Introducing ordinal counting lesson plan in mathematics (senior group) on the topic. Notes for the lesson “Ordinal counting Notes for ordinal counting

Age group: Middle group

Topic: “Ordinal counting to 3. Geometric shapes”

Integration of educational areas:

  1. 1.Game
  2. 2.Communicative
  3. 3.Cognitive and research

Software tasks:

  1. 1.Teach children to count to 3
  2. 2.Improve the ability to compare two geometric objects
  3. 3. Reflecting the results of comparison in speech

GCD tasks:


  1. 1) Introduce children to the history of watches and their purpose;


  1. 1) To form an understanding of time relationships (first-then, earlier-later);


  1. 1) Cultivate self-control, teach children to listen to the answers of their comrades without interrupting them;
  2. 2) Enrich children's lives with positive experiences.


Demo material:

  1. 1.Toys: doll, hedgehog, ball, hare, card with the image of three apples of different colors,
  2. 2. A bag with objects different in length, width, height (pyramids, ribbons, ropes, envelope, square, rectangle.)


  1. 1. Planar images of apples of the same color as on the demonstration card (three pieces for each child): red, yellow, green.

Ways to organize children: Sitting at the table

Vocabulary work: Remember geometric shapes

Preliminary work:

  1. 1)Repeat the name geometric shapes.
  2. 2)Remember counting to 3

1. Surprise moment. The doll Katya comes to visit the children with toys and greets the children. Children greet the doll and look at the toys.

2. Game exercise “Let’s help Katya the doll count the toys.” The teacher informs the children that the Katya doll is learning to count: “She brought her favorite toys with her and wants to count them,” invites the children to help her, displays toys: a hedgehog, a ball, a hare, and asks the children questions: What toys did the Katya doll bring? How to find out how many toys Katya doll has? The teacher reminds the children of the rules of counting and invites several children to count the toys, then clarifies: “How many toys does Katya’s doll have? "(3 toys.) The teacher explains to the children that when we want to find out which toy is, we must count differently: first, second, third. Children, together with the teacher, count, naming the ordinal number and the object: “First hedgehog, second ball, third hare.” The teacher names the toy, and the children determine its ordinal number and check the correctness of the answer by counting the objects in order.

3. Game exercise “Place the apples in order.”

The teacher shows a demonstration card with a picture of apples and says: Katya the doll collected apples for the hedgehog different colors. Arrange your apples in a pattern. How many apples did Katya doll collect for the hedgehog? What color are apples? Count the apples in order? Children name the ordinal number and the color of the apple: “The first apple is red...”. Which is the green apple? What color is the apple in third place?

4. Game exercise “Comparing a square and a rectangle.” The teacher takes a square out of the envelope, attaches it to a magnetic board, and asks the children: “What is the name of the figure? What does a square have? How many sides? Show the corners of the square. How many angles? “Next to the square, the teacher attaches a rectangle and asks: “Who knows this figure? What is it called? This is a rectangle. What does a rectangle have? Show the sides of the rectangle. How many sides? Show the corners of the rectangle. How many angles? How are a square and a rectangle similar? How are these figures different? “The teacher places a square on a rectangle and reports that the rectangle is longer than the square.

5. Physical education session (optional by the teacher).

6. Game exercise: “Find a pair.”

The teacher takes out from the bag objects different in length, width, height (pyramids, ribbons, ropes), lays them out on the table, and invites the children to find pairs of objects, compare them and label them with the appropriate words: wide, narrow, long, short, low, high Then he suggests finding objects that are longer, shorter, etc.

Summary: What did we do today? What exercises did you do? What did you like?

Summary of the integrated lesson.

Section 3 “Learning to think, reason, fantasize.”

Topic: “Ordinal counting within 10.”

Program content:

Educational objectives:

Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the days of the week and parts of the day;

Learn to determine the location of geometric shapes in the path, understand the expressions “before” and “after”;

Continue to learn how to navigate on a piece of paper;

Continue the formation of mental operations (analysis, comparison, generalization);

Develop the skill of answering questions completely.

Developmental tasks:

Develop speech, observation, the ability to express and justify your judgments;

Develop auditory and visual attention, memory, logical thinking;

Develop Creative skills, fantasy, creative imagination.

Educational tasks:

Develop independence and the ability to plan your work;

Foster a desire to help others who find themselves in difficult situations;

Foster friendly relationships between children, the habit of completing tasks together;

The ability to rejoice in your success and the success of your friend.

Methods and techniques:

· Simulation of a game situation in order to pose a problem and create motivation;

· questions for children;

· usage teaching aids, visual material;

· physical education, computer.

Subject development environment:

· Use of ICT (computer);

· a basket with “magic” nuts;

· cards with two stripes;

· didactic game “football”;

· ball for the game “Days of the Week”;

· schematic representation of unfinished items for each child;

· chips.
Progress of the lesson:

The teacher creates game motivation:

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

What fairy tales do you know? Name it.

What fairy tale is your favorite?

Listen and guess which fairy tale these lines are from:

The spruce tree grows in front of the palace,

And below it is a crystal house;

A tame squirrel lives there,

Yes, what an entertainer!

The squirrel sings songs.

Yes, he gnaws all the nuts,

And nuts are not simple,

All the shells are golden,

The cores are pure emerald;

The servants are guarding the squirrel.

That's right, from "The Tale of Tsar Sultan." Who is the author of this fairy tale?

That's right, A. S. Pushkin.

You know, guys, the squirrel handed over this basket of nuts. But these nuts are not easy, they contain riddles and tasks for us.

The teacher invites the child to get a nut from the basket.

What number is hidden here?

In a nut with a is the task: “Build a path of pebbles.”

Take cards with two stripes and trays with geometric shapes. On the top strip, lay out a path of ten geometric shapes so that identical shapes are not located next to each other.

Questions for the completed assignment:

How many pieces did you place?

What is the difference between a triangle and a square?

How are a square and a rectangle similar?

What can you say about the circle?

Count how many figures bigger size in your lane?

How many small sizes?

How many squares?

How many laps?

The teacher suggests performing a mutual check.

The teacher praises the children for completing the task correctly.

Lay out the second path so that it is shorter and there are no circles in it. (Children complete the task and peer-check is performed).

Questions for the completed assignment

How many pebbles is your path made of, Nadya?

Do you have it, Vasya?

Which is a rectangular figure?

Zhenya, where is your rectangle?

Name the next figure.

Name the third figure, place a counter on it and name it. What figure is next?

Well done guys, you did a good job.

What number is hidden here?

And this nut invites us to look through the magic window.

Game on the computer: “Logical thinking.”

Look carefully at what appears on the screen and answer the questions correctly.

Questions for children:

Why do you think so? Explain? (Children express their opinions)

Did you like this game?

The teacher invites the child to get the following nut:

Nadya, crack one more nut. What's the number here? Name it.

This nut invites us to play the game “football”.

Take a football field and “balls”. We got ready to play. So, the ball is in the middle of the field, up, down, left, right, top right, bottom left, bottom right, top left, center. Great, you completed this task too.

The teacher offers to get the child the next nut.

Zhenya, open the next nut, what is the number here? It's time for us to rest

Physical education minute.

I want to know now

One two three four five -

We'll go for a walk together.

At the edge of the fir tree

We all sat down on the stump.

We sat and rested,

They pulled their hands towards the sun.

They dropped them again

You can wave them.

Reaching for the sun again

And they smiled at each other.
The teacher invites the child to get the next nut.

Open the nut, name the number. Under this number, the squirrel has prepared riddles for us to use our wits:

Quietly and timidly

The sun is red with a ray

What opened it like a key? (Morning)

The sun shone brightly

The earth, everything was gilded.

It shines and shines

He doesn't tell us to be lazy. (Day)

The sun went to bed, and as if

Light blue blanket

He covers the whole earth,

This time is very precise -

They call it twilight. (Evening)

When with darkness

The earth suddenly came together

And the moon is in the sky

Matched a star. (Night)
What were all these riddles about? (about parts of the day)

I suggest playing the game “When does this happen?”

· The sun shines during the day, and the moon….(at night)

· During the day I walk, and at night…..(sleep)

· We have breakfast in the morning and lunch….(in the afternoon)

· We sleep at night, do exercises….(in the morning)

· We do exercises in the morning and have dinner... (in the evening)

· We have dinner in the evening, and we have quiet time... (in the afternoon)

The teacher suggests playing the game “Days of the Week”

Throw the ball and name the days of the week.

What is the first day of the week?

What's the third one?

What is the last day of the week?

What is the next day on Wednesday?

What is the next day on Friday?

What are the days off of the week?

The teacher invites the child to get the next nut.

What number is hidden in it?

This nut is the last task for us.

Squirrel gave us unfinished images of objects. Your task is to come up with and complete unusual drawings and give them a name.

Game “Complete the drawing and name the object”

(While the children are working, calm music sounds, Children talk about what they drew)

The teacher summarizes:

Children, what did we do today?

What did you like most?

Thank you. You know so much, came up with interesting drawings, were attentive, smart,

Sections: Working with preschoolers

  • To form in children the concept of ordinal counting.
  • Improve counting skills within ten.
  • Repeat geometric shapes.
  • Develop spatial relationships.
  • Cultivate interest in mathematics.
  • To foster activity, discipline, independence, and the joy of communication.
  • Develop attention, visual and auditory memory, logical thinking, observation, mathematical speech.



6 different toys,
– heroes of the fairy tale “Turnip”;
– a set of geometric figures made of cardboard;
– numbers-magnets;
– “Seeds” cards with drawn sunflower seeds (Fig. 1 - 3);
– for the game “What’s extra” - models of cans of tomatoes made of cardboard (Fig. 5 - 9);
– demonstration table.

– “Seeds” cards with 6 pieces of sunflower seeds glued on (Fig. 4);
- colour pencils.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

– Hello, guys and dear parents!

I'm glad new meeting with you. I invite all the guys to stand in one circle.

Peaceful game.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher pronounces the words, and the children perform the actions embedded in the words.

Smile at the one on the right.
Smile at the one on the left.
Give your hand to the one on the right.
Give the one on the left your hand.
Now you walk in a circle, and you walk together as friends.
Wink to the one on the right.
Wink to the one on the left.
Hug the one on the right.
Hug the one on the left.
Well, the game is over
Time for math!
There are ideas and tasks here,
Games, jokes - everything is for you!
We wish everyone good luck -
Good luck to work!

(Children go to the tables, parents sit down on chairs.)

For parents:

Everything you need for the lesson is ready.

Today in the guys' office
The lesson is very important.
Why is it important?
Every parent will say.

(Parents express their opinion on why it is necessary to study mathematics. The teacher begins:

Mathematics is gymnastics for our mind.

Whoever studies mathematics trains his mind.

Now check it out, my friend:
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everything in place?
Is everything all right?
Is everyone sitting correctly?
Is everyone watching carefully?

Induction training.

- Guys, today we will learn what ordinal counting is, where we use it in life and some of its rules. The topic of our lesson “Ordinal counting.”

But first, the preparation is a little training.

I invite you to do some fun math exercises: let’s navigate in space and remember geometric shapes. Warm-up: wave to me and my parents with your right hand, now with your left.

Here are the fidgety figures,
They love to play hide and seek.
So let's get them guys
We'll look with our eyes.

Together we look to the left.
What's there? This is a square.
You won't get away, you prankster,
From the inquisitive eyes of the guys.

Look left, look right.
Look it up. What is this? This is a circle.
Here he is, beloved friend.

Let's look down with our eyes,
What will we find there?
This is a triangle.
Where is the rectangle? (On the ceiling.)

– Let’s count with you, remember the number series.

The number row (1–6) is broken on the board; children, if desired, find and correct mistakes (two people work - two number rows, parents can be invited). The rest of the children are in place, counting orally, accompanied by clapping, together with the teacher (direct counting to ten).

Current briefing.

Game “In the toy store”.

There are 6 toys on the table.

- Guys, do you go to the store with your parents?

– What do they buy there?

– What store do you think we went to? (To the toy store)

– How many toys are there on the shelf? (Count 6)

- Guys, pay attention to the fact that If we want to find out how many objects there are, then it doesn’t matter where we start counting, the main thing is not to miss a single object when counting and not to count anything twice.

Then the teacher invites the children to imagine that one of them is a seller, and he is a buyer. The teacher offers to sell him the toy that comes first.

The child hands over a toy, and the teacher says that he did not mean this toy, but the one that comes first.

- Who guessed which one?

The one of the children who guessed must sell him the ball (car). We put the toys in their place.

– Why did two sellers sell? various toys? (Children must guess that one toy is in first place on one side, and the other is in first place on the other side.) This is where we need ordinal counting. Listen carefully to the name of the account “ordinal”, from the word “order”. People use ordinal counting when they number houses (ask children what their house number is?), apartments, schools, seats in the cinema, bus. Guys, why do you think everything needs to be numbered? (Children’s statements, parents help.)

The main rule of ordinal counting is when determining the serial number, it is customary to count from left to right, and in other cases - to indicate in which direction the count was carried out (right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top).

Let's return to our store, In order to know exactly which toy you need, you need to tell which side to count from.

The teacher shows the children how to count if they need to find out where an object is.

– Where is the doll (pyramid...) located on the right (left)?

Game “Turnip”.

The toy characters are in disarray on the display table.

– Now I invite you to a fairy tale.

what a fairy tale, I don’t see.
Who knows, I'm waiting for an answer?


Here we have a serial count, but first let’s count how many heroes there were in the fairy tale?

Remember the rule If we want to find out how many objects there are, then it doesn’t matter where we start counting, the main thing is not to miss a single object when counting and not to count anything twice.

– Which of the heroes planted the turnip?

– How did she grow up? (Show with your hands.)

– Who was the first to start pulling turnips?

-Who did the grandfather call for help?

- Where was the grandmother standing? (The child comes out and puts the toy in the right place.) The rest of the heroes are dealt with similarly. After completing the task, children answer the questions:

- How many people carried the turnip?

- How many animals helped drag the turnip?

– How many characters are there in the fairy tale?

– If the heroes switch places, how many will there be? (There will still be 6 of them because no one came or left.)

– More riddles await, who can guess them quickly?

(Children solve riddles and find the order of the characters.)

– From morning to night he works, he gets tired - that’s the problem.
You will always find out where he stands!

– Who, raising his fluffy tail,
Purring comes to visit?

“And he dances and sings and helps around the house.”
Where the assistant stands - whoever counts will find out!

- The tail is long, it gnaws everything,
Lives in a small hole!

Finger play (carried out 3 times, with increasing tempo).

– Grandfather and grandmother grew cabbage in their garden, let’s salt it.

We chop and chop the cabbage.
We three or three carrots.
We salt and salt the cabbage.
We press and press cabbage.
And then we put it in our mouth.

Practical work.

Working with the "Seeds" card.

– The granddaughter also helps her grandparents in the garden. She planted the seeds.

Guess the riddle and find out what plant your granddaughter planted.

In the garden by the path
The sun is standing on its leg.
Only yellow rays
He's not hot.
It grows on a long stem
With petals like horns,
His head is large
Full of black seeds. (Sunflower.)

– Look at the cards, do you recognize sunflower seeds? (The teacher has card Fig. 1, the children have card Fig. 4.)

– How many sunflower seeds did your granddaughter plant? (Children count - 6 pieces.)

– The very first shoots appeared from the second and fifth seeds. Draw sprouts from these seeds (children draw sprouts from sunflower seeds on the card with colored pencils), compare with demonstration cards (Fig. 2, 3).

Game “What's extra”.

– Tomatoes have ripened in my grandmother’s garden. She decided to make preparations for the winter - pickle tomatoes. Her granddaughter helped her.

On the board are five models of cardboard cans:

– one of which is small, the rest are large (Fig. 5);
– in one jar there are four, in the rest there are five tomatoes (Fig. 6);
– one is empty, the rest contain tomatoes (Fig. 7);
– in one jar there are small tomatoes, in the rest there are large ones (Fig. 8);
– yellow tomatoes in one jar, red tomatoes in the rest (Fig. 9).

– How many cans did they prepare?

– Which jar do you think is the odd one out?

– Where is the can of yellow tomatoes?

– How many cans of small tomatoes?

- Where is the small jar?

Information for parents

This game develops variable thinking. IN in this case all the proposed answers are correct. This approach liberates children, removes their fear of making a mistake and the fear of the wrong answer.

Game “Parents”

Parents present at the lesson sit on chairs in one row. Children must determine which row their mom or dad is sitting.

- Katya, what number is your mother in? Etc.

Final briefing.

The teacher gathers the children around him.

– Guys, where have you been today?

– What new did you learn?

– What did you like most?

– What seemed difficult?

– And I liked how wonderful you worked today: you were attentive, diligent, active, polite.

The teacher praises the children for learning to recognize where an object is.


Remember the fairy tale “Kolobok” and answer the questions:

– What animals did Kolobok meet in the forest?

– How many animals did Kolobok meet in total?

– What was the number of wolf, bear, hare?


  1. Playing game. Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. Guidelines.
  2. Peterson L.G., Kochemasova E.E. Playing game. Mathematics for children 4–5 years old. Part 2.
  3. Beloshistaya A.V. I count and solve!: A unique method of teaching mathematics.

Notes on FEMP in the senior group “Introduction to ordinal counting”

  1. Lesson topic: “Masha and the Bear came to visit us”
  2. Age of children: 5 – 6 years
  3. Program content objectives:

Educational:introduce ordinal counting; continue learning to name the days of the week;consolidate children's knowledge about geometric shapes and their properties; repetition of quantitative counting.

Developmental: develop fine motor skills hands, attention, perseverance, logical thinking.

Educational: cultivate the skill of a culture of behavior.

  1. Materials and equipment for classes:

For the teacher:dolls, Stuffed Toys, geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle), colored clouds with the names of the days of the week, an envelope with a poem, a magnetic board.

For children: image of geometric shapes on paper (square, circle, triangle), colored clouds with the names of the days of the week

  1. Preliminary work:learning physical exercises, repeating geometric figures, days of the week.
  2. Vocabulary work:

Activation: geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle), days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Enrichment: ordinal counting (first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth)

  1. Methods and techniques: visual (showing a cartoon), verbal (conversation), gaming ( game exercises), practical.
  2. Means of education:communication of the child with adults and peers, fiction.
  3. Form of organization: frontal
  4. Progress of the lesson

Educator: The children came to our lesson today with some very interesting guests. We will recognize and see them only when we solve the riddle. Listen carefully:

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind Mishka's back

Without knowing it himself

He carries her home.

Educator: What fairy tale are the guests from, guys?

Children's answers: Masha and the Bear.

Educator: Yes, indeed, this fairy tale is called “Masha and the Bear”. And here they are (showing dolls by the teacher). Masha and the Bear told me that they got bored in the forest, and they decided to come to the guys in kindergarten and play with you. The fact is that Masha and the Bear really like to study mathematics in their forest house. But they also have tasks that they cannot cope with. Children, let's help them? Do you agree?

Children's answers: Yes.

Educator: Each of them has envelopes in which tasks are written. Who will we take the envelope from first: Masha or the Bear? The bear says that we need to take the envelope from Masha, because she is a girl, and girls need to give in.

We take the envelope, open it and read:

And here we have a poem!

Maksimka put the toys on the shelf:

A wolf cub, a fox cub, a tiger cub, a hedgehog and a funny little puppy.

I put it on the shelf:

A kitten, a squirrel, a bunny, a bear and he forgot to put an elephant.

Educator: What's the question? How many are there?

Children: 10!

Educator: How did you guess?

Children: counted!

Educator: So, who's counting?

Count Anya from 1 to 10.

Educator: And you, Vanya, count back from 10 to 1.

Educator : Do you guys agree? (children's answers)

Educator: When we want to know how many objects, i.e. We count their number as follows: one, two, three, etc. This is a quantitative account. It shows the number of items.

Educator: Masha, can you count as well, from 1 to 10, as our guys?

Masha: Yes, I can.

Educator: Do you know, Masha, what ordinal counting is?

Masha: No, I don’t know.

Educator: Do you want to learn with our guys how to count from 1 to 10?

Masha: I really want to.

Educator : Masha, remember. If we want to know what the object is in order, we count like this: first, second, third, etc. This is an ordinal count. It shows the order of objects.

Educator: It turns out that our Masha does not know the ordinal count! Shall we teach her? To do this, we put our toys in order. And you, Masha, look carefully and remember! (The teacher places soft toys on the table)

Educator: So, Tanya, who is fourth?

Tanya: hedgehog.

Educator: Galya, who is tenth?

Galya: elephant.

Educator: And you, Nikita, count which little squirrel you count?

Nikita: seventh.

Educator: Now, let’s count the children in unison. (First, second, third, etc.)

Educator: Well, how did Masha remember? Let's check it out? Tell us Masha, what is the number of the little fox?

Masha: second.

Educator: Masha, count, what is the number of the puppy?

Masha: fifth.

Educator: Well done, Masha. Now you know the ordinal count. Now let's take the envelope from Misha!

Look, what are these magical clouds? (There are colored clouds with the days of the week on the magnetic board)

Children: Days of the week!

Educator: How many days do we have in a week?

Children: 7!

Educator: Let's call you! (children call)

Educator: So, Alena, come to the board. Today is our 2nd day of the week, what is it called?

Alena: Tuesday.

Educator: What color is the cloud?

Alena: red.

Educator: Egor, what day will it be tomorrow?

Egor: Wednesday.

Educator: Show me what color the cloud is?

Egor: yellow.

Educator: Lisa, what day of the week was yesterday?

Lisa: Monday.

Educator: What color is the cloud?

Lisa: red.

Educator: Very good, well done!

Educator: Guys, now each of you will receive the same colored clouds. Place the days of the week in order in front of you, starting with the first Monday. (The teacher passes by and helps the children).

Educator: Let's name the days of the week in unison (Monday is the first, Tuesday is the second, Wednesday is the third, etc.).

Physical education minute.

Once - bent, straightened up,

Two - bent down, stretched,

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

Four arms wider,

Five - wave your arms.

Six - sit down quietly.

Educator: So, next envelope, what do we have there?

Masha: I have a dress, but mice gnawed it, guys, help me!

Educator: Guys, what do we need to do?

Children: Sew up, patch up, mend!

Educator: What do you see here?

Children: Geometric figures!

Educator: Valera, what figures exactly?

Valera: square, triangle, circle.

Educator: Masha, our guys will definitely fix your dress. To do this, they will use colored pencils to color the geometric shapes in order (the teacher gives each child a paper image of Masha with geometric shapes on her dress).

Educator: Color the square first, the circle second, and the triangle third. (The guys record their work on a magnetic board).

Educator: Masha, look how many new dresses you have now. Yes, you are our fashionista!

Masha: Oh, how beautiful! I invite you all to my birthday!

Educator: We will definitely come.

Educator: Masha, where is Misha?

Masha: Misha, where have you been?

Misha: I liked the ordinal counting so much that I counted all the trees in your garden. The first is maple, the second is rowan, the third is oak (Mishka lists trees up to 10).

Educator: Guys, Misha also learned to count objects in order and this will be very useful for him and you in life. But you, Misha, missed something.

Masha: Guys, tell Misha what you did in class?

Children: We studied ordinal counting from 1 to 10, counted soft toys in order, remembered the days of the week, painted geometric shapes, and played with Masha.

Misha and Masha: Guys, we really enjoyed playing with you. You taught us a lot. Promise to invite us to continue studying mathematics, it is very interesting and important.

Topic: Travel to the city of “Schitalovo”
(Quantitative and ordinal counting within five).

Program content: Practice counting within 10. Continue to teach the difference between quantitative and ordinal counting within 5. Teach children to answer questions correctly: How much? Which one? Continue learning to name the previous and subsequent number to the named number. Continue to learn how to relate number to quantity and number. Exercise children in counting by ear. Strengthen children's understanding of the properties of objects (color, shape, size). To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval. Teach children to navigate on a plane. To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge of the concepts of size: large - small, long - short, high - low, wide - narrow, thick - thin. Develop cognitive processes(perception, attention, memory, speech, thinking). Develop fine motor skills and visual coordination. To instill in children the ability to listen to their comrades and not interrupt. Answer questions one at a time, do not shout out answers in unison.

Demo material: Easel, magnetic board, ball, tambourine. Five pictures with balls of different colors.Subject pictures: 1 Christmas tree, 2 bullfinches, 3 snowmen, 4 doves, 5 owls. Number set (1-5), number cards (1-5).

Handout: Number set (1-5), number cards (1-5). Flannelograph, set of geometric shapes.

Methodical techniques: Didactic game, display, questions, artistic expression, physical education, GCD analysis.

GCD move:

I. Organizational moment.

Guys, many guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them. Give your smiles to your guests.
- Turn to me. Give me smiles, and I will give you my smile.

Guys, today we will take a trip to the city of “Schitalovo”.
- Who guessed why it is called that? (Because they like to count there).
- In order to go on a trip you need to calculate correctly.
Game "I'll start, and you continue."

II. - In the city, a holiday was organized in honor of our arrival. Multi-colored balloons are hung in the square.
On an easel (5 balloons of different colors).
- How many balloons do you see? (5)
- Are the balls the same?
- Tell me, how are the balls different? (The balls are different colors).
- What do the balls have the same? (The balls have the same shape and size).
- Count the balloons in order.
- Which is the red ball worth? Yellow? Blue? Etc.

Suddenly the wind blew, and one balloon flew away.
-Which ball is missing?
(The teacher removes one at a time balloon, and the children name which ball is missing according to the count).
The children take their seats.

III. - We are with you on the street of the city “Schitalova”. The houses here are unusual; numbers live in them.
Game "How much?"
(On the board there are subject pictures: 1 Christmas tree, 2 bullfinches, 3 snowmen, 4 doves, 5 owls).
One child completes the task at the board, and the rest of the children sit at the tables.
The teacher asks riddles, after guessing it, the children show and lay out the desired number on the table.

I live in the middle of the yard, In winter there are apples on the branches!
The kids are sculpting me, assemble it quickly!
Nose - carrot, eyes - And suddenly apples fluttered -
coals. After all, this is... (Bullfinches)
Who am I?

What kind of girl is this? Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn’t sew anything herself, but wears needles all year round.
During the day he sleeps, I am called the Bird of Peace,
It flies at night, and I can easily tame it.
And it scares passersby. (Pigeon)

3 1 5 2 4
- What did you post? (Digital series).
- What is a digital series?
- Are the numbers in order?
1 2 3 4 5

Take the number cards and place them under his number.
- Name the neighbors of the numbers 2, 3, 4?
- What number comes before the number 2, 4?
- What number is behind the number 3.4?
- Count from 2 to 4, from 3 to 5, from 5 to 1.

IV. Physical education lesson: “How many times will the tambourine hit...”
Children stand in a circle. Performing movements with speech accompaniment:
How many times will the tambourine strike
We will clap so many times.
How many dots will there be in a circle?
Let's raise our hands so many times.
Bent over so many times
How many butterflies do we have?
We squat so many times
How many leaves do we have?
How many circles will I show you?
Let's do so many jumps.

V. Working with geometric shapes.
- In the city of “Schitalovo”, residents really like to create pictures from mosaics. Their mosaics are geometric shapes.
- Take your sets and lay out a picture of them on a flannelgraph. We will give it to the residents.
(Children lay out a picture of geometric shapes on a flannelgraph and say what they did).
- Show your paintings.
- What did you do?

What shape is the roof of the house? (The roof is triangular in shape).
- What shape is the pipe at home? (Rectangular pipe).
- What shape is the window of the house? (The window of the house is square-shaped).
- What shape is the sun? (Sun round shape). Etc.
- In which corner is the sun? (Sun in the upper left corner).
- In which corner is the cloud? (Cloud in the upper right corner).
- Where is the house located? (The house is located in the middle).

VI. - To return home, you need to say the cherished word.
Game “Say the other way around” (with a ball).
Children stand in a circle.
Big - small, long - short th, tall - short, wide - narrow, thick - thin.

Well done! The journey is over!

VII. The result of direct educational activities.

The teacher summarizes the material covered during direct educational activities:
- Guys, where have we been?
-You did a good job today.
- Tell me, what were you doing?
- What did you like most?
- What caused the difficulty?