November 11 is International Singles Day. Singles' Day is a Chinese holiday known all over the world.

Over time, Singles' Day began to evoke such a great response in the hearts of lovers of magic numbers that it was decided to coincide with this day for global sales in Chinese stores. In this sense, the holiday of singles can be called an analogue of the American “Black Friday”, and today the date is known throughout the world as World Shopping Day.

The first major trading platform to organize sales on November 11 was the Chinese online hypermarket AliExpress. The founders of the store noticed that single men most often make purchases online, which means Singles’ Day is the best time to hold sales online.

Since 2013, the store has been organizing massive discounts on hundreds of thousands of its products on the occasion of Singles' Day. Here are the main features of this promotion:

  • The amount of discounts reaches 50% and more. In just one day, the hypermarket invariably receives huge revenue, and many new users join its customers, since the holiday is considered a good reason for fun shopping.
  • Discount information and the most advantageous offers become available on the website 2 weeks before Singles' Day. This is how the store encourages its customers to postpone their planned purchase for a few days in order to later purchase the product they like at a more attractive price.
  • General fun. On the occasion of Shopping Day, AliExpress customers are offered various games with discount coupons and other online entertainment.

The Chinese online store also annually holds sales on November 11th. Its customers are especially excited about discounts on consumer electronics, gadgets and other goods that are usually expensive, but on holidays can be given to the lucky owner at a minimal price.

“Bachelor” sales can be found not only in China, but also in other countries. Recently, in honor of the November 11 holiday, discounts have been offered by such world-famous brands as Procter & Gamble, Unilever and others.

World Shopping Day in Russia

In our country, Chinese Singles' Day and the World Shopping Day that coincides with it are not yet particularly popular. Global sales in Russia are held a little earlier - at the very end of October, on Halloween. In fact, this is the same “magic” of discounts that is so loved in other countries.

However, the Russian website AliExpress does not break tradition, so this year it will also hold sales dedicated to the November 11 holiday. Russian buyers will be able to take advantage of all the discounts and coupons that are available in China. If you are planning to make any purchase online in the near future, then it is best to wait for Chinese Singles' Day and go to AliExpress!

Each country has its own demographic situation, which is interpreted differently. China is the undisputed leader in overpopulation and the only state in the world that has adopted a birth control program. It was in this country in the late 90s. One of the most unusual holidays appeared - Singles' Day, which is celebrated annually on November 11. In Europe they decided to adopt this tradition. August 7 was chosen as the date for the bachelor's holiday.

History and traditions

The history of the event is based on a legend according to which on November 11, four friends decided to play mahjong. From 11 am to 11 pm throughout the game, the result was 4 stripes, until it dawned on the participants that they symbolized the date and month - 11.11.

The holiday is celebrated by both boys and girls. Traditions involve meeting single friends who spend time together, hoping that they will soon be able to start a family. For the “golden youth” this is a reason to boast of being unencumbered by marriage.

Each country has its own problems related to demographics. China is considered the most overpopulated country, which is why unusual holiday- Singles' Day.

History and traditions of the holiday

Singles' Day is celebrated in many countries, but the holiday originates in China. The solemn day appeared on the calendar in the 90s. This was due to the fact that there is severe overpopulation in the country, so at the state level they are trying to instill in people a love for the absence of a family.

The history of the event is based on one legend. So, on November 11, four friends decided to play mahjong and throughout the game the result was 4 stripes. It dawned on the participants: this value is a symbol of the date and month - 11.11. So, in China, Singles' Day is celebrated on November 11th. It is worth noting that one symbolizes loneliness, and there are four of them on the date of the holiday, that is, it is a day of total loneliness.

Singles' Day Traditions

This holiday is celebrated not only by boys, but also by girls. Traditionally, on this day single friends meet and spend the whole day together, hoping that they will soon be able to get married. strong family. And for the “golden youth” Singles’ Day is a reason to boast of being unencumbered by marriage.

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When is Singles Day celebrated in Russia?

Many countries celebrate Singles' Day annually on November 11, but in Russia the holiday was moved to August 7. It is noteworthy that this unusual holiday is often called “singles day.” Singles' Day is also celebrated on August 7 in Europe.

Despite the fact that this calendar day is celebrated by people all over the world, you should not expect colorful carnivals and hot performances on the streets. But in shopping centers on this day there are good promotions and discounts. In addition, if you have long dreamed of getting rid of the stigma of being a “bachelor,” then on this day many restaurants and cafes hold blind dates, where you can meet your soulmate.

What is 11.11? For people not living in China, these are just two beautiful numbers. On this day people can get married or go to the movies, that’s probably all. But in China it's a completely different story. On this day you can spend your entire salary and no one will judge you. On this day you will click on the page reload icon a hundred million times. The day when you will receive SMS with advertising every five minutes. This Singles' Day in China (光棍节), as well as the day of big sales in online stores or, as the Chinese call it 双十一(shuang shi yi).

Bachelor's holiday

Many who live in China already know that 11.11 was originally associated with Singles' Day, only then it began to be associated with the American Black Friday.

Everyone knows that the Chinese are very fond of assigning magical meanings to different combinations of numbers. So, November 11 was not ignored. This holiday was first celebrated by students at Nanjing University in the early 90s, when many single people gathered with friends or went on blind dates to say goodbye to single life once and for all. Later this holiday spread throughout China and became especially popular among young people.

Internet shopaholics' paradise

Even before the development of Internet technologies and the emergence of online stores, large shopping centers They began to organize big sales, when discounts could reach 50%-90%. People lined up in huge lines to get treasured item at a very attractive price. Nowadays, almost every person with high-speed mobile Internet can take part in the sale without leaving home. All you need is an account on Taobao and a lot of money in your bank account, because the temptation to buy something will be very great. Who would refuse "bath salts made from white rhinoceros saliva" for only 1.99 yuan?!)


Even a month before the sales start, on the streets you will see posters, posts about the impending chaos, or hear on the radio how coupons are being raffled off for various goods, from umbrellas to iPhones, or even cars. Internet giants such as Tmall, Alipay and others can invite show business stars to advertise their platforms and promote products.


On sales days, courier services operate at 24/7 . And don’t worry if 3-4 days have passed and your order has not yet been delivered. Indeed, these days, even working at full capacity, courier services do not have time to cope with such a huge number of orders. The minimum waiting time may exceed 1-2 weeks. Even a month after paying for your order, they may ring your doorbell and give you a crumpled box with your purchase inside.

Breaking records

In 2009, Alibaba held its first large-scale sale on the Internet. Then other online stores adopted this tradition. Already in 2015, China set a record for online sales. Revenue amounted to 2 billion 385 million dollars for one day. In 2016, in the first 7 minutes of sales, goods worth $1.5 billion were already sold!!! Company representatives are ready to break their own record again. The large growth of users and the large volume of the market make this task quite realistic.

In many countries around the world, February 14 is celebrated as Valentine's Day. This is the oldest holiday. It started back in the days of the Roman Empire. The Celestial Empire also has its own holiday associated with love and marriage. It's called "Singles' Day". It is celebrated annually on November 11. The holiday is very young. It appeared in the 90s of the last century in the city of Nanjing - the largest industrial center with a population of about 8 million people.

The initiators of the holiday were students. It was a generation of young people born in the years when China introduced a birth control law. According to this law, a family could only have one child. Accordingly, the question of prolongation of the family became acute. For the Chinese, who strictly adhere to ancient traditions, this was of utmost importance. But only a boy could pass on his surname to subsequent generations.

What could families do? Fortune telling, conspiracies, and astrological predictions were used. If, according to all forecasts, a girl was to be born, then an abortion was performed. China is a country where 13 million abortions are performed annually. Even the high cost doesn’t stop people. The abortion procedure costs $90. But what can you do to ensure that a boy is born and not a girl?

The result of such activity was not long in coming. The number of males began to grow steadily, and the number of females also began to steadily decrease. Growing up young people, ready to get married, suddenly discovered that there was a catastrophic shortage of brides. For every two or three guys there was one girl.

The city of Nanjing did not escape this fate. The auditoriums of his universities were filled with male faces. The beautiful half of humanity has become a rarity. Students began to gather in groups and brag to each other about their freedom and independence. At the same time, each of them secretly hoped to meet a girl and end their loneliness. Soon, one day a year was chosen for this event. It became November 11 (11.11). The date includes four units and most fully reflects a lonely lifestyle.

After graduating from educational institutions, students went to different parts of the country. They told many single men about their holiday. I liked the idea, and very soon all of China began to celebrate Singles' Day.

When November 11 comes, men who do not have wives or girlfriends gather in restaurants or cafes. At the same time, everyone tries to show their complete independence and independence. Bachelors demonstrate their financial capabilities to each other, and each of them pays for himself, but at the same time tries to pay for everyone. No one succeeds, since everyone is eager to perform such a generous act.

There is a strong opinion that if you spend all your money on this holiday and are left with “empty pockets,” then next year fate will be favorable and will send you your betrothed as a reward. But for everything to work out as planned, you must follow certain rules. The number 11 must be present in some way near the place where bachelors gather. This could be a bus route, a house number, some kind of advertising sign that has such a number on it. In the restaurant, each single man is given a special order. It consists of 4 fried dough strips and 2 eggs. They make up significant date 11.11.

On the eleventh of November, the whole country sings only sad and sentimental songs dedicated to parting, longing, loneliness, the loss of a loved one. All ages take part in the holiday. Women are also not left out. On this day, blind meetings of single men and women are organized. They all hope for His Majesty's chance. Sometimes, in this way, very strong married couples are formed.

Some couples choose this holiday to break up. There is an opinion that if you break off a relationship on Singles' Day, you can very quickly find a loved one and live with him to a ripe old age.

Happy families do not take part in the celebrations. This is strictly contraindicated for them.. There is a sign: if a happy couple joins the holiday of single men, then in the very near future their loved ones may separate. Those who protect their independence and do not want to tie themselves into marriage also do not participate in the holiday.

Singles' Day lasts until midnight. It gives happiness to some, and leaves hope to others, which is also not bad. After all, thanks to hope for the best, this world exists.