Transporting old people. Transportation of the elderly - features and recommendations

With the development of medicine, a large number of new technology and equipment. Unfortunately, not all medical institutions are equipped with it. Sometimes, a particular patient has to travel to another city to undergo the necessary examination or any other procedure as directed by a doctor. Seriously ill people are in a difficult situation, since transportation requires a person who is equipped with medical equipment and has trained medical personnel who will monitor his condition on the way to another city. In the vastness of our vast country, sometimes such patients have to travel long distances.

Thus, transportation of bedridden patients should be comfortable and safe, eliminating the risk of injury. Often, a person with limited movement experiences pain and severe stress at the slightest change in body position. These include serious illnesses, old age, and the postoperative period. A personal car is contraindicated for transporting this category of citizens, and transport specially equipped for the needs of bedridden patients comes to the rescue.

When may it be necessary to transport a patient?

Relatives are faced with the question: how to transport a bedridden patient to another city? In cases of transportation, relatives and the patient themselves have to turn to special private companies, since usually the state program for transporting seriously ill patients involves completing a large number of papers, which requires a huge amount of time, which some patients do not have. Cases when a bedridden patient requires transportation:

  • If a person was urgently hospitalized in another city. Usually, upon discharge, relatives want to take the person to their city for further rehabilitation or treatment.
  • Bedridden patients with cancer pathologies can be sent for examination to large oncology centers in neighboring cities and even countries.
  • Patients with spinal or pelvic injuries can, at the request of relatives, be transported to other cities and hospitals for further treatment.

Thus, transporting bedridden patients between cities is in great demand and important for providing quality medical care.

Public and private organizations transporting bedridden patients

The state ambulance service receives emergency calls and transports patients to inpatient treatment facilities free of charge. At the same time, the organization does not carry out reverse evacuation of a bedridden patient if he is refused hospitalization, and will not take him home after discharge from the department. It is possible to arrange paid transportation, but the bureaucratic procedure takes a lot of time and effort.

The law provides for the creation of non-profit services whose activities include the transportation of bedridden patients free of charge or at minimal prices. As a rule, they operate only in large cities and do not always have everything necessary to provide high-quality transportation to all categories of people with disabilities.

When it comes to evacuation to another city, and even more so to another country, one cannot do without private licensed services for transporting bedridden patients. Special medical transport has all the necessary equipment for the safe delivery of people unable to move independently in accordance with the principle “from bed to bed” along the following routes:

  • to medical institutions and back home;
  • to rehabilitation, health or diagnostic centers;
  • to train stations, airports;
  • to other cities, regions, abroad.

Paid services work around the clock on , have a wide range of services, a discount system, trained staff and have various types transport, which is always ready to help incapacitated citizens, regardless of diagnosis.

The cost of transportation is calculated individually and depends on the chosen type of vehicle, the duration of the trip, the severity of the patient and the professionalism of the service personnel (workers with medical education or a team of orderlies).

Important! In addition to transportation, commercial service personnel may accompany the patient throughout his or her appointment or examination at a medical facility.

Types of transportation

On the territory of the country, there are three types of transportation of bedridden patients to other cities - by rail, by air, and also by moving the patient in a specialized vehicle. The choice is dictated by the patient’s condition, financial capabilities, reason and direction of transportation. In all cases, the person is accompanied by trained medical personnel who have the right to engage in such medical activities. The transportation team includes: a paramedic or doctor, as well as a nurse.

Rail transportation Air transportation Transportation by car
As a rule, for this, the company that carries out the transportation buys an entire compartment and equips it with portable medical equipment. This allows you to turn a train compartment into an intensive care ward, in which the patient will be comfortable and under the supervision of staff. Companies that organize the movement of a patient in this way negotiate with the airline and arrange a seat in the rear of the cabin. Air transportation is suitable for patients who urgently need to be transported over a long distance. Produced on a specialized ambulance equipped with all necessary equipment, medicines, as well as oxygen supplies for long-distance transportation.

Important! If the patient is transported abroad, the transportation service staff will provide assistance in preparing travel documents, in cooperation with the embassy, ​​and provide an interpreter.

Transporting a bedridden patient by train

This rarely happens, since it is precisely when it is possible to most closely approximate conditions similar to an intensive care ward due to the spacious compartment and the large amount of necessary equipment that can be placed. In addition, there are special carriages equipped with pneumatic lifts for convenient lifting of a bedridden patient into the carriage.

As a rule, this method of movement is indicated for the most seriously ill patients who require maximum comfort and close supervision by health workers. They are contraindicated against changes in pressure, temperature and other factors that can affect the deterioration of a person’s condition. If during a trip the patient’s well-being becomes a threat to his life, then at the next stop the person is removed and hospitalized in the nearest hospital to stabilize his condition.

This rarely happens, since it is during rail transportation that it is possible to most fully approximate conditions similar to an intensive care ward due to the spacious compartment and the large amount of necessary equipment that can be placed.

Transportation of a bedridden patient by plane

It is important to know that it is necessary to plan the date of transportation to another city in advance, preferably at least 48 hours in advance. Airlines have the right to refuse to provide a seat without giving reasons.

Therefore, the relocation company needs time to find a suitable flight. To fly, you must obtain permission from your attending physician, since factors such as changes in atmospheric pressure, high speed during takeoff, and turbulence can affect your well-being.

They try not to transport seriously ill people on an airplane, because due to the small amount of space inside the cabin, it is not possible to install the amount of equipment that will be necessary. Therefore, the flight is allowed for moderately ill patients and simply bedridden patients who, for one reason or another, need the supervision of medical personnel. Such transportation of bedridden patients from city to city has the most important advantage - speed.

Transporting a bedridden patient by car

The initial configuration of the machines involves monitoring a patient with any diagnosis and severity level. This type of transportation involves the entire team: doctor, paramedic, nurse and driver. Unlike other types of transportation, only one relative can be present if necessary. The patient must be in a stable condition, since transportation involves braking and accelerating the car, turns, and bumps. If necessary, the medical team can stop, seek help from hospitals along the route, and even urgently hospitalize the patient, if necessary.

Transportation of bedridden patients by road is the most popular type of service in the city and beyond. It includes a resuscitation vehicle, an ambulance and a sanitary taxi. The difference between them lies in the degree of staffing with medical equipment and medicines for emergency care, as well as in the qualifications of accompanying specialists. Many services limit their activities to only delivering a bedridden patient to their destination, without providing medical services before, during and after the trip. Others have experienced doctors and paramedics on their staff, which is especially important when moving seriously ill patients who require constant monitoring by a doctor.

All cars must have technical characteristics, designed to mentally and physically facilitate the trip of an incapacitated person. This is the presence in a spacious and roomy interior:

  • functional soft stretcher with fastenings that fix the body;
  • wheelchair and stretcher;
  • soft suspension, smoothing out shocks from potholes on the roads;
  • climate control system that monitors the maintenance of comfortable conditions;
  • disposable bed, pillows, blankets.

Special vehicle equipment

Medical equipment in vehicles used for transporting bedridden patients:

Kind of transport Equipment
Ambulance, reanimobile, train
  • electrocardiograph
  • defibrillator
  • oxygen inhaler
  • tonometer
  • heart rate monitor
  • infusion system (dropper)
  • ventilator
Airplane, helicopter Additionally:
  • resuscitation system with a vacuum mattress and a mechanism for loading the patient on board;
  • central oxygen cylinder (volume 6000 liters) and optional additional;
  • pressure infusion bag;
  • breathing bag with overpressure valve and suction pump

How is the cost of transportation calculated?

Many factors play a role here: the severity of the bedridden patient’s condition, the amount of equipment and medical personnel who will be involved in transportation, and most importantly, the distance. In any case, the further the destination, the higher the price. All companies have their own tariffs, and some even have their own discount system. Therefore, there is no specific price for all clients, since the cost is calculated individually, based on a specific case. Thus, with the level of development of medical care, the question of how to deliver a bedridden patient to another city and even country becomes not as problematic as, for example, several decades ago.

Preparation for the process of transporting bedridden patients

The position when transporting bedridden patients in transport depends on the diagnosis and combination of associated injuries. For successful transportation, it is important to take a number of measures that not only will not harm the health of the non-ambulatory passenger, but will also facilitate the work of the people accompanying him. This includes preliminary hygiene procedures, preparation of documents, tests, medical reports by relatives, psychological support, and monitoring of the patient’s condition by the doctor.

The decision on how to transport a bedridden patient should be made together with the attending physician. After all, a person’s health, and sometimes even their life, depends on how quickly and professionally the transportation is carried out.


It is a misfortune when an illness overtakes an elderly person, but an even greater misfortune is when he is partially or completely immobilized. In this case, relatives try to find best treatment, provide the necessary care, but often this requires transporting the sick person to another locality or even abroad. The trip is sometimes dictated by the need to transport an elderly person to the required medical facility or sanatorium for a recovery stay. It is important for relatives to ensure that transportation of elderly people is carried out in the most comfortable way for them.

What are the features of transporting elderly people?

It happens that older people need professional medical care and need to be brought to a medical facility. Of course, very careful delivery is needed, because the serious condition of people can be further aggravated due to the trip. How to do this? Without a doubt, it is necessary to have medical personnel or any other person who can professionally provide emergency assistance to a patient during transportation, because anything can happen on the road. Next, you definitely need a special vehicle, equipped with the necessary devices - to monitor the heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing of an elderly person. Various means and conditions may also be required to meet the physiological needs of the patient (disposable diapers, diapers, wet and dry wipes). Indeed, often people in this condition, and even of advanced age, suffer from weakness and cannot control the functioning of the excretory systems (enuresis, encopresis). A sudden change in position and anxiety about the trip can increase the manifestations of these ailments in older people. And, of course, it is very important that the accompanying personnel are informed about all chronic diseases and pathologies of the people being transported. For example, about diseases that relate to systems such as:

    Endocrine. The most common problem among older people is diabetes, which forces you to follow a special diet and inject insulin. And, naturally, in in this case you need to know when to give injections and what to take for the patient.

    Cardiovascular. Their signs are arrhythmia, breathing problems, changes in heart rate. This means that accompanying physicians must be prepared to reduce, with the help of medications, a possible negative reaction of the elderly person’s body to transportation.

    Musculoskeletal. In case of osteoporosis or abnormalities in the structure of the musculoskeletal system, transportation will require special equipment for fixing the patient, a stroller and other acceptable devices in accordance with the form of the disease.

And, of course, one of the most important qualities of an accompanying specialist will be tact, patience and attentiveness to those people who need help.

Transporting elderly people over long distances

It happens that a bedridden patient needs to be transported to another city to receive qualified medical care. Or health problems in older people unexpectedly arise far from their homes. In such circumstances, urgent mobile transportation of an elderly person to another city is required. In modern conditions, it is possible to transport people even in serious condition.

Transportation can be done using:

    Air transport.

    Railway transport.

    Road transport.

This variability allows you to transport immobilized people to the right place when necessary. Air travel is used when urgent medical intervention is necessary. But this is the most expensive way to transport patients. If it is necessary to transport elderly people by plane, then seats are booked three days before the flight so that the air carrier prepares all the conditions for their safe flight. If there is a need to transport an elderly patient by rail, fill out a written application for the provision of an entire compartment, the conditions of transportation in which comply with the instructions of the attending physician. A car or a special minibus is the most popular option for transporting older people, because in this case a person is carried only twice - before the trip and at the end of it. In addition, for such transportation, vehicles are used that are already specially equipped with everything that may be needed on the road when transporting a bedridden patient, including the elderly.

How should elderly people be transported to another city?

Anyone who has ever encountered such circumstances will confirm that transporting bedridden patients is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance. Transporting an elderly person to another city, especially one immobilized by illness, is a serious test for everyone, because the usual methods of travel for such a patient are impossible and sometimes even life-threatening. Therefore, partially or completely immobilized people should be transported only in transport specially equipped with the necessary medical equipment, in conditions that are comfortable for the patient and with space for an accompanying person. So, in this car there should be devices that monitor blood pressure, oxygen supply or, for example, a stretcher for conveniently fixing the patient in case of a spinal injury, and there must be doctors nearby to monitor the patient’s well-being. It should be noted that transporting an elderly person involves not only the move itself, caring for the patient and the ability to assess his well-being, but also transfer from floor to floor. Only qualified specialists can do this correctly. They have special stretchers at their disposal, because in some cases a seriously ill person needs to be provided with access to oxygen, he should not be shaken while being carried, etc. Any patient requires an individual approach, which can only be provided to him by specially trained staff medical institution providing similar services. In order to transport an elderly person from one city to another, you need to use an ambulance, which must be equipped with the most modern equipment, namely resuscitation devices, devices with which you can provide almost any medical care, mattress and stretcher. Comfortable conditions for transporting an elderly person and the stability of his condition should be ensured by highly qualified doctors.

And, of course, before transportation it is necessary to assess the severity of the patient’s condition:

    light– allows transportation of the patient under constant medical supervision and the presence of a special stretcher;

    average– requires more careful monitoring of the patient, compliance with all medical recommendations with the mandatory implementation of preventive measures and constant monitoring of the patient’s well-being;

    high– involves careful and continuous monitoring of the patient’s condition with the inclusion of therapeutic measures depending on the symptoms, accompanying a team of resuscitators to maintain the patient’s vitality at the proper level.

The weakening of all body functions in old age leads to frequent visits by an elderly person to the help of doctors. But it can be very difficult for elderly people to travel to a medical facility themselves. This is a serious stress for the elderly, so you need to carefully prepare for transporting elderly patients.

Transportation of patients with cardiovascular problems

Almost all older people suffer from hypertension, angina pectoris, heart rhythm disturbances and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Moving and the associated worries can provoke respiratory failure, hypertensive crisis, and myocardial infarction in older people. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to transport elderly patients accompanied by a doctor and in specially equipped transport. So, if an elderly patient has a cardiovascular disease, the ambulance should be equipped with a breathing control device, blood pressure, heart rate, as well as:


    oxygen breathing equipment.

    all emergency medications.

Transporting patients who are particularly susceptible to injury

Everyone knows that in an aging body, bone strength is reduced so much that even a slight fall or sudden change in body position when transporting older people can lead to serious dislocations and fractures. Therefore, in such cases, the patient is placed on a comfortable stretcher; a car designed for transporting elderly people is equipped with a damper to minimize shaking during transportation.

Transportation of patients with mental disorders

In old age, people also often experience worsening mental illnesses. The stress associated with traveling to the hospital can provoke a violent reaction on the part of the patient, threatening injury to both himself and others. The solution in this case is to take a mild sedative before transportation and fix the patient’s limbs to the stretcher. Elderly people often experience urinary and fecal incontinence. Therefore, we must not forget about maintaining hygiene when transporting an elderly person; we must think in advance about having all the necessary means and accessories available for such cases. The gentle and patient approach of the medical staff, a kind, caring attitude towards people who are no longer young and weakened by illnesses are indispensable components of the successful transportation of the elderly.

Transportation of elderly people to a boarding house

When you place an elderly loved one in a boarding house, of course, you think not only about his comfortable stay there, but also about how to move him there without additional stress and worry. Private boarding house "Autumn of Life" can provide just such a transfer. If you really care about the health and longevity of your loved ones, our boarding house is at your service. Elderly people live in comfortable conditions, they are monitored by experienced doctors, each of them has the opportunity to press an alarm button and call medical staff to provide qualified assistance. We conduct regular medical examinations and provide the necessary consultation. In difficult cases, we guarantee the provision of highly specialized services.

To transport elderly people, our boarding house provides a specially equipped car, equipped with everything necessary for the comfortable transportation of a bedridden patient. Our employees will deliver the patient without any additional worries for him. Moreover, our boarding house will transport an elderly person free of charge if he:

    immobilized by illness;

    moves in a wheelchair;

    has visual or hearing impairments;

    has other diseases.

Already on the road, the patient will feel an attentive and individual approach, because a comfortable air temperature is always maintained inside the car. At the boarding house, your loved one will be met by qualified staff who will help him restore his health and mental strength. You can visit your family at any time convenient for you. For any questions you are interested in, please contact the phone numbers listed on our official website, and you can also place an order for a call or leave a request by filling out the feedback form.

If it is necessary to transport a disabled person, a seriously ill person, or an immobile person to another city in Russia, often the most convenient option will be to transport a person with limited physical capabilities in a specialized vehicle.

To transport bedridden patients to remote regions and cities of Russia, it is more convenient to use an airplane or train. Our delivery service for bedridden patients "Medical Transportation Service" will help you with a safe send-off at the airport or train station: MEETING / SEEING OUT OF BEDDOCK PATIENTS AT THE AIRPORT OR AT THE RAILWAY STATION

To transport a non-ambulatory patient, disabled person or elderly person to another city, the Sanitary Transportation Service uses:

  • Fully serviceable, modern, comfortable and warm vans, equipped for transporting bedridden patients over short and long distances.
  • Specialized roll-out beds for bedridden patients.
  • Professional wheelchairs for sedentary patients.
  • Additional elements and equipment to guarantee the safety of transportation and comfort of an immobile sick person.

A team of 2 nurses (can be supplemented if necessary) delivers a bedridden patient from his bed to the car, then accompanies him to his destination, and finally transfers the patient to a bed in his new location.

Transportation of patients after surgery from the hospital to home or to the countryside

Often there is a need to transport a patient with limited mobility upon discharge after a series of “stream” operations - arthroscopy on joints, after fractures, etc., when a person comes to the hospital on his own, but when returning he needs help, a comfortable large car and special equipment .

If your loved one has done planned or suddenly indicated surgery, and the family only has a passenger car or a small SUV, where it is absolutely impossible to comfortably and safely place the operated leg, then you simply need to resort to specialized transportation of bedridden patients.

To transport patients after surgery (arthroscopy, fractures), you need a large, comfortable car with special equipment for the safe, comfortable placement of your loved one.

In what cases will our service help you transport a patient or patient after surgery:

  • If the patient does NOT need medical support - since we do not provide medical services.
  • If you need to transport a patient after surgery on the knee joint, after ligament replacement, after meniscus removal and similar operations
  • If you need to transport a patient after fractures
  • If the patient needs to be transported strictly in a lying or semi-lying state.
  • If you need to transport a patient after surgery over a long distance - to a dacha, for example
  • If a patient needs help, we will deliver him from bed to bed and put him comfortably in the car.
  • If you yourself are now in the hospital after surgery, you will soon be discharged, but there is no one to take you home. You can order a transportation service for yourself very inexpensively.

We have excellent large tall foreign-made minibuses with modern specialized equipment!

This means that your loved one will be transported safely, comfortably over any distance, you will be able to accompany him comfortably, you will be able to take the necessary things, crutches, a wheelchair - everything you need.

Dear Customers! Please note that the Sanitary Transportation Service company transports people with disabilities without providing medical services.

Meeting/seeing off bedridden patients at the airport or railway station.

If it is necessary to transport bedridden patients by plane or train, for example, when intercity or international transportation of non-ambulatory patients is carried out, the services of a patient delivery service or a taxi for bedridden patients are required. Our company will help you solve the problem of how to safely and comfortably transport a bedridden patient to/from the airport or to/from the railway station.

"Sanitation Transportation Service" provides competent services:

  • If you need to meet a bedridden patient at the airport or at a railway station in Moscow with subsequent transportation and transportation of the patient to the bed.
  • If you need to see off (delivery) a bedridden patient to the airport or railway station in Moscow. In this case, our employees will move the non-ambulant person into the car, accompany him during the trip, and then transport him to the airport or directly to the train carriage.

When providing the service, meeting/seeing off bedridden patients at the airport or railway station guarantees the comfort and safety of transportation and travel. Even if the patient is outside of Moscow (or will be after the meeting at the airport/train station), this is NOT an obstacle. Just contact us in advance and be sure to let us know exact dates, times and destinations for delivery of a sick person.

Dear Customers! The company "Sanitary Transportation Service" provides only services for transporting patients (meeting, seeing off) without providing medical services before, during or after transportation. Our employees will provide you and your loved ones with comfortable movement and punctuality.

Transportation, or transportation, to the dacha of bedridden patients.

The Sanitary Transportation Service company will undertake the transportation of bedridden, seriously ill people, as well as disabled and elderly people. We have specialized equipment to transport a person with limited mobility to the countryside.

Transportation to a dacha is an opportunity for a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation to change his surroundings, get some fresh air and be with loved ones. This service implies, of course, transportation of a bedridden patient to a dacha, a sanatorium and other places of seasonal recreation. To transport a patient, please contact our office in advance and order a car for transportation.

The “Medical Transportation Service” will help you safely and comfortably deliver an immobile person to a dacha or a sanatorium.

We have a modern, fully operational and comfortable car, which is staffed by polite and competent paramedics. A team of our employees, usually consisting of 2 orderlies (if necessary, it is possible to supplement the team), will move a bedridden patient from his bed to a car, then accompany him during the trip and, finally, transfer the patient to his bed in a country house.

Dear Customers! The company "Sanitary Transportation Service" exclusively transports non-ambulatory patients, disabled people and the elderly. Our employees do not have medical training, so we DO NOT provide medical services before, during or after transportation. Our orderlies have extensive experience in providing safe and comfortable delivery to people who have difficulty moving independently.

Transportation, in other words, transportation of bedridden patients from bed to bed: how to transport a bedridden patient?

"Sanitary transportation service" is a specialized sanitary transportation service for bedridden patients, equipped for the comfortable transportation of seriously ill, non-ambulatory patients, and elderly people. Calling an ambulance for non-ambulatory patients is a good solution to the question of how to safely transport a bedridden patient.

We have professional equipment to provide these services:

  • Transportation of people with disabilities is carried out in a comfortable, specially equipped van, which allows reliably, conveniently and safely transporting bedridden and seriously ill people.
  • We have specialized roll-out beds for bedridden patients.
  • When transporting sedentary patients, special lightweight (at the same time comfortable and reliable) wheelchairs are used.

Transportation of bedridden patients is possible:

  • In Moscow
  • In the Moscow region
  • To other cities of Russia (intercity transportation of bedridden patients)

The “Medical Transport Service” goes to people who are unable to move independently due to physical limitations. We work for maximum comfort and safety in the transportation of disabled people, the elderly and seriously ill people.

If you yourself find yourself in such a difficult life situation or your family and friends need specialized services, call our office in advance to order a car.

We guarantee that the patient will be delivered within the agreed period of time “from bed to bed” by a qualified team in a comfortable, warm, serviceable vehicle. A team of paramedics will independently carefully transport you or your loved one to the car, accompany you during the trip to your destination, then lift you to the desired floor and transfer you to bed.

If you need intercity transportation in an intensive care vehicle with a full team of doctors, follow the link -> TRANSPORTATION OF PATIENTS BETWEEN CITIES WITH A TEAM OF DOCTORS.

Look at the photo gallery of our trips with bedridden patients in Russia and abroad.

When a person is sick, it is very sad, but when he cannot move independently, it is doubly sad. Relatives and friends are ready to do everything to alleviate the condition of a loved one or simply give him pleasure, and sometimes this requires transportation of bedridden patients from city to city, sometimes outside the country. The purpose of moving can be different - treatment in a clinic, rehabilitation in a sanatorium or vacation at a resort is required. Or maybe the whole family is moving to another city. One way or another, deciding how to deliver or transport a bedridden or non-ambulatory patient to another city can develop into a real problem.

Anyone who has had to deal with a similar situation will confirm that it is not easy to cope with. Transportation of patients from another city or transporting bedridden patients to another city is a very difficult and responsible task. A person who has severe difficulty moving or is unable to move at all, is bedridden, or wheelchair, and therefore he cannot travel in the traditional way - in a car, train or plane. In addition, there are such difficult cases when transporting a patient can be dangerous for his life. In all of the above cases, transportation of immovable patients requires a vehicle with special medical equipment.

How to transport a sick person to another city

Transportation of bedridden patients between cities is carried out using specialized transport, which provides everything for a comfortable stay for sitting and bedridden patients, has the necessary medical equipment and, of course, there is room for accompanying persons.

Such a vehicle is equipped with all the necessary equipment and medicines. A special car has a comfortable stretcher, and if there is such a need, for example in the case of a spinal injury, the patient is secured in a special way. There are doctors nearby monitoring the patient’s condition. The car has devices for monitoring blood pressure, oxygen supply, and so on.

Features of transporting a bedridden patient between cities (intercity)

Transporting a patient over long distances includes not only the process of moving in special transport, caring for him, assessing his condition, but also going down from the floor and going up to the floor. This work can only be performed by qualified specialists using special stretchers, because for those who transport patients between cities this is not a problem. It should be remembered that in especially severe cases the patient should not be shaken; often he should be provided with access to oxygen (for which an oxygen mask is worn), medicinal support, and so on. Each case is individual, and professionals from a specialized medical company can navigate the specific situation and ensure proper transportation.

Sanitary transportation of a bedridden patient across Russia

Medical transportation of bedridden patients between cities is a special and very responsible service that our company offers in full and at the most professional and high-quality level. For this purpose, an ambulance is used, equipped with the latest medical science and technology. The equipment includes, among other things, resuscitation devices, devices for providing almost any assistance that may be required during the move, a special stretcher and a mattress. Highly qualified doctors provide complete control over the patient: transportation of disabled people from city to city is accompanied by ensuring the stability of his condition and maximum comfort.

The technical medical equipment of cars makes it possible to transport a disabled person from one city to another city, regardless of the distance between points - both within the country and abroad. If it is necessary to transport a newborn child in serious condition, a special medical incubator is used for this purpose, which is equipped with the car.

Types of transportation of immovable patients to another city

Transportation of disabled people from St. Petersburg to another city depends on the patient’s condition, namely:

  • mild degree of severity - involves transporting a person without the need to provide additional medicine along the way, however, constant medical supervision and special stretchers are necessary;
  • moderate severity - provides for compliance with the recommendations and requirements of the attending physician on the road, mandatory preventive measures and constant monitoring of the patient’s condition;
  • high severity - requires a special approach, which includes symptomatic therapeutic measures, continuous monitoring of important vital functions of the body; Such a patient is necessarily accompanied by a team of resuscitators who maintain the patient’s vitality at the most optimal level in a particular case.
