Supplement to women's pension for 2 adults. Is it true that women with two or more children can apply to the Pension Fund to recalculate their pension in order to receive an increase? Document submission options

In July 2017, regional branches of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR) began to provide information in open sources (meaning numerous publications in the media and on the official website of the PFR) long-awaited clarifications regarding the excitement that has developed since the beginning of this year in many regions of the country around the so-called “Increases in pensions for children of pensioners”.

According to previously circulated rumors, retired women, by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of Russia, can receive supplement to pension for children born before 1990(or generally in Soviet times until 1991 - including for adult children born before 1980), the amount of which for each child can reach up to several hundred rubles(Accordingly, the more children a pensioner mother has, the larger the supplement will be).

Many women who independently addressed this issue to Pension Fund, already really got it a permanent supplement to the pension for children in 2017, which caused unprecedented excitement among other pensioners. This led to the formation of huge queues at the Pension Fund client services and forced their employees to provide detailed explanations.

What payments are pensioners entitled to for children?

Let us immediately note that we are not talking about some kind of independent payment! An increase in pension for children is obtained as a result of recalculation due to the fact that according to the new law, from January 1, 2015, the calculation rules changed labor pension(assigned as for old age upon reaching retirement age, and for disability), and now its size, in addition to periods of work, is also influenced "non-insurance periods"- in particular, one of the parents (usually the mother) cares for each child until he reaches 1.5 years of age (Article 12 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013).

To avoid any additional misconceptions in the future, you can immediately highlight for yourself the most important points regarding receiving this increase:

  1. For those pensioners who retired after January 1, 2015, no need to apply for recalculation, since the most profitable option has already been calculated and assigned for payment. Recalculation is due only if the woman has non-insurance periods that are not taken into account when a pension is assigned before January 1, 2015 or accounted for according to the old rules, for which they are now charged pension points according to the new law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.
  2. Deadline for submitting an application for recalculation of pensions for women for children not limited in time- in other words, you can apply at any time, not only by personally contacting your branch of the Pension Fund, but also:

    • through multifunctional MFC centers- this opportunity is already available in most regions or will be available in the near future;
    • submitting an application remotely- via the Internet through a single portal of government services or by mail.
  3. Obtained as a result of recalculation pension supplement for children is individual and is not guaranteed for all pensioners, since replacing work experience with a period of child care will not always be beneficial.

    According to statistics, only in 20-30% of cases amount paid pension provision may be increased, and the amount of the increase can range from several rubles to several hundred or, in some cases, may even exceed a thousand rubles.

  4. If the recalculation turns out to be “with a minus sign”, then the current pension amount will not decrease(since the deterioration of pension provision is not allowed by current law), and the employees of the Pension Fund will make a decision on refusal.

Who is entitled to an additional payment to the pension for children?

Let us immediately note that The year of birth of children has no determining significance- they can be born before 1990, and at any time after this period.

The misconception that an additional payment is due only for children born before 1990 (1991) arose due to the fact that the new procedure for accounting for pension rights introduced in 2015 gives a significant increase in pensions for adult children to those pensioners who have predominantly “ Soviet" experience, which now has little effect on the size of the pension and which can be taken into account on more favorable terms for the pensioner in the form of pension points. It is recommended that they carry out such recalculation first. As a rule, the overwhelming majority of such mothers retired before January 1, 2015 (and they may already be at a very advanced age - they may be 70, 80 years old, or even older).

However, this is by no means does not mean that in the event of the birth of children after the collapse of the USSR, the woman will automatically lose the right to such a recalculation! Just, as a rule, it may not be beneficial for them for some other reason (for example, if seniority women formed mainly after the beginning of the 1990s under newer Russian pension laws).

It is necessary to understand that periods of child care in themselves do not imply an automatic increase in the pension, since often the periods of work already taken into account when assigning it make a higher contribution to the amount of the payment than replacing them with 1.5 years of care for each of the children. In practice, there are a large number of special cases in which it may or may not be profitable to make such a recalculation (see table).

In what cases can recalculation be beneficial? When is recalculation most likely not going to give any increase?
  • If a woman gave birth to 2 or more children and cared for them until they were 1.5 years old
  • If there were several children in one pregnancy (for example, twins or triplets were born)
  • If during the period of childcare the mother was not employed (for example, she was studying or simply was not in an official labor relationship)
  • If she retired with minimal work experience
  • If the mother’s pension was set based on low earnings (below the national average)
  • If, taking into account all the circumstances presented above, a woman’s pension is paid in an amount close to the subsistence minimum (now this is the minimum pension)
  • If the pensioner has an only child
  • If she has a long work history, including giving birth to children
  • If the pension was initially calculated from a high salary (however, a salary exceeding the national average by 20% was not taken into account when assigning a pension until 2002 - i.e. the earnings ratio for this period in most cases does not exceed 1.2, but this is usually sufficient so that recalculation of the pension for children based on “non-insurance” points does not give any gain in comparison with the previously assigned option)

Thus, first of all, pensioners with 2 or more children who had low earnings and (or) low work experience can count on receiving a bonus for children as a result of recalculation of pensions.

Recalculation is contraindicated pensioners whose pension was assigned to preferential terms. Recipients early pensions who have not reached retirement age, as a result of replacing the working period with “non-insurance” 1.5 years of child care are lost preferential length of service, what can lead to loss of the right to early retirement.

How many points are given for each child when recalculating?

Since 2015, the main indicator influencing the size of the pension paid is the number of so-called “pension points”(in fact, according to the law it is called "individual pension coefficient"- IPK), registered in the Pension Fund of Russia on the individual personal account of the pensioner. This parameter reflects not in rubles, as was done before, but in relative units the amount of a citizen’s pension rights to an insurance (labor) pension.

Pension points on a personal account are formed in two main ways:

  • paid by the employer mandatory insurance contributions(in 2019 they make up 22% of the employee’s wage fund, of which 6% goes to the formation fixed payment, and 16% are taken into account on an individual personal account in the form of pension points);
  • by taking into account in points the so-called “non-insurance periods” of carrying out socially significant activities, when the future pensioner does not work and contributions for him are not deducted, but pension rights are formed at the expense of the state (full list such periods are listed in Art. 12 of the Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ - this is, in particular, the transit time military service by conscription for men, carried out by one of the parents care for each child up to 1.5 years and etc.)

If, as a result of the calculations carried out the increase will be negative, then it will not be profitable for the pensioner to make such a replacement, and the Pension Fund employees will refuse to formalize the recalculation (that is, the amount of the pension in any case it will not decrease).

What documents are needed for recalculation?

Only those pensioners (one of the parents who cared for a child under 1.5 years old) who was appointed until 2015. Recipients of old-age or disability insurance pensions can do this. Recalculation is made only at the request of a pensioner, which must be submitted to the branch of the Pension Fund that pays the pension (since it is there that the pensioner’s payment file is stored, on the basis of which the calculation will be made additional payment for children born).

Since we are talking about regular application recalculation of pension, a standard application is used for it, the form of which is approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2016 No. 14n (Appendix No. 2 to the Administrative Regulations of the Pension Fund on the provision of public services for establishing pensions).

Along with the completed application, it is mandatory to accept personal storage documents:

  • ID card of a pensioner (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • certificate of obligatory pension insurance(SNILS).

Also, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 23 laws “About insurance pensions” an application for recalculation is accepted subject to the provision by the pensioner documents necessary for its implementation.

First of all, the presence of non-insurance periods is confirmed on the basis of documents already in the pensioner’s payment file, as well as personalized accounting information available to Pension Fund employees. If information about the periods of child care until they reach 1.5 years is missing or is incomplete, then the applicant confirms its availability additional documents:

  • birth certificates of all children (if they are missing, you can order a child’s birth certificate from the civil registry office);
  • documents confirming that children have reached one and a half years of age - this can be any official document issued to the child by government authorities at a later age (child’s passport, certificate or diploma of education, military ID, etc.).

If the birth certificate contains a stamp indicating that the child received a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation after he reaches the age of 14, then Only a birth certificate will be enough with the appropriate mark!

How to apply for a supplement to the pension for children

Submit an application to your Pension Fund branch and Required documents To carry out recalculation, you can at any time convenient for the pensioner - application period is not limited. If a positive decision is made (if, as a result of recalculation, the pension amount changes upward), the pension will be assigned taking into account the increase only from the 1st of the next month. Additional payment to pensions for children for pensioners for the previous period (missed since the new law came into force on January 1, 2015) not produced.

You can submit an application for recalculation in one of the four provided ways.

According to the current legislation, for non-working persons of retirement age who have a dependent person of incapacity for work, an additional payment to the pension for children is assigned. Such bonuses are paid only until the child reaches the age of majority and for the period of his education, but until he reaches 23 years of age.

The amounts of such additional payments vary and depend on the specific circumstances that must be notified. local authorities PF. For example, for a pensioner raising a child who is studying full-time, an increase in his pension is established at a fixed level (this is just over 1,500 rubles). But, as soon as the student stops studying or reaches 23 years of age, such payments stop.

Types of additional payments in 2019

What changes affected pensioners in 2019? There are several programs introduced, all of them are divided into federal and local. The first group includes the following allowances:

  • to an insurance pension;
  • to social benefits received;
  • for athletes, military retirees.

The supplement to the pension for children in Russia applies to each existing child if he is a dependent, that is, is fully supported by an elderly person. This is financial assistance for those who have lost their parents, paid in the form of a fixed amount. It is calculated depending on the number of children:

  • for one child this is assistance in the form of 32% of the estimated amount already received pension payments;
  • the additional payment to the pension for two children is already 64%;
  • for three dependents, an additional payment is assigned in the amount of the full payment, that is, 100% of the already accrued pension.

List of documents required for registration of accruals

In order to receive an additional payment to the pension for a minor child, you must provide the following package of documentation to the pension services department:

  • application for additional payments (separately prepared for dependents under 18 years of age and at the age of 18-23 years);
  • birth certificate for each child being raised (pre-certified copies can be provided);
  • work book (a copy certified by a notary is suitable);
  • certificates from the Pension Fund stating that the person applying for an increase in accruals, his spouse, children do not receive any labor or social special pensions at the time of application;
  • a certificate from the tax office stating that the person is not registered as an individual entrepreneur (issued at the place of residence);
  • a certificate of family composition, where a note about a dependent child is required; if there is no such mark, any document confirming this fact must be provided;
  • For full-time students, it is necessary to provide a certificate of study, which indicates the dates of enrollment, the type of form of study, and the end date (expected).

If the bonus has already been assigned and now only its extension is required, four documents must be prepared and submitted to the Pension Fund authorities. This is a work book or a copy certified by a notary, and three certificates, including:

  • a certificate from the tax office (it shows that the pensioner is not an entrepreneur or is not engaged in any other type of labor activity at the time of submission of documentation);
  • a certificate showing that dependent persons are disabled;
  • certificate from the place of study (for those studying at universities, schools, vocational schools).

Additionally, they may require a certificate of no payment social assistance or special pension prescribed to the child. Every year it is also necessary to submit an extract from an open personal account for accruals (for insured persons).

All certificates provided must be dated no earlier than 1 month before submitting them to the relevant authorities. When preparing documents, certification of some of them ( work books, birth certificate) can be performed by employees of the Pension Fund departments during a personal reception or by employees of the Department of Internal Affairs (carried out at the place of residence).

Supplementation to women's pensions for children is made for upbringing and maintenance until the age of 23 (for students) or adulthood. Such amounts are calculated for each child, they are added to regular old-age pension payments, as well as preferential payments for disability and loss of a breadwinner. To obtain such additional assistance, you must visit the regional PF authorities, submit the appropriate application and package of documentation. If necessary, the allowances are extended, but it should be remembered that they are canceled in some situations (the end of education of the student, receiving additional income, for example, a pensioner starting his own business).


Is it true that women with two or more children can apply to the Pension Fund to recalculate their pension in order to receive an increase?

“Yes, they can receive a pension calculated taking into account pension coefficients for periods of childcare, - Olga Semina, Deputy Head of the Saransk Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, answers. - But the previously assigned pension will have to be abandoned, and an increase is not guaranteed. According to the federal law “On Insurance Pensions,” points for non-insurance periods may be taken into account when calculating their amounts. These include: military service, caring for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person who has reached 80 years of age, as well as caring for a child under the age of 1.5 years, but not more than 6 years in total. Starting from January 2015, our department automatically selects the most profitable option for calculating pensions: count them as work or calculate them in “non-insurance” points as care. Women who retired before 2015 do not have the right to recalculation by replacing the period of work with child care. They can only completely abandon their previous pension and apply for a new one, where the replacement option will be taken into account. In this case, the insurance period will be reduced, and you cannot return to the previous amount. We therefore draw your attention to the fact that you should seriously consider before giving up your current pension.

Our specialists do not suggest immediately writing a statement of refusal. Before making recommendations, they analyze the profitability of the new appointment. This requires a large number of operations. Due to the massive appeal on this issue, our specialists are conducting a large number of calculations. It takes a lot of time, but in the end it turns out that only 19 out of 100 women who applied received the right to an increase in pension. The amount of the increase is individual, it can be less than 10 rubles. Please note that our specialists do not refuse preliminary pension calculations to anyone, and if a person considers it necessary to contact us, please do so! Always ready to help. We recommend making an appointment in advance. Unfortunately, due to the huge flow of clients who contact us on this issue, appointments have already been booked for more than three months. Please treat this with understanding..."

Women who retired after December 31, 2014 do not need to contact the pension authorities. They have already chosen the most profitable option regarding child care. There is no point in making any calculations for women who are raising one child. Calculation based on “non-insurance” points for children is also unprofitable for those whose pensions are calculated based on a fairly high salary, not lower than the Russian average. Revision of pensions is also unprofitable for recipients of early pensions according to lists No. 1 and No. 2.

Having two children, even adults, imposes serious expenses on pensioners. It just so happens that in our country the older generation helps the young, and we should not forget about the emerging grandchildren. That is why the state provides that a woman who has two or more children can count on an increase in her pension, which will be calculated based on the so-called points that were awarded based on the fact of the birth or adoption of children. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about this possibility, and therefore cannot independently calculate the amount of the premium. In this article, we will get acquainted with the conditions for providing additional funds for pension payments, and also find out what amount to expect as an increase.

It is a misconception that an additional payment to a pension is provided only to a pensioner mother who has children born before 1991. In fact, if a woman has a child after the breakup Soviet Union, she is not deprived of the right to recalculation and additional payment.

However, simply for a number of reasons, such a recalculation may not be beneficial for the pensioner, since at this moment there will already be other coefficients established by the Russian Federation and the resulting amount will be less than the original one.

Who can apply for recalculation? These are retired women who have two or more children born to her personally or adopted. An important condition is the fact that the woman was not deprived of parental rights.

When will it be profitable?

Since we are talking about the fact that it is beneficial for women who gave birth to their children before 1991 to apply for recalculation, let’s talk about this point in more detail. Recalculation will bring additional funds in the following situations:

  • a woman gave birth to two or more children and cared for them until the age of one and a half years;
  • if the woman was pregnant with twins or triplets;
  • a situation where, during the period of direct care for the children, the mother could not find a job, for example, she simply could not leave the children;
  • if a woman retired, while having only a minimum work experience;
  • if a woman’s pension was calculated on the basis of low earnings, which are below the national average;
  • if a woman pensioner receives a pension that equals living wage or a little more of it.

In the above cases, it makes sense to contact the Pension Fund in order to recalculate based on the presence of two or more children.

When should you not apply?

But here are cases that most likely will not bring you any increase to the existing payment amount.

  1. Having an only child in the family.
  2. The woman has a long work history, which also occurs at the time of the birth of children.
  3. A woman's pension was calculated from a high salary, which was two or more times the subsistence minimum.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the recalculation is beneficial only to socially disadvantaged categories of citizens who have a small pension.

Important! It is contraindicated to carry out settlements based on the presence of children for pensioners whose payments were assigned on the basis of preferential conditions.

Also, for recipients of pensions before the deadline, that is, people who have not reached the appropriate age, such recalculations may lead to the loss of the right to early payments.

How many points are given for each child in the calculations?

With the onset of 2015, the main coefficient that directly affects the size of the pension is the number of points, which are called pension points. Points are reflected not in rubles, but in relative measurement sizes. As you know, pension points contained in a pensioner’s personal account can be generated only in two ways.

  1. The first and most common method is for the employer to pay insurance premiums from wages.
  2. The second method is the presence of non-insurance periods when the pensioner did not work, contributions were not made for him, but he provided social services. meaningful activity.

Every year, the government of our country publishes a coefficient by which the number of pension points will be multiplied. They will make up the size of the future pension. For example, it is expected that in 2018 one pension point will cost 82 rubles. The period of caring for a child until he reaches one and a half years will be counted in the pensioner’s insurance period.

However, a woman can go on maternity leave more than once, and the total amount of maternity leave should not exceed 6 years. That is, no more than four decrees. The number of accrued pension points will vary depending on the birth order of the babies.

For example, for the firstborn they give 1.8 points for 1 year of care. But in a year and a half of care it’s 2.7. For the third one, 5.4 is given for one year of care and 8.1 for one and a half years of care.

You can find out more about this table on the pension fund website.

Calculation example

Let’s imagine that pensioner Ivanova, who has two children, applies to the Pension Fund. The increase in pension for two children in 2018 for such a citizen who is on maternity leave twice for a year and a half will be equal to 2.7 + 5.4 = 8.1 points. The cost of one pension point at the time of 2018 is 81.5 rubles. That is, Ivanova will receive an increase of 660 rubles to her basic pension.

Unfortunately, in practice, the amount that was accrued upon settlement turns out to be much less. This happens as a result of the fact that the pension fund refuses to calculate the coefficients established in the table, justifying this as being years old.

Thus, very often points for first children are not added up, as pension fund employees complain that data about this period is simply lost.

Important! According to pension fund statistics, only in 30% of cases a woman actually receives an increase when recalculating her pension, but unfortunately, the increase rarely crosses the threshold of 300 rubles.

Preparing documents

If you want to try your luck and contact the Pension Fund to carry out the recalculation procedure, you need to carefully approach the issue of drawing up a package of documents. Unfortunately, women are often refused due to the fact that they simply do not deliver all the important papers.

  1. The pensioner draws up a statement, which we will discuss in detail in the next paragraph.
  2. Passport provided.
  3. SNILS and its copy are required to be attached.
  4. The birth certificate of each of the pensioner’s children is attached.
  5. Documents that confirm the fact that the child has reached the age of one and a half years.

Unfortunately, if a pensioner’s children have reached adulthood, it is often discovered that the birth certificate has simply been lost. In such a situation, it is necessary to go to the civil registry office and obtain a certificate that indicates the fact and place of birth of each child. A certificate of divorce or marital status is attached.

Sometimes pension fund employees may require additional documents. Be prepared to have to provide them.

Making a statement

Drawing up an application is a separate and certainly important stage for which you should prepare in advance. Such a document is drawn up on an A4 sheet. It’s great if you manage to go to the official website of the pension fund and find this form in the documents tab. Print it out and fill in the blanks. If this is not possible, the document can be drawn up by hand, using black or blue ink.

  1. In the very top line, indicate the name of the institution where you are going to send the documents. For example, the name of the territorial branch of the pension fund closest to you.
  2. Next, enter the name of the document.
  3. Then you need to enter your full initials, SNILS details, as well as your citizenship.
  4. The address of the place of residence and the address of the place of registration are indicated.
  5. You must provide several phone numbers so that a pension fund employee can contact you at any time.
  6. Then the details are indicated and vital information from the passport in the form of a table.
  7. A mark corresponding to your gender is placed.
  8. In the second paragraph, you ask for the transfer to be made in your name, and also specify the type of pension.
  9. Then you need to check the box next to the reason that influenced your decision to apply to the Pension Fund. For example, the number of disabled family members has increased, or you have acquired the necessary experience in the Far North.
  10. The application is dated at the end, as well as your signature. It is in this form that the document should be handed over to the pension fund employee.

How to apply?

In order to notify the state that you need a recalculation, today there are four legal ways. And each of them has a number of nuances.

  1. You can personally contact your territorial branch of the pension fund Russian Federation. To do this, you will need the above package of documents. However, due to the huge influx of visitors, this method is the longest possible and will take up a lot of your free time.
  2. Today it is possible to apply through a multifunctional center. This service is also free of charge and is carried out in accordance with electronic queue. However, you will have to spend a little more time reviewing your package of documents, since MFC employees still contact the pension fund of the Russian Federation.
  3. Many pensioners have the ability to use a computer and, in particular, the Internet. You will need a profile on the government services portal. Having received a personal account on this resource, you will be able to submit an application electronically. 5 days after submission, the pensioner will be asked to appear at the appointed time at the nearest branch of the pension fund to submit documents in person. And although you do not avoid appearing in person, this procedure will take much less of your free time.
  4. The fourth method is to send documents and applications by registered mail. This method is welcomed by those citizens in whose settlements there is no Internet, as well as government agencies. It is recommended to send photocopies of the papers, and then, when the pension fund employees contact you, to provide the originals upon personal appearance.

Video - Additional payment to pension for children

Step-by-step instruction

Since pensioners most often prefer the very first option, we will consider a step-by-step procedure for applying to the Pension Fund in person.

  1. The pensioner must write an application and draw up a package of documents in advance.
  2. Then you need to go to the territorial office of the pension fund.
  3. Wait until it is your turn, then speak to a member of staff.
  4. Provide a package of documents and an application.
  5. The employee will check the correctness of the document, as well as the number of papers provided.
  6. If everything is correct, the employee takes your package of documents and gives the pensioner a certificate indicating that the papers are being reviewed.
  7. After a few calendar days, the pensioner will be notified of the need to appear at the Pension Fund.
  8. They will give him back a package of papers, and also announce a decision regarding recalculation. For example, they will tell you why the recalculation amount will be less than what is already available, or, on the contrary, they will issue a certificate indicating that an increase will be made to your pension. You can expect the new amount of pension payments as early as next month.

Video - Who is entitled to an additional payment to the pension for children


The issue of timing must not be overlooked. Meanwhile, this is a very important topic that worries pensioners. Thus, the period for applying for recalculation is not limited. The Government of the Russian Federation does not establish a framework within which citizens must contact the Pension Fund on this issue. This means that you can apply for recalculation both immediately after the fact of retirement, and several years after that.

As for the processing time, on average, recalculation occurs within 3 days. However, in some situations the review period will be extended, but the pension fund employee must notify this in advance.

Underwater rocks

As mentioned above, in some situations, recalculating a pension taking into account two children can significantly reduce the amount of payments. Therefore, do not write an application if you are not sure how this procedure will affect your future pension.

Be careful when collecting the package of documents. Very often, if a woman takes a certificate from the civil registry office, the information in it does not always correspond to reality.


Issues related to pensions require separate consideration. Therefore, before contacting your local office, be sure to familiarize yourself with the current legislation and recent changes. I would like to believe that a noticeable increase in your pension will await you, although, unfortunately, practice tells us exactly the opposite.

In July 2017, regional branches of the Russian Pension Fund (PFR) began to provide information in open sources (meaning numerous publications in the media and on the official website of the PFR) long-awaited clarifications regarding the excitement that has developed since the beginning of this year in many regions of the country around the so-called “Increases in pensions for children of pensioners”.

According to previously circulated rumors, retired women, by submitting a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of Russia, can receive supplement to pension for children born before 1990(or generally in Soviet times until 1991 - including for adult children born before 1980), the amount of which for each child can reach up to several hundred rubles(Accordingly, the more children a pensioner mother has, the larger the supplement will be).

Many women who independently addressed the Pension Fund on this issue, already really got it a permanent supplement to the pension for children in 2017, which caused an unprecedented stir among other pensioners. This led to the formation of huge queues at the Pension Fund client services and forced their employees to provide detailed explanations.

Let us immediately note that we are not talking about some kind of independent payment! An increase in pension for children is obtained as a result of recalculation due to the fact that according to the new law, from January 1, 2015, the rules for calculating the labor pension (assigned both for old age upon reaching retirement age and for disability) have changed, and now its size, in addition to periods of work, is also affected by "non-insurance periods"- in particular, one of the parents (usually the mother) cares for each child until he reaches 1.5 years of age (Article 12 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013).

To avoid any additional misconceptions in the future, you can immediately highlight for yourself the most important points regarding receiving this increase:

For those pensioners who retired after January 1, 2015, no need to apply for recalculation, since the most profitable option has already been calculated and assigned for payment. Recalculation is due only if the woman has non-insurance periods that are not taken into account when a pension is assigned before January 1, 2015 or taken into account according to the old rules, for which pension points are now awarded in accordance with the new law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.

Deadline for submitting an application for recalculation of pensions for women for children not limited in time- in other words, you can apply at any time, not only by personally contacting your branch of the Pension Fund, but also:

  • through multifunctional MFC centers- this opportunity is already available in most regions or will be available in the near future;
  • submitting an application remotely- via the Internet through a single portal of government services or by mail.
  1. Obtained as a result of recalculation pension supplement for children is individual and is not guaranteed for all pensioners, since replacing work experience with a period of child care will not always be beneficial.

    According to statistics, only in 20-30% of cases the size of the paid pension benefit can be increased, and the amount of the increase can range from several rubles to several hundred or, in some cases, may even exceed a thousand rubles.

  2. If the recalculation turns out to be “with a minus sign”, then the current pension amount will not decrease(since the deterioration of pension provision is not allowed by current law), and the employees of the Pension Fund will make a decision on refusal.
  3. Who is entitled to an additional payment to the pension for children?

Let us immediately note that The year of birth of children has no determining significance- they can be born before 1990, and at any time after this period.

The misconception that an additional payment is due only for children born before 1990 (1991) arose due to the fact that the new procedure for accounting for pension rights introduced in 2015 gives a significant increase in pensions for adult children to those pensioners who have predominantly “ Soviet" experience, which now has little effect on the size of the pension and which can be taken into account on more favorable terms for the pensioner in the form of pension points. It is recommended that they carry out such recalculation first. As a rule, the overwhelming majority of such mothers retired before January 1, 2015 (and they may already be at a very advanced age - they may be 70, 80 years old, or even older).

However, this is by no means does not mean that in the event of the birth of children after the collapse of the USSR, the woman will automatically lose the right to such a recalculation! Just, as a rule, it may not be beneficial for them for some other reasons (for example, if a woman’s work experience was formed mainly after the beginning of the 1990s according to newer Russian pension laws).