Is facial massage beneficial after 40 years? Asahi facial massage for rejuvenation - beauty is in our hands! Harmful effects of massage

Is massage really good for your face, neck and décolleté, or is it just another trick of salons and clinics? Is it possible to eliminate or smooth out some problems with its help? Read more in this material.

Often, noticing wrinkles, folds or a swollen oval face in the mirror, women believe that the skin is to blame. And therefore, they begin to intensively care for the skin of the face and neck - they buy anti-wrinkle creams, anti-aging serums, make masks, peelings, mesotherapy and other home and salon skin care procedures.

Of course, our skin is subject to both chrono- and photoaging, so with age it really requires more and more care. But the signs of aging that we see on the skin of the face and neck are just the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, the appearance of wrinkles, folds or swelling is associated not only with skin aging, but also with age-related changes in the bones of the skull, our muscles and blood vessels. It’s just that these changes are hidden from our eyes, and therefore we often do not give them due importance.

But in order for care to be adequate and as effective as possible, you need to know and remember about these changes.

Age-related changes in the skull

First of all, it should be noted that throughout life our skull deforms and decreases in volume, and after this our face changes.

However, while our muscles are young and elastic, they tend to tightly grip the changing skull, and healthy elastic skin follows the muscles. Therefore, at 30 years old, our face no longer looks the same as it did at 20, but, as a rule, there are no obvious signs of aging yet.

But the older we get, the more our bones dry out and the skull decreases in volume, and the facial muscles weaken, lose volume, elasticity and can no longer grip our skull as tightly as before. And since the facial muscles are woven into the skin at one end, where the facial muscles sag, our skin sag.

Hypertonicity of the muscles of the face and neck

But in addition to the fact that some muscles weaken with age and begin to sag, that is, they are in hypotonicity, other muscles are often in hypertonicity, for example, the muscles of the forehead or neck. Hypertonicity is excess muscle tension. Many people now lead a sedentary lifestyle - they work all day at the computer, or spend a lot of time driving, and in the evening they often relax again at the computer, for example, watching videos on YouTube. All this contributes to hypertonicity of the neck muscles.

And many of you probably know that when the neck muscles are overstrained, they compress the blood vessels, which disrupts the blood supply to the brain - headaches appear, attention decreases, memory deteriorates, sleep is disturbed, and in general our health and well-being suffers.

But perhaps not everyone knows that the beauty of our face largely depends on the condition of the neck muscles. When blood flow is disrupted, our skin cells receive less nutrients and oxygen, and as a result, the skin ages faster.

Benefits of massage

Fortunately, our muscles are capable of self-rejuvenation. You know very well that if you train skeletal muscles - the muscles of our body, then at almost any age they will become denser and more elastic, and the body will become more toned. Facial muscles are no exception. It is no coincidence that massage is called passive gymnastics. With a massage of the face, neck and décolleté, you can relax tense muscles and tone weakened ones. As a result, the oval of the face will be tightened, folds and wrinkles will be smoothed out or reduced.

In addition, during the massage, blood circulation improves - the flow of arterial blood increases and skin cells receive more nutrients and oxygen. As a result, complexion and skin turgor improve, and the aging process slows down. By improving the outflow of venous blood and lymph, facial massage helps eliminate swelling and has a lifting effect.

And of course, massage affects the nervous system - it relieves emotional tension and other consequences of stress. Endorphins are produced - hormones of joy, happiness and pleasure. It lifts your mood, improves sleep and overall well-being.

At what age can you do facial massage?

Facial massage can be done at any age. But up to 25 years of age, massage is usually done if indicated. For example, if there is swelling or nervous tension. At 25-30 years old, massage can be done in a short course to prevent aging. And from the age of 30, it is advisable to regularly include massage in your salon anti-aging care.

Contraindications to facial massage

What are the contraindications to facial massage? Fever, colds. Various skin rashes - exacerbation of acne, herpes, allergic reactions. Any damage to the skin - wounds, abrasions, scratches.

In this case, you just need to wait until the exacerbation passes. Some diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer and others are also contraindications. serious problems on the health side.

Duration of effect

If the massage is performed as a one-time procedure, the effect will last about 3-4 days, and then fade away. After the first session, a good massage will reduce swelling, improve complexion, open your eyes, and tighten your oval shape. That is, going to a banquet, an important date or a meeting of classmates - the effect will be enough. But in order to achieve a lasting result, you need to undergo a course of 10-15 procedures, and in the future it is advisable to periodically do maintenance massage sessions. Or repeat the course in a few months.

On average, it is recommended to undergo an intensive massage course 2 times a year - 10-15 procedures 2-3 times a week. And to maintain the achieved result, it is advisable to do maintenance massage sessions at least 1-2 times a month. But of course, these are very average and generalized recommendations.
IN real life must be an individual trip.

At the age of 25-30 years, if there are no special problems, perhaps half a course of 5-7 procedures will be enough and someday you will visit a cosmetologist for a maintenance session. And after 40 years, you will most likely need at least 10-15 procedures to achieve maximum effect, and maintenance sessions at this age should be regular.

Myths about massage

Massage stretches facial skin

This myth has no basis, but nevertheless is quite tenacious. Firstly, facial massage is performed along massage lines - the lines of least stretch of the skin. And secondly, our skin is very elastic, and it’s impossible to just stretch it.

Our skin stretches only in one case - when the volume of tissue underneath it increases. For example, if you gain weight, during pregnancy or in case of severe swelling. But as soon as the volume decreases, the skin tends to shrink back under the changed volume.

Of course, over the years, the elasticity of the skin decreases, but even in old age, the skin sags not so much because it has lost elasticity, but because the volume of tissue underneath it has changed significantly - the volume of the skull bones, muscles and subcutaneous fat.

I don’t see any effect from the massage

Sometimes you can hear such reviews. In fact, after a good massage, the effect is felt after the first session. Who had the pleasure to enjoy good massage, will certainly confirm this. If there is no effect from the massage, it means either the specialist is weak in the massage technique, or the technique itself is weak and ineffective.

Massage is a procedure where the result very much depends on the qualifications of the specialist, in contrast, for example, to some hardware techniques, where it is relatively easy to master the correct technique for performing the procedure. For example, some girls now do the same ultrasound peeling at home on their own using a portable ultrasound scrubber and instructions for use.

Facial massage is a useless procedure

This opinion can sometimes be heard from some cosmetologists. It seems that for the most part this is said by those cosmetologists who either have poor knowledge of massage techniques, or are in poor physical shape and simply are not able to regularly perform such procedures, because massage is hard physical labor.

Massage gives only relaxation and nothing more

Even if massage only provided relaxation, for this alone it would become an indispensable procedure these days, when most people suffer from physical and mental stress.

There are even special techniques, for example, neurosedative massage of the face and body, where the effect is aimed primarily at the nervous system. The purpose of this massage is to eliminate the effects of prolonged stress, because stress has a negative effect on the entire body.

However, the effect of massage is not limited to relaxation alone.

Massage is a panacea for all problems

This opinion can sometimes be heard from some massage therapists. In fact, massage is an element healthy image life for your face and body, such as exercise.

In other words, it is an important part of care, but not a panacea. There is no panacea at all - to slow down aging and maintain health, an integrated approach is required.

Massage - there is so much in this word... It heals, warms, relaxes and gives pleasure. There is hardly a procedure that has such a huge number of techniques and methods: Chinese, Finnish, hygienic, anti-cellulite, erotic, cryomassage - this is only a part of its most popular types. It is both a cure and a prevention. Athletes never go to competitions without a personal massage therapist. And a real fashionista can, in a couple of minutes, dispel your doubts about whether facial massage is beneficial, and will suggest the best salon in the city. When done correctly, it leaves no one indifferent - after all, during the session, endorphins are produced in the brain - hormones of happiness.

Massage: a thousand and one fairy tales for the body

An ordinary representative of the older generation imagines a clinic and a plump aunty masseuse who kneads the patient like dough, leaving a bunch of bruises on his body, and in his head a story about the tricks of his neighbors.

The travel enthusiast has heard of Chinese, Thai and spa massage. The swimmer knows everything about healing and sports, although he won’t recommend it to his girlfriend: she’s unlikely to withstand this execution.

But the wise one modern woman Instead of looking after her man, she looks after herself. And massage is her faithful assistant. But everything is not so simple: among the variety of types and techniques, you need to choose exactly those that are suitable for her skin and age, solving the problems that she has set for herself.

So how many types of massage are there? No one can answer this question with 100% certainty. Each massage therapist brings something different; not everyone tries to preserve the classic scheme.

Facial massage is a pleasant procedure

Classification of massage types:

  • classical;
  • hygienic;
  • medicinal;
  • sports;
  • gynecological;
  • cosmetic;
  • percussion;
  • connective tissue;
  • periosteal;
  • self-massage;
  • segmental;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • Oriental;
  • Finnish;
  • Swedish;
  • chi nei tsang;
  • Japanese (shiatsu);
  • Thai;
  • cryomassage;
  • can;
  • reflexology;
  • Guasha;
  • acupressure or acupressure;
  • massage with spoons;
  • erotic.

Massage is recommended for all children, starting from the second month of life.

Modern medicine from all over the world has collected the knowledge accumulated by humanity. Of these types, many are indicated for a number of diseases, and some are useful for everyone, for example, erotic massage. Anyone can check its effectiveness, because this does not require any special knowledge.

As for the list of diseases for which this procedure is included in the treatment regimen, this includes sprains, fractures, problems of the male and female genital area, scar contractures, hypo- and hypertension, and osteochondrosis.

Massage has a huge significance and positive effect on newborn babies. It helps strengthen muscles, develop motor functions, prevents a huge number of diseases, and most children are happy to accept it. Stroking, vibration, kneading, light blows and kneading in various combinations and sequences give an amazing therapeutic effect.

The benefits and harms of facial massage: two sides of the palm

Classic facial massage is performed not with a hardware method, but with the hands of an experienced massage therapist who feels the condition of your skin and muscles. After the first five minutes, blood circulation improves significantly. Massage relieves muscle tension, reduces swelling, static and expression wrinkles, and makes facial skin more elastic and firm. With its help you can even fight a number of skin diseases, for example, seborrhea and acne. This is why facial massage is beneficial.

Scheme of classic facial massage

A cosmetologist will prescribe a course of such a massage for those who have oily, flabby, dry, aging or dehydrated skin. Comedones (blackheads), wide pores, stagnant spots formed after coal rash, infiltrates, “ full face", impaired lymphatic drainage are also included in the list of indications. In addition, the procedure allows you to make the oval of the face clearer, restore muscle tone and smooth out scars.

Facial massage usually starts from the area above the eyebrows

If we talk about the dangers of massage, then it can have a negative effect only when done incorrectly or contrary to contraindications. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to see a doctor. After all, even the presence of a large number of moles on the face prohibits a visit to a massage therapist. In addition, massage cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • acute infectious or allergic rashes (herpes, pyoderma, eczema, etc.);
  • scratches, cuts, abrasions, burns and other violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • papillomatous formations;
  • rehabilitation period after microdermabrasion and deep or medium chemical peeling;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels, spider veins, rosacea;
  • rehabilitation period after plastic surgery. Some types of massage are indicated at this time, but it all depends on the type of plastic surgery, as well as individual characteristics patient.

Carrying out both classical and hardware massage is possible only with the permission of a plastic surgeon.

Salon at home: we do the massage ourselves

Classic massage can be performed at home. To do this, you need to first cleanse the skin of cosmetics and dry it with a towel.

The movements are performed in the following sequence:

Classic facial massage is performed in 12 stages

  1. the thumbs are located above the eyebrows and move from the center to the temporal region, gradually rising higher, capturing the entire forehead;
  2. gently and gently pinch the eyebrow ridges with the index and thumb, starting from the bridge of the nose;
  3. Using the ring, middle and index fingers, massage the lateral and temporal areas - perform small circular movements, after which we move along the back of the nose;
  4. Use your fingertips to gently stroke the skin. We start movements from the nose, then follow along the cheek and then to the ear;
  5. With two fingers we pinch the skin along the chin and the edge of the lower jaw - massage with the pads of our fingers in a circular motion jaw muscles;
  6. With two fingers we squeeze and pull back the earlobe - you need to walk along the entire edge of the auricle up and down, and then massage the bone behind the ear;
  7. We place the bases of the palms on the cheeks, place the fingers under the neck - with massaging movements directed downwards, we spread the hands towards the ears;
  8. the palms are along the bridge of the nose, the movements, as in the previous paragraph, are directed downwards towards the ears;
  9. We close our ears tightly with our hands, holding them for a few seconds to be in complete silence;
  10. We completely cover our eyes with our palms, creating complete darkness for a few seconds;
  11. We smoothly spread our hands, lightly touch the eyelids with the pads of our thumbs. The movement is directed towards the temples;
  12. We apply our fingertips to the eyebrows, move along the forehead, and finally “comb” the hair along the entire length.

During a massage, hormones of happiness are produced - endorphins.

The total duration of the session is 15-25 minutes.

Facial massage not only helps to maintain skin tone, it is also a very pleasant relaxing procedure. To just please yourself or someone in your family, you can do it at home. But for serious results it is better to turn to specialists.

Facial massage is an important part of appearance care, which cannot be replaced by external products. Store-bought creams are unable to penetrate deeper than the surface layer of the skin. Their function is limited to moisturizing and creating a protective film. Massage improves metabolism and blood circulation, accelerates the movement of lymph. The procedure affects gas exchange, increasing oxygen consumption by tissues. This method can not only remove swelling, but also improve color, give the skin elasticity and firmness. Cosmetic massage prevents skin aging, fights the appearance of wrinkles and creases, pigmentation and acne. With its help, you can prevent not only the beginning signs of aging, but also the appearance of defects such as a double chin.

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    Description and types of procedure

    Facial massage is passive gymnastics for muscles. This is the safest and most enjoyable form of anti-aging, which gives positive emotions, a state of peace, freshness and lightness. With its help, you can bring muscles into balance: strengthen weakened ones and relax tight ones. As a result, the oval of the face becomes tightened, folds and swelling go away.

    You can perform self-massage or contact professional massage therapists. The results of procedures performed in a salon or medical center will be more noticeable.

    Types of massage

    There are many massage techniques. Methods, in the process of practice and new discoveries, are constantly developing and improving. Every decade new, more effective techniques appear.

    The most famous types of facial massage:

    1. 1. Classical. Consists of alternation various techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. The facial technique is very gentle. It is the best choice for improving trophic processes in the skin and cleansing the skin of dead epidermal cells.
    2. 2. Plastic. It is also called sculptural massage, as it allows you to give the face new contours and remove the double chin. His movements are intense, pressing. Recommended for all ages.
    3. 3. Japanese shiatsu. Acupressure, which is best done independently. It is done with the fingertips, influencing specific biological points on the face. Impact on the point once, less often three times, for 5–7 seconds. This procedure is considered an energy practice; it effectively relieves muscle hypertonicity and improves blood circulation.
    4. 4. Hardware. This salon procedure performed by a cosmetologist. Includes lymphatic drainage, muscle stimulation and massage. The procedure quickly removes swelling, the face looks younger, and its color acquires a healthy pinkish tint.
    5. 5. Pinch according to Jacquet. This technique is not intended to combat aging; it is performed only by a specialist in cases of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. Counts best choice for treatment acne, post-acne.

    Points of influence in the shiatsu technique

    Operating principle

    Human skin is riddled with tactile receptors. Mechanical irritation of tissues during massage provokes stimulation of receptors that carry signals to the nerve centers. Upon reaching the brain, these impulses are synthesized into a complex reaction, causing changes in the functioning of the body.

    Japanese shiatsu massage has the greatest potential for irritating receptors, since it affects biologically active points.

    Benefits and harms

    Massaging the face and neck can be done at any age, usually no earlier than 25 years of age. From the age of 30, it is advisable to include it in the list of mandatory facial care procedures.

    Of course, massage is not a panacea against age-related changes in the face and neck, but it is undoubtedly an important component integrated approach to maintaining youth. Like any technique, it has its pros and cons.


    You can see for yourself the benefits of this rejuvenating method after just a few procedures. The effect will be especially noticeable on older faces.

    The benefits of facial massage are as follows::

    • improves complexion due to improved blood flow;
    • metabolism is activated;
    • relieves stress;
    • muscle hypertonicity decreases;
    • the skin takes on a healthy and well-groomed appearance;
    • wrinkles and sagging are reduced;
    • the oval of the face improves;
    • acne and age-related pigmentation disappear;
    • swelling goes away.

    A positive side effect after a facial massage is an improvement in overall well-being, relief from headaches in the forehead, temples and eyes.


    The only disadvantage of massage is that inept actions can cause harm to the skin. If the massage therapist is not professional, then excessive pressure is possible. This is fraught with the appearance of vascular networks or bruises.

    The claim that massaging can stretch the skin has no basis. The effect of facial sagging is often observed in older women after several sessions. professional massage. This is explained by the fact that the muscles that were in hypertonicity returned to normal and this caused a temporary imbalance in the skin tissue. Over time, their skin returns to normal.

It may not be strange, but for some reason massage is not a popular way of facial rejuvenation. However, this one is affordable and safe way gives amazing results, and not only prolongs the youth of the skin, but also makes it healthier.
It helps improve metabolism, improves blood circulation and strengthens facial muscles.

Depending on the condition of the facial skin, various types of massage are used:

  • Classic cosmetology,
  • Plastic,
  • Lymphatic drainage,
  • Sculptural.

Classic massage

Of all the types of massage for facial rejuvenation, it is the simplest in technique, but no less effective than other types. Experts advise doing this massage to women with fading skin that has lost its elasticity, so-called “tired” skin. During this massage, various special creams and oils are used. The duration of the session is 35-40 minutes, from 8 to 12 sessions are required.

Plastic massage

The name itself suggests that such a massage, based on its results, may well replace some plastic surgeries. For oily, porous skin, various types pigmentation, swelling, folds, facial wrinkles plastic massage for facial rejuvenation gives amazing results. The main actions of the specialist during such a massage are not aimed at patting, pinching, smoothing, but at rhythmic, noticeable pressure on certain areas of the face. To obtain good result 6 to 10 sessions are recommended, session duration is half an hour.

Lymphatic drainage massage

This type of massage for facial rejuvenation can be divided into two types: manual and using appropriate equipment. Manual massage is carried out by experienced cosmetologists and massage therapists; it normalizes blood circulation of the facial skin, tightens sagging areas, and saturates the skin with oxygen.

Depending on the condition of the skin, they are used different ways hardware massage. Galvanization helps remove excess fluid and relieves swelling. With electroiontophoresis, moisturizing substances are introduced into the upper layers of the skin, thanks to which the skin restoration process occurs from the inside. Microcurrent massage smoothes out skin due to light electrical influence. deep wrinkles near the nose, lips, in the forehead area. This massage can be performed at any age and all its methods are absolutely painless.

Sculpture massage

The name itself, sculptural massage, already reveals the meaning of this massage for facial rejuvenation. A cosmetologist-massage therapist, and such massage can only be performed by specialists who have undergone appropriate training, like a talented sculptor “sculpts” the patient’s face. Moreover, this massage for facial rejuvenation affects not only skin, but also on the fat layer and deep layers of muscles.

The technique of sculptural massage for facial rejuvenation is very complex. Intense movements of a specialist along certain massage lines are sometimes even painful, and after the end of the massage the client may experience some discomfort on the face, although not for long. But it is worth enduring some of the inconveniences associated with such a massage for facial rejuvenation, as its results are amazing.

Sculptural massage essentially gives the client a new face; it is not for nothing that it is also called “non-surgical lifting.” The facial muscles are strengthened, which makes the oval of the face clearer, all wrinkles are smoothed out, from the smallest “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes to the deepest - nasolabial. Excess fluid and swelling of the face are eliminated, due to the normalization of blood circulation in the skin and muscles, the pores narrow, the face becomes elastic, the skin is smooth and radiant. In addition, such a rejuvenation massage eliminates more serious facial defects - smoothes out scars.

Disadvantages of massage for facial rejuvenation

Any type of massage for facial rejuvenation gives excellent results, but like any method of facial rejuvenation, it has its disadvantages. IN in this case, these disadvantages are expressed in several limitations and some inconvenience:

  • Any type of massage for rejuvenation is contraindicated for diseases of the facial skin, cancer, increased intracranial pressure,
  • Sculptural facial massage for rejuvenation cannot be performed before the age of 25.
  • Facial massage can only be performed by experienced cosmetologists and massage therapists, and sculptural massage can only be performed by masters who have completed a special training course,
  • During the sculptural massage procedure, the client experiences slight painful sensations, and after it, short-term discomfort on the face.

Advantages of massage as a way of facial rejuvenation

The only, although very important, advantage of massage for facial rejuvenation is the effect on facial skin in a natural way, without the use of operational methods.

But if you want to resort to more radical methods of facial rejuvenation, first choose the most suitable one for yourself.