Plant names in alphabetical order from a to z. Garden flowers names and photos

July 13th, 2012 Natalia Zaitseva

I think one of the most beautiful and diverse decorations in our lives are flowers. No holiday or expression of feelings would be complete without flowers. Coming out of the unpredictability of our lives, I decided to make a list of the most popular colors (a social survey among my friends helped me with this, and there are already 7 of them =)).

So, I present to you the names of the colors and the corresponding photos. This will help you understand the classification of colors or just remember if you have forgotten.

This article can help a man choose flowers for his beloved, especially if he has received a specific order. =) After all, I think more than one guy at one time was tormented by the question of what flowers to give to a girl (sister, wife, mother, daughter).

Names of flowers, flowers and flowers












Iris and Iberis

Crocuses and callas

Lilies and lotus



(Yellow flowers of silver acacia, which are usually given on March 8, are often called mimosa, although in fact mimosa is pink)




Snowdrops and blueberries









(another name for iris Bukhara, primrose)


I deliberately selected a list of colors in which the first letters of the names make up almost the entire alphabet. I couldn’t find only some letters for which either there are no flowers, or they are not used in bouquets, or they are quite difficult to get.

All this was done with the goal that you could not only give your woman a bouquet, but also very pleasantly surprise her with your romance by giving acrobouquet, which takes its roots from "Alexandrovsky bouquet".

The prefix "akro" from the Greek means "extreme". That is, this bouquet should consist of flowers, the first letters of the names of which will form the woman’s name.

How to make such a bouquet? Very simple. For example, Natasha should give a bouquet of N arcissov, A page, T yulpanov, A lstroemeria, L ily, AND rice and I treshnik (you can make a bouquet for any form of the name).

I hope that after this article some of my friends will stop calling absolutely all flowers sunflowers and bouquets brooms. =)

P.S. In 1805, Russian Emperor Alexander I (1777-1825), while in Germany, literally charmed the local residents.

According to the stories of S.P. Zhikharev, “ run after him in crowds, and women come up with different ways to prove your respect for him. So, in memory of his stay in Berlin, ladies made it fashionable to wear bouquets called "Alexandrovsky", which are collected from flowers that make up the name ALEXANDER by the initial letters of their names.

Without these bouquets, not a single decent woman dares to appear in society, neither in the theater, nor on a walk. These are the flowers from which bouquets are made, which differ only in size and value; large ones are worn on the chest, and small ones in the hair: Anemon (anemone), Lilie (lily), Eicheln (acorns), Xeranthemum (amaranth), Accazie (acacia), Nelke (clove), Drefaltigkeitsblume (cheerful eyes), Epheu (ivy) , Rose (rose)".

Zaitseva Natalia

Today the range of indoor flowers and plants is huge. Catalogs, online stores and magazines are full of a variety of plants with pictures, and sometimes it is difficult to focus your attention on just one thing.

In order for the plant to take root and feel good in your home, you need to know the basics of caring for it. The article is a list of indoor plants and flowers alphabetically in Russian and contains basic rules of care. The descriptions are brief, but give an initial idea of ​​a particular plant. We can say that this is a small encyclopedia or reference book in alphabetical order for each letter with brief description and photo.


Abutilone - evergreen non-poisonous a shrub that came to us from Brazil. Abutilone leaves appearance resemble maple leaves. The typical appearance of the flower is shown in the photo: palmate leaves, long hanging stems, flowers hanging down. Required lighting: partial shade, moderate humidity.

Aglaonema - homemade moderately poisonous a plant that attracts gardeners with the shape of its leaves. Not difficult to care for, but with some peculiarities.

It is necessary to plant in low pots. Varieties differ in leaf color. Requires spraying, reproduces by stem petioles, prefers shade.

Aglaya is an indoor tree with leathery teardrop-shaped leaves and small yellow flowers.

Requires regular pruning and crown shaping. Reproduces by seeds, prefers shade, does not tolerate dry and parched soil.

fast growing shrub with representatives of two species. The first: with long red or pink hanging inflorescences, the second with decorative leaves, non-flowering. The plant is poisonous and capricious.

Requires spraying, prefers bright, diffused light.

liana with large tubular flowers yellow color. A capricious plant with poisonous sap.

Requires moderate watering until autumn, limited in winter. It is not afraid of bright sunlight, but can live in the shade.

Aloe (agave). Homeland on the atlas is South Africa.

Hardy non-capricious plant. The juice has healing properties. Sunlight can be either direct or diffuse.

Achimenes is a small flowering plant. The flowers are large, of various colors.

Needs spraying, lighting is bright but diffuse.


annual herbaceous plant with bright flowers. Balsam is unpretentious, non-toxic, and not capricious. Light - partial shade, watering - moderate, without drying out.

grassy perennial, found in the forests of Asia. Rarely used as a houseplant. Prefers bright, direct light and requires abundant watering in summer. Varieties:
  • golden bamboo;
  • graceful bamboo;
  • Simon's bamboo;
  • black bamboo.

An ornamental indoor plant with a variety of species. Some types fit into an egg cup, while others can take up an entire wall.

Begonia loves sunny places, belongs to the category of non-capricious plants, and is not poisonous.


Wallota is an indoor plant that has two types: beautiful wallota and purple wallota. Blooms with bright colorful flowers.

Required lighting: bright diffused; watering - abundant in summer, moderate in winter.

Washingtonia filamentosa - fan palm. Feels great both in diffused bright light and in partial shade.

Washingtonia capricious, does not tolerate drafts or dry soil. Needs good drainage and abundant watering.

Decorative flowering potted plant. It has long stems on which small leaves and flowers are located.

Loves coolness and good light. Does not tolerate dry soil and hard water.

home an orchid with a single peduncle and aerial roots.

Vanda looks good both in a pot and hanging.


Gardenia is a flower of the madder family, demanding care. The lighting should be bright enough, but diffused.

Gardenia is thermophilic and prefers high humidity. Jasmine gardenia is used in folk medicine.

Gasteria belongs to the Asphodel family. It has fleshy leaves growing in the shape of a fan. Requires abundant watering in summer and bright lighting. In order for the leaves of the gasteria to develop evenly, it should be regularly rotated relative to the light source.

Hemanthus. The leaves are fleshy, the inflorescences are dotted with “cilia”.

Maybe blossom white and red flowers.

Requires moderate watering, prefers diffused bright light.

Gloxinia. The shape of gloxinia flowers is similar to bells.

The flowers are quite large, of different colors. Required high humidity and regular spraying.

Watering better carry out from the pallet.

capricious plant with beautiful decorative leaves. Varieties:
  • Indian;
  • famous.

Both species prefer bright, indirect light. From spring to autumn it needs abundant watering.


Dawvalia are plants with leaves that resemble carrot leaves.

The stems look like flexible wire with small feathery leaves.

Needs to high humidity, spraying.

Didymohlena is a fern with leathery green or brown leaves.

Requires increased soil and air humidity. Needs spraying.

Decembrists - a group of forest cacti blooming in winter period.

Stems are leaf-shaped, hanging down.

The spines are short and soft.

The Decembrists are divided into three groups:

  • epiphyllum;
  • Gartner's ripsalidopsis;
  • truncated zygocactus.

Dizygotheca is a home bush with an unusual type of leaves.

It is a bush up to 1.8 meters high with thin leaves.

As for care, dizygotheca needs bright, diffused light and high humidity.


Jacaranda is a houseplant planted for its beautiful fern-like leaves.

At home, jacaranda does not bloom.

photophilous A flowering plant, it also loves moisture.

Throughout the year, jasmine needs spraying and abundant watering.

Living stones are an unusual group of plants that consist of two leaves fused at the base.

The color of living stones is varied.

IN period If the plant is actively growing, it is advisable to take it out into the fresh air.


Zamioculcas is a giant among indoor flowers.

The glossy, fleshy leaves can grow up to 100 centimeters in length.

Requires bright, diffused lighting, moderate humidity and high temperature.

Zantedeschia (calla lily) is a plant that can be grown at home.

The flowers can be of different colors, resembling a funnel in shape. Leaves are heart-shaped, arrow-shaped. The light is bright, the humidity is moderate, but frequent spraying is required. Zephyranthes is popularly called upstarts.

During the flowering period, the peduncle literally stretches before our eyes and becomes ready for flowering.

Flowers can be of different colors. Zephyranthes are not capricious and hardy, they require moderate watering as needed and diffused lighting.


Butcher's broom acquired its name due to its rigid stems with a thorn at the end.

It has bright scarlet spherical fruits.

Feels good in the shade and in everything range room temperatures down to zero degrees.

Ixora is a tall plant with large inflorescences consisting of small flowers and leathery shiny leaves.

Requires abundant watering and spraying, needs bright light.

Irezine is used both as an indoor and garden flower.

Is different unusual color of leaves and stem.

Requires regular spraying procedures and is a light-loving plant.

Ismene (hymenocallis) is a beautiful indoor plant that attracts with its flowers.

They have " crown"and a pleasant aroma.

Ismene is light-loving and heat-loving and requires abundant watering.


Caladium is a tuberous herbaceous plant.

The most beautiful part of the caladium is its large leaves, the color of which can vary.

Young caladium needs high humidity. The lighting should be bright and watering should be plentiful.

liana with heart-shaped leaves and small inflorescences of various colors.

Clerodendrum requires a lot of space because it is a fairly large plant.

Requires high humidity and diffused light.

Clivia is a plant with tall, long leaves and bright orange inflorescences.

Is pretty capricious in care. It must be kept in a cool room all year round.

Spraying is not needed, the required humidity is moderate.

One of the main elements of any garden are flowers. They make it beautiful, bright and memorable. Their variety is so great that making a choice sometimes becomes very difficult.

This page is about, as well as describing the planting and flowering period of these plants. You can also familiarize yourself with the catalog of indoor plants. And we'll start with how to use a garden flower catalog to select the best specimens for your site.

Selecting from a catalog of garden flowers for your garden

Location– the main criterion that is responsible for the life and active development of plants. If you plant light-loving flowers in a dark place, then they will not be able to delight their owners with their beauty for a long time. This means you need to know in advance the insolation in your own area and the attitude of your favorite plants to light. Therefore, before selecting plants, decide which area you want to plant with garden flowers. After this selection, you can move on to the next point.

Features of colors. According to morphology, flowers are divided into annual (marigolds, petunias) and perennial (hostas, daisies, lilies). The difference lies in the different periods of their life and development. The first type is cheaper, but it grows only one year; the next year it is necessary to purchase plant material again. Using the catalog search form, you can sort flowers by life expectancy. Perennial plants can be planted only once, and they will delight their owners every year. The second type is more expensive than the first.

Origin. It is better to plant native plants that are perfectly adapted to existing conditions. Of course, no one has canceled experiments; you can try growing exotics.

Plant size is very important. If a mixborder is arranged in the garden, then the largest and tallest plants should be planted at the very end, and small and abundantly flowering plants should be planted at the beginning. In my The catalog of garden flowers contains photographs, thanks to which you can navigate by the size of the plant. All seed packages usually indicate the sizes of interest. If you buy seedlings, it is better to find out all the necessary data from reliable sources.

Color spectrum- the key to a beautiful and delightful garden. You can create certain style solutions thanks to plant color combinations. Contrasting monochrome flower beds are beautiful. The main thing is to choose the right varieties and types.

The catalog below will help you search for garden flowers according to various inflorescence color criteria.

Garden - flowers catalog with photos and names

The decoration of any garden includes some bulbous plants that bloom in spring - these are crocuses, tulips, hyacinths, muscari and others. Summer-flowering bulbs include lilies and irises. To make your flower garden bright and beautiful, you can plant violets, salvias, ageratums, marigolds, peonies, hostas, some varieties of decorative onions, amaryllis, daffodils, petunias, and many other plants. Now try to choose garden flowers yourself - a catalog with photos and names will help you.