Frequent movements at 28 weeks of pregnancy. Fetal movements: normal options and cause for concern

It is recommended to track the baby's frequency from 28-30 weeks of pregnancy. Fetal movements include not only kicking, but also rolling and light pushes. The baby may be active for a long time, or may calm down for several hours, but at least ten episodes of movements per day are considered the norm.

The child moves little: reasons

A woman may notice that the baby has become smaller in her stomach. This is especially true for mid-pregnancy, when movements are not always felt equally strongly. The baby may move less when the mother is active. When walking, its smooth movements produce a rocking effect and lull the child to sleep. The baby usually calms down two to three weeks before giving birth, this is due to the fact that there is practically no room left for him to move, he is storing strength.

What to do if the child doesn’t move much?

Scientists believe that the fetus begins to move more often when it lacks oxygen. However, a sign of severe hypoxia is lack of movement for a long time. If after 28 weeks the baby moves little or does not make itself felt for 12 hours, you should immediately consult a doctor.
The specialist should not just listen to the heart with a stethoscope, but conduct cardiotocography (CTG). During this procedure, the fetal heartbeat is recorded for half an hour. The heart rate should vary on average from 120 to a minute depending on the baby's activity level, increasing during movement. Monotonous heartbeats and a less frequent heartbeat may be a sign of severe hypoxia and require immediate delivery.

A baby in the womb has periods of activity and periods of rest. Its activity is associated with the behavior of the mother. If she is active and moves a lot all day, then the child calms down with the rhythm of the mother’s body, and the woman may not notice his movement.

The child’s activity increases in the following cases:

At rest of the mother. As soon as the mother calms down, the baby begins to push with his heels, elbows and knees. Therefore, most women feel the baby’s movements better at night, during rest;

After mother's meal. A child can be active as a result of an increase in the level of glucose (sugar) in the mother’s blood after eating;

As a result of the mother's worries and stress. In some pregnant women, the baby's activity is stimulated by an increase in the level of adrenaline in the mother's body when she is nervous.

Most active developing child appears between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. Between 28 and 32 weeks of pregnancy, fetal activity becomes constant, with distinct periods of rest and movement.

It is necessary to take into account the individuality of the child, who has his own rhythm of movement and development. Your child may be very quiet or “fussy.” Therefore, you should not worry about the apparent irregularity of the child’s movements. A sign of alarm will be a sharp decrease in fetal activity or its cessation altogether.

From 28 weeks of pregnancy, you should monitor fetal movements twice during the day: once in the morning, when activity seems too little, and once in the evening, when activity tends to increase.

To control the baby's movement, count all movements: pushing, moving, turning over. In 10 minutes you should feel 10 movements. But this is an average calculation. But if you don't count 10 movements within an hour, lie down and rest by drinking some milk or eating something. Then try counting again. If you do not count 10 movements within the next hour, this may indicate some kind of problem with the fetus, so call your doctor immediately. D. Pearson's "Count to Ten" test

On a special card, the number of fetal movements is recorded daily from 28 weeks. Counting starts at 9:00 and ends at 21:00. A small number of movements (less than 10 per day) may indicate oxygen deficiency in the fetus and is a reason to consult a doctor.

The closer the due date, the more important it is to monitor fetal movements.

Don't worry if your baby suddenly pushes you hard in the rib or stomach, or in the cervix. This happens because he has already developed enough and become stronger. You have to endure the pain. But if it is difficult to tolerate, try changing your body position or you can calm him down in the same way as born child- shake. This will probably cause his balance to become unbalanced and the attacks will stop for a while.

Pushing the baby in all directions may be mistaken for (twins) by the mother. Accurate diagnosis multiple pregnancy can only be determined through a special examination. Therefore, there is no need to speculate. The sensation of multiple pregnancy may occur due to movements

Enjoying your pregnancy, you have already lived more than half of it. Perhaps at first the news about the birth of a new life took you by surprise, but, feeling the baby’s movements, his sleep and wakefulness, you cannot remain indifferent. Much has already been experienced, and a little less remains to be experienced. You have already studied the development of a child in the initial stages inside and out, but the tummy is gradually growing, movements become more frequent in duration and intensity, it becomes increasingly difficult to carry the baby, and you ask the question: “What is significant about the 28th week of pregnancy, what happens to the fetus?”

Development of baby's internal organs at 28 weeks

Your already fully formed baby is actively increasing in size during this period of time. It is during this period that the baby is considered viable in case of premature birth. With the help of certain devices, he can survive without losing the basic functions and abilities of the brain. The main difficulty will be getting his lungs to breathe, since there is not enough surfactant (the substance in the lungs) yet.

Physiological development is actively proceeding. The baby's eyes open during this period. The 28th week of pregnancy is important because the retina of the eyes becomes sensitive, it begins to distinguish where there is bright light and where it is dark. Together with the organs of vision, the hearing aid develops. Already during this period, the baby reacts to the mother’s voice, recognizing it. Talking with your baby is very important, since after birth the voice will be almost the only joy of the baby in such a complex and incomprehensible world. By stroking the belly, the mother can calm the baby a little if he is very angry. A child at 28 weeks of pregnancy increases the weight of the whole body, and the brain also increases in size. It is at this time that the first convolutions and furrows appear here. The nervous system continues its formation. By this time, the baby already has the ability to grasp and blink his eyes, that is, reflex actions appear. This indicates the development of the brain and central nervous system. The child’s endocrine system also begins to actively engage in independent work. The baby’s body is already undergoing its own metabolism; with this process, the mother’s thyroid and pancreas glands no longer work for two. As the baby gains weight, it begins to smooth out; he is no longer as thin as he was before. At this stage of development, the baby weighs from 1000 g to 1300, and its dimensions range from 36-39 cm. If we compare the weight of the baby, just 2-2.5 months ago, it was 100 g, during this period of development the baby has increased 10 times ! The growth and development of a child is truly a miracle.

The fetus does not yet occupy the entire space of the uterus, so it lives freely in it. If he has not yet turned over with his head down, there is no need to panic, he will definitely do this a little later.

What tests should be done by this date?

Ultrasound is not performed during this period. But it can be prescribed if the doctor doubts healthy development your child. This extraordinary ultrasound examination can analyze data such as the child’s location, state of health and development internal organs, how the umbilical cord is located, 28 weeks of pregnancy - how many months of development of the baby according to external signs. By this time, you should have accumulated a whole arsenal of the results of mandatory urine and blood tests. In addition, this period is the time to donate blood for sugar and antibodies. Based on the test results, the doctor concludes that the baby is safe inside the mother, since a Rh conflict may occur under certain conditions. Many young mothers are outraged by the constant donation of blood and urine before an appointment with a gynecologist. This, of course, is not very convenient, especially in winter time with a big belly, but the 28th week of pregnancy is already a risky period, so you need to monitor the iron and sugar levels in the blood so that the pregnant woman does not develop anemia, and also so as not to provoke the onset of diabetes mellitus Mom.

What dangers can await your baby?

Naturally, being in the mother’s tummy, the baby is not afraid of anything. But there are times when a mother herself puts her child in danger without even realizing it. It is important to wear loose clothing to avoid pinching any vital vessels or organs when you are 28 weeks pregnant. The development of a baby is unthinkable without a sufficient amount of oxygen; its lack can slow down the functioning of the nervous system. Nutrients of various kinds are also important for the proper formation of organs and senses, for the strength of bones, so that there is no predisposition to injury during childbirth. Also, entanglement in the umbilical cord can affect the development of the fetus, and especially interfere with childbirth. But the baby can still roll over, so the problem may go away. Any injuries or microtraumas to the mother affect the baby’s sensations. He reacts especially sharply to major scandals and quarrels. If the reason is him, he feels it too.

What should a mother be wary of?

The 28th week of pregnancy is such a period that significant reserves of maternal nutrients have already dried up. Therefore, there is a danger of a deficiency of substances for the functioning of the mother’s body, and, consequently, the baby. At this stage, a pregnant woman may feel discomfort in her limbs, as they are prone to swelling. This occurs due to improper consumption of food, water and failure of the kidneys and heart. You should not take these reasons lightly; you need to change something in your diet and daily routine, since the baby has another 10-12 weeks to live in your body.

28th week of pregnancy, what happens to a young mother’s body when there is a lack of any substances?

  • Firstly, during this period a woman may already gain excess weight. Because of this, she becomes clumsy and inactive. This condition is dangerous with a high probability of injuries and falls.
  • Secondly, on this period Anemia of pregnant women often develops. When the amount of blood increases, providing each organ with an influx of oxygen, a lack of iron occurs, which affects the general condition of the pregnant woman. This process shows well general analysis blood.
  • Thirdly, swelling prevents active movement.
  • Changes in body shape, breast shape, skin elasticity, and stretch marks can also interfere and upset. But most of this is temporary, so you should think about something positive.

Optimal weight at 28 weeks of pregnancy

For all pregnant women, the pressing question is what weight should be at 28 weeks of pregnancy. This is a really important question, since extra pounds can do more harm than good during childbirth. Therefore, at every gynecological examination, a woman weighs herself and measures her blood pressure.

Why can a lot of weight be a problem? When a pregnant woman weighs herself, there is no distinction as to who has how many kilograms. Excess weight a child can take it. In this case, the fetus will be large and there is a very high probability that the mother will be injured during childbirth, and the child may receive damage in the birth canal. If the mother takes on the extra pounds, this can result in a malfunction of the kidneys, endocrine system, metabolism and cardiovascular system. There is also a high probability of varicose veins. The most optimal weight gain for this period is 6-8 kg, since you still have 2.5 months to walk.

Mom's physical activity

Some pregnant mothers attend swimming pools, fitness classes for pregnant women, and lead an active lifestyle. Physical exercise During this period they are useful in moderation. The 28th week of pregnancy differs from the previous ones in that the mother’s belly is growing, and from approximately this period she can no longer move much, so she accumulates a lot of energy within herself. It is important to maintain a middle ground: allow activity, but also monitor your condition.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman at the end of the 6th month

Much has been said and written about the nutrition of a pregnant woman during this period. The expectant mother should know all the pitfalls of high-calorie, filling food, even if it is very tasty and healthy. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, the belly begins to grow more noticeably, because the baby already occupies most of the uterus. If you load yourself and your child with excess food, there will be sad consequences. It is important to eat:

  • proteins (building material) - fish, meat, cottage cheese, kefir, milk, eggs;
  • fats (energy source) - lard, fish and fatty meats, nuts, oils;
  • carbohydrates (a source of energy and help in the functioning of the nervous system) - baked goods, fruits, some vegetables, cereals;
  • vitamins - vegetables, fruits.

When pregnancy proceeds 28 weeks, the development of the fetus has already reached the point where it becomes quite large sizes, so it can put pressure on the intestines. As a result, problems with stool may occur - constipation. During this period, you need to eat more fruits, vegetables and fiber.

Pregnancy 28 weeks: fetal movement - is it normal?

Starting from 6 months, you need to constantly listen to the movements of the fetus. If he does not move or this happens rarely and not intensely, then you urgently need to consult a doctor. This behavior may indicate difficulties in the functioning of, first of all, the cardiovascular system. On average, a child should move 10 times per day. Some doctors even recommend keeping movement diaries. If the fetus moves too actively, this is also not good, since in most cases this condition indicates that it is extremely lacking in oxygen.

Condition of the placenta

The placenta, or also called the baby's place, performs a decisive function in the development of the fetus and its receipt of nutrients. But it can also cause abnormal pregnancy conditions. The mature placenta looks like a cake or an oval. Using an ultrasound, the doctor carefully examines the indications for the development of the placenta, as it grows along with the fetus. If it is very large - it is more than 800 g, then the child either has Rh factor incompatibility with the mother, or the mother has syphilis. If, on the contrary, it is small (less than 400 g), then, most likely, at 28 weeks of pregnancy, the development of the fetus lags behind in its indicators.

Premature birth at this time

Developing in the mother's tummy, a baby at 6.5 months may want to be born white. Don't worry too much about this - he is already quite ready for independent life with the help of special devices. If the birth is the first, then doctors can even stop it, the main thing is to contact them in time. The situation is much worse with the mother's condition - her body is not yet ready for the birth of the child, so some sections of the birth canal may rupture, water may break too early, the uterus will contract weakly, and bleeding may occur during and after childbirth.

Could there be discharge?

Milky discharge with a sour odor is considered common. When a mother is 28 weeks pregnant, the fetus moves more and more intensely, it can touch the bladder, and discharge with some urine may appear. It is important not to confuse such liquid with water leakage. If you have frequent colorless discharge that looks like amniotic fluid, or, especially, bloody, you need to urgently contact doctors for help.

Intimacy between spouses at 28 weeks

Many women are afraid to let their husbands near them, thinking that sexual contact will harm the child. It has been proven that if the fetus develops normally at 28 weeks of pregnancy, there are no medical contraindications, and sexual intercourse between spouses is even beneficial. The child does not experience any discomfort, the main thing is that he is not pressed. And his mother’s positive emotions are much more important to him.

Location of the fetus in the uterus

At this stage, the baby can position himself as he pleases without consequences, since for another 2-4 weeks he can roll over and kick at his mother. If it is located upside down or across, there is no reason for frustration yet. You need to consult your doctor about whether you need to do additional exercises to turn the fetus over. More often they are prescribed at a later stage for an easier delivery. When the head is down, this is the ideal presentation. Live for the child, get positive emotions, and the birth will go well!

A period such as 28 weeks of pregnancy is no longer short, so any changes in the health of the mother or her baby become more noticeable and require a very quick response from the doctor. From expectant mother, in turn, requires regular visits to the doctor and healthy image life.

The baby's height at this stage reaches approximately 35 centimeters. Its weight can be about 1 kilogram or even a little more. The head has a diameter of 7.5 centimeters. The baby is actively growing at this time, his internal organs and skeletal system are developing and improving. Despite the fact that the skin of the fetus still has a reddish tint, its body is already beginning to round out. He even has constrictions on his arms and legs.

At this age, the hair on the baby’s head is just beginning to darken. There are often cases when a baby is born premature at exactly 28 weeks and has blonde hair. Imagine the surprise of parents when in the near future the baby suddenly turns from blond to brunette.

This is what it concerns external signs fetal development. Now we should consider the development of internal organs. It is by the 28th week that the baby’s brain convolutions appear. Before this time, it was smooth, without any grooves. The baby's heart beats at a rate of about 150 per minute. The respiratory organs are almost completely formed and will allow the baby born at this stage to breathe independently. The only problem in in this case The body's thermoregulation may not be fully developed. To solve this problem, there are special incubators.

Another interesting thing is that it is at 28 weeks that boys’ testicles descend from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum.

Now regarding the state of health of a pregnant woman at this stage and her feelings.

Such a period can entail constant worries and anxiety for the woman. She is afraid that the pregnancy process may be interrupted and the baby will be born ahead of schedule. Most often, the appearance of such thoughts is aggravated by the people around them who, “out of friendly intentions,” begin to tell the woman about how often they happen during this period. premature birth. Therefore, the expectant mother is constantly nervous and listens to any sensations in her own body. She is also concerned about fetal movements at 28 weeks. In fact, you should not listen to the stories of “experienced friends”. It is advisable to completely stop any attempts to start a conversation on this topic. If before such conversations a woman’s pregnancy was proceeding normally, then after them complications may begin due to constant worries. The development of a child can also be affected by regular panic on the part of his mother.

Movements at week 28 can be easily counted, but it should be remembered that the number of movements must be counted either over a period of 12 hours of active life or over 1 hour of rest. That is, if a woman wants to count how many times the baby moved in 12 hours, she should not change her lifestyle during this time.

Many women giving birth for the first time are afraid that at 28 weeks the baby does not move much. There's really nothing wrong with that. If you try to understand the baby’s development, the reason for the rare movements will immediately become clear. The fact is that the more the fetus grows, the more cramped it becomes in the womb and the tighter it adheres to the walls of the fetal bladder. That is, the child simply does not physically have enough space to actively move. This is especially noticeable with the active lifestyle of the expectant mother. When a woman goes about her daily activities, her uterus is also in good shape, so it is difficult for the baby to move. But while his mother is resting, the child begins to move more actively. Therefore, fetal movement at 28 weeks should be counted during rest for an hour or throughout the entire day without changes in the regime. With normal development, the baby should move at least 10 times in 12 hours and at least 4 times in an hour if the mother counts the number of his movements during her own rest.

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, fetal movements are one of the important signs of the normal development of the child. If he moves less than the specified number of times, you should definitely consult a doctor about this problem.

What else happens to the mother’s body during this period? A woman may experience back pain that is very similar to sciatica. This is normal. Pain occurs because the overgrown uterus begins to put pressure on the sciatic nerve, resulting in pain. Also, at 28 weeks, swelling of the limbs and cramps in them are common. Cramps occur due to a lack of calcium in the mother’s body. After all, a lot of calcium goes into the development of her baby’s skeletal system. These symptoms indicate that you need to consume as many foods as possible that contain calcium.

It is equally important to monitor vaginal discharge during pregnancy. In normal condition, they should be uniform and light milky in color. The smell of such secretions is slightly reminiscent of the smell of kefir. If any other discharge is observed, for example, cheesy, mucous, or even purulent, this indicates the presence of an infectious agent or fungal disease in the woman’s genitals. With such discharge, itching, burning, and a feeling of increased temperature in the vagina may be observed. Any infection should be dealt with immediately, otherwise it can lead to serious complications during pregnancy.

The worst thing is when a pregnant woman experiences bleeding. They can be of varying intensity and indicate placental abruption. Such a woman needs urgent hospitalization and treatment to avoid premature birth.

The expectant mother needs to pay more attention to her own health during the 28th week of pregnancy. Fetal movements are one of the indicators of normal or pathological development of the baby in a given period. They should be counted and monitored so as not to miss a possible deviation from the norm in the child.