What are the signs to celebrate the year of the rooster? A complete list of New Year's signs for the coming Year of the Rooster! May the year bring joy with meetings

New Year's time is a time of magic and dreams come true. Since childhood, we have known: if you make a secret wish while the chimes are striking, it will definitely come true. But not everyone knows that our ancestors counted the days winter holidays the most mysterious period of the year. They say that on this solemn night the door to the future is opened for people. It’s no wonder that so many superstitions and demands are associated with January 1st!

Special New Year's rituals guarantee your well-being in 2017

The proverb says: “As you meet New Year, that’s how you’ll spend it.” According to legend, the events of the festive night determine our fate for the next 12 months, so there is no need to relax. The symbol of 2017 according to the Chinese calendar will be. So everyone’s task is to arouse the favor of the vocal bird. This article contains the most popular signs associated with the upcoming holiday. Let them help you attract happiness and good luck in the coming year!

Farewell to the old year

  • IN New Year's Eve not only do the numbers in the calendar change, but also a transition is made from the old life to the new. It’s not for nothing that we say to each other: “Happy New Year, happy new happiness.” So why not leave all the problems, difficulties and quarrels in the past? Before December 31st, each of us should repay all debts and ask for forgiveness from those with whom we quarreled.
  • Spring cleaning is not just a boring chore. It is better to enter the New Year with a clear conscience and in a clean home. All broken things should be fixed before the holiday. It would be useful to get rid of bad thoughts and unnecessary worries. After all, wonderful holidays are ahead!
  • Esotericism experts recommend throwing out all trash from the apartment, first of all, broken or cracked kitchen utensils. This will free up space for new useful purchases. Take the example of the Italians - residents of this country throw unnecessary things right out of the window on New Year's Eve!
  • You shouldn’t leave all the goodies for the evening of December 31st. In the last three days before the New Year, the table should always be laden with hearty dishes - then abundance and prosperity will await your family in the coming year.

The change of year is associated with renewal and the birth of everything new

Preparing for the celebration

  • New Year was and remains family holiday. Even if you were not able to gather all your relatives at the festive table, be sure to visit them in the first days of the new year.
  • Try to remember the dream you have on the last night of the year. According to signs, he indicates what the next 12 months will be like.
  • IN festive evening It is not customary to wash dirty linen in public. Violating this rule can bring discord in the family.
  • On New Year's Eve you cannot give or lend your things or money, otherwise happiness will pass you by. During the celebration, it is advised to have at least a small amount of money in your pocket. This way you will save yourself from financial problems.
  • According to tradition, on a festive evening they wear everything new - from dresses to jewelry. If you follow this rule, next year will bring many new things.
  • will bring good luck to those who choose a fiery-colored outfit. Shiny jewelry, accessories with feathers and precious stones will perfectly complement your look and will definitely please the owner of the year.
  • To ensure strong and lasting relationships between family members, tie a rope around the legs of the festive table.
  • On New Year's Eve it is better to give up gambling. There is a popular belief that such entertainment brings misfortune.
  • Choose gifts from natural materials. According to signs, this will scare away mercantile people from you and your loved ones.

Respect the patron of 2017 and his

Gala dinner

  • The table should be covered with a white tablecloth and sprinkled with a handful of cereals - it is associated with wealth. You can place home-baked bread and a bowl of salt in the center, and put coins in the corners. This will protect the house from all sorts of troubles and bring good luck in the financial sphere.
  • Even if you are fasting, the holiday meal menu should be varied and unusual. Be sure to include fruits, nuts and grain dishes. A rich table is a sign of prosperity.
  • Avoid chicken dishes. The symbol of the coming year will definitely not appreciate food from its relatives. It’s better to give preference to fish, pork or beef. And don’t forget about the delicious reddish shades!
  • Don't overdo it with alcohol. It is better to replace strong drinks with tasty and bright cocktails. After all, this word itself is translated as “rooster tail”!

Following New Year's customs will bring you good luck and prosperity.

New Year's Eve 2017

  • The last seconds of the passing year are a cherished moment when everyone makes their deepest wishes. You can think of up to twelve things. The main thing is that among them is the health and success of all family members.
  • The tradition of making wishes can be made more interesting. Write your dream on a napkin or piece of paper, set it on fire, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink to the bottom. If you manage to do this while the chimes are striking, your wish will certainly come true.
  • If you want to attract money to your home, at the time of the New Year, hold a penny in your palm. You can also put it in a glass and then carry it with you as a talisman.
  • In the last minutes of the year, women are advised to cover their shoulders with a scarf and throw it off as the chimes strike. This way you will leave all the troubles and problems in the past.
  • A minute before the New Year, peel the tangerine and place it under the spruce. After performing such a ritual, the year promises to be joyful.
  • Immediately after January 1st, you need to kiss your soulmate. And then your feelings will grow stronger every day!
  • It is recommended to light a fireplace in the house and maintain the fire throughout the night. In European countries there is a custom of throwing coals into the flame. However, it is undesirable to lend anyone items associated with the fire element (lighters, matches, candles).
  • Did any of the guests sneeze during the party? This means that the coming year will be successful for everyone present. The number of times a man sneezes, the number of women who will love him.
  • If three fall from a spruce tree and break New Year's toys, a new addition awaits the family in the new year.

Crashed Christmas decorations they can prophesy to you!

Signs for January 1

  • The first day of the year will show what all subsequent days will be like. On January 1, you should not take on hard work, especially cleaning. Otherwise, you face twelve months of worries and labor.
  • Be alert to random finds. Any little thing can be a sign that a lot awaits you in the new year pleasant surprises. If the first person you meet on the street is a man, you will be lucky.
  • Are you involved in trading? Don't skimp on a good discount for the first buyer in the new year. Luck will accompany you in all financial matters, and profits will always please you.
  • An unmarried girl should buy milk on the first day of the year. If it doesn't turn sour within two weeks, she'll be getting married soon!

Such is the nature of people that many try to lift the veil of the future and predict future events. This is why signs for the New Year 2017 are relevant. 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster, and it can also be safely called the year of love. After all, red or fiery color is associated primarily with passion and love feelings. The owner of the year will give good luck to everyone who loves or is in love, if this is helped a little, i.e. celebrate the holiday in such a way that the symbol of the new year likes it.

Surely, everyone wishes for a successful and rich life for the New Year, full of joyful events and meetings. However, not everyone knows what exactly needs to be done to make all desires come true. All you need to do is follow some tips for attracting good luck and pay attention to New Year's signs.

From the new year to a new life

Many New Year's superstitions associated with a change in environment. The house where the New Year is celebrated should be well cleaned, the dishes should be free of cracks and chips, and the owners should be wearing new, or at least unwashed, clothes.

Note! The Rooster will not tolerate sloppiness even in small things. Luck and prosperity are more likely to find their way into the house if it is clean.

If you want to radically change your life, start your own business or take on a risky project, it’s time to dare. The Rooster favors bold undertakings and promises good luck in business. To be sure of the location of fortune, you should lure it. Start small - with your home. Before the holiday, update the interior - new curtains, a tablecloth, a rug for the hallway, or even furniture, whatever you have enough imagination and finances, will do. After the holiday, you will notice how the spirit of novelty will appear in everything that surrounds you.

May the year bring joy with meetings

When going on New Year's Eve to visit, do not forget about good gifts, they must be useful, since the Fire owner of the year does not like trinkets. A set of bed linen, dishes, a kettle, a towel, in the end, but not some kind of souvenir. The rooster is a household bird, so it is even better to host guests, showing cordiality and hospitality.

When going out to the store on the morning of December 31, pay attention to the first passerby; if the person is of the opposite sex, then the celebration will go as well as possible, but if you are of the same sex, then boredom cannot be avoided.

On New Year's Day, as a rule, relatives and close friends gather at one big table to have fun and celebrate this holiday. And then everyone goes about their business and meets together very rarely. If you want to prevent this from happening, tie a rope or strong thread around the legs of the festive table, then the coming year will delight you with meetings with your family and friends.

Like cheese in butter

Do you want to live in abundance? To have money in the new year, decorate the Christmas tree with it. Whatever banknotes you hang will be in your wallet next year. Rubles, dollars, euros - everything is suitable as toys.

If you want to get rid of debts, then perform the following ritual. You need to throw something heavy on your shoulders - these will be your “debts”. For example, roll up a blanket. A couple of hours of carrying a heavy object on your own shoulders is enough. You need to get rid of the load when the clock strikes twelve, with the words “I’m free!” They say that after performing such a ritual, within a year, funds will be found to pay off all debts.

Note! You need to be careful with dishes. As everyone knows, dishes break for good luck, but it turns out not always. If you break a plate or a toy from the Christmas tree, don’t be upset - this will bring joy and money, but it’s better to take care of the glasses - they can lead to family troubles.

How to meet

Note! Naturally, it is better not to serve chicken dishes on New Year's Eve.

There are several recommendations about what you should wear to celebrate the Year of the Rooster. A lady or gentleman in red - this is the look that will suit you best. It is not at all necessary to create an outfit exclusively in this color; a couple of details will be enough - shiny jewelry, feathers, gems, which will attract the owner of the year, and with him good luck.

According to everyone’s well-known superstition, New Year’s Eve determines the entire next year. We all want the most long-awaited night of the year to be bright and unforgettable, and for the holiday to last as long as possible. New Year's signs will help you celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster correctly.

Understand, what to wear to celebrate the Year of the Rooster , current advice from a specialist in the field of feng shui Natalya Pravdina will help. The main New Year's sign is relevant for every festive night and sounds like this: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” Everyone remembers these words when planning a holiday, choosing gifts for their loved ones or trying on a festive outfit.

Signs about New Year's Eve

Help to successfully celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster folk signs about the festive night, gifts and guests.

Accidentally pour champagne on the festive table- bring wealth and abundance to your home in the new year. But a cork that does not “shoot” out of the bottle is considered a bad sign, causing monetary losses.

You can't celebrate the New Year before midnight. If you start the holiday before the clock strikes midnight, then the whole year will be full of troubles, delays and thwarted plans. You need to wait until the New Year comes, and only then start the holiday.

The guest who arrives first will play an important role in your life all year. Pay close attention to those who come to visit you and remember the first person to come. It will be possible to rely on his opinion and judgment in controversial issues throughout the next year of the Rooster.

Before the New Year, you need to get rid of old things and chipped dishes. It will leave your life along with the old things. negative energy. This will renew your money channel and attract financial well-being.

The New Year of the Fire Rooster should be celebrated in everything new. New outfit on a festive night will attract good luck and joy to you for the whole year. If you wear something old, you will bring old problems with you.

How more dishes and drinks will stand on festive table, the richer the owners of the house will be in the New Year. The energy of wealth and abundance is attracted to such things, so abundant food and beautiful surroundings will contribute to the further development of the financial channel. In addition, all dishes from the table must be eaten and drinks must be drunk during New Year's Eve and two days after, otherwise the energy of abundance will dry up.

Before the New Year of the Rooster, you need to say goodbye to all debts. If this is not done, then financial problems will not only quite predictably carry over into the next year, but will also multiply. There are several effective waysget rid of debts before the New Year : use one of them, and the energy of the financial channel will begin to renew.

You cannot borrow money, items or products before New Year's Eve. This sign does not bode well: by lending any of the above, you can bring upon yourself poverty and illness.

Feeding and warming a stray cat or dog on New Year's Eve is a sign of wealth and good health. By unselfishly giving away part of the supplies and letting our smaller brothers into our home, we attract the favor of Fate in the New Year.

You can’t argue and get excited at the festive table. Quarrels and disagreements during the celebration will attract misfortunes and squabbles into your home. If problems arise, it is better to solve them peacefully and under no circumstances become involved in a conflict.

A good help in planning a holiday will be knowledgeperfect New Year's Eve according to your Zodiac Sign .We wish you a happy New Year and only pleasant experiences. Be happy!

The moment is approaching, the wooden goat will be replaced by the fiery Rooster - the symbol of the New Year 2017. According to eastern calendar, The Rooster will take its full place on the throne on January 28. Fire is the element of 2017, and the symbolic colors of the New Year are red, yellow, golden, orange and other appropriate shades.

To spend New Year's Eve with dignity, you should prepare carefully, focusing even on the little things. On New Year's Eve, everything should be thought out: the festive table, the decorations, and the outfits. How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017: signs will help make the most anticipated night of the year unforgettable!

Festive table

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 and what the menu should be is probably the most pressing question on the eve of the long-awaited holiday. It should be remembered that on the table there should be dishes not only traditional for the winter celebration, but also those that the symbol of the year, the Rooster, loves. After all, everyone should remain full on New Year’s Eve!

It is better that vegetarian dishes take the leading position on the New Year's menu, since the diet of the totem of the year includes no more than 2% meat. Of course, you shouldn’t turn your table into a paradise for herbivores, especially if among the guests there are lovers of meat delicacies: chicken, poultry and rabbit dishes are suitable.

It is also worth making sure that there is a real abundance of fruit on the table; the Rooster will certainly appreciate this! Also, the symbol of the year will appreciate something exotic and creative. After all, cooking is also a space for imagination! You can make, for example, a fruit cake and insert fireworks into the center. Or depict a rooster from some dish.

Tips for choosing a wardrobe

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017: signs include choosing a festive outfit in accordance with the symbol of the year. It should be remembered that by decorating the festive table, according to traditions and signs of how to celebrate the new 2017 Year of the Rooster, good luck and prosperity are attracted to the house. But by dressing yourself in symbolic colors, personal luck is attracted.

The Rooster loves a creative approach to business. Therefore, the more original it is New Year's outfit, the greater the chance that the Rooster will pay attention. Despite the fact that the typical colors for 2017 are fiery shades, the Rooster welcomes and Blue colour, and green. Therefore, if bright, eccentric outfits are not quite your style, you can choose clothes in soothing colors, diluting them with bright elements in the form of a brooch or hairpin.

The Rooster will appreciate everyone's efforts, especially if a good mood prevails on New Year's Eve, a bright atmosphere with notes of something incredible and magical. May the New Year be filled with unforgettable moments!

On New Year's Day, even skeptics tend to believe superstitions. Many signs have been collected over centuries and have been time-tested. Find out how to appease the symbol of 2017 and attract capricious luck.

New Year's Eve is a time of miracles and fulfillment of desires. In order for the coming year to be successful, our ancestors carefully prepared for its meeting.

The most famous sign, perhaps, is the saying: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.”

Therefore, watch your actions and attract good luck with the help of simple rituals.

New Year's signs

The most seemingly ordinary broom can be useful not only for cleaning. Buy a broom, tie it with a red ribbon and place it at the entrance with the fluffy side up. A bright headband will attract the owner of the year - the Red Rooster, and financial well-being awaits you.

A large paper bill placed in your pocket before the New Year is a guarantee of prosperity and luck.

Try not to change it for a month. For greater effect, speak the bill into monetary well-being and carry it in your wallet as a talisman.

A coin held in the hand during the chiming clock is also a guarantee of material wealth. It is believed that the lower its value, the more profit awaits you next year.

A guarantee of abundance is food on the festive table. The sign says that nothing cooked should be thrown away, because along with the thrown away food, the energy of well-being leaves the house. Invite your friends over and try to eat everything left after the holiday.

The choice of food on the table is also important. Superstitions suggest that plant foods will respect the Rooster. A beautiful painted saucer with grain and fish, as well as fresh water in a beautiful jug will not leave a fastidious bird indifferent and will attract good luck.

If you sneeze on New Year's Eve after dusk, then the year will be positive for you and will bring many unexpected pleasant surprises.

When going on a visit to celebrate the New Year, watch your step. If you stumble over the threshold with your left foot, a joyful year awaits you; if you stumble with your right foot, difficulties await you. Step your right foot three times and say, “Left, left, left.” Then stomp your left foot.

New clothes for the holiday are a sign of renewal and change for the better. A bright suit will attract the attention of the Red Rooster, and new things await you next year.

Correct financial situation businessmen will be helped by a discount for a random buyer. On the eve of the New Year, you will cheer him up with an unexpected gift, and also attract the favor of Fortune.

Do not forget that the Rooster does not like greedy and petty people. He is willful, but generous, and will definitely respond to your kindness.

When choosing clothes with pockets as an outfit, remember that they should not be empty. Place a coin or banknote there to guarantee a happy life.

It is customary to repay debts before the New Year. Those who did not take care of repayment risk spending the next year in constant loans.

You can remove all the negativity of the outgoing year as follows:

Throw a shawl or scarf over your shoulders, and with the last chime, take it off and shake your bad luck out of the open window.

Girls who want to attract love, according to tradition, painted their lips with bright lipstick or paint and kissed the man on the cheek. According to the sign, the brighter the trace remained, the stronger the love awaited them next year.

It is very simple to win the attention of your chosen one to your person on a magical New Year's Eve - attach a photograph with his image to your heart and, while the chimes are striking, ask the Fire Rooster for assistance and luck in love.

Remember that miracles happen more often than you think. A wish made during the chiming clock will definitely come true.

The energy of a huge number of people increases at this time, and happiness is in the air.