A sports festival dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day for children and parents of senior preschool age “Day of Air Force Games. “Scenario of the sports festival “Fun Starts” dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day Congratulations from the girls

Scenario sports festival“Fun Starts” dedicated to February 23
Goal: Fostering a sense of patriotism and civic responsibility, raising the prestige of the Russian Army.
Objectives: To attract children to systematic physical education.
Strengthen the health of students.
Foster feelings of collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance, and a “healthy spirit of competition.”
Venue: sports hall.
Equipment and inventory:
Stopwatch, whistle, stands, balls (basketball, volleyball), hoops, skittles, three chairs, benches, gas mask, jump rope, rope, medical bandage.
Team composition: 8 participants (4 boys, 4 girls).
Progress of the event
Sport equipment:
Host: Today we open the competition " Fun starts", in which children from grades 5-11 take part.
Presenter: Good afternoon, dear children, dear parents and guests! Defender of the Fatherland Day is coming soon. Today our army is famous for its exploits and defenders of the Motherland. And the future of our Army is you, our boys and girls today. And the power of our Army depends on how strong, dexterous, and courageous you grow up to be.
We are starting the most fun of all sports and the most athletic of all fun games- “Fun starts”!
The jury will evaluate your courage, strength, dexterity and ingenuity!
I introduce the jury members.
Presenter: Presentation of the commands “Name” “Motto” “Emblem”.
Well, what do we start?
We have three teams in the hall today, each team has its own captain, who is fully responsible for team cohesion, friendship and mutual assistance.
Teams present the team name and motto.
Let's greet them with loud applause.
Each competition is assessed on a 3-point system. The first team gets 3 points, the second gets 2 points, the third team running gets 1 point.
1st competition "Intelligence"
Inventory: three envelopes.
There are two tunnels in front of each team. At the judge’s signal, the players begin to cross to the turning post, run around the post and give the envelope to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.
2nd competition – “Crossing”.
Equipment: two hoops, two swivel stands for each team.
At the referee’s signal, the players begin to cross to the other side using two hoops (putting them forward and using them as bumps, up to the turning post), run around the post and give the two hoops to the next participant. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.
3rd competition – “Military driver”
Each team is given a toy car on a string. There are pins placed along the path of the machine, which you need to go around, and at the same time, without knocking them over, reach the limiter and back.
4th competition “Battle of the Captains”
5th competition “Medical unit”
Three people from the team are required. Let's imagine that we have soldiers wounded in the leg. Representatives of three people from each team run to a chair, where they bandage the leg of one of the fighters. After which two other soldiers must transport the wounded man back. The team that completes the task faster wins.
6th competition “Team GAZY”
At the judge’s signal, the first participant puts on a gas mask and runs to the pin, runs around it and passes it to the next member of his team, the team that runs first wins.
7th competition “Relay with two basketballs”
At the signal, the first member of each team runs with two basketballs in his hands, runs around the chip, comes back, passes the balls to the next participant. The relay ends when the last participant finishes.
8th Kangaroo competition
Participants, holding a basketball between their legs and holding a ball in their right and left hands, perform jumps on two legs.
9th competition "Relay race with overcoming obstacles" climbing under a hoop, jumping over a bench
10th final competition “Tug of War”
Leading. Our competition has come to an end. But we think that this is just the beginning, a small step towards health and good mood. Thanks to our teams for their participation and their courage. Thanks to everyone who came to our today sport's event– participants, jury, fans.
We give the floor to our respected jury, which will sum up the results of our competitions and award the winners.

Description of work
The work contains 1 file

Federal Agency for Education

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation




Social teachers:

Bobyleva O.S.

Golubar N.V.




Efremova T.V.


Explanatory note

Sports relay races dedicated to “Defender of the Fatherland Day” are held for students aged 16–17 years. IN creative group for the preparation of this event includes social. teachers and physical education teacher. These sports relay races are held to activate creative initiatives for students’ sports competitions, increase interest in healthy image life, development of skills of collective activity and team building.

Taking part in sports relay races, young men demonstrate speed, agility, endurance, and are continuers of the traditions of strength and courage of the real men of our Fatherland.

Practical experience shows that such events arouse interest among both participants and fans. These events are popular with participants because... they do not require special training, and assess the abilities and capabilities of participants in this moment, allow teenagers to compare their capabilities with those of other teenagers and draw attention to the poor development of certain skills.

This methodological development uses competitions and stages of relay races, which can easily be replaced with others, similar, and also change the number of both competitions and the number of participants.

Similar relay races can be held in educational institutions of any type, for both boys and girls of any age, partially changing the task.


 musical accompaniment

 posters: “strong, brave, dexterous, skillful”, etc.

 balloons

Materials and equipment used

1. Certificates, medals.

2. Basketballs by number of teams.

3. Tennis rackets and balls according to the number of teams.

4. Gymnastic hoops according to the number of teams.

5. Polypropylene bags according to the number of teams.

6. Balloons according to the number of teams.

7. Markers.

Team Evaluation Criteria

The last team to complete the task receives 1 point for the competition.

The team that completes the task second to last gets 2 points for the competition, etc.

The highest score for the competition is given to the team that completes the task first, and the score is given depending on how many teams took part in the competition.

Event participants

 3 presenters

 3 teams of 5 people

 Fans


Good afternoon, Dear friends!!! We are pleased to welcome you to the sports festival dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day!!! This is not so much a holiday and a red day of the calendar, but rather a Day of honoring and worshiping the perseverance and fidelity of our distant ancestors, grandfathers and fathers! And you are continuers of the traditions of strength and courage of the real men of our Fatherland! 3 teams participate in our sports festival:

 Team No. 1 – group No. 10 “Electrician”

 Team No. 2 – group No. 11 “Electrician”

 Team No. 3 – Group No. 12 “Computer Operator”

And now attention: we present the jury of our competition:

 Chairman of the jury – life safety teacher, retired lieutenant colonel Karavaev N.N.

 Deputy director for p/o and p/p Eliseev V.A.

 Physical education teacher V.F. Petrov.

I invite the presenters of the sports and entertainment part of our holiday - O.S. Bobyleva (2nd HUD), T.V. Efremova (3rd HED).

1 COMPETITION “Name yourself”

Within 30 seconds, each team must come up with a funny name that will consist of 2 words (no more). The first team to come up with a name wins.


The quiz is conducted in the form of testing. Each team receives a card with questions (7 questions) and answer options; you must choose the correct answer option by highlighting it.

Questions:1. Indicate the type of sport in which the athlete uses: overalls, gloves, helmet, spikes, ice chute up to 1500 m long, sled? a) water aerobics,

b) basketball, c) biathlon, d) ski jumping, e) skeleton.

2. What is the length of one lap of a running track in an outdoor stadium? a) 100m, b) 400m, c) 500m, d) 800m.

3. In what year will Russia host the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi? a) 2008,

b) 2010, d) 2012, c) 2014

4. At what distance in running does an athlete not have the right to move to someone else’s track? Cross out the incorrect option: 60m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 5000m, in the 100 and 110m hurdles, 4x100m relay, in the first stage of the 4x400m relay.

5. After which team of the judge in the long jump or high jump is the attempt counted? a) “Well done!”, b) “Excellent!”, c) “Yes!”, d) “Clever girl!”, e) “Counted!”

6. Which track and field apparatus do athletes push further? a) disk,

b) cannonball, c) spear, d) hammer, e) grenade, f) ball.

7. Indicate the sport in which the following athlete equipment is used: overalls, cap, gloves, boots, skis, sticks, rifle?

a) badminton, b) football, c) cross-country skiing, d) swimming, e) biathlon.

3 COMPETITION “Leapfrog”

At the command of the leader, the first team member crouches at the mark, the second jumps over it and crouches so that the third can jump over both the first and second, crouching in front of the second. The fourth jumps over the first, second, third and crouches in front, and the fifth jumps over everyone and also crouches, the “leapfrog chain” continues to jump until the last participant crosses the finish line.


Each participant, on command, covers a given distance, jumping on two legs in a bag. The winning team is the one whose member crosses the finish line first.


At the command of the leader, each team member covers a given distance, hitting a tennis ball with a racket so that it does not fall to the floor. The player who crosses the finish line first wins the team.


Each captain is tied to his leg balloon, you need to use various movements to make the ball of the opposing team burst. The winner is the team whose captain is the first to burst the ball of the opposing team.


Two players of the same team stand on opposite sides of the hall and roll the hoop to each other. The remaining three players on the team are given one attempt each to run into the rolling hoop in one direction or the other without knocking it over. Points are awarded for each successful attempt. The maximum number of points in the competition is 6 points.


The teams stand in ranks, holding hands. The first player on the team holds a hoop in his hands. At the command of the leader, you need to move the hoop, crawling into it along the line, without releasing your hands. The team that completes the task faster and more correctly wins.


Each team is given a spoon with a tennis ball in it. On command, the first participants begin to move with a spoon in their hands at a given distance and pass the spoon to the next player on the team. The winner is the team that completes the task faster and better.

While the jury is summing up the results of the competitions, we would like to award the winning teams in the sports games competition for the “Lyceum Cup”, as well as the best players of the teams participating in the games.

Last year we started a good tradition of holding sports games for the “Lyceum Cup” and last year the “Lyceum Cup” was won in a bitter struggle by group No. 20-05 (electricians). And this year, group No. 30-05 hands over its Cup to this year’s leaders, group No. 21-06 (electricians). And so, the winners:

group No. 21-06 – 1st place, receive a large cup, “gold” medals and certificates;

group No. 30-05 – 2nd place, receive an average cup, “silver” medals and certificates;

group No. 12-07 – 3rd place, receive a small cup, “bronze” medals and certificates.

I would also like to mention some of the team players who took an active part in the games and showed their worth best sides, they receive “certificates of honor”:

Group No. 10-07,

Group No. 11-07,

Group No. 20-06,

Group No. 22-06,

Group No. 32-05,

Group No. 38-05.

The jury gives the floor. The jury announces the winners and awards prizes and certificates.

We congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and the upcoming International Women's Day. We wish you all the best and invite all participants to a festive cake.

Physical education teacher Vladimir Olegovich Chernetsov


Participants are divided into teams. A line (line) is drawn beyond which attackers are prohibited from crossing. A waste paper basket or pan is placed at a distance of several meters from the line. The attacking team throws paper balls, trying to get them into the basket, and the team defending the “object” can deflect the projectiles. Then the teams change places. The team with more shells hitting the target wins.

Air bomb

Participants are divided into teams. At the finish line, an empty three-liter jar is placed for each of them. At the command of the leader, the participants take turns running with a coin or button clutched between their knees to the finish line and try to throw this “air bomb” at the target, that is, into a jar, without using their hands. The team with the most bombs in the bank wins.

Prisoners under guard

Outline or otherwise designate a large circle. One guard is selected from among the participants. The rest stand in the center of the circle with their hands tied behind them. At the signal from the leader, the prisoners, jumping on one leg, try to cross the border of the circle, and the guard does not allow them to do this. The last participant remaining in the circle becomes the guard in the next round of the game.


The saboteurs were caught on the territory of the headquarters. It is necessary to interrogate them. To do this, one participant is invited from each team, who carefully examine each other for a minute. After this, the guys stand with their backs to each other. The facilitator asks each person in turn questions regarding appearance opponent. For example, what color shirt is your opponent wearing? What are you wearing on your feet? How many buttons, etc. Whoever gives the most correct answers becomes the winner of the competition.

Preparing the equipment

Very fun competition. One participant from each team is called up. They will have to use a marker on a sheet attached to the board to draw as quickly as possible Not with their working hand (if the child is right-handed, then he draws with his left hand, and vice versa) the object that the leader quietly whispers to them. The team that is the first to guess what exactly their participant is drawing wins. You can draw military equipment (airplane, tank, ship, missile carrier, etc.).


Our observation post is located in a swamp, we need to be extremely careful. There was a single, very small hummock (a thick sheet of paper or cardboard) on which the participants would have to stand on one leg. The one who stumbles will “drown in the swamp” and is eliminated from the game. Either one person from a team or several can participate.

Mined field

Participants will have to pass through a mined field and not get blown up. Blindfolded players must go around 8 min (pins or plastic bottles). The team whose guys hit the fewest mines wins.

Prisoners under guard!

Prisoners have been detained and need to be put in prison. But this is not so easy to do.

Two people from each team participate in the competition. A circle is drawn on the floor. Participants stand outside the circle at the border and join hands. At the leader’s command, they must drag the opponent into the circle, but not get there themselves. The one who crosses the border of the circle is eliminated.


The children are given sheets of encrypted texts. A computer keyboard will help you decipher them. The texts are written on sheets of paper in English letters. To decrypt, you need to find this letter on the keyboard and see which Russian letter it corresponds to.

Gather your will into a fist

Children are informed in advance that in the next competition they will need to muster their will. After this, each participant is given a large sheet of paper on which the word “will” is written in large letters. You need to crumple this sheet into a fist with one hand. The first one to complete the task wins.


At the front, you constantly have to provide assistance to the wounded, and the speed of the medical service. personnel often depends on human life. For the competition you will need gauze bandages. Players need to rewind the bandage back into the roll as quickly as possible.

Difficult position

Soldiers often have to find themselves in difficult situations, get out of them. A player from each team has his hands tied behind his back. A box of matches is poured onto the floor in front of each person. The participants' task is to collect matches as quickly as possible.

There is strength...

Soldiers must have a certain strength. The goal of the competition is to squeeze as much juice as possible out of half a lemon with one hand. The winner is the one with the most juice.

Desperate snipers

A hoop is placed in the middle of the hall. Each participant has five plastic bottle caps. It is necessary to hit the hoop with the cork from a distance so that it does not pop out. This is not so easy to do. The one with the most corks left in the hoop wins.

Army cuisine

You need to put a knife and potatoes on the table. Participants will decide that they will need to peel potatoes at speed. However, as soon as those interested come out, you need to ask them to take turns naming dishes that contain potatoes. Enough funny competition, causing a storm of emotions among both the participants and the support group.


Participants in the competition have a rope tied around their waists, at the end of which a potato is attached, located at knee level. A box of matches is placed on the floor. You need to move the box to the finish line, pushing it with potatoes.

Combat wound

Each participant must hit the ball into a basket or bucket. But before that, they draw out a card on which it is written which part of the body was wounded in battle. It could be "right hand", " left leg", "left eye", etc. The injured part must not be used. The winning team is determined by the number of hits.


Who will cheat faster? balloon. (who can quickly disassemble and assemble a pen, Lego, etc.)...


Amrestling in two teams to determine the winners. Competition between the strongest pair (“best of the best”)....


Which month has 28 days? (every month)

What does a toad eat in winter? (nothing, she sleeps in winter)

What's in the front of the giraffe and what's in the back of the walrus? (letter Zh)

Why do hungry wolves walk in winter? (on the ground)

What happens to a cat when he turns 2 years old? (the third one is coming)

How much does a three-ruble bun cost? (3 rubles)

What do crocodile, monkey and man have? (letter O)

What's upside down above us? (fly)

Why do ships go to sea? (from the shore)...

Contest " Methodical piggy bank of a preschool educational institution teacher"

Scenario for a sports festival dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day for older and school-preparatory children.


  • 2 easels
  • visual landmarks (cones)
  • 2 caps
  • 2 hoops on stands
  • 2 tunnels
  • 2-4 images of military equipment with dots
  • 2 pans
  • potatoes by number of participants
  • 2 spoons
  • 2 cut pictures
  • 1 rope
  • 2 pairs of skis (linoleum).

The progress of the holiday

Children enter the hall to the music and line up around the perimeter of the hall.

Host: Guys, today we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is a holiday for all grandfathers, fathers, older brothers and of course our boys, because when they grow up, they will also serve the country, the Fatherland. And our sports competitions are dedicated to this holiday.

Children read poems.

Today is a special day
For boys and men
Defender of the Fatherland Day
Every citizen knows!

February, February, winter and sun
And the first birds call!
Today I looked out the window:
He froze and pressed his face to the glass.
My friends - oh yesterday boys
Today we grew up and suddenly
All as one, abandoning their books
They held hands and stood in a circle
And they promised their mothers and sisters
Protect the boundaries of joy.
Take care of our world - both birds and the sun,
Keep me safe in the window.

Presenter: Our boys will soon grow up and go to serve in the army. Let's imagine that we are in the army. You know that there are different types of troops in the army.

Now we will conduct quiz, I will ask questions, and you will answer.

  • Who serves on the tank? (tankers)
  • Who serves on the border? (border guard)
  • Who flies a helicopter? (pilot)
  • Who serves in the missile forces? (rocketman)
  • What is the name of a person who jumps with a parachute? (skydiver)
  • What do you call a soldier who has no military equipment? (infantryman)

Presenter: Well done! You answered well and correctly. Now I ask the teams to take their places. The fan team will greet our participants ( applause).

In addition to teams and fans, we have a jury at competitions consisting of: music director and a kindergarten methodologist.

Now is the time introduce yourself to our teams.

  1. Group team No. (1, 2, 6) - your name and your motto
  2. Group team number (8, 11, 12) - your name and your motto.

Before the start of the competition, participants must shake hands with each other, this means that you are friendly to each other and will not be offended even if you lose.

Word from the jury: We have two pictures, but they are cut, we will give a fragment after each relay race, and at the end of the competition you will create a whole picture.

Presenter: I declare our competition open! Are the teams ready for the competition? A combat alert is announced in our unit.

1st relay: “Combat alert”. Running with a cap on your head. You need to run to the landmark and back, pass the cap to the next participant. The winner is the team that completes the task quickly and correctly, without violating the rules of conduct in the gym. This relay is worth two points.

On your marks! Attention! March!

Presenter: Now we will move on to combat exercises, we will check whether our future soldiers know how to hit the target.

Relay 2: “Hit the target.” The competitor takes the ball and throws it into the hoop and stands at the end of the column. The team that hits the target the most wins. This relay is judged by the number of hits.

On your marks! Attention! March!

Presenter: The iron fish dives to the bottom, it protects its native land.

Relay 3: “Submarine”(tunnel). You need to crawl through the tunnel, stand up and run to the landmark, return to the team, pass the baton, touching the next participant on the shoulder. This relay will be worth one point.

Are the teams ready? On your marks! Attention! March!

Host: Of course, in the army, soldiers not only fight and train, but also relax. Let's take a break too.

Now competition for fans: “Guess the type of equipment.” You need to connect the dots with the numbers in order and guess what type of military equipment is depicted.

Now the jury has the floor: In the first competition the team won..., in the second competition with a score... the team won..., in the third competition the team won... The total score of the three competitions... while the team is in the lead...

Host: Our soldiers stand guard over our homeland at any time of the year, even in harsh winter. They know how to ski, and now we will see how our future soldiers ski.

Relay 4: “Winter crossing” or “Ski track”. You need to ski to the landmark and back and pass the skis to the next participant. The team that completes the task correctly and quickly wins. Are the participants ready? On your marks! Attention! March!

Host: You know, guys, that soldiers always help cook in the kitchen. So now we will find out whether we are good helpers in the kitchen.

Relay 5 is called “Potato”. You need to put the potatoes in a spoon and bring them to the pan, put them in the pan. Return to the team and pass the spoon to the next participant. All clear? Ready? On your marks! Attention! March!

Host: Before the last competition, we will take a break and watch the dance performed by the support group. Let's welcome them. Your applause.

Host: We checked that our future soldiers know how to hit a target, ski, and help in the kitchen. The time has come for the teams to show their strength.

Relay 6: “Tug of War.” Teams stand opposite each other in columns. The leader gives them a rope. At the signal, team members begin to pull it. The team that pulls its opponents over the dividing line wins.

I ask the teams to take their places. On your marks! Attention! March!

Presenter: 7 final competition: “Collect a picture.” You have received all the fragments of the picture, and now you must assemble the whole one. And we'll see which team can do it faster.

Presenter: Well done! You coped with all the tasks wonderfully, showed that you are strong, dexterous, skillful, that you can serve in the army and will become worthy defenders of our Motherland, which you love and will protect!

I want everyone to laugh
So that dreams always come true,
So that children have joyful dreams,
May it be a good morning,
So that mom doesn't be sad,
So that there is no war!

The final word is given to the chairman. Rewarding teams, distributing prizes.

Script writer: Elena Anatolyevna Galchenko, instructor physical culture MADOU kindergarten combined type No. 77, Khabarovsk.


holding a paramilitary relay race "Soldiers get up!",

dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day

Decor : on the back gym a draped yellow-blue fabric with a large abstract star in the center. On both sides of the podium there are 2 tablets covered with camouflage fabric, with lighting nearby. The start and finish lines are indicated by cubes. The cube at the finish line resembles a military structure - a pillbox, with a banner on it.

Before the start of the program, teams (sections) are located in the upper part of the gym. Commanders (captains) line up their squads on both sides of the hall. Each team has its own emblem and uniform. Assistants to the presenter are located in the lower part of the gym on an improvised training ground.

Background music is playing. A leader in camouflage uniform comes out to the center of the training ground.

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends! Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, we have gathered in this festive hall to show our respect and respect to those who wear military uniform.

We warmly and heartily congratulate all the men present here on this wonderful day. May your life always be warmed by the warmth of your home, the love and attention of your family and friends, and may my wishes be joined by members of the amateur art group, who are eager to please us with their creativity.

The presenter announces the performance of an amateur art group

Presenter: The call is coming... The trumpet is calling! Twice a year, in autumn and spring, the regional collection point is filled with ringing voices and music. Parents and relatives stand aside. Mothers fiddle with handkerchiefs in their hands, and when the massive metal gates open wide, then, according to a long-standing good tradition, the brass band plays the march “Farewell of the Slav”.

A march begins to sound quietly in the background, and the presenter continues.

At such moments, one thing is heard from the mourners: You are serving, we will wait for you,” and the parents begin to live in the hope that their son will return home stronger and more mature, a real man.

Fewer and fewer, unfortunately, remain with us of those who went through the entire harsh Great Patriotic War, risking their lives, not sparing themselves and bringing Victory closer with their courage. I ask those present in the hall to rise from their seats and greet our guests, veterans of the Great Patriotic War: Georgy Konstantinovich Kosse and Philip Zakharovich Sobol, who are present at our celebration.

A group of assistants present flowers and flowers to veterans in the hall. memorable gifts to the friendly applause of the audience

Presenter: We cordially congratulate you and everyone present at competitive program"Soldiers get up!" happy 72nd anniversary Great Victory. I wish you good health, long life, support from your loved ones. Thanks again for the Victory!

Squads led by commanders are invited to the improvised training ground.

A soldier's march sounds and from both sides of the gym the teams go to an improvised training ground, line up on both sides of the leader, who plays the role, during the competition, of the company foreman, company orderly, company orderly, and commander-in-chief of the game.

Presenter: These are the wonderful and interesting young men we have on stage today. They will have to compete with each other, and they will be assessed by members of the jury, who are already ready to start counting the results. Meet...

The presenter introduces the jury members. Asks both squads to take their places at the starting line

Presenter: Soldiers get up! - the company orderly gives the command. This is how a soldier’s everyday life begins, which lasts a whole year - 365 days. During this period, the guys try to satisfy their craving for military knowledge, already have an idea of ​​​​campaign-combat life, cultivate endurance, determination, courage, willpower, courage. Everything is made up of a soldier's everyday life. This is the routine of a soldier's life. The command “Company, rise!” will sound, and the soldiers are ready to begin service. Let us ask a soldier of the sponsored unit to tell us how the soldiers’ routine is structured.

Soldier:(sergeant).And this:

Exercise and morning toilet;

Formation for the morning review;

Divorce for fire training classes;

Use of personal time;

Evening formations, assignment of outfits and their preparation (sleep, rest);

Instructional classes before assignments and assignments to internal service, for example, assignment to a company, assignment to a kitchen, assignment to a guard, assignment to a checkpoint, assignment to a control and technical service.

Presenter:(thanks the soldier)

It is with this daily routine of a soldier’s life in mind that we built our “Company, rise!” program.

Presenter: The first thing the soldiers do after the command of the company duty officer is “Company, rise!” - this is exercise for everyone and morning toilet. So, I ask the squads to line up at the starting line to participate in relay race Good morning, a country!" The relay race consists of 2 stages:

Stage 1: each department as a whole must demonstrate its own version of complex morning exercises, performed for 64 counts. The overall composition and clarity of execution are taken into account.

Stage 2: the squad is formed in a column one at a time and is located at the starting position at the starting line. The first participant runs to the finish line, runs around the cube, hangs a towel around his neck, and returns, passing the towel to the next player, and he himself stands at the end of the column. So, passing the towel to each other, the players complete the relay.

The backing track of L. Agutin’s song “Border” plays. A competition is being held.

Presenter: So, the first relay race “Good morning, country!” has been completed. The jury began their work. Fairly assessing personal and overall results is not an easy task for the jury. We wish them to be objective, clear and coordinated work.

Everyday physical training promotes the manifestation of motor activity, instills in a soldier organization, independence, initiative, endurance, and responsibility for the results of both individual and group actions. We’ll find out a little later what the result of the 1st competition will be. Now we ask the squads to take their starting positions at the start. Friends, after exercise and morning toilet, the company sergeant major draws the soldiers’ attention to drill training, bearing, composure, attentiveness, smartness, and precision in formation.

In this regard, we invite departments to take part in relay race "Morning inspection".

Exercise: 1st player runs to the finish line, puts on a T-shirt, takes it, runs around the cube, takes off his clothes, leaving them in the same place, returns back, sitting on a chair at the starting line. Only after he sits down on the chair does the second player have the right to take over the baton and continue the task. When the last participant at the end of the column sits down on a chair, the relay is considered completed.

Props: 2 berets, 2 T-shirts

Presenter (gives a command): Ready, let's start!

A background march sounds. The 2nd relay race “Morning Inspection” is being held. The jury announces the results of the 1st relay race “Good morning, country!”

Presenter: The difficult soldier's service continues day by day. Yesterday's boys are growing up, learning soldier skills, and following the orders of commanders and foremen. The order will sound: “Company, rise!”, and they are ready to begin carrying out the task. During fire training classes, soldiers deepen their knowledge of the material and combat properties of the Kalashnikov assault rifle and hand fragmentation grenades, improve the skills of incomplete disassembly and assembly of the machine gun, performing techniques and observing the rules of shooting from military and small-caliber weapons, saving and storing them, as well as throwing hand weapons. pomegranate, which attracts them most of all. To consolidate these skills, I ask one participant from the team to take the starting positions and show their skills in disassembling and assembling the training machine. So, another one "Fire training" competition.

The assistants bring out 2 tables (soldiers cover the tables with a raincoat), 2 training machines. At the command of the presenter, the competition participants perform the task assigned to them. Military personnel submit their results to the jury.

Sounds phonogram of a song from the film “Soldiers”" A competition is taking place. The jury announces the results of the Morning Inspection relay race.

The presenter announces the number of amateur performances

Presenter: Contest "Universal Soldier ". It is carried out in 3 stages, which will determine who has passed the test of difficult military service. And we decided to take advantage of this order and conduct our own tests for our squad commanders. So, I ask the commanders to take the starting position. The task before you is:

1) answer 5 questions (each correct answer - 1 point);

2) do push-ups from the floor at the leader’s count (1 point)

The “Universal Soldier” competition is announced. Background music is playing. The presenter, alternating, asks questions to each commander.

1. What is military supply called? ( Contentment)

2. What is the name of the one who is sent with a report? ( Messenger)

3. What is the 4-letter name of a military unit? ( Company)

4. What is another name for a battle? ( Battle)

5. Automatic master. ( Kalashnikov)

6. As is, so is... ( honor)

7. Better death than... ( a shame)

8. The surname of the great commander, whose name is Alexander? ( Suvorov)

9. What is the name of the memorial building to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War? ( Obelisk)

10. Task, work received by a military personnel? ( Outfit)

The jury evaluates the correctness of the answers.

Presenter: You coped with the first task perfectly. Keep it up! Let's move on to the second task. Please take your starting positions and start doing push-ups.

The presenter counts who can do the most push-ups. Background music is playing. The jury evaluates the results.

Presenter:. Relay race “Company outfit”.

Cleaning in the company must be approached with love, say soldiers who have served. The state of good mood for the whole day depends on the execution of the outfit. The squads lined up at the starting line in a column, one at a time! Their task: to wash the floor in the company, but instead of a rag with a mop, they need to pass a wooden square between the pins so as not to catch the pins, which are placed from start to finish at a distance of 2 m from each other. The squad leader starts the baton, the rest continue the same, passing the baton. Is the task clear? Then let's start the task.

The phonogram of L. Agutin’s song “Border” plays. The relay race is taking place. The presenter asks the jury to announce the result of the “Universal Soldier 2010” competition

Presenter: “Only the strong in spirit always win,” said Alexander Suvorov. Competition "Dress up for the kitchen." So, 3 representatives from each department received a kitchen order from the company sergeant major. They will:

Peel 3 onions (1 participant);

Stick as many dumplings with potatoes as possible and place on a dish.

Please wear white caps and aprons. The assistants will now bring out tables for you with the necessary items to complete the outfit. Please take into account the fact that while the song is playing, you need to cope with the task at hand: peel the onions and stick as many dumplings as possible.

Props: 6 aprons, 6 white caps, 2 knives, 6 spoons, 6 onions, 2 buckets for onion skins, 2 deep buckets with boiled potatoes, 2 deep bowls with dough, 2 rocking chairs, a handful of flour, napkins and a bowl for washing hands

The presenter announces the performer of the song, and the participants complete the task at the command of the presenter “Attention, let’s start!” A song is playing. There is a competition, at the end of the song the presenter asks one of the participants to pass onions and a dish of dumplings to the jury. The jury sums up the results of the “Company Dress” relay race.

Presenter: The military oath is a document of national importance. Its text is sealed with the soldier’s personal signature and becomes an inviolable law of his life, from which there can be no deviations. The oath speaks of the soldier’s high moral and combat qualities, honesty, courage, discipline, vigilance, etc. We hope that our program participants will bear the title of DEFENDER OF THE FATHERLAND with honor. And to confirm these words, I invite the department to the training ground to participate in the relay race "Report to headquarters." Received instructions for combat educational activities. Now we will see which department can deliver the report to headquarters faster, using the tunnel passage. Opposite each “tunnel” at the start, the squad lines up in a column, and the package with the report is located at the finish.

Exercise. At the signal, the first participant crawls through the “tunnel”, runs to the cube, runs around it, takes the package with the report and returns back to his squad, already passing the “tunnel”. He passes the package to the next player on the team, and he himself stands at the end of the column. The next player does the same. The person behind the column, having received the package, overcomes the tunnel and passes the package to the leader. The team that completes the task faster wins.

The presenter reads out the received report.

Text of the report : Conduct combat exercises in the area of ​​square 9. At 4 o'clock in the morning, enemy troops landed with the aim of capturing and destroying an important object. The landing party will try to capture the pillbox with the banner. I order you to take up defensive positions and destroy the enemy landing force.

The backing track of the club's song "Camouflage" is playing. The relay race is taking place. The presenter asks the jury to announce the result of the “Kitchen Dress Up” competition.

Presenter: During combat exercises from excessive physical activity Unforeseen injuries occurred. It is necessary to provide first medical care. For your attention - relay race "Orphans".

Exercise. The squads line up at the starting point. One of the participants plays the role of the victim. He sits down in the place prepared for him, and the orderly, together with any member of the team, provides him with medical assistance. "Open fracture of the radius"

Bandage the arm, observing the following rules: apply a tourniquet above the fracture site, bandage the splint so as to prevent movement. If the orderly does the dressing incorrectly, the team receives 1 penalty point. Then, on a raincoat tent, 4 participants carry the victim from start to finish, while observing the requirements not to shake the wounded person. In case of violation - a penalty point.

Props : 2 raincoats, 2 tires, 2 bandages, 2 chairs at the start.

The song is playing from the film “Soldiers”. A competition is taking place. The presenter asks the jury to announce the result of the “Report to Headquarters” relay race and announces performance by an amateur art group

Presenter: Today, participating in the paramilitary relay race, pre-conscripts, although in game form, but learn the basics of military art. This is, first of all, the education of patriotism based on the example of the selfless devotion of soldiers to the Motherland during the years of the last Great Patriotic War, and in our days. The future service is a kind of review for our boys! You involuntarily look at you with an appraising glance: have you matured, can you stand up in the army with dignity, like a man, and shoulder the responsibility for the reliable defense of the borders of the Motherland on your still immature shoulders. How will they cope with the assigned tasks in the final stage-by-stage relay race, who will be the winner, in your opinion, dear fans? What is the prediction for victory?

Spectators give guesses as to which team will win.

Presenter: The final staged relay race “Company, rise!” has an educational nature and a variety of gaming motives, goals, and the activity of our participants, who so strive for the desired victory, while showing emotionality and cheerfulness. Drawing a picture of military operations in their imagination, the guys certainly want to feel like victorious heroes. Let's give them this opportunity right now. Squads, please take your starting position at the start. Get ready, let's start! Soldiers get up!

Stage 1: Two carry the third on crossed arms.

Stage 2: Moving on the belly.

Stage 3: Step-by-step relay race for handing over the apron and white cap.

Stage 4: Go through the “tunnel”.

Stage 5: Run in pairs to see who is faster!

The background song by L. Agutin “Border” is playing. The final phased relay is underway. The presenter asks the jury to sum up the results of the “Orphans” relay race. Assistants prepare diplomas, certificates, and gifts for presentation to the program winners.

Presenter: Our program is coming to an end. Now the question will finally be resolved: who won? In the meantime, the jury will sum up the overall outcome of the meeting, I turn to you, dear fans. Now the assistants will bring out stencils with letters from which you need to create 2 military ranks. If you already know the answer, please raise your hand.

Background music is playing. The presenter holds a competition with fans who make up the military ranks: colonel and warrant officer. The winners are awarded.

Presenter: Attention" The final results will now be announced. The chairman of the jury speaks.

The chairman of the jury announces the results and sums up the overall result. Guests of honor present memorable gifts, certificates, and diplomas for 1st and 2nd place. The winning team performs the traditional victory lap. The players of both teams, holding hands, leave the hall to the march and applause of the fans. The presenter says goodbye to the fans.

Presenter: Dear Guys! Ahead of you are difficult everyday life as a soldier, which will transform yesterday’s boys into courageous warriors! Let us wish you success, and in your person and all men, courage, confidence in the future, good luck and good health. Peace and prosperity to our Motherland. Once again, happy holiday! See you again!


Worked on the script material: