Congratulations for the fire department worker. Congratulations on Fire Department Day in prose - congratulations in your own words

May fate reward you with comfort,
True friends and goodness.
Joyful, bright days,
And the children gathered at the table.

So that your health remains unshakable,
And there were lights in the eyes.
On this sixty-fifth anniversary,
We wish you love, grandfather.

Sixty-five years old today
Let's celebrate our grandfather,
And this glorious anniversary
Let it be a warm joy,

Prosperity in everything,
For years of long health
And more every day
Good friends and acquaintances!

Today, at 65 years old
I hasten to congratulate
My dear, beloved grandfather,
And we wish for better!

Health - so as not to get sick,
And full of longevity,
So that the soul strives to sing,
May spring bloom in your heart!

My grandfather is a man from the elite,
And it’s not about money, I’m talking about the soul.
Such beauty and heartfelt care
In the country, and in the world, you won’t find it anymore.

Here is my congratulations - grandpa’s 55th anniversary,
A beautiful date and holiday for everyone.
Well, we expect that we will get together again soon
And, grandfather, we will meet your first century.

Happy anniversary,
And already, at 65,
I wish you only the best
Don't know troubles

Let good things happen
Just don't be sad
Let success come to you,
Grandfather, don’t worry!

Grandfather, you are my dear,
I will always be with you.
You're even my best friend
Everyone around knows this.

You and I are one family,
The kids know this.
I'll give you a gift
At 55 years old I will thank you.

I congratulate my grandfather on his anniversary,
I'll give it to him today.
I smile all day long
And we will catch a goldfish.

Let's ask her to fulfill her wish,
We will surround you with attention.
Make a wish quickly,
And blow out 65 candles on the cake.

Grandpa, you are the best
You are a bright bright ray.
You, grandchildren, adore us,
You allow us to do everything.

Today is, of course, your day,
After all, it's your anniversary.
You've turned 65
And you are grateful to fate.

We wish you love,
Just don't run away from her.
More health and good luck to you,
And an unprecedented harvest at the dacha.

Grandfather, you are sixty-five,
It's not that much
Let's not sit here
And let's go into the forest, on the road.

I'll read you congratulations
And we'll have some fun
Grandfather, happy birthday to you,
You are my closest friend.

We love you more over the years,
So don't you dare be sad at all!
We will never forget you
And we will drink many more times during our birthday!

Just rejoice again and again
And also have fun again and again.
Congratulations, and believe me, this is new,
After all, today you are 65!

Who is the bravest in the world?
More useful and smarter than everyone else,
Who is more beautiful and athletic?
Who is pumped up and quick?

Only a fireman is better than everyone else
He saves us from troubles
From disasters and fires,
Fires and fumes.

I wish you guys
So that there is less work,
And the salary, so that it’s higher,
And health, only stronger!

Happy Firefighter Day
All workers and veterans!
We wish you courage, courage
In your dangerous service!

Let there be fire only in the heart,
There is coherence and loyalty in the team,
At home, so that the pies smell delicious,
And in my soul, so that I don’t feel sad!

Happy Fire Department Day! I wish you inexhaustible strength and iron health, easy everyday life and fewer emergencies. May your hard work always be rightfully and truly appreciated and bring the sincere appreciation and gratitude of society.

Happy Fire Protection Day
We congratulate you!
Strength of spirit and courage
We wish you the best.
Decent salary
And less work.
Let your house not be touched
Any adversity!
We wish you a sea of ​​happiness,
Good luck and good luck!

Happy Firefighter Day
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
We want to wish you good health,
Peace, happiness and love!

Thank you for your courage,
For hard work and courage,
For courage, for heroism,
Thank you for everything, friends!

Cool mind and steady hand
Lots of skills, courage and luck
Let them help you take the flame by the horns,
Solve difficult problems easily.

After all, you are a fireman, you know better than us,
Playing with fire is not the best thing to do.
Let him protect you in difficult times
A woman's prayer, a crucifix on her chest.

Today, on Firefighters Day, we
We wish you happiness and success,
To come out of the smoky darkness alive
In fireproof armor made of love.

Firefighters are special people
Capable of taming the element of fire.
Their service will quickly come to your aid.
And they are all so calm...

Calmness is probably their strong point,
Which adds a lot of honor to them.
Fire always tends to run away,
When a team works together.

Let's congratulate those who can save lives.
We wish you health and prosperity.
In life - only a smooth path:
Let it pass joyfully and sweetly.

Are you able to pacify the elements,
The fire is fierce and quickly extinguished
And in difficult times, come to the aid of people.
Let luck be your companion.

Sometimes you work miracles.
It’s better not to burn houses, forests,
Let hard work not cool your heart,
And let no one forget your exploits.

We congratulate you all on this holiday.
May every day and hour be kind.
We are grateful for your risky work.
Health, happiness and good luck to all firefighters!

You are heroes, well done,
You are fighters against the elements,
We wish you optimism in life,
Courage, strength and heroism,
So that the fire is afraid of you.
Everyone saved someone,
We are forever grateful to you,
May the service be impeccable.

For fire safety!
This is the main toast today.
Today is a very important day,
Your holiday is not so simple.

Fire prevention -
Your righteous goal.
So let's give it some heat, guys -
Hops are allowed today!

We sincerely congratulate you,
On your professional day,
We wish you to be happy,
At work - fewer shifts!

Let your work be priceless,
And the fire burns in the hearts,
The vacation will be complete,
Both at sea and in the mountains!

Happy Fire Department Day,
We thank you for everything
Your courage, bravery,
We keep it carefully in our hearts!

[in prose]

Congratulations on Firefighter Day in prose

There is nothing more noble than saving loved ones. Your profession is associated with constant risk, tension, and courage. May you face as few challenges as possible. Let it be in your life more joy. Let your goals coincide with the desires of others. Be happy, courageous, collected! Never know fatigue and despair. Never back down from adversity. Live honestly and nobly! Good luck in this difficult field! Happy Firefighter Day!

Happy Firefighter Day! It’s so nice to congratulate you on your professional holiday, knowing how much you are in love with the business you have chosen. Nowadays, fewer and fewer boys dream of becoming firefighters; everyone wants to be a hacker. And she found her calling, and with faith and truth you stand to protect people from the fiery elements. Low bow to you for your work!

My friends, I am very glad to have the opportunity to congratulate you on your holiday - the day of the brave and courageous, the day of the responsible and reliable, the day of the sincere and real! At all times, the best were selected for the fire department, and it is no coincidence that today they are on guard fire safety it is you who are worth it. Happy Firefighter Day, guys! I wish you happiness, health and, of course, dry sleeves!

Rescuers-firefighters, three times “Hurray” for you! How many times have you had to save lives, how many grateful words have you received for your work. Allow me today to express my deep respect and gratitude for the fact that you are always on the alert, that without hesitation you enter into the fight against fire! May your spirit, your strength and will always be unshakable. Glory to the fire department!

I would like to congratulate you on your professional holiday, Happy Firefighter Day, and wish you to always be attentive, react quickly and do the right things. May your professional skills and dexterity never let you down, may there be as few critical situations as possible. I wish you good mood and happiness in life!

Today is Fire Protection Day, a holiday of all heroes, brave and courageous guys! May there be no failures on your dangerous path. I wish you even more strength, courage, endurance and courage, because this is so important in your business. I wish that your reaction never lets you down and that you never lose heart. Thank you for saving so many lives, for your efficiency and for your kindness! Good luck, happiness and prosperity to you!

Fire department workers have to endure hundreds of difficult shifts, hot shifts, and night alarms. On your professional holiday, I would like to thank you for choosing this profession, feeling responsible for every citizen and doing everything possible to save people in fires. We wish you serviceable equipment, reliable protection of your Guardian Angel (who also does not sleep during particularly difficult and dangerous shifts and watches over you), as well as good opportunities for good rest!

Our dear, beloved firefighters! You have chosen one of the most dangerous professions in existence, so may success accompany you in everything! We wish you good night, dry sleeves and durable helmets! You have to work less and relax more! May your cylinders never run out of oxygen, and may champagne and vodka flow from your fire nozzles today!

I don't know people of greater heroism than firefighters. At moments when everyone is overwhelmed with panic and fear, you enter burning buildings and, risking your life, save the most precious things from them. I wish you health, love, prosperity and luck. So that any task set before you by life will be overcome with honor and dignity! Happy Fire Department Day!

[in prose]

More for Fire Protection Day on our website: !

Colleagues, on our holiday I wish you,
Let no reason for action arise,
Let everything around be peaceful, light,
May everything be fine in your families,
I wish you the joys of life henceforth,
Be happy more often, don’t get sick,
I bring only peace to everyone,
So that the fireman's helmet is always intact.

Fire protection is an honorable job,
After all, we guys are always responsible for someone.
Today I would like to wish all of us success,
Luck and the ability to tame the flames.

Let the fire go away as soon as it sees us,
And let the flame never offend us.
May you be lucky in life and may your rear be reliable,
And people will be grateful to us for our work.

Dear colleagues, congratulations on your professional holiday, Fire Protection Day. Representatives of our profession have a strong and decisive character, understand what responsibility for the life of another person means, and demonstrate a willingness to help in difficult times. Be healthy, loved by your loved ones and always return to where you are expected.

Happy Firefighter Day, friends,
I sincerely congratulate you now!
I've been working with you for so long
And I respect you all immensely.

I wish you love and goodness,
Let the fire burn in a life of happiness.
Let your dream come true,
And let smiles surround you.

Happy holiday, my colleagues,
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
Happy Firefighter Day
Congratulations on a wonderful day.

Let the fires of ardent feelings
In a joyful life they glow,
Sparkles of goodness and happiness
Let them not fade away in your hearts.

Congratulations to you, colleagues.
Today I am from the heart,
We are all in the fire department,
Of course they are good.

I wish you success,
Let the flames be afraid of you,
And the fire of goodness and light
Will not leave your eyes.

Happy Firefighter Day,
Colleagues, I congratulate you,
Let fire be a friend,
Let the fires not burn.

Fire element
Let him not break free,
Let the forests not be threatened by fire,
Will not touch the wheat field.

Let him warm the house,
Burns in the home hearth,
Sparks of love and kindness
Let them shine in everyone's heart

We risk our lives every day
And we fight with fire on equal terms,
So let's celebrate today
Our holiday is fire protection day!

I, colleagues, congratulate you all
With this difficult, dangerous job
And I wish you fewer fires,
A more love and worries!

I wish the element of fire conquered,
And let the spirit be strong and unbroken,
More quiet and calm duties for you,
And the trips are always successful and worthy.

May troubles pass you all by.
In the family, at work, always be appreciated.
So that what you want, let it be given.
Colleagues, happy Fire Department Day.

Dear colleagues, on Fire Day
I sincerely congratulate you on this holiday!
Let your brave heart not be afraid of fire,
Let the fire be afraid of you, catching fire here and there!

I wish you health, strength, courage of spirit,
Every day you are in battle, fighting with fire.
May your luck and skill be
Your faithful companion both night and day!

Let our fire department
He comes to everyone's aid if needed!
I always want to save people,
After all, we are not indifferent to people!

I wish us all courage, bravery,
Indeed, this work is very difficult!
Let it be in every new step we take
Confidence with determination live!

Congratulations on Fire Protection Day 2020 in verse and prose

Today is the day of the brave and courageous , the day of the strong and noble, the day of the courageous and reliable. Today is firemen's day. There is no place in the fire department for the cowardly, weak and spineless. Only real men work here! On their professional holiday, we simply must congratulate these guys and wish them health, good luck, courage and endurance. May your big red cars never let you down, and may the fire become tame when you appear. Fewer difficult, dangerous tasks for you and more good rest. Happy holiday!

T You are our guy, a simple fireman,
You spare no effort for the cause!
Victory over any fire,
You also extinguished Chernobyl!
We wish you this spring day,
Great success, happiness of passions,
Let respect never run out
And there will be many bright days!


ABOUT ordinary heroes,
They don't care about fire
Regular firefighters
Let's drink to them today!

IN You, firefighters, are not at all against the light, but let it know its place and not bother honest people! Today, on Fire Department Day, accept their congratulations and sincere wishes of all the best - wealth, love, longevity, good luck, true friends, adventures, fulfillment of desires!


G They say the fireman sleeps for a long time,
And he is afraid to swim in the sea!
They say it's from the water
From the fire that he often dreams about!
Well, I’ll tell you now, friends,
This is all a big slander!
I always respected firefighters,
They have enormous masculine strength!
They have great kindness
That's why the fireman is very dear to me!
Let trouble pass you by
Woe, human tears!
And may fate be happy,
You only dream about all the good things!


E there is such a profession
Go to fires
And, sometimes, saving people,
Risk your life.

I wish the fireman
So that luck comes next,
Glorifying hard work,
So that your instinct doesn’t let you down.


P On this magnificent holiday, please accept my heartfelt, sincere gratitude for your difficult work. You are a support in difficult times. You save people's lives and property! On this great day, I want to wish the masters of fire fighting good health, good luck in all areas of life and may there be as few calls to “hot” places as possible! We love, appreciate and respect you!


TO every year at the end of April
Citizens sing glory
For those who are constantly in business,
Protecting their comfort
To those to whom everyone is grateful,
To those in whose word the root is “saved”...
Let at least on Firefighters Day
It will be a quiet day for you!


TO when the alarm siren plays for you,
Trouble will happen on your watch,
Your calculation will not allow even a second of delay,
You are always ready for combat!
Let the firebrands fly like bullets,
No wonder people praise you by word of mouth!
You stepped into the fiery battle without hesitation,
Thank you, fighters, for a life of celebration!


IN When you fight fire on a regular basis, it becomes a symbol of your work. Let only the sun warm you in everyday life and let only the stars shine in the darkness.


Z Firefighters know a lot about their job -
How many people and houses were saved!
Often you have to be on the limit.
It’s no sin to praise them on this day!
I would like to sincerely contact you
And wish you less worries,
And we want to bow down for the work.
Let the shadows of adversity not touch you!


D Day of the glorious fire service
Our people will not forget!
Although, of course, it is necessary to admit -
What burns will not rot;
At least they provide warmth with light
Firewood set on fire
But the burning
Absorbs gas O-two!
Life is getting ugly
So we won’t drink in vain
For the guys in the red car
On the red day of the calendar!


D People have become accustomed to silence,
Alarms have been lifted everywhere for a long time.
Only you and I remained in the war,
Where there will never be a truce.
Fire doesn't always bring trouble,
But you shouldn't trust him blindly.
He can wait patiently for years
To one day become a flame to the sky.
When there is a mortal battle with fire,
There are no days off, and there is no rest,
We sometimes curse this work,
But we can’t live even a day without her.
The dawn has long come in silence,
Alarms have been canceled everywhere for a long time,
And only the firefighters remained in the war,
Where there will never be a truce.

T what a difficult job
Be alert, wait for the command to fight!
A fire barrel is like a machine gun,
Attack to hold back the elements!
Hero firefighters live among us,
Simple guys with a pure soul!
We wish you happiness, vigor, health,
May every battle end with victory!


B orcs against the fire of the elements,
Today is a solemn day,
The awards sparkled on the jackets,
Sunny April warmed them with warmth!
We congratulate those who are not for glory,
And for our sake they go into battle for their lives,
Health to you, guardians of the state,
Kudos for your hard work!


G speak pompously
About the champions of fire
Don't want; and here are the firefighters
There will be a word from me!
Everyone knows: their work is sacred!
And no more words are needed:
Happy Fireman's Day, guys!
And dry sleeves to you!


P raise a glass to honor and conscience.
It’s a sin not to support the fire department,
You can see people like this from miles away,
Which they know how to hold.
The work here requires professionals -
After all, you have to “play” with fire.
We are grateful for your considerable work,
We will sing a song for your glory!


N no, not for fame
They go into battle
And not for the sake of a medal,
They are risking their lives here.

Regular work
Hurry, extinguish, save,
Ordinary guys
You won't recognize them in the crowd.

Ordinary heroes
They don't care about fire
Regular firefighters
Let's drink to them today!


ABOUT n a hero, because he is a fireman,
Everyone respects him!
And for a friend he is a partner,
He won't leave you alone.
Don't be sad for no reason
Let's say sincerely, with soul:
You are a real man
And we are proud of you!

AND a spark will ignite a flame...
But so that the spark does not become huge,
You are with a fire hose both days and nights
You are standing in the way of the fiery shaft.
I wish you all to forget the fire,
Only the stove and fireplace were burning.
So that people don’t call your service,
And the phone didn’t dial zero one!

IN It's a festive time for you, please accept our gratitude. We wish that there are fewer fires, flames and grief in your life!

WITH from young nails to gray hair
We remember number 01,
Although everyone wishes for himself
Live your whole life and not bother,
Call different numbers
But without dialing 01.
And those whose number is 01,
They want people not to call them,
And this, it is clear to everyone, is not without reason.
After all, if the phone is silent,
That means there is no reason to call,
And there are no fires in the city.
I want to raise a toast now
For being in the fire department
Most of the time the phone was silent:
After all, for firefighters this is happiness!