How to make a beautiful bun from thin hair. Diagram: how to put together a messy hair bun

A bun is one of the simplest and most elegant hairstyles for long hair and long hair. middle length. A brilliant combination of simplicity, convenience and elegance! How to make a hair bun for everyday life and special occasions? The bun goes perfectly with both sporty, business and casual style, as well as with evening style. The main thing is to choose the right bun and accessories. Creating a bun does not require special skill or effort, so it can be done in absolutely any conditions, even on the road or on a hike. Using various techniques, a modest and unpretentious bun can easily be transformed into a luxurious hairstyle for a gala reception, wedding or romantic date.

A universal solution for any hair

A bun is a win-win option for absolutely any situation and clothing style. By putting your hair in a bun, it is convenient to do sports (remember famous athletes and dancers) and household chores, shopping or walking the dog, and at a business meeting or at a dinner party you will simply be at your best! The most important thing is that you will not only look great, but also feel comfortable and confident, thanks to the secure fixation of your hairstyle.

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Who should do a bun?

There are dozens of variations on the bun theme. Thanks to such diversity, this hairstyle can be called universal, since every woman, if desired, can choose her own ideal bun. However, despite all the diversity and versatility, we should not forget that a bun, like any other hairstyle, can emphasize not only a woman’s advantages, but also her shortcomings. An elegant and sophisticated bun is an ideal hairstyle for slender ladies with a swan neck and regular facial features. In this combination, even an untidy and sloppy bun looks royal! If your neck can hardly be called a swan, it is better to make the bun lower, without focusing on the neck.

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Elegant classic bun

We divide the hair into three parts. We make the occipital part larger than the other two. It is better to separate the two front parts with a side parting. For convenience, we secure the front strands of hair with clips. Main occipital part We carefully comb the hair, lift it to the top of the head and tie it tightly with an elastic band, making a tail. We twist the hair into a loose rope and wrap it around the base of the tail several times. Leave a small loop through which we thread the free tip of the tail. Tighten the knot tightly and hide the ends of the strands in it. We secure the bun with hairpins and spray everything with varnish. Now remove the clips from the two sides of the hair and comb them. We place the left side strand over the bun, placing it beautifully above the ear, and secure it with a bobby pin, leaving the ends of the hair free. We do the same with the right side part. The elegant hair bun is ready! A great option for a business hairstyle for a business woman.

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Festive version with headbands

Apply styling product to damp hair so that it can be pulled out perfectly during drying. After drying and straightening your hair with a hairdryer and brush, we gather it into a loose ponytail, using your fingers in the front to slightly loosen the hair tension. We transform the ponytail into a loose bun, securing it not too tightly with bobby pins and hairpins. Then we take two rims. We put one on the head, placing it at a distance of 4-5 cm from the hairline. We place the second rim five centimeters from the first. Spray the finished hairstyle with hairspray where necessary, smoothing the strands.

The sequence for creating a beam is as follows:

  1. Wash and dry your hair well. Do not use heavy leave-in products - with them the comb will not last long.
  2. Bend forward and dry your hair from the back of your head. Get up, shake and straighten your hair, bend down again and repeat the procedure. The more repetitions you do, the better the bouffant will hold - your hair should become very voluminous.
  3. Gather your hair into a ponytail and apply hairspray from a distance of 15-20 centimeters to maintain its fullness.
  4. Divide your hair into several sections and comb using a fine-tipped comb with fine, rounded teeth that do not damage the hair.
  5. Twist the combed strands into loose strands and arrange them in a bun. Secure with hairpins, bobby pins and hairspray.
  6. To get rid of frizz, wash your hair with plenty of water and a smoothing conditioner, and gently detangle the strands with your fingers. Do not use a comb - wet hair is very fragile and can be easily damaged.

Volume bun with hairpins

If the combed method is not to your liking, you can use other options.

In many situations, hair tied up in a bun looks much neater and more stylish than loose strands or carefully styled curls. This is a hairstyle that transcends style and time; it suits everyone, with the exception of women over the age of gray hair— she ages them and turns them into “grandmothers.” In this case, a modern, neat haircut would be ideal. For young women and young girls, a bun is very suitable, it is fashionable and has many options. To make your hair look modern, you need to know how to do it correctly and quickly.

Features of making a bun of short hair

If desired, you can make a bun from short hair. To do this, you need a bob-type haircut and hair length at least to the shoulders. It may not be possible to wrap the strands in a classic bun, but you can wrap them in curlers or curling irons and fix the curls in the form of a slightly careless, but lush and stylish bun. It should be placed on the back of the head, not too low.

To work, you will need a soft elastic band, bobby pins or pins, styling product, curling iron or curlers, and for fine hair a special comb for blunting (backcombing).

If we describe the work step by step, we get the following sequence of operations:

  • Treat the ends of the hair with styling product and curl the curls.
  • Gather hair at the back of the head with an elastic band.
  • Lightly comb each strand at the base to give the bun volume and fluffiness.
  • Gently straightening the strands, arrange the curls so that they give the impression of a bun collected from curly hair.
  • Secure your hair with bobby pins or hairpins.
  • Fix with a light spray varnish.

To make such a bun look organic, you should pull out several thin strands from your hairstyle. If your hair is very short, you can choose extensions, ready-made hairpieces, and even already decorated buns - it is important to choose them exactly to match your hair color. Good quality lining natural hair or Kanekalons can blend perfectly with their own curls and be completely indistinguishable even upon close examination.

Features of making a bun from long and medium length hair

A bun for long hair is a real classic. These hairstyles never go out of style and look great on any hair type. They can be combined with various bangs, use special linings for volume, or leave them natural. Bunks can be made on medium-length hair, the main thing is to follow simple rules:

  1. It is difficult to make a bun on very clean hair - it quickly falls apart. It is better to do this hairstyle on the second day after washing.
  2. To secure the ponytail under the bun, you need to choose an elastic band that matches your hair and is made of soft material so as not to injure your hair.
  3. Bunches can be very diverse; they can be decorated with various hairpins, brooches, scarves and other decorative elements.

Making a bun for yourself at home is not at all difficult. The hair must be thoroughly combed, gathered into a ponytail with an elastic band and twisted around its base. The hairstyle can be varied - divide the hair into strands and twist them into a rope, and then collect them into a bun, gently intertwine the strands together to obtain a natural and voluminous bun, even braid them into a braid and then wrap an elastic band with it - you get a strict hairstyle “a la school” teacher."

Types of beams

A bun hairstyle is a rewarding basis for experimenting with your appearance. You can collect the strands in a smooth and tight bun very high on the top of the head, like ballerinas. This somewhat childish bun is suitable for girls with regular and delicate facial features and good, dense hair. If they are thin, the bun may be small, which will further enhance the feeling of “liquid” curls.

Lush, thick hair can be styled in different ways - gathered into a knot at the back of the head, placed on the top of the head, made into an asymmetrical bun, and so on. There are many types of buns, and their choice depends only on the wishes of the owner and the condition of her hair. Making buns is easy and the results are amazing. But this type of hairstyle can be tricky - if you choose the wrong technique or choose the wrong outfit, it can seem outdated or add age, and no one wants that.

Vanilla bunch

Previously, girls of this type were called Turgenev girls, but now they have acquired the name vanilla. Naturally, their favorite hairstyle has the same name. This is a soft, feminine and very simple bun, the creation of which will require a minimum of time and accessories - an elastic band, a comb, hairpins, and, if desired, hairspray to fix the finished bun.

The vanilla bun has its own characteristics - it should not be too neat, “sleek”, protruding short hairs give it a special charm, as if the girl had just gotten out of bed and simply twisted her hair into a bun. And still very important feature- the vanilla bun is done only on the top of the head.

To create it, you need to comb your hair, lift the strands up, securing them on the top of your head in a ponytail. Comb the collected hair again and gently twist it around the base of the ponytail, securing it with hairpins. The finished hairstyle can be treated with varnish, but you shouldn’t get carried away - the bun should look somewhat relaxed and at ease.

Messy bun

This hairstyle looks like it was done on the fly, however, even such a simple bun requires certain knowledge and skills.

Usually this low bun, can be positioned asymmetrically, tied so that not even individual hairs stand out from it, but whole strands, but thin, graceful ones. You don’t have to fix your hair in a ponytail with an elastic band, but just wrap it around its axis, not too tightly. This way the bun looks more natural and relaxed.

Bun with bagel

A special foam lining in the shape of a donut or donut allows you to get a beautiful high bun with a clear shape. The choice of donut size depends on the size of the bun you want to get, and you need to take into account both the length and texture of the hair.

Nowadays, most often they do a large bun with a donut, located high on the head. To create it, you will need the donut itself to match your hair (they are available different colors- for blondes and brunettes, you can even find them for redheads), two elastic bands, a comb, a bristle brush for smoothing strands, hairspray.

The hair is thoroughly combed using a brush with natural bristles - this way the hair becomes smooth and supple. Then you need to lower your head down, comb the strands and collect them high on the top of your head in a ponytail. Place a donut on the tail and carefully distribute the strands of the tail over its surface. Place a second elastic band on top, which will secure the hair on the surface of the donut. Carefully tuck the protruding strands under the base of the donut and secure the entire hairstyle with hairpins to match the hair. For reliability, the finished bundle can be varnished.

Volumetric beam

A fashionable and effective voluminous bun is quite easy to create. The main condition is that the hair is in good condition and preferably on the second day after washing, since too “fresh” strands fall apart and a voluminous bun can quickly fall apart. If your hair is still very clean, you can use styling products, such as texturizing paste.

The easiest way to make a bun is to not secure it with an elastic band or tie it not too tightly. You can use a fashionable “trick” - an invisiboble elastic band in the form of a piece of telephone cord. It doesn't tear your hair and allows you to pull it into a ponytail that isn't too tight.

The entire mass of hair must be divided into several strands and gently intertwined with each other. Important condition- the hair should not be pulled too tightly, otherwise the required volume will not be obtained. If the hair is very thin or thin, the strands can be lightly combed along the length, but without being overly zealous.

Intertwined or softly twisted strands are rolled into a knot and secured with hairpins. The bun should be soft. If the volume is not enough, you can slightly “stretch” it, making it more magnificent.

Bun in a wedding hairstyle

Using the beam in wedding hairstyles- this is a very old tradition, this makes it much easier to attach a tiara or wreath with a veil to the bride’s head. This hairstyle looks very beautiful and emphasizes the beauty and tenderness of the bride.

To obtain perfect image, you need to carefully collect your hair and carefully secure the bun. No bride will like it if her hair suddenly starts to fall apart in the middle of the celebration. This alone can ruin the whole mood.

Very often, in a bride's hairstyle, a bun is collected from hair twisted into curls. They are carefully lifted up, smoothing the sides with a bristle brush so that the hairstyle is flawless. High on the top of the head, strands are fixed with an elastic band to match the hair so that it is not noticeable, then each curl is laid around the base of the ponytail. The strands are secured with invisible pins, as the pins can easily “pop out”.

Around such a bun you can easily attach an orange blossom wreath with a veil or place other wedding decorations.

Bun with sock base

If you want to make a big, stylish bun, but don’t have a donut or roller at hand, you can use “improvised means” - an ordinary sock. You need to choose a product of medium length, from soft, fairly loose knitwear, without a pattern, as close as possible to the shade of the hair color.

Making a hairstyle based on a sock is very simple. To do this, the part at the toes is cut off from the toe, and the remaining “pipe” is rolled into a volumetric ring. Then everything is extremely simple - the sock ring plays the role of a classic donut. In the same way as with the finished donut, the sock ring is put on the base of the ponytail, the hair is straightened, pressed with an elastic band and tucked under the bun. Just fix it with pins, sprinkle it with varnish - and fashionable stylish hairstyle ready!

Bun with a roller

You can create a stylish bun quite quickly if you use a special foam roller. It matches the hair color and has a button closure at the ends. To get the hairstyle, you need to connect the strands into a ponytail, and then carefully wrap the strands around the roller, starting from the bottom and pressing the ends of the hair with your fingers.

When the roller with the hair wound on it rises to the elastic band, its ends are connected by fastening the button. Now all that remains is to carefully straighten the hair at the place of the fastener so that it is not visible, and secure with hairpins.

Backcomb bun

This type of bun is especially suitable for very fine hair, since it will be very difficult to create anything out of it without backcombing. The “bun” can turn out to be very small, especially if there is not enough hair. Combing will quickly correct this situation.

You can make a simple voluminous bun by combing it into separate strands, smoothing them with a brush and gathering them together. But you can take a different path. You can comb your hair on your forehead and on the top of your head, leaving smooth strands on the sides. By laying your hair high like a bun, you can make a fairly fluffy bun on the top or back of your head. The result is a retro hairstyle that perfectly suits the style of the 60s.

This hairstyle must be done very carefully, otherwise the combed areas will be noticeable, and the bun will be untidy and ugly. It looks old and makes the overall look out of date.

Options for beautiful hairstyles using a bun

Based on the bun, you can create many hairstyle options that can be worn every day and used as an addition to a festive outfit.

A bun with loose hair is one of the simplest and stylish options. It's not difficult to do. You need to collect the upper part of the hair as for a “malvina”, secure it with an elastic band approximately at the level of the back of the head, and collect the strands into a soft bun, securing it with hairpins or a decorative hair clip. The loose ends of the hair can be straightened with a straightener or curled into spiral curls with a curling iron.

To get a neat little bow on your head, your hair needs to be treated with styling foam and combed with a bristle brush until completely smooth. Gather your hair into a ponytail and twist it tightly, pinning it with hairpins. Treat the top of the bun with gel for fixation and shine. This type of bun can be placed anywhere - on the top of the head or at the back of the head. This sleek hairstyle looks good with straight, dense bangs.

For young and daring girls, a bun gives a huge scope for imagination. You can create two buns on the sides of your head in the style of Princess Leia from Star Wars, and to create a cosmic look, a tall cylindrical bun will come in handy. It's not as difficult to make as it seems, all you need is a few "terry" hair ties, which are put on the ponytail until the desired height is reached, and then wrapped with loose hair. The result is an original cylindrical bun that looks stylish with outfits made of leather and neoprene.

A bun goes well not only with smoothly collected hair.

  • The strands can be left loose, creating the effect of a careless styling in boho style, or given an aristocratic look by using styling products with a glossy shine effect, or by using texturizing paste and hair clay.
  • If you use special salt sprays, you can create a special texture in the “surfer’s girlfriend” style. This type of hair has a slight waviness, which adds volume, so the bun will be loose, textured and very modern.

Young ladies can have a little fun and make cute bun horns using the same technique as when creating a bun. Weaving, which is still fashionable this season, can be combined with buns. Various braids and “lattices” will neatly shape the head, and the free ends of the hair can be made into buns rather than hidden. Depending on the type of weaving, these can be flat bunches, “shells”, dense “bumps” or thin braided braids tightly rolled into a roll.

For stylish girls with thick and long hair hair will do half bun in the style of Angelina Jolie. To do this, you need to give the strands shine and smoothness, gather them into a high ponytail, separate a fairly voluminous strand and wrap it around the base of the ponytail. This hairstyle will look very impressive on well-groomed long hair, trimmed in a straight line.

The bun can be as varied as your imagination allows. Introduce false strands, braids and curls into it, use hairpins, bows and ribbons, experiment with extensions - a bun can be surprisingly beautiful. This hairstyle will never go out of style and will look modern and stylish if you use our simple recommendations and descriptions.

How to make a messy bun, which is now a big trend? It’s very easy to do this – just take a closer look at the MK on our website!

Option No. 1 – Fan

  1. Comb your washed and dried hair. Apply a little foam to make styling easier.
  2. Tie a high ponytail. On the first turn of the elastic, thread the entire hair through, and on the last turn, make a loop (do not pull the hair completely out). There is no need to hide the tip.
  3. Make the loop careless - comb it a little or ruffle it with your hands.
  4. Be sure to backcomb the ends of this loop that stick out from under the elastic.
  5. If necessary, fix everything with varnish.

Option No. 2 – Spiral snail

  1. Gather clean and dried strands into a ponytail at the top of your head.
  2. Twist it around its axis to get a spiral.
  3. Wrap this spiral around the base of the tail.
  4. Pin the snail with hairpins.
  5. Lightly fluff it up and spray your hair with hairspray.
  6. If the styling is not voluminous, lift the hair near the roots with the sharp tip of a comb or a simple pencil. To give this effect, you can initially comb your hair a little.

Option No. 3 – For business meetings and work

  1. Part your hair on the side, dividing your hair into two equal zones.
  2. Take both strands in your hands.
  3. Tie them in a knot.
  4. Repeat until you run out of hair length. Then tie with an elastic band.
  5. Twist this “chain” into a bun.
  6. Hide the tip inside the bun.
  7. Secure your hair with hairpins.

Option No. 4 – With a French spikelet

  1. Tilt your head down.
  2. Divide your head of hair into three equal parts.
  3. Make the first braid as for a classic braid.
  4. For the next braids, add loose thin strands on the sides.
  5. Continue weaving the spikelet to the crown area.
  6. Tie the end with an elastic band.
  7. Gather all your hair and twist it into a braid.
  8. Place the tourniquet in a bun and secure with a pair of hairpins.

Option number 5 – Elegant hairstyle

  1. Comb your hair with your fingers and gather at the back of your head.
  2. When you re-twist the elastic, do not pull the hair completely out, but form a small loop.
  3. Give it a rounded shape by extending the central strands a little more.
  4. Hide the ends of the strands inside.
  5. To make the bun large and disheveled, pull it in different directions.

Option No. 6 – Bun for long hair

  1. Comb your hair, lightly moistening the strands with water.
  2. Collect them with your hand - hold them by the very ends.
  3. Twist this tail around its axis. If there is a lot of hair, divide it in half and intertwine both parts together.
  4. Wrap the rope around the elastic, hiding it under your hair.
  5. Hide the tip inside the bun. Pin it with pins.
  6. Was it too neat? Pull out a few curls.

How do you like this option?

Option No. 7 – Bun with fleece

1. Comb thoroughly.

2. Apply mousse to them.

3. Tie the ponytail with an elastic band.

4. Comb with a fine comb to create volume.

5. Make a loose bun out of combed hair, twisting it with a rope and styling it in a snail shape.

6. Secure the result with either pins or a thin elastic band - just put it on top.

Option No. 8 – Romantic side bun

  1. Using a thin comb, take a thick section of hair from the top of your head and comb it thoroughly.
  2. Tie the ponytail to the side - approximately near the earlobe.
  3. Comb your tail a little.
  4. Twist it into a light rope.
  5. Roll it up like a snail.
  6. Tuck the ends inside.
  7. Pin everything up with pins.

Also, see another simple option:

Option 9 – Fashionable snail for long hair

1. Comb your hair thoroughly. Separate a wide section at the top of your head. Spray it with hairspray and comb it.

2. Gather all your hair into a ponytail at the crown area.

3. Make a depression slightly above the elastic band and pull the tip of the tail through it - you should get a loop.

4. To prevent the hairstyle from falling apart in the future, pin this tip with a pair of good bobby pins and hide it under your hair

5. Straighten the finished hairstyle and pin it with pins and spray with varnish.

How to make a messy bun on your head? Expert advice will definitely help you with this.

  • Tip 1. A loose and light bun should not collect all the strands - a few curls may fall on the face.
  • Tip 2. Bangs are perfect for the disheveled version - both smooth and straight, and asymmetrical.
  • Tip 3. For decoration, use hairpins, ribbons, hoops, colored scarves, and decorative hairpins.
  • Tip 4. It’s easiest to do the snail on hair that has been washed the night before - it won’t fall apart, but a greasy sheen won’t appear.
  • Tip 5. If necessary, use fixatives without strong odors (they interrupt the aroma of perfume). If fixation is performed on dry strands, give preference to varnish; if on wet strands, give preference to foam and mousse.
  • Tip 6. Do not wet your hair with a lot of water - it will begin to stick to your hands and will lie unevenly.
  • Tip 7. Yours new hairstyle must be combined with shoes and wardrobe.
  • Tip 8. The figure is also important. So, girls with a long neck are recommended to wear a high bun on the top of their head - it will emphasize its elegance. A bun at the back of the head will help make your neck visually thinner.
  • Tip 9. Another important point is growth. For tall women, a stylish snail on the back or side of the head is suitable.
  • Tip 10. Short women can safely create this style on the crown. The main thing is that it is not too big. A very voluminous hairstyle will weigh down the top part and make the look rough.
  • Tip 11. For sharp facial features and wide cheekbones, curl the strands slightly below the crown and leave a couple of curls for framing.
  • Tip 12. A modern bun can be placed at the back of the head, on the crown or on the side.

Now you know how to quickly create a messy bun, and you can create new hairstyles every day.

There are times when you need to quickly do your hair on your head, and a bun in this situation will be the ideal option. After all, it is not only stylish, neat and beautiful, but also suits almost everyone due to its versatility. In order for such a hairstyle to look perfect on your hair, you need to know how to beautifully and correctly make a bun on your head.

Technique for short hair

You can do this hairstyle on absolutely any hair, even short bob. The only condition is that the length was at least to the shoulders. It is clear that you won’t be able to create a classic bun, but a modern fluffy and careless bun is quite possible. It is best to place it on the back of the head, but so that it is not very low.

To create this hairstyle you will need an elastic band, hairspray, curling iron, pins for securing and a comb.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

To make this hairstyle look harmonious and impressive, you can get a few strands out of the bunch.

Classic bun on long hair

The classic version is created precisely on long curls. This hairstyle always remains in fashion and looks great on any hair type. The bump can be combined with bangs or without them. To perform the classic version of the beam, you must follow some rules:

Making such a bun yourself will not be difficult. To do this, you need to carefully comb your curls and tie them into a ponytail using a pre-prepared elastic band. Next, you need to make a tourniquet from the tail, twisting the tail in one direction, and secure it at the base. You can diversify your hairstyle a little, for example, braid it instead of a ponytail - it will look much more original.

Varieties of hairstyles

Bun hairstyles make it easy to experiment with your appearance. For example, you can make a rather tight bump located high on the top of the head, as ballerinas often do. Or you can gather your thick curls into a voluminous knot and tie it slightly asymmetrically. There are a huge number of varieties of this kind of hair bumps, and you can choose the most successful option for yourself.

Vanilla egg cup

In ancient times, young ladies with a similar hairstyle were called Turgenev, and now - vanilla. Actually, the knot began to be called vanilla for this reason. This bump looks quite cute and simple, and it won’t be too difficult to put it on your head. You need to prepare an elastic band, small hairpins for attaching curls, a comb and a fixative.

The peculiarity of such a knot is that it should be a little sloppy and visually look carelessly disheveled. This is the main highlight of such an unusual bun. To create, you need to comb your curls well and lift them up. Next, the ponytail is tied with an elastic band, and the hair is carefully combed again. After this, you need to twist the tail into a bun, secure it with hairpins and lightly fix it with varnish.

Sloppy blow

This hairstyle, like the previous one, should look somewhat careless. But in order to do this styling, you need to know a few secrets. The muzzle should be low on the back of the head. Moreover, it is necessary to remove several thin strands from the knot itself, creating some negligence. If the bun is not secured with an elastic band, you can simply wrap it around the axis, but do not do this too tightly. This technique will add naturalness and ease.

Donut Bun

The technique for performing this hairstyle is created using a special foam donut. It gives a beautiful volume and clear shape to the future hair bun. The sizes of the donut itself are different, so you can make a bun of the required size, but you should take into account the length and texture of the hair.

The most popular hairstyle is created using a large donut, which is placed at the very top of the head. To create all this, you need to prepare 2 elastic bands, a comb with small teeth, a fixative and, in fact, the donut itself (it is best to match it to your hair color).

Carefully comb the curls along the entire length, lower the head down and comb the strands again. Next, we collect the hair in a high ponytail, tighten it with an elastic band and put on a bagel. We distribute the hair over its surface and secure it with a second elastic band. We hide all remaining protruding strands under the base of the donut. For reliability, you can secure your hair with special hairpins or fix it with hairspray.

Volumetric bun

This fashionable and spectacular hairstyle is created quickly and easily. The main thing that is required when styling is that the hair is not too thin, and it is advisable not to wash your hair on the day of styling. To create a voluminous knot, you need to make a ponytail without tightening it too much. Next we divide gathered ponytail into straight strands and we intertwine them. The most important thing with such weaving is that the braided strands are not tight.

For those with thin hair, you can backcomb the strands a little; this will give them the desired volume and the bun won’t look too small. Then the intertwined strands must be rolled into a knot and secured with bobby pins. The created bump should not be tight. If the volume is insufficient, you can use a trick and stretch the knot a little.

Two buns on the head

This hairstyle looks like modern and impressive, and it takes very little time to create. Learn how to create two buns on your head and captivate everyone with your unique look. This styling will suit almost any face shape, if you take into account the following nuances:

Making buns correctly is not difficult, just follow the following instructions:

Before making a long bun, short or medium hair, you need to know some rules: