the boundaries of time.


Let it be preserved

Let it stick.

Love and live for many years,
Happy days turn
Just let it last.

Diamond is the hardest of stones,
Accept congratulations from dear guests,
We wish you all health, happiness,
Don't let bad weather bother you.
May your family union
It will not be subject to the years,
May the thread of marriage be strong,
We wish you extraordinary strength.

Happy anniversary to you,
Diamond wedding fireworks!
And we toast you,
60 years together - absolute love!

Let everything be wonderful in life,
Live to the fullest, good!
Oh, what a beautiful couple
And what an exquisite wine!

Let's weave the threads of magic today,
The family is worthy of your deity.
Sixty years, like a fragment,
But still the happiest moment.
You are reputed to be a friendly family,
You walk through life confidently.
So let the road become diamond too,
Luck will only be yours if you are talented.

You've been on the road together for six decades,
Today you are the bride and groom again,
The diamond rings on your hands are shining,
This best gift from loving grandchildren.
Be happy, live richly,
We wish you cheerfulness and strength from the bottom of our hearts,
Let your love be winged,
May all your dreams certainly come true.

We're celebrating our diamond wedding today
Now we wish you health for centuries!
Believe in your strength and sing forward,
Let love grow stronger every year!

Let the children be strong and the grandchildren grow up!
May your beloved great-grandchildren bring happiness!
Let the sun shine on your hearts
And may loyalty increase in the coming years!

I wish you warm relations,
60 years left behind
Congratulations on your diamond wedding!
May God reward you with patience.
You've got half your life behind you
But half your life is ahead.
You share joy and sorrow together,
Don't miss out on success and good luck!

Six decades are priceless.
They make us happy like poppies!

Countless more years...
So let them be in flight
Problems, old age and trouble!

Our dear “young people”,
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy Diamond Jubilee.
May your life be full!
May this wedding bring you
An avalanche of happiness and warmth.
We wish you good health,
Getting younger in soul day by day.
So that there is a new counter in your life
I counted down the years.

You withstood the storms of fate,
Even though you didn’t know the future at all.
Your union is now like a diamond,
The best, strongest option.

Let sixty bring good,
So that your soul is always warm.
And you will remember the diamond anniversary,
And you will never lose happiness from your hands.

You are a sincerely and deeply loving couple,
We call you a living legend,
The strongest union unites you,
You are the best example for all of us.
Congratulations on your diamond wedding,
Live in love and harmony for up to a hundred years,
Give us wise advice every hour,
Thank you, dear ones, for being with us.

Great is my surprise
60 years of marriage - that's love!
We give you diamond jewelry,
And I bow before you again!

I wish you health and happiness,
Let it be like 60 years ago
Eyes shine with love
And taste the chocolate!

What to wish on your diamond day,
Success, of course, is only the beginning.
So that every time he is even more successful,
And life is happier and more fun.

For sixty years you walked confidently,
You always cherished both happiness and love.
So let fate sparkle like a diamond,
Let fortune give you its lucky phantom.

You are united by swan loyalty,
You are the most beautiful and happiest couple,
For 60 years you have been side by side all the time, together,
Today we call you bride and groom again.
We sing a hymn to your love,
We always take you as an example,
Strong love cut two diamonds,
And she gave me a beautiful diamond for the wedding.

This is a big part of life.
Destiny for you to spin smiles!

It's already sixty days and nights,
You can't imagine life without each other.
We want to help you now,
We all understand you right away.
We wish you great happiness,
So that evil clouds pass by.
So that there is no bad and bad weather,
And all the bad news passed.

Diamond wedding

Diamond wedding, six decades.
Congratulations today. May your century be
Long, joyful, pleasant and rich to everyone,
Whatever a person needs. Let it be no problem
Then you will live together until the end of your days.
Let life be kinder and fate more tender.

Happy diamond wedding!
You are heroes, no doubt!
We lived in marriage without difficulty
Sixty happy years.
Who knows how to have fun
He cannot live any other way,
Will never get angry
And in misfortune he will not cry.
Forget all your illnesses and troubles,
If your circle of friends is large.
We are all grandparents
Only the young at heart!

Diamond wedding - 60 years!
Only a few people note this.
Diamond strength love in your hearts
Even erases the boundaries of time.
We wish you to live like this again
Side by side together for twenty or thirty years.
Leave warmth in the memory of your love
Let it be preserved
All that has been dear to you for so many years.
Everything that was created by labor with the soul,
Let it stick.
Love and live for many years,
Happy days are coming
Just let it last.

We lived sixty years,
They deserve the diamonds
Your character is a diamond,
Your marriage is the best option!
You are always an example for us,
Have you survived the years
And hungry, dashing,
Fruitful and evil!
Live well for many years,
And forgive and love
The whole family on such a day,
Gives friendly congratulations!

Like the edges of a bright diamond,
Your eyes are burning with fire,
Even though you got married so long ago,
But you two feel so good!
You are together friendly family
We lived for six decades,
Today is our wedding anniversary,
There is no more beautiful couple than you,
We wish you love, health,
Don't lose your strength,
We respect and appreciate you,
And we love you two very much!

Like a big, faceted diamond,
Six decades are priceless.
And may the hearts of two lovers
They make us happy like poppies!
Holding hands you will walk
Countless more years...
So let them be in flight
Problems, old age and trouble!

All the guests together will not stop clapping,
Everyone is surprised at the strength of the family.
Even though the years you have lived cannot be darned,
And there’s no need, it’s all for love!
And six dozen is a huge time,
This is a big part of life.
Let it be with bottomless tenderness
Destiny for you to spin smiles!

A diamond is a valuable and expensive stone!
For sixty years we have been together with you,
We are glad that we passed this path with honor,
Children and grandchildren were born in love!
May our family be the happiest,
Let him have energy, strength,
And everyone in it achieves what they want,
Good luck, let the star smile on us!

Best congratulations on your Diamond Wedding (60th anniversary)

Happy sixtieth wedding anniversary to father and mother.

Lived joyfully, carefree,
Like children, you walked into eternity,
Holding hands, laughing.
We want to be like you
Life is easy, beautiful, friendly,
To be needed by someone.
Dear father and mother,
I want to hug you now!
There is no more beautiful moment -
Unity in love.
Happy birthday
Happy sixtieth family anniversary!

On this glorious anniversary
From family and friends
Allow me to wish
Don't get sick, don't be sad,
Waiting for no troubles and no end,
And the diamond crown:
You are still fifteen years old
Be patient until the crown.
We will monitor this strictly.
Have a good, smooth journey!

Don't grow old, dear parents,
I wish you happiness, health, long years!
We have always seen a bright image in you,
We have no one dearer!
For warmth, for your kind souls
And for the fact that you raised us,
For your care and patience
May God give you health!

Congratulations in verse on your diamond wedding.

Diamond wedding!
Sixty is not an easy time!
To the ageless soul
The anniversary will come like this!
Today you are two heroes:
Sixty lived together!..
And here they sit side by side,
They touch everyone with themselves!
We wish you good health.
The evening of life is so beautiful
If your friend is still good
For conversations over fresh tea.

Congratulations on your diamond wedding.

Your union is strong, it is as hard as a diamond,
And the confirmation is the passing of years.
We endured both grief and adversity,
But there is still energy reserve.
You find all your strength in each other,
And today we want to wish,
So that the world does not become scarce for you,
May you be together and turn back time!

To you with great gratitude
I am reaching out, dear ones.
I wish you peace and quiet,
You are almost saints to me!
We lived together for 60 years,
I wish I could live longer.
To be tender to your mother, like a bride,
For a father - how to be on your wedding day!

You were once the bride and groom,
And now sixty have already been lived together,
We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary,
We wish you health and joy in life!
Gold wedding rings
You are connected forever,
You spouses are simply perfect,
Not a hindrance to the love of the year.
And diamonds can’t compare with their brilliance
With sparkles that play in the eyes,
Your youth lasts forever,
May the taste for life never disappear.

Isn't this talent?
Six decades on the road?
Isn't this a diamond?
There is no higher happiness!
Well, of course, talent!
Give a diamond
Affectionate, the only one,
The most faithful, sincere,
Even though he is no longer young,
Tired and gray-haired,
But dear forever,
Sweet and heartfelt.
Call all your friends
For a wonderful anniversary.
Rejoice, create,
Live to be a hundred years old!

Our dear, beloved _________ and ___________! Absolutely, you
God's chosen ones. Because the Lord does not grant everyone such a long and
happy married life. Your path was not strewn with flowers, you
shared all the difficulties with the country, but at the same time retained their
love of children and grandchildren. So you truly have a heart of gold, golden
intelligence and golden hands. I congratulate you on your diamond jubilee and wish you
you so that your future life is as bright as:
Today's holiday!

Congratulations on the Diamond Wedding - 60 wedding years in prose

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on your diamond wedding, on your 60th anniversary!
bonds and happy marriage. I wish you to live long and prosperously, keep
in hearts good hope and bright love, take care of each other and
getting together on holidays with your extended family.

Happy Diamond Wedding. 60 years is a whole life, life together with
the person who is closest to the rest of the world. Let it be yours
a happy and successful marriage will be repeated by everyone, and you yourself will continue to
live in love and harmony. Happy anniversary and thank you two for
that you are.

A wonderful holiday, a significant date in honor of 60 years spent together
years. Congratulations on your diamond wedding. I wish you many more years
remain the most precious and beloved diamond for each other,
I wish you health and prosperity, great luck, family understanding, care and
respect from loved ones, prosperity and spiritual joy.

Your family is an incredibly beautiful necklace. What can I say?
about its cost and value. You are a diamond, and your spouse is strong
frame holding it. And only when you are together, this product does not
similar in the whole world. So live in such an idyll, harmony and
tandem to the platinum wedding.

After 60 years of marriage, we can say with confidence that the marriage was a success and the union was strong. Which stone is the most striking representative of strength and durability? Diamond, of course! Rare and highly sought after, this gemstone symbolizes perfection, purity and eternity.

Thus, the 60th anniversary is rightfully called a diamond wedding. A diamond usually has many facets, which symbolizes all aspects of family life lived in love and understanding. Diamond is also the strongest material in the world - a wonderful analogy for the strength of a relationship that endures over the years. A couple who have come such a long way together is worthy of admiration.

A diamond wedding is a very rare anniversary. The married couple by this time is usually over eighty.

Over the past years, they have experienced many difficult moments, but this united them even more firmly, the spouses trusted each other, loved each other and will always support each other. That's why the 60th wedding day is a special day, as valuable as the gemstone to which it owes its name.

Celebrating such an exceptional anniversary requires special preparations. It should be a beautiful and unique celebration. It is not necessary that organizing a holiday should be associated with huge expenses; it could be a day spent with close people, the main thing is to create a family atmosphere mutual love and worries.

In essence, this anniversary reflects the history of the entire family. Among the invitees should be everyone who has been around for 60 years of happiness: friends, relatives, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

If both spouses have brothers and sisters, who, in turn, of course, started families, then, of course, they should be invited with their families.

You should clarify in advance how many guests there will be and take care of an appropriate place for the celebration. When organizing a celebration of an anniversary, you should take into account the advanced age of the heroes of the occasion.

Even if the “newlyweds” are still full of energy, organizing the wedding is usually entrusted to younger family members (children, grandchildren). Of course, this does not mean ignoring the wishes of the spouses. They must be discussed before planning the entire anniversary scenario and its individual stages.

When organizing your parents' diamond wedding, you should focus on what they like best.

Some people like a chic, grand celebration in a restaurant, while others, on the contrary, are more comfortable at a barbecue in the garden of a family dacha with family. After all, this special day should be celebrated in a style that most appeals to the main characters of the “wedding”. For example, you can arrange:

  • festive evening in a rented restaurant;
  • celebration in an informal setting, at home, indoors or outdoors;
  • rest with the whole “wedding” in a country boarding house, rented for a couple of days.

It will be easier to determine the location of the holiday once its style has been chosen. You should start preparing several weeks (or even months) in advance if you plan to book a separate room in a restaurant or cafe, tourist center or boarding house. To fully meet its purpose, the wedding anniversary celebration should take place on a day as close as possible to the “real” date, but this is not always possible for all invitees. The optimal time would be the end of the week after the wedding day.

In order for each of the invitees to book a day on their calendar, guests should be notified by email or phone at least 4 weeks in advance.

To make the party truly successful, it is advisable to decorate the place where the diamond wedding anniversary celebration will take place. If time and budget allow, you can order a beautiful themed decoration for the room.

On the other hand, a few simple touches will create a festive atmosphere anywhere. For example, you can use:

  • bouquets of flowers on tables;
  • garlands of flowers or electric;
  • candles in candlesticks;
  • photographs of the couple, which depict the years spent together;
  • reproductions of places they visited during their lives (cities, resorts, etc.).

Of course, the heroes of the occasion must be smart, in festive clothes, similar in style to the wedding.

Even for a very informal party, organizing special moments is important.

When congratulating you on the 60th anniversary, you can add a few touches that emphasize the importance of the heroes of the day for the people around them:

  • a short story about the life of a couple, the trials that befell the spouses, joys, successes;
  • a slideshow reminiscent of the years spent together from the wedding day to the present time;
  • a short film – touching and/or humorous;
  • songs that were played at their wedding 60 years ago;
  • a small performance (song, choreography) staged by the great-grandchildren;
  • reading poems written on the occasion of the diamond wedding;
  • wishes of happiness and health to the “bride and groom” throughout the evening.

If the “newlyweds” have jewelry, adorned with diamonds, you don't need to be embarrassed to wear them during the day.

Gift ideas for husband and wife

A married couple celebrating a diamond wedding, as a rule, already has everything they need, and it is difficult to find a remarkable gift for them. The main idea is gifts that have symbolic meaning.

For him:

  • diamond ring, tie pin/clip;
  • several bottles of excellent vintage wine;
  • a beautiful carved goblet decorated with rock crystal.

  • pendant with diamonds, on a beautiful chain, ring, earrings;
  • beautiful original vase;
  • expensive collectible interior item.

By giving a large bouquet of roses, the husband will remind his beloved of the romance and love that has pleased them throughout their lives.

The heroes of the occasion can treat themselves with tickets to best places to the theater, where they can sit side by side - among people and at the same time alone.

How to congratulate spouses for children, friends, relatives - tips

What can loved ones give for a diamond wedding? 60 years of marriage is truly a special occasion that requires unique gift ideas for the newlyweds.

For 60 years, the couple was together, as they once promised each other - in sorrow and in joy. These years have not always been easy. Nevertheless, all major and minor difficulties were overcome, and trust and love were further strengthened.

This tenacity and admirable strength have earned great respect, which can be expressed with a lovingly chosen gift and warm words.


The gift ideas that immediately come to mind in connection with a diamond wedding are the diamonds themselves. But this beautiful gemstone is not available for every budget. Of course, children can please their parents by giving them matching diamond rings - it will be symbolic.

It is not necessary to give diamonds to friends and relatives. There are charming jewelry with diamond-like stones and artificial diamonds. Gifts of this kind will fully convey the theme of the wedding.

You can give a beautiful crystal chandelier, a painting depicting “young people,” a beautiful vase. The youngest members of the family can make cool personalized cards decorated with rhinestones. As an option, you can give made-to-measure individual order paired hearts (silver, cupronickel, etc.) with engraving or a porcelain dish, hand-painted with congratulations or cool, humorous maxims on the theme of a diamond wedding.

A wonderful gift would be a bottle of wine from the vintage of the year in which the celebrants officially became husband and wife.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

On this day one cannot remain silent - people who have lived together for such a long time are happy with everyone’s attention, gifts, a cheerful feast, but nothing will please them as much as warm words of love spoken by the closest people.

You can say a few simple words: “Our dear mom and dad! Sixty years have passed since you decided to go through life together.

And today, looking back, you can be proud of the path you have traveled, your accomplishments, your friends and children. And we are filled with pride, looking at you, our relatives. Happy diamond wedding to you!”

Or read a simple poem: “Diamond Jubilee - you are together for exactly sixty years!

We congratulate you on your wonderful anniversary!

We wish you health and an easy journey with all our hearts!

Let your age not be for crazy passion,

But together you have come a long way.

The most important thing now is peace, participation,

And understanding each other – that’s the point!

In a happy family all years are good

And those that made me happy in my youth, and these.

On this beautiful day we wish you from the bottom of our hearts,

Live as long as possible in this world!”

Original and practical gifts

Useful gifts will be various household appliances and devices that make life easier for the “young people.”

You can also give a trip to a sanatorium, where the spouses will relax and improve their health. If a married couple still has enough vitality and cannot sit still, then perhaps they will enjoy a weekend in Paris, the city of love.

Of course, in the company of, for example, grandchildren. Alternatively, you can give the gift of a trip on a small boat on a local river. And a joint visit to the zoo with your beloved great-grandchildren will bring the heroes of the occasion a lot of spiritual joy.

An album with photographs of the family, where all its generations are represented, will touch not only the celebrants, but also everyone present.

Or you can make this video with congratulations from family and friends:

It is advisable to remember that a diamond wedding is an important milestone not only in the lives of the spouses. This is an important event for the whole family. For the celebrants themselves, this may be the last round date of the wedding anniversary, so you should pay all possible attention to the holiday, try to get together with the whole family, which will please the heroes of the occasion the most. After all, it is difficult to find greater happiness than a large, friendly family. Is not it so?

​There is no holiday more significant than the Golden Wedding.

This celebration can be called one of the most important in life.

The preparation of this day should be treated with all attention and responsibility, because not all couples can carry and maintain their relationship through the years and everyday troubles.

Please your relatives or close friends with a holiday according to an original scenario!


The “Golden Wedding” is celebrated in a restaurant with family and friends. The hall is decorated in the style of the 60s. Ideally, if you can find a car from that time in which the celebrants of the day will drive up to the restaurant, or simply park it at the entrance.

You can ask guests to dress in period-appropriate attire. The decoration of the hall should include stamps, an old TV, calendars and postcards (nowadays gift shops sell various retro-styled posters).

Usually in a restaurant it is customary to seat guests at a common table. It is advisable to set the table with dishes of that time, and decorate the part where the heroes of the occasion are sitting.

If guests are seated at separate tables, decorate the place where the “newlyweds” table is completely 60s (hang wallpaper in the background, put a vase or pot of flowers - create the atmosphere of the room of that time). There should be place cards on the tables with the names of the guests.

What is needed for competitions?


Approximate running time, minutes: 160+; Number of people: 25. Number of toasts from guests according to the script: 4 (names agreed with the host!).

Guests meet the heroes of the day on the street or inside at the doors of the restaurant (if the premises allow), lining up in a chain, and showering them with rose leaves.

At the entrance, the music of their wedding waltz or just their favorite composition sounds. The husband and wife are escorted to their seats, rest for a couple of minutes, after which the presenter takes the reins.


Let the years fly by in dozens, let them fly by -

How much we have experienced and gone through together!

"Golden Wedding" is forever young,

After all, today you are the bride and groom again.

Sadness and anxiety will be endured,

And, hand in hand, live another hundred years!

So that you, honorable spouses,

Platinum wins.

After these words, the presenter presents medals with the 50th wedding anniversary.


And now, dear guests and heroes of the occasion, let’s fill our glasses with sparkling wine and, to this wonderful music, drink to the newlyweds! Bitterly!

Guests are given 10 minutes: fill their glasses, drink, and start having a snack.


Like yesterday, still so fresh in my memory

The music is pleasant motives.

First waltz for the fiftieth anniversary

It will be embodied in a dance of overflows.

Dear anniversaries! We ask you to remember and show your very first dance, which you danced 50 years ago.

The anniversaries are invited to the middle of the hall, the music is turned on, and they dance. Literally a minute later the host asks the guests to join.

Presenter (when the music begins to fade):

And now I ask everyone to take their places, men - to make sure that the beautiful ladies' glasses are filled. The honorary right to make the first toast is given to (name).

Guests are given 10 minutes for snacks.


And now that everyone has had a little snack, I propose to hold a small competition. Now you will need to focus on this monitor and guess who is in each photo. Small prizes await those who guess correctly.

Competition “Guess from the Photo”

A disc with photographs of family members (or close friends) of the celebrants in childhood is included. Guests guess who is in the photo. Each person who guesses correctly is given a small gift. Naturally, the one whose photograph is shown does not guess it himself. The last one should be a photo of the newlyweds together, so that you can guess them in unison.


Well done! Everyone coped with the last photo especially quickly! For the next toast, the floor is given to (name).

10 minutes for snacks.


For the next competition, I would like to call the grandchildren (great-grandchildren, children) of the heroes of the day and check how well they know their grandparents.

The presenter puts the children in a row and explains the rules of the competition.

Competition "Checking grandchildren"

Participants stand in a line, and everyone is given a squeaky toy with LEDs inside (if there are no such toys, you can simply raise your hand, but the toy is better visible and causes more fun among the public).

The presenter asks a question. Whoever knows the answer must click on his toy. The answer is the one who does it before others. If the answer is correct, the participant takes a step forward.

Children step towards their grandparents; whoever comes closest to them is considered the winner.

Sample questions:

  • How many years have grandparents been together?
  • At what age did they meet?
  • Where did they go after the wedding?
  • Name all the brothers (sisters) of your grandfather (grandmother).
  • What did grandfather give grandma for her silver wedding?

You can come up with questions like riddles.


So, the main prize for the winner is that he can hug and kiss his grandparents! And, of course, everyone is given small gifts. Now I ask the participants not to go far - you also want to congratulate the heroes of the day on the holiday, right?

The floor is given to the younger generation.

The presenter acts according to the situation depending on what the children say. Adult children can say a toast themselves, if not, The toastmaster adds a quatrain:

Congratulations on the upcoming anniversary,

Golden wedding is the date!

Let Love become a year wiser,

And she will not meet her sunset.

Family bonds are strong, as before,

After all, love cannot be hidden behind the years,

And so that her companions are faith and hope

Stayed forever in your home with you.

The guests are resting.


The evening is already in full swing, which means the newlyweds are ready to accept gifts and congratulations! However, gifts are accepted for a reason. Every donor must pass a test. Who will dare to be the first?

The first person comes out, the toastmaster explains the rules.

Tests for donors

The music is turned on, the person (or couple) must dance to it. The dance lasts 20-30 seconds.

Important: focus on the age of the donors! It is difficult for older people to dance; you can simply ask them to imitate something (for example, bow or walk funny).

Guests present gifts one by one and place them on a separate table. At this moment, the anniversaries can be seated separately so that everyone can see them and it is more convenient to congratulate them.


Holiday - wild fun

My question is extremely simple:

Who will interrupt his feast

And will he give his guests a toast?

Toast from guests; time to rest.


Now I would like to give the floor to the newlyweds. You have so much experience in family life. Tell your guests the story that you remember most in all your years of marriage.

It is advisable that each of the heroes of the day tell a story. If telling 2 is hard, you can get by with 1.


There were so many wishes,

So much was said from the bottom of my heart,

Children and grandchildren rejoice with you

And they wish you to live another hundred years!

Do not let sorrows and worries disturb you,

And let your health not be at all naughty,

Since your two roads have merged into one,

Eternal happiness and love to you!

Let's raise a glass to our heroes of the day!

A short break for rest, if space allows, dancing is arranged.


The next competition was not long in coming. One happy married couple is celebrating their anniversary today, but are there other candidates for golden wedding? I invite three married couples

The toastmaster explains the conditions.

Competition "Compliment"

Each pair gets 2 fruits (pear, apple, orange), into which matches are stuck. You can pull out 1 match by saying 1 compliment.

Men start, women finish. The couples take out matches one by one, and the time is noted.

Whoever completed the task faster won. Fruit remains as a prize. You can ask the newlyweds to bring something as a gift “for a long family life.”


In my opinion, the competition was a success! Now we know who will take the baton of the heroes of the day!

I invite our wonderful bride and all the women to the center of the hall. The bouquet throwing ceremony is about to take place! Unmarried girls, having caught the bouquet, can hope for a quick wedding, and married girls can hope for a long and happy life, like our newlyweds.


With this, dear guests, our evening comes to an end. But only the entertainment part ends. Now delicious food and dancing await you!

Guests eat, dance, relax.

Upon closer examination, it generally becomes clear to me that those changes that seem to come with the passage of time are, in fact, no changes at all: only my view of things changes.
Franz Kafka

Wedding anniversary - script

Wedding anniversaries occupy a very important place in the life of every married couple. This is a unique opportunity to feel like a bride and groom again, even though you have 5, 10, 15 or even 100 years of marriage behind you. Therefore, the tradition of celebrating your wedding anniversary in the company of close friends and family allows spouses to again feel those very moments of love, remember the best moments of family life and become even closer to each other. To make the holiday interesting and memorable, you need prepare a wedding anniversary script in advance. The host does this, or you can independently come up with or remake a ready-made script, filling it with unusual fun competitions, games and wedding riddles. This way you can give a real holiday not only to your guests, but also to yourself.

Script Ideas

The first anniversary is important if only because it is the first. Spouses who have lived for a certain number of years will easily decide how to celebrate their wedding anniversary. And those who have lived only one year are sometimes lost in search of options. After all, a lot of questions arise: What idea should you take for a wedding scenario, and what is better to invite guests and arrange a wedding anniversary in a certain style, or celebrate the anniversary together? Is it even possible to organize a luxurious wedding celebration on your own for your wedding anniversary, or should you definitely turn to professionals? There is no clear answer to this. It all depends on your desire, mood and opportunity.

A holiday intended only for your couple will look absolutely romantic. To do this, on your anniversary day, take a walk to your favorite places, sit on a park bench where you kissed when you were not yet husband and wife. In the evening - a gourmet dinner, good wine, watching a video of your wedding, favorite music and an unforgettable night.

With twelve or fewer guests, you can organize an anniversary celebration at home. If there are more people, it is better to hold the event in a cafe, restaurant or rented premises. Think about which of the guests and how many you would really like to see at your celebration. Inviting them to a cafe or restaurant, the scenario will require large financial investments. If you want to hold the celebration at home, then this is a more economical option, because relatives can host the celebration. Therefore, take care of this in advance and choose the wedding anniversary scenario that is right for you.

In order for the holiday to go smoothly, you need to hold a large-scale preparatory work: from compiling a list of those present and sending out invitations, to thinking through unforeseen situations and backup scenario ideas.

Ready-made wedding anniversary scripts

The scenario for a wedding anniversary should be interesting, exciting and varied, because a simple wedding feast can be arranged on any other holiday, and your family anniversary should be memorable. Therefore saturated competitive program Suitable for celebrating any wedding anniversary.

- "Ship of Love" is original script wooden wedding with fun competitions, interesting games. Where Baba Yaga acts as a fairy-tale hero, and the presenter is one of the relatives or a professional toastmaster. Celebrating the fifth wedding anniversary can take place outdoors - in a country house, in a country house, in a tent or in a restaurant. It all depends on the time of year and the preferences of the heroes of the occasion.

The host should think it over, since this is the first serious anniversary in the couple’s life together, in addition, such an event should be celebrated on a grand scale. Therefore, the script should carry warmth and tenderness according to the color of this anniversary, be replete with competitions, jokes and poems, and be written so that you and your guests remember this pink wedding another ten years.

The people have developed certain traditions for celebrating the 15th anniversary. This day must be celebrated. According to customs, if possible, everyone who was present in the wedding hall when the bride and groom were declared husband and wife is invited to the celebration. The names of your closest friends are the same, and if you want to surprise them, carry out this scenario in the style of “Caucasian Captivity” and let happiness shine through your window, smiling and giving extraordinary feelings of delight!

It will help celebrate the anniversary of spouses who have lived in a family union for twenty years. That's why, married couple, invariably evokes a feeling of respect and admiration.

A classic scenario that will take you back to the very first day of your wedding! Such pleasant and warm memories, immersion in the atmosphere of a past dear to the heart can even bring tears of tenderness to the eyes of the spouses, because they are returning to their youth, to the brightest day of their lives...

Such a special event as a wedding day always remains a bright flash in memory. Especially for the fair half of humanity. A wedding anniversary is as significant an event as the wedding itself, so I want to celebrate in such a way that in the future we can talk about this day with pride. To do this you need to come up with wedding anniversary script, which will depend, first of all, on the length of life together.