Hygiene of fingernails: basic rules of care. Basic hand skin care: expert recommendations Care for hands and nails

A manicurist and pedicurist is a sought-after and highly paid worker. The development of this type of service due to new technologies, as well as fashion, make this profession promising and interesting. Opening a manicure or beauty salon looks no less promising. The profitability of a salon depends on its level and equipment. Traditional baths and regular manicures are not expensive procedures, but nail design, SPA procedures, nail extensions, photo drawings and other new items, despite the cost of the equipment, are quite cost-effective, and an example of a price list for a typical Moscow salon speaks volumes about this:

If you want to practice manicure and pedicure professionally, you can obtain the profession “Master of Manicure and Pedicure” at a vocational school, college, technical school or courses. Studying in special educational institutions, of course, gives a deeper understanding of the subject. But, unfortunately, training programs do not always keep up with the development of new technologies and most often do not take into account fashion trends, which also change too quickly. But the courses are somewhat superficial and sometimes very expensive. For example, the cost of training for such courses in Moscow ranges from 100 to 1000 USD. e. With the number of courses that advertising offers, it’s not so easy to navigate. Of course, practice in a good salon and familiarity with the latest innovations is a big advantage, but courses do not guarantee employment, and employers give preference to workers with experience. Do right choice Your future colleagues will help you - ask the masters you consider good where they studied; masters also often have information about the reputation of certain courses.

What's next? How realistic is it for a novice master to get a job in a good salon? This chance is quite large, especially considering that the salon business is developing, and more and more similar enterprises are constantly opening. You yourself can become the owner of a salon or office. Find a job where, as course advertisements promise, a master can earn “from 400 USD.” e.", not so simple. Typically, manicurists and pedicurists are paid 30-50% of the client's payment, or a flat fee plus interest (the latter is less common). Obviously, the indicated earnings are possible in a good expensive salon, where the cost of services is quite high. To successfully sell their services, a modern specialist needs to be a highly qualified specialist who can easily understand the causes of problems and methods for eliminating them, navigate the market of professional tools and various techniques, and sincerely strive to help the client with the help of a properly selected program. Certainly, big variety products for manicure and skin and nail care on the modern cosmetic market sometimes baffles even the most experienced masters. To understand which cream is suitable for working with the hands of a particular skin type, what its advantages are, you need to know the composition of the products used, and it is also advisable to know the effect of each component on the skin and nails.

Personnel are one of the most important foundations for the success of any enterprise. Personnel problems are becoming more pressing and relevant. Many managers have questions and problems when creating a successful team, a positive and creative attitude to work among beauty salon specialists.

The time for professionals is coming in the beauty industry; many clients of nail studios and beauty salons are increasingly demanding and prepared.

An assessment of the prospects for the development of beauty industry enterprises as a human service industry shows that in the future, studios and salons will successfully develop in this market, which provide their clients with high-quality services, fully fulfill and even exceed the wishes of clients, and create a psychological atmosphere comfortable for visitors in their studio. . Do all these points directly depend on the team of the enterprise? from the "team".

Therefore, in order to interest the employer, you need to prove that you will help him achieve his main goals:

¦ satisfied and loyal studio clients;

¦ constant increase in the profitability of the enterprise.

To get a well-paid job in a prestigious place, you need to remember that managers take personnel selection very seriously, and proceed from the requirements that employers make.

First stage - these are your professional skills and qualities. You must have a certificate of education, work experience, knowledge, ability and desire to perform all the necessary job and functional tasks are desirable.

Second phasepsychological picture. For most prestigious salons and organizations, professional qualities alone are not enough, and they interview candidates or ask them to fill out various questionnaires (psychological testing, resume, telephone call (voice, speech), interview (behavior, manners, gestures, speech, oral and written information ), features of handwriting, facial features).

Each person's handwriting is individual and unique. Using information about a person contained in handwriting allows a manager to better understand the characteristics of his employees. There are no good or bad handwritings. Peculiarities handwriting talk about such human traits as:

¦ performance;

¦ legal capacity;

¦ tendency to spend or save;

¦ courage or caution;

¦ level of optimism, decency, self-esteem, communication skills and other important traits.

Therefore, when filling out various questionnaires, remember: your handwriting is studied as carefully as your answers.

Summary gives information about:

¦ work experience;

¦ general and vocational education;

¦ vocational training;

¦ marital status, presence of children;

¦ social status;

¦ individual personal traits, hobbies;

¦ motives for getting a job.

Phone call when applying for a job, he will tell the manager about some of the features of successful work, for example, a future administrator (as one of the key figures in the “nail” studio):

¦ features of intonation (intensity, volume, timbre, tempo, intonation stress),

¦ communication skills, including the ability to express one’s thoughts coherently.

The answer on the phone should be friendly, attentive, gentle, and interested.

Human behavior during an interview, based on gestures, position of arms, legs, head, eyes, demeanor, clothing, tells the studio manager about:

¦ self-confidence;

¦ openness/closeness of position, including trust;

¦ interest in work (conversation);

¦ behavior in a stressful situation, because an interview is stressful;

¦ the desire to dominate (slightly tilted straight head) or to submit (neck bent forward);

¦ the desire to present what is desired as reality (including the position of the eyes when answering questions - the eyes go one way when remembering, the other when inventing);

Psychological testing using professional tests allows you to obtain additional information about the employee.

Third stage- probation. At this time, everything that you have told about yourself, as well as your suitability as a specialist and a member of the team, is tested. Be patient, a beginner is often provoked during this period. Naturally, he is loaded with exactly the work that no one else wants to do. This will pass if you pass the probationary period. But we must warn you that the probationary period is sometimes used simply to save money. Then, in any case, they will not sign a contract for you, but will hire someone else with a probationary period. What can help you? Only reviews from clients for whom you should become “their” master. The more clients who come to you, the stronger your position and the higher your salary.

Fourth stage – formalization of business relations. It is necessary to properly formalize the labor relationship with the future boss and comply with all legal norms of labor legislation. Failure to comply with legal procedures can later create various difficulties for the manager, including fines. Take documents seriously.


The workplace of a manicurist is manicure table. The master and the client are opposite each other. For a pedicure, the client is seated in pedicure chair, the master is located opposite, on a separate chair.

The choice or evaluation of an existing manicure table and pedicure chair must be taken very seriously, because this is what the client will see first.

Rice Manicure Table

The modern professional equipment market offers a huge variety of such tables and chairs. Prices for tables from 100 USD. e., for chairs - from 150 USD. e. However, when choosing, we advise you to look not so much at the appearance and aesthetic appearance, but at the size and quality of the material from which the equipment is made.

The table should accommodate not only your hands and the client’s, but also everyone’s necessary tools. It is also desirable to have boxes for storing materials, various stands and trays.

During a manicure, the client's hands are placed on a pillow covered hygienic material. It is disinfected after each client. For baths in expensive salons they use a special device where a constant temperature of the liquid is maintained. But the presence of such a device does not exclude simple baths, especially since various recipes and hand care programs are currently used in salons.

Tools and devices should be located conveniently for the master, but not create clutter.

Rice Professional manicure set

Professional manicure sets, are a complete cosmetic set designed to create manicures and pedicures at the level of the best beauty salons. It can be used to treat both natural and acrylic nails. It can be powered or battery-powered, has two speed settings and six attachments (one pointed stone, abrasive callus cap, sanding disc, one coarse polishing disc, one fine polishing disc and a mini fan for quick drying of nails) . The set also includes four professional accessories (scissors, nail clippers for hands and toes, a device for shaping cuticles).

The package includes professional level tools:

Conical nail file;

Conical cuticle remover;

Fine abrasive disc for treating nails;

Polishing disc for removing ridges;

Fine polishing disc for high gloss;

Hair dryer attachment to speed up the drying of nail polish;

Manicure tongs;

Pedicure tongs;

Cuticle removal pin;

Finger separators;

Callus cutters;

Pedicure brushes;

Cutting tools: nail clippers, scissors, tweezers;


Various oilcloths and napkins;



Sanitary requirements for the operation of a manicure salon

All requirements are comprehensively given in official documents. Here are excerpts from the current SanPiN (introduced in 2003), which relate to manicure and pedicure rooms.

4.4. Cabinets: cosmetic, manicure and pedicure should be located in separate isolated rooms. In hairdressing salons with up to 3 workplaces, one workplace for manicure is allowed if there is an additional area of ​​at least 6 sq.m. In beauty salons, it is allowed to organize up to 3 workplaces, provided they are isolated by partitions 1.8–2.0 m high. Pedicure salons must have at least 2 foot baths with hot and cold water supply.

4.5. Workplaces are equipped with furniture that can be treated with detergents and disinfectants and located so as to allow cleaning, not block the light source, and not block the passages.

4.6. It is not allowed to place in hairdressing salons and offices equipment and items that are not related to the work performed in a specific area.

4.7. The distance between workstations (dressing table chairs) should be 1.8 m from the outer chair to the wall? 0.7 m. With 2-row or more seats, the distance between the rows must be at least 5 m.

Staff work and home clothes should be stored in individual closets.

4.12. Storerooms for storing clean and used linen, perfumes and cosmetics, as well as detergents, disinfectants and pediculicides must be separate. Premises for storing clean linen and perfumes and cosmetics are equipped with racks or cabinets; for dirty laundry? chests. In hairdressing salons with up to 5 workplaces, it is allowed to store clean linen, perfumes and cosmetics, detergents, disinfectants, and pediculicides in separate cabinets in the utility room.

4.13. Washing of used linen and work clothes should be carried out in laundries. Is it possible to organize the washing of used linen directly in the hairdressing salon if there is a specially designated room with hot and cold water supply and special equipment? "mini laundry" Washing of used linen and work clothes must be carried out according to washing modes that ensure disinfection.

4.16. Hairdressing salons, beauty salons, manicure and pedicure rooms must be equipped with closed-type bactericidal ultraviolet irradiators (recirculators) with ozone-free bactericidal lamps for disinfecting indoor air in the presence of people. The installation and operation of bactericidal irradiators is carried out in accordance with the guidelines for the use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation to disinfect air and surfaces in the room.

4.17. Work records are recorded in a special journal for each bactericidal irradiator.

The log is an official document confirming the performance and safety of operation of the bactericidal installation.

All bactericidal installations in use in the hairdressing salon must be registered in the log.

Control checks of the condition of bactericidal installations are carried out by representatives of state sanitary and epidemiological inspection bodies. The results of the inspection are recorded in a protocol and entered into a journal with a conclusion allowing further operation. In case of a negative conclusion, a list of comments is drawn up indicating the deadline for their elimination.

Responsible for the correct maintenance of the log and its safety is the administration of the hairdressing salon, which is in charge of premises with bactericidal installations.

4.18. Trained personnel are allowed to operate bactericidal irradiators.

4.19. Measurements of ultraviolet radiation from bactericidal irradiators should be carried out after each lamp replacement.

4.20. The use of equipment that is a source of noise, vibration, ultraviolet, infrared, electromagnetic radiation and has not passed a hygienic assessment is not allowed.

Production and sanitary premises are equipped with stationary sanitary appliances. Hot and cold water is supplied to all sinks, foot baths and other sanitary fixtures.

6.6. With absence centralized system sewerage conditions for wastewater discharge must meet the requirements of SanPiN–00 “Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters” (do not require state registration. Letter from the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation dated 01.11.2000 No. 9295–YUD) and SP–01 “Hygienic requirements for the protection of groundwater from pollution” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 21, 2001, registration No. 2886).

6.7. Placing hairdressing salons in buildings without internal water supply and sewage systems is not permitted.

All premises and equipment must be kept clean. Preventive disinfection should ensure a reduction in microbial contamination of surfaces, furniture, equipment, air, disinfection of tools, linen, work clothes and other items used in work. For preventive disinfection, disinfectants are used that are approved for use in accordance with their purpose by the Russian Ministry of Health in the prescribed manner.

9.2. Should wet cleaning of premises be carried out at least twice a day using detergent and at the end of work? disinfectant. For disinfection, it is recommended to use products that have both a disinfectant and a detergent effect.

9.3. At least once a week, all premises must be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with a schedule approved by the administration. During general cleaning, walls, floors, baseboards, doors, furniture and equipment are washed and treated with disinfectant solutions.

9.4. For cleaning the main and auxiliary premises, as well as toilets, separate equipment must be allocated, which is marked and stored separately in specially designated areas. At the end of cleaning, equipment is treated with detergents and disinfectants and dried.

9.5. Only clean linen should be used for customer service. The supply of clean linen (towels, napkins, sheets) should be in an amount that ensures its individual use for each visitor. It is recommended to use disposable caps, capes, sheets, and napkins.

9.6. After each use, used linen must be washed and disinfected in accordance with the requirements of the Sanitary Rules.

9.12. The pillow placed under the foot during a pedicure should have an oilcloth cover, which after each use is wiped with a rag soaked in a disinfectant solution.

9.13. Foot baths after each client should be cleaned with a rag or brush using detergents and disinfectants in accordance with the guidelines for the use of the product used.

9.14. When performing a manicure, a disposable napkin should be used for each visitor.

9.15. For manicure, pedicure and beauty salons, a minimum set of standard tools should be determined to serve one client. You should have at least three sets per workplace.

9.16. To store tools prepared for work at the workplace, the use of bactericidal ultraviolet irradiators is allowed. Clean cosmetic instruments and products should be stored in clean, closed containers; sterile instruments and products (gauze pads, cotton balls) should be stored in the same packaging in which they were sterilized. Sterile instruments for manicure and pedicure should be stored in metal trays.

9.17.3. Removable knives of electric razors are wiped twice (with an interval of 15 minutes) with a swab moistened with 70-degree ethyl alcohol.

9.17.4. After use, cosmetic instruments without prior washing are placed in containers with a disinfectant solution.

9.17.5. Electrodes to physiotherapeutic equipment and devices are wiped twice with a swab (with an interval of 15 minutes) moistened with 70-degree ethyl alcohol.

9.17.6. Instruments used for manipulations that may cause damage to the skin (manicure, pedicure, facial cleansing and other cosmetic services) are subject to disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization after each client.

9.17.7. The choice of instrument sterilization method depends on the characteristics of the products being processed. Sterilization is carried out in accordance with the guidelines for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical devices. It is recommended to use disposable instruments.

9.18. Disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning of instruments and parts of the cosmetology machine must be carried out by trained personnel.

9.19. To ensure disinfection measures, there must be the necessary supply of disinfectants. Containers with disinfectant solutions must be equipped with lids and labeled with the name, concentration and date of preparation.

9.20. Disinsection and deratization activities are carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have the right to engage in this type of activity. The dates of preventive measures for disinfestation and deratization, the name and quantity of the means used are recorded in the accounting documentation.

Requirements for working conditions and personal hygiene of personnel

10.1. Are employees required to take pre-employment tests upon entry into employment and subsequently? periodic preventive medical examinations.

10.2. Each employee must have a personal medical record book of the established form, in which the results of medical examinations, laboratory tests and hygienic certification are entered.

10.3. Persons entering work must undergo professional hygienic training and certification in the prescribed manner.

10.4. The administration of the hairdressing salon must monitor the completion of medical examinations by employees.

10.5. When conducting periodic medical examinations, the issue of access to work must be resolved individually for each employee, taking into account working conditions, age, length of service, and functional state of the body.

10.6. Hairdressing salon workers who have been found to have polyvalent sensitization to cosmetics through special laboratory tests are subject to dispensary observation by an allergist.

10.7. The administration of hairdressing salons must provide the necessary conditions to prevent the adverse effects of production factors on workers.

10.7.1. The organization of workplaces in hairdressing salons should provide for rational planning, equipment, compliance with ergonomic, aesthetic and sanitary-epidemiological requirements:

To natural and artificial lighting;

To the microclimate;

To water supply and sewerage;

To comply with preventive disinfection in accordance with the requirements of these Sanitary Rules.

10.7.2. Hairdressing salon workers must be promptly provided with uniform overalls and personal protective equipment.

10.7.3. Levels of local vibration from hairdressing equipment (electric machines, electric hair dryers) and noise levels in workplaces should not exceed established hygiene standards.

10.7.4. From the day pregnancy is established, women are not recommended to perform work perm and hair coloring.

10.7.5. Pregnant and lactating women and persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to work with disinfectants.

10.7.6. For hairdressing salon workers, a lunch break is established in accordance with labor legislation, and also recommend 10-minute breaks in the middle of the 1st and 2nd shifts to prevent vascular diseases of the lower extremities.

10.7.7. To prevent occupational diseases among hairdressing salon personnel who come into contact with disinfectants. It is recommended for use only moderate and low-hazard disinfectants (hazard classes 3 and 4), non-volatile and non-dusting, in hygienic and ready-to-use formulations.

10.7.8. In order to prevent occupational diseases of the skin, eyes and upper respiratory tract in workers, it is necessary to:

Centralized preparation of working disinfectant solutions should be carried out in special rooms with artificial or natural supply and exhaust ventilation;

Pour dry disinfectants into special containers with gradual addition of water;

Maximize the use of original disinfectants in small packaging;

Close containers with working disinfectant solutions with lids tightly. All work with them should be done with rubber gloves;

Strictly follow labor safety measures in accordance with the instructions for the disinfectant used, using personal protective equipment (RU-60 M or RPG-68 respirators, masks, etc.).

10.8. In order to prevent infection with parenteral hepatitis and HIV infection, all manipulations during which hands may become contaminated with blood should be carried out using rubber gloves. During work, all damage to the skin should be isolated with finger pads and adhesive tape. For personal prevention purposes, hairdressing salon workers should be provided with an anti-HIV first aid kit, which should include:

1) 70-degree alcohol;

2) 5% alcohol solution of iodine;

3) adhesive plaster, dressing material.

If blood gets on the skin, wash it thoroughly with soap; If the skin is damaged (cut, injection), blood is squeezed out from the damaged surface, the skin is treated with 70-degree alcohol, then with iodine. To stop bleeding from cuts or abrasions, solutions of hydrogen peroxide or iodine are used. For antiseptic treatment of cut sites, use a 5% alcohol solution of iodine.

10.9. Hairdressing salon workers must observe the following rules of personal hygiene:

Leave outerwear, shoes, hats, and personal items in the dressing room; use clean work clothes for work;

Before and after serving the client, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;

In medical and cosmetology rooms, to treat hands, use skin antiseptics approved in accordance with the established procedure;

Carry out hand skin care using protective and softening creams and lotions;

Use rubber gloves when coloring hair;

Do not smoke or drink in the workplace.

Nail and hand care in the salon

In the beauty salon, hand procedures are performed by specialists qualified as a cosmetologist or a manicurist. Hand skin care is an integral part of any manicure.

Rice Manicure Set

Hand procedures based on professional cosmetics differ from home procedures only in the presence of professional equipment, which allows the same care procedures to be carried out more effectively: cleansing, exfoliation (peeling), massage, mask, application of protective cream. And modern cosmetic lines for hand skin care and special products can be used at home. But some procedures are performed only in the salon, since they use rather expensive and complex equipment, which is designed to be used by professionals.

Cleansing the skin of the hands, however, is done using a bath. More deep cleansing achieved by using hand scrubs. Massage movements promote gentle exfoliation of the dead layer of the epidermis, which improves the effect of all subsequent procedures, since the layer of dead cells becomes thinner and nutrients penetrate the skin better. This relieves muscle tension and improves blood circulation.

Together with classic massage, acupressure is used - acupressure of active points. This improves not only the condition of the skin of the hands, but also overall well-being and improves immunity.

After the massage, you can continue the procedure. Instead of removing the remaining cream, add it and put on cellophane gloves and terry mittens on top. This simple technique improves the effect of skin nutrition and softening several times. Special products are also used - regenerating creams, creams with various bioadditives. Sometimes, if the skin is very rough and the hands are chapped, there are cracks, wrinkles or other damage, the mask may contain softening, whitening and even healing components.

There are masks that are washed off after use. Then after washing you need to apply a nourishing cream. But some masks do not need to be washed off: they have a protective effect.

Many companies offer special lines for hand skin care. This cosmetics can also be used at home.

Often the salon uses cosmetics from the same line (sometimes the company is interested in such advertising “promotion” of its products). Well, the client can try how good this or that line is, so that later he can use this cosmetics at home.

For a salon, however, such procedures are not very profitable, because their cost is relatively low, and cosmetics are quite expensive. In addition, special hand care takes a lot of time, so the service is not very cost-effective. Typically, care in the salon comes down to a bath, a massage with a scrub and the application of a nourishing cream. However, in the case of complex care, for example, when applying a mask to the face, it is rare that a client will refuse to take care of his hands at this time. Then the duration of the procedure does not affect its profitability.

Knowing these features, many companies produce not separate products, but ready-made programs for hand care. Here are some of them.

Germaine de Capuccini offers a recovery program. In addition to the hand bath, it contains a cream with retinol and grape seed oil and a modeling mask with yeast. Designed for aging hand skin.

Academy has developed a new product “Absolute Hand Care”. It contains macadamia oil, anti-pigment active ingredient, nail nourishing complex, biotechnology-based repair active ingredient, moisturizing active ingredient. Includes a set of bath products, a scrub with a whitening effect, a mask and a nourishing cream for whitening, strengthening nails, and softening the skin. Prevents the occurrence age spots.

Decleor has developed a line of products for restoring cold-damaged, rough and cracked skin. The procedure involves a bath, mask, scrub and cream for regular and acupressure. The effectiveness of reflexology is enhanced by the essential oils contained in the products of this line.

Physiocee has developed a program for skin remineralization with an exclusive algae mask with added vitamin C. Whitens, moisturizes and regenerates the skin of the hands. Biodroga offers a procedure based on a combination of two masks – honey and paraffin.

Nourishing vitamin oil for dry, flaky, brittle nails. A particularly useful remedy is a mixture containing:

Bitter almond oil;

Vitamins E and F;

Lemon essential oil.

The oil softens keratinized skin, stops the inflammatory process of the nail fold, protecting the nail plate from drying out and becoming brittle, eliminates delamination of nails, and restores the skin around the nails. For very dry, brittle, damaged nails, oil is applied to the nails daily for 7-14 days, with constant use of polish? 2-3 times a week on clean nails.

Nail strengthener “3 in 1”.

"3 in 1"? A very convenient formula that is a base, coating and hardener for polish and nails. The best remedy for strengthening nails is one that contains a complex of amino acids:





Vitamin C;

Leucine organic calcium compounds;


These substances have a high concentration of calcium and activate the formation of keratin, due to which the nails acquire metallic hardness and reduce their fragility.

Being a base for varnish, this product enhances the adhesion of the nail to the varnish and at the same time is a colorless protective varnish, which allows you to achieve a beautiful manicure.

The “3 in 1” product is applied in one or two layers to the nails at least once a week and before each application of polish.

A product for smoothing out uneven nails and eliminating cracks with nylon fibers. The product for smoothing out uneven nails and eliminating cracks contains:


Sucrose benzoate,

Citric acid salts,

Fibril fibers.

It is used for damaged nails, to restore them after artificial manicure, and to care for peeling and cracked nails. Under the influence of nylon fibers, the nail plate becomes perfectly smooth, the smallest defects are eliminated, and the nails look healthy. Nails are protected from the appearance of yellowness and whitish spots.

The product is applied in one or two layers to the nails at least once a week and before each application of polish.

Surface corrector. It will make your nails perfectly even and smooth. The surface corrector contains natural silk fibers that help hide imperfections on both natural and artificial nails before applying polish. The corrector is applied as a base for the varnish, which lays down evenly and is extremely durable and long-lasting thanks to silk particles.

A product for sealing brittle nails. The basis of the sealant is nitrocellulose with the addition of polyamides, polyesters or polyacrylates, which forms a film. Keratin or collagen hydrolysates are responsible for restoring the damaged structure of the nail plate. The oils included in the sealant prevent nails from drying out. Formaldehyde plays the role of the sealant itself. If your nails cannot tolerate formaldehyde, you can try strengthening agents with aluine salts, which are considered a less aggressive and less allergenic component.

Cuticle softener and remover. Today, experts suggest abandoning the usual manicure using metal tools, since scraping, scratching and other “harsh” measures will only damage the nail plate and nail root. But most importantly, avoid cutting the cuticle (the skin around the nail), because such a procedure leads to roughening of these areas, accelerated growth and thickening of the cuticle. Not only is it simply painful and you can accidentally damage the skin until it bleeds, but it is also very dangerous, since there is a high probability of some kind of infection getting into the blood. Therefore, experts advise using two new methods of manicure – which one is more convenient for you.

The first method: soften the cuticle in a special oil or gel, and then carefully and painlessly push it back using a special stick.

Second method: apply a small amount of special cream to the cuticle, and after 3-5 minutes simply wipe it off.

The result is that the cuticles are gone, their growth is inhibited, and the nails have a perfect and well-groomed appearance. By the way, today almost all cosmetic companies offer a huge selection of such creams, liquids, gels and other products that not only dissolve dead cuticle cells, but also contain healthy oils and vitamins that nourish and protect the skin around the nails from cracking and the formation of hangnails.

One of the effective means for removing cuticles is peeling containing:


Sweet almond oil;


Sodium salt of hyaluronic acid;

Fruit acids.

This is a gentle product that softens the nail cuticle and allows you to quickly and painlessly remove the cuticle without resorting to scissors.

To remove cuticles, apply a small amount of product to the cuticle growth area and gently massage for 1–2 minutes. Then the cuticle is cleaned with a wooden stick or napkin. Remains of the product can be washed off with water.

A product for fast nail growth.

A product for rapid nail growth will come to the aid of women whose nails have broken and there is only a week left before an important event. It not only accelerates the growth of nails, but also strengthens them, having a beneficial effect on the structure. Within a week after using the product you will get long nails.

Hand and nail skin problems

To ensure that problems with the skin of your hands and nails do not bother you, all procedures should always be carried out carefully, accurately, and in compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

To prevent nail diseases, it is important to carry out constant hygienic care of the hands and feet, trim overgrown nails in a timely and correct manner, wear soft, loose shoes, and consult a dermatologist in a timely manner.

Problems with the skin of the hands and nails include brittle nails, hangnails, peeling nails, eczema, altered condition of the nail plate, wrinkles on the hands, fungal diseases and many others. Let's look at some of them.

Nutrition and nails

The condition of your nails is largely determined by the overall health of the body. The lack of one or another element instantly makes itself known, manifesting itself in a certain way on the nails. Therefore, nutrition is fundamental to the good condition and beauty of your nails. What products are most beneficial for marigolds?

Liver, butter, greens, tomatoes, carrots contain VITAMIN A, which is necessary for the growth and strengthening of nails.

Cabbage, brewer's yeast, egg yolk, sprouted wheat grains contain VITAMIN B, which promotes nail growth.

IODINE, present in seaweed, lettuce, spinach, also promotes nail growth.

SILICON present in vegetables is important for the elasticity and hardness of nails. SULFUR, contained in cabbage, onions, cucumbers, prevents inflammatory processes and helps nail formation.

Brittle nails

Brittle nails are most often caused by various diseases of the body. These diseases can be of varying degrees of severity: from thyroid disease to a lack of vitamins, in particular vitamins A, E, F, as well as calcium. In addition, nails are afraid of overdrying, because nail plates are 80% water and have a porous structure, so frost and water, scorching sun and water can dry out nails and make them brittle. Frequent coloring and the use of products containing acetone and formaldehyde also lead to nails becoming brittle, dry and dull. Heredity is not the last factor, because fragility depends on the composition of the keratin protein.

Solution: start drinking calcium and glucomed. Calcium perfectly strengthens nails. However, before taking calcium, consult with a specialist: brittle and weak nails are evidence of a lack of calcium; too dry and brittle - the body, on the contrary, has too much calcium, but not enough vitamins. Vitamins E and F enhance nail growth.

In addition, it is recommended to lubricate brittle nails with vegetable oil, nourishing cream You can take warm oil baths, rub oil with vitamin A into your nails - the vitamin penetrates the nail plate and the nail is restored. And also try, at least for a while, not to deal with washing powders, detergents and cleaning products.

There are also specially developed products for treating nails on sale. In perfume stores you can, for example, find Crystal liquid for nails. It is used for brittle, peeling nails 2-3 times a day. If you can’t do it more often than once, then at night.

Nail treatment products are very convenient and can even be applied to nail polish. For example, nourishing balms are usually applied to the area near the cuticle, where the nail is most receptive to beneficial substances.

Broken nail

How often does a nail break at the wrong time! Is it really necessary to cut off all the rest so that the manicure doesn’t look sloppy? What if an important event awaits you on this day? Don’t worry, even in such a seemingly hopeless situation there will be a way out.

Solution: The first thing that comes to mind is to glue on a nail from a set of plastic nails. But such a set is not always at hand, so we offer other options for a decent solution to the problem. A crack in a nail can be “patched” by covering the fracture site with a piece of napkin glued to a layer of base coat that has not yet dried. Apply another layer of base on top of the napkin and then varnish as usual.

And there is also a special transparent varnish that can be used to “fix” an unexpected crack on the nail plate, strengthen too soft nails and help them grow long, if this is usually not possible due to their increased fragility.


It happens that, despite systematic hand care, hangnails still form. Often the cause of their occurrence is a poorly executed manicure. When working in a job that involves trauma to the cuticle, and when you bite your nails and fingers, hangnails will certainly occur. Often the skin around the nails is torn and covered with abrasions. To prevent infection, wipe the skin with alcohol, brilliant green, or potassium permanganate. Hangnails should be cut with scissors or tongs and do not forget to disinfect these areas.

Solution: many people are helped to get rid of hangnails by systematically rubbing any rich cream around the nails. If hangnails are in the initial stage, that is, the skin around the nail begins to become rough, daily baths of warm olive oil will solve the problem.

The way your nails look depends largely on the condition of the skin around them, so it requires careful care. Hangnails must be removed. First, steam your hands in a warm bath, where you first add a teaspoon of glycerin or a pinch of baking soda, and then wipe them dry with a clean towel. Wipe special tweezers for removing hangnails with alcohol or cologne (tweezers are similar to nail clippers with beveled edges, differing from them only in triangular tips). When cutting off hangnails, the tweezers should not lie parallel to the skin, like a file, but almost perpendicularly. Hangnails cannot be pulled or torn off, as this will further injure the skin around the nails; they just need to be cut off. Be sure to treat small cuts and wounds with any disinfectant.

Peeling nails

Nails begin to peel when there is a lack of substances in the body that strengthen the nail plate. Most often this is caused by metabolic disorders. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to restore order in the body. But, of course, you shouldn’t ignore your nails. They need to be treated as quickly as possible. An equally common cause of peeling nails is improper filing: when you file wet nails or move the file in different directions. Frequent exposure to active alkaline and acidic irritants ( detergents, chemical reagents) can also lead to nail splitting.

Solution: it is necessary to solve the problem of peeling nails both from the outside and from the inside. Make sure your diet includes vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as iron, phosphorus, and calcium. Vitamins and microelements help activate metabolic processes. Gelatin strengthens nails, or rather gelatin protein, which supplies the nail plate with all the elements necessary for its nutrition. Consuming 10 grams of gelatin daily in soup, milk or fruit jelly has been proven to significantly strengthen nails.

Use nail strengthening products. Do not expect instant results from them, because the nail is completely renewed in about six months, so throughout this long period you will have to deal with the problem of peeling nails.

Changing nail color

Changes in nail color can be caused by various reasons. Among them are nicotine, liver and gallbladder problems, infectious diseases, and often nails darken from using dark polish without a base coat.

A yellow-brown color may indicate a fungal disease, long-term use of antibiotics, and is considered a symptom of psoriasis, dermatosis and other diseases. Whitening, or discoloration, of the nail can be caused by a traumatic manicure or the presence of air cavities under the nail. It is also observed as a result of smoking, deteriorating health (anemia, etc.). Nail polish sometimes leaves stains because the paint can penetrate under the nail. Blackening of the nail indicates a subungual hematoma. The appearance of pigment spots on the skin of the hands is often caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays. Sunscreen should be used in the solarium or when visiting the beach.

Solution: If your nail color changes, you should stop using polish for a while and let your nails grow out. But if you still need to paint your nails, be sure to apply a base coat. And do not try to self-medicate; it is better to immediately consult a specialist.

With eczema, nails also lose their visual appeal; unevenness forms on them, which does not allow for a beautiful manicure. How to solve this problem?

Solution: the only solution to the problem is nail extensions, and high-quality extensions, for example, using Kreative preparations. Artificial nails will serve as protection for natural nails. In order for them to strengthen and align, artificial nails should not be long: an extended nail that is too long will create additional stress.

Permanently colored nails

For various reasons, many women, when removing a layer of nail polish, immediately cover them with new polish. It gets to the point that when your nails are left unpainted for a day, they begin to hurt. What to do in this situation? Is it bad for your nails to wear polish all the time?

Solution: of course, the first thing any specialist will advise is to still rest your nails, take baths, rub in cream, but not always a business woman can afford to appear outside the house without polish. In this case, it is advisable to use only high-quality varnish. It does not contain harmful components that can damage the nail structure, and is able to care for nails, protecting them from temperature changes and mechanical damage.

Changes in the condition of the nail plate

Changes in the condition of the nail plate are caused by various reasons, most often by a disease of the body itself. Nails are one of the first to react to changes in health status and signal about it. It is important to be able to recognize the signal in time and respond to it with appropriate actions.

Grooves on the surface of the nails can be a serious signal of a blood disease - anemia, but can arise as a result of an unbalanced diet, psycho-emotional stress, or simply be a genetic feature. In any case, this is a reason to visit a doctor for examination.

Sometimes this is what nails affected by a fungal disease look like. But if the cause of the groove is injury, then polishing or sealing the nail with special glue may be a solution. In addition to the fact that this will hide the defect, gluing will prevent infection from penetrating deep into the nail plate.

Excessive fragility indicates a metabolic disorder, is a consequence of contact with alkaline solutions, and is considered an occupational disease of hairdressers.

Detachment of the nail plate caused by the use of varnishes containing phenol and formaldehyde, contact with alkaline solutions, and dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Longitudinal grooves indicate a lack of vitamins or impaired gastrointestinal function. In addition, they are a sign of some kind of inflammatory process.

Transverse grooves occur after infectious diseases (for example, influenza, jaundice) or after surgery, long-term diet.

Convex spherical nails indicate cardiac or pulmonary failure.

Flat concave nails occur with protein starvation, thyroid dysfunction, etc.

White spots may be the result of various reasons: lack of calcium, hormonal imbalance, physical stress or disease of the cardiovascular system.

Solution: the only correct solution is to contact a dermatologist. However, don't give up on the little things you can do at home. And these are baths with sea salt with the addition of essential oils for 15 minutes, baths in lemon juice (you can simply lubricate your nails with lemon juice), the use of vitamins and calcium. Go to a salon where you will be offered a wonderful restorative and nourishing remedy - paraffin baths. And, of course, lubricate your hands several times a day with cream, balm, etc. Using them will help you not only soften the skin of your hands, but also moisturize it.

Palms are wet and cold

This problem often causes discomfort. You are embarrassed to once again extend your hand to shake and gradually lose self-confidence. This problem must be dealt with radically.

Solution: the first and main help in in this case There will be a hand massage that improves blood circulation. You should always massage your hand from the fingertips to the wrist., then each finger separately - from the nail to the base. Rub camphor alcohol into your palms several times throughout the day. At night, rub in nourishing cream.

Dry hand skin

The skin of the hands is very sensitive to temperature changes, it instantly dries out, cracks appear on it, the hands turn red and are painful to touch. Dealing with this problem is not that difficult, much easier than many others.

Solution: first of all, any work must be done with gloves; before starting work, use silicone cream. In winter, especially in cold weather or strong winds, wear mittens or gloves.

Do not forget to use moisturizing hand cream after each wash, take softening baths, for example, in a decoction of flaxseed or in heated sunflower or olive oil.

It is very effective to make a mask of coffee grounds for 5 minutes, then lubricate the skin with hand cream. At night, you can lubricate the skin of your hands with calendula ointment, put on linen gloves, wash off the remaining ointment in the morning - and you will see your transformed hands. It must be remembered that once for care is very little. The main thing is the regularity of procedures.

Red or blue hands

Agree, red or blue hands attract attention and cause bewilderment: what happened to them, why does this lovely lady have such hands? You just want to hide them, which again causes discomfort. A woman who hides her hands cannot make a good impression. And the reason is simple: most likely, your hands were once frostbitten.

Solution: it is necessary to do contrast baths, sometimes cold, sometimes hot. A quartz lamp is also good here. At night, 2-3 times a week, rub camphor ointment into the skin of your hands and sleep with gloves on.

Wrinkles on the hands

Our age is not revealed by our face; it is easier and more habitual to take care of it, but for some reason no one thinks about the fact that our age will be revealed by our hands without any concealment. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the skin of your hands no less than the skin of your face.

Solution: it is easier to prevent the appearance of wrinkles than to fight them later. However, if wrinkles have already appeared, then you still need to get rid of them. To do this, you need to do gymnastics: rest your elbows on the table, fold your hands at chest level as if for prayer. Then try to bend your joined thumbs as low as possible, keeping the other fingers in their original position. Do the exercise 10 times daily.

Fungal infections (onychomycosis)

Second group fungal skin diseases are highly contagious diseases: athlete's foot and rubrophytosis of the feet and hands, athlete's foot in the inguinal folds. They affect the entire thickness of the stratum corneum of the skin and cause an inflammatory reaction in its underlying layers; they can affect the fingernails and toenails. This same group of mycoses also includes such a low-contagious disease as candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes, which is also called thrush.

TO third group belong to widespread mycoses - trichophytosis, microsporia and scab, the pathogens of which are distinguished by their ability to affect not only the skin and nails, but also hair. These diseases are characterized by high contagiousness, and therefore constant treatment and preventive measures are necessary, sometimes isolation of the sick for the period of treatment in a special mycological hospital.

Fourth group are fungal skin diseases that are rarely found in the middle zone - sporotrichosis, chromomycosis, mold mycoses and some others. Their pathogens cause severe damage not only to the skin, but also to subcutaneous tissue, muscles, bones, and some of them, internal organs.

The term onychomycosis comes from the Latin words onycho, meaning nail, and mycosis, meaning fungal infection. Onychomycosis is a group of fungal diseases that occur both with damage to the nail and to the skin and hair. Infection usually occurs when visiting public baths, through contact with a sick person or his clothes and shoes.

Symptoms of fungal infection. For trichophytosis(pathogens are fungi of the genus Trichophiton) the process begins from the free edge of the nail. A complex of symptoms indicates a fungal infection of the nail plate. Firstly, this is a change in the color and quality of the nail. The nail thickens and acquires a dull, often yellowish color, flakes and crumbles. Typically, the disease begins with the appearance of spots and furrows, which increase despite proper care. In this case, complex specific treatment is necessary, and you should consult a dermatologist. Treatment of fungal nail infections usually takes a long time, and you need to be patient. Even after completing the course medical procedures the disease often recurs. There is nothing more frivolous than self-medication in this case, even with the most powerful means. The success of treatment lies in its complexity and long-term compliance with all recommendations. Self-medication can lead to the fact that the strain of mycobacteria is modified under the influence of shock but irregular doses of antibiotics and further treatment will require much more time than if you immediately consulted a specialist doctor.

For rubromycosis(causative agent – ​​Trichophiton rubrum) the nail does not change its shape, but becomes thinner and flakes off. A peeling nail becomes gray. With favus and microsporia, similar symptoms may occur.

All these diseases are a clear CONTRAINDICATION to nail extensions, polishing and all other procedures that violate the integrity of the cover or, on the contrary, “clog” the nail, creating a “greenhouse” effect that promotes the active proliferation of fungal flora.

The doctor makes the diagnosis of onychomycosis based on the visible manifestations of the disease, as well as using laboratory research methods. Thus, for diagnosis, examination of pieces of affected nails under a microscope (microscopic examination) is used. Sowing the resulting material on special nutrient media can also be used. With such studies, a specialist accurately determines the type of fungus, which makes it possible to accurately select an antibiotic.

Treatment. Treatment of onychomycosis includes a set of measures: the use of antifungal drugs internally, the use of antifungal agents locally, on the nail and skin. In severe cases, the nail is removed. Depending on the type and extent of the process, antifungal drugs are prescribed orally - Lamisil, Nizoral, Griseofulvin. Timely use of these drugs often allows you to do without removing the nail.

If the nail bed is damaged, as well as if the nail is deeply damaged, it is removed. The intervention is performed under local anesthesia. The nail is peeled off and removed using a special clip. Then the affected tissue is removed from the bed. Antifungal drugs must be prescribed orally and for local use.

Nail removal can also be done using special urea and trichloroacetic patches. After a warm bath, a patch is applied to the nail and sealed on top with a regular patch. The “compress” is changed after four days. The peeling nail is gradually removed using scissors.

After removing a nail, a new one grows, the surface of which may be uneven at first.

Common warts

A viral disease that most often affects the hands.

These are dense grayish or normal skin-colored nodules (usually several of them) with a diameter of 3–10 mm with a rough surface, protruding above the skin level. Flat warts (juvenile) are flat nodules (usually several of them) with a diameter of 0.5–3 mm, often round in shape, the color of normal skin or yellow-brown with a smooth surface. They are located on the face and back of the hands, less often on the forearms.

Warts are removed in a cosmetologist's office with liquid nitrogen or surgically under local anesthesia. However, after some time they form again in the old place. There are many ways to remove warts: laser, chemical acids and alkalis. All of them help only in one case: if the wart is completely removed. If some of the affected tissue remains, the wart grows back. Beauty salons offer many methods, but the most effective is chemical.

A piece of ordinary plaster with a hole is glued onto the skin, which leaves the wart itself exposed. An acid or alkali (vinegar, a mixture of aspirin and vinegar, borax, boric acid, alum, lapis) is applied to it in the form of a paste. A piece of plaster is glued on top. The bandage is changed after two to three days. Usually this is enough for the wart to fall out on its own after steaming. Sometimes the procedure has to be repeated.

This is not to say that warts are not contagious. In the event that contact occurs and there are even microscopic lesions on the skin, there is still a possibility that infection will occur. But the virus itself is unstable. That's why Personal hygiene measures are the best protection against warts.

Hands are a person’s calling card, and nails are an undeniable decoration of hands. You can tell a lot about a person from his hands - from his lifestyle to his manners and character.

Make your hands and nails neat and pleasant to the touch. Perhaps someone will want to shake your hand more often?

Here you have a choice: do your nails at home or go to a salon for a manicure. Both of these options have their pros and cons and the choice, unfortunately, usually depends on finances. But for nails, it doesn’t matter at all who takes care of them and how much it costs. They can be maintained completely free of charge at home. In this article, we have collected the best recommendations from dermatologists and nail care specialists; we will reveal some nail care secrets that they won’t tell you at a nail salon!

  1. First of all It is necessary to keep your fingernails clean. Dirt, infections and fungi are not the best friends for nails.
  2. Make nourishing and strengthening masks- this is a very simple nail care at home, you will read about them in detail further.
  3. It is important to remove cuticles- you can read all about how to properly care for your cuticles in the advice below.
  4. Treat your fingers to cleansing and soothing baths before manicure. You can take a bath with green and black tea, vinegar, citric acid, baking soda or essential oils.
  5. Get a massage to improve blood circulation. This type of nail care and massage at home will increase blood flow to the skin of your hands and nails. The skin will acquire a pleasant color, receive more essential substances and become toned. Massage has a positive effect on nail growth. Every time you apply cream or oily mask, pay a little attention to the massage.
  6. It is necessary to trim your nails once a week.

  1. Do not ignore the date of correction of the extended nail. Since the master does all the basic care for your extended nails, you need to visit him regularly and on time.
  2. Protect your nails from mechanical damage. Extended nails look strong and strong, but they do not bend at all.
  3. Strengthen your nails with cuticle oil, do a light massage. Both your manicure and your hand skin will look much better.
  4. Wear gloves When you do the cleaning, wash the dishes. Detergents and cleaning products contain many chemicals that have a detrimental effect on extended nails. However, they have a detrimental effect on everything.
  5. Avoid sudden changes in temperature- you shouldn’t take a hot bath as soon as you get home if it’s frosty outside.

You may feel like your cuticles are just taking up space on your nails. But it's not that simple. They perform their function. They protect the matrix that is located at the root of the nail, which is responsible for nail growth.

Cuticle- this is part of your skin, it performs a protective function. To keep your protective barrier strong, you need to use these tips:

  1. Don't trim your cuticles. Dermatologists say that proper nail care does not consist of cutting the cuticles; there is no reason to do this, because by doing this you give bacteria direct access to the blood. This leads to various problems such as deformation of the nail plate and white spots on it.
  2. Use a wooden stick to remove it from the nail. Do this after baths. Cuticles don't like being cut. They should be soft - cutting them hard makes them hard. This causes them to crack. People who trim their cuticles regularly are afraid to stop because they think it will grow further and further onto the nail. But this will not happen - just as frequent shaving does not make hair grow faster.
  3. Moisturize your nails. It seems that the cuticle is not as soft as the skin throughout the body, but it also needs moisture. To do this, use creams and homemade nail masks.
  4. Don't bite your nails- if you bite the skin around the nail, the bacteria that are constantly in the saliva, as well as its acids, begin to have a detrimental effect on the skin.
  5. To soften the cuticle, you need baths and masks, which are described below. Or you can just take half a lemon and stick your fingertips into it.

TIP #1: Don't be afraid to use makeup on your nails

Don't believe that polishes are bad for your nails. Good varnishes can protect the nail from the harmful effects of the external environment - from mechanical damage, from excess moisture. But varnish can only be applied to a well-cleaned nail so that there are no bacteria underneath it.

Little hint:

  • If you have yellowish or olive colored hands, white, beige, orange and chocolate nail polish colors will suit you.
  • If your skin pale shade, pink, purple, blue raspberry polishes will suit you.
  • If you want red, then remember: bright reds look better with olive skin, and cherry reds on whites. Apply the varnish in two layers - this way the color will be more saturated.

TIP #2: File and polish properly

Masha Vorslav

There is not always enough time and energy for a salon manicure, besides, not everyone likes to entrust their hands to an unfamiliar master. You can do a home manicure in a comfortable environment while listening to a new episode of a TV series or podcast and console yourself with the thought that you are doing two useful things at the same time. We have compiled a short informative hand care guide: the recommendations are unlikely to be useful to those who ate the dog during a manicure, so we will list the most necessary tools and techniques.

What is the basic procedure

You can quickly get your hands in order: half an hour is enough to do everything. For them you can have time to shorten your nails, take a three-minute bath for your hands with warm water (you don’t need longer, because staying in water for a long time is harmful to your nails), soften and push back the cuticles and smear yourself with cuticle cream and oil. If you do a manicure at night, you can buy special spa gloves, thickly smear your hands with cream and put them on - you will get a night hand mask that will nourish the skin better than cream by oneself.

How to remove length

If your nails have grown a lot, you can use clippers or scissors, but you can only give your nails the same shape with a file. They vary in abrasiveness, but it is better not to use metal ones at all, because they injure the nail the most. You need to select files based on the quality and thickness of your nails: the thinner and drier they are, the more delicate the file should be. Abrasiveness is expressed in grits: the lower this number, the rougher the surface. For natural nails, it is recommended to start with 180 grit or higher, but if your nails are thin, you can even get by with a nail file. By the way, it’s also better to get one: it will help round the cut so that the nail does not peel off. If you don't like painting your nails, you can also buy a very soft polishing file to give your nails a shine. By the way, it will also come in handy for a standard “men’s” manicure.

How to get rid of cuticles

At home, we advocate for an unedged manicure, because an inexperienced hand can cut off too much cuticle, which should protect the nail from infections. And in general, keeping your hands in order is much easier with an unedged one. You will need a cuticle and pterygium remover every time, as well as a metal or wooden tool to push them back. Popular orange sticks may not cope with particularly stubborn cuticles, so just in case, you should get a metal spatula with a sharp end. Note that the remover should be applied not only to the cuticle itself, but also to the nail folds and under the free edge of the nail - this will remove rough skin around the entire nail.

How to paint your nails

Not every manicure involves painting your nails, but if you like even simple nail art, you’ll have to get a couple more devices. You can't do without nail polish remover; acetone works faster, but has a worse effect on nails. By the way, you can also file painted nails if it’s more convenient for you to keep track of the uniformity of the shape, however, after this you will still need to remove the varnish and sand the free edge of the nail. The base for the varnish not only improves its durability, but also helps protect the nails from pigmentation (some dark and red varnishes make them yellow), and drying saves time and nerves. It is best to choose a base of the same brand as the varnish, with easier drying (although they may be incompatible with the varnish, but this can only be verified in practice).

Dyeing technique

Even with the simplest monochromatic coloring, difficulties sometimes arise, but they can also be avoided. There is no need to polish your nails before painting: neither the base nor the polish will fit well on a very smooth nail plate. Just before applying the base, you need to wipe your nails with nail polish remover to degrease them. The most understandable painting technique is shown in this diagram. In a nutshell, you need to start coloring not at the cuticle itself, but one or two millimeters from it, so that you can then draw an even arc. If you do mess up, you can dip a thin brush in nail polish remover and use it to remove the excess.

What lotions to try

There are a lot of tools for unobtrusive nail art, and with today’s fashion for self-expression, you can try anything on your nails (). At stands with varnishes you come across ones that allow you to put the same points. Any rhinestones, thin gold foil or pearls adhere well to simple clear varnish; you can find them in art stores like the Leonardo chain or local art shops. The most common household items can also come in handy: Reddit users recommend, for example, ordinary mesh washcloths or laundry nets as a stencil, and they suggest making texture accents with crumpled paper.

Well-groomed hands are what catches the eye and adds “pluses” to the image as a whole, and therefore to the opinion of others about us. And during cold weather, without proper care, the cuticle dries out greatly, which can cause significant harm. appearance hands As winter passes, we notice that the condition of our skin has worsened slightly. Perhaps the skin of the hands, especially the cuticle, suffered the most. This thin film, which performs the protective function of our nails, dries and peels off, giving rise to hangnails. A few simple but effective tips will help you tidy up your cuticles after a long winter and save your image. First of all, you need to remember that cuticles are dead cells, and, accordingly, they are unnecessary and need to be removed. How to do this - trim or move it aside - everyone decides for himself. Many specialists in nail salons advise giving preference to non-aggressive pushing back. This reduces the risk of injuring “living” skin. You need to get rid of cuticles regularly, as they grow back. To make the skin of your hands and cuticles soft, pamper yourself with homemade hand baths at least once a week. For example, a bran bath will help make your skin soft and silky. Pour a glass of boiling water into a large bowl and add half a glass of bran to it. Let the resulting mass cool to body temperature, and then immerse your hands in it for 4-5 minutes. Remember that it is not recommended to go outside immediately after the procedure, otherwise the entire effect will be wasted.

Once a week it is worth carrying out a total cleansing of the skin of your hands. Scrubs come to our aid with this. There are many options for this miracle product on the manicure cosmetics market. However, we advise you to give preference to homemade scrubs - natural, without the addition of preservatives and parabens. One of the simplest scrub recipes is to mix olive oil and sugar in a bowl of water. Apply the mixture to the skin of your hands and massage. Pay special attention to cuticles - scrub them in circular motions, for about 30 seconds on each finger. Then rinse off the scrub with warm water.

It's no secret that the skin constantly requires hydration. You need to apply hand cream daily, at least once a day. It’s better, of course, if you “feed” your skin throughout the day hands light moisturizing cream. After cold weather, the skin on your hands may need deep hydration. To do this, stock up on simple cotton gloves, and in the evening, before going to bed, apply a large amount of moisturizing hand cream, massage it into the skin and put on gloves. Overnight, the skin will receive the necessary moisture and renew itself faster.

The invention of “smart enamel” has greatly helped in caring for problem nails. Today, the line of special products has expanded significantly. In addition, now it is possible to take care not only of nails, but also of cuticles. For example, natural cuticle oils based on tea tree extract are an excellent solution to the problem of dry cuticles. Apply it pointwise, rubbing into the cuticle and periungual skin, one to three times a day. The result will not be long in coming!

Well-groomed hands are the calling card of an attractive person. This hackneyed phrase has become a cliche, but has not lost its relevance. All women and even many men know how to care for their facial skin at home or in a beauty salon, but manicures are left to professionals. This would be correct if it weren’t for the rising prices for cosmetologists’ services and the importance of constant, and not just periodic, hand skin care. Therefore, the ability to properly care for your hands at home is no longer a matter of choice, but one of the main tasks of everyone who wants to look neat no matter what.

Taking care of your hands at home yourself is not so difficult if you understand the goals, means and possibilities of a home manicure. Our grandmothers and mothers mastered this skill, but modern cosmetics and tools make it possible to care for your hands and nails at home better and easier. This leads to a question that concerns everyone who does not dare to take care of their hands on their own: can a manicure at home compare to salon care? There cannot be a single correct answer. The quality of home hand skin care is determined by your skill, accuracy and self-discipline. And if the last two points depend solely on you, then we are ready to help with the first and teach you how to properly care for your hands at home.

Home manicure. How and with what to do a manicure yourself?
Tools for manicure at home and in the clinic are not essentially different, but they can be simpler and, of course, cheaper. Professional equipment must be impeccably reliable and durable in order to withstand working with many clients whose hands are in different conditions. Your no-nonsense personal manicure kit can consist of just a few items that you really need, and they will be truly convenient and safe just for you. So, what do you need to take care of your nails at home?

  1. Nail scissors with thin curved blades. They are different from pedicure scissors; it is advisable to have two different tools for these purposes. And it’s better not to skimp on more expensive steel scissors, which will last a long time, will not become dull, will not harm the nail plates, and will do their job efficiently.
  2. Nail clippers, more precisely - cuticle nippers. They are absolutely necessary, because cutting the cuticle with nail scissors is incorrect.
  3. Nail file. The choice of these tools is huge; files differ from each other in shape, size, material and abrasiveness. A non-metallic file with medium-diameter grain is the most versatile option. A file-bar with sides of different abrasiveness and a surface for polishing nails is the best option for home use.
  4. Cuticle stick, or a scraper will come in handy even if you are doing an unedged manicure at home. There are wooden sticks (disposable and hygienic) and metal scrapers (economical and traumatic).
  5. Knipser- These are miniature but strong nail clippers for hard nails. They are usually used for pedicures, but the nail clipper can be useful for home care of men's nails and hands.
As you can see, there are few tools, but they are all necessary and can significantly save the family budget. Store your personal manicure kit in a special case and keep all tools clean to preserve them and protect yourself from contamination in case of an accidental cut. By the way, it is useful to have a personal manicure set if you decide to use the services of a manicurist at home. In this case, the master will take care of your hands with your tools at home, and you will be confident in your safety.

How to care for the skin of your hands at home?
Manicure is a complex concept, so caring for the skin of your hands at home is just as important as caring for your nails. The choice of hand cosmetics is a purely personal matter, and the difference in the price of creams, their availability and properties allows us to give only general tips on how to choose a hand cream and other products to care for your hands at home:
The decision to take care of your hands yourself at home does not negate the opportunity to visit a manicure salon. If you cope with home care and the condition of your skin suits you, then you can do a salon manicure rarely, and in the intervals between sessions you can maintain the result at home.

How to properly care for your hands at home?
Even a full range of home hand care procedures and high-quality cosmetics will be ineffective if you violate the fundamental rules. There are few of them, but they must be followed:

  • Wipe your hands dry after washing and any water procedures soft terry towel. Wet skin becomes irritated, damaged and red, especially in the cold.
  • Don’t be lazy to lubricate your hands with cream as needed, and not just the standard 2 times a day. Pick up suitable cream for myself personally, and not the one my friend likes, it was given as a gift for March 8th, or it’s just a shame to throw it away.
  • Do not use inappropriate cosmetic products, such as face cream, on your hands. The skin of the hands is structured differently, it has different needs. In particular, face cream will not provide a protective film.
  • Use water for washing dishes and laundry ± room temperature, because hot water dries the skin of the hands, and cold water contributes to irritation and the appearance of cracks.
  • Moisturize the skin of your hands not only from the outside, but also from the inside. To do this, drink at least 2 liters of clean water daily and monitor the benefits of nutrition, take vitamins and minerals. Vitamins D, E, A and group B are especially beneficial for the skin.
These simple settings keep your hands youthful, make them soft and healthy, prolong the effect of all hand skin care procedures and allow you to visit a manicurist less often.

How can a man take care of his hands at home?
Men rarely spend time on proper hand care. If the skin experiences increased stress and does not receive proper restoration, then the result is natural: dryness, irritation, hangnails and calluses. Just a few rules will allow you to maintain man's hands in perfect condition:

  1. A manicure for men is a normal and very useful procedure, necessary not only for those who, due to their line of work, communicate a lot with people, but also for every self-respecting man. At home, men's hygienic manicure is no different from women's and consists of the same steps.
  2. Men's hand cream should be more rich, moisturizing and/or nourishing, and odorless. Universal will do protective cream fragrance-free or even a simple baby cream.
  3. You cannot let the appearance of calluses take their course. Dry, rough skin dies, cracks and causes damage to living areas, which can be very painful and fraught with inflammation.
Based on these recommendations, you can decide exactly how to care for your hand skin at home. You have a lot of industrially produced cosmetics and folk recipes at your disposal, so it is simply impossible to find arguments against systematic hand care. Taking care of your hands yourself is much more correct than shyly hiding your hands from prying eyes and postponing a visit to the manicurist. It's much simpler and - pardon the pun! - in your hands.