How to make packaging for the New Year. Edible present - holiday box with cookies

For friends and family, and have already bought it, you might want to wrap it up nicely. You can make original packaging for any gift with your own hands, and it’s not at all difficult.

You will need a few simple things ( colored paper, glue, scissors, etc.) and a couple interesting ideas which you can find here.

On our website you will also find:

Textile New Year's packaging

You will need:

Any cardboard packaging

Square piece of bright fabric

Bright ribbon.

1. Place your gift wrapping in the center of the fabric.

2. Tie the opposite ends together.

3. Gather all the ends into a bun and tie them with a bright ribbon.

New Year's wrapping paper packaging

You will need:



Scotch tape or washi tape (tape with a pattern)

Thread or tape.

1. Prepare a large sheet of wrapping paper and fold it in half. Next, turn it and insert one end of the paper into the other (see image).

2. Secure the structure with tape.

3. Bend the bottom 7-8 cm upward. After this, bend half of the folded part to form a hexagon.

4. Bend each end of the folded half towards the middle of the hexagon and secure with tape.

5. Make small holes in the top of the package and thread threads, strings or ribbons through them to create handles for the package.

How to make a bow for gift wrapping

You will need:

Colored paper or unwanted colored magazine


PVA glue or tape.

1. Prepare a bright page of a glossy magazine (or a sheet of colored paper) and cut it into strips 2 cm wide and the following lengths: 3 strips 28 cm long, 3 x 25 cm, 2 x 22 cm and one strip 9 cm long.

2. Fold each strip to create a loop at each end (see image). Glue the ends with PVA glue or tape. Make a circle from the smallest strip.

3. Carefully begin gluing the strips one on top of the other, starting with the longest one. At the end, glue a circle from the smallest strip.

Beautiful packaging for New Year's gifts

You will need:

Simple paper bag

Corrugated paper in pastel colors

Scissors (regular or fringe)

PVA glue or glue stick.

1. Cut corrugated paper into several strips of the same size.

2. You can cut the fringe and then partially glue the paper strips to the bag or vice versa, i.e. Apply a little glue along one side of each strip and stick them to the bag, then cut the fringe.

3. You can tie a tag with congratulations to the handle.

And here is an option with colored corrugated paper:

New Year's packaging for candies

You will need:


Small box or cardboard cylinder of toilet paper


1. Lay out wrapping paper (large enough to wrap the box) on the table and place the box of candy on it.

* Try to cut such a piece of paper that after you wrap the box in it, there will be a lot of margin left and right.

2. Press the paper firmly against the box and secure it with tape.

3. Gently crumple the ends of the paper along the sides of the box and tie them with ribbon.

Men's gift packaging for New Year's gifts

You will need:

White and colored paper


Double-sided tape


PVA glue or glue stick.

Video instructions are attached below.

1. Place the gift box on a large piece of white paper.

2. Wrap the gift in paper.

* To make the central part of the shirt, you can fold the paper towards the middle of the box and then bend its ends where the lines are drawn in the image. You can wrap the top part of the paper in the same way as the bottom or as shown below in the video (at 2:12 min).

Side view

* You can also wrap the paper in the usual way, secure its ends with tape, cut a strip from another paper, bend it and glue it to the main paper.

3. To create a collar, you can cut a wide strip of paper, fold it in half lengthwise and bend it so that it resembles a collar (see image).

The video shows another option for making a collar for such packaging (at 2:30 min) using double-sided tape and tape. The ribbon is then tied like a tie.

4. You can make a bow from thick fabric or paper.

Fold a small rectangular piece of fabric or paper in half

Fold the ends towards the middle and secure with glue (superglue or fabric glue) to create two loops

Cut another piece of fabric or paper and wrap it around the piece, with loops

Glue the bow to the package and wrap the package in colored wrapping paper.

Video instruction:

Children's New Year's packaging (photo instructions)

New Year's packaging for children's gifts: "Hedgehog"

Beautiful homemade gift wrapping is an important attribute. After all, it’s much nicer to receive a gift and give it in a package. Thus, the intrigue is maintained for some time and it turns out. Moreover, a bright, beautiful gift cover gives a good and festive mood to anyone dear to you. Probably the most anticipated holiday for all children and adults is the New Year.

Of course, you can buy a beautiful gift bag or packaging in the store. But it's much more enjoyable if you do it yourself. Let's look at a few different ways DIY gift wrapping for the New Year 2020.

Regular packaging

We take plain paper for gifts. We wrap the gift in paper and tie it with a ribbon of any color (usually a golden, silver or any other color ribbon, with a variety of patterns). At the top we attach a bow, a snowflake or a spruce twig, whatever you like. Next, you can sprinkle with artificial snow or glitter and confetti.


Another original way would be to make candy-shaped packaging. You will need wrapping paper for this wrapper. bright color, plain or with a beautiful pattern on different themes, as well as two ribbons. Wrap the gift in the shape of a cylinder, and then tie it with ribbons at both ends so that the gift resembles candy. This can also be decorated for the New Year additional accessories, here it’s up to your taste and how you fantasize.

Red gift for New Year or Valentine's Day

This gift wrapper looks very solid and rich. You will need red wrapping paper - glossy, or better yet matte, a wide gold ribbon and red braid made of translucent material. We wrap the gift in paper, tie a ribbon with a cross and run our braid along the top of it.

Original do-it-yourself gift packaging

To do this, take a round template, cardboard, pencil, scissors, ruler and ribbon for decoration. On a sheet of cardboard we outline our round shape so that the design looks like wedding rings. The size should be proportional to the size of your gift. Next, divide the edges of the ring into four sectors. Thus, you should get diamonds in the center. Bend the resulting shape inward and place your gift in the center and tie the surprise with a ribbon. Decorate your gift with your own hands with additional accessories - snow, confetti and anything else that seems appropriate to you.


This will be a gift wrapper in the shape of an opening flower (a tulip, or whatever you can make).

Draw a drawing of the future packaging with a pencil on thick paper. Remember that the base of your flower must match your gift, try it on to ensure everything fits and fits. Four petals (for convenience it is better to make 4) should be the height of the gift. Next, you need to cut out the gift blank from paper. Using scissors or a needle, make small holes in the tops of two opposite petals. The packaging is ready. Place yours in the center of the package, bend our “petals” to the top and thread a ribbon or thread through the holes.

Also, as an option, you can cut oblong holes into two petals, and the remaining two petals will be designed a little differently - the tops will be rounded and slightly wider. Finally, thread the edges through the holes.

Fabric wrap

To wrap gifts, you can use not only paper, but also textiles and fabric. There is a special technique called “furoshiki”, which came to us from Japan. To wrap a gift with our own hands, we will take soft cloth according to the size of your gift, of course. Wrap your surprise in fabric and tie a knot at the top. A New Year's gift wrapped in felt, denim or lace will also look quite unique.

Gift for a child

You'll probably like this one. And how to wrap a gift for a child for the New Year. This is a wonderful New Year's gift. This packaging can be found in the store, or you can make it yourself at home. Also great packaging for children's gift- a bag decorated with your own hands. It can be bright fabric trimmed with beads, ribbons or snowflakes, Christmas trees and felt balls. A bag made of red fabric, like Santa Claus, tied with a ribbon will be a joyful event for the baby. You can also find a beautiful plastic box made of transparent material and put sweets and fruits in it. And then use your imagination and hands - decorate the box as you like, decorate it and sprinkle it with artificial snow. The more colorful it is, the more joy will deliver to the child. Moreover, it can then be used for pencils or small toys for the baby.

You can pack the gift in a box, of course, wrap it in wrapping paper and decorate it with a beautiful bow. Attach a small toy on top of the gift that will attract attention, and also cut out the letters of your child’s name from bright cardboard and glue it on the box. This will not be difficult and will not take much time, but it will bring a lot of pleasure to your baby, and to you from the fact that the child is very pleased with his gift.

Gift in a box

To do this, you can take any box - cardboard, plastic, perhaps from household appliances. It doesn't have to be monochromatic. There will be no patterns or images visible on the box as we will be wrapping and decorating it. Also choose a box like this for the gift so that it fits in size.

We will need the following tools: a box, wrapping paper for gifts, a wide ribbon of transparent material, a small figurine on the theme of the holiday for which you are giving a gift, small stars or snowflakes (they can be purchased ready-made in the store), and you will also need scissors, thin tape and PVA glue.

We wrap our box in paper, be sure to seal the edges of the paper with tape so that it holds its shape and the packaging does not fall apart. Next, we wrap our gift box with braid and tie a bow on top. There are many techniques for tying bows - it can be a two- or more-petal bow. We also prepared a toy in advance (it could be an angel, a princess, a girl or a boy, a symbol of the coming year, or just a number symbolizing a date, perhaps some kind of cartoon character, if this is a gift for a child). Attach it to the top in the center of the bow. The ribbon on the gift can be decorated with our snowflakes and stars.

Painted gift

If you want to use your imagination in an even more original way, paint your packaging yourself. To do this, you will need wrapping paper for gifts, ribbons for decoration, two small Christmas tree balls or bells and markers.

We wrap the gift in paper and tie it with ribbon. We make the ends of the ribbon spiral, and at the top in the center we fix our balls or bells side by side. Next we start painting the packaging. If this gift is intended for mom, dad, grandma or grandpa, they will be very happy if the package is painted by the child. To do this, you can ask your baby to participate in creating gift wrapping. It will be very interesting and especially pleasant.

In 2020 style

The coming New Year 2020 is the year of the rat. If you want to make your own New Year's gift wrapping, use green or yellow wrapping paper, a gold ribbon and a green or yellow bow. At the top, near the bow, you can attach a small figurine of the coming year - a rat. To do this, you can buy a small figurine in the store; on New Year's Eve it will be very big choice. Attach the figurine to the gift and it is ready. Not a banal surprise decorated with your own hands. A gift packaged in this way can be given not only to loved ones, but also to colleagues and acquaintances.

IN New Year children and adults are waiting for surprises, and not only from Santa Claus. There has already been a tradition of exchanging gifts with friends and family. To truly distinguish yourself an original gift, you can do it yourself. The value of these gizmos lies in their uniqueness and originality. Usually the donor puts part of his soul into his creation.

Some interesting ideas to note

We suggest adopting a few simple, but original ideas New Year's gifts that you can play with and add something of your own.

A creative gift idea for the home - a winter garden. Greens are grown in flowerpots that can be placed in a wooden box, flowerpot or placed on shelves.

Photo gallery: decorations with plants for the kitchen

Green vegetable garden in the kitchen Wall mount option Both decor and practical use This box can be installed on a windowsill or wall shelf The idea of ​​a decorative flowerpot for a pot of herbs Arranging greenery in flowerpots

You can surprise your loved ones with a unique painted wooden souvenir. Imagination will prompt you with an artistic idea, and master classes will teach you this craft. Various items are used for gifts, including matryoshka dolls, jewelry, kitchen utensils and toys.

Photo gallery: wooden decor

Additional decorative items in the kitchen Decorating toys using decoupage technique Non-standard New Year's souvenir To the owners long hair You can give a painted wooden comb Gift set Christmas decorations

Snow-roofed gingerbread houses are either edible or made from salt dough. You can make gingerbread cookies for building a souvenir house yourself or buy ready-made ones.

Photo gallery: New Year's gingerbread houses

Gingerbread house decorated for the New Year You can use any design ideas Children will especially be happy with a sweet gift Souvenir gingerbread for everyone Unusual, bright and tasty

DIY New Year gifts - ideas and master classes

We offer to prepare holiday surprises with minimal costs and maximum effect.

Glass snowman with sweets

To make it you will need the following materials:

  • cans baby food- 3 pcs.;
  • acrylic paints;
  • sock; woolen threads;
  • three types of favorite treats for filling jars.

Step by step description:

  1. On one glass jar draw a snowman's face.

    Draw the snowman's eyes, nose and mouth

  2. On the second and third there are buttons.

    Draw buttons on the jar

  3. Glue the jars together using a hot gun.

    Glue the jars together

  4. Cut the sock closer to the top edge and make a hat with a pompom from wool threads.

    Make a snowman hat out of a sock

  5. Now you can fill the jars with your favorite goodies. We have cocoa, chocolate dragee and small marshmallows.

    The gift with sweets is ready

Jar of caramel candies

To make a gift you will need:

  • elongated glass jar;
  • paper napkin with a New Year's theme pattern;
  • small bright candies;
  • PVA glue;
  • acrylic paints;
  • New Year's decor;
  • candies.

Step by step execution:

  1. Using acrylic paint, draw a New Year's design on the jar.

    Paint with acrylic paints

  2. Paint the jar lid White color and use PVA glue to attach the circle from paper napkin. After drying, you can coat the lid with varnish.

    Cover the lid with a napkin

  3. Fill the jar with colored candies.

    Fill a jar with candies

  4. Close the jar with a lid and decorate with New Year's tinsel.

    Decorate a gift with New Year's attributes

Edible present - holiday box with cookies

To package cookies you need:

  • cylindrical cardboard box;
  • wrapping paper with New Year's fragments;
  • decorative tape;
  • cookie.

Execution order:

  1. Cover the tube with decorative paper.

    Cover the jar with wrapping paper

  2. Fill the box with cookies and close the lid.

    Place cookies in a jar

  3. Tie a bow from the ribbon and decorate the packaging.

    Attach a ribbon bow to a cookie jar

Cups with a sweet surprise

Products and materials you will need:

  • paper cups with lids (from coffee);
  • paper for packaging with New Year's motifs;
  • ribbons, tags, rhinestones and beads for decoration;
  • pastry, cake or pie;
  • topping or condensed milk;
  • confectionery topping.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. Glue the paper to the cup, tuck the bottom edges.

    Cover the glass with wrapping paper

  2. Decorate the glass to your liking.

    Decorate the cup

  3. Cut the pastry product into slices.

    Cut the pie into slices

  4. Place the baked goods into cups, pour over the topping and decorate with sprinkles.

    Place the pieces in a glass and decorate

  5. Cover the gifts with lids to prevent the treats from getting dry.

    Cover the cups with lids and decorate

Exclusive cup with handmade chocolates

Required ingredients and materials:

  • cup without design;
  • colored markers;
  • ice trays;
  • chocolate without filler;
  • confectionery toppings of various shapes, candied fruits, nuts for filling.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Color the cup with colored markers. To prevent the design from being washed off, it must be sealed in the oven at a temperature of 150–170 degrees for 30 minutes or in the microwave in convection mode for 5 minutes.

    Make a drawing on the cup and dry it

  2. Break the chocolate into small pieces, place in a suitable container and microwave for 30 seconds.

    Place chocolate pieces in a mug

  3. Place filling in ice molds and add warm chocolate.

    Place warm chocolate into ice cube trays

  4. Then place the candy boxes in the refrigerator for an hour. Fill the cup with the finished treat and decorate with marshmallow sprinkles.

    Fill a gift mug with chocolates

Video: sweet gifts in New Year's decoration

Frame in vintage style

To complete this you will need:

  • brush with hard bristles;
  • acrylic paints;
  • metal brush for wood;
  • sandpaper;
  • water;
  • wooden frame.

Sequence of work:

  1. Mixing green and brown colors paint the frame by wetting its surface generously with water.

    Apply green paint to the frame

  2. When the paint dries, remove the soft layers of wood with a brush and sand with sandpaper.

    Sand the frame with sandpaper

  3. Apply a random layer of pale blue paint.

    Apply light paint on top

  4. Add sky blue and royal blue in the same way.

    Apply bright blue paint

  5. When the paint is dry, apply white with a dry brush.

    Apply white to the surface

  6. Once completely dry, sand the frame with sandpaper to expose the underlying layers.

    Sand the top layer until the underlying layers show through.

  7. Cover the surface with clear varnish.

    Varnish the frame

Video: vintage frame

Decorative souvenir with a snowman in European style

Necessary materials:

  • glass jar with lid;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • glycerol;
  • glitter;
  • artificial snow;
  • polymer clay;
  • polymorphus;
  • heat gun;
  • figurine of a New Year's character.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place a layer of white polymer clay in the lid of the jar and secure the figurine in it.

    Place a layer of polymer clay inside the lid

  2. Fill a jar with glycerin and add glitter.

    Place decorative elements in the jar

  3. Add water and artificial snow to the container.

    Add water to the jar

  4. Close the lid and seal the gaps with polymorphus.

    Close the lid tightly

  5. Use white paint to disguise the lid, simulating snow.

    Decorate the seams on the can

Video: making a souvenir snowman

Coffee tree in the form of a toy or magnet

To make a souvenir you will need:

  • sample;
  • cardboard;
  • coffee beans;
  • leg-split;
  • heat gun;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • for decoration: candied fruits, beads, bows, cinnamon and more.

Step by step description:

  1. Cut out a Christmas tree shape from cardboard.

    Cut out a Christmas tree using a template from cardboard

  2. Glue the twine and wrap the trunk of the workpiece.

    Wrap the trunk of the Christmas tree with twine

  3. Glue the coffee beans tightly to each other, starting from the top edge.

    Glue coffee beans

  4. Glue the second layer of grains in a chaotic order and decorate the Christmas tree to your liking.

    Glue the second layer and attach the decor

Video: aromatic souvenir made from coffee beans

What you will need for work:

  • transparent gift wrapping;
  • scissors;
  • ribbon;
  • tangerines.

Execution order:

  1. Place the tangerines in a row on an unfolded sheet of packaging film.

    Place tangerines on decorative film

  2. Wrap fruit in packaging.

    Wrap tangerines

  3. Tie ribbon into bows between the tangerines. Form a wreath by connecting the ends of the bundle.

    Make bows from decorative ribbon

Video: gift wreath of tangerines

Cozy home slippers

Set of materials and tools:

  • thick red knitwear;
  • felt;
  • template for the sole and top of the sneaker;
  • filler;
  • glue gun;
  • decorations.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Transfer the template to the fabric, taking into account the seam allowance.

    Using the template, draw the details of the slippers

  2. Cut out four such parts.

    Cut out details

  3. Distribute and glue the filler to one part, and glue the second on top. Do the same with the second pair of blanks.

    Distribute the filler

  4. Finish the edges with an overlocker and quilt the parts.

    Finish edges and quilt parts

  5. Cut out a toe template from the fabric, taking into account the allowances.

    Cut out the top for slippers

  6. Attach the filler between the two parts of each pair, as was done above. Glue the upper parts to the sole.

    Fix parts with filler

  7. Glue a fabric tape along the edge of the slippers to hide the ends. Attach felt to the sole, cut to the shape of the insole.

    Finish the edges with tape

  8. Decorate your slippers with fur, snowflakes and funny toys.

    Decorate home slippers with decorative elements

Video: exclusive handmade textile slippers

Photo gallery: creative options for New Year's gifts

Souvenir for tea lovers Original Christmas tree as a gift Cute souvenir trees for the interior Gift topiary Gift for those with a sweet tooth Small sets with various nice little things Beautiful candlesticks for comfort Hot chocolate with marshmallows Tea idea Boxes and boxes for various small items New Year's mug warmer Snowman hot water bottle idea Sweet gift options Idea with decorative frames New Year's topiary Gift for a group of friends Gift for those who love spices Kitchen items are always relevant Fairy tale in a glass

Video: pig made from a Christmas ball - symbol of 2019

How to wrap gifts beautifully

Beautiful gift wrapping evokes a festive mood and has an important function - creating a first impression.

Paper gift bag


  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • glue;
  • ribbon.


  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half and mark the center.

    Fold a sheet of paper in half

  2. Fold the sheet from the right to the center and coat the edge with glue.

New Year is a holiday full of magic and joy. Each of us awaits this celebration with anticipation and bated breath, since at this time everything planned and desired is coming true. We find real treasured gifts and little surprises under the elegant Christmas tree. We rejoice at them and give these positive emotions to our loved ones, friends and children in return in the form of souvenirs. You just have to find out what is so unusual and original that your loved ones want. And having scouted and found a gift, we stop to think about how to decorate it in a cool and effective way, so as to, so to speak, intrigue everyone with our gift in New Year's Eve. The first impression of you will, of course, be made by the wrapping of the surprise you presented, and only then by the souvenir itself. If you have never done anything like this, then our article will help you with this, providing for your consideration 25 photos of ideas on how to pack a gift for the New Year 2019 with your own hands in a stylish and cool way. Many creative approaches and ideas will reveal themselves to you in an instant, Dear friends, and our useful and irreplaceable videos from step by step instructions will give you a great idea that you will discover with great success in your personal creative work at home.

The best photo gift decor ideas 2019

Here we will present you some of the best photos ideas for gift wrapping for New Year 2019.

Method No. 1

For this simple way You need to take plain gift or craft paper, carefully wrap the prepared surprise and tie it with a decorative ribbon. You can attach some New Year-themed decoration to the top. For example: a snowflake, a spruce twig. Cover the decoration with fake snow, confetti or glitter.

Video instructions for packing a gift with your own hands

Method No. 2

To wrap a gift for the New Year 2019 in an unusual and original way with your own hands without special effort, we recommend that you stay with this idea. Decorating it in the form of a small or large candy will amaze every girl or boy, if the gift is meant for children.

To do this you need:

  • plain decorative paper,
  • scissors;
  • two bright ribbons.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Make a tube shape.
  2. Tie the ends of the paper with ribbons so that the surprise resembles candy. If you show creativity and a little imagination, you can decorate such a wrapper in New Year theme. For example: glue artificial snow, small snowflakes, New Year's toys, confetti; decorate the wrapper with holiday symbols.

Method No. 3

A gift in such a wrapper actually looks rich and stylish, especially for New Year 2019. It’s very easy and quick to do it yourself.

For this packaging you need:

  • red gift paper,
  • wide golden ribbon,
  • translucent red braid.

Manufacturing process:

  1. It needs to be wrapped in red paper. Then a gold ribbon should be tied with a cross, and a transparent red braid should be placed on top of it. Be original in this matter and create!

Method No. 4

This packaging is perfect for your girlfriend or mother. Watch and create!

For this design you will need:

  • round pattern,
  • pencil,
  • cardboard,
  • scissors,
  • ruler,
  • decorative tape.

Manufacturing process:

  1. To pack a souvenir, you first need to place a sheet of cardboard on the table and trace the template in such a way that the design looks like wedding rings.
  2. Use the template in the size that will be your holiday gift for New Year 2019.
  3. After this, sequentially shifting the template, you need to divide the edges of the circles into 4 sectors. There should be a diamond shape in the center of each ring. Cut out the resulting rings and bend them inward.
  4. You need to put a surprise in the center of such a blank and tie it with your own hands with a beautiful ribbon. You can use a little imagination and decorate the surprise with sparkles, snowflakes or confetti.

Method No. 5

This type of design, using kraft paper, requires some drawing skills.

To work you will need:

  • thick kraft paper,
  • scissors,
  • pencil.

Work process:

  1. On a piece of paper you need to draw a drawing of the future gift packaging for the New Year 2019. The square center should correspond to the width, 4 petals to its height.
  2. It is necessary to make oblong holes at the edges of the opposite petals of the tulip.
  3. The ends of the other two petals need to be rounded and widened.
  4. You need to put the souvenir in the center, bend the edges and pull it through the holes you made yourself.

Method number 6

For packaging you can use not only paper material, but also textiles. A surprise looks very original if it is decorated using the Japanese furoshiki technique. For this method you only need a piece soft light square shaped fabrics. The size depends on the size of the surprise. The gift must be carefully wrapped in cloth and tied in a knot. New Year's gifts look unusual and creative if they are wrapped in felt, burlap or jeans.

Method No. 7

The baby will really like it if the gift is placed in a New Year's boot. Such packaging can be purchased in a store, or you can make it yourself from fabric and decorate it with holiday-themed decor. Your child will really like this gift, decorated in a bright bag. It can be sewn from fabric, decorated with snowflakes, beads, small New Year's toys. Or just make a red bag like Santa Claus and tie it decorative ribbon. Children always associate New Year with sweets. You can also design them in an original way. You probably have a transparent plastic box. If you decorate it in a New Year's theme, it will look very festive. You can decorate such a box with snowflakes, sparkles, and artificial snow. You can cut out the symbol of 2019 - the Yellow Pig, decorate it with shiny decor and glue it to a gift box. This is how you can easily and simply pack all the gifts you have chosen for your child, friend or girlfriend.

Method No. 8

This photo idea is perfect for decorating a gift for the New Year 2019 for your mother, boyfriend, or your beloved husband.

For this you will need:

  • box,
  • bright decorative paper,
  • wide transparent tape,
  • small New Year themed figurine,
  • small stars or snowflakes,
  • scissors,
  • glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. The packaging box must match the size of the gift. You need to take such a box and wrap it in decorative paper, be sure to glue the edges.
  2. After this, you only need to wrap the box with a wide ribbon once.
  3. Tie the top with an elegant bow.
  4. You can glue shiny stars and snowflakes to the free ends.
  5. You need to attach a small toy to the top of the bow. It could be an angel, a Snow Maiden, or something that your family and friends are supposed to like.

Method number 9

For this work you will need:

  • box,
  • brightly colored decorative paper,
  • small toy
  • shiny ribbon,
  • scissors,
  • glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. To pack a gift with your own hands quickly and unusually, you should wrap the selected box, which corresponds to the size of the gift, in bright paper.
  2. The edges of the wrapper must be glued.
  3. You need to tie a decorative ribbon around the box.
  4. After this, you need to cut out a small square or rectangle from colorful cardboard.
  5. You can decorate it on one side with shiny stars and snowflakes, and on the other write the name of the boy for whom the gift is intended.
  6. Place a small toy on top of the box. It could be the Snow Maiden, an airplane, a Snowman, or whatever the baby loves. Whatever the packaging for the New Year 2019: simple or intricate, tasteful or the most ordinary, it will always bring a lot of joy and fun.

Method No. 10

This is a very simple, but extremely beautiful way to wrap a New Year's gift at home.

For such packaging you need:

  • the most common packaging paper,
  • bright decorative ribbons,
  • small Christmas balls, preferably the color of the ribbon,
  • gel pens of different colors.

Work process:

  1. Wrap it in paper, tie it beautifully with ribbons, the ends of which can be made in the shape of spirals.
  2. Attach balls in the center.
  3. After this, we begin to decorate the gift. Using helium pens you need to paint the paper in a New Year's theme. Listen to your imagination.

Method No. 11

This photo idea is the most relevant for any New Year's celebration. If you decide to DIY beautiful packaging in two colors, it is best to use shades of green or yellow. A gift decorated in this way for the New Year 2019 will highlight your excellent taste and pleasantly impress a loved one. Women will especially appreciate this design.

Method No. 12

If you are in favor of wrapping your chosen gift for the New Year 2019 with your own hands as brightly as possible, then you should certainly like our idea provided by the photo. We recommend throwing away all the usual boxes and starting making a bag that will fit any gift, either for children or for adults.

To create you will need:

  • thick fabric of any type,
  • scissors;
  • red or variegated fabric to decorate the bag;
  • needle;
  • thread, bright ribbon.

Process of creation:

  1. To make a cool bag for wrapping a present, you must first sew it from fabric. To do this, we take burlap or another kind of material and, having measured our gift, transfer the measurements to the fabric.
  2. We cut out rectangles of the required size, in the amount of two units, and sew them inside out using a sewing machine or a needle and thread.
  3. We form two hearts from red fabric, if the gift is for a loved one, and sew them to the front side of the bag.
  4. Finally, you need to attach a bright satin ribbon with your own hands so that the souvenir in the bag can be carefully pulled together. That's how easy it is and quite simple!

Method No. 13

Do you want to make cool gift wrapping bags for New Year 2019 with your children? kindergarten?! This great idea, because with such a creative approach you will teach every child to create and express their “I”, which amazingly affect children's self-development in principle.

To create you will need:

  • craft paper or something brighter;
  • variegated melange paper or any other;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • a simple pencil;
  • stapler;
  • brown chenille wire.

Process of creation:

  1. Making a bag in the shape of a deer's face with your own hands will not take you much time. Help the children only with creating the package itself. To do this, you will need to take craft paper, and after measuring the gift, cut off the required size of the material at hand.
  2. Fold the paper almost in half, leaving a small edge free. Then we wrap it and fasten it with a strip of tape.
  3. We bend the edges of the bag in both directions, and then bend them and bend them inward.
  4. After this, we bend the bottom of the bag and fasten it with a strip of tape.
  5. Then, having cut out the details of the deer’s face from colored paper, as in the photo, we glue them to the bag we created with our own hands.
  6. We make horns for the animal from chenille wire, and then attach them to the base of the bag. A gift in such a miracle package will be a complete surprise for everyone.

Video: how to make a bag from craft paper with your own hands

Method No. 14

Now we will tell you how to beautifully wrap a gift for 2019 with your own hands in the form of a pyramid, and it’s quite easy.

To work you will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • a simple pencil;
  • pen;
  • scissors;
  • satin ribbon.

Manufacturing process:

  1. On a sheet of cardboard, first draw a diagram in the form of a square in the center and triangles adjacent to it on all sides.
  2. On the two sides of the four triangles we draw convex arcs with a simple pencil. This will help us in the process of further work to fasten the sides of the pyramid.
  3. We cut out the diagram and use the sharp side of a pen or other object to extrude the outlines of the shapes.
  4. Now we bend all four sides of the box.
  5. We place the gift in the center and close the pyramid, while bending the arcs on the sides of the triangles into the package.
  6. We tie the finished pyramid with a satin ribbon. This can be done either completely or at the peak of the pyramid by making holes on all sides and stretching our rope into them. Once tied, form a cool bow!

Video: DIY Pyramid box


Our article has now come to an end, providing you with many photo ideas on how you can wrap a gift for the New Year 2019 with your own hands in a beautiful and original way. For this you can use enough a wide range of scrap materials. This includes colored paper, cardboard, fabric and much more, to which your rich imagination will turn its attention. Spend some time on this home creativity and your family and friends will simply be amazed by your creative approach and talent. Please all the people who care about you, and the world will seem kinder, lighter and brighter to you. Happy New Year 2019! With new happiness!

New Year's traditions along with magic winter holiday— The New Year came to us from time immemorial. According to long-established traditions, before New Year's Eve we install and decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the house, prepare a large number of festive dishes, and of course, prepare gifts for relatives and friends. Giving each other New Year's gifts is an equally old and good tradition. And it is very important to get it right with the gift, presenting exactly the kind of thing that you will like, so that the person will enjoy using it in the future. But no less important is the design of your gift, its packaging, on which the first impression that the gift will make on the recipient largely depends. The importance of this aspect has led to the emergence specialty stores packaging in which the most suitable design option will be selected for you, and the item will be packed there. But in the pre-New Year bustle, we often have no time to look for such services, and on the other hand, we want to decorate the gift ourselves in order to convey through it the warmth of our attitude towards the person. We have selected several options for how to wrap a gift for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, which will transform the gift, making it a small masterpiece.

If you want to receive the desired gift, write!

How to pack a box

Most gifts are given in rectangular or square cardboard boxes of varying sizes. The figure below shows step-by-step instruction packaging such a box in wrapping paper. For convenience and greater strength, it is recommended to secure each step with a stapler or tape. Very convenient in in this case use double-sided tape.

A small gift, for example a vacation package, a subscription to gym, a gift certificate, or a concert ticket would be better presented in a gift envelope. You can buy a ready-made one, or you can buy an original copy with your own hands.

How to decorate a gift

One of the most traditional ways to decorate gifts is to decorate with ribbons and bows. Here are some simple and interesting ways How can you decorate a gift this way?

How to wrap a gift in the form of candy

New Year is, of course, a time for eating a variety of sweets. You remember your childhood, right? So why not connect the presentation design with this pleasant moment. We take beautiful wrapping paper and select two ribbons to match. Then everything is very simple: wrap the gift like candy and tie it on both sides. Corrugated paper is also suitable for this method.

Original packaging: photo and video ideas

Depending on who this gift is intended for, you can arrange it in a special way. This could be a gift for a child, a musician or a needlewoman. Here you can dream up and experiment to your heart's content! Use your imagination and begin the exciting creative process.

DIY gift wrapping master class

Interesting idea for holiday gift packaging

Video instruction original way New Year's gift design


This is how easy it is to wrap a gift with your own hands for the New Year 2019. Making a gift is a troublesome task, but very pleasant. After all, you are doing this for your loved ones and family! And let it take a little time, but how the process of presenting a gift will change! Do this with love, and you will definitely see the surprised and happy eyes of the person you love. Happy New Year!