Psychotherapeutic fairy tales for children during the period of adaptation to kindergarten. Therapeutic fairy tales for children who have difficulties adapting to kindergarten Therapeutic fairy tales for preschoolers to adapt to kindergarten

Once upon a time there lived different animals in the forest.

A family of bears lived in one house: papa bear, mama bear, and cub Mishutka. In another house there lived hares: a mother hare, a father hare, an old grandmother Zaya and a little hare. And in the third house there lived foxes: father, mother and fox daughter. And the Wolf and the Wolf Cub, the Mouse and the Little Mouse and many other animals, big and small, also lived in the forest.

Until the kids grew up, they each played near their own house, at their own hole or at their own den. But then they got older, and the parents decided that it was time for the children to get to know each other so that they could have more fun playing. And they set it up in the forest kindergarten for the animals! The wise Aunt Owl was called to be the teacher so that she could teach the children how to be friends.

The animals found a suitable clearing in the forest where the kids could play together, made a fence, set up cribs and tables, brought more toys and brought their kids there. Some animals, as soon as they saw the new toys, said goodbye to their mothers and ran off to play. And the little Bunny got scared, clung to his mommy and was afraid to leave her. There are a lot of kids, everyone is running and playing, but little Bunny just stands and stands next to his mother.

Aunt Owl saw this, but did not scold Zainka, but allowed him to be in kindergarten with his mother on the first day. The little bunny climbed into his mother’s arms and from there watched what the others were doing. Then the Mouse wanted to play ball, but how could he do it alone? The Mouse began to roll the ball for Zainka, and Zainka took the ball and rolled it for the Mouse. The mother bunny sees that the children have become friends, play together, roll a ball and laugh. “Well, baby, it's time to leave! - after some time the mother bunny said. “No, mom, I’d rather play here, and then you’ll come for me.”

We agreed that on the first day the mothers would pick up the babies after lunch. So the animals played, walked and sat down at the table to have dinner. The bunny quickly gobbled up his lunch, and the little bear sits and waits for someone to feed him with a spoon. Aunt Owl came up to him, showed him how to hold a spoon, and Mishutka slowly began to eat the porridge himself. His paws are awkward, but the little bear is trying, puffing! “I,” he says, “now I’ll eat at home myself!” After all, I’m already big!”

After lunch, the kids took the dishes and began to get ready to go home. Granny came for Zainka, dad came for Little Fox, and Mother Bear came for Mishutka. All the kids left very happy. Some didn’t even want to leave, but Aunt Owl said that the kindergarten was closed at night, and now everyone would go to their own home, and tomorrow morning they would meet again and play together.

Since then, this has been the custom in the forest: the little ones sat in holes with their mothers, and the older ones came to Aunt Owl in kindergarten. Each baby had his own locker for clothes and his own crib, where the baby slept after lunch. In the evenings, mothers took their children home, and the kindergarten was closed at night.

Irina Marchuk
A fairy tale for adaptation to kindergarten. A fairy tale about a kindergarten


To adaptation your child was successful, it is necessary to form a positive attitude towards kindergarten. Children who have difficulty getting used to kindergarten, can come to the rescue fairy tale. She will allow the child to experience "lose" this situation, find a way out of it and become more self-confident.

FAIRY TALE"About kindergarten"

A fairy tale about a kindergarten In distant, distant times, gnomes lived in one small village. They were very friendly, cheerful and hardworking people. Men went into underground mines early in the morning to mine gems, and the women stayed at home to cook food and clean up the garden and home. Dwarves, if you don’t already know about it, really love cleanliness and order. And if you were lucky enough to walk through this village, you would not be surprised. end: Everywhere is so neat and clean that it’s a pleasure to look at! And what wonderful gardens every gnome’s house has! But the most important thing is that in every garden a ringing sound is heard laughter: These are children playing and having fun. And only in one single the garden is always quiet. There have never been and never will be children in this house. This is probably why the mistress of the house always has sad eyes. While caring for the garden and waiting for her husband to get home from work, she often thought that even the garden lacks joy. After all children's Smiles and laughter give joy to all living things on Earth. On the day when this story happened, the woman was weeding her favorite flowers and thinking the same sad thoughts. And suddenly they rang out children's voices: - Oh, Petrol, just look at how bright her feathers are! I wish I had one of these for my collection! - LenOl, you just need to follow her, what if she drops her beautiful feather for you? This brother and sister from a neighboring house, in pursuit of a wonderful bird with bright plumage, did not notice how they ended up in the garden of a sad woman. - Petrol, she’s playing with us! - the girl shouted joyfully, and children's laughter, like the ringing of bells, spread throughout garden. The woman immediately saw an amazing change: the garden began to come to life! The trees rustled their leaves approvingly, and the flowers raised their heads and began to sway to the beat. children's voices. Even the birds began to sing louder and more cheerfully. And the sad woman smiled. But then the guys jumped out onto the path and got scared when they saw their neighbor. They finally realized that they were running around in someone else's land. garden without permission, which, of course, should never be done! Seeing those frozen in fear baby faces, the woman hurried say: - Why don’t you come here more often? And invite your friends with you. We have a very large garden! You can’t even imagine what joy began in the gnome village! Now, every morning, all the children hurried to the sad woman’s garden, where they ran, laughed, invented new games, swung on swings, explored new hollows in the trees, and tasted unfamiliar fruits from fruit trees. They brought their favorite toys with them and played with them all together. And in the evening the children returned home, flushed and happy. Parents couldn't be happier could: Now they could calmly do their adult things without worrying that the children would become sad or bored. And now the smile never left the face of the owner of the garden, and everyone began to forget that they once called her a sad woman. And so it has been since then in the little dwarfs village: name this garden" kindergarten" They say that a famous traveler once passed by and admired a large garden, where hubbub and noise could be heard everywhere. children's laughter, from which even the sun began to smile. And then, traveling all over the Earth, he was surprised told about what he saw in that distant village. That's how people found out what it was kindergarten, and how good it feels for children when they get together and are not bored each in their own home.

Publications on the topic:

Memo for parents when adapting children to kindergarten TIPS FOR ADAPTING TO KINDERGARTEN: 1. Don’t prolong goodbye. It is best to say goodbye quickly, indicating that you will be back soon.

Scenario for graduation in kindergarten for the younger group A fairy tale about a bunny steppe Characters: 1. Presenter. 2. Mother hare. 3. Bunny-Styopa. 4. Fox. Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. Host: - On this day.

Seminar for parents with elements of training “Problems of a child’s adaptation to kindergarten” Purpose: - talk about the features of the first days of a child’s stay in kindergarten; - teach parents adequate ways of interaction.

Mama bunny loved her baby bunny Po very much. Before his birth, she worked as a journalist, quickly jumping to where interesting events happened. But then Po appeared in their family, so the hare devoted all her time to the baby. Dad helped mom, but spent a lot of time at work. A fairy tale about a kindergarten tells how a bunny took a step towards independence.

A fairy tale about kindergarten for children

Po the bunny is two years old. His birthday was celebrated by the whole family; grandparents, friends, aunts and uncles came to visit. Everyone noticed that Poe was already quite big.

“In a week, Poe will go to kindergarten,” Mom said proudly.
- What a great! - Grandma was surprised.

Poe heard about the kindergarten and felt a little sad. He knew that his beloved mother would not be in this place. Toys will be common, you will need to share. There he will not be spoon-fed. You also have to tie your own shoelaces. How I didn’t want to go to kindergarten! Po told his friend Pedro the Bunny about his fears.

“I easily solved this problem,” Pedro whispered. “I just cried all the time in kindergarten.” My parents felt sorry for me, they decided that I could still stay at home. Three months later they took me to the garden again. But I cried even louder, screaming in the garden as if I was being cut. The teacher called my mother an hour later. She came running and took me home again. I advise you to do the same!

Bunny Po realized that a fairy tale about a kindergarten could turn into a nightmare for his parents if he cried. But on the other hand, he won’t have to play with different other people’s children, sleep in a cold crib during the day, or share toys.

The following week, Po the bunny was taken to kindergarten. He was confused and did not manage to cry right away. But after about two hours in the garden I was definitely convinced that it was too boring there, it was much better with my mother. Therefore, Po began to cry loudly, roll on the floor, ask his mother and even fart. The teachers were shocked and called the hare. And she just managed to make a report at work, to which she had just returned. The hare ran into the garden after the child and was very scared. In the evening at home, when the parents thought Poe was sleeping, they said in the kitchen:

Poe is still too young for kindergarten. He cried a lot today, my heart broke when I heard his cry. I'll be home with him for a few more months.
- But you were so happy at work! Today you did your first journalistic report in two years and you loved being back at work!
- Yes! I was very glad to see my colleagues, return to public affairs, and benefit our city. But I’m still a mother, I’ll be at home with Po.

Poe heard that his mother was very happy at work, and he felt sad. He approached his parents.
- Mom, dad, I want to go to kindergarten.
- But you cried so much there! - Mom answered.
- Yes, but I really want to go there again!

The next day Poe was again taken to the garden. And he even liked it there. After all, sharing toys is fun. You give something, and they give you something too. There were funny guys in his group. And the bunny Po felt that his mother was very happy at her job. This made his soul feel warmer.

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In our kindergarten

Children are interested

Because they live here

Games, fairy tales, songs

In the music room

We celebrate the holidays.

We do round dances

Let's dance and play

Children love physical education

They go to exercise

They want to be healthy

Become champions at the Olympics.

The simulators spin everything

So that there is health.

Speech therapists make sounds

To read better

Naughty tongue

They will teach you to speak...

Adults and kids here

Friendly interesting

Because we are growing

A strong family.

Our “Kindergarten” (in the words of children)

If you enter our kindergarten, you will immediately understand that you have found yourself in a land of extraordinary childhood. The teachers will greet you with a kind smile and affection. The doctor will treat you with a vitamin. And miracles happen in the speech therapist’s office; here they teach all the children to speak correctly and competently. Here we learn to read, write, compose different stories and even make up your own fairy tales. We host various competitions, quizzes, and exhibitions. We are all interested because we will soon go to school. From the music room you can hear the songs we sing. And you know, we can not only sing, but also dance fiery dances. In our kindergarten there is a theater studio in which we are artists. Not only our mothers, but also children from neighboring kindergartens come to us for holidays and performances. A world of children's fantasies reigns in each group. You might think that this is an ordinary kindergarten?... No, this is a sweet, kind home where children are taught politeness and friendship. Here everyone will find friends, learn to play, read, count and even compose their own extraordinary stories, such as we compose...And we also love to draw.

"Kindergarten through the eyes of children"

When my mothers and I came to kindergarten for the first time, we were greeted by the friendly head of the kindergarten Natalya Mikhalovna Lisina.

When we were very little and went to middle group the teacher didn't live for us all Natalya Viktorovna Onipko . She grew up with us, grew up and became (a methodologist). That's what adults call her. But we know that she grew up and became a great, great educator. Even though her responsibilities have changed, she still doesn’t forget us and continues to make love with us. She probably thinks that we are still small.

And this is a portrait of our biggest, biggest teacher.

All three years our second teacher protected us with her kindness and tenderness. Krasnoperova Larisa Viktorovna . Did you recognize her? She is our “Jack of all trades.” In our group, a lot of things were done with these skillful hands. She taught us a lot too; stick, draw, paint, even count. Not a single holiday passes without the participation of our Larisa Viktorovna. She can handle any role. She knows how to scold us and caress us, she often makes us laugh, we all love her.

She has sad eyes because we will soon go to school. She will miss you.

The most beautiful and smartest.

And here it is Victoria Vladimirovna Grebenshchikova , she is “calmness itself” for us. She doesn't know how to scold us. We are always calm and happy with her. We play different games together, learn poems and tongue twisters. She always has new, fun exercises at logo hour.

A speech therapist has been with us for three years Nina Vasilievna Shevyakova . There are two words: a teacher and a speech therapist, but we have only one. Why? I can imagine if there were two Nina Vaslievnas. That would probably be cool. After all, she is a “good-hearted person.” In her classes we learn to speak, write, and read correctly. Nina Vasilievna even allows you to play pranks during class. We promise that we will not let our teachers down at school, who helped us make friends and made one small but strong team. What will help us easily move to the next stage in our life. This is school.

The most affectionate and kindest.

And here is ours Lyudmila Nikolaevna Bykova a junior teacher, she is not a junior at all, but on the contrary, a big one, she is our mother for both adults and children. She has to keep track of everything that happens in our group. She keeps our house clean, and we help her. Only our Lyudmila Nikolaevna will bring us food and feed us a delicious lunch. Moreover, he will stroke us in the crib, tell us a fairy tale, and caress us. And then we have magical dreams.

She is as caring as a soldier.

And here is our music director. This music directorNatalya Anatolyevna Ognetova taught us to sing and dance, and also, as she likes to say, acting. She comes up with such different performances, and we ourselves play the main roles. We have many different costumes, Natalia Anatolyevna sews them herself. She's such a magician.

We always have fun.

But we don’t recommend getting sick. The head nurse will quickly cure everyone Anton Lyubov Prokopyevna . She strictly monitors our health, gives us vaccinations, and we don’t even have time to cry. Our Lyubov Prokopyevna has the most delicious vitamins.

She also knows how to massage. We love running to her office for these procedures. It smells so delicious of baby cream. And there you can find out how many centimeters we have grown and gained weight.

Come to us for treatment.

Can you imagine we still have two chefs: Nikonova Valentina Nikolaevna And Kocharyan Amesta Nazarovna . They cook the most delicious dinners on earth. We often ask for more. We’ll also tell you a secret: when we went on an excursion to our kitchen, there we learned how to properly prepare this or that dish. And then we learned to come up with our own recipes for making cakes, pies, and cheesecakes together with our mothers, but that’s another story.

And for a sweet sleep you need a clean bed, which could only be brought by Filippova Elena Anatolevna . She will wash and iron all the linen and bring it to our group. It's so nice to sleep on clean beds. Elena Anatolyevna is also our Tanya’s mother and the most important of our parents. Elena Anatolyevna always knows where we want to go and what to see. She, together with our teachers, arranges for us interesting excursions and hikes around our beloved city. This is so cool and awesome!!!

Our entire farm is managed by the caretaker Galina Vladimirovna Fedoseeva . He will always bring food, milk, cottage cheese, bread. He makes sure that everything is fine with us.

Of course we also have a janitor Uncle Lenya . We help him, restore order in the area. He often jokes with us and plays with us. We always have fun with him.

And our carpenter grandfather Vitya handyman. He can fix anything that breaks, even an electric kettle. He takes care of our cribs and high chairs, making sure we don’t fall on the floor.

When night falls, our children's kingdom is guarded by night watchmen. They don’t even have a gun to hold the defense, and the robbers are completely afraid of them.

This is how it is in our kindergarten. We love going to our kindergarten every day. And when the weekend comes, we miss our kindergarten and everyone who lives there with us.

Communication with children, observing them in everyday life, studying the level of development of children's skills in the process of writing stories, convinced me that it was necessary to create a series of original stories from the life experiences of children.

Happy are those who attend kindergarten - the home where childhood lives. Today I will tell you a fairy tale about a kindergarten.

"Wonderful kindergarten"
Author of the tale: Iris Review

I have always liked the wonderful house called “Kindergarten”. In the mornings and evenings, light bulbs burned merrily in it. Adults brought their children to this house as soon as the sun rose, and in the evenings they took them home. There were many children; it was a real children's kingdom.

In the mornings I had fun going to kindergarten with my mother, but when my mother left, I became sad.

One day I came to kindergarten earlier than other children. There was no one in the group except the teacher and the nanny, and I felt bored.

Suddenly the toy bear smiled, and the Katya doll said to me:

- Dasha, come play with us.

I found myself in a real toy world. We played fairyland. I felt good and happy with toys. I stopped being sad.

When the children arrived, I was in a wonderful mood. I immediately got involved in the fun “Fun Train”, which Masha, Vitya and Egor played.

From that day my life changed. Kindergarten became my second home.

And now I've grown up. On a nice autumn day I will go to school.

I say: “Goodbye kindergarten, goodbye, dolls and bears, bunnies and mice, pencils and books. Goodbye, teachers and nannies, cooks and watchmen!

Thank you for the happy years spent in kindergarten!

Good luck to you, my dear kindergarten!”

Questions for the fairy tale “Wonderful Kindergarten”

What was the name of the wonderful house to which mother brought Katya?

Why is this house a real children's kingdom?

What is the name of the doll that invited Dasha to play?

Why did Dasha go to kindergarten sad, and then she became happy?

What was the name of the game that Masha, Vitya, and Yegor played?

Why is Dasha saying goodbye to kindergarten?

Do you love your kindergarten?

What's your favorite toy?