Comic skits for February 23rd for high school students. I

Friends, I sketched it today small script events by February 23. Unfortunately, forced holidays due to the flu did not allow us to prepare a serious event that required certain rehearsals, etc. Therefore, take it as is and add competitions to your taste. By the way, last year the program consisted of relay races, and this year it consists more of strength training and several fun competitions.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon! We are pleased to welcome everyone to military sports festival, dedicated to the celebration of February 23rd under the title “Army Weekdays!” Defender of the Fatherland Day is Public Holiday, whose traditions go back to the distant past.

Defenders of the Fatherland all centuries
They kept Holy Rus' from the enemy.
And if the enemy attacked from afar,
Then they chased him, beat him and smashed him.

Life without sparing, your homeland
They saved it for our life.
And all enemies, in an unequal battle,
They always, everywhere, beat mercilessly.

So that Rus' remains great even now,
Stand guard over its borders,
Let the enemy of Russia remember every hour,
That you protect Russia from him.

If you are alive, then Rus' will be alive,
And your children will live in Russia,
Love for Russia is not words,
We are all responsible for Rus' with that love.

Presenter 2: Defending the Fatherland is the duty of every citizen, the honorable duty of every man. To protect the country from enemies you need to be strong and brave. Today, on Defenders of the Fatherland Day, 2 teams are taking part in the competition, we welcome them:
The teams march out to the music and take their places.

Presenter 1: Today our competition program will be evaluated by representatives of the General Staff:
 Minister of Defense of our school Nikolai Vasilievich
 General Anzhelika Anatolyevna
 Admiral Oksana Nikolaevna

Presenter 2: Each team will receive a “star” for a correctly completed competition task and the correct answer. We wish each team not only victory, but also a good mood throughout the entire sports program.

Presenter 1: So, the first traditional competition is called “Military Salutation”. Let's take a closer look at our teams. Before holding our event, they had to come up with a name and emblem that would correspond to the military theme. And so, over to them...

After the performance, all teams say in chorus the motto:
We always have one motto:
Don't step back
Of course, what they say is true:
A soldier is always a soldier.

Presenter 2:
Yes, we believe you and think that you will soon become real soldiers and will valiantly defend us! But for now, you will complete the young fighter course and experience all the delights of army life. First, let's check how strong your mind, ingenuity, and erudition are.

Presenter 1: Let's see how our valiant warriors know the history of the Russian army, Russian weapons. Teams answer in turns.

1. What were the names of the first Russian warriors?

2. What is the name of the machine gun cart made famous in the famous Civil War song?

3. What names of commanders and military leaders of the Great Patriotic War do you know?
(G.K. Zhukov, R.Ya. Malinovsky, A.M. Vasilevsky, I, S. Konev, etc.).

4. Name the names of Russian commanders and military leaders with whom the victories of Russian weapons are associated (before 1917).
(Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, Fyodor Ushakov, etc.).

5. What is the name of the building in which the soldiers live?

6. About whom in the army do they say that they make a mistake once in their life?
(About sappers whose mistakes in their work can cost them their lives).

7. What is the name of a fighter who masters the art of marksmanship?

8. What is camouflage?
(Disguising objects by painting them with stripes and spots that distort their outlines).

9. What kind of hats do soldiers wear?
(Cap, cap, helmet).

10. What is an out-of-turn outfit?
(Army discipline is a requirement to perform certain work).

Presenter 2: Well done... Military discipline obliges every soldier to endure hardships military service. This requires extraordinary fortitude. And a healthy mind, as you know, is in a healthy body. Therefore, playing sports is an integral part of a soldier’s daily life.
Now the participants will demonstrate their sporting achievements: weight lifting (1 person), tug of war (all), push-ups (2 people), pull-ups (1 person), arm wrestling (1 person), air rifle shooting (1 person).

Each team nominates one or two boys for each stage, and the whole team competes in tug-of-war.

Presenter 1: Real soldiers! You are not afraid of any difficulties. You did a good job with this task. Did you know that during long campaigns soldiers have to cook their own food? Yes Yes. After all, there are no canteens nearby. So, the next competition is “Field Kitchen”. Now you will show how useful they are in the kitchen. Your task is to submit five people for the competition, who must peel as many potatoes as possible in one minute. But that is not all. After all, it’s inconvenient to stuff a whole potato into your mouth, so you’ll have to cut it into strips.

Presenter 2: So, let's take the potatoes and start. The one who peels and cuts the most potatoes will be considered the winner of this competition.

Presenter 1: Well done, you are doing well. Comrade fighters, the turn has come homework. You need to demonstrate your skills and encourage your colleagues in battle with a song! I will ask you to sing a few lines or a verse from military songs. And let's be more playful and cheerful!

Presenter 2: Well done fighters, well done! Look how they cheered me up! Friends, did you know that it is easy for a soldier to serve when he knows that his beloved girl is waiting for him somewhere. Waiting, writing letters. The soldier always carries a photo of her in his tunic pocket, on his chest, near his heart... And, standing at his post, the soldier dreams of the moment when he will see her again, his only one...

Speaker 1: And what will he tell her?

Presenter 2: Heroes of famous literary works will help him find the right words. Our next competition is reading monologues about love. The participants address their “confessions” to the girls who act as heroines of works of art. One person per team is invited.

1 team
I loved you: love is still, perhaps,
My soul has not completely died out;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I don't want to make you sad in any way.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God grant you, your beloved, to be different.
Alexander Pushkin

2nd team
I'm hot because I love you!
Even though I know that I will completely destroy myself,
But nevertheless, I burn like a candle.
I burn like a candle and melt like her!
And you? You are covered in ice,
Like a mountain ice floe, destructively clear,
You don’t heed the desperate plea...
I'm hot because you're cold!
Vladimir Solovyov

Presenter 1: Well, comrades, young fighters, well done! I think that girls will always expect such soldiers from the army.

Presenter 2: Continuing the theme of lovely ladies, I propose the next competition for captains. Young people, first you must beautifully invite young ladies to dance. So, now we will find out who knows how to treat girls. Each of the captains is given a small sheet of newspaper, you and your partner stand on them, and when the music plays, you can dance calmly. But once the music changes, there should be two fewer feet on your dance floor. Your task is not to step over the edge of the sheet. So, let's start!

Presenter 1: Well done, our captains, you, as always, successfully completed the task. And we continue to please our weaker half. I propose the following competition. To carry it out, we invite one artist and one helper from the team. Your task is to draw beautiful postcard for your beloved girl by March 8th. But not just to draw, but to draw with eyes closed and using our tips. The card must include: several flowers (odd number), congratulation text, heart or soft toy. And while you are drawing a postcard, the girls will sing funny ditties for boys.

Ditties performed by 4th grade.

Participants show postcards to the audience and jury.

Presenter 2: Well done artists. Friends, but here is the last competition. The Defender of the Motherland is simply obliged to shoot accurately. This competition requires four participants from each team. Their task is to hit with a dart air balloons, inside each of them you will find a part of the proverb that you need to put together correctly. The first team to finish the competition wins.

1 team “To be in battle is to know the value of life.”
2nd team “Stand together for peace - there will be no war.”

Presenter 1: Smart girls. Guys, the time has come to sum up the results. While the jury is summing up the results, please accept congratulations in the form of a song from Valeria Matvienko.
Song. The jury's word. Awarding teams with certificates.

Presenter 1: Well, our competition program is over. We once again congratulate our guys on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Presenter 2: We wish you to successfully overcome all obstacles in life as well! We wish you good health and army fortitude!

The following scene can be used with equal success both as part of a school event and for a corporate party.

Sketch for February 23 “How to get out of the army”

There is a table on the stage with a sign on it

[Agency "Skip away from the army"]

Leading: In the modern world, more and more conscripts are trying to find a way to avoid military service. For every conscript who contacts us, we will find a decent way to get out of the army.

Method No. 1

At the military registration and enlistment office, conscripts are sitting at the ophthalmologist's office. The first conscript enters the office.

Doctor: Do you see the top line?

Conscript: I see!

Doctor: And the second?

Conscript: I see!

Doctor: Do you see the next one even lower?

Conscript: No!

Doctor: So you’ll become a sniper! Next come in!

The second conscript enters.

Doctor: Do you see the top line, young man?

Conscript: I see!

Doctor: And lower?

Conscript: No, I don’t see it!

Doctor: So you are going to serve in the Marine Navy. Next one, come in!

The third conscript enters.

Doctor: Do you see the top line?

Conscript: No, doctor, I don’t see it!

Doctor: How cunning. You will go to serve in intelligence!

Leading: Yes, not a very good example. Well, then we offer another, more reliable way to avoid service.

Method No. 2

Two conscripts are sitting at the door of the medical commission. One is calm, the other is praying. The first one asks:

-Why are you praying like that?

“I don’t want to go into the army, I’m afraid.”

- And I know how to help you!

“Let me knock out your front teeth now, and then no one will take you into the army!”

— (uncertain) Well, if it definitely helps... go ahead.

(The first conscript swings and imitates a blow to the face. The second covers his face with his hands and goes to the doctor. During this time, he must cover his front teeth with a piece of black paper. After a while, the conscript leaves the doctor’s office, cheerful, smiling with his “toothless” mouth.)

- Well, you didn’t take it? I told you...

— (interrupts, speaks with a lisp) Nope, they didn’t get it! I have flat feet!

Leading: The method is somewhat bloodthirsty, well, what lengths do our conscripts sometimes refuse to go to in order to avoid the army.

Method No. 3

The conscript sits in the neurologist’s office and says:

“It’s all Santa Claus’s fault, he mixed everything up.” Fifteen years ago I asked him to give me a New Year military uniform. And just now I received it.

Psychiatrist At this time he writes something. Then he asks

— Do you have mental disorders?

Conscript: (scared) - N-no.

The psychiatrist jumps up sharply and, leaning towards the conscript, shouts:

- What if I find it!!!

Leading: And these are not all the options that our agency is ready to offer to everyone...

(All the conscripts enter and push the presenter off the stage by the collar. The sign with the inscription is thrown out after him)

About the beloved army
Knows old and young.
And she's invincible
Today everyone is happy.

There are soldiers in the army
Tankers, sailors
All the strong guys
They are not afraid of enemies!

And we are ready to serve too,
Become defenders of the country.
Day and night my native land
Protecting from war!

Sketch for February 23 at the “Three Heroes” school

In a glorious city...
Once upon a time we lived, we didn’t grieve
Three heroes.
Every kid here knows them,
He knows, you and I know.

(three heroes come on stage

Ilya Muromets:

Yes, life is good now
Agree with me, Alyosha.
There is peace and grace in the world,
Our army is resting.

Alesha Popovich:

Our strength is with us,
Brave little friend.
Just let the enemy poke his nose in
Let's show him what and how!


So that people sleep sweetly,
We will guard the world
Stand by day and stand by night,
Let there be grace in the country.

Ilya Muromets:

Rus' has always been strong
Impregnable like a wall!
Proud of his army
Our strong country.

Alesha Popovich:

Our swords are ready
We’ll lie down for Rus', they’ll just say.


Ilya Muromets:

And for the young boys
Our parting instructions.
You must serve in the army
This is your duty, not an order!

Sketch for February 23rd for schoolchildren

Princess 1: Oh, and boring! Nothing interesting, nothing to do at all.

Princess 2: Well, let's come up with something like that!

3 princess: For example?

Princess 2: For example, let’s declare war on someone.

Princess 1: Oh, I beg you! War is not in fashion now!

Princess 2: Maybe we can find some grooms for ourselves?

Princess 1: Interesting, where are you going to look for them?

Princess 3: I don’t need just any groom. I want strong, strong, smart, worthy!

Princess 1: Yes, and I wouldn’t refuse such a thing, if they exist at all.

Princess 2: Look around! Look how many of them got divorced, suitors! Will we really not be able to find anyone worthy in our kingdom?

Princess 1: I propose to organize a competition between the stronger sex. Let's test their strength and dexterity, ingenuity and erudition. We will choose the best as grooms.

Princess 2: Let's go! Herald! ( A herald enters with a scroll. One of the princesses says something to him quietly, he pretends to write it down. After this, he goes to the middle of the stage, unrolls the scroll and reads loudly):

Listen! Listen!
And don't say you didn't hear!
The entire male population needs
Appear at the royal palace
To participate in competitions!
The winner will receive a worthy prize and a royal dinner!

(After this announcement, the participating guys go up to the stage.)

Humorous skit on February 23 for schoolchildren “Recruits”

(Part of the profit included recruits. The ensign lined everyone up)

Ensign: Yes, youngster! Come on, hurry up and line up! Stop talking! Look up to me! Attention! Leave it alone! Be equal! Attention!

(While the ensign is talking, he constantly walks along the line. Finally he stops near one of the recruits)

Ensign: Explain to me, soldier. Why did you join the army?

Soldier: I want to defend my Motherland.

Ensigns K: Right, what else?

Soldier: Service will make me strong and strong!

Ensign: You're right.

Soldier: And in general, no one asked my consent!

(The ensign frowns and moves away from the soldier, stopping in front of the line)

Ensign: Well, let's get acquainted! Ivanov!

Ensign: Petrov!

Ensign: Sidorov!

Prapor: What are you, brothers?

- No way, namesakes!

Private 1: Smirnov. Education: eighth grade.

Private 2: Zaitsev, secondary special education.

Private 3: Novikov, Moscow State University.

Ensign: What? What?

Private 3: MSU...

Ensign: Why are you all mooing there? Do you even know how to write?

Private 3: (shrugs) I can...

Ensign: Which of you knows how to cook, step forward!

(one soldier steps forward)

Ensign: - You will be a cook! Have you ever had to cook in large cauldrons?

Ensign: And what did you cook?

- Asphalt!

Ensign continues moving along the line.

Ensign: Why is the belt loose? What are you, Rambaud, or what? And you, private, why are you spinning around like a fly on a moped?

(Stops next to another recruit)

Ensign: What's wrong with your hand?

Private: And this blood was taken from a finger.

Ensign: Why is your arm in a cast?

Private: But I didn’t give...

A latecomer runs in.

Ensign: Where have you been?

Private. In the toilet.

Ensign: You should also go to the theater! Now remember: at the command “Stand!” everyone must immediately take their place in the ranks. Most of all I dislike late people!

Sidorov: Is there really such a word?

Ensign: I see, comrade soldier, you are too smart!

Sidorov: Who am I?

Ensign: Well, isn't it me?! Consider that I don't like late people!

(Ensignstops in front of one of the recruits who is missing an arm)

Ensign: How about you?! Where did you lose your hand?

Soldier: They tore it off... when they dragged it here...

Where should the headdress be worn? On the head. Otherwise, you can get meningitis. Meningitis is a very terrible disease. After it they either die or become fools. My brother and I were sick: my brother died, and I was lucky.

Private: Comrade warrant officer, can I ask...

Ensign (interrupts): Well, why bother! Then ask. And now, Rota! Left! Step-march! One, two! (everyone leaves the stage to the sound of a march)

Sketch for February 23 for preschool children

Small nursery rhymes about dad.

My dad is the best
He is kind, a little strict.
Works as a driver
Traveled all the roads.


Not true, best dad
Of course I have!
He is affectionate and nice
He gave me a horse!


My dad is not a driver
He catches bandits at night.
My dad is a policeman
He is very, very brave!


And mine comes in the evening,
He hugs me.
My dad is the best
He reads fairy tales to me.

My dad is the best!
He is a doctor, he heals people.
Playing games with me
Spends the whole evening!


Without a doubt
My dad is the best.
He makes his own jam,
He gives flowers to my mother and me!


My dad is the best in the world
He is smart, the most honest.
My dad is a hero to me
And there is no more wonderful one!

Today is an important occasion
And there is an opportunity
Tell you, you are daddy

Together: The best in the world!

In addition to the hackneyed traditional congratulations and gifts, theatrical performances come in handy as a surprise or an unusual capper to the competition program. These scenes will fit perfectly into any holiday scenario on February 23rd.

Do you want to learn how to evaluate students, how to effectively work on mistakes, about reflection and self-reflection? Pre-register for the webinar and we will notify you of the date.
The number of listeners is limited! Hurry up to register.

Since ancient times, February 23 is considered a men's holiday, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. On this day, all representatives of the stronger sex receive congratulations. Of course, this group also includes schoolchildren, because soon they too will become defenders of the Motherland. Celebrating February 23 at school instills patriotism and unity with their Motherland in children's souls. Thus, this holiday plays a very important role in the development of every boy.

Traditionally, the event is designed and organized by teachers. In addition to various thematic lessons, concerts and competitions are often invented. In addition to the school-wide celebration, you can come up with a separate holiday for your class. This requires the help of the students themselves, as well as their parents.

In order for the holiday to go off with a bang, you need to make sure that the competitions are appropriate for the child’s age, that is, they are not too simple and too complex. You also need to come up with a number of prizes; you can order certificates from a specialized store to award them for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places.

Competitions should be combined with creativity. For example, between competitions you can listen to poems by Russian poets dedicated to heroes, or music by composers about the unity of the people. This will emphasize the importance of the holiday and add a special mood to it.

Scenario “Who will come to us with a sword...”

All participants are divided into 2 teams. It is necessary that each team has players responsible for strength competitions and participants in intellectual competitions. It is also necessary to take care in advance about the musical soundtrack, decorating the hall with balloons and posters, and the availability of attributes for each competition.

Presenter 1:
Good afternoon, dear guests! Here it comes Holy holiday February 23! This means that today we are holding a solemn event dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Presenter 2: Who were these defenders before?
Presenter 1: Of course, they used to be heroes who defended the Russian land from raids. We should not forget about ordinary soldiers who saved their homeland more than once.
Presenter 2: Many songs and fairy tales were written about such defenders!
Presenter 1: But today we have our own defenders who want to fight and show what they are worth!
Presenter 2: Applause to our teams!

The teams take their places to the song “Our Heroic Strength.”

Presenter 2:
Apparently we are having a military exercise today.

Presenter 1:
So it is, so it is. Let's get to know our warriors! The first team "..." and its commander (name)! And here is the second team “...”, and its commander is (name)!

Presenter 2:
Since we have training, where are we without fair commanders-in-chief who are able to judge who will be more worthy today!
Presenter 1:
Yes, we have them! (Represented by the jury).

Presenter 2: Now the competition can begin! First, let's listen to the mottos of both teams!

(command view)

Armwrestling competition

Presenter 1: The first competition will show all the strength and power of our commanders!

One representative from each team is needed. They sit opposite each other, elbows should be on the table. On command, each participant tries to place the opponent’s hand on the table. You can have several rounds with different participants.

Competition "To the Bull's Eye!"

Presenter 2: The next competition will reveal the most accurate of our boys!

Participants stand in line and each throws darts at the target 3 times. After everyone has made their attempts, the points are added up and the winning team is revealed.

Presenter 2: While your comrades are hitting targets, I would like to test how intellectually savvy you are!

(intellectual competition)

  1. It flies out of the gun and always hits the target. (Bullet).
  2. It spits cannonballs and will put fear in everyone (Cannon).
  3. Two heads, six legs, one tail (Horseman).
  4. You can’t fight without it, it will save your head (the helmet).
  5. What do soldiers shout when they run into battle? (hooray)
  6. Large combat vehicle for land battle (tank).
  7. You can't shoot without it,
    You'll only waste time!
    A large swarm of ferocious bullets
    Releases it in front of him.
  8. Who was born to be brave
    Keep your homeland safe? (soldier)
  9. Shoots loudly
    Saves a soldier's life. (gun)
  10. Who protects our country from outside penetration? (Border guards)

(Points for both competitions are added together)

Competition "Grenade!"

Presenter 1: Every soldier must be able to accurately throw grenades so as not to hit his own! Let's see how you do it!
Participants stand in line and throw dummies of grenades or balls. The goal is to get to the mat at the other end of the room. Everyone has 3 attempts. When hit for the first time, the participant runs to the mat, picks up the “grenades” and returns to the team. If there is no hit, the point is not counted. Those who have more points win.

Competition "Crossing"

Presenter 2: Often soldiers have to wade across the river. Now you will practice!

The first member of each team puts on a hoop and runs with it to the other end of the hall, runs around the cone and returns to the team. There the second participant clings to the hoop, and the two of them run. Thus, the entire team must pass. The team that completes the task faster wins.

(congratulations from the girls)

Competition “Important Report”

Presenter 1: Often the outcome of a war depends on whether the messenger can deliver a report to headquarters on time. Today you will feel like real messengers.

Each player, with a bag in his hands, crawls along the bench, does a somersault on the mat, runs around the cone, and then returns to the team the same way. All other participants repeat.
When the competition comes to an end, the report is read out.

(The report contains V. Fetisov’s poem “Monument of Glory”)

Competition "Soldier's Friend"

Presenter 2: Of course, every soldier should be able to assemble and disassemble a machine gun!

This competition consists of two phases.
1) the first participant runs to the machine gun and pulls out cartridges from it, then returns to his team. The second participant runs there and puts the horn back together. Then it comes back. Continue this way until all participants complete the competition.
2) Part for captains: you need to disassemble and assemble the machine gun.

(the results of the competitions are added up)

Competition "Tug of War"

Presenter 1: Well, what would training be without our favorite tug-of-war? Take your seats, friends!

Team members stand on opposite sides of the rope and begin to pull it when they hear the whistle. The team that pulls the flag fixed in the middle of the rope over the line wins.
(The jury counts points for all competitions)
(Girls dance)

Presenter 1: And now the jury will sum up the results of our exercises today!

(team awards)
Presenter 2:
Our competition dedicated to February 23 has come to an end! During them, we were able to verify the reliability and strength of our boys! Let's lead our men to a military march!
(music sounds, teams leave the hall)

Also watch the video on how well you can congratulate on February 23 at school.

Just as important for guys as March 8 is for girls. It is not surprising that all boys, boys and men are so looking forward to this holiday. After all, it is on this day that they feel loved and needed, like no other. This is the day when they bask in female attention. How can you not look forward to such a significant holiday!

It is also very desirable to organize a celebration in honor of this holiday in order to show schoolchildren how important they are, and how they are valued by everyone as future defenders of the Motherland and all girls. Schoolchildren and teenagers have their own differences in how to celebrate this day.

should be thought out in advance so that you can prepare thoroughly and so that the celebration goes off without any hiccups.

It is advisable to prepare gifts and congratulations in advance so as not to run to the store and buy the first thing that comes to hand. It’s better to think carefully, but buy something you need. It should be borne in mind that the gifts for everyone should be the same, otherwise someone may decide that he was deprived, because... my classmate got a better gift.

Girls need to decorate the classroom in advance, prepare gifts for all the boys, prepare some attributes for the game: letters cut out of paper with the words: warriors and guards, balloons. This game involves two teams of boys from the same class. In addition, you should choose presenters: a girl and a boy. The remaining girls can become members of the jury. Each competition (each correct answer) is graded on a five-point scale. The winners are given gifts, and the losers are given consolation prizes.

Leading: Hello, dear guests and competition participants. Let me congratulate all our men on this wonderful holiday - February 23.

Presenter: Indeed, I join in the congratulations. On February 23, it is customary to congratulate all men. Therefore, we have gathered here to hold competitions among our boys and determine who is worthy of the title of a real hero.

Leading: I ask both teams to leave.

Presenter: For each team we have prepared the name of their team. But in order to recognize it, you need to put together a word from the cut out letters.

To do this, it is necessary to arrange letters cut out of paper in a chaotic order before each team. The first word: warriors, and the second: guards. The task of each team is to make up the name of their team as quickly as possible and read it.

Leading: So, all the guys completed their task. Now we know that the first team is called: Warriors, and the second team is the guards.

Presenter: Now we will test our children on their knowledge of various proverbs. To do this, you need to choose one of the ripples from the team. If both participants do not know the correct answers, then the rest of the team helps them. Just, of course, without shouting the answer. In order to say the answer, the guys must raise their right hand.

Leading: So,
Don’t have a hundred rubles, but... (have a hundred friends).
They greet you based on their clothes, but... (they see you off based on your intelligence).
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness).
Business before pleasure).
The eye sees far, but... (mind further).
Get lost yourself, and... (help a friend out).
An old friend is better than two new ones).
In Rus', not all crucians are... (there are also ruffs).

Presenter: Well done boys. Now, as you select new members from each team, they will answer a few questions.
Name the most famous Russian heroes. (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich).
What animal should become the constant companion of every hero? (Heroic horse).
How did we learn about all the exploits of the heroes? (From epics).
Who is depicted in the painting by the famous artist Vasnetsov. (Three heroes).
What is chain mail? (This is an iron shirt that warriors wore to protect themselves when attacked by enemies).
What is worn on the head of heroes. (Helmet).
What weapons did each hero have? (Sword).

Leading: Well done boys. For each correct answer, the jury members give you a score on a five-point scale.

Leading: Real heroes should know all the names of the epics that described the exploits of heroes. Let's try to name the epics.

(Each participant in turn must name as many names of epics as possible. The team that named the most names receives five points).

Presenter: Each hero must have unprecedented strength to fight enemies. In this competition, the participants you choose from each team need to burst balloons with their feet. The participant who pops the most balloons earns his team five points.

Presenter: Well, guys, the time has come for the last competition. Each participant must name as many qualities as possible that not only a hero, but every real man should have.

Leading: Well done boys. While the jury sums up the results, we will take an oath of friendship, like real Russian heroes.

(The guys repeat after the presenter). Oath: We students of the class promise to overcome all difficulties together and support each other in everything.

We congratulate the winners who deserve the title of real heroes.

(Girls give gifts to all participants)


Every man should know
That you have to be strong and brave,
To be able to stand up for yourself.
You guys don't make a mistake
Protect your loved ones.
So that all friends know,
How much do you value them?
And you will not give offense.
This holiday is just for you.
For our brave, brave, smart,
The wisest! Ours for you, boys!
Happy holiday!

(The director comes out. He has a baseball cap on his head, headphones, a tablet under his arm. He examines everything critically and checks.)

Director. Studio, ready. Great. Are the operators on site? .. Cameras on me... Stop! Recorded. Is the sound engineer ready? Well, give us a screensaver.

Fanfare sounds

Order. So, where are the presenters? (Looks at his watch). Three minutes before the broadcast, and you can’t get them out of the dressing room! At least they rehearsed the exit, where are the stars. Okay, the main thing is that the extras are in place. (Looks around the audience, changes places. Addresses the audience.)

Extras, where are you from? Which school? Which class? (The audience responds.)

So, Krepinskaya school, grades 8, 9, 10, 11, listen here. As soon as the fanfare ends, give applause - friendly, loud, long. It's clear? Let's try.

(The theme song plays and the audience applauds.)

Yes, they said it was clear. I explain in Russian - loudly, amicably, for a long time. Or do these concepts mean something else at your school? Let's try again.

Recorded? - and so it should be after each screensaver. We are live, so we film everything without takes. Screensaver - applause, presenters - applause, heroes - applause. After competitions, we add shouts to the applause: “Bravo! Bis!". We are rehearsing.

Game "Bravo! Bis!

Director. We divide the hall into two parts. At my command (raises his right hand), the right side of the hall shouts “Bravo!”, and the left part of the hall shouts “Encore!” If I raise two hands, then everyone stomps and clap. (The game is repeated several times with speed

Director. Recorded! If something happens, I’ll give you a signal, and you won’t let us down. Everything seems to be ready.

(leaders enter)

But the presenters - well, of course, 30 seconds before the broadcast, couldn’t you come later? Well, let's go, the screensaver has started. (The audience applauds)

1 presenter. Good evening!

2 presenter. Hello!

1 presenter. Today is the first time on this stage...

2 presenter. And on all television screens in our country and neighboring countries...

1 presenter. We are launching...

2 presenter. Entertaining..

1 presenter. (Looks in surprise at 2 presenters) Cognitive..

2 presenter. (Protesting) Dance

1 presenter (surprised) Intellectual..

2 presenter. (shrugs shoulders) Festive super show..

1 presenter. (perplexed) “The very best!”

(The presenters look at each other in confusion. The director makes signs to the sound engineer. The title screen and the voice of the announcer “Advertising on the channel” sound)

Director. (to the presenter) Have you decided to disrupt the program? What are you saying?

1 presenter. What is written in my script is what I say. Look, it’s written in black and white: “ Competition program"The best!""

2 presenter. And I have: “Show, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland and international women's day

Director. Are you finished? You need to come in advance and check the scripts and rehearse at least occasionally. What can I say now! The show must go on - so go ahead, the ad block is already ending.

1 presenter. What about us?

2 presenter. What should we do?

Director. You'll figure it out along the way. (Addresses the audience) Extras! After the intro, applause

(Fanfare sounds, spectators applaud)

1 presenter. And again the show “The Most-Most” is with you. I am announcing the first competition for the title of the smartest.

2 presenter. And since our show is dedicated to the holidays...

1 presenter. International Women's Day and Defender of the Fatherland Day - then the first question will be this

2 presenter. Tell me, which holidays do we celebrate in winter and which in spring?

(viewers respond)

1.Intellectual competition

1 presenter. We ask the 10 people who answered correctly to come up to the stage. We will now ask you one by one questions that you need to answer without preparation. If you do not know the answer to a question, then any of the players who raises their hand faster can answer. Shouts are not accepted. Whoever answers the most questions will be the smartest

2 presenter. Which princess avenged her husband's death? (Duchess Olga)

1 presenter. Which women have been in space? (Valentina Tereshkova, Svetlana Savitskaya)

2 presenter. Whose wife was the daughter of Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev? (Block)

1 presenter. What was the name of the daughter of Peter 1, whom the whole world knows? (Elizabeth)

2 presenter. The most famous female composer of the 20th and 21st centuries? (Alexandra Pakhmutova)

1 presenter. Which Russian empress suppressed the rebellion of Emelyan Pugachev? (Ekaterina 2)

1 presenter. Which empress introduced new amusements at the Russian court - ballet, masquerade, lottery? (Elizabeth)

2 presenter. Who ascended the throne after the death of Peter 1? (Ekaterina1)

1 presenter. A singer, performer of folk songs, who visited all fronts of the Great Patriotic War? (Lidiya Ruslanova)

1 presenter. Who introduced Christianity as a state religion? (Prince Vladimir)

1 presenter. Who wrote the book “Timur and His Team”? (Arkady Gaidar)

2 presenter. Who was the first and only president of the USSR? (Gorbachev)

1 presenter. Who was the first president of Russia? (Yeltsin)

2 presenter. Which king introduced the oprichnina? (Ivan groznyj)

1 presenter. Which scientist was a peasant son? (Lomonosov)

2 presenter. Whose feat is described in the book “The Tale of a Real Man”? (Alexey Meresyev)

(Based on the results, a winner is chosen)

1 presenter. So, the smartest one turned out to be -----. And he is awarded a prize.

2 presenter. And for the rest of the participants the song _____________________________________________

1 presenter. And again our show

2 presenter. A little intellectual, a little entertaining, a little educational.

1 presenter. But in general - the most - the most

2 presenter. And everything else, dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

1 presenter. Will the guys present here be able to become real defenders of our Fatherland?

2 presenter. We'll try to find out.

1 presenter. Tell me, please, what types of troops do you know?! (Answers are heard) I will not tell you a secret if I say that the most numerous are the ground forces. And now, and only at the game “The Best!”, we will determine the best infantryman. And for this we invite 10 willing guys to the stage. (Young men come out)

1 presenter. To win, it is important to attack the enemy from an unexpected direction. Therefore, we will move through the swamp.

2 Relay “Bumps”

2 presenter. Let's divide into two teams. Your task: cross the swamp over the hummocks as quickly as possible without drowning. You have two bumps in your hands. You stand on one of them, and move the second forward. In this way, you get to the intended goal and also return back, passing the baton to other team members. Whichever team completes the relay race faster without making mistakes wins.

1 presenter. To summarize, team_____ won. Losing team, take your seats in the auditorium. A musical composition sounds for you ________________________________________________

1 presenter. And the rest continue to compete in dexterity. The next competition is called

3. Competition "Rubber"

1 presenter. Players stand in a rubber band circle. While the music is playing you walk in a circle, as soon as the music stops you need to quickly jump out of the rubber band. The remaining player in the circle is eliminated. We play until there are three of you.

2 presenter. Very often the outcome of a battle depends on accuracy. Next competition

4 "Snipers"

2 presenter. The sniper's target is a hoop that lies a short distance opposite the player. Standing with your back to the hoop, you need to hit it with the bag. Each player has three attempts. The one with the most hits will win.

(A competition is being held)

1 presenter. So, the winner has been identified, and he is awarded the title “Best Infantryman”

(The director raises two hands up, the audience applauds)

2 presenter. I hasten to remind you that today’s show is dedicated to another holiday - International Women’s Day.

1 presenter. I appeal to the girls who came to us today. When talking about war, we must not forget the people who are constantly next to the soldiers and often, risking themselves, save their lives.

2 presenter. Therefore, I announce the next competition for sisters of mercy. Girls, remember any medical terms. The one who names correctly goes to the stage. There are 12 participants in total.

1 presenter. The main task of a nurse on the battlefield is to transport the wounded.

5 Relay race “Transportation of the wounded”

1 presenter. Now divide into two teams. Participants from each team split into pairs. -Nurse and wounded. Stand with your backs to each other and clasp your hands. The task of each pair is to run to the finish line and return back without falling or coming apart (preferably sideways). Pass the baton to another pair from your team and so on. The team that completes this task faster wins.

2 presenter. So, let's start. (after the competition)

1 presenter. The winning team______ Music is now dedicated to the losing team. number, take your seats in the auditorium.


2 presenter. Now let’s find out how our girls can bring food to the soldiers in field conditions. To do this, we will divide into two equal teams. Your task is to carry a plastic cup to the finish line and back using two pencils. you need to do this quickly and not crush the glass. We pass the baton to our team members.

(a competition is taking place)

1 presenter. So, the team _____ turned out to be the most friendly. She is the winner. There is applause for the losing team. We ask you to take your seats in the auditorium.

1 presenter. Girls should be able to do everything. Including how to treat a child. The next competition is called

6. "Mommies"

2 presenter. 3 remaining participants, choose an assistant from the audience who will act as a child.

1 presenter. Your task is to put an apron on the child, tie three bows and sit him on your lap. The one who copes with this faster wins. Let's start (after the competition)

2 presenter. But also a mother must sing a lullaby to her child. Sing to us.


1 presenter. Viewers, how do you calculate who is the best mother? Let's determine this by applause.

2 presenter. Best mom This ___________.

The song ______ sounds for you

1 presenter. And now a competition for the audience. We ask 2 boys and 2 girls to join us.

2 presenter. The competition is called “Beauty Salon”

1 presenter. We share in pairs. The boys will act as hairdressers. Girls are in the role of a client. Your task is for the girls to put on a wig and put curlers on it. Whoever completes this task faster will be the best hairdresser. Let's start.

(a competition is taking place)

2 presenter. The best hairdresser is _______

1 presenter. Thank you for your participation, please take your seats in the auditorium.

1 presenter. And now we invite the winners of today's competitions to join us.

2 presenter. The cleverest_____

1 presenter. Team of the best infantrymen (Kochki)

2 presenter. Best sniper______

1 presenter. Team of the best nurses ______

2. presenter. The best mom______

1 presenter. The best hairdresser______________

2 presenter. Congratulations, you are the best today!

1 presenter. Spectators, applause!!!

2 presenter. Cognitive...

1 presenter. Entertaining...

2 presenter. Intellectual show "The Best".

They say together: We declare it closed. At the disco we will find out which of you is the “Super Dancer”. And at the end of the disco, he or she will receive a prize!