The corners of the fingers are bursting. Why does the skin around my fingernails crack? Prolonged contact with water

Cracks on the fingers near the nails can appear for a variety of reasons - internal and external. When the very first defects in the integrity of the skin occur, you should think about what could lead to their appearance and try to remove the provoking factors. If cracks appear constantly, cause a lot of unpleasant sensations, and it is impossible to independently determine the cause of their occurrence, you should definitely contact a specialist. This may indicate serious health problems.

Elimination of provoking factors

If cracks appear around the nail on one or more fingers, you should think about why they appeared. This may be the result of prolonged exposure of hands to water, skin contact with a variety of detergents and disinfectants, as well as unfavorable environmental conditions.

To prevent this, all actions with water should be carried out only with special rubber gloves. They will reliably protect the skin of your hands from excessive moisture and prevent the aggressive effects of chemicals that are used for washing dishes, floors, walls and cleaning premises.

If cracks appear in the cold season, their occurrence may be due to unfavorable weather conditions. In this case, you need to go outside only wearing warm gloves, and do not expose your hands to the piercing wind and frost. Regularly use cosmetics to moisturize, nourish and protect the epidermis.

The problem can also be caused by improper skin care. The wrong choice of creams that are not suitable for your skin type can further dry out the epidermis, causing it to crack. In this case, you just need to change your cosmetics, and everything will get better very quickly.

Treatment of shallow cracks

A superficial crack on a finger is easy to treat. You can use regular moisturizing creams for this. The main thing is that they contain chamomile, celandine and lanolin. Good results provide special wound healing agents - Boroplus, Panthenol, etc. They promote rapid regeneration and restoration of the integrity of the skin.

Instead of cream, you can use vegetable oils. Chamomile, castor and peach oil have wound healing properties. You need to rub them into your hands several times a day and always at night. They effectively moisturize the skin, nourish it and promote recovery.

Regardless of what reason led to the crack, excellent results can be achieved with the help of fatty masks. The easiest way to use fish oil for this purpose. It needs to be rubbed not only into the skin of the hands, but also into the nails closest to the cracks 2-3 times a day. The only drawback of the method is that after applying fat to the skin, you cannot wash your hands for the next 2-3 hours. This is necessary so that all the beneficial substances are absorbed into the epidermis and have time to exert their healing effects.

You can perfectly moisturize dry skin and prevent cracks near your nails using cosmetic paraffin. This product has unique properties retain heat for a long time and create a greenhouse effect under the film. As a result, the release of moisture from the epidermis increases, but it does not evaporate, but effectively moisturizes the skin. The procedure can be done at home; to do this, melt a block of paraffin in a water bath and dip the sore finger or entire hand into the liquid for 1-2 minutes. This action must be repeated several times until a dense film of paraffin 0.5 cm thick is formed. After 15-20 minutes, the “glove” must be removed and the skin treated with cream. It is important to adhere to the required temperature regime (about 45 C), since exceeding the recommended parameters can cause a burn to the dermis, further aggravating the problem.

Ointments for cracks

If you deal with cracks using ordinary cosmetics If it doesn’t work out, you can use traditional methods of treatment.

Ointments made from natural ingredients with healing properties have a good effect on the skin of the hands:

  1. Natural wax, nutria lard and oleoresin resin have miraculous properties. Mix all ingredients in equal proportions and melt over low heat. Rub into the skin of your hands 2-3 times a day.
  2. Combination 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 50 ml linseed oil, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 yolk has a moisturizing, softening and regenerative effect on the epidermis. Mix all components in any container and apply the ointment to problem areas several times a day. The product is prepared for 1 day, so it must be completely used within a day.
  3. An ointment made from butter (50 g), honey (1 tsp) and a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, plantain, 1 tsp each) has an anti-inflammatory and softening effect on the epidermis.
  4. An old recipe for a healing ointment includes the use of goose fat (2 parts) with soapwort root (1 part).
  5. An ointment based on an infusion of medicinal herbs from chamomile, plantain, calendula and string. You need to mix 50 g of butter, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. l. infusion of herbs and lubricate the cracks near the fingers several times a day.

It should be remembered that ointment prepared from natural ingredients cannot be stored for a long time, but only for a few days and only in a dark container in the refrigerator. The exception is ointment based on goose fat. Any product is applied in a thin layer, and to increase the therapeutic effect of the components, the sore finger can be wrapped with a cloth on top.

Anti-crack masks

Treating cracks with hand oil will help ensure active hydration and softening of the epidermis, as well as rapid healing of damage near the nail. There are many recipes for masks, among which everyone can choose something to their liking.

The simplest remedy is honey and olive or sea buckthorn oil. To prepare, you need to mix the necessary components in a ratio of 1:3. Apply the mixture to the problem area, put on cotton gloves on top to prevent it from smearing, and leave overnight.

An easy to prepare mask using grated raw potatoes and milk. Mix the components in any quantity. Apply the composition to your hands and put on gloves on top. After 2-3 hours, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

Regular use of masks for cracks on the hands near the nails will help the wounds heal quickly and prevent their occurrence in the future.

Therapeutic baths for cracks

Treatment of cracked hands at home necessarily includes the use of baths. They are prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs and other components. The principle of their action is to provide a double effect. They not only successfully soften the skin, but also promote rapid wound healing and epidermal regeneration. After completing the procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream to your hands.

Bath based on linden blossom (2 parts), chamomile (1 part) and sage (1 part). Prepare a decoction from a mixture of medicinal herbs, in which you need to place your hand as soon as the solution has cooled a little. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.

A bath of starch will soften cracks well - pour 1 tsp. powder 500 ml of hot water and hold your hands in it for 10-15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out every other day.

A bath based on flax seed and chamomile will make the skin soft, tender, and also effectively moisturize it. First, you should prepare a decoction of flax seeds - add 100 g to 500 ml of water and mix with chamomile decoction, which is prepared in the same way. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, the course of treatment is at least 10 baths. It is advisable to do them not daily, but every 1-2 days.

A decoction of nettle and calendula, prepared in a 2:1 ratio, promotes the healing of cracks. For achievement positive result You need to keep your hands in the bath for at least 20 minutes.

Compresses for cracked fingers

Treatment with compresses is carried out in parallel with the use of other methods. The most popular product is made from potatoes and milk. To do this, crush 2 boiled potatoes with 2 tbsp. l. milk. Apply the composition to the cracks, wrap it in a plastic bag and wrap it. You can remove the mixture after 20-30 minutes.

Regular use of an oil compress will help get rid of cracking skin near the nails. Before using the compress, the epidermis must be steamed well. To do this, you can use a warm bath in which you should soak your hands for 5-10 minutes. After the skin is completely dry, preheated vegetable oil should be rubbed into problem areas. Put cotton gloves on top of your hands. It is best to do this procedure at night.

Drug treatment

If ineffective traditional methods, a doctor should treat cracks on your hands. After all, most likely, in this case, the cause of the problem is a malfunction internal organs and systems.

If a vitamin deficiency is established, a balanced and nutritious diet should be developed that can fully satisfy all the body’s needs. Sometimes it is advisable to take multivitamin preparations.

For fungal diseases of the skin and nails, if psoriasis or dermatitis is diagnosed, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. And if the cause of cracks is steel diabetes or hypothyroidism - an endocrinologist.

It should be remembered that the appearance of cracks on the hands near the nails should not be left to chance. Indeed, in the absence of appropriate treatment, surface cracks will very quickly turn into deep and painful wounds, which will be much more difficult to cope with, especially if they are accompanied by a bacterial infection.

The basis beautiful manicure– this is not only the ideal shape of nails and original nail art, but also well-groomed and healthy skin of the hands. But our hands are exposed to a variety of negative factors every day, and therefore the condition of the skin can rapidly deteriorate even with proper care. Very often the skin on the fingers near the nails cracks; the phenomenon causes significant discomfort and is difficult to eliminate.


This phenomenon can have a variety of reasons, both external and internal. Keeping your hands in water for a long time can become a catalyst for cracks, which are very difficult to get rid of. In addition, exposing your hands to temperature changes and contact with detergents often causes cracking and peeling of the skin. If cracking is caused by such reasons, then getting rid of it is very simple - you just need to stop exposure to the negative factor and over time the cracks will disappear. Of course, this is only true for unused cases.

The situation is more complicated if the skin under the nails bursts under the influence of certain internal factors. Most often, in this case, long-term complex treatment is required. In addition, it is in this case that the defeat can be especially severe. The following diseases may cause peeling and cracking of the skin:

  1. Fungus;
  2. Eczema;
  3. Some forms of psoriasis;
  4. Avitaminosis;
  5. Thyroid diseases;
  6. Diabetes;
  7. Hormonal imbalance, imbalance.

If the cracks are caused by internal changes, then they can be localized not only around the nails, but also between the fingers and on the palm. These lesions are very painful and may bleed and become inflamed. If the problem is caused by an external factor, then most likely there will not be such a serious damage.

In cases where the cause of the phenomenon is diseases of the internal organs, it is quite difficult to eliminate the problem with the help of cosmetic procedures. In this case, you should consult a doctor and begin systemic treatment of the disease. However cosmetic procedures can reduce the severity of inflammation and relieve discomfort. But they are most effective when treating lesions caused by external factors.


Peeling skin

Preventing cracks from occurring involves taking good care of your hands. It is necessary to use high-quality creams or folk remedies that are suitable specifically for your skin type. This will help to regularly moisturize the skin and to some extent protect it from negative external influences. In addition, it is important to regularly moisturize the cuticle area with special oils, since cracks often occur in this area.

Preventing external influences on the hands is also a must, even if the skin under the nails is cracking due to any disease. Wear protective rubber gloves when washing and cleaning. During the cold season, wear mittens and do not expose your hands to the wind. After being in a dry environment (for example, a tanning salon), moisturize your hands additionally. After each hand wash, also lubricate your hands with cream or lotion.

Periodically rinsing your hands with decoctions has a good effect. If possible, it is better to replace water with such decoctions when washing. They can be prepared from chamomile, linden or other herbs that have a calming and wound-healing effect.

An important component of prevention is proper nutrition and a balanced diet. Most often, the skin near the fingernails cracks due to a lack of vitamins B5, A and E. To compensate for their deficiency, you should eat sunflower and butter, cereals, chicken and pork liver, some types of cod fish, and egg yolk. You can also purchase Aevit vitamins, which you can take orally or apply a solution of them directly to your fingertips.


Cracks and peeling skin

You should start treating cracks by replacing your usual cosmetic creams with universal pharmaceutical preparations with a good healing effect. These could be Boroplus, Panthenol, F-99, etc. creams. They will promote easier and faster healing and stop the progression of the lesion. In this case, treatment will be most effective.

You can also periodically rub vegetable oils into the skin with a healing effect. These are chamomile, peach and castor. This should be done as often as possible. You can also make compresses with these oils at night. Soak cotton pads in oil, wrap your fingers in them, and put on cotton gloves. Remove the compress in the morning and rinse your hands.

Fat masks are generally quite effective, regardless of why the skin under the fingernails is cracking. You can also use simple fish oil. It can be used in many different ways - you can rub it into your nails several times a day, make a mask or compress. It is important to choose a time so that you can avoid washing your hands for at least 2–3 hours after the procedure.

Paraffin is also an excellent remedy. Cosmetic (manicure) paraffin must be melted in a water bath. Lubricate healthy skin of your hands with oil protective cream and immerse your fingertips in paraffin for 15 minutes. After this time, do not rinse your hands and wrap them in cling film. Wrap your hands in a towel or put on mittens and leave the compress until the paraffin has cooled completely, then remove the frozen mass. It is enough to do this procedure twice a week.

Even if the skin on the fingers near the nails bursts due to chronic diseases, a mask of honey and glycerin will still be quite effective and can significantly improve the condition of the skin. Mix glycerin, water and honey in proportions of 1 to 1 to 0.5, respectively, and add a little flour to thicken the mass. Apply the composition to your fingers for 20 minutes and rinse.

In the absence of glycerin, you can make a similar mask by mixing 1 to 1 honey, flour and any vegetable oil. Apply this mixture to your fingers and put on gloves on top. Leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning.

If the damage is severe, the wounds bleed and cause pain and discomfort, you can use mumiyo. Dissolve several tablets of this product in warm water and dip your fingers in it, hold until the liquid cools completely. After this, do not dry your hands, but let them dry naturally.

The skin of our hands is most often exposed to negative factors - this includes constant contact with water, pollution, and household chemicals.

To this list it is necessary to add vitamin deficiencies and various diseases, against the background of which the skin of the hands becomes very dry and begins to crack. When the skin on the fingers cracks, it not only causes pain and does not look beautiful, but also causes some discomfort, because we do everything in this life with the help of our fingers.

To treat cracked skin, you need to know the reason why this symptom appeared, for which it is recommended to visit a dermatologist. To prevent cracking of the skin on your hands, you need regular care and protection.

Causes of cracks in fingers

If you have cracks in your fingers, there are actually a lot of reasons, ranging from exposure to external factors to deeper internal problems.

The main mechanism for the formation of cracks is dehydration of the surface layer of the skin, which leads to loss of elasticity of the epidermis and dermis and, as a result, the formation of cracks at the slightest external influence. The main external causes of dehydration of the skin on the hands and the appearance of cracks on the fingertips, on the bends of the fingers, on the palms are:

  1. Skin on fingers near nails sensitive to any temperature changes, there is a particularly sensitive type of skin that cannot tolerate any cooling, especially frosty air. Your hands may not only become covered with cracks, but the reaction appears almost instantly, with symptoms more similar to an allergic reaction. If measures are not taken within two days, the cracks deepen, turning into painful wounds. And this stage is much more difficult to treat.
  2. Insufficient hand care. Under the influence of low and high temperatures, wind, the skin of the hands can dry out and crack if it is not properly supplied with nutrients.
  3. Household chemicals . When using cleaning, laundry and dishwashing products, be sure to wear gloves. Household chemicals contain many aggressive substances that cause severe dry hands or allergies.
  4. Mechanical effect on the skin in combination with other unfavorable factors can also lead to the formation of cracks. A striking example is “gardener’s hands” - rough, dry, cracked skin that occurs in people who work a lot in the land and water, especially in spring and autumn.

The situation is more complicated if the skin under the nails bursts under the influence of certain internal factors. Most often, in this case, long-term complex treatment is required. In addition, it is in this case that the defeat can be especially severe. The following conditions can cause peeling and cracking of the skin:

  1. Non-infectious skin diseases(which usually begins on the face or on, as well as) are characterized by the appearance of cracks on the hands, primarily between the fingers.
  2. Infectious skin diseases of various etiologies can lead to the formation of cracks in the skin. These can be fungal and pyococcal infections.
  3. Deficiency of vitamins A, E and B7, as well as magnesium and Omega 3 lead to the development of dry skin, prone to roughness and cracking. Usually the condition is aggravated by climatic factors and the use of alkaline soap.
  4. Diseases of internal organs, including the endocrine system (hypothyroidism), gastrointestinal tract (duodenitis), neurological diseases (depression, neurosis), often have dry, cracked skin as a complex of symptoms.
  5. can lead to the formation of rashes, allergies, dry skin and, as a result, cracks and erosions.

If the cracks are caused by internal changes, then they can be localized not only around the nails, but also between the fingers and on the palm.

What to do if deep cracks appear on your fingers?

For deep painful cracks, if you follow the following recommendations, you will feel relief within 1-2 weeks:

  1. If a crack occurs, you can “seal” it with special medical terminals BF 6. This is completely safe and effective. On clean, dry hands, apply a few drops to the damaged area and wait a few minutes until it hardens. Cracks will heal faster if the edges of the injury are fixed in this way.
  2. No other treatment should be performed within 5-7 days.
  3. After a week, you can use moisturizing and nourishing creams.

If your fingers are severely cracked, it is, of course, better to immediately go to a skin specialist. It may be necessary to scrape the fingers to check for mycosis and conduct a culture for mycelium in the laboratory. Then the treatment of cracks will be more effective.

Cracks on fingers: photo

We have selected detailed photos from which you can determine what cracks on your fingers look like, especially near the nails.

How to treat cracked fingers

First of all, when cracks appear on the fingers, treatment is prescribed based on the cause of their occurrence. However, in addition to direct therapy with healing ointments and tablets, harmful factors that stimulate damage to the epidermis should be avoided, otherwise the situation will only worsen.

Because the root of the problem is increased dryness hand skin, then the key focus of treatment should be intensive hydration and saturation of the body with essential vitamins and microelements.

The main treatments for cracked hands are:

  • ointments;
  • compresses;
  • baths;
  • wraps.

Shallow cracks can be easily healed with regular hand creams containing chamomile, celandine or lanolin. Creams such as “Spermaceti,” “Silicone,” “Dachny,” and “Pantoderm” are effective in such cases. It is recommended to lubricate your hands with them after each wash. More potent agents are pharmaceutical ointments with wound-healing components. These include Vishnevsky ointment, Ichthyol ointment, and “Rescuer” balm.

If the cause of cracks is vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to reconsider the diet, enriching it with foods that contain many vitamins A and E.


Recipes for ointments for cracked fingers for quick treatment at home:

  1. Take raw egg yolk, add a few drops olive oil and 2 teaspoons cottage cheese– mix everything well. Apply the resulting mixture to your hands and wash off after 15 minutes.
  2. Natural wax, nutria fat and oleoresin resin must be mixed in equal proportions. Stirring constantly over low heat, bring the mixture to a homogeneous mass.
  3. Lemon, yolk and honey. Take a tablespoon of lemon juice, an yolk, a quarter glass of flaxseed oil and two tablespoons of honey, preferably a little sugared. Mix all the ingredients in a glass and lubricate your hands and cracks throughout the day, so that by evening you use up the entire mixture. If you took candied honey, you can rub the mixture on your hands a little to remove dead skin particles.
  4. Natural butter (50 g) should be ground with honey (1 teaspoon), adding 1 tbsp to the mixture. a spoonful of chamomile, calendula and plantain decoction.
  5. Goose fat must be mixed with crushed soapwort root in a ratio of 2:1.
  6. Healing herbs. Take equal proportions of chamomile, plantain, calendula and string herbs. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for 8 hours. Grind 50 g of butter with a teaspoon of honey, add a tablespoon of herbal infusion and mix everything thoroughly. Apply the resulting ointment to sore spots on your hands.

All these ointments can be stored for a short period of time, literally a few days, so there is no point in preparing large quantities for future use. They need to be stored in opaque containers in the refrigerator. They are applied, like creams, in a thin layer. After application, you can wear special gloves - this will enhance the effect.

Therapeutic baths

Very useful in the treatment of cracks are medicinal hand baths prepared according to folk recipes. They have a double effect - soften the skin of the hands and heal cracks and wounds.

  1. To prepare the bath you need: o olive oil, 2 capsules of vitamin A and E and a few drops of lemon juice. Heat the olive oil slightly, then add the lemon juice and the contents of the vitamin capsules - mix everything well. Dip your hands into the prepared mixture for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, just dry your hands with a paper towel.
  2. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of honey to liquid oatmeal cooked in milk. Immerse your hands in the mixture for 10 minutes. Then wash them herbal decoction and lubricate with cream.
  3. Tea tree oil is a good anti-inflammatory and regeneration accelerating agent. This oil can be added to hand baths (10 drops essential oil per glass of warm water).

It is advisable to do all baths before bedtime. They should be warm; 10-15 minutes is sufficient time to carry out this procedure. After the bath, pat your hands dry with a dry cloth and apply the selected cream.

Masks and compresses

In addition to baths and ointments, you can treat cracks on the fingers near the nails with special compresses or masks. You can alternate them with other methods of therapy.

  1. Gives good results milk and potato compress. To prepare it, you need to boil two potatoes, crush them and pour two tablespoons of milk. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, apply it to your hands and wrap them in cellophane. After removing the compress after 20 minutes, you need to rinse your hands and apply cream to them.
  2. Soak rye bread in heated milk and apply it to the skin, wrap your hands in polyethylene, after half an hour, remove the compress and rinse the skin with warm water or milk.
  3. To carry out this treatment, take the yolk of a raw egg, add a few drops of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese - mix everything well. Apply the resulting mixture to your hands and wash off after 15 minutes.
  4. Thanks to the components contained in honey, a honey compress also helps when your fingers are cracked. It’s not difficult to make: grind the yolk with three tablespoons of honey and add 60-70 grams of olive oil. The resulting mixture is lubricated on the fingers and hands and wrapped in polyethylene. After 20 minutes, remove and rinse your hands with warm water.

If all methods of treating cracks at home do not give the desired effect, you should contact a dermatologist to determine the exact cause of their appearance and select a comprehensive treatment regimen.


The appearance of cracks on the hands, especially near the nails, can be quite easily prevented if you try to follow some basic rules of routine prevention.

First of all, it is important to wash your hands with soft (or pre-softened) water and only mild soap. The skin of the hand must be wiped dry, without leaving moisture between the fingers, where cracks most often appear. After each wash, it is better to lubricate the skin with a protective cream.

You should not use household chemicals without special gloves, as their composition is extremely aggressive towards the delicate skin of your hands. Because the skin of the hands does not like low temperatures, they must be kept warm at all times.

The appearance of painful cracks in the skin of the fingers is sometimes difficult to explain due to the lack of visible reasons. Their unattractive appearance is only half the story. Slowly healing and constantly bleeding wounds make it difficult to perform self made, cause discomfort and interfere with normal human functioning. To prevent the problem, it is important to know about possible reasons its occurrence, as well as current methods of treating cracks in the fingers, which will get rid of them in the shortest possible time and help avoid serious complications.

Human skin serves as an excellent indicator indicating the state of health of the body. As soon as any malfunctions appear in its work, the epidermis is the first to react to them by sending signals. Cracks that form on the skin of the fingers can signal the development of certain diseases.

Diabetes. A systematic increase in blood sugar levels instantly affects the condition of the skin of the hands. Dryness appears, and as a result, cracks, ulcers, abscesses and gouty nodules.

Dermatological diseases. These include infantile dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

Avitaminosis. If there is a lack of vitamins in the body, the skin (particularly on the hands and face) begins to peel, becomes dry, and may crack.

Endocrine diseases. Malfunctions of the endocrine system can disrupt the skin metabolism process.

Unfavorable external factors such as:

  • frequent skin contact with very cold or chlorinated water;
  • exposure to household chemicals and other aggressive substances;
  • cosmetics of questionable quality or expired;
  • climatic conditions (frost, cold, wind, arid climate, temperature changes);
  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Main places of crack formation

Cracks and wounds are localized on the bends of the fingers, in the folds of the palm and on the outside above the joints, on the pads of the fingers, near the nails (nail fold area), at the base of the phalanges of the fingers, and also between them.

The most vulnerable areas are the bends of the fingers. The slightest movement of the brush causes the skin in these places to stretch, and if it is very dry and tight, rupture may occur. The healing period for cracks in these places is quite long.

Calluses often form on the fingertips, which are replaced by cracks. Non-healing damage in this area is characteristic of an inflammatory disease such as eczema. Cracks between the toes are the first signs of palmoplantar psoriasis. And their appearance under the nails is most often associated with vitamin deficiency, eczema and the development of fungal diseases.

Drug treatment

Proper treatment for any disease guarantees a quick recovery. Therefore, before you begin to eliminate this or that problem, you should first find out exact reasons, which provoked this phenomenon. So, if you find cracks in the skin of your hands, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. The specialist prescribes, first of all, scraping the fingers to check the presence or absence of mycosis or mycelium. If the result is positive, antifungal therapy is prescribed.

You can get rid of shallow cracks using cosmetic creams and balms, which contain components with softening, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory properties and extracts of medicinal plants. For example, Green Pharmacy cream (with chamomile extract), Bioderma, Boro Plus (pink and green), Rylana, as well as silicone, spermaceti and lanolin creams. Among the balms we can highlight “Rescuer” and “Keeper”.

In case of complications, pharmaceutical ointments with a wound-healing effect are needed: ichthyol, calendula ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, Dexapanthenol. Pronounced deep cracks on the fingers can be healed faster with the help of medical glue “Sulfacrylate” and BF-6.

All medications must be prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination. Treatment of severe cases involves the prescription of drugs with a more powerful and broad spectrum of action.

Antiseptics (Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin). Usually used in combination with wound healing agents and to prevent infection.

Antibacterial drugs. Use only in the presence of a bacterial infection.

Drugs to stimulate metabolism in tissues - Methyluracil, Actovegin, Radevit. It is not recommended to use on your own.

Corticosteroid ointments for the treatment of diseases such as dermatitis, eczema - Flucinar, Prednisolone ointment, Fluorocort, Celestoderm. For psoriasis, emulsions based on active substances are prescribed: aloe, tar, solid oil, amium.

Treatment with folk remedies

The influence of external irritants that contribute to the appearance of cracks can be, if not avoided, then reduced by following simple daily rules.

Use rubber gloves when your hands come into contact with household chemicals.

  • Wash your hands with baby soap.
  • Moisturize your hands daily to reduce the risk of cracking.
  • If shallow cracks on the fingers still sometimes occur, they can be cured with folk remedies, prepared at home.

Potato broth. 1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of potato starch with 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and add 500 ml of water in which the potatoes were boiled. Place your hands in the broth for 13-15 minutes. Then wash and dry with a towel.

Milk-glycerin solution. Mix 200 ml of water with the same amount of milk, add 5-6 drops of glycerin and 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons of corn starch. Keep your hands in the solution for 7-10 minutes.

Cedar oil. Moisten a linen cloth measuring 30x30 cm in preheated cedar oil and wrap your hands in it. Unwrap after 30 minutes.

Cucumber compress. 1 fresh cucumber, peel and grate on a fine grater. Apply the paste to cracks or damaged areas.

Deep and constantly forming cracks on the fingers that cannot be treated with simple remedies must be shown to a specialist. Such skin lesions may be the result of an infection or fungus and therefore require special treatment. You should not self-medicate. It may not only be ineffective, but also cause serious complications and harm to health.

True, a familiar problem - suddenly cracks appeared on the fingers near the nail? This is an unpleasant thing: it’s both ugly and painful! Even simple household chores cause discomfort, and if work involves manual labor? Why cracks appear on the fingers near the nails - the causes and treatment of this problem are described in our article.

Our hands are constantly exposed to all sorts of aggressive external influences. Cracks on the fingers near the nails do not threaten only white-handed people. And that’s not a fact! Even idle hands can crack if something is wrong with your health. So, painful cracks appear:

  • when exposed to external factors;
  • as a result of the influence of internal reasons.

External effects on the skin

Let's consider external factors that can cause cracks to appear near the fingernails:

1. If you occasionally take care of your hands using cosmetics that are not entirely suitable for you.

2. Frequently and for a long time tinker with water of increased hardness.

3. You use household chemicals without wearing protective gloves, which can cause cracks on your fingers near the nail.

4. Hands suffer from temperature changes. Be especially careful about hypothermia.

5. Do not protect your hands when performing gardening, gardening, field, and construction work.

If you eliminate these risks and pay attention to skin care, problems can be avoided.

Internal causes of cracks

Cracks appear on the fingers near the nails - the reasons lie inside the body. This may occur as a result of:

1. Psoriasis or eczema.

2. Fungal infections.

3. Thyroid diseases, diabetes.

4. Hormonal imbalances.

5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Neurological problems (neuroses, stressful conditions, depression).

7. Vitamin deficiency: lack of vitamins A, E, D.

REFERENCE: If you are concerned about cracks on the fingers near the nails, treatment should be started in a timely manner. If external factors are excluded and the remedies used do not help, consult a doctor. Correctly diagnosing the cause of cracks in the skin and prescribing appropriate medications and procedures will help to effectively cope with the problem.

What and how to treat cracks on hands?

What to give preference - pharmaceutical drugs or folk recipes? What is the best way to treat cracks on the fingers near the nails?

Healing results are achieved using:

  • lotions;
  • compresses;
  • baths;
  • ointments;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • proper nutrition.

We use medical glue

Cracks on the fingers near the nail can be treated with special glue BF-6; it has an antibacterial effect on the wound. Drop a little glue (a couple of drops) onto the crack and wait until it hardens. Skin damage will be reliably protected.

There is also such a drug as “Super-Glu”. With the help of this glue, skin cracks are quickly tightened and healed.

Choosing pharmaceutical drugs

How to treat cracks on the fingers near the nails? Doctors recommend the use of ointments Panthenol, Pantoderm, Eplan, Radevit, F-99, Boroplus, Bepanten, ointments based on sea buckthorn or calendula, and Rescue balm.

Of the time-tested, potent drugs, we note ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment. Streptocyte ointment and Levomekol, which are well known to many, have an antibacterial effect. Lanovit cream treats cracks that bleed.

Ask your pharmacy for castor or chamomile oil, they are good for night compresses. And tea tree oil has an excellent bactericidal effect.

We trust traditional medicine

Traditional healers know a lot of remedies that treat cracks near the nails of the fingers:

– For one part glycerin, take one part water and 1/2 part honey. The ingredients are mixed, flour is added until the mixture becomes thick. The mask is applied to the cracks for half an hour. Then wash off with warm water.

– For a healing compress, take one boiled potato, mash it and add one tablespoon of milk. Lubricate the cracks with this mixture, wrapping them in a plastic bag on top. After half an hour, wash off the mixture and moisturize your hands with cream.

– The composition of the ointment is made from medicinal herbs includes string, chamomile, plantain, calendula. Take half a tablespoon of each plant, pour half a glass of boiling water into the mixture and leave for 7-9 hours. Half a spoon (tablespoon) of this decoction should be mixed with the same amount of honey and butter. The ointment for cracks is ready.

IMPORTANTABOUT: Cracks in the skin of the fingers near the nails may be the result of a fungal infection. A dermatologist will select a comprehensive treatment regimen suitable for each patient. If wounds on the fingers arise due to allergic reactions, you should contact a specialist in the appropriate field - an allergist. In addition to local medications, he will prescribe suitable antihistamines.

Cracks in fingernails: causes andprevention

Our hands are so vulnerable that not only can they crack skin. This picture will scare anyone - for some reason a crack suddenly appeared on the fingernail. It can be longitudinal or transverse.

Reasons for its appearance:

  • improper care - unprofessional manicure, use of varnishes of dubious quality;
  • careless mechanical impact on the nail plate, which has a layered composition;
  • the harmful effects of chemicals (varnishes, glue, household chemicals, paints) with constant contact with them;
  • mycoses - fungal infections of the nails;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • consequences of psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema;
  • diabetes;
  • liver and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency as a result of poor nutrition.

A longitudinal crack in the nail can appear as a result of a disease such as onychorrhexis. It occurs when degenerative processes occur in the body, metabolism is disrupted, and the nails do not receive sufficient nutrition.

The crack should be sealed so that it does not grow, and the doctor will prescribe treatment that will restore adequate nutrition to the nail plates.

ATTENTION: If you doubt whether you have correctly identified the reason why cracks appeared on your fingernails, consult a doctor. Perhaps it is not only a matter of improper care, but also health problems. In this case, self-medication will not give results.

Prevention of cracks in nail plates

ABOUT simple rules Prevention should not be forgotten:

  • Even in one family, each member should have their own manicure supplies. Or at least don’t be lazy to disinfect scissors and files before using them;
  • always wear gloves when you have to work in the garden, house cleaning, contact with chemicals, repair and construction work;
  • use baby soap, use decoctions of string, oak bark, chamomile, and linden to rinse your hands;
  • After washing your hands, do not forget to moisturize them with cream;
  • take baths with sea salt;
  • treat your nails with a swab dipped in vegetable oil;
  • Watch your diet and include foods rich in minerals and vitamins in your diet.

With the help of all sorts of modern manicure tricks, even a crack on the nail thumb hands will be skillfully disguised. But if the cause of the cracks is not eliminated, the problem will remain.