Scenarios and competitions for the New Year for Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home. Script for Father Frost

Comrade soldiers, sergeants and officers! Dear comrade clerk!

In connection with the upcoming orgy on the night from December 31 of this year to January 1 of next year, I hereby order:

hares - 1 platoon of motorized rifle company;
snowflakes - 2nd platoon of motorized rifle company;
Grandfather Frost - chief of supplies for Warrant Officer Rotov's unit.

When Santa Claus arrives, stop:
theft of products from a warehouse;
gasoline theft;
pampering with an internal telephone.

For carnival masks, use gas masks of the established type with explanatory inscriptions: “hare”, “fox”, “bear”, “Minister of Defense”.

Use up to two hole punches to make round confetti from magazines taken from the barracks.

With the help of military personnel in their first year of service, bake a New Year's cake using peeled potatoes.

Bread cutters in the canteen should be assigned the military registration specialty of cake cutters.

The dining room switch to the winter form of salad.

The platoon of pourers should go on combat duty in “constant” combat readiness.

Provide personnel with snack rations.

Set the interval between the first and second to 45 seconds.

Do not touch an empty bottle with your hand!

In order to avoid a repetition of the incident with the celebration of the last New Year, grant Sergeant Baragozin home leave for a period of 10 days, not counting another 4 days, because the old New Year is still expected.

The key to the weapons room must be lost until further notice.

The head of the unit's club should come to the unit.

Use Christmas tree decorations from kindergarten No. 5 to make Christmas decorations for military unit 10130. The toys must be a uniform green color.

Assign excellent military and political training officers to stand guard at the Christmas tree unit. The removal of the unit's Christmas tree should take place at 23:55 local time before the formation of the unit.

With the help of Santa Claus, provide the personnel with individual gifts. In addition to a gas mask, an individual gift for a serviceman includes a spare filter, a brush and a cleaning rod. The gift will be secretly placed in the gas mask bag of each serviceman and solemnly presented after completing a 20-kilometer festive march. Military personnel are required to detect the gift with the command “Receive a gift!”

The officers must ensure cheerful, ringing laughter during the forced march.

At the end of the festive march, hold the New Year's Maskhalat Ball. The dress code is unauthorized. Change the collars of all ball participants from white to multi-colored, loosen and lower the belts, decorate headdresses with green serpentine and tinsel in protective colors.

With the help of military personnel, hares and snowflakes, hold a festive concert for officers at the club. Conduct the concert quickly and secretly, using the natural folds of the curtain.

At the end of the concert, produce a festive fireworks display using firecrackers from the Chinese potential enemy, which Warrant Officer Kozlov exchanged for military shells. For the timely supply of firecrackers to the unit, ensign Kozlov was thanked right at the guardhouse.

At the end of the fireworks, fire a festive salute of 130 salvos of red flares. The 131st salvo is a green rocket. At the signal of the green rocket, the military personnel stop watching the fireworks and move in formation to the barracks to watch the holiday dreams.

At the command “all clear,” all military personnel are required to undress and go to bed at least exactly 45 minutes in advance. Until the light fades, while the candle burns... Even if there are few days left before the order...

The festive banquet will be held secretly and secretly, under blankets in the barracks. Don't skimp on cologne!

The sentries on the towers are allowed to stay awake throughout New Year's Eve.

On January 1, all military personnel are obliged to endure all the hardships of a hangover, as well as vomiting and heaviness in the stomach.

During the morning roll call on January 1, military personnel are required to see at least one breast. When his name is called, the serviceman must move clearly and bravely.

An order to tell in all smoking rooms of the units.

© "Red Burda"

Dedova Elena Petrovna

Music teacher, teacher of the first category

GBSOU boarding school in the village of Ilsky, Krasnodar Territory


Every year, preparing for New Year's matinees, I want to not only please children and parents, but also surprise them. I have accumulated a lot of material that may be useful to other teachers and cultural workers, especially if the number of artists is limited.

New Year's performance "Santa Claus's Magic Staff"



Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Baba Yaga


1 Picture

The curtain is closed.

The Crow flies out, playful, burring slightly.

Crow: Kar-kar-r! Bonjour! Orevoir! Guten Tag! Gut morning!

In short, hello, and if correct, then hello, guys!

I am the Black-sided Crow,
I love the dense forest
To everything in the blink of an eye
I'm showing interest!
And at the same time - a craftswoman
Spread rumors everywhere.
They say birds are talkative
You can't find it in the whole world.

(pause, Crow bows, expecting applause)
I love both heat and cold,
I am as light as the breeze
And besides, and besides
Forty are the most curious of all.
I won't yawn anywhere
I like to be on time everywhere,
And on New Year's Day
Be the first to arrive! Kar! Kar-r!

With blizzard, wind and frost
The winter holiday is coming to us.
And, of course, Santa Claus to us
He will bring gifts to everyone!
Tell me guys
What kind of holiday awaits us all?
Answer amicably, loudly,
We are celebrating... (all): New Year!

(ran down from the stage along the central steps to the tree)


Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
Like a beautiful maiden
In colorful toys,
What miracles!
I'll ask you guys
Can you give me the answer?
But think first
“Yes” answer or “No”.

Do colored icicles grow on the Christmas tree?
And what about the painted balls and stars?
Perhaps oranges?
Funny and pink pigs?
Are the pillows down?
And honey gingerbread?
Are the galoshes shiny?
Are the candies real?

Well, guys! They said everything!
All the riddles have been solved!
I will reward you royally
I will give you a miracle fairy tale.

What? Don't believe me? Don't you know
That on New Year's Eve,
Whatever you want,
Everything will always happen
Does everything always come true?

The time has come for us to hit the road,
Take a peek into the fairy-tale world! Van, tu, fri!Carr!

The curtain opens.

(On the stage in one corner is the residence of Father Frost. There is a table, chairs, an imitation computer, a telephone, a fax machine, folders and papers are laid out.

In the other corner of the scene is Baba Yaga's refuge).

Sounds like “The Snow Maiden’s Song”

The Snow Maiden comes out singing (she is busy with gifts and toys).

Santa Claus comes out, fussing, running.

Father Frost :
On the threshold - New Year,
My head is spinning.
We have to be on time
Do everything, provide for it,
To celebrate this holiday
No worries and no hassle.
I'll use the old method:
I'll write an order for a year.
Hey! Snow Maiden, hurry up,
Stop entertaining the animals
We have a lot of things to do,
New Year is coming soon!
Snow Maiden:
Did you call, grandpa? What's happened?
Should I make some tea?
Father Frost:
Where have you gone?
I have no time to drink tea.
Get to work
I will dictate the order.
Don't idle around in the future,
My strict order to you!
Snow Maiden:
Don't grumble, because you're kind,
Tell me what you have in mind.

Father Frost:
What I say, write in detail.
Here, take a sheet of paper and a pen!
Snow Maiden:
Hey grandpa, I forgot that the courses
I walked with the computer
And I’ll tell you without force,
I passed everything with straight A's!

Father Frost:
My good girl, sit down,
And be patient
Listen, get to the heart of it all,
And write...
Snow Maiden:
Don't write, but type!
Father Frost:
Have it your way, go ahead!
Dial my order right away.

Father Frost dictates an order to the Snow Maiden, playing with his staff.
Father Frost:
1. All honest people must
Celebrate the New Year together.

Masks, dresses for carnival,
Make it super unprecedented
I will celebrate the holiday for everyone,
May the year be a success!
Everyone must want
Have fun dancing and singing
Smile and joke
Laugh, dance in circles.

2. All evil wickedness, terrible
I command with authority
Engage in education
That is, re-educate!
Become a decent people
Or for the New Year
I won't let anyone in
I'll freeze you, I won't forgive you!
My New Year's order
Print it out right away.
Call the Snowman
Let him prepare for the journey
My order is to spread it to everyone.

Snow Maiden:
Don't worry, grandfather, order
I'll fax it quickly.
And on the pager Snowman
I've been used to resetting for a long time
Your commands.
So you better get some rest
Watch TV.

The Snow Maiden leaves.

Santa Claus looks at his watch, yawns, and puts his staff next to him.

Santa Claus, looking behind the scenes:

How the clearing spreads out!
The snow lies like white fluff.
And it’s still early for the holiday,
And the bed beckons you to lie down like that.
Yes, I think I'll lie down
Let me take a nap for an hour or two,
But I'll set the alarm clock
Wake me up, my friend.

(Sets the alarm clock, leaves, yawning, forgetting the staff)

2 Picture
Crow: Car-r! Do you recognize me?
Here I fly through the forest,
I collect gossip everywhere.
More curious than a crow
Can't be found in the entire area.
I'll stick my beak everywhere
And I'm flying home soon.

I see Santa Claus lying
Lounged, fast asleep.
Threw away the staff and snores
So that the whole forest is shaking!

Whoever you want, come
Take the magic staff.
We've waited! Someone is coming
He's having a strange conversation.
I’d rather hide behind a spruce tree,
Let me see what kind of animal it is.

The crow is hiding behind the Christmas tree. Baba Yaga and the Devil enter the clearing.

Baba Yaga: Damn, I'm tired of you!
You've eaten all my baldness.
What do you need a comb for?
It's like doing your hair!
Hair in three rows
And they are not always combed.

Crap: Soon it will be New Year,
People will dress up.
Look, I'm dressing up,
I'll be your groomsman.

Song of the Devil

Baba Yaga: Oh! I'm dying of laughter now!

Just look, what fun!
A groom has been found for me.
Have you even washed your face this morning?
I am beautiful, young,
I am Yagusya, no matter where!
This morning I went to the bathhouse,
I just twirled the curlers.

Crap: Stop laughing at me!
Come on, stop laughing!
Or you’ll grab him in the forehead with a stick,
There will be a lesson for you!

The devil grabs a magic staff and swings at Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Why did you wave? Better look at what he grabbed by the stick. This is the magic staff of Santa Claus.

Crap: Well, the staff. And what? What difference does it make to me what I use to heat you up?

Baba Yaga: What are you, your head is stupid! Yes, with this staff we can do such things! And them!

Crap: Wow! Your truth, Yagusya. Now I’ll conjure myself something. You still won’t get any gifts from Grandfather. I'll do something nasty to him now. (waves staff)

Crow runs out (in a rag).

Baba Yaga: Well, I got home, Copperfield is unhappy. Focused!
Crap: Stop swearing, Yaga. Let's find out what kind of miracle came to us.
Hey you, Miracle Yudo! Who are you? What has come to our forest?
Crow: Hello! We've arrived. He himself waved a stick here, and now he’s still asking. I'm a crow in person (takes off the rag). Kar - r...

Baba Yaga (laughs): Here's your New Year's gift! The bride is a match for you, as unwashed and unkempt as you are.

Crow: But, be careful, Yaga, bone leg!
Baba Yaga: Is it me?
Crow: You.
Baba Yaga: There's something wrong with your eyes. Well, what kind of bone leg do I have? I’m just a smart, beautiful, young Yaguska.

Song of Baba Yaga
At the end of the song, Baba Yaga coughed.

Crow: Yes, it’s high time for you, young Yaguska, to retire and warm your bones on the stove. (laughs)
Baba Yaga: Oh, Crow, I am the most enviable bride in our forest.
Crap: Girls, don't quarrel. Look, what a beauty! With a magic staff, we will arrange for ourselves the holiday we need. The real Zlydnin New Year!
Crow: What kind of Zlydnin New Year is this? I haven't heard of this.
Baba Yaga: Eh, young and green. This means that we will gather all the evil spirits and celebrate the New Year with close friends. It’s not a sin to dress up for this occasion!
“Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?”

(game moment with children)
Together: People will have fun
It will be Zlydnin's New Year! (Go backstage)

The alarm clock is ringing.

Santa Claus comes out, stretches and groans.

Father Frost: Eh, I had a good rest. It's time to get ready for the holiday. The kids must have been waiting for grandpa. Oh, where is this my working tool, the magic staff? Snow Maiden! Granddaughter!

Crow flies out
: Kar! Kar! What? Did he quickly drop the people's property? The forest evil spirits have seized your staff! Kar! Shame!
Father Frost: (shaking head): Oh, I'm an old fool, with a hole in my head!
Left the magic staff unattended. A-ya-yay! Well, well, I missed it myself, I’ll find it myself. But where to look for him, where to go?

Crow: Santa Claus, don't be upset! Look how many friends we have! Guys, can you help us?
Come on, kids, help, show Santa Claus the way to the staff! I will ask you questions, and you will gesture, silently show! Kar!

Game - questions:-Who stole the staff?

D.frost: Hare? Bull? Spider-Man? What, did you run away?

How did you escape?

By ski? On a steam locomotive? By plane? On rollerskates?

Crow: I guessed wrong again! On foot!

Where did you run?

Father Frost: There? Right? To the left? Where, there?

Father Frost: Children, you are all great! But where should I go?

Crow: Eh, they can’t do anything without me. I know, I know…

Father Frost: What?

Crow: I know! I know, and that's all!

(Baba Yaga looks out from one of the scenes, waves her staff, manipulates the staff)

Father Frost: What do you know? Do not be silent!

Crow: I know how to find the staff!

Father Frost: Speak!

Crow: But you still never listen to me, and you never believe me... I won’t say.

(The Devil looks out from another wing and runs across the stage, riding a staff)

Father Frost: Well, Voronushka is our beauty, don’t you really want there to be a real holiday, for the Christmas tree to light up with bright lights?

(appeals to conscience)

Crow: Well, okay, what can you do? So be it, I’ll say it.

Father Frost: Well?!

Crow: Well, don’t you remember fairy tales? About this...about the cobblestone, on which it is always written where to go when you don’t know the way.

Father Frost: And what?

Crow: There, near the traffic light, lies a beautiful cobblestone, like a stone. So it says there: You will go to the right... Well, go, go...

Crow:… You won't find anything.

Santa Claus stops

Crow: You'll go left...Go, grandpa...

Santa Claus turns to go.

Crow: … You will be left without a hat...

Santa Claus stops and goes back.

Father Frost: So where should I go? You've completely confused me.

Crow: How to where? Straight, straight, without turning anywhere. There, on the cobblestones, it’s written just like that: if you go straight, you’ll find the staff.

Father Frost: So why didn’t you say so right away?

Crow: Because! Why didn’t you say so? Did you all hear? I said! Kar!

Father Frost: You guys, don’t be bored, and play with Vorona.

You, Vorona, don’t be naughty, but look after the children.

Santa Claus is leaving.

Crow: Kar! Did you hear what Santa Claus said? Stand in a circle, I will teach you how to dance the leg dance.

At the end of the verse, everyone raises their right leg, claps their hands under it and loudly shouts “Ham”!

"Dance of Hams"

Crow: Well done, you dance well! Oh, what's that glittering there? (runs away)

Baba Yaga and the Devil run out singing. She is with a sled, he is with a staff.

Game - “Repetition” with children.

Crap: Hey guys, don’t yawn, follow Baba Yaga’s steps!

Baba Yaga: How is this? Didn't understand!

Crap: And like this! Guys, repeat!

(The devil waves his staff, Baba Yaga shows the movements, the children repeat)

Crap: Eh, good! Funny!

Baba Yaga: Give me the staff here. My turn to do magic has come.
Let my old friend come
It will frighten everyone.
He will rattle his bones,
And all the people will be surprised.
Come here, Koschey,
My dear villain!
(Roar, noise)

Crow flies out.
Baba Yaga: I did not really understand. Ugh, damn it. What the heck?

Crap: I'm sorry, what?

Baba Yaga: I say: ugh, what's going on? Something happened to the staff.

Crap: A defective one was probably slipped in.

Baba Yaga: I called Koshcheya, and here again this... Crow.

Crow: I will ask you... I would ask you...

Baba Yaga: Yes, ask - don’t ask... No way. The staff doesn't work.

Crap: Probably defective.

Crow: You yourself are defective. Learn how to cast magic.

The crow knocks with his staff, Baba Yaga and the Devil fall.

Crow: Oh, not like that. Now!

He knocks again.

Baba Yaga and the Devil fall in the other direction.

Crow: In general, this is what I decided:
I won't give you the staff
Go home.
Baba Yaga: Look at her: there’s no one to call her, but there’s no one to command!
Why don't you call him at all? I'm a crow.
Crap: It can be seen. Give me the staff here and get out of here!
Crow: I won’t give it up, he knocks with his staff.

(the devil snatches the staff from Crow’s hands)

The Devil's phone is ringing.

Crap: Hello baby! Quiet. Kiki, is that you? Yes Yes. What? Worms in a tomato? Ball in the swamp? I? No, not busy. I’m always free for you... I’m already running. I won't miss this.

(Addressing Crow and Baba Yaga):

How's my congratulations look?

I'm beautiful from birth!

Baba Yaga straightens his clothes.

I ran to the swamp.

There's a New Year's carnival there. (The devil leaves).

Crow: Come on, give me the staff! Kar! Kar!
Baba Yaga: I won’t let you, fly out of here, feathered one, before I turn you into a grilled chicken! (they snatch the staff from each other)

Santa Claus comes out:
Father Frost: Ah, there you are! So you decided to ruin the holiday for the guys and me? Will not work. Come on, stop fooling around. Give me the magic staff!
Baba Yaga: Why are we scared to give it away? Use it, give it to others. You are not the only one to create miracles.
Crow: You shouldn't make so much noise, grandpa. You have to deal with evil spirits in an amicable way.

Baba Yaga: Now, if you play with us and win against us...Then we’ll see.
Crow: Well, at my command Baba Yaga runs in this direction, and Santa Claus in the other. Whoever takes the chair the fastest is the winner!

Game "Take a Chair"

(one chair is placed, whoever takes the chair faster, Baba Yaga or Santa Claus)

Baba Yaga runs along with the chair.

Father Frost: So, lady, it seems to me that you are cheating.

Crow: Yes, that's not fair. I have a good, simply amazing game.

Look, you see these beautiful pots. I will put this item in one of them. Your task is to guess where he is! So.

Game “Twist and turn, I want to deceive”

(The crow turns over three pots, Santa Claus and the children must guess where the object is. The game is played three times).

Father Frost: I suspect something is wrong. It can’t be that you don’t guess right even once. Well, open the pots! Empty!

They open it, it’s empty.

Crow: Well, yes, it’s empty, yes, but what did you want?

Baba Yaga: Okay, enough frolicking, now let's play like adults!
Game "Locomotive"
(everyone clings to the train, closes the circle, the heroes are with them, the music stops - everyone crouches.)

Father Frost: Well done boys. But you are not very good. Come here.

(addresses Crow and Baba Yaga, goes to the stage, Crow with Baba Yaga behind him)

Father Frost: And now I will tell you three riddles. If you guess them, the staff is yours, and if not, then you give the staff to me. Agreed?
Baba Yaga: Agreed. But it’s a piece of cake for us to guess the riddles.
Crow: Be careful not to be left without a staff forever!
Baba Yaga: Make your own riddles. We'll crack them like nuts now!
Father Frost: The first riddle. A hundred clothes and all without fasteners.
Baba Yaga:
Well, I made a wish! Who doesn't know this? There it is, Crow! She has put a bunch of rags on herself, but not a single one has buttons, because she is a slob and dirty.
Crow: But - but, take it easy...
Father Frost: But this is wrong. What is this, guys? Right! Cabbage.
Riddle two:
Eat-ate oak, oak.
Broke a tooth, tooth.
Crow: Well, it's simple. This is Baba Yaga. Yesterday she missed a good fellow, so she began to gnaw the oak tree out of hunger. Now she walks around toothless.

Baba Yaga slaps Crow on the head. The crow caws.
Father Frost: And you haven't solved this riddle. What is this, guys? Of course! It's a saw.
Baba Yaga: Give me the third riddle.
Father Frost: The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.
Baba Yaga: So this is Santa Claus!
Crow: Why so?
Baba Yaga: Look at him. Is he a grandfather?
Crow: Well, grandfather.
Baba Yaga: Dressed in a fur coat in winter and summer?
Crow: Well, dressed.
Baba Yaga: It’s just passion to look at him in a fur coat, but if he takes it off, you’ll definitely cry – skin and bones, guess what?
Father Frost: Well, your answer?

Together: Father Frost!
Father Frost: No, that's not right. You haven't solved a single riddle. Our kids know the answer to this riddle! That's right, onion. So hand over the staff as agreed.
Baba Yaga: Oh, hilarious! And where did you, old man, see that it was possible to come to an agreement with evil spirits?

Father Frost: Well, we’ll have to use a trick. Guys, let's all create a blizzard together. Let's all blow hard on them. Three four!

Everybody blows (music), Crow and Baba Yaga fly off stage, the staff lies.

Father Frost:(raising the staff) It’s time to start the holiday, and call the Snow Maiden!

Well, let’s all call the Snow Maiden together! Three four!

All children call Snegurochka.

The Snow Maiden is led out by Raven and Baba Yaga.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! Hello, grandpa.

Father Frost: Hello, Snow Maiden! (addresses the evil spirits). And what are you doing here?

Snow Maiden: Don’t scold them, grandfather, I lost my way, and they helped me find the way.

Baba Yaga and Crow: We read your decree and corrected ourselves “once”!

Father Frost: Well then, stay at the party and behave yourself.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, why isn’t this Christmas tree lit up with bright lights?

Father Frost: Let's shout together: “One, two, three,
Our Christmas tree, burn!!!” (Light up the Christmas tree).

Snow Maiden: We'll have a great New Year with you!

We invite everyone to a friendly round dance!

Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, haven’t you frozen anyone yet today?

Well, guys, get ready. Here is grandpa's mitten, quickly pass it on to each other. Whoever doesn't make it in time will be frozen by grandpa!

Game "I'll freeze"

Snow Maiden: How well done our guys are! Are you tired, grandpa? Sit down and relax. And you, beautiful girls, what will you please us with at this festive hour?

Baba Yaga: And we know how to dance, so that the pines will tremble.

Crow: Repeat after us the friendly dance “Tara - Bars”!

Crow and Baba Yaga play a game - dance (by show)

Snow Maiden: Well done! And now, guys, who prepared a poem or song for grandpa and me, come over.

Father Frost: Yes, guys, I've been waiting for our meeting all year!
Children read poetry.

Issuing gifts.

Father Frost: Good for you guys
But it's time for us to leave.
Snow Maiden: This holiday is New Year's
We will never forget.
Baba Yaga: Learn, grow,
And may the New Year
Together: Success and joy
It will bring it to you!

Why is it so quiet here?
Looks like a holiday is just around the corner...
Maybe I came to the wrong place
Am I dragging gifts in vain?

Come on, full glasses
Pour it for everyone quickly,
Greet grandpa loudly
We will all have more fun!

I came to congratulate the best
In the whole world the collective
Wish you success, happiness,
May every moment be the best.

For a whole year of fun, laughter,
A sparkle of joy in the eyes!
May everything always work out
Even in the deepest dreams!

Through blizzards and snowdrifts
I was in a hurry to get here
May you have a magical holiday
Congratulations, gentlemen!

I wish everyone this year
Live without any hassle
Without worries and sorrows,
Without sadness and worries.

I wish you prosperity,
National recognition
Let finances flow into your hands,
And all goals are achieved.

Be happy always.
Happy New Year, gentlemen!

I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday,
I almost fell into a snowdrift,
I see everyone is happy to come,
This is a reward for me!

Happy New Year!
You get up in a round dance
And dance, smile
And enjoy the fun!

I came from afar
To congratulate you, friends.
I see: you are a friendly team,
What do you need to wish for?

I wish you a New Year,
May you have nothing but joy in life!
So that everyone's salaries increase,
Your expenses were less.

I wish you all inspiration,
And to the authorities - the mood,
So that your work is always appreciated,
Respected and loved!

So that it’s easy and without doubt
You could relax
Well, that's all, without exception,
Found happiness in life!

You worked, you tried,
You have achieved success
Plans, profits, interest,
Achievements, clients...

Throw it all away, forget everything
And be children today!
I'm like Grandfather Frost
The bag brought joy!

May you celebrate
Every hour will be bright
Let there be jokes and laughter,
Good luck to you! Love you all!

I came to see you,
Your congratulations to the team,
Come on, who's going to tell me the poem?
After all, you have a corporate party!

Who here wants a promotion?
I need to sing a song to Grandfather,
Who gets a salary increase?
We need to dance in time.

Santa Claus wishes today
Does everything for you
So that work is a joy,
The results were great!

On the coming New Year holiday
I came to congratulate you,
No wonder the name is Santa Claus
They once gave it to me!

In the year gone by, you are like bees,
They worked tirelessly.
I wish you the same salary
So it won't fit in your pockets!

I wish you so much health,
Like the Japanese combined!
Love to you, passion, and more...
Influential and rich friends!

Work hard, don't be timid
And be a friendly team!
Warm your dreams in your soul,
And let everything come true in an instant!

Happy New Year
Everyone who worked all year,
I'm watching you,
I was surprised and proud.

Together as a friendly team
You have achieved many goals,
Share the positive
Santa Claus sends you joy.

I walked to you for a long time to congratulate you,
I will praise your team,
I want to wish you prosperity,
May life be sweet for you.

I am kind Grandfather Frost,
I walked to you for a long time, I was a little cold,
I have long wanted to congratulate you,
But there were a lot of different things...

First of all, keep your nose up, friends,
You can't live without optimism
And secondly, may the New Year
Will bring great happiness!

I wish you a Happy New Year
Became the best for everyone,
Helped me to always move forward
He brought income and was lucky.

Let love live in hearts,
And adversity follows.
So that there is no end to happiness.
Good luck to you, bright moments. Happy New Year!

January 1 will be a holiday - New Year 2019! Everyone's favorite holiday, the New Year, has its own traditions that have developed over a long period of time. In ancient times, the New Year was celebrated when spring came and it was time to work in the field. The first mentions of the New Year celebration are found in chronicles. It says that in Mesopotamia in the 3rd millennium BC, masquerades and carnivals were held to celebrate the victory of light over darkness, thereby celebrating the coming of the New Year.

Happy New Year 2019!

In general, in different countries at different times, the celebration of the New Year fell on different dates. The holiday was celebrated on September 1, and September 23, and December 25, and March 1, and March 25. The tradition of celebrating the New Year on January 1 was introduced by Julius Caesar, moving the holiday to this date in 46 BC.

It was no coincidence that Julius Caesar did this, because on this day the ancient Romans sacrificed to Jason, the son of King Iolcus Aeson, the hero and leader of the Argonauts.

The transfer of New Year celebrations to January 1 in other countries of the world occurred gradually. In France this happened only in 1564. In England - in the 18th century, in Germany in the 16th century, and in Russia in 1700. It was in 1700 that Peter the Great issued a decree, in accordance with which the New Year was moved to January 1, and it was then that the tradition of congratulating each other on the New Year arose.

New Year 2019 - Year of the Yellow Earth Pig

New Year 2019 is the year of the yellow earthen pig according to the eastern calendar.

What awaits us in the new year? Time will tell... However, let us remember the popular wisdom: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” Therefore, we hope for the best and prepare for the long-awaited New Year.

New Year symbols

The symbols of the most beloved New Year's holiday are the New Year tree, gifts, the Snow Maiden, and, of course, Father Frost. This wonderful, kind old man is called differently everywhere. Let's make a table with the names of Santa Claus in different countries.

What is the story of our Russian Grandfather Frost?

The prototype of the Russian Santa Claus is the ancient Karachun - an evil spirit who rules the frosts.

He brought the spirit of winter. Everyone was afraid of him until Christianity appeared in Rus' in 988. After this they began to fear him even more. They said that he kidnaps children, freezes people, and in Nikolai Nekrasov’s fairy tale “Frost, Red Nose” he killed a woman and left two children orphans.
In the 19th century, Moroz Ivanovich appears strict and fair in Odoevsky’s fairy tale about Moroz Ivanovich. It was from there that Santa Claus appeared.

In 1930, the image of Santa Claus appeared, whom we know to this day. This is a kind old man with gifts, fulfilling wishes.

In fact, the prototype of the good Father Frost, and indeed Santa Claus, is a real person - preacher Nikolai.

But what can we say about the Snow Maiden, the companion of Father Frost and his granddaughter?

The image of the Snow Maiden was invented by the writer A.N. Ostrovsky. In his fairy tale, the Snow Maiden is the daughter of Father Frost, who came to people. Soon after writing the fairy tale, based on it by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov wrote the opera “The Snow Maiden”.

Snegurochka - granddaughter of Father Frost

After which she became Santa Claus's companion at New Year's parties for children.

And at the end of our article we would like to offer a list of fairy tales about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, the text of which we recommend that you read.

Tales about Father Frost and Snow Maiden

  1. Twelve months S.Ya. Marshak
  2. The fairy tale "" as presented by A.N. Tolstoy or Afanasyev.
  3. Russian folk tale "Two Frosts"
  4. New Year's Eve.
  5. Wolf-Frost.
  6. Hare, braid, bear and Santa Claus.
  7. New Year's tale about helping Santa Claus.

Cartoons about Santa Claus

  • The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
  • Santa Claus and summer.
  • Santa Claus and the gray wolf.

  • When the Christmas trees are lit.
  • Moroz Ivanovich.
  • New Santa Claus.
  • Snowman and Snow Dog.
  • Snowman postman.
  • Snowman school.
  • Wonderful well.

Do you know any other fairy tales or cartoons about Santa Claus? Write about it in the comments!

Good day! It's time to learn the words to the performers of the main roles on New Year's days; the script for New Year's congratulations to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden at home will help refresh the text and plot. Festive services for the magical winter days are already being prepared, both children and parents are waiting for the arrival of long-awaited guests with gifts, but in addition to gifts, you need to find beautiful words for congratulations, be able to entertain and give children a real fairy tale.

The scenario for congratulating Father Frost and the Snow Maiden at home includes several parts, these are the Arrival of Father Frost, Introduction, Gift for the Guest, Gift of Father Frost for Entertainment and Order of Father Frost. That is, our script for New Year's greetings, in a small volume, included the full dramaturgy of a home New Year's event. Choose scenarios, competitions, fairy tales, funny parties or modern funny scenarios! And it’s just funny in the year of the pig. I have everything for you, just click on the highlighted word you need.

Finding Santa Claus: New Year's holiday at home

Scenario for a children's holiday for the New Year with Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Current heroes: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, children.
Props for the holiday:

  • rope and 2 cardboards (the size of a foot);
  • Santa Claus bag with snowballs (cotton balls in gauze - 10 pieces);
  • a white sheet of paper on which is written in advance in milk: “Call me! DM";
  • lighter or candle (or just a lamp);
  • large paper snowflake;
  • decorative glass 6+6 pcs.
  • large container - bucket, basin, pan.

Duration- 30 minutes.

Location- an ordinary apartment.

Meeting of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Doorbell. The Snow Maiden appears. One. (Santa Claus is at this time outside the door, in the corridor.)

Snow Maiden's words: Hello kids! You recognized me? That's right, I'm the Snow Maiden. Do you know what kind of holiday we all celebrate? That's right, New Year. On this day you are supposed to have fun, dance, play and give gifts. Do you know who is in charge of gifts on this day?

He is kind, not at all strict, he is all overgrown with a beard,
He's in a hurry to come to us now for the holiday. Who is this? (Father Frost)
Who built the skating rinks for us, covered the streets with snow,
Did you build bridges out of ice? Who is this? (Father Frost)

That's right, it's Santa Claus! But why isn't he there? Santa Claus comes only to obedient children. Guys, are there any pranksters among you? (No!) What about the ugly ones? (No!) And the mischievous ones? (No!) What about the naughty girls? (No!) What about the good kids? (Yes!) Are you obedient children? And do you help your parents? (Doing your homework, are you studying well?). (Yes!) Then Santa Claus should come to you! But where is he, children? Grandfather Frost probably left us a message telling us how to find him. Let's look for him. ABOUT! And here is the letter! (The Snow Maiden “finds” a clean white leaf.) But there's absolutely nothing to be seen here (demonstrates to children)! This means we can’t do without a miracle! I have a magic candle. With its help we can read this letter. (Takes out a candle lighter.)
The candle burns merrily
Show Grandfather's letters!

(The Snow Maiden lights a candle-lighter and moves it under a piece of paper on which “Call me! DM” is written in milk in advance. The letters appear.)

Who is this mysterious DM? And children, don’t you guess? Right! This is Grandfather Frost. He writes that we need to call him. Let's shout loudly: "Grandfather Frost!"

(The children call several times. There is a knock on the door. Santa Claus appears. The children meet him.)

Santa Claus' words: Hello guys, well, I finally got to you! Sorry, kids, that I'm late - I got lost in the forest. Children, do you go to the forest? When do you go to the forest? - That's right, in the summer (autumn). Is it true? (If you’ve never been, then “then we need to teach you how not to get lost in the forest.”) Then show me and the Snow Maiden how you overcome obstacles in the forest.

Competitions with Santa Claus

Snow Maiden: And here comes the first obstacle, a stream. (Lays out the rope on the floor in the form of a stream of the required width.) How to cross a stream? That's right, jump over. (Children jump.) You are walking through the forest, and the forest is getting denser, and there is a fallen tree on your way (pulls the rope slightly below the child’s height with the help of Grandfather). What will you do? That's right, you have to bend down and crawl under it! Well done! Are you dexterous? (Yes!) Are you strong? (Yes!) Are you brave? (Yes!) Well then, let's move on. Oh, now you have a difficult obstacle! Fairytale swamp! (Lays out a rope on the floor in a circle. Santa Claus hands out 2 cardboard footprints to the children.)

Father Frost: These are my magic tracks that will help you overcome it!

Snow Maiden: See how you need to cross this swamp. (Demonstrates by placing the cardboards one by one and taking turns standing on them; the children are “crossing the swamp.”) Well done kids, you are great at overcoming obstacles! If you were with Santa Claus, he definitely wouldn’t get lost!

Father Frost: What clever, skillful children you are! You sure love to play! Snow Maiden, teach the kids to play my favorite game “Snowballs”! (For the game you need cotton balls - “snowballs”, with which children will throw, and a large container where children will throw snowballs.)

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, how will we play snowballs without snow?

Father Frost: I’m a wizard, I’ll sweep up such a mountain of snow for you now!

Snow Maiden: No need, Grandpa! The kids will freeze! Can you make warm snowballs?

Father Frost: Well, warm, so warm. Look! (Takes out a bag of cotton snowballs and throws them up.) One-two-three, it happened, look! ( They start playing. Snowballs are thrown into a bucket. If there are several children, then they compete with each other. If the child is alone, he competes with the Snow Maiden.)

Snow Maiden: (riddles, at the end about snowflakes)
fall from the sky in winter
And they circle above the earth
Light fluffs,
White... (Snowflakes.)

Or: Tell me, kids, what do we make snowballs out of when we play outside? (Out of snow!) What does snow consist of? (From snowflakes!) Do you know, kids, that all Santa Claus’s snowflakes are different? When you go for a walk, be sure to check it out!

Father Frost: You kids are so funny and good! You pleased me very much! I want to tell you one of my secrets. About snowflakes. (Takes out a large snowflake and shows it to the children.) Here is one of my snowflakes. Kids, count how many rays she has. (Children count.) That's right, six. This is my secret. All my snowflakes have exactly six rays! (When the child is old enough and does not like outdoor games, etc.)

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, let's see if Vasya knows what I can do! Vasya, here are some pieces of ice that are not melting. (Takes out decorative glass.) Come on, make an icicle/snowball/snowflake out of them! (For older children: a snowdrift, a snowman, a Christmas tree, fruits: an apple, a pear, a banana, the letters of the name of Santa Claus, constellations - Ursa Major, Cassiopeia. The child and Santa Claus collect figurines. Then they guess each other’s figurines. Whoever guessed right gets candy. )

Father Frost: Oh, how fun! Ugh... (Wipes sweat from his forehead.)

New Year's round dance

Snow Maiden: You are tired, grandfather, sit down, rest, and the kids will read poetry to you, dance or sing a song. (Children perform prepared numbers.)

Father Frost: And now I invite you to the New Year’s round dance. Do you know my favorite song? Let's sing. (If not - “Let us teach you”; “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest
In winter and summer she was slim and green.
The snowstorm sang a song to her:
“Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”
The frost was wrapped in snow: “Look, don’t freeze!”
Cowardly bunny gray
Jumped under the Christmas tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf, would run by at a trot.
And here she is, dressed up,
She came to us for the holiday,
And she brought a lot, a lot of joy to the kids.

Father Frost: Well, Snow Maiden, we listened to the kids, sang my favorite song, did we forget to do anything else? Of course, my gray head! - give gifts!

(They hand out gifts, take pictures, read a congratulatory poem.)

Snow Maiden: Congratulations and wish that in it,
Good luck awaits you in matters small and large!
So that the children are obedient (So that your Vasya is obedient),
May everyone be healthy!

Father Frost: In general, happiness, prosperity and success to the whole family!

Together: Happy New Year!

Scenario for congratulating Father Frost and Snow Maiden at home

Santa Claus remains out of sight. The Snow Maiden is knocking on the door.

SNOW MAIDEN. After the owners open the doors.

Hello! Did you recognize me? What is my name?

Didn't Grandfather Frost come to see you?

Oh, where is he, he's probably behind, he has a big bag of gifts, or maybe he's lost and can't find the door?

Let's call Santa Claus together?

The arrival of Santa Claus

Santa Claus enters.


Happy New Year's Day! Were you waiting?

Didn't you start the holiday without me?

I'm a little late for you,

The road was far away

Through forests, snow, blizzards,

They were in time with the Snow Maiden,

To your home for a bright holiday,

To present your gifts!



Grandfather Frost, both your parents and the main residents were waiting for you!


I am the magical Santa Claus,

But sclerosis got to me,

I'm confused here too

What do you say your name is?

(Child or children name names)


Who is in front of you is not a question for you?

I brought a gift from the forest - Santa Claus!

To continue our meeting,

Lead to your Christmas tree.


Where is your decorated Christmas tree?

New Year's Eve, nice, okay?

They go to the Christmas tree, Santa Claus is offered a chair on which he sits near the Christmas tree.

FATHER FROST. Seeing a Christmas tree.

What a beautiful girl!

I traveled a lot, I went everywhere,

But I have never seen a more beautiful Christmas tree!

Toys, glitter, colored strings,

Your Christmas tree is like something out of a fairy tale!

Who decorated and set up the Christmas tree like that?

Who looked after her so beautifully?

Well, well done, you made me happy,

Not even a day is enough to see enough!

SNOW MAIDEN. Addressing the child.

Tell us, dear friend,

How do you spend your leisure time?

Tell me how you are doing,

How are you living, tell your grandfather?


Soup and porridge, are you eating?

Mom, dad, are you listening?

Do you help around the house?

Don't you offend animals?

If your child can talk about himself and his life, you can ask him simple questions: What do you eat? Do you listen to your parents? Can he write and read?

Gift for guest


We are interested, a letter was sent,

Santa Claus in the taiga?

What kind of gift is it to receive in dreams?

So that Santa Claus can deliver today?


Tell us, my friend,

Have you prepared a poem?

You will surprise with song and dance,

Speak up, why are you silent?

Father Frost and Snow Maiden accept a creative gift from a child.

Gift from Santa Claus


Thank you, respected, your number is very bright,

It's time to get a New Year's gift!

For your talent, for your kindness, for your obedience,

May your magical wish come true!

The Snow Maiden helps to get a gift out of the bag, and Santa Claus gives it to the child. The Snow Maiden offers to take a photo by the Christmas tree.

Entertainment - game


Let's enter the circle now

And we’ll sing a song to grandpa,

About the beautiful Christmas tree,

What Santa Claus likes.

All who exist are honest people,

Join the round dance!

A small New Year's round dance is formed from among the heroes and household members. Several verses are sung: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” or “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”


Now it's time to say goodbye,

Another child is waiting for us to join us.

We hasten to congratulate you on the New Year,

Health and happiness, good weather!

Write me letters to the forest post office,

And I’ll wrap your gifts for you again.

We are always ready to repeat the visit,

To give the best gift to a child.


We wish your family prosperity,

Let all issues be resolved smoothly.

Let the family be friendly and strong -

Happy holiday to you! Goodbye, friends!

Happy New Year!

With new happiness!

Scenario of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home. New Year's greetings to children at home.

The long-awaited appearance of the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden.
In a clearing at the edge of the forest
I live in a forest hut.
Call me Snegurochka
All snowflakes are my relatives.
All friends we have gathered
In the New Year's bright hour,
We haven't met for a whole year
I miss you.
Hello guys! Do you know what holiday you have today? answer
Whose New Year is coming? (horses) What year of the horse will it be for you? Funny? Kind? Festive? Will everyone be healthy?

Meeting children.
Snow Maiden. Guys, who is sure to come with me? Father Frost.
Do you want Grandfather to come now?
– Everyone knows Santa Claus, right?
- Right!
– He comes exactly at seven, right?
- Wrong!
– Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
- Right!
– He wears a hat and galoshes, right?
- Wrong!
– Santa Claus will come soon, right?
- Right!
– He will bring gifts, right?
- Right!
– The trunk of our tree is good, right?
- Right!
– It was cut down with a double-barreled shotgun, right?
- Wrong!
– What grows on the Christmas tree? Bumps, right?
- Right!
– Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?
- Wrong!
– Our Christmas tree looks beautiful, right?
- Right!
– There are red needles everywhere, right?
- Wrong!
– Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?
- Wrong!
– He’s friends with Snegurochka, right?
- Right!
What, answers have been given to the questions,
You know everything about Santa Claus,
And this means the time has come,
Which all the kids are waiting for.
Let's call Santa Claus!

Children start shouting “Santa Claus!!!” “The Song of Santa Claus” begins to sound, and the main character of the evening appears.

Father Frost.
Happy New Year
Congratulations friends,
I visited you a year ago, I’m glad to see everyone again
Grew up (stroke the child), they became big (dad)
Did you recognize me????
That's right, I'm still the same gray-haired man with a long white beard
With you, even now, I’m ready to start dancing...
but while I was getting to you, my hands were frozen, help me warm them up by playing a game with me and the Snow Maiden:

Game of "fingers".
Santa Claus tries to quickly touch the hands extended to him, but does not have time. Children quickly put them behind their backs. As soon as Grandfather turns away, the children immediately stretch out their hands again, teasing Santa Claus: “We are not afraid of the frost, we play and have fun!”

Aren't you afraid of frost? Beware, beware! As soon as I blow it, I’ll whistle, and in an instant I’ll let in the frost! Come on, stretch out your hands, stretch them out, and then put them away! Otherwise I’ll freeze it!

- That's how it is! Well done! Do you know how to take care of your ears? What about your knees? And the noses? (Santa Claus tries to touch his knees and noses with his mitten, but the children manage to cover them with their hands.)

– I see that you guys are kind, which means you should be happy in the new year! I want to play with these guys.

"Tank Engine game"

The guys stand behind Grandfather and Snow Maiden as a “train”, they lead them, saying and showing different movements that children must perform.
We held hands together
How the horses galloped.
(Grandfather shows how horses gallop, raising his knees high, and the children repeat.)

We jump one after another -
We are not afraid of the cold!
And now we are like bears
We went along the path.
(Grandfather walks slowly, waddling from one foot to the other, the children repeat.)

We waddle
And we don’t get tired at all -
Like perky bunnies
Both girls and boys!
(Everyone is jumping like bunnies.)
Jumping, pranksters,
On a fun holiday!

- Here we are! To our New Year's beauty today. What song will we call her???
My favorite is “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest”!

Snow Maiden.
The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest.
Slim in winter and summer,
It was green.
The snowstorm sang a song to her:
“Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”
Frost covered with snow:
“Make sure you don’t freeze!”
Cowardly bunny gray
Jumped under the Christmas tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf,
I ran at a trot.
Chu! Snow in the dense forest
It creaks under the runner,
Hairy horse
He's in a hurry, running.
The horse is carrying wood,
And in the logs there is an old man,
He cut down our Christmas tree
Right down to the spine.
Now she's dressed up
She came to us for the holiday
And much, much joy
I brought it for the kids.

(The song ends with general applause for the New Year Tree.)

Look how much the Christmas tree liked our song. She smiled at us and flashed colorful lights!

Snow Maiden.
There is one game for you:
I'll read the poems now
I'll start, and you finish,
Answer in unison!
Who painted the children's cheeks
Red in winter, not summer?
And who pinches their nose?
Did you guess it?
(Father Frost)

In the center of the room stands
All the toys sparkle.
The needle pricks
How beautiful...

With whom does Frost play hide and seek?
In a white fur coat, in a white hat?
Everyone knows his daughter
And her name is...
Snow Maiden

He tells everyone to dance
Will make you sing songs,
He makes everyone happy
Doesn't know how tired he is.
It has been living with us for centuries,
Friendly, noisy...
Round dance

Both in boxes and in bags
Packed with sweets.
The candy wrappers are so bright!
There will be everyone... (present)

A blizzard is walking around the yard,
The Christmas tree is sparkling in the house.
Children dance in a circle.
What kind of holiday? (New Year)

You can use riddles for a round dance or for gifts.

Father Frost.
Well done boys! I have one more game for you, now let’s check if you know how animals scream???

– In the forest near the Christmas tree on New Year’s Day
There is a merry round dance going on.
Sitting firmly on a branch,
The rooster crows...

- Ku-ka-re-ku!

- And every time in response to him
A cow moos...

- Moo, moo, moo!

– I wanted to say “bravo” to the singers
but only the cat succeeded...

- Meow!

- I can’t make out the words,
say the frogs...

- Kva-kva-kva!

- And whispers something to the bullfinch
Funny pig...

- Oink oink oink!

- And, smiling to himself,
The little goat began to sing...

- Be-be-be!

- Who the hell is this?
The cuckoo cried...


Father Frost.
We're all rolling a snowball,
We all count to five -
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you.
And read poetry for you.
You should dance a dance.
Let me tell you a riddle...

Father Frost And Snow Maiden they say goodbye to the children and promise to come next year.

Well, today we sang songs with you, guessed riddles, recited poems, played games???? Well, happy holidays, see you in a year... (DM gets ready and leaves, when he is reminded about the gifts he remembers)

Oh, what did I forget???
I was on my way to see you on holiday, in a hurry,
There was a blizzard, the snow was swirling...
I forgot my gifts...
Guys, maybe you can help me look for them??? (they search and find them outside the door, everyone is happy....)

Games to spare.

Santa Claus is sleeping.

Santa Claus falls asleep. And the Snow Maiden brings the children and whispers to the children that let's wake up Santa Claus by shouting loudly and stamping our feet. That's what children do. Grandfather gets scared, and the children run away. The game is repeated 3 times.

Snowballs are scattered. First throwing snowballs, and then collecting them in a bag

Scenario for the appearance of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden at a corporate party

The Snow Maiden appears in the hall with the song “And it’s snowing”

SN: Hello, here I am. Happy New Year to you friends!
One day the day and hour come. Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival.
And the miracle happens again, because this miracle is the New Year!
He and I come to visit people and he is no longer far away.
Let everyone be happy at your New Year's light!

I walked along a long road to you through blizzards and snow, and bad luck: somewhere along the way, Grandfather Frost got lost. Let's try to call him. Answer my questions “YES” or “NO” in unison:

Is Santa Claus a great guy?
Will he drink half a bucket of Wheat?
Do you like jokes and anecdotes?
What about working Saturdays?
Does Santa Claus sing ditties?
Does Grandfather have a girlfriend?
Is he carrying a bag from the warehouse?
So who should we call?
All together: Santa Claus! Father Frost! Father Frost!….

Jingle Bells sounds. Santa Claus comes out

D.M.: Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy!
Everyone who is single should get married,
To everyone who is in a quarrel, make peace,
Everyone who is sick should become healthy,
Bloom, rejuvenate.
Everyone who is skinny should become fatter,
Too fat - lose weight.
To all gray hairs, let them turn black. So that bald people have hair
At the top they thickened like Siberian forests!
With all my heart I wish you not to be sad and not to grow old,
On a winter holiday, warm your soul with a glass.
The first is for the New Year, the second is for our people,
Third - let's drink to love, So that the blood boils in your veins.
To sing, to dance, To make your head spin!
Happy New Year with a new happiness,
Congratulations, friends!

SN: Congratulations on the best,
The most tender and melodious,
Happy bright holiday,
Happy snow-white new year!
Happiness, humor, good luck
And in love there is great return.
And may this New Year
It won't cause you any trouble.

Santa Claus invites everyone to fill their glasses. Drinking

D.M.: How have the kids grown up, Snow Maiden? I probably won’t even recognize them...
SN: Nothing, Grandfather, but they are still waiting for gifts from you.
D.M.: Yes, I have a bag full of them here! But to get them you must first guess the riddles of my assistant Snow Maiden

The Snow Maiden asks riddles and plays a game. Santa Claus gives prizes.

SN: First, I want to check how you know New Year’s films! I will guess them, and you answer. But the main thing is to rhyme!
They celebrated the New Year at the dacha...

And it was a movie... (“Gentlemen of Fortune.”)
And, as usual, we would look

This night we... (“The irony of fate.”)
Although he is actually the namesake of Santa Claus,

But in the film it is affectionately called... (“Morozko.”)
He was a freak, a dwarf, but lucky.

And the cartoon is called... (“The Nutcracker.”)
She was lucky to meet everyone at once.

The film is about these brothers... (“12 months.”)
And fairy tales contain scientific ideas.

There is a wonderful film about this... (“Sorcerers.”)
We wouldn’t mind watching it for the tenth time,

The film is called... (“Carnival Night.”)

SN: Well, Grandfather, they know films well. So we need something more complicated. Now we will guess winter and New Year songs, but I turned the phrases from them upside down and confused them. Here's an example: Large aspen trees are warm in summer. (“The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”)
Oh, heat, heat, don't steam him. Don't steam him and his elephant. (“Oh, frost, frost, don’t freeze me, Don’t freeze me, my horse”)
The little pinniped seal lies calmly. (“The furry-legged horse is in a hurry, running”)
Green, green dew fell on the grass. (“Blue, blue frost lay on the wires”)
In silence he recited a poem, get up, get up quickly, aspen. (“The snowstorm sang a song to her, sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye”)
I will read you a report for two hours. (“I’ll sing you a song about five minutes”)
The clips were thrown away and they all lay down in a row. (“They hung up the beads and began to dance in a round dance”)

SN: And then they guessed everything! Well, then I’ll solve some really complicated riddles!

In the New Year in the midst of fun,
We will shoot loudly from it,
And we will laugh a lot,
If we kill all our friends!

Every adult on New Year's Day,
This miracle is waiting for you,
And he hopes that any minute now,
The director will bring it!

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite,
And who goes to the owner,
She lets you know.

Consists of three letters
Starts with "X"
When it works, it's worth it
When he finishes, he bows.

If it's very, very long,
Loud - shout loudly,
If everyone, gathered together,
The choir invites him to visit.
Just before the New Year,
He will definitely come!
police squad

D.M.: Well done, Snegurochka, and now I’ll tell you my riddle:
Grandmother's midwives
Grandfather's rattles will keep you warm.

The host offers to fill the glasses. Drinking

The Snow Maiden offers to sing a New Year's song and asks to guess Grandfather Frost's favorite song. Everyone guesses “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” If there is a Christmas tree, they invite you to dance around it; if not, then Father Frost and Snow Maiden sing a song in the center, and everyone around them.
D.M.: The time has come to part, But don’t be upset!
You will meet us again, More surprises await you!

SN: In the meantime, let's have fun, let out music and laughter,
Happy New Year! With new happiness! Happy wonderful time of miracles!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden for adults

The Snow Maiden appears doing a somersault, then she takes off her beautiful fur coat and stands in a beautiful (how to call it more decent) position!
Sn: - Have fun, honest people!
The holiday is coming - New Year!
I came to you for a holiday
Yes, and I brought my grandfather!
Turns his head towards the door!
- De-ed! Get out of the sleigh and tie up your horses!
For guests:
My grandfather has become quite old, because he is already a thousand years old!
Let's respect grandpa and call him three times as expected!
Three - four: Grandfather Frost!!! (3 times).
Santa Claus enters, leaning on his staff, holding his back.
D.M.: - Oh, and granddaughter, well, I can’t wait to get in!
With guests:
Hello, hello dear friends
Married and single, Good and bad,
Rich and poor!
Drinkers and non-drinkers, or slightly succumbing...
(looks sideways at the glass)
Sn.: - De-ed!!!
D.M, perking up, continues:
-Happy New Year! And with a snow dance!
With a lush Christmas tree in a bucket, And with a bottle on the table...
(looks sideways at the bottle)
Sn.: - De-ed!!! Back to old times! Remember!
Like it or not, you don’t drink at work!
Come on, let's get some relief
We will do New Year's exercises!
Guests are sitting, and you are Grandfather standing!
Now without getting up from my chair,
you have to start dancing.
This will be your order!!!
The body parts are different - wonderful - beautiful!!!
1. Our hands are not for boredom -
let only hands dance!!! (Lezginka).
2. Let's go down below... and lo,
Thighs and belly dance!!! (lambada).
3. We rested a little,
Let's let our feet dance!!! (cancan).
4. Everyone is dancing well,
Now the face is dancing!!! (lips in a bow).
5. Dance Russia, dance Europe, and now the butt is dancing.
(Dance Russia)
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden demonstrate movements as best they can
Santa Claus (says a spell and knocks with his staff):
“Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather!
Everyone is now seventeen years old!”
- Oh, how I warmed up, and my back went away,
Come on ladies, whoever touches the staff will see their breasts increase by three sizes!!!
“And now, my dears, let’s fill our glasses and drink the elixir of youth.” I knock with my staff and alcoholic drinks turn into the elixir of youth!
He knocks and says, We pour, we pour, and together we drink to the coming 2011! Well done, you feel like you have more energy!
Sn.: Oh Grandfather, you should pour everything and drink it!
D.M.: And you should play everything, sing and dance!
Sn.: And let's play and dance:
Everyone knows that the year of the CAT is coming!
D.M.: There is no HARE or RABBIT
Sn.: Okay, we'll figure it out later!
Raise your hand those men who were born in March (another option, if there are no such people: Is there an avid fisherman among you? Who among us has a mustache? In the end, he chooses 2 if there is a large company of 3 men)
Tell me what is the meaning of every man's life:
-to plant a tree
-to grow up a child
-build a house. But my grandfather understands this in his own way:
-plant a liver
-grow a belly
- build a wife and mother-in-law Men must inflate a balloon and place it under their shirt, drink vodka and gather a team of women, after kissing them and placing them behind their back. Whoever has the longest lady locomotive will be patronized by CAT all year! (“If I were the Sultan)
(If one person wins, then D.M. says that the Snow Maiden was clearly helping, and if I give equally, then D.M. still offers to replay)
D.M.: Dear ladies, stand in one line, and our Cats are now turning into Playboy bunnies (they put rompers on their heads - these are ears). Now these Rabbits must quickly, as all rabbits do, kiss everyone... in the following way: hand - cheek, hand - cheek, back and forth!
(The loser dances a striptease!) (music to the striptease)
And all the guests first get up in a round dance.
Sn.: Well, we have bunnies, and they, as you know, love to jump under the Christmas tree.
D.M.: And the Christmas tree, as you know, is always elegant. This lady is our most elegant - she will be our Christmas tree! We have a round dance, a Christmas tree, and hares too!
Sn.: Hares jump under the Christmas tree, the Christmas tree dances, and we all sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
(A4 cards were made in advance so that the words for D.M. can be seen on the back side, the Snow Maiden is with everyone in a round dance, and D.M. In the center of the circle with cards at the “Yolka”, if there is no time, you can sing a simple song )D.M.
Where is this Christmas tree from and where did it live?
A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest
Whose footprints are under the Christmas tree? Who was running nearby?
The cowardly little white bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree
The sled runners are held together, And the snow sparkles all around
The hairy-legged horse is in a hurry, running
And what the horse is carrying is probably a chest
The horse is carrying wood and there is a man in the wood
The guy is probably cool, he has a big bag with him.
He cut down our Christmas tree to the very root
We decorated the Christmas tree, it’s beautiful
And she brought a lot, a lot of joy to all the guests

D.M. Looking at the exit: The horses there are wheezing and clattering their hooves!
Sn.: Goodbye everyone! Happy New Year!
D.M.: With a new turn in life!!!

How to play Santa Claus: a script for dad

MOM: Happy holiday for us
Winter has brought
Green Christmas tree to us
I came to visit.
Masha Today at the Christmas tree
Brilliant outfit
Golden lights
How the stars burn
MOM Let's play with the Christmas tree.
Our Christmas tree is standing
There are no lights.
And the heels will stamp -
And the lights will go out.
(they stomp, the lights go out on the tree)
Our Christmas tree is standing
There are no lights.
Clap, clap, say:
“Our Christmas tree, burn!”
(clapping, the tree lights up)
Hello, holiday tree!
Hello, hello, New Year!
Near the Christmas tree today
We will lead a round dance! Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” Let's sit down to eat)
Later the lights on the Christmas tree go What is this? What's happened?
Why did the lights on the Christmas tree go out?
Maybe someone doesn't want us to have fun?
Or maybe someone has prepared a surprise for us? Beautiful Christmas tree,
Light up the lights
With colored eyes
Look at Ksenia!
(repeat together, the lights on the tree come on)
Mom, will we still do a round dance?
May everyone have a happy New Year!

“Round dance” The little Christmas tree is cold in winter

Mom In the clearing, on the meadow, a snowball is quietly falling. You can play in the snow
Do you want to play?
Ksenya: Yes!

Snowball fight (dad changes clothes).

Masha: And now, my friends,
I'll tell you a riddle.
Who, who, who is
With a long white beard,
Knows a lot of games and jokes
Does he play with children on New Year's Eve?
Ksenya: Santa Claus!
mom: We need to call grandpa
Celebrate the New Year with us.
Let's call "Santa Claus!"
(call) knock on the door, open it
Santa Claus: Congratulations to all guests!
Congratulations Ksyusha!
I visited you a year ago,
I'm glad to see you again.
She grew up and became big.
Did you recognize me? (-Yes!)

Santa Claus: Ksenya, aren’t you afraid of the frost? (-No!)
I'll check it now!
Game "I'll freeze"
Masha: “Grandfather Frost, so you can freeze everything? Perhaps you’ll freeze Ksenya too?”
Santa Claus: “I’ll freeze you!”
Snow Maiden: “We’ll see this now! Ksyusha is fast and nimble, it’s not so easy to freeze her!”

The game begins. stand in a circle. Santa Claus says: “Now I’ll freeze your noses!” Children should cover their noses with their hands so that Santa Claus does not have time to touch them. Then Frost tries to freeze their ears, eyes, tummies, etc.

Mom: Santa Claus walked for a long time,
Farther away.
Sit by our Christmas tree
Get some rest!
Santa Claus: You sang songs, danced,
But they didn’t read poetry.
I want to see it now
Who is braver here?

I received your letter (takes it out, reads it), I did everything I asked, it was not easy to find some gifts, so I would like to hear poems from you!

Ksenya reads poetry and receives a gift from DM for the quality of life

Santa Claus: Well done, Ksenechka!

Santa Claus: That's all! It's time for me!
Be happy, friends!
To your holiday in a year
Santa Claus will come again!
All: Goodbye! Bye!
(Santa Claus leaves)

Scenario for New Year's party 15 minutes

Heroes: Father Frost and Snow Maiden + musical accompaniment.

Beautiful New Year's music sounds. There's a knock on the door. Appears:

Snow Maiden: - Hello, dear owners!

Were you expecting any guests?

(Answer from the owners. Meeting the Snow Maiden with the owners)

Snow Maiden: - Through the forests, through the mountains

I was in a hurry to visit you,

Grandfather was going with me

And I got lost on the road!

Did he come to see you by chance?

(Hosts' response)

Snow Maiden: - Then gently set off on the road and look for him.

Maybe you can help me?

(Hosts' response)

Snow Maiden: - But to get to the forest,

We need to train

Stand behind me.

(The owners become)

Snow Maiden: - We will move forward now,

And to get there faster,

We will change transport.

(The Snow Maiden pronounces words and performs actions, and children and adults repeat after her)

Snow Maiden: - So that we can get to Frost,

You need to play sports

Get on your skis and go

A surprise awaits all the children there.

(Imitate how they ski)

Snow Maiden: - You can’t catch up with Santa Claus,

I need to change my skis.

You need to board the locomotive

May he get us there quickly!

(They pretend to be riding on a steam locomotive)

Snow Maiden: - Oh, snowdrifts ahead

Don't pass, don't pass,

To move forward

You need to get on a snowmobile.

(They pretend to be riding a snowmobile)

There's a big ravine ahead,

(Pretend to be flying on an airplane)

Snow Maiden: - Now, let’s close our eyes tightly,

You need to clap your hands 3 times

stomp your right foot 3 times,

Spin around yourself 3 times

And open your eyes.

(Everyone does)

Snow Maiden: - I feel with my heart

Santa Claus is very close

Let's call him.

(Everyone calls together)

- Father Frost!

(Santa Claus appears to the music)

Santa Claus: - Hello, my dears!

I am very glad to see you!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Congratulations, friends!

We grew up, we became older,

Didn't you recognize me?

(hosts' response)

Santa Claus: - Granddaughter, give me a chair,

I'm tired from the road. Quite old.

(Santa Claus sits down if there is no chair on the sofa)

Snow Maiden: - Why are you sitting down, grandfather?

All gifts are expected from you.

You're so late.

And we looked for you, looked for you and found you,

Really, kids?

(Children's response)

Santa Claus: - Before giving gifts, you need to test them.

How they have grown up in a year,

They have grown wiser, how talented they have become (thinking).

I'll arrange transformations for them,

If you can handle it, the gifts are yours.

(Gets up and plays the game “Transformers”)

Santa Claus: - I will call you the beast,

And you portray him.

Let's just cast a magic spell first.

Together: - Clap hands (clap),

Stomp your feet (stomp)

Head back and forth (turn head).

We all spun around together and turned into little bunny rabbits.

(2) bears; 3) kittens; 4) giraffes; 5) elephants)

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, it’s very easy.

Not only can they imitate these animals,

But tell and show everything about them in dancing.

Really, guys?

And I will help you.

(Game “Giraffes”, a song with movements. First the Snow Maiden explains and shows, and then loses)

Santa Claus: - Yes, well done, we did it.

I just don't know

Is your family friendly and cheerful?

Will you be able to compete with my granddaughter in dexterity?

(Game “Trap”, everyone is in a circle, Snow Maiden is trying to get out of the circle)

Santa Claus: - We did it. The last test.

I will see that you are also a friendly family -

Your gifts are honestly deserved.

(Musical game “Come on, raise your arms at an accelerated tempo.” In front of it, Santa Claus is all in pairs and explains the rules)

Santa Claus: - And now everyone got into a round dance.

(Giving gifts + reading rhymes or songs; photo as a souvenir)

Santa Claus: - Let the parting be warm,

We'll just say, "Goodbye!"

Snow Maiden: - We will return to you in a year,

And let happiness come to your home!

I wish you health, love, and fulfillment of all your desires.