“Does Santa Claus exist?” What to answer to a child. How my friend and I found out whether Santa Claus really exists Let's find out who lives where

I am a father. My name is Stas. And today I want to tell you about how to prove to a child that...

The gray-bearded old man works cleanly: he leaves no fingerprints. He only leaves gifts! And, naturally, the child has a question: does Santa Claus exist or is it all done by parents?

I provide you with some evidence that there is a wizard. Agree that faith in miracles brightens life. Try so that the baby does not doubt: a kind grandfather was, is and will always be!

Santa Claus exists! Proof

1. He has an address.

You all know perfectly well where Grandfather Frost lives. Are you writing a letter to your grandfather with wishes for the New Year?

But just in case, I’ll write the address: 162390, Russia, Vologda region, city of Veliky Ustyug, house of Father Frost.

Tell your child that Grandfather Frost has his own patrimony in the city of Veliky Ustyug. From there he goes on horseback and in a sleigh to congratulate children in different parts of our country.

Print photos from the Internet - the house, the post office, where he reads our letters with wishes; fragments of his travels. Show them to your baby.

2. Harmful people are re-educated without difficulty.

To revive a hero means to endow him with specific traits. Grandfather Frost is fair. Be sure to tell this to your child. Grandfather Frost comes only to those who have behaved well. And you will notice that the baby has turned into an angel. Which means he believed dad. You are on the right track! The main thing is not to go too far and not to blackmail the baby with this in order to influence him. Otherwise, the magical atmosphere will quickly dissipate.

3. Poems and songs are dedicated to him.

Poems and songs about Santa Claus are full of details: a red nose, a long white beard... Such a description can only be made if you have seen the hero.

4. He has a large staff.

The most important assistant of Santa Claus and his right hand- this is his granddaughter Snegurochka. Grandfather also has snowmen on his staff (they keep order), gnomes (they take envelopes with wishes and pack gifts) and many others (at your discretion). Grandfather also has personal transport: a sleigh with a horse team. Right now, for example, our 3-year-old daughter Dashenka is looking forward to Grandfather Frost every day. And the only excuse we have so far is about when Grandfather Frost will come - there is no snow and Grandfather cannot come yet, because the sleigh will not pass on asphalt.

And if you meet several Santa Clauses on the street at once, you can easily explain to your child that they are just helpers carrying out important assignments.

5. Miracles are the work of Grandfather Frost!

You are doing some general cleaning before the holiday and find a long-lost watch behind the sofa (wardrobe, nightstand, etc.). There also turned out to be a car or a train (the kid didn’t expect to find them). Your sincere joy and surprise is the best confirmation that miracles exist and that they are created not by parents, but by someone else. Who is this??? Of course Grandfather Frost!

6. Who draws patterns on the window?

Of course, you know how pictures appear on windows! Tell your child that these wonderful pictures are drawn by Grandfather Frost. All he has to do is blow on the window and a picture will appear, a masterpiece! While walking, catch snowflakes with your mitten and look at them. Only a sorcerer could create such a wonder! And if there is a creation, there is also a master who created it.

7. He acts in films.

How many films and cartoons with a kind old man in the title role! All stories are different, but each confirms your words: he exists and does not cease to create miracles and goodness.

8. Guess wishes.

The boxes that materialize under the tree are amazing. Imagine the baby’s surprise when he finds there what he has long wanted and dreamed about. Who would doubt that a wizard was at home?

9. He came to visit!

Nowadays there are many agencies where you can order New Year's grandfather. But daddy himself can handle this best. Before the holiday, learn poems, sayings, etc. (which Grandfather Frost always tells) to make it interesting and fun. Borrow a suit from friends (or buy it). Change clothes on the landing or at your neighbors' place (where your child won't catch you doing it). Be sure to pay attention to the details: take off your watch (the child may recognize you by it) and the like; work with your voice (must be bass). And go make your kids happy!



(M. Klokova)

At night there is flying snow in the field,
In the dark sky, in a soft cloud
The moon is sleeping.
Quiet in the field. Dark, dark
Looks at the forest.
Santa Claus, a huge old man,
I got off the tree.

He is all white, all new,
All in the stars
In a white hat and downy
All covered in silver icicles
He has an icicle in his mouth
Made from ice.

Higher, higher
Santa Claus grows up.
Here he is out
Because of the fir trees and birches.
So he stomped
Grabbed a pine tree
And clapped
Moon with a snow mitten.

He walked
He shook his head
He whistled
In your icy whistle.
All snowflakes
They lay down in the snowdrifts,
All snowflakes
The lights lit up.

So I told you some evidence that. Now you are fully armed. But maybe you can come up with something yourself! If this suddenly happens, share your inventions in the comments.

Happy New Year to you! And so that Santa Claus doesn’t forget about you. I hope you have been obedient this year!

Yes! I almost forgot to remind you! Have you already figured out what you will give your children for Christmas? New Year? We can advise you. Come and explore

The poem was prepared thanks to http://www.zanimatika.narod.ru

See you again!

Copying the text of the article and posting it on third-party resources only with the addition of an active link to the source.


Greetings to my dear readers. Today's topic of conversation will be of interest to everyone without exception.

Do you remember the time when you were still children? Remember New Year and Christmas? Do you remember how they got there?

Perhaps now you have already become parents yourself and you have children who are already (or will soon be) interested in the origins of Santa Claus, asking how this grandfather manages to get to everyone and how he knows what I want.

At the age of 8-9 years, children already understand the difference between the fairy-tale world and the real world. And if a child at this age asks you “does Santa Claus exist,” you can answer: “Santa Claus will exist as long as you believe in him” or “Santa Claus lives in fairyland together with your favorite fairy tale characters”, “He doesn’t live like a real man, but as a character in legends, legends and fairy tales.”

Some parents do not know how to answer such questions to their child. Tell it like it is or still leave the child to live in a magical world. And what to do when the child begins to understand that something is wrong here.

Children need to believe in magic and miracles; with the help of this belief, it will be easier for them to cope with difficult life situations in the future. Children need fairy tales; they help develop the child’s imagination and creative thinking. And later they help you adapt more easily to such a complex and serious world of adults.

Let children believe in miracles as long as they can believe it!

If a child asks why on every New Year's holiday different grandfather Frost, you can answer that there is only one real Santa Claus, but he doesn’t have time everywhere, he has assistants.

If you think that by supporting a child's faith in a good wizard, you can offend the child, you are mistaken. Do not prevent your child from believing in miracles, do not take away your children’s faith in magic. He will grow up, learn and understand. If he asks why you deceived him, tell him that the holidays are a reason to please your loved ones. And it doesn’t matter whether there is a Santa Claus, because the most important magic is love, thanks to which miracles happen.

There is no need to say that if you behave badly, you will not receive gifts from Grandfather Frost. So you simply begin to manipulate the child’s feelings and blackmail him. Of course, any child wants to receive a gift. But it is not always possible to behave well. It’s better to say that Santa Claus loves all children and gives gifts to all children.

And our Santa Claus has many relatives all over the planet.

Let's find out who lives where!

  • Do you know that the Japanese are the first to celebrate the New Year? Their bells ring 108 times to drive out all 108 misfortunes that prevent a person from living happily! Segatsu-san-Santa Claus, who lives in Japan. The Japanese tie pine branches to gates made of three bamboo sticks. They build these small gates in front of their houses to appease their Santa Claus. They are also famous for rakes as a way to rake happiness and wealth into their home.
  • Shen Dan Laozhen - Santa Claus from China. In China in New Year's Eve All doors and windows are closed, and they are also sealed with strips of red paper. No one leaves the house until the morning so that happiness does not go away with the old year.
  • Joulupukki- Finnish Father Frost or Father Frost from Lapland. An old man with kind eyes, a red nose and a white beard. He lives in the Lappi estate (the northernmost part of Finland) and is waiting for everyone to visit.
  • Grandfather Treskun or Grandfather Frost - our dear grandfather Frost. True, he used to be harsh, but fair. Now he has become a kind old man. He has a granddaughter - Snegurochka.
  • Babbo Natalle - Santa Claus in Italy. He has a girlfriend - the fairy Befana. On New Year's Eve she flies on a broom and delivers gifts to children (children's stockings are hung from the fireplace especially for gifts). There is also a tradition in Italy on New Year’s Eve of throwing away old things, so that new ones will appear faster. So it’s better not to walk under the windows.
  • Nikolaus- Santa Claus, living in Germany. On New Year's Eve, the children put a plate for sweets on the table, into which Nikolaus will put various tasty treats. For the donkey Nikolaus, so that he does not get hungry, the children put hay in their shoes. Also, this Santa Claus can be blamed for any offense, so he is loved by all children.
  • Santa Claus- an American grandfather, dressed in a red jacket, a cap on his head, he smokes a pipe and travels through the air on reindeer.
  • Saint Basil - lives in Greece. On New Year's Eve people go there with stones and throw them in front of the door. At the same time they say: “let the owner’s wallet be as heavy as this stone.”
  • Pere Noel- France. It travels across rooftops and down chimneys into houses. There he leaves gifts in shoes.
  • Yul Tomten is a little Swedish Santa Claus who lives in a magical forest with his snowman friend.
  • Father Christmas - Santa Claus, who lives in England. He puts the gifts in socks that are hung by the fireplace especially for this purpose. The symbols of prosperity in the country are the pig and the chimney sweep.

However, there is one historical figure - St Nicholas , patron saint of travelers and children. As for his earthly life, Saint Nicholas was born around the year 270 in what is now Turkey, and died on December 6, 346. He was a bishop in the city of Mira, spent 8 years in prison during the persecution of Christians. About the things he committed good deeds There are legends and stories that are passed down from generation to generation. They tell how St. Nicholas helped the poor and secretly tossed coins and food into children’s shoes placed outside the doors.

In the 10th century, in the cathedral in Cologne (Germany), on St. Nicholas Day (December 6), students of the parish school were given candy; later, throughout the country, shoes began to be hung in houses so that the saint would put gifts in them for children. This quickly spread throughout Europe. On this day, Saint Nicholas brings gifts not only to children, but also to adults. Gifts can be found under the pillow or in clothes, in a bag or on the table (as much as your imagination allows).

It should be noted that Catholics celebrate this day on December 6th and it is called Mikolajki, while in Orthodoxy St. Nicholas Day is celebrated on December 19th.

It doesn’t matter what country you live in and what Santa Claus you are waiting for, it is important that you believe in goodness, happiness and magic. Let miracles happen in your life! And while the glasses clink, don’t forget to make a wish and it will definitely come true!

How many times as a child have you asked adults if Santa Claus exists, or maybe children are already asking you this question? How to answer it? What to answer? Is there Santa Claus? And if so, who is he? Not long ago, shocking information appeared on the Internet about the research of two American scientists who, having calculated all the data on the number of visits, the weight of the team and much more, came to the conclusion that if Santa Claus existed, he would have died long ago. And he would have died from the weight of his own team and the speed with which it must move in order to fly around all the children on the planet in one night. But I'm ready to argue with them. Firstly, we need faith in miracles, and secondly, there is a lot that we still don’t understand and don’t know, why can’t there be Father Frost and Santa? So, I will respond with arguments to the facts of Potishman and Hendy's theory:

Fact 1:

Absence of flying deer in nature.

Argument: the human brain is simply so poor in its perception of reality that sometimes we don’t even believe in the existence of another sun, let alone deer. Or maybe, again, out of pity for the minimum of our perception, Santa made his super technology in the form of deer, otherwise someone will see him and begin to prepare for a war with aliens, after all, that’s what we humans are like!

Fact 2:

The time for performing holiday duties is too short, impossible for a person.

Argument: And Santa is not a person, he clearly belongs to a superior race. Where have you seen a person who would give gifts to everyone?

Fact 3:

The incredible speed with which Santa's sleigh must move in order to cover the entire distance between the houses of the children who need to bring gifts.

Argument: just because humanity has not yet invented a time machine does not mean that it does not exist. My personal opinion is that Santa does everything in an instant in our human dimension, due to the fact that in his dimension it can be a whole year.

Fact 4:

The weight of the gifts is too great, which is simply impossible to lift off the ground except with a dozen super-powerful rocket engines.

Argument: As we all know, we can only measure the weight of something under gravity. And each gift from Santa has an anti-gravitant attached to it, which automatically dissolves in the air after the gift is placed in its rightful place.

Fact 5:

Our excellent scientists called it the main one. And all because, without taking into account all of the above technological upgrades for Santa, they calculated, according to the physical laws of the earth, that Santa with his sleigh, reindeer and gifts will burn within 4 fractions of seconds from the moment he reaches the speed limit.

I think that this absolute theory has long ago convinced everyone of its meaninglessness and therefore there will be no arguments from me.

We look forward to your visit!

How sometimes you want to believe in miracles, especially this desire awakens in us, modern people who are skeptical of everything, at the end of November, when the streets are already decorated with Christmas trees, garlands and New Year's billboards.

How sometimes you want to believe in miracles, especially this desire awakens in us, modern people who are skeptical of everything, at the end of November, when the streets are already decorated with Christmas trees, garlands and New Year's billboards. And when, a little later, the smell of tangerines and chocolate begins to float in the air, the sly smile of Santa Claus appears around every turn. And who said that it doesn't exist? So the children refused to believe that their parents put gifts under the Christmas tree for them, and they came up with the idea of ​​Santa Claus’s birthday.

Veliky Ustyug and Father Frost's Birthday

Since 2005, on November 18, Russia has celebrated the birth of New Year's Grandfather. The date was not chosen by chance, because it is by the second ten days of November in the Vologda region, in Veliky Ustyug, the estate of Father Frost, that snow already completely covers the ground, stable cold weather arrives, that is, Frost is born and comes into his own. And full preparation for the New Year begins.

Mailboxes are opened in which anyone - both a child and an adult - can put a letter to Santa Claus asking for a cherished gift, for the fulfillment of a wish. These boxes are found in every city in our country, but the mailbox in Veliky Ustyug is considered the most treasured.

From the very moment when this town was recognized as the official residence of Father Frost (this happened in December 1999), the flow of tourists has become more and more. Of course, now you can celebrate the New Year a month longer.

With introduction exact date Since the birth of Santa Claus, the New Year's tourist season is considered open from November 17. And on the 18th, you can not only personally congratulate Santa Claus, but also throw your letter into the “wish box”.

And then the real folk festivities begin. Not only his admirers, but also his “colleagues” come to visit Santa Claus. And everyone takes part in the theatrical performance.

Often the holiday goes beyond the borders of the estate, continuing in the city. After his birthday, Grandfather Frost himself gets into a painted sleigh drawn by a magnificent three horses and goes on a long journey across the expanses of our country in order to have time to congratulate all the children.

The story of Santa Claus

It seems that Santa Claus has always been in his current form, but the Santa we know is not that many years old. He appeared as a fairy-tale giver only in the middle of the 19th century, taking on the traits of Santa Claus and his other “colleagues.” And before that, our ancestors revered Morozko, the harsh but fair spirit of winter, who could both save and punish.

On Christmastide, the peasants performed the ritual of “crying frost”, invited Morozko to visit, left him treats on the porch and on the windowsills, so that he would not only come and cover the fields with snow for a better harvest, but would leave on time and not return in the spring and not destroy the crops. They “appeased” Morozko with kutya and pancakes, that is, funeral dishes, apparently combining two reasons - the “clicking of frost” and commemoration and veneration of departed ancestors.

It must be said that our writers have done a lot to popularize Santa Claus as a fairy-tale, kind, generous character. It was in the fairy tales of Ostrovsky, Odoevsky and some of their other contemporaries that Morozko ceased to be a spirit, acquired blood and flesh, began to wear a red fur coat over white linen pants and an embroidered shirt, settled in an ice hut, slept on a feather bed made of snow and went out among the people so as not to freeze, but reward.

But not everyone was happy about the appearance of a pagan character in an already deeply Christian state. The church refused to recognize Father Frost; there were even attempts to publicly announce that in fact, under the guise of Father Frost, Nikolai Ugodnik comes to children. But somehow it didn’t catch on.

However, in 2001, Bishop Maximilian of Vologda stated that he would support the project “Veliky Ustyug - the birthplace of Father Frost” only if it was recorded in the “official biography” of Grandfather that he was baptized. This is such an ambiguous attitude.

But the Bolsheviks at one time had no doubts, it was important for them to destroy even the memory of religion, therefore, when it was decided to organize New Year trees for children, all the biblical characters who participated in the Christmas and New Year mysteries before the revolution - angels, the Virgin Mary, little Jesus and the Magi were replaced by Father Frost, his granddaughter Snegurochka, snowflakes and a little boy who symbolized the New Year.

So Santa Claus received his next birth and again went among the people. At first he appeared only on Christmas trees, then various household service houses such as the Zarya company began to offer “Santa Clauses on call.” Which to some extent became both the popularization of New Year's characters and the discrediting of their appearance.

Agree, it is difficult to believe in the fairy-tale Santa Claus if he comes to congratulate the baby, to put it mildly, in an inadequate state, exhaling not fresh frosty air, but alcoholic fumes.

But the years passed, and our children, despite the fact that from the age of three they were aware that Santa Claus does not exist, still deep down in their souls they dreamed that Santa Claus would appear. real Grandfather Frost, who lives in the North, rides on a troika with bells and gives out gifts. This is how the patrimony arose first in Veliky Ustyug, and then the official birthday.

Santa Claus's houses

By the way, Father Frost also has his own residence in Moscow - at first it was the Ice House in Izmailovo. Grandfather Frost has stayed there since 2000, when he came to congratulate Moscow children. This house, of course, is not made of ice, but of wood - a log tower with a high porch and a pointed roof. Opposite the tower is an enclosure with live bears, which sometimes take part in New Year's performances.

And in 2006, the official status of the Moscow estate of Father Frost was acquired by a complex in Kuzminki Park. There, the residence of Father Frost includes: the tower of Father Frost, the tower of the Snow Maiden, the skating rink of Father Frost, the house of creativity of Father Frost. And in Magic Garden Santa Claus with electric evening lighting can be seen along the paths of fairy tales.

Here you can find Santa Claus's sleigh, Santa Claus's horses, sculpture groups "Masha and the Bear", "Crow and Fox", "Magic Ring", "12 Months", etc. An excursion trail with information stands, benches, and clearings for recreation “guides” visitors through the flora and fauna. Therefore, if you do not have the desire or opportunity to go to Veliky Ustyug, then at least visit the Moscow residence of Father Frost.

By the way, every year there are more and more residences of Father Frost in Russia - many cities have already built or are beginning to build their own “Father Frost’s house”, where the main New Year’s festivities are concentrated. There is such a residence in Belarus, in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Santa Clauses are trained at the Father Frost Academy, which is located in Veliky Ustyug. Every year hundreds of “Grandfathers” and their assistants gather there.

And if you want to see how the named brother of our Grandfather Frost, Joulupukki, lives, then go to Rauhalahti (Helsinki, Finland). This is Joulupukki's New Year's residence in Winter Park, it is open from mid-December to mid-January, and Joulupukki spends most of his time in Lapland.

Gnomes scurry around the territory of Winter Park, involving visitors in their pre-holiday chaos, singing Christmas songs and giving gifts. Here you can take a photo with Joulupukki, ride a sleigh drawn by horses or reindeer, bake Christmas cookies, browse the souvenir shops and, of course, taste amazing holiday delicacies.

"Colleagues" of Santa Claus

Well, finally, let's just get to know those who are different countries does one thing with our Santa Claus. These creatures and their companions come to the children with gifts, and some of them can scold them, for example, in Belgium, the Netherlands and Poland, New Year's Grandfather's assistant carries not only a bag of gifts, but also rods. So, what are the names of Christmas and New Year spirits in other countries and regions:

  • Australia, USA - Santa Claus;
  • Austria – Sylvester;
  • Altai Territory - Sook-Taadak;
  • England - Father Christmas;
  • Belgium – Saint Nicholas;
  • Greece, Cyprus – Saint Basil;
  • Denmark – Julenissen;
  • Western Slavs - Saints Mikalaus;
  • India - goddess Lakshmi;
  • Italy – Babbo Natale;
  • Spain – Papa Noel;
  • Kazakhstan – Ayaz Ata;
  • Kalmykia - Zul;
  • Cambodia - Ded Zhar;
  • Karelia – Pakkainen;
  • China – Sheng Dan Laoren;
  • Colombia - Papa Pascual;
  • Mongolia - Uvlin Uvgun, Zazan Okhin (Snow Maiden) and Shin Zhil (New Year boy);
  • Netherlands - Sanderklaas and his assistant - Black Pete;
  • Norway – Nisse (little brownies);
  • Poland – Swiety Mikołaj;
  • Romania – Mos Jerile;
  • Uzbekistan – Korbobo and Korgyz (Snow Maiden);
  • France - Père Noel, in some regions of Saint-Chalandes;
  • Czech Republic – Grandfather Mikulas;
  • Sweden – Jolotomten;
  • Japan - Oji-san;

If you really want a holiday, then don’t wait for the New Year, even at home you can celebrate the birthday of Santa Claus on November 18 by organizing children's party or a party, inviting to it those who, considered adults and serious people, have not lost the ability to believe in miracles.

What don't you know about Christmas?

The question of whether Santa Claus really exists has long been troubling the minds of our children and others. After all, if it doesn’t exist, then who puts gifts under the tree?

A little bit of history

Seriously, it’s impossible to say exactly when the man we all know appeared. Apparently, initially it was some kind of Slavic pagan creature - the personification of the energy of cold, freezing. There is evidence that Moroz, usually called Treskunts, was sacrificed (as a gift?) with kutya. Kutya is a funeral dish, which means that, apparently, the idea of ​​​​the border between the worlds is realized here: human and navy, the dead. Indeed, in the fairy tale “Morozko”, a girl jumps into a well to reach the world of Frost - thus overcoming the barrier between worlds.

Apparently, such a New Year's character - Santa Claus - did not exist until the 30s, when the government decided to resume the celebration, but without Christmas paraphernalia and, naturally, without religious content.

That's when the New Year's wizard appeared, bringing gifts to happy Soviet children. Later, although not immediately, the Snow Maiden began to go with him.

Who is Snegurochka?

Not everything is clear with the Snow Maiden either. She appeared either from folk tales, or from a play by A. Ostrovsky. But the fairy-tale Snow Maiden has nothing to do with Father Frost at all, regardless of whether he really exists. And in Ostrovsky’s fairy tale she is Moroz’s daughter, not his granddaughter! And she doesn’t look at all like the sweet girl now wishing the guys a Happy New Year - some kind of eccentric young lady who doesn’t really know what she wants. True, in fairness, this is not her fault: her essence is dual, since her mother is Spring. And in the Snow Maiden two principles are fighting: frosty, motionless, dead - and spring, living, loving.

Unlike her, Santa Claus is an integral, rational being. He is kind and wise, majestic and cheerful.

Is it true that Santa Claus exists?

Of course it's true. You can ask any child - and anyone (except the completely hopeless one) will answer exactly like that. And since Santa Claus exists, there must be some evidence of this.

And they are. First of all, Santa Claus has an address. Actually, there are three: in Arkhangelsk, in Lapland and in Veliky Ustyug. You can, in general, add his Moscow residence to the list. Can someone who doesn’t exist have an address?

True, it turns out that the real Santa Claus not only exists, but exists in several places at once, but these are minor things. After all, he is a wizard - why should he move in space in the blink of an eye!?

The main residence of Father Frost is located in Veliky Ustyug; special trains go here and thousands of people come who want to see his homeland.

Residence of Father Frost

Veliky Ustyug is a small, modest city in the Vologda region, the same age as Moscow. And there were no special prerequisites for him to become so famous throughout Russia. Well, perhaps the Northern mob is a trade that has long existed in these harsh places and has no analogues in the world. And if there was no Santa Claus, how would Ustyug become such a popular place for tourists?

The residence operates a Santa Claus Post Office, where thousands of children and even adults send letters with requests, wishes, stories about their lives and dreams of a miracle. Who do they write to, the question arises, if there is no Santa Claus?

This is probably all or almost all the evidence that can be given for the existence of Santa Claus. But science does not stand still! Perhaps there will be even more of them soon!