Magnesia dropper during pregnancy. For what, indications, benefits, side effects

Preserving pregnancy, reducing blood pressure and eliminating swelling, relieving a woman of the manifestations of gestosis, eliminating anxiety - this is why obstetricians-gynecologists prescribe a drip with magnesium during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, a woman’s body in an “interesting position” places a colossal burden on her body. The main “targets” are: the cardiovascular system, kidneys and uterus. Health problems can occur at any stage of gestation. Pregnancy pathology departments are well stocked with magnesium sulfate powder for preparing a “magic” solution.

It is a representative of vasodilators. The drug has a rich range of therapeutic effects and is used both in obstetric practice and in other hospitals. Magnesium sulfate powder is used to prepare a solution for dropper during pregnancy, and it is also taken orally. Pharmacological companies produce ampoules with a ready-made solution.

In order to quickly eliminate an overdose, a solution of calcium gluconate should always be ready.

During pregnancy, the magnesium system is administered slowly, and the woman should remain in a supine position all the time.

Why do pregnant women need magnesium droppers?

The reservoir for the development and bearing of a child is a muscular organ - the uterus, the tone of which can increase. This situation can lead to the threat of miscarriage, placental abruption, and premature birth.

Why are pregnant women prescribed a magnesium drip?

The main mineral that is involved in the contraction of any muscle is calcium. And magnesium is used as its antidote. It reduces the absorption of this microelement, binds and evenly distributes it in the muscle cells of the uterus, relaxing it. For what other pathological conditions of a pregnant woman will an IV help:

  1. Hypertension. The drug dilates blood vessels and helps lower blood pressure.
  2. For swelling. A common problem in pregnant women later gestation. Magnesia has a diuretic property and is excellent for women with nephropathy, which is characterized by the presence of protein in the urine.
  3. For convulsions (in severe cases of gestosis). The drug suppresses and prevents the negative effects of high blood pressure on the central nervous system. The pathology is accompanied by edema and the appearance of protein in the urine. In extreme cases, this condition leads to acute renal failure, placental abruption, coma, and death.
  4. It is used to treat arrhythmia by reducing the excitability of heart cells.
  5. A drip with magnesium will help cope with lead, mercury, and cadmium poisoning. This is also possible during pregnancy. For this situation, powder for oral administration is also suitable, which will go directly into the stomach and bind harmful substances. The choice of method of administration depends on the severity of the woman’s condition.
  6. Anxiety and irritability. The medicine has a calming effect because it reduces the excitability of the central nervous system.
  7. Lack of magnesium, which causes: fatigue, tearfulness, depression, heart pain, sleep and bowel problems, and seizures. The daily requirement increases 2-3 times when a woman is pregnant.
  8. Magnesium has a moderate anticoagulant ability and supports normal level coagulability in all tissues of the human body.

The drug is prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist. To eliminate the threat of miscarriage in the first 3 months, other groups of medications necessary to maintain pregnancy are used. Because magnesium sulfate can disrupt the intrauterine development of the respiratory, nervous, and skeletal systems of the fetus.

The method of drug delivery is very important. With intramuscular injection of magnesium solution there is a risk of tissue necrosis and abscess. This use is extremely painful and is used only in emergency situations, diluted with an analgesic. The disadvantage is also the slow development of the therapeutic effect.

Taken orally, the powder causes active bile formation and relieves constipation. For the purpose of gentle bowel movement, use 20 g of dry matter dissolved in water. Drink half an hour before meals.

Using a magnesium sulfate solution for electrophoresis. Using a weak current, the medicine penetrates the skin. This method is used to prevent gestosis and treat thrombophlebitis. The method is considered the most gentle, because the effect on the body is minimal, but effective.

Magnesium dropper during pregnancy

The drug should be taken very carefully, because there is a fine line between therapeutic and toxic effects. When using a magnesium drip during pregnancy, constant supervision by medical personnel is required. The general condition, respiratory function, blood pressure, and blood electrolyte balance are assessed.

Treatment considerations and dosage

It is best to administer magnesium intravenously during pregnancy. The benefits of treatment with magnesium sulfate should outweigh the risk of negative consequences.

A ready-made solution for a dropper with magnesium during pregnancy is administered slowly, observing the patient’s reaction. The choice of magnesium sulfate dosage is based on the expected therapeutic effect and the initial concentration of magnesium ions in the bloodstream.

What can a magnesium drip be used for in the second and third trimester of pregnancy:

  1. During increased uterine tone and gestosis, start with the administration of 16 ml (4 g) intravenously, after 20 minutes - drip. Maintenance dose 4–8 ml/hour. The uterus gradually relaxes.
  2. In case of hypertensive crisis, 5–20 ml of solution is administered within 5 minutes. After the injection, the pressure quickly returns to normal.
  3. For swelling - 4 ml slowly.

A dropper of magnesium during late pregnancy in some situations requires repeated use, for example, in the case of preeclampsia. How long magnesium is dripped is determined by the doctor based on the woman’s condition. Typically, intravenous drips during pregnancy last about 24 hours. A course of treatment with magnesium can last up to 7 days.

Impact on the fetus and the course of labor

Numerous studies have discovered the effects of systematic use of magnesium. The substance easily overcomes the barrier of the brain and placenta. Newborns may have a good Apgar score.

  1. The electrolyte balance in the blood is disturbed.
  2. The muscle tone of the limbs may be reduced.
  3. Lack of calcium and the development of rickets.
  4. There is a lot of magnesium in the child's blood.
  5. Respiratory failure. Resuscitation measures may be required.
  6. Reflexes are reduced.

Short-term medicinal effects of magnesia do not have a detrimental effect on fetal development and maternal health.

The drug can have a negative effect on the course of labor if administered before it begins. Uterine atony and indications for surgical removal of the fetus may occur. Prescribing an IV requires careful analysis of all potential hazards. Magnesium sulfate is taken only according to indications and with an assessment of the level of magnesium in the blood.

Side effects and overdose

Already during a drip with magnesium during pregnancy, you can see side effects. The effects will appear as:

  • sensations of heat;
  • pressure drop;
  • decreasing heart rate;
  • cold sweat;
  • nausea;
  • sudden weakness;
  • shortness of breath;
  • confusion of speech.

You should always remember the possible occurrence of some side effects before using the drug. You can protect yourself from the development of side effects by observing the dosage, administration regimen and constantly monitoring the woman’s condition.

Any side effects that occur require immediate assistance. A calcium chloride/gluconate solution is injected slowly intravenously. Oxygen therapy, hemodialysis (according to indications), and symptomatic treatment are carried out.

In what situations should you avoid magnesium?

There are conditions when a dropper of magnesium during pregnancy can cause harm. The doctor must clearly explain to the woman why she is prescribed magnesium droppers. It is important to remember that the use of any medication in the first trimester of pregnancy is not only inappropriate, but also incomparable with the normal development of the fetus.

List of contraindications to the use of magnesia:

  • Data on drug intolerance.
  • Critical pressure level (below 90).
  • Rare pulse (less than 60).
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Atrioventricular block of any degree.
  • Chronic kidney disease.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Before childbirth. But on the other hand, if contractions begin in the uterus, and the road to the maternity hospital is long, you can administer the solution. This will allow you to sleep for 2 hours. This will not be considered a contraindication.
  • Low calcium in the blood.
  • Myasthenia gravis is muscle weakness.

The drug is used with caution to treat women under 18 years of age. Therapy involves eliminating dietary supplements containing calcium - it neutralizes magnesium.


The use of magnesium sulfate during pregnancy is permitted if all risks are taken into account. It is important that during IV therapy the expectant mother is under the close supervision of specialists. If any unpleasant sensations occur, the pregnant woman should immediately inform the doctor, protecting herself and her child from serious consequences.

Lingonberries (fruits and leaves), which have diuretic properties, will help cope with swelling during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, emergency conditions can arise not only in the mother, but also in the fetus, and their correct treatment is undoubtedly the most important aspect, since many types of medications are prohibited during pregnancy. To maintain pregnancy, doctors quite often prescribe magnesia to pregnant women, which will be discussed below.

Why is a magnesium drip prescribed during pregnancy?

In the inpatient treatment of a pregnant woman, magnesium plays an important role, which is often prescribed intravenously or given as intravenous drips. There are cases when pregnant women receive magnesium sulfate intramuscularly for quite a long time, and the expectant mother begins to worry whether this method is safe for the child. The question of the appropriateness of such appointments will be discussed further.

Magnesia solution helps mainly in the treatment of neurological diseases of a pregnant woman, but it also has side effects and even contraindications, so the intake must be strictly under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist, otherwise the consequences will be irreversible.

Pregnant women are interested in the question for what indications do doctors prescribe the use of magnesia, and this is, of course, important to know, since reading anything on the Internet and making a decision on your own is strictly not recommended.

Indications for use of magnesia:

  • Diseases of organs that excrete bile;
  • Poisoning with heavy chemical compounds;
  • High blood pressure, dilated blood vessels;
  • Sleep or central nervous system disorders;
  • Helps reduce swelling;
  • Relieves increased uterine tone;
  • Treats diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Helps relieve convulsive conditions.

The main indication for the use of magnesia in injections, tablets or in such a variation as a dropper is increased uterine tone, which without medical intervention can lead to early labor and prematurity. Unfortunately, in modern times, many women, being pregnant, end up in hospitals in order to save their future child.

Indications for intravenous magnesium use

The period of pregnancy is a time when help is needed not directly for the mother, but for the fetus inside her, so it is very important to carefully monitor the general conditions of the baby’s pregnancy. If there are clear risk factors for losing a child, doctors put the pregnant woman in confinement and use magnesia, and in particular inject the medicine intramuscularly.

An easy and carefree pregnancy is a rarity these days. Unfortunately, every year the likelihood of complications occurring during gestation is steadily increasing, which explains the overcrowded pathology wards of pregnant women in maternity hospitals. Naturally, staying in a hospital means prescribing drug therapy in the form of tablets, injections or infusion therapy (droppers). In some situations, it is possible to avoid needles and syringes, but in others, intravenous and intramuscular administration of the prescribed drug cannot be avoided. One of these medicinal substances is magnesium (magnesium sulfate).

Prescribing a magnesium drip during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence when it is necessary to reduce the tone of the uterus, thereby preventing the development of premature birth. Expectant mothers, concerned about the health of their baby, are often interested in what effect a magnesium drip during pregnancy has on a growing child’s body. Are there any contraindications to the administration of magnesium sulfate? What side effects can result from a course of intravenous magnesium during pregnancy? We will try to give answers to all your questions and explain as much as possible the situation with the prescription of magnesium sulfate during the development of pregnancy week by week.

Magnesium sulfate: what kind of drug?

Magnesium sulfate is a white powder that can be made into either a solution for intravenous or intramuscular administration or a suspension for oral administration. Depending on the method of application, magnesium has different effects on the body.

Magnesia suspension:

  • has a choleretic and laxative effect;
  • It is actively used as an antidote for poisoning with heavy metal salts.

Magnesium dropper during pregnancy:

  • reduces blood pressure by dilating blood vessels (hypotensive effect);
  • calms, causes slight drowsiness (sedative effect);
  • helps reduce edema due to increased daily diuresis (diuretic effect);
  • reduces muscle tone of the uterus (tocolytic effect);
  • has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity (antiarrhythmic effect);
  • has an anticonvulsant effect.

Magnesium dropper during pregnancy. Main indications.

Magnesium sulfate during pregnancy is prescribed if:

  • there is a risk of developing premature birth;
  • pregnancy occurs with severe gestosis;
  • eclampsia developed;
  • an epileptic attack occurred;
  • edematous syndrome is expressed;
  • it is necessary to stop heavy metal poisoning;
  • convulsive syndrome is present;
  • laboratory data indicate a lack of magnesium in the body;
  • A pregnant woman suffers from hypertension with periodic crises.

Magnesium dropper during pregnancy. Contraindications.

Like any other drug, magnesium sulfate has a number of contraindications, which include:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • low blood pressure;
  • bradycardia (slowing heart rate to 55 beats per minute);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • the period immediately before birth (2-3 hours before the onset);
  • malignant tumor;
  • diseases of the digestive tract during exacerbation;
  • lactation period.

IMPORTANT! The use of a magnesium drip during pregnancy is strictly prohibited in the first trimester, as well as immediately before childbirth.

A significant decrease in blood pressure is a reason to discontinue magnesium therapy.

Magnesium dropper during pregnancy. Side effects.

If you receive a magnesium dropper during pregnancy, a woman’s general well-being may deteriorate significantly.

Side effects of taking magnesium sulfate include:

  • the appearance of headaches;
  • increased anxiety;
  • excessive sweating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • general weakness, drowsiness;
  • speech problems;
  • polyuria (increased daily urine volume);
  • drop in blood pressure.

As a rule, before starting magnesium therapy, the doctor warns the patient about the possibility of some side effects, which are quite common among pregnant women. If the above symptoms occur, the question of continuing treatment with magnesium sulfate is decided individually, depending on the severity side effects and severity of the disease.

IMPORTANT! During treatment with magnesium sulfate during pregnancy and the appearance of symptoms such as difficulty breathing, slowing of the heart rate, a sharp drop in blood pressure, indicating an overdose of the drug, it is necessary to provide timely medical care and cancel previously prescribed treatment.

Hypermagnesemia is treated with calcium preparations (calcium gluconate, calcium chloride) by slow intravenous administration.

Magnesium dropper during pregnancy. Features of drug administration.

Magnesium sulfate is usually administered intravenously, since intramuscular injections of this medicinal solution are extremely painful and leave behind so-called “bumps”. For a magnesium dropper during pregnancy, use a 25% solution in a volume determined in individually. If it is necessary to obtain calcium and magnesium preparations, different veins are used for intravenous administration of drugs.

The intensity and duration of therapy depend on the general condition expectant mother, as well as the effectiveness of the treatment.

The drug must be warmed to body temperature before administration. The intravenous injection of a magnesium drug is extremely unacceptable, as this can lead to a rapid decrease in pressure, which entails disruption of the utero-fetal-placental blood flow with insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus.

Magnesium dropper during pregnancy. How safe is it?

It is believed that the administration of magnesium sulfate during the gestational period is quite safe for both the mother and the unborn child. However, unfortunately, there is no exact data confirming or refuting the “innocence” of magnesium therapy. It is known that a long course of treatment with magnesium during pregnancy contributes to the accumulation of the drug in the body and the development of a hypoxic state in the fetus. Short-term treatment, on the contrary, does not pose any danger to the baby’s health.

If the choice is between continuing the pregnancy and no treatment, it is still reasonable to agree to magnesium therapy, which will help eliminate uterine hypertonicity and increase the baby’s chances of a healthy and happy life.

The effect of a magnesium dropper during pregnancy on the course of labor.

Most women mistakenly believe that the use of magnesium droppers in the last trimester of pregnancy has a negative effect on labor. In fact, several hours are enough to completely remove magnesium sulfate preparations from the body, therefore, prescribing magnesium therapy before childbirth does not affect their course in any way.

In some situations, a magnesium drip during pregnancy is the only way to extend the gestational age. Before writing a refusal to take magnesium therapy, you should think carefully about the consequences of your decision, which can affect not only your well-being, but also the health of your child.

For the first time in obstetric practice, magnesium sulfate (magnesia) was used at the beginning of the last century as an anticonvulsant.

Since then, magnesium preparations have been widely used in medicine to prevent obstetric complications, improve the condition of pregnant women and to prevent magnesium deficiency in the body.

However, in last years Alarming information has emerged that the active use of magnesia during pregnancy may pose a threat to the unborn baby.

Magnesia (magnesium sulfate, magnesium oxide, etc.) is a colorless powdery substance of natural origin that has found application in various areas of human activity.

In medicine, magnesium sulfate is used as a solution of 25% concentration, in a single dosage of 20–40 ml, as needed, or as a suspension for oral administration, previously prepared from powder.

Medical magnesia is a drug consisting of a single main component and does not contain any auxiliary substances. The range of indications for the use of magnesium sulfate is quite wide:

  • hypertensive crisis (including the risk of a crisis);
  • acute magnesium deficiency in the body (including the risk of developing acute hypomagnesemia during periods of increased need for magnesium);
  • smooth muscle spasms;
  • poisoning with toxic substances;
  • the need to stimulate defecation (before medical procedures, etc.) and so on.

Moreover, achieving the desired effect from the effects of magnesium sulfate on the body depends on the form in which the patient takes the medicine: in the form of a suspension for swallowing or in the form of intramuscular or intravenous injections. During pregnancy, most often, there are indications for the injection of magnesium.

The list of contraindications to the use of magnesium sulfate solution and the risk of developing a negative effect of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman is quite large. In addition, there are strict procedural rules for introducing magnesium into the patient's blood. Therefore, magnesium sulfate injections should be carried out in a hospital setting.

Indications for the use of magnesia during pregnancy themselves require continuous medical supervision, therefore, the appointment of droppers or magnesium injections is carried out for expectant mothers undergoing inpatient treatment.

Why is Magnesia prescribed to pregnant women: for what period is the drug indicated?

The wide spectrum of action of magnesium sulfate, its effectiveness and relative safety for the mother and fetus, its availability and low cost make it possible to consider magnesium one of the most popular means in the treatment of pregnancy complications such as:

  • caused by myometrial tone.

In this case, first of all, the effectiveness of magnesium sulfate as a tocolytic agent is important. Magnesium ions, acting as calcium channel blockers, reduce the ability of smooth muscles to spasm, eliminating uterine tone.

At the same time, the vasodilating effect of magnesium has a positive effect on the quality of blood circulation, including oxygen exchange in the “uterus-placenta-fetus” system;

  • Hypomagnesemia is often the cause of excessive uterine tone during pregnancy.

Treatment of uterine hypertonicity with magnesium injections allows, among other things, to replenish the magnesium content in the body of a pregnant woman. Also beneficial influence when there is a threat of premature birth, magnesia has a sedative, calming effect on the psychological state of the expectant mother;

On early stages Magnesia is usually not prescribed to pregnant women.

Doctors consider it advisable to prescribe magnesium to maintain pregnancy from the second trimester of pregnancy, since in the early stages the risk of premature rejection of the fetus by the uterus is most often hormonal in nature.

  • Serious complications of gestosis (with nephropathy, convulsive syndromes).

In the later stages, magnesium is indicated for use as a rapid response agent to relieve convulsive eclamptic seizures in the patient.

The drug-like effect of magnesia in certain doses inhibits the activity of the central and peripheral nervous system, including acting as an anesthetic.

Magnesia has a beneficial effect on heart rate and rhythm and has a hypotensive effect. In addition, magnesium stimulates the urinary process, thus reducing swelling in a patient with preeclampsia.

Forms of using Magnesia during pregnancy: injection or drop?

Indications for the use of magnesium sulfate during pregnancy require the receipt and presence of a certain concentration of the drug in the patient’s blood, which is impossible to achieve with oral administration. In addition, the consequences of taking magnesium if swallowed can provoke the development of contractile activity of the uterus.

Therefore, expectant mothers are usually prescribed injections of the drug:

  • intramuscularly, in the form of injections;
  • intravenously, by drip.

The effect of using magnesium in both cases is the same. Moreover, when the drug is administered intravenously, its effect begins immediately, since the drug immediately enters the woman’s blood. Whereas when administered intramuscularly, the drug begins to exhibit its properties within an hour after administration.

In recent years, doctors have given preference to the intravenous use of magnesia for pregnant women, since injections of the drug into the muscle are very painful, cause the formation of hematomas at the site of syringe insertion and require careful, unhurried execution of the procedure by the staff.

The exact dosage of magnesia should be calculated for you in the hospital. You should not give such injections at home, as this medicine has a number of serious side effects.

5-20 ml of 20-25% Magnesia solution must be administered by drip or injection per day. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Is Magnesia safe?

In many countries (including Russia), doctors often resort to long-term course use of magnesium sulfate in the treatment of pregnant women with.

Statements about the safety of such treatment for the fetus are based on the experience of previous generations, while there is no evidence of this from evidence-based medicine.

On the contrary, in the recent past, American scientists stated that a study of newborns whose mothers received long-term therapy with magnesium sulfate (more than 10 weeks) confirmed data on the negative intrauterine effects of magnesium on the fetus.

Skeletal abnormalities were noted in the observed infants, which scientists associate with hypocalcemia, which arose as a result of leaching of calcium from the fetal bones in the prenatal period due to attack by magnesium ions. However, pathological changes in bone tissue are apparently short-term and can be corrected.

Research on this matter continues, but Western doctors strongly recommend prescribing magnesium only in cases where the likely benefit of treatment outweighs the risk of adverse effects on the fetus and observing restrictions on the duration of therapy using magnesium sulfate in the treatment of expectant mothers.

The speed of administration of the drug to a pregnant woman is of no small importance. Magnesium ions freely penetrate the placenta, ending up in the fetal blood in the same concentration as in the mother’s blood.

Rapid intake of magnesium sulfate, especially during labor (for example, when treating eclampsia during labor, when trying to slow down premature labor, etc.) causes a decrease in blood pressure, respiratory depression, and disturbances in brain activity in the newborn, as a reaction to a sharp hypermagnesemia.

This can lead to death for the baby in utero or in the neonatal period.

If there is a need to use magnesium in the prenatal period, then, in order to avoid adverse effects of the drug on the fetus, the administration of magnesium sulfate is stopped at least 2 hours before the expected onset of labor, unless this threatens the life of the mother.

Side effect

Often, expectant mothers, receiving conservation therapy with magnesium, complain about certain changes in their well-being, quite rightly attributing them to the side effects of the drug, namely:

Contraindications for taking Magnesia during pregnancy

The use of magnesia in the treatment of a pregnant woman may be contraindicated under certain conditions:

  • chronic arterial hypotension, or severe hypotension, as a reaction to the drug;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • intolerance to the drug (dangerous disturbances in the functioning of vital organs as a reaction to the drug).

In recent years, doctors have expressed mixed opinions regarding the use of magnesium sulfate in obstetric practice.

On the one hand, there is evidence of adverse effects of the drug on the mother's body and, to an even greater extent, on the well-being of the fetus.

On the other hand, many pregnancy complications for which magnesium is prescribed arise from a deficiency of magnesium in the body and are treatable when the substance is replenished.

The search for an ideal alternative to injectable magnesium sulfate continues. In the meantime, doctors strongly advise expectant mothers, even at the stage of pregnancy planning, to review their diet and, if necessary, include magnesium-containing supplements.

While carrying a child, a woman can face various threats: premature birth, late toxicosis, placental abruption. All pathological cases must be eliminated urgently, which is why a magnesium drip is given during pregnancy.

This drug is prescribed in a hospital setting to save the baby’s life and maintain normal intrauterine development. Magnesia is prescribed during pregnancy at any stage according to the doctor’s indications; the course of treatment should last no more than 7 days.

Magnesia - properties of the drug

Magnesia or Epsom salt is a powder of sodium sulfate, which is used for the preparation of suspensions or intravenous injections. This drug is used in the treatment of gynecological, urological, neurological and gastroentorological problems. Depending on the concentration of magnesium sulfate, it affects the human body differently.

Most often, treatment with magnesium is prescribed as an intravenous drip, because intravenously it can immediately inhibit the passage of nerve impulses: the tone of the uterus decreases, and convulsions stop. When the drug is administered intramuscularly, the painful condition disappears after 40 minutes. However, such therapy during last months pregnancy or before delivery may weaken labor.

Why is a magnesium drip prescribed during pregnancy?

Magnesium droppers are used during pregnancy to treat and prevent many complications associated with pregnancy. The action of the active substance of the drug can have the following positive effect:

  • dilates blood vessels, prevention or treatment of thrombophlebitis;
  • normalizes blood pressure, eliminates hypertensive crisis;
  • relieves uterine tone during pregnancy;
  • relaxes muscles, removing excess calcium from the body;
  • has sedative properties;
  • eliminates seizures;
  • improves overall well-being, eliminates drowsiness and fatigue;
  • replenishes magnesium deficiency;
  • prevention of fetal development delay due to abruption or lack of oxygen;
  • eliminates gestosis, has a diuretic effect;
  • promotes the removal of heavy metals from the body.

Magnesia is also prescribed in the form of a suspension to relieve constipation and metabolism. Intramuscular administration can eliminate many gynecological problems, infections, inflammation of the appendages and ovaries. If the gallbladder or bile ducts are inflamed, pregnant women are given magnesium sulfate intravenously.

Directions for use during pregnancy and dosage

Therapy for the treatment of pathological pregnancy is carried out in different ways. Depending on the duration, nature of the problem and the degree of its severity, the following is prescribed:

  1. Administration intravenously. Most often, magnesium is administered during pregnancy using a dropper. Indications for use: to eliminate cramps, tone the uterus, lower blood pressure, and with oxygen starvation of the fetus. Depending on the patient’s condition, the solution is administered from 5 to 20 ml twice a day.
  2. Administration intramuscularly. Magnesium injections are very painful and are prescribed only in cases of mild uterine tone or high blood pressure. The effect of using the drug occurs half an hour after administration of the drug. A 10 cc syringe with a 25% solution is injected every 4 hours.
  3. Use of the suspension. Powder dissolved in water has a laxative and choleretic effect. This method of administration is safe for the health of the fetus, since magnesium does not penetrate into the blood. Overdose is impossible. To use, you need to dilute 10-30 grams of powder in water and drink half an hour before meals.
  4. Electrophoresis with magnesium solution. This method of physiotherapy is prescribed in cases of thrombophlebitis, gestosis, frequent seizures and epilepsy.

Is magnesia safe?

Drug therapy sometimes causes side effects, especially in cases of self-medication. Therefore, the dosage and course of treatment are prescribed based on the general condition of the patient. It has been proven that the use of the drug can have a detrimental effect on the development of the baby. With the rapid introduction of magnesium into the body, disruption of the woman’s respiratory center and oxygen starvation of the fetus may develop.

Impact on the fetus and the course of labor

Use of the drug during the last trimester may affect labor. In the worst case scenario, a woman's water may not break or her cervix may not dilate. Also, this drug is contraindicated in the first trimester, in the presence of hypotension. In other cases, the effect of a magnesium dropper on the course of labor is favorable.

In the case of a long course or increasing dosage, the possible consequences for the health of the fetus are described:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • hypocalcemia, congenital rickets;
  • birth injuries to the fetus, bone fractures;
  • decreased blood flow.

If magnesium sulfate is taken shortly before birth, the newborn may have an excess of this element. The combination of gentamicin and magnesium can lead to depressed breathing in the baby.

Side effects and overdose

There are no side effects of the drug administered intravenously under medical supervision. However, the reaction of a pregnant woman's body to magnesium sulfate is unpredictable. The most common complications from the use of magnesia:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • headaches, weakness, drowsiness, dizziness;
  • nausea, diarrhea;
  • distraction;
  • sweating, increased thirst;
  • slurred speech, lack of coordination;
  • increased anxiety, panic attacks;
  • respiratory failure, pulmonary edema;
  • arrhythmia.

There may also be a drug-like dependence on the drug: the activity of the respiratory center of the woman and fetus is disrupted, the drug affects the brain. If these symptoms are present, the course of treatment with magnesium is stopped or the dose of the administered drug is reduced.

Is it possible to refuse a magnesium drip?

Many women with a pathological course of pregnancy, and especially with the threat of miscarriage, are given a referral to the pathology department.

When a doctor prescribes a magnesium drip, it is recommended to ask him about possible side effects and the negative impact of the drug on the fetus. If a woman does not want to endanger her unborn child, she has the right to refuse treatment. However, the doctor does not take responsibility for the consequences of lack of therapy.

Contraindications during pregnancy

Despite the popularity of treatment using magnesia, this therapy has contraindications:

  1. individual intolerance, allergy to magnesium sulfate;
  2. calcium deficiency in the body;
  3. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. respiratory dysfunction;
  5. arterial hypertension, hypotension, bradycardia;
  6. prenatal period, breastfeeding;
  7. kidney and liver problems;
  8. oncological diseases;
  9. myasthenia gravis.

To avoid the consequences of therapy and not to provoke complications of existing diseases with treatment, the doctor examines and interviews the patient, takes general tests blood and urine. Be sure to take into account all the risks for the baby and the expectant mother from using a dropper with magnesium.

When a pregnant woman is admitted to hospital treatment, she is almost always prescribed magnesium drips. This is a universal medicine that has a positive effect on many health conditions. Doctors' confidence in the safety of the drug is based on many years of experience in treating women with magnesium sulfate. Side effects from treatment are rare, and overdose almost never happens.