If the child does not clean up his toys. The child does not want to put away his toys

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 91"

Consultation for parents on the topic:

Compiled by: teacher of MBDOU “TsRR-d/sNo.91”

Sarbaeva L.I.,


How to teach a child to clean up his toys?

Sooner or later, all parents begin to ask this question. While the child is small, it seems that it is too early to expect any love of order from him. But time passes, the number of scattered things and toys grows, and the baby does not seem to notice the mess he creates. What to do? How can a little person develop the habit of cleaning up after themselves?

Lead by example

No matter how hard you try to explain to your child in words that he must maintain order in the nursery, this will not be easy to achieve if you yourself do not always do what you require of him.
As with any skill you want to teach your child, the most important thing is the personal example you set for him. Look, do you always put your things away yourself? If you throw clothes on chairs, don’t always immediately wash the dishes after yourself, and leave a book in a chair, then you shouldn’t be surprised that your child throws his clothes anywhere, and his toys are scattered on the floor all day.
So, before you demand that your child love order, start with yourself. When you arrive home, carefully hang your clothes on hangers and put them in the closet; after eating, immediately wash your plates, toothbrush put them in the cabinet rather than leave them on the sink; carefully place books and magazines on the shelf after reading.
Seeing a role model every day, the child from the very early age will adopt a pattern of behavior in which maintaining order is quite natural.

When to start teaching order?

You can often see such a picture. The kid, trying to imitate adults, takes a watering can to water flowers or carries a cup to the sink to wash it. But adults, fearing that he will spill water from the watering can on the furniture or window sill, drop and break the cup, immediately take them away from him, believing that this is not a matter for kids. Over time, the baby loses the desire to take the initiative, and he leaves all matters to you. After this, is it any wonder that he will subsequently give you the “honorable right” to clean up after him.
To prevent this from happening, try from early childhood to support his desire to help you, to be like you, to do what adults do. Let him spill water while watering the flowers, or drop a plate in the sink, but he will develop the habit of order in the house, which will become the key to neatness in the future.

All things should have their place

If you want your child to clean up after himself, then first of all you need to make sure that all things in the house have their own place. The child must firmly know that this closet contains his parents’ clothes, this shelf contains his father’s books, that one contains his mother’s magazines, this drawer contains photo albums, and that drawer contains tools. Children's things should have the same places. Choose where you will store soft toys, where there will be cubes, plasticine, sketchbooks and paints, soldiers, dolls and toy dishes. Determine in which cabinet, on which shelves and hangers the children's clothes will be placed. After all, in order to put things and toys away, a child needs to know where to put them.
You can make beautiful stickers with pictures for each box or cabinet, depicting what is inside. This will make it much easier to remember what needs to be put where.

Be persistent

To accustom your baby to order, you should not be led by children’s whims. Make it a rule - you should always clean up after yourself! Often, children, trying to determine the limits of what is permitted, begin to test their parents’ patience in order to find out what will happen in this or that case of disobedience. It’s hard to resist, seeing a child whining and pretending to be tired, and not put away the toys yourself instead. But this is by no means the best option. If a child is naughty and stubborn, do not shout or scold him, but try to help him with cleaning. The baby must understand that he will have to clean up after himself in any case, and, seeing this, he will soon stop resisting it.

Make cleaning a fun game

To prevent cleaning from becoming a cause of whining and whims, try turning it into a game. It's not that difficult to do. You can come up with several options for fun cleaning.

Who will collect the most?

Start an exciting competition to see who can collect the most toys. Give it a go one, two, three times and you won’t notice how quickly all the toys will be collected. The one who collected the most receives a small prize.

Who can collect it faster?

Another option for competitive cleaning. Divide the room in half and each person clean their half at speed. A small prize goes to whoever cleans up the fastest.

Sort toys according to characteristics

An equally exciting option that also contributes to the development of the baby. Ask your child to sort the toys by category - big ones in this box, small ones in that drawer. After finishing cleaning, check whether everything was done correctly. You can arrange them by size, color or any other characteristics. This type of cleaning will bring a lot of positive emotions to both you and your child.

If the child is stubborn

There is one more effective way teach your child to clean up after themselves. Tell the stubborn little one that toys want to be looked after, put back in their place, that they get tired of playing and want to relax in their houses. And from those who do not care about them, they can go to other guys. Once again, when a child becomes stubborn, do not scold him, but remind him of this. When the baby falls asleep, hide the toys so that when he wakes up in the morning, he won’t find them. Answer all questions that, apparently, the toys went to other children, those who are not lazy to put them in boxes after playing. Say that you can call the toys back home, but explain that they will only be returned if the baby promises not to throw them on the floor anymore, but will always clean up carefully after playing.

Praise your child more often

Many parents forget about such an effective tool as praise. If a child does everything as he should, no one seems to notice. And if he does something wrong, they don’t forget to scold the baby.
All child psychologists unanimously say that this is a fundamentally wrong parenting tactic. Try not to scold for what was done wrong. The child himself gets upset if something doesn’t work out for him, and if you focus on this, he will most likely remain resentful and unwilling to do what didn’t work out next time. But if you praise him every time he succeeds, you can achieve amazing results.
If your child tidied up his toys in a timely manner, do not forget to praise him and admire the amazing cleanliness of the room. Believe me, next time he will take up cleaning with redoubled zeal.
Using these simple tips, you can easily teach your child to put away his toys and not throw things around the house.

There are no ideal parents, just like there are no ideal children. However, by teaching their children something new, parents will gradually form a harmonious and strong-willed personality.

Anna Bykova teacher, practicing psychologist, art therapist and mother of two sons

Cleaning up toys worries parents both in itself and as part of parenting independent child and preparing him for kindergarten. What is the risk of a mother who does not involve her baby in putting things in order, believing that it is faster and easier to do everything herself? Psychologist Anna Bykova in her new book “How to become a lazy mother” tells how exactly a “lazy mother” is useful for.

How to teach a child to put away toys? I get asked this question very often. In terms of popularity, the problem of cleaning toys comes right after the “top three” (potty training, problems with sleep and appetite). To be honest, I don’t know a single working algorithm that will result in every child immediately starting to clean up after themselves. All children are different. Needed different approaches, different arguments. Therefore, I simply present “toy stories” as material for reflection and finding a solution that may suit a particular mother and a particular child.

Story one: what toys like

Kindergarten, group of three-year-olds. Typical situation: they grabbed all the toys from the shelves, played with them and immediately threw them away. It doesn’t occur to anyone that the toys need to be put away. For what?

I call the children over.

— Guys, do you like to return home after playing in the kindergarten?

- What if you stayed in the kindergarten overnight? What if they forgot to pick you up? Would you like it?

- So toys have their own homes, where they like to return after playing! Toys don't like it when they are thrown around and forgotten there. Let's all return the toys to their homes, where they will feel good. Where do our dolls live?

Morality. It is easier to convey a thought to a child if you rely on his experience.

Story two: a cleaning tale

Sashka is three years old. With his imagination, it seems that even toys are not needed. All he needs to have a good time is a roll of toilet paper. The cars are driving along a snowy track, the track is a roll of soft two-layer rolled out around the apartment. “Oops,” I think, “I didn’t have time to hide the last roll again. It’s late, I don’t feel like going to the store, I’ll have to use paper tissues...”

And at this time a snowstorm began. The soft two-layer one turned from ribbon-shaped... I don’t know what it turned into. The entire floor is strewn with small pieces. Satisfied, Sashka is lying “in the snow”, sprinkling himself with “snowflakes.”

It's time for bed. I should clean up before going to bed. But it’s mom who needs it, not Sasha, Sasha is getting snowdrifts. And mom is not happy with the mess. If mom commands: “Collect the garbage!” - Sashka will object: “This is not garbage! This is snow! Let him lie!” This means that you need to convince the child that the snow needs to be collected.

- Sash, Santa Claus really needs your snow.

- Yes?! What for?

- It's May now. The snow has melted. Santa Claus is hot. But your snow doesn't melt. Santa Claus will protect you from the sun with snow. Let's shovel all the snow into this bag.

“Mom,” asks Sashka, already sweeping scraps of paper into a bag, “how will the snow get to Santa Claus?”

“How, how,” I come up with on the fly, “we’ll leave the package on the balcony.” He will fly and pick it up.

Sashka carefully collected all the “snowflakes” into a bag.

The eldest, Arseny (he heard everything) carefully asked me about the ethics of such motivation:

- Mom, are you lying?

- No, I'm not cheating. I come up with a fairy tale for Sashka, and he plays it. Does this make anyone feel bad?

Morality. Any activity will be more attractive for a child if it can be turned into a game.

Story three: divide the task into pieces

Sashka is four years old. I set him a task: remove the toys. He starts whining that it’s taking a long time, that there are a lot of toys, that he can’t handle it, that he’ll get tired and that it would be nice for him to get some help.

The nursery is such a mess that even I had the feeling that it was impossible to clean it up.

“Okay,” I say, “now just collect the cars in this box.”

The task is simple and clear, and Sashka quickly copes.

- And now just the cubes in this box... And now all the soldiers in this box... Well, all that remains is to pick up the trash.

Morality. If a task seems abstract and impossible, it needs to be broken down into specific, simple subtasks.

Story four: how many toys do you need?

New kindergarten. The group has just been recruited. There are several dolls, several bunnies, several cars, a couple of construction sets. There are ten children who, during their two weeks in kindergarten, learned to put away their toys after themselves.

The children quickly learned where hares, dolls, cars and blocks “live”. Cleaning up after the game was easy. And then we bought new games and toys for the kindergarten: finger puppets, dishes, a “hospital”, balls, more construction sets, pyramids, puzzles, mosaics, animals, a railway, trains with trailers, lotto, dominoes...

I arranged everything on shelves, according to the principle that each toy has its place. And in the morning the children came and swept everything onto the floor. Not out of malice, of course, and not out of hooligan motives. That's just how they play. At the age of two or three years, simple manipulations with objects are more common: he turns them over in his hands and throws them on the floor. How more toys on the shelves, the more then on the floor.

But then it was time for lunch. Children do not have the strength or patience to clean. They were able to pick up the toys from the floor, but classifying and putting them in their places is an impossible task for them.

Morality. There should be as many toys within reach as the child can pick up.

R.S. After that, I left the previous set of toys plus the pyramids. And new toys were introduced gradually, as the children remembered where to put things away. Offering new toy When telling how to play with her, I didn’t forget to show her “place of residence.” There were also some hints: on a shelf or drawer I pasted an image of the toy that “lives” there. If the child forgot where to put the pyramid, he simply looked for the corresponding picture on the shelf.

Story five: the one who cleans plays

Periodically, not only new toys appeared in the group, but also new children. They did not know how to put away toys according to the rules. And some still didn’t want to learn it.

- Egorka, why don’t you clean up? All the guys put the toys in their places, and you continue to play.

- I'm tired.

“If you’re tired, sit here on this chair and rest.” When you relax or get bored, come help us.

Sitting on a chair is a bit boring. But I don't want to help. The guys put away their toys, drank juice and went for a walk. There are also toys on the street: cars, scoops, shovels, balls.

- Egorka, why are you taking the spatula? What if you get tired?

- Egorka, don’t touch the typewriter. Sit and rest.

- Egorka, why are you taking the ball? Then you have to put it back in its place, but you get tired...

Egorka can’t stand it:

- Yes, I won’t get tired!

- And will you clean it up later?

- Fine. Take what you want, but be sure to return it to its place.

Morality. Those who don't clean up after themselves don't play!

P.S. At home, I implemented this rule in the following way: if the toys remained on the floor after playing (what stubbornness!), I put them in a box on the mezzanine and took them out only a week later.

P.P.S. A participant in my training for parents told a story about applying the same rule in a fairy tale format familiar to a child:

- The toys need to be put away. I taught and taught my son to do this, for two years we put away the toys together, and then one day my son objected: “I won’t and that’s it, let them lie there like that.” Okay, let them lie there, let's go to bed. And in the morning we wake up - there are toys front door lined up, getting ready to go out! Dima to them: where are they going? “Look for new owners and new houses, otherwise it’s cold on the floor.” We looked: the racing car slipped through, the skittles and a couple of books managed to run away when dad came out. Dimka and I went to look for them. It turns out that the concierge managed to catch the fugitives! The concierge was given candy in gratitude for her vigilance. And now the toys always sleep in their places.


Useful article. She also hid the toys that were not put away, saying they were offended and hid.

Comment on the article "How to teach a child to put away toys? 5 stories"

More on the topic "How to teach a child to put away toys? 5 stories":

Thanks in advance! And one more question: how to teach a child to put toys and materials for activities in their place? Otherwise, we’ll put it together, then we’ll pretend that we don’t understand what we’re talking about (this, of course, happens more often).

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theme child? Mom cleans up the current, i.e. I. If you say to her, “Let’s put away the toys, it’s time to go to bed,” she either says I don’t want to or puts a couple down. The children grew up very hardworking, kind, and smart. My uncle learned to read at the age of 4 (his older sisters taught him).

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From early childhood, a child must be taught order. Of course, it’s much easier for mom to do the cleaning or ask dad to collect the toys. After the child has gone to sleep half-heartedly, the parents begin to clear away the rubble of toys, pencils and other props that the child needs so much during the day.

Believe me Dear Parents If you don’t teach your child to tidy up his toys on his own in early childhood, then you will always have to tidy up after him!

But how to teach a child to put away toys, if he categorically refuses to do it? There may be several options.

Where to begin

To begin with, parents need to understand that for a child the words MUST and RESPONSIBILITY are empty words; forcing a child to do something he doesn’t want is almost impossible. Screaming, swearing and demanding that you put your toys away right now is useless, this can result in a river of tears and a huge hysteria. But have fun playing!

We offer you simple rules that will help you teach your child to put away his toys:

  1. First of all, the first time you put away the toys yourself, do it with pleasure. The child should not see how tedious and boring this activity is. Let him see that it brings you joy.
  2. Then invite your child to help you. Start cleaning yourself, and then ask your little one for help. Don't get angry if your child refuses at first, and don't stop cleaning. Let him see that you are coping, but with him it will be easier for you. If the child agrees, praise him.
  3. When you put away toys with your child, you can sing a funny song: We are putting away toys, One, two, three. We put them in their places, Look. One is a toy, Two is a toy, Three is a toy.
  4. Create special places in the room for toys. Cars can be in the garage, dolls can sleep in the house, books can lie in the clearing. Interestingly named children's places for toys will attract the child, and in the game he will learn to put the toys back in their places.
  5. Come up with a game, it could be butterflies or bees collecting honey (toys) or pollen (you can make wings out of paper for your child) into the house. You can explain to the child that the toys have been working all day, and now it’s time for them to go home, and so that they don’t get lost, walk them to the house (box), in general, show your imagination.

And always remember – we don’t do the cleaning. We play!

Now there are a lot of baskets for storing toys on sale, but if you can’t buy such a basket, you can make your own from boxes of household appliances or shoes.

For each type of toys and all sorts of necessary things, you can come up with your own box (your own house). The name of the houses depends on your imagination - “House for soft toys", "House for cubes", etc. It is important to decorate the house as brightly as possible; this can again be done with the help of a child, using cut out pictures from magazines, or simply colored paper. Believe me, a child who has made a toy house with his own hands will use it for its intended purpose and, at the end of the day, send his “friends” there. Arrange the boxes neatly around the room on the floor or on shelves.

1. Magic Box

Magical fairy-tale characters - talking hares and bears, princesses and princes - should also live in a magic box. It should be larger, brighter and more beautifully decorated than others.

2. Lazy Box

In this type of box you can send those things that are not directly related to toys, but are interesting to the child - bolts, screws, old ladle and other utensils that are unnecessary for parents, but so necessary for the child.

3. Important Box

In this box we put what is needed for drawing, sculpting, and appliques. In the same box you can put things that cannot be stored in toys - scissors, a pillow with needles, glue, etc. Things - socks, T-shirts, panties - are carefully hung on the back of a chair or sent to sleep on a shelf in the closet.

Never raise your voice to your child while cleaning. and, of course, he cannot be scolded or punished for something done wrong.

Of course, at first you will clean up together with your child, but very soon the baby will get used to doing it on his own, and then, dear parents, he will begin to teach you to be tidy.

Teaching a child to put away toys at an early age is very important, because later it will help the mother teach the child to clean up the room, to be neat and attentive to their personal belongings.

The main thing is love and patience!

Raisa Balandina
Consultation for parents “What to do if a child does not want to put away his toys?”

Consultation for parents:



Many parents do not want to put up with the situation when children, after playing with toys, then refuse clean them up. If you constantly put away toys after children's games yourself, yours child will always expect this help from you.

Of course, each family has its own characteristics and habits. Of course, it's up to you to decide whether to teach baby to neatness and order, and if you teach, then how and from what age. But If you have already decided to teach child to clean up toys, then you will achieve success faster, If You will follow a few simple rules.

First of all, please remove toys should sound friendly. Cleaning should not be a punishment; it is advisable that it become the final part of the game. If the baby is still so small that he does not understand the meaning of what is happening, is not ready to fulfill your requirements, start with him put away toys, making sure to say out loud what exactly you clean up, where and why. If similar collaboration is carried out systematically, every evening, in a friendly atmosphere, child Soon he will learn to do it on his own.

In addition, at baby, most likely, the habit will not appear put away toys, If you yourself don't do it every day clean up after yourself: clothes, shoes, books, newspapers, jewelry. Then things scattered around the apartment will become a common occurrence for him. After all, for baby A characteristic feature of early childhood is imitation...

To make the cleaning process easier for your child, you can use markings on boxes or shelves. For example, you can draw cars on a box in which cars are stored, draw a ball on a bag of balls, etc.

If you have the necessary time and patience for this, you can turn cleaning toys into an entertaining game. Can you suggest child switch roles. Let him be the mother, and you the daughter or son. Start cleaning toys, following their new roles. To kid this will bring pleasure, and you will receive information about how the baby perceives you and your requests (or orders).

Don't leave the cleaning event behind toys for late evening, If it provokes the emergence of negative emotions in both you and baby. If cleaning turns into saying goodbye to toys, in putting them to bed and becoming a necessary ritual for the baby, then, of course, you should do this immediately before bed.

If you yourself think that cleanliness and order in the house are necessary, then firmly introduce the rule clean up toys. Let the child knows that you will read a book to him or draw with him only in a clean room. But the child should know that this is a rule for all family members. If you give your child an ultimatum: you'll put it away toys - I will read to you, if you don’t clean it up, I won’t, then the baby will most likely will conclude that that mom or dad's love and attention are needed every day "earn".

Below are some tips to help to kid deal with the data task:

1. Formulate tasks correctly. Don't just ask for "Take it away." To kid difficult to navigate in a huge pile toys, and he doesn't know where to start. Try to be more precise instructions: “First put away the cars, and then start reading the books.” By breaking the task into small steps, you will help the child understands that cleaning is not an endless process, and he will be able to cope with it.

2. Explain why cleaning toys needed. For you, of course, the purpose of cleaning is obvious, but for you baby she only means that entertainment will have to be put aside for the sake of boring affairs.

3. Organize the space convenient for child way. Place on baskets and drawers toys pictures, which will help the baby remember which containers are intended for which toys.

4. Turn up the volume. Play music when child is cleaning. This will make cleaning more fun, and an energetic melody will create the child needs the necessary attitude.

5. Let cleaning become game. Set the kitchen timer for 10 minutes and offer child task"to meet this time." Or arrange a competition “Who is faster”: “I collect clothes for a doll, and you collect puzzles, the winner will be the one who finishes first!”

6. Don't redo it yourself. When child finally cleaned the room, don't redo what you think is not done perfectly. Is your bed made unevenly? No need to adjust the bedspread. Is the furniture in the dollhouse arranged incorrectly? Don't pay any attention to it. When work done, just leave everything as it is. A four-year-old cannot clean as well as an adult.

7. Reward for doing well work done. Post a cleaning schedule in your kitchen or other visible place in your home. When your preschooler completes the task, have him mark the corresponding square on the chart with a colored sticker.

What you should never do do?

If you really want to understand how to teach clean up your child's toys, then you will have to adhere to certain rules and never allow the following errors:

Don't force child to remove toys by force

No need to shout at baby

There is no need to make promises to necessarily reward you for this baby. Otherwise, the baby will quickly understand this and will wait: "And what I get for this?". Then, instead of the positive skill of accuracy, you will unwittingly instill in him the skill of extortion.

Should never clean up the toys for the parent himself.

Be patient, never expect quick results, but have fun and cheerfully game form daily with child comprehend this science and you will definitely grow up neat and obedient children, and your home will be dominated by love, respect and the desire to always please each other.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation “What to do if a child bites?” What to do if a child bites? This is fine? Most children under 3 years of age will bite someone at least once. If the biting continues.

Consultation “If a child cannot stand up for himself” We all understand that aggression begets aggression. Therefore, adults should help the child find constructive ways of interaction, ways.

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Educational program for parents. If your child doesn't read yet (fairytale digression) About three magical castles. (fairy-tale digression) Once upon a time there lived in magical land sad sounds. Why sad? They were so offended.

Today we will tell you about the most rational and wise way to get your child to clean up their toys, because for most children, cleaning is not their favorite activity.

Modern stores offer us many different interesting and funny toys for our children. We, wanting to bring joy to our daughters and sons, buy them all these dolls, construction sets, radio-controlled cars, soft animals and robots, and then watch with emotion how the kids rejoice while playing with new beautiful toys.

How to motivate your child to put away toys

However, along with tenderness, young mothers often have a problem: toys scattered throughout the house, lying under their feet. Having played enough, the child threw away the colorful figures and went about his business, and because of this, real chaos immediately reigned in the house.

It can be very difficult for a mother or both parents to constantly put all these things in places behind the child, so sooner or later every parent begins to wonder how to teach her child to put away her toys?

In our article we will try to answer this question and offer you effective psychological methods of “involving” your child in cleaning up his toys, not by forcing, but by properly motivating him so that he does it without reminders and with pleasure.

Turn cleaning into a game

Explain to a small child that putting toys away is an “important duty” or “his duty” in order to “help parents who are exhausted at work” is a useless task. If only because he does not know what duty and obligation are, and accordingly, he has no idea why he should do something that he does not like and does not give pleasure. The only way to attract a child to tidy up toys is to show that it is fun and very interesting, and no less exciting than playing with toys.

Therefore, try to use your imagination and present your child with cleaning his toys and things as entertaining and interesting game! For example, explain to your son or daughter that toys get tired just like children, so they should also be put to sleep in special places where they can get a good night's sleep.

For example, provide your offspring with colored different colors and boxes decorated in the shape of houses, arrange an impromptu bed for dolls in the boxes. Then children will put toys in these boxes and drawers, as if continuing to play, and the cleaning process will not stress them out.

Or, for example, take a colored garbage bag, give it to your child and ask him to collect as many broken and unnecessary toys as possible in five minutes. Explain to him that broken toys should be released so that new ones can take their place. I think the child will not remain indifferent!

Options for such “play cleaning” can be different, you just have to use your imagination.

Reward and approval are the best motivator for children

Remember one more thing: in these “educational games” you should always praise the child after he has completed his task, since parental approval is the best motivator for children.

And, naturally, instead of forcing the child to clean up his toys, It’s better to pay attention every time to the fact that he did very well: Notice how wonderfully he put the toys in their places and how many broken and unnecessary things he could collect in five minutes. This approach will help reinforce in your child’s mind a positive attitude towards cleaning up toys.

As a reward, offer your child a healthy apple, banana or pear, or a walk in the park, or maybe reading an interesting book out loud. You should not reward your child with sweets or cookies (this can be harmful to health), or sit at the computer all day (as you know, modern children understand electronics better than parents, and spending time at the computer is also not very good for health) or in front of the TV, so as not to inadvertently instill bad habits in your son or daughter.

Another important point: as we said in the last article, The habit of cleanliness must first be instilled in oneself, since the child takes an example from his parents, so you should also reward yourself after you have cleaned the apartment. Eat a healthy fruit with your child, drink tea, take a walk together, laugh. Once you've finished cleaning, it's time to reward yourself.

By acting in this way, you can instill in your children the habit of rewarding and encouraging themselves, which will definitely be useful to them in life.

Don't demand perfect cleaning from your child.

A common mistake made by almost all parents is criticism and comments addressed to their child while cleaning up toys. I understand: this is exactly how our mothers and fathers raised us, while pursuing the most noble goals - to encourage us to develop, to teach us self-improvement.

However, such an approach, even among adults in most cases, does not cause a desire to do something better than before, but provokes a complete loss of interest in any business.

According to the child, if, no matter how hard you try to clean the room, nothing happens over and over again, and instead of praise you hear criticism and constant moralizing, then what is the point of tidying up toys? All the same, the parents will not be happy. When you don’t clean up, they swear, when you clean up, they also swear. Why put in any effort if the result is always the same?

Anyone thinks so normal child, and you yourself would think so if someone constantly poked you into your mistakes and stood over your soul while cleaning. Remember whether you like it and draw a conclusion.

With criticism and your desire to bring everything to perfection, you will only achieve a loss of interest in your son or daughter in cleaning toys, and subsequently in the apartment as a whole. And who likes to get in trouble for something they did?

You should not anchor (make it habitual) the thought “cleaning up toys = criticism, scolding, comments” in your child’s head, otherwise this process will become a real punishment for him. And at the same time for you, since in this case you will definitely need to force your child to put away the toys, on which you will spend much more time and nerves, and will ruin your relationship with him.

How not to discourage your child from helping around the house

And even more so, so as not to discourage your child from helping you around the house, In no case should you compare him with others, especially not in his favor. Once and for all, forget the phrase: “But Aunt Natasha Olechka cleans up her toys herself, she doesn’t need to be reminded of this again!” I myself remember how enormously irritating such phrases caused me as a child.

Once I even answered my mother: “If you like this Olechka so much, then take her and adopt her!” Mom, of course, was furious because the “time-tested” technique didn’t work. But if she had noticed that this did not work, she could probably have taught me cleanliness and order in a more productive way.

Let your child from time to time forget to put his puzzle in the box, leave a piece of construction set on the floor and dump spare parts from his robot in a box for soft toys - no need to scold him for this, no need to accuse him of laziness and unwillingness to help you. On the contrary, support your child, thank him, praise him for doing a very useful and interesting thing, and then he will definitely want to help you next time, and do it even better.

With this we say goodbye to you. Our self-development and self-improvement portal sincerely wishes you that your children will clean up their toys themselves, help you with cleaning around the house (we told you how to do this in the last article) and do it only with pleasure, and, having grown up, they themselves could easily maintain order in the house without experiencing negative emotions towards cleaning.

We really hope that you have the wisdom and organization to put our advice into practice, as this will be another big step towards your individual self-development and happiness. Let's move forward together! Wait for new and interesting articles, and separately, and even adults! And don’t forget to read the first part of this article, about that.