Testing a guy for love. How to find out if a guy truly loves you: signs, test, fortune telling

N Having started communicating with an unfamiliar man, a girl wants to know how to test a guy’s feelings. It is difficult to find a person who would not test his partner for love. Sometimes women see something that is not really there. Ordinary friendship seems to them to be a manifestation of love. To find out what a guy is really experiencing, you need to pay attention to his behavior.

Good signs

A woman can be sure that she is not indifferent to her friend if:

1. A man likes to be around. He is looking for a reason to ask a question, watching from a distance. In the company of friends, he strives to sit down with the woman he loves.

2. A guy gets jealous when he sees a girl with another man. He shows his feelings without realizing it. Male psychology is designed in such a way that even if the women they like have not yet reciprocated, men in love begin to consider them their property.

3. The young man gives compliments. One may doubt the sincerity of such signs of attention. For some guys, this behavior is completely natural. They shower any woman with compliments. However sincere feelings it's hard not to notice. A lover always lowers his eyes when he tells the girl he likes how beautiful she is.

4. The young man notices new details of the image. You can trust that this is sincere attention. Men, unlike the fair sex, rarely notice details. Only by truly loving a girl do they become more attentive.

5. He is interested in his chosen one. If a young man collects information, he is sincere in his feelings. It is not necessary to test a young man for love. He wouldn't collect data about someone he doesn't care about.

6. The guy remembers a lot about the girl. You shouldn’t think about how to test a man’s feelings if he doesn’t forget his tastes, knows the phone number by heart and remembers his chosen one’s birthday.

Love does not love…

When communicating with guys in a friendly atmosphere, a girl is often unable to understand who likes her. A shy man is not always sincere in the presence of his beloved. Some guys tend to shy away from girls they like. In some cases, women face aggression from those who liked them. How to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings:

  1. Do not respond to the guy's signs of attention. According to psychologists, this is one of the best methods find out the intentions of your new fan. A person who is truly interested will continue the “assault.” Guys don't like women who are too available and don't have to fight for their hearts. An ordinary lover of “hitting” usually quickly loses interest in an indifferent girl. If you like a guy, you shouldn't subject him to thorough checks. He may be disappointed.
  2. Stay at a distance. This proven method is also suitable for those who have already started serious relationship, and to those who have not yet had time to declare their love to each other. It is worth subjecting a man to the test of distance. When love is sincere, the guy continues to communicate by correspondence. If a man's attentions come through electronic messages, he really values ​​the girl.
  3. Ask to meet your parents. Some psychological techniques allow you to find out the seriousness of the young man’s intentions. Friendship with a guy must end with something sooner or later: a beginning life together, wedding, separation. If, for the sake of testing, you ask your loved one to introduce you to your parents, but he does not want to do this, male interest can hardly be called serious.
  4. A proven method to find out about the feelings of your chosen ones is to observe men in extreme conditions. For example, hooligans attacked you on the street. It is worth paying attention to the reaction of a potential husband. A guy shouldn't leave his girlfriend. Even if he is not able to cope with several physically strong men, he must try to negotiate with them. To a young man A person who abandoned a girl and ran away should not be trusted in the future.

How not to act

Knowing how to test a man's feelings, a woman sometimes goes to extremes. The guy also knows several techniques on how to test a girl’s feelings. Looking at his beloved’s tricks, a man understands perfectly well that she is testing him. Mutual distrust leads to the fact that one of the couple or both cease to experience the same love. When looking for evidence that a guy is attached, you should not:

1. Fortune telling yourself or visiting a fortune teller. Some girls want to find out if their loved one has stopped feeling passion for them, using all kinds of folk fortune-telling. Many methods are baseless superstitions. You shouldn't trust a fortune teller either.

2. Make you jealous. You can leave your correspondence with another man unlocked on your phone or computer so that your loved one can read it. Not entirely friendly correspondence will lead him to think that he is being cheated on. Often, girls flirt openly in front of their boyfriends, trying to arouse jealousy. This should not be done. There are often cases when such trials end in crimes. And if a guy suspects checks, he may be offended and suggest breaking up.

3. Tempt. A woman can ask a close friend to participate in her experiment. Your friend will “accidentally” come to visit. Such games usually end with the guy leaving for his girlfriend.

Women test men the same way men test women through their friends, by correspondence and other methods. It is important for us to know that we are remembered and loved. However, when we check, we unconsciously express distrust. You should not think that actions go unnoticed. They offend a person who is sincerely attached. Tests of love can lead to loss.

It is logical that it is impossible to protect yourself from all real and contrived tests, but we will still identify the main women’s traps and pitfalls.

Men, as always, are extremely observant. In order for them to understand something, you need to throw a chair at them, and then say in a cute voice: “Hello!” Dmitry Yemets “Mefodiy Buslaev. Ice and fire of Tartarus."

Women think that men come up with a thousand tests to determine whether a girl is right for them. Is it really? The most complex logical chains, which Hercule Poirot himself might envy, are, by and large, built not by men, but by the ladies themselves, in order to make sure of the “reliability” of their potential half.

First of all, a woman wants to find out: what kind of person you are, can you communicate normally, do you have a sense of humor, how confident are you in your abilities, your worth as a person, can you be controlled, are you trying to win her and for what purpose, for what? are you capable for her sake, what kind of past relationships do you have and why did they fall apart, are you independent, wealthy, smart and is it worth spending time on you or are you “another guy from another failed relationship.”

There may be 1001 female checks, because Scheherazade lies dormant in every woman, but even if we list them all, you can be sure that you will come across 1002 methods. Girls have been telling each other since childhood: “Don’t trust these scoundrels!” and check us constantly. It is logical that it is impossible to protect yourself from all real and fictitious tests, but we will still outline the main traps and pitfalls. Let’s make a reservation right away, as in films: “All characters are fictional and coincidences are random,” but you and I know.

Testing a man/boyfriend for fidelity

There is a parable in the Bible: And behold, a woman came towards him, dressed as a harlot, with a treacherous heart, noisy and unbridled; her feet do not live in her house: now on the street, now in the squares, and she builds forts at every corner. She grabbed him, kissed him, and with a shameless face told him: “... come in, we will revel in tenderness until the morning, we will enjoy love.” Many kind words she captivated him, with the softness of her lips she took possession of him. He immediately followed her, like an ox going to the slaughter, and like a deer going to the shot.

Men are polygamous, but this is clearly not an excuse for cheating, but if you look through the eyes of the unshaven, is it worth tempting fate? There is no point in testing us with a busty girlfriend or setting up a situation where we have to choose between a vague, recently created or already falling apart relationship and ordinary sex. The verification methods are not original and cannot claim to be brilliant tactical maneuvers, but they are still the following:

  • “Effectively write him a letter, an SMS from another phone and then ask: Do you have a girlfriend? I would like to meet you, I really liked you. I did that... I checked and it turned out that he doesn’t have a girlfriend at all and in his first letter to me he wanted to meet me, you asshole!!!”
  • “I decided to check on MCH and sent him a girlfriend. She, of course, is beautiful, a bitch, but the guy and I have already met more than a year and I was already preparing for a more serious relationship, however, he had not yet offered me his hand and heart. One, two, away we go... in general, they are getting married soon.”
  • “And mine behaved like that. I talked to him on Skype, and at that moment my girlfriend was following him on a dating site. At first he himself said that the girl was pestering him and began to retell their conversation to me. I asked him not to tell me anything, he replied that he had no secrets from me. He said that this girl was asking about the presence of a girlfriend, he wrote to me: “I said that I have a favorite.” And an hour later, when a friend sent me their conversation, she read the following, completely different:
    - Do you have a girlfriend?
    - And why do you need it? You're probably someone's girlfriend and just want to check (smart little bastard).
    - No, I just want to know what I can count on, just a cup of coffee or an immortal soul.

    “I’m completely free, so you can count on everything.”
    Well, of course, I swallowed my tears and remained silent, but the next day he showed me a photo of a “new acquaintance”, look what girl he met. I had a desire to go and drink kerosene. This was a real stab in the back... which means I was thinking about her, but decided to play it safe.”

    Finding yourself in such a situation is not very fun; if you pass the “test”, then you feel sad from distrust, and if you fail, it means you didn’t meet the one you wanted. Get yourself together and finally figure out what you want.

    Testing a man/guy for a strong shoulder and courage

    Girls love to test their ability to withstand life's situations and be as solid and reliable as a rock. The tests are quite strange, but since the days of the caves, brute male strength has always attracted the weaker sex, and they continue to look for a strong shoulder.

    You won't have to hold the sky like Atlas and perform the labors of Hercules, but that hardly makes it any easier. Perhaps it will be her friends who will pester you in the yard, at her request, or she will provocatively throw popcorn at the big guy in the cinema, and the kitten sitting on the tree, out of pity for which she burst into tears, was thrown onto the tree by herself for five minutes back.

    • “I asked my boyfriend to pick me up from the club, saying that they were pestering me here and straining me in every possible way. And he, like a mouse under a broom, said: “I can’t take you away. I’m busy - look for a way out yourself!” And this is on a birthday that he couldn’t go to! I concluded that if something happened in life, it would be impossible to rely on him. We broke up".
    • “The taxi driver was rude to me, some dirty jokes, I told the guy: “Go and sort it out.” And he came up to him and talked and just came back. Mine says that the driver didn’t tell me anything, he just told me an anecdote and seemed to apologize to him, and not to me. I thought he would punch the driver in the face, weakling!”

    It is quite possible that you will have to scatter hooligans and argue with the movers. It is difficult to say which reaction is correct and whether it is necessary to dig the ground with your hooves like a buffalo and butt heads or try to resolve the matter amicably.

    In the movie Californication, the heroine Karen is insulted by some guy, future husband Bill goes to peace, and main character Hank Moody, not indifferent to the lady, simply solves everything with his fists. Guess who the bride Karen ran away from the wedding with?

    Checking a man/guy for body clearance

    There is no question here: “She will give or she will not,” if she wants to be your girlfriend, then the answer is obvious. Another thing is that it can exhaust your soul and heart, and will force you to drink valerian at night, testing your perseverance and compliance with the macho picture in Cosmopolitan magazine. The girl will act: “Our motto is invincible: we will excite and we will not give!”, evaluating the male attempts and methods being made.

    • “Use an umbrella directly into a place where boys are strictly forbidden to use umbrellas, and then apply something cold to the bruised area and give it a massage. He will obviously only think about one thing, but if you want to interest him, then hold on and break like the last samurai on an enemy island... you shouldn’t do hara-kiri earlier than a month into the relationship. If he is interested in you not only as a girl for sex, then he will not be too persistent in getting under your panties. Otherwise, let him go through the forest.”

    You should always want it: at night, during the day, among the snows of the Arctic and sandstorms of the Gobi, under water and in zero gravity. Let her be poorly made up and wrinkled, like a pillow after sleep, look like a grimy princess in an everyday Cinderella costume, in curlers and with broken nails. It doesn’t matter, for you it should be a piece of candy that you want to gobble up with your dirty little hands. We don’t see anything wrong with this test; men always want sex, except maybe it’s the World Cup.

    Here the only question is persistence and the desire to achieve the goal, reducing the time frame for female decency. If the fortress cannot be taken by force, a sophisticated attack, cunning and dizzying tactics, and Trojan horses and pick-up artist methods are burned with arrows at a safe distance, you can always leave this existence and leave the tribe of male warriors in a monastery to grow chrysanthemums. If this does not suit, then finally take and burn this Troy.

    Checking a man/guy for greed

    Well, it’s not like she’ll attack you and, threatening you with a thong, empty your pockets. Girls act more carefully.

    • “Ask him, preferably at his home, to bring you a glass of water. If the glass is filled to the brim, then he is not greedy, but if not, then you understand.”
    • “I had such a gentleman! Once he brought me to a good restaurant and asked: “Are you going to eat?” Out of amazement, I refused to “eat”, but he ordered himself a good portion and ate heartily. I only drank white wine. The waiter offered sweets, but when he asked about the price, he said that he didn’t like those! The man at the next table watched us and gave me flowers, my companion was indignant: “What a fool!” It should be noted that my gentleman himself is quite wealthy. I didn’t agree to date him anymore, but he never understood why, he’s a moron.”
    • “Try to unobtrusively give something, invite you to a cafe, supposedly a surprise, a romantic dinner... if he doesn’t refuse, one hundred percent - he’s a miser! Over time, he will also begin to promote you... I already had such an experience, but in the first month there were not even any signs, it was just gallantry. So, if in doubt, it’s better to run like Julia Roberts from Richard Gere.”

    We won't say that red-haired Roberts was caught after all. It’s one thing when you are tested for greed, another when you are being promoted, and a third when you have a normal relationship.

    It’s not worth buying a ticket to Bali after a week of dating and let someone else pay for the shopping at your expense. But in other places, be yourself. A small hint that she's hungry or wants a snack shouldn't be taken literally; she might just want to drink a Shirley Temple mocktail, so go ahead and buy her a Long Island Ice Tea. The drink works great on the fair sex, it’s not for nothing that it was invented during Prohibition, but we didn’t advise you to do that.

    Yes, guys, don’t be greedy, but if it’s really tight, then improvise.

    Testing a man/boyfriend for love

    Girls usually think faster and can say after the first glance: “This is the future father of our three kids.” The powerful of this world are more secretive in their feelings, sometimes they themselves do not understand what and who they want. And while men are thinking, women are trying by hook or by crook to find out: does he love or is he at least in love? There can be a countless number of methods:

    • “When I want to find out if a guy loves me, I start not paying attention to him, communicate more with other guys from our circle and look at his reaction. If he doesn’t pay attention and doesn’t notice, it means he doesn’t love, and if he’s jealous, offended and sulking like a field mouse on cereal, deliberately talking to other girls, that means he loves.”
    • “Tell me you're pregnant. And when he comes to his senses after the stupor and speaks, everything will become clear.”
    • “Admit that you met another guy, better than him, and you don’t want to be with him anymore. If he truly loves you sincerely, not in words, but in deeds, then he will fight for you and prove every day that he is better and that he is worthy of your attention, and if he does not love, then he will immediately go to seek solace with another.”

    Testing the character of a man/guy

    Women are interested in finding out what a man is morally. Can he be strong, but let him cry into his vest, is he ready to bear responsibility, is he amenable to control, what can be manipulated, what can be hurt, reaction to various blackmails, weak points of men and what your future relationship will be like, readiness to go through all stages of the relationship, starting from the flower-candy period and ending with vanilla heaven.

    • “You meet with MCH and already want a family, but he still doesn’t propose. And you think, well, he’s about to fall at your feet with a marriage proposal. It's easy to check his intentions. You take and persuade someone from the general company, preferably a man, to ask: “When are you going to get married?” If he says: “Well, I definitely won’t get married until I’m 30...” That’s it, this is already a defective copy. Why should I wait so long for him to mature and want to get married? Or another test. We call him and say: “Meet me from the train on Saturday at 6 am.” If he starts wagging and weaving tall tales, then this is a bad sign. There will be repetitions - for the sake of such a suitor.”
    • “In general, we have been dating for almost a month. And during this time he complimented me only 3 times! No flowers, no cafe, no cinema, no theater... nothing! Well, these are still flowers. On the 5th day of our meetings, we kissed. But he doesn’t introduce me to his friends, I told him for 3 days to set his marital status on VKontakte! But his computer is broken and he has no money in his account. Then it became clear to me that I couldn’t go any further with this messenger.”
    • “I love experiments with half-drunk men. There is a recipe: 1. Give me vodka and beer, but not too much, he will still be sober. 2. Give him coffee to “sober up.” And then even the strongest man becomes insane, drunk, talks all kinds of nonsense, starts pawing and staring at you with crazy eyes. And in such a situation you can find out a lot! I recommend to everyone!"

    From the editor: the sobering effect of coffee after alcohol is a myth; official medicine claims that the effect of caffeine only temporarily helps a drunken body and within thirty minutes the body will become even worse. So don't fall for this scam.

    So we talked about the main female traps, tests and checks. But any test is inaccurate, can fail and prove absolutely nothing, as an example of the old story about testing for “fidelity” before the wedding:

    "I was happy! I dated my friend for a whole year and we decided to get married. Our parents helped us in any way, our friends supported us. What about your girlfriend? My friend was just a fairy tale!

    The only thing that bothered me was her younger sister. She was 20 years old and wore miniskirts and tight tank tops with large cutouts. She always bent over when she was near me and showed off her panties. I'm sure it wasn't an accident since she didn't do this in front of anyone else.

    One day her sister called me and asked me to come and look at the wedding invitations. When I arrived, she was alone. She told me that I would soon be married, but she has feelings and desires for me that she cannot overcome. She said she only wants to make love to me once before I get married. I was terribly surprised and did not know what to answer.

    She said, “I’m going upstairs, and if you want, just come up to me and take me.” I was shocked. I stood frozen in surprise as she walked up the steps. When she got upstairs, she took off her panties and threw them to me. I stood there for a while, then turned around and headed straight towards front door. He opened the door, left the house and headed to his car. My future father-in-law stood on the street, with tears in his eyes, he hugged me and said: “We are very glad that you passed our little test. Now we know for sure that there is no more suitable man for our daughter! Welcome to our family!”

    Moral: keep condoms in the car!

    The most interesting questions and tests from women:

    • “How to check men for lice on the first date”
    • “How to test a man for alcoholism, based on the choice of alcoholic beverages”
    • “How to find out if a man will marry you by his sex position”

    So you have passed all the women's tests, marveling at women's cunning, deadly traps and dizzying intrigues worthy of a royal court. The other half throws itself at your neck shouting: “I am yours forever!”, but here a dilemma arises. A woman's test, whether the tester passes it or not, is often disastrous. A guy or man can easily give up on a suspicious girlfriend and the relationship will fall apart due to mistrust.

    According to surveys from the magazine “How to check if a guy likes you?” The winning answer was: “You don’t need to test him, just look carefully into his eyes and find the answer there.” We can give our own advice from a series of harmful ones: girls who like to test guys should read the classics: “feed, drink, wash and put them to bed.” Well, what you learn as a result, we will tell the girls next time, and the guys will understand us anyway.

    Many people live by the principle: “Trust, but verify,” but no one knows how to do it correctly. Women will always check their other halves, just like men, when they are unsure of themselves or the collapse of the “empire” is already obvious. Many checks end in tears, snot and fights. If everything is fine, then it’s better not to tempt the demon, and instead of checks and tests, you ask yourself the question: “When will you live?”

It is often difficult for a woman to understand how a guy treats her. This applies to both unfamiliar men and regular partners. At some point, it becomes unclear what to count on in the future and how serious his intentions are. Then you have to come up with ways to check a man’s feelings, since it can be awkward to ask directly.

How to check if a man loves you?

There is no need to rush in this matter. remember, that everyone loves in their own way and perhaps your partner shows feelings as best he can. And if his behavior does not meet your expectations, this does not mean that he does not love you. Therefore, first try to understand it. When that doesn't work, push:

  • Get started act indifferent. Psychologists believe that this is one of the most reliable ways to get a man to “ clean water" If he is interested in you, he will worry, ask what happened, call more often, show attention;
  • Or you can leave, few pass the test of distance. You will immediately feel care and attention even if you are far away, if he is really bored;
  • Tell him you want to introduce him to his parents. This is a crucial moment; he will immediately understand the seriousness of your intentions. And he will either agree that he already means something, or he will simply disappear from the horizon.

So, main advice - watch. Notice whether he cares, worries, listens to your opinion and gives in.

A person remembers only important information

pay attention to little things, sometimes they help to create a more complete picture of what is happening. When something is important to us, we try to remember it or write it down so as not to forget. Whether it's an unmissable event or a phone number.

The same situation is with the young man. Remember, does he always congratulate you on your birthday, does he remember when your mother’s anniversary is? Or he regularly misses these events.

It is also important whether he remembers your phone number by heart or can only name it by looking in the address book of his smartphone. If the device is lost, he will not be able to contact you if he did not try to learn the treasured numbers.

Of course, circumstances are different, and this is far from an indicator of an indifferent attitude if he forgot to wish you a happy birthday. There could be important things to do - work or study, or I was tired. There is no need to sound the alarm. But such events still leave an imprint and form a certain opinion in his direction.

How to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings?

Also note, how he behaves when he's around. There are things that show how he feels about you on a subconscious level. This is an elementary concern:

  1. Does he help carry heavy bags, does he hold the door;
  2. How does he respond to requests for help and assistance?
  3. How to say goodbye. Re-read the messages, see what words come at the end, whether they speak of tenderness and care.

If you cannot objectively assess his behavior, ask a friend to help. Spend a few weekends or evenings together and let her observe. Just choose for these purposes a person who can be entrusted with such sensitive topics.

What should you not do?

The main thing now is not to do anything stupid. Some women go to extremes and then regret their mistakes. Noticing that you are trying to test him, a man may be offended.

He will also begin to distrust and the matter may end in separation. To prevent this from happening do not do it:

  • Make you jealous. Light flirting with another in the presence of your loved one, late phone calls or other similar tricks can convince him that you are cheating. Then he will either simply get up and leave, or he will also slowly cheat, feeling the right to do so;
  • Tempt. Do not try to test its reliability using beautiful girlfriend. Sometimes girls do this, they ask their neighbor to meet the guy to see how he does. Often this ends with a neighbor's wedding to your boyfriend.

The best way to clarify the situation - talk or at least hint that you are tormented by doubts. Explain what you are missing, what is unclear. This is an honest and courageous act that deserves respect. And most importantly, it will help get rid of misunderstandings.

How do men test women for availability?

Guys are treacherous people too. They sometimes weave intrigues not worse than women. To understand which girl is more accessible and what feelings she experiences, the guys come up with different “moves”:

  • They make you jealous, start talking about ex-girlfriends. How to react to this? The best option- listen with restraint and simply not continue this topic;
  • They go with her to an expensive store. There, they offer you to choose whatever you like. In this way, the essence of a woman becomes visible: one will rush to buy everything, another will refuse because it is expensive, and the third will buy a shirt for her beloved;
  • Meet friends and watch them. If the girl’s surroundings are comrades who are preoccupied with finding a husband with money and conversations constantly revolve around financial well-being, the young man can draw the conclusion that he cannot afford the chosen one;
  • They may try to find out reliability this way in a cunning way- send SMS from friends’ numbers with offers to meet;
  • Or they might even talk a friend into trying to have an affair.

Again, the best way to respond to this behavior is to have an open conversation. Find out what's going on, why is he giving you exams? You will disarm him with your directness, and he will have no choice but to admit what he did.

Mistrust is a flaw of modern man. We constantly look for the catch in people, look closely at them, listen. And we often offend them with this. Therefore, before you think about how to check the feelings of a man or girl, decide that maybe time will put everything in its place and there is no need to rush.

Video: feelings test

In this video, psychologist Diana Volodina will tell you how to find out with 99.9% accuracy how a man feels towards you, how much he cares about you:

Fortune telling like “loves or doesn’t love” does not leave a woman’s life even when adolescence behind, and chamomile petals are no longer considered a truthful source of information. The question of how to check the sincerity of feelings always remains relevant.

How to check a person’s feelings and what is better not to do

Among the mass of advice that you can hear on this matter, there is also a lot that is simply useless. Among them there are also dubious ones who should not be trusted.

  1. Ask directly. If a person doesn’t understand why you want to know this, he won’t tell you anything. And anyway, if he could tell you this directly, he would have already done it! This only means that either he doesn’t feel it or is not ready to say it yet. It’s not worth bothering with questions.
  2. Ask mutual friends. Firstly, it looks quite stupid, and secondly, involving third parties in a relationship always brings some problems. You never know in what form this information will reach the man: they may tell him that you are going crazy with love, which will clearly reduce his interest. In addition, other incidental situations are possible, so take your time with questions.
  3. Visiting a fortune teller and especially doing independent fortune telling. Today, professional fortune tellers are very difficult to find among the huge number of charlatans and deceivers who will tell you everything you want to hear for your money. And guessing on your own and hoping for a true result is the same as cutting out your appendix using a medical reference book. Still, it’s worth leaving the magic to professionals, because you still can’t trust such results.

Of all the ways to test a guy’s feelings, it is better to choose the more logical and correct ones, rather than waste time on such useless things. Don't complicate life - seeing someone's feelings is not that difficult.

First of all, let's turn to deduction and observation. Everything here is quite simple, and you don’t have to be a professional psychologist to understand something.

The combination of several of these signs, as a rule, indicates that this person really loves you. And if it turns out that he starts listening to the music that you mentioned as your favorite, or reading the books that you talked about, this is a clear attempt to get closer to you, to have common interests. Many of these tips will also help with the question of how to check whether your ex still has feelings.

Social networks are the most accessible way to meet people. It’s easy to find a new acquaintance on the World Wide Web, but the hardest thing is to understand what the guy sitting on the other side of the monitor screen is experiencing. There are many in various ways checking a guy's feelings.

Signs that a pen pal likes you

In order to find out if a guy likes you, you need to carefully analyze the messages he sends. Watch what he writes and how often he replies. If you see that a guy is online and hasn't responded in over an hour, he just doesn't like you.

How to check a guy's feelings by correspondence? Most effective method to find out that he likes you are the questions he asks you. Is he interested in your life, what are your hobbies, what movies do you watch, how was your day? Many guys are embarrassed to ask these kinds of questions, but they can be encouraged to do so. If he is not interested in your life and insists only on meeting as soon as possible, you need to pay attention to this.

The next sign indicates his intentions to be with you. He can make plans for the future. These could be hints about getting to know your friends and perhaps even your parents.

If you correspond with a guy for a couple of days, and he constantly writes compliments, sends copied poems about love, calls for a meeting, then this cannot be called a sign of sympathy. How to check a guy's feelings in such cases?

Loyalty check

You can use one small trick. Ask a friend to meet him and chat a little. Will he say the same words he says to you? Send a large number of emoticons? Will he call you somewhere? If he likes you, he will not answer her at all or will be reluctant to answer.

You and your friend can sit at different laptops and phones, try to start a correspondence at the same time. Observe whether he will lie to you or simply ignore his friend. If you have been corresponding with your chosen one for several days and he is passionate about communication, he will not start getting to know his girlfriend. But if a guy suspects or finds out something, he can get very angry and offended by it.

Another way to check a guy's feelings is to leave all contacts in in social networks and your own phone number. Will he do the same? Will he give away all his contacts? Then you can understand how open the guy is to you.

Indifference and difficult life situations

Try to show a little composure. Not writing, not calling him a couple of times - this is the next way to test a guy’s feelings. Try not to appear on social networks for a while. He will immediately become worried and call you. Ask what happened, why she disappeared for so long. You need to be prepared for this and find a more truthful excuse.

During a difficult situation or illness, tell him about it. This is another one effective way check the guy's feelings. A person who cares about you will definitely support you, sympathize with you, come and help you in every way he can.

What else can you do to find out about his feelings?

Here are a few more ways to test a guy’s feelings on VK:

  1. Shows initiative. That is, he writes to you. You don’t have to sit and wait for a message from him; you can write it yourself. But if a guy writes to you first, it means he is not indifferent to you.
  2. Sends songs with love meaning. If a line with such subtext slips into the song, then it’s a hint that he likes you. Why not say it directly? There is no answer to this.
  3. When you just woke up and go online, you will immediately see a message from him: “With Good morning!”, in the evening he will wish you the best dreams.

Guys are like girls too

Men have many secrets and mysteries no less than women. A guy won't just decide to have a serious relationship. Therefore, they also check the feelings of the chosen one. How do guys test girls' feelings?

Loyalty above all

It is important for a man how faithful his companion is to him. He will test his loyalty. It’s enough to simply write an SMS from an unknown number and invite them to meet you. Or just write from a fake page, start flirting, invite someone somewhere. A woman may perceive this as meaningless communication. So you need to be careful.

Another great way to set a trap is to be late for a date. And while she is waiting for her partner, a friend will come up at this time. He will meet a girl and ask for her phone number. If she gives it, the man’s trust will disappear.

A man can also send anonymous bouquets and gifts. If a girl thanks him, the guy will know: he is the only one she has.

Try to be jealous

In fact, men like to be jealous. They may periodically start talking about ex-girlfriends. He wants to know the girl’s reaction and understand how unpleasant this topic is for her.

Ex-boyfriend: how does he feel?

If a guy and a girl break up, this does not mean that everyone has forgotten each other. A person will not be able to let go of his soul mate. If you want to know how to check feelings ex-boyfriend, you need to immediately note an important point - communication. You need to pay attention to how he wants to contact you. If your ex is bored, he will try to call or write to arrange a meeting.

How often do you see each other? Usually after a breakup former person will want to cut off all contact with you. However, if he offered you friendship, then he will try to return the relationship. Constantly remembers how good you were together. Only people more often forget what bad things happened to them, and remember only the good moments. So you need to carefully analyze what he said.

A young man who wants to get his ex back will strive to show that he has become a better person. This will indicate that he is not indifferent to the girl.

The easiest way to find out how someone feels about you ex-man, is to talk to him about it. Ask directly if he misses you, if he wants something back. If he doesn't respond or isn't being sincere enough with you, then just end the conversation and let it go.

How does your boyfriend feel?

Despite the fact that you have been dating for quite a long time, it is still unclear how much he likes you. Doubts arise about the fidelity of your companion, and finally the question arises, how to check your boyfriend’s feelings?

First you need to observe him, what signs of love he shows towards you:

  1. The young man often apologizes to you. Even if he is right, he will take all the blame on himself so as not to upset you.
  2. He always arrives on time for your dates. For your sake, I am ready to cancel a meeting with friends. You always come first for him.
  3. Even if you see shortcomings in yourself, he will definitely accept them and can list them as advantages.
  4. A guy who loves you will try to look the way you like. Change your hairstyle, clothing style, change your perfume. Everything is for you.
  5. A man loves to be around. He will always find at least a minute to see you.

If lately he has been behaving differently than before, you should check his loyalty a little. The most accessible way in the modern world is to create a fake girl page with photos and try to start a conversation with him. You will immediately notice whether he is interested in communication.

In general, real relationships do not need to be tested. Don't doubt your man if he really loves you and is willing to do anything for you. So be careful when checking out your boyfriend.