Softening moisturizing foot cream. Choosing a cream to soften and moisturize the skin of your feet

Moisturizing foot cream is designed to eliminate the problem of “camel” skin on the feet - dry, hard and covered with a calloused crust. Timely and regular self-care allows you to avoid problems with dry skin, and foot cosmetics play an important role in the activities.

Why is daily foot care important?

It is part of a skin nourishing and moisturizing ritual performed regularly on all parts of the body.

Ignoring the needs of the legs for a long time will make you think about solving more serious problems.

A limb that is cracked and sore from calluses will make it difficult to choose and put on shoes and spoil your walks. An infection can get there, and appropriate therapy will require larger sums than would be spent on a nourishing cream for rough feet.

Main properties of moisturizing foot cream

The following properties characterize the foot care product well:

  • antibacterial (prevention of inflammation of hair follicles, formation of microtraumas and cracks);
  • anti-inflammatory (protection against infection and development of the pathological process in injuries);
  • separation of dead particles and fight against fungus, the likelihood of getting which increases if the limbs sweat in shoes;
  • softening (to return softness to the covers, which disappears after long transitions);
  • cooling (relieves the feeling of heaviness, fatigue, accelerates the resorption of edema);
  • normalization of blood flow (relevant for office workers and those with extra pounds, whose legs experience increased stress).

Even good cream for legs for feet practically does not solve all problems at once. It is necessary to determine the criteria that are important in a particular case and select a product based on them.

How to choose a foot cream - learning to understand the ingredients

An analysis of its composition will help predict the effect that a care product will have. Different components are responsible for different parts of the effect spectrum.


  • Shea Butter

The component, popular in cosmetic products, is ideally suited for treating dry skin on the feet - there it is more effective than in cosmetics for the face or hands.

  • Glycerol

The compound forms an invisible layer on the dermis, protecting it from the aggressive effects of harmful environmental factors.

  • Jojoba oil

A good, delicately caring vegetable fat, suitable for use on the skin of any part of the body.

Growth of young cells

  • Glycolic acid

Products with this compound provide a noticeable effect after use 1-2 times; super popular Asian foot masks are based on it.

  • Urea

The artificially obtained substance is an invariable component of foot products aimed at combating skin damage. A duet of it and lactic or glycolic acid promotes cell renewal, restores skin integrity, and protects against the appearance of new microtraumas.

Antifungal and antibacterial ingredients

  • Tea tree essential oil (EO)

The aromatic fat extracted from the leaves of the plant has proven antiseptic properties. Warts, an offensive odor, fungal infection on the nails - the component is good for treating any of the troubles.

  • Eucalyptus EM

Thanks to its specific aroma, it masks the “fragrance” of sweating feet, fights microorganisms and mycosis that spread in a damp place with incredible speed.

  • Camphor

The product itself and the oil of the same name are used to relieve inflammation and irritation. The list of beneficial effects of the substance includes stimulating the development of new cells and layers of the dermis, increasing its firmness and elasticity.


  • Mint EM

The bright and pleasant aroma of mint easily overcomes the bad smell, but the effects of using the oil do not end there. The ingredient gives the cream it contains the properties to cool and tone tired, swollen legs.

  • Lavender essential oil

The plant is known as a quality sedative, and its effects on the skin are also described by this word.

The product softens irritation and intensity of inflammatory processes, helps cracks and corns heal faster. The bright and persistent smell of flowers is difficult to confuse with anything else.

Other Ingredients

  • Tocopherol

In addition to the well-known antioxidant properties, vitamin E is one of the so-called. “beauty vitamins” – responsible for the condition of the skin.

Their coarsening, dryness, and lack of elasticity are a consequence of a deficiency of the described compound. If it is not listed in the cream, you can add a few drops of the drug Aevit.

  • Ceramides

The “bricks” from which new cellular structures are built will be effective and useful for regenerating damaged skin anywhere, regardless of the time of use. Their presence in the cream is a definite plus for paying attention to such a product.

The juice of the leaves of the herb is used in many cosmetic products, and everywhere it brings benefits, providing a nourishing effect, increasing tone and soothing irritated dermis.

Which manufacturer to choose: review of the best moisturizers

  • Foot Care Touch of Nature from Ciel, cream with gel texture and cooling effect

The product is described as an air gel containing bergamot essential oils, menthol and plant extracts. Creates a feeling of coolness, accelerates blood flow in the skin of the legs, relieves swelling and a feeling of heaviness after a hard day at work. Tired and inflamed skin calms down and takes on a healthy appearance. It is advisable to use it daily.

  • Toning mint gel from Aravia Professional

The combination of mint oil and camphor has a pronounced stimulating effect on the skin. After application, the cream is absorbed in a matter of seconds, leaving no films or unpleasant sensations behind. By applying it once a day, you can get rid of flaky feet and dry skin.

  • HIMALAYA HERBALS foot cream for feet

In the ranking of this company's products by popularity, the product occupies a leading position. It successfully combines low price, wound-healing and nourishing effects, as well as the unusual pleasant smell of oriental spices.

  • Intensive foot moisturizer from SCHOLL

The brand, known for its foot care products, also offers customers a cream aimed at moisturizing and nourishing exhausted, dehydrated skin.

Homemade cream

Effective and natural cosmetics Can be made at home using simple ingredients. A nourishing remedy with mint deodorizes sweaty feet and relieves fatigue and pain in overworked legs. To prepare it you need:

  • several sterilized glass jars;
  • purified water;
  • glycerin in liquid form;
  • essential oils of mint and cocoa;
  • stearic acid;
  • emulsion wax.
  1. In resistant to high temperatures containers mix the components, except mint essential oil, and melt in a water bath or in the microwave.

The mixture should not boil.

  1. The workpiece is cooled, the reserved ingredient is poured in.
  2. Using a mixer or other kitchen gadget, beat the mixture until it becomes thick and fluffy.
  3. Continue stirring until the cream cools completely.
  4. Distribute the finished product into jars and screw tightly.

A well-chosen foot cream will ensure your feet feel comfortable after a hard day and relieve unpleasant symptoms. The latter, when ignored, result in serious problems requiring treatment. Paying attention to yourself and daily care procedures will help avoid the situation getting worse.

Pregnant and lactating women are not contraindicated in taking care of their feet, but you need to carefully study the composition of the product. For example, Green Mama cosmetics are positioned as completely safe. In particular, this company offers cream for the skin of the feet "Sage and linseed oil" , which contains glycerin and stearic acid, carbamide (urea), mint extract, yarrow and sage extracts, flax and sesame seed oils, lavender and cedar essential oils, tocopheryl acetate, camphor - nourishing, softening and moisturizing ingredients. This cream does not contain synthetic fragrances, but it does contain such undesirable components as triethanolamine and parabens, although at the very end of the list.

Available in a tube of 50 or 100 ml. Designed for adults with any skin type.

Moisturizing Shea butter foot cream contains the following active ingredients that determine its properties:

  • shea butter (shea butter) – has a softening, relieving effect, provides protection, nutrition and moisture retention;
  • rosemary extract – has a tonic and disinfectant effect;
  • lavender oil – has antimicrobial, absorbable and healing properties;
  • menthol – cooling, soothing and refreshing effect;
  • arnica extract – normalizes blood circulation, activates the healing process.

The use of this cream relieves the feeling of heaviness and fatigue, and is a good prevention of the formation of calluses and corns.

Release form: 30 or 150 ml tube, for any age and any skin type.

Healing foot cream against cracked feet (Green Pharmacy) has the ability to quickly eliminate minor damage to the skin of the feet.

Release form: 50 ml tube.

Contains 10% urea - an effective moisturizer, as well as lanolin, allantoin, ß-carotene. Oil walnut, which is part of the cream, in addition to moisturizing, provides the skin with nutrients and destroys pathogenic bacteria. Extracted plantain, fir and tea tree oils refresh and protect against fungal infection.

For adult consumers with any skin type, application time is universal.

Night moisturizing foot cream Feet Up Comfort (Oriflame) For daily care in order to prevent irritation, dryness, and damage to the skin.

Release form: 75 ml tube.

Moisturizing properties are given to the cream by the presence of urea in the composition, active substances, glycerin and avocado oil, complement this effect.

Avocado oil also has regenerating and softening properties.

Aloe vera extract is rich in nutrients - proteins, microelements (calcium, magnesium, zinc), vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the skin.

Cetearyl alcohol softens keratinized skin well; it is a mixture of cetyl and stearyl alcohols, which are powerful emollients.

Apply at night, for adult consumers with any skin type.

Doctor foot cream with urea, softening for corns, instantly compensates for fluid deficiency.

Available in a 50 ml tube.

Contains urea - a natural moisturizer and conductor of bioactive components. Other components soften keratinized areas of the skin of the feet, promote the healing of cracks, remove irritation, fatigue and soreness.

Olive oil, rich in vitamins and minerals, nourishes and moisturizes, restoring skin covering feet.

Extracts of celandine and oak bark promote rapid skin restoration, heal cracks and bring a feeling of comfort. Tea tree oil, allantoin and vitamin E soften and protect against bacteria, fungi and free radicals.

Moisturizing foot creams for diabetes

Diabetics almost always have problem skin on their feet; this part of the body requires especially careful care. With elevated glucose levels, the body dehydrates, and the skin is the first to suffer. It becomes thinner, dries out and flakes, and irritation, cracks, and itching may appear. Such skin is susceptible to infection, its protective functions are reduced against the background of general immunodeficiency. Diabetic foot syndrome may occur. To prevent such complications, it is necessary to moisturize the skin of the feet using special moisturizing creams.

The range of creams offered for the care of the skin of the feet is very wide, but not all of them can be used by patients with diabetes. Among the ingredients contained in the cream there should be no alcohol and salicylic acid, synthetic flavors, preservatives and dyes. You should not use creams based on glycerin, as this is a hygroscopic substance, and at a humidity level of less than 65% it can absorb moisture from the skin.

Moisturizing creams for the skin of the feet diabetes mellitus should intensively moisturize and soften the skin, preventing it from overdrying and keratinization; heal cracks and minor abrasions; have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and fungicidal effects.

German foot balm has these properties Sixtumed Fussbalsam Plus. Prevents the formation of diabetic foot.

Available in spray form (100ml), which ensures maximum protection of the contents from contamination during use.

The properties of the cream are determined by its composition. Sage in combination with lavender and clove buds have cleansing, healing, anti-inflammatory and fungicidal properties. Their action is complemented by evening primrose oil, gingko biloba leaves and arnica flowers, stimulating the regeneration of skin cells, blood circulation, and protective properties.

Allantoin synthesized from comfrey root actively eliminates irritation, exfoliates dead skin particles, renewing the skin, and accelerates the healing process.

Vitamin E – improves skin respiration and fights free radicals.

The cream-balm does not contain fragrances, dyes, preservatives, or glycerin.

Contraindicated in case of open wounds on the skin, allergies to the components of the cream-balm.

Apply twice a day - in the morning and before bed on cleansed skin of the feet and between the toes. The texture of the product does not require rubbing, it is instantly absorbed, and no greasy film is formed on the skin.
Suitable for diabetics moisturizing foot cream Footprim (Bulgaria) long-acting, containing tea tree extract and beeswax. The cream is well absorbed by the skin and does not remain after use. greasy stains. Tube 100ml.

Cream for intensive moisturizing of the skin of the feet (Scholl), containing urea and allantoin, applied two or three times a week, also suitable for diabetics. Tube 75ml.

After visiting sea beaches, hair removal, weight loss diets that lead to dehydration, the skin on the legs experiences a lack of moisture, nutrition and fresh oxygen.

A moisturizing, fortified and nourishing foot cream can protect the skin from negative environmental influences, activates metabolic processes and microcirculation in cells will eliminate peeling.

The right foot product will make your skin smooth and eliminate dryness.

This is what dry and irritated skin on your feet looks like

If the skin of the legs does not have enough lipids and moisture in the stratum corneum, the process of replacing old ones is slowed down. epithelial cells new, then it is broken - it becomes dry, .

The skin can be irritated by synthetic clothing, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is impaired by impaired blood circulation due to age or cardiovascular pathologies in the body, chronic diseases, poor diet and lack of water balance.

Incorrectly selected cosmetics and lack of daily foot care dry out the skin and lead to peeling. They lose their beauty and health, becoming unattractive.

What nourishing foot creams should be like?

A high-quality nourishing foot cream should have the following properties:

  • nourishing the dry and irritated upper layer of skin on the feet, including the areas of the sole and heels;
  • reducing the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands to eliminate putrefactive odors;
  • improving blood supply for healing small cracks, wounds and delivering oxygen;
  • suspension of cellular keratinization, softening of the skin;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors by pleasant and lasting deodorization;
  • bactericidal to exclude fungi or penetration of bacteria into the pores.

Useful components in the nourishing cream

Significant ingredients in the cream for dry skin of the feet are emulsions and extracts of herbs, pine needles and/or seaweed, deionized water, white clay (kaolin), grape vinegar and salicylic acid, waxes, lipids and vitamins, essential oils.

The presence of kaolin and salicylic acid in the composition will ensure the elimination of bad odors. Using the latter, you can also exfoliate old cells and slow down their death.

Coniferous extracts contain a lot of vitamins C, E, K, P, chlorophyll, sodium salts and acids: fatty and resinous, volatile and waxy microelements, stearins and other biologically active substances. They are necessary to provide a pronounced bactericidal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Lavender is considered a good antiseptic. In combination with lipids and wax, essential oil will soothe the skin and relieve irritation, and heal small wounds.

A good foot cream from Mirra for dryness, allergies and itching has excellent nutritional properties. It is rich in oils: grape, lavender, orange to nourish the skin.

As well as CO2-concentrate of calendula and extracts of plants such as linden flowers, raspberry leaves and lemon balm to restore the protective potential of dry, irritated and sensitive skin of the feet of children and adults.

It is well absorbed when applied to clean feet in the morning and evening with light massage movements, starting from the feet. Ruler cosmetics for feet Mirra includes various natural healing ingredients.

The cream for peeling skin on the legs with mumiyo from the Mirra company is rich in a variety of components:

  1. Olive oil is a vegetable fat that softens the skin and saturates it with antioxidants and monosaturated acids. They protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, reducing dryness and the risk of cancer. Thanks to phytoextracts of the oil, a lipid barrier is established and protection against free radicals, and sebum production is controlled.
  2. Clover and alfalfa extracts - bioflavonoids to provide antioxidant protection, control oxidative processes in membranes and cell structures, that is, to slow down the aging process leading to cell dehydration.
  3. Essential oils: olive, myrrh, geranium, sandalwood, ylang-ylang and frankincense.

Essential oils have a beneficial effect on the epidermis:

  • myrrh oil rejuvenates, eliminates inflammation, tones and restores color to the skin;
  • geranium oil is involved in the regeneration process and relieves irritation, rejuvenates and soothes the nerve roots in the skin, gives it energy;
  • sandalwood esters cope with fungi and bacteria, inflammation. The oil nourishes and rejuvenates, fills with moisture, relieves hypersensitive and inflamed skin from rashes, makes it silky, smooth and elastic;
  • ylang-ylang is a good antiseptic and moisturizer, so a cream with this oil rejuvenates the epidermis and protects it from external influences;
  • Frankincense is the resin of African trees. It has been used since ancient times for incense and to improve skin condition. In the preparation, the oil enhances the effect of other ingredients, relieves inflammation and irritation, refreshes and tones the epidermis.

It is important to know! Shilajit helps increase the effectiveness of the cream thanks to enzymes with zinc, iron and manganese. Due to phospholipids, amino acids, and steroids, mumiyo activates the protective properties of the skin of the extremities.

Remedies for excessive dryness of the epidermis on the legs

Many manufacturers include royal jelly in foot cream for very dry skin prone to irritation to activate cellular metabolism and blood circulation. This substance is involved in cell renewal and stabilization of the function of the sebaceous glands.

Together with seaweed and aloe extract, red cloves, propolis, chestnut, Shea butter, orange leaves, lemon, celery, sandalwood and other unique nutritional components, royal jelly activates the growth and division of new skin cells, rejuvenates and moisturizes, eliminates the smell of sweat.

When applying the product to clean feet twice a day using massage movements (deep stroking and rubbing), you can cope with excessive dryness of the skin.

You can combat increased dryness of feet and heel cracks with moisturizing and nourishing with a fatty agent Neutrogena. It works well due to the presence of panthenol, glycerin, aloe extract, vitamin E and other useful components.

Caudalie foot day product with a powdery texture is rich in extracts of red grapes, ginkgo biloba, Shea butter and grape seed, which effectively eliminate dry skin. After applying the product, it is perfectly absorbed and no greasy film remains on the skin.

The product from L’Occitane has a light texture, but it does an excellent job of moisturizing and softening the epidermis with increased dryness due to components such as shea butter, essential almond and peppermint oils.

Ceramides, waxy fatty substances produced by the body, have become especially popular in the production of cosmetics. They are contained in sebum. Fatty acids with ceramides create a protective film. With their deficiency and exposure to sunlight, cool sea water, and low temperatures in winter, the epidermis shrinks, ages, and becomes flabby.

A hand-made moisturizing foot cream with ceramides can help. They are combined with natural oils and extracts of medicinal herbs to quickly replenish the lack of balance of lipids and moisture. When glycerin is added, moisture is retained deep in the skin layers, which helps soften the keratinized scales of the epidermis and reduce their formation.

Thanks to Sal oil (Shorea robusta), mimosa plant wax, mineral water, plant ceramides, essential oils of mint, lemon, palmarosa, preservatives and chlorophyll, lipids are regenerated, moisture and the protective function of the skin are restored.

Creams for pregnant women for dry skin of feet

The following products are safe for the epidermis of the legs and feet of pregnant women:

  1. "Shea" is a moisturizer with active ingredients:
  • shea butter (Shea) to soften, protect, nourish, and retain moisture;
  • rosemary extract for a tonic and disinfectant effect;
  • metol for a cooling, refreshing and soothing effect;
  • arnica extract to normalize blood circulation, activate the healing of inflammation and irritation.
  1. “Sage and flaxseed oil” with glycerin, stearic acid, urea (urea), mint extract, sage and yarrow extracts, sesame and flax oils, lavender and cedar essential oils, tocopheryl acetate, camphor.

When choosing a nourishing foot cream, you should consult a dermatologist about the composition of the product to obtain the expected effect and eliminate possible contraindications.

Women always strive for perfection. Everyone dreams of beautiful, well-groomed skin of the body, face, hands and feet. There is a huge amount in various ways skin care for legs and feet. These are compresses, baths, massage, etc.

A necessary, indispensable tool to achieve a good result is cream. The cosmetics industry offers a large assortment cosmetics for feet. Creams have different compositions, which determines their purpose. There are moisturizing, softening, soothing, antifungal, etc. The easiest way to make your feet skin well-groomed is to use a cream with suitable properties every day.

We have compiled a list best creams for feet, based on expert assessments of specialists and reviews of real customers. Our recommendations will help you make a choice that suits your needs and desires. There are many competitors in the beauty industry, but we have selected the best manufacturers and we recommend paying special attention to them:

Budget / Inexpensive

  1. Sophia
  2. Natura Siberica
  3. Domix
  1. Arabia
  2. Gehwol

Expensive/Premium class

From corns From cracks Deodorizing Moisturizing Anti-edema Nourishing

*Prices are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

Foot creams: For corns

For corns /

Main advantages
  • Moisturizing cream provides delicate care for dry, rough skin with manifestations of hyperkeratosis.
  • Urea, which is part of the product, perfectly softens the epidermis, prevents the occurrence of calluses and corns
  • Plant components (sunflower, avocado, coconut oils) have a wound-healing, antifungal effect, restore the protective functions of the skin
  • Glycerin, allantoin and salicylic acid saturate the skin with moisture, promote the healing of microcracks, and stimulate regeneration processes
  • The use of the cream does not cause allergic reactions, which is confirmed by laboratory tests

Show all products in the category “From corns”

Foot creams: For cracks

Deodorizing/ For corns / For cracks

Main advantages
  • This cream was developed especially for dry skin of the feet, prone to cracking. It intensely moisturizes and nourishes without feeling sticky.
  • The composition contains waxes and lanolin, which form a film that prevents the skin from drying out.
  • Essential oils will help prevent fungal infection, as they have disinfecting and bactericidal properties. They also help get rid of unpleasant odors.
  • The cream is thin and spreads easily over the skin. Ideally used at night - the next morning your feet will be smooth and soft
  • The product has a cumulative effect. To combat severe dryness, it is better to use every day, after which you can switch to a regimen of 2-3 times a week.

Show all products in the category "From cracks"

Foot creams: Deodorizing

Deodorizing/ Anti-edema / Moisturizing

Main advantages
  • A multifunctional cream that helps not only keep feet in perfect condition, but also relieves fatigue, deodorizes, and prevents the development of fungal infections.
  • The cream increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, thereby improving its barrier functions, and also reduces the likelihood of calluses and corns.
  • The composition contains components that have a cooling effect (menthol, camphor), as well as a whole complex essential oils. On hot days, this cream will help you feel comfortable in closed shoes and prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • If there are skin damage (microcracks, wounds), bactericidal and regenerating ingredients will speed up healing
  • It is better to apply the cream with light massage movements. This will enhance its lymphatic drainage effect, the feeling of fatigue will go away faster, and swelling will decrease.

Show all products in the category "Deodorizing"

Foot creams: Moisturizing

Nourishing / Moisturizing

Main advantages
  • The cream is intended for daily delicate care of sensitive, dry, problem skin legs
  • The unique formula of the product helps restore water and lipid balance, prevents keratinization and peeling of the skin
  • The oils included in the cream (avocado, fern, sea buckthorn) normalize the acid-base balance, prevent dehydration, and have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Allantoin and algae extract enhance protective functions and saturate with essential nutrients
  • The cream has passed dermatological control and is recommended for daily use for various skin problems, including diabetic foot

Nourishing / Moisturizing