Scenario for celebrating coming of age “Day of Disobedience. Scenario for the “Farewell to Childhood” holiday for graduates (my development) Song “Colorful Planet”

Graduation “Farewell to childhood”

Sign “Happiness and success to you, graduate!” The pillars are decorated with balls.

The music “Beginning” plays.


Good evening! Good evening to everyone who has gathered today on this solemn day!


This good warm June evening has arrived. 11 years of school have flown by, 20 thousand school bells have rung, and now grown-up boys and girls are ready to walk through their home school yard for the last time.

(Graduates exit to music)


Well, here's the whole palette female images, from Spanish passion to tender romance, from the cold charm of mademoiselle in the blues style to playful pussycats and cats


Don't forget to note the charisma and brutality of the male images.


Here it is, 2013 edition


and class teachers Kristeva Svetlana Vasilievna and Popaz Stefanida Mikhailovna!


Attention! Prom 2013 is considered open!


Communication, friendship, gratitude, inspiration...

So many different and beautiful words.

However, I have some doubts

Leading Why doubt? Here is the basis of all the basics.


And for me the basis is to be beautiful!

Leading What about the mind?


Mind? Complements beauty.

Leading You, Natalya, are obstinate as always.

Graduate (from place): Guys, you forgot kindness!


Don't mind! I know how to resolve our dispute,

We need an expert. To make a decision.

The one who knows how to talk

Raise to philosophical generalizations.

Leading: The floor is given to the director of the Pamuzhak Lyceum Galina Ilyinichna

(Director's speech)

Leading : It all starts with love...

They say: “In the beginning was the word,”

And I declare again:

It all starts with love!

Presenter : It all starts with love:

And insight and work,

The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child -

It all starts with love.

Leading : Only the immense love and care of teachers and parents helped you grow and mature, taught you to think, empathize, and taught you to be worthy people.

Presenter: “There is such a student in every school” is the name of the story that graduates want to show us.


Pasha: Of course, you all remember wonderful school years and singing lessons that cannot be forgotten

Vova and Valya:

Pasha: Our students not only sing beautifully, but also write poetry.

Vova: (Poem)

(Scene with mobile phones)

Recently, before taking the LHC, students were required to take Cell phones observer.

On the exam.

(Telephone ringtone) Valera.

Dedication to teachers (Dusya, Tanya and Oksana to music)

Leading : Our dear teachers, please accept this as a giftsong “School Bell” from Popaz Valentina. (By the end of the song, bouquets are presented to teachers).

(Thanks to the class teacher)

1 graduate. Can someone explain to me why we need class teachers?

3 graduate. What do you mean why? Why? (Gently) Who will wake you up at dawn and tell you in a gentle, gentle voice.....

2 graduate (in an angry voice) That the first lesson has already started fifteen minutes ago, so I’m at school like a bayonet!

1 graduate. (Gently) And when you run away from a test, who will catch you on the last step, who will gently take you under your white hands and, seating you at your desk, will unobtrusively remember......

2 graduate. ( In an angry voice) That this is already your twenty-fifth truancy this week..... And that for each truancy - to the training commission!

3 graduate (gently). And when you run around the corner of the school to smoke, who will remind you that smoking is very harmful to your health...

2 graduate (in an angry voice). On Saturday - with parents for teachers' meeting!!!

1 graduate (gently). Who, finally, calling your home in the evening, will sing a lullaby to your parents about...

2 graduate (in an angry voice). That all the teachers are simply eager to meet with them... To talk about your behavior and academic performance!!!

3 graduate They say that a class is like its class teachers.

2 graduate. Oh, that means we are just as smart, elegant, well-mannered as Svetlana Vasilievna and Stefanida Mikhailovna

1 graduate. What can I say, we were just lucky that by order of the school principal.....

2 graduate. Or maybe we were simply assigned wise mentors by fate.

3 graduate. Our class teachers.

2 graduate.

Thank you, dear ones, from the bottom of my heart
For the fact that you found a little bit of good in us.
For the fact that, without fear of adversity and grief,
You brought us your kindness...

Dear class teachers, for you the song “To my favorite teacher”

Response from class teachers


Our heart will never forget about you...
Will miss you again and again...


There will be no more students like this here...
And we don’t have enough words to say everything...


We will now wait for a new meeting...
To worry and worry about you...
And we'll secretly shed tears for someone...

But lessons are coming soon... Let's drink some water!

Unit 1

Every person is capable of idleness,
And someone can live soullessly too...
And time... speeds up...
And he asks: who are you in life - who?

Study 2.

School was like a warm haven for you
Gave warmth to a mother's soul.
Let's not repeat elementary truths again -
The time has come for us to say goodbye today!

Study 1.

Go for it! Strive! Rising to the top,
Write your biographies -
only you know who you will become tomorrow
and let the nightingales sing today!

Study 2.

Every time we see you off on your way
We are tormenting our hearts, suffering from separation!
We remember everyone - we love you,
And this release is the best!

Scene “Meeting the girl’s father.”

The generation gap has always existed. Parents do not understand their children, and children do not want to understand their parents. So, an ordinary family.

(Music “Dreams Come True”)

Leading : The acquaintance ended with a wedding

Scene "Wedding".

Address to parents of graduates

Thank you, parents, for your hellish patience,

Sorry for the terrible torment,

Sorry for the scandals, shouting, arguments...

When we take the kids to school,

Then, dear ones, we will understand you completely!


Mommy, mommy, we are already adults,

Look, we've already said goodbye to braids.

The spring garden is blooming wildly...

It was already my sixteenth birthday.


Mommy, mommy, why are you crying?

And you smile and don’t hide your tears?

I’ll rush off from the ball into a bigger life...

Mommy, mommy, but I'll be back!


Look, I'm a head taller than my father.

And he is a copy, they tell me, from his face.

Yes, you have to be brave, but your voice is shaking.

And in youth, time flies so quickly.

Sorry if I'm too stubborn

Forgive and understand me, mommy, mommy!

………… :

Thank you, our dear parents!

Forgive us if we offended you in any way,

For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,

For youthful pride and impatience,

For the gray hair at my father's temples,

And for the wrinkles of my own face.

Let us bow to you from the waist down to the ground,

What could we do without you?

Parents are a native word,
For us there is no closer mother, father,
Let your eyes give us joy,
And the sadness will disappear from your face.

Sometimes we were insolent, rude to our beloved parents, and were inattentive to them. This upset them.

How often do we offend by inattention?
We are in the youth of fathers and mothers.
Running home from school,
We hurry to see our friends quickly.

We will give flowers to our friends,
Forgetting to pick a bouquet for my mother,
And mom waits, lives and breathes us,
He sews new clothes and prepares lunch for us.

The street is holding us and won’t let us go to our mother.
It’s already dark, have dinner and go to bed.
And only in our dreams do we repeat “mother”
And our dreams are protected by our mother.

Our dear parents, if we have ever upset you, forgive us.

Now we understand that we must be affectionate, kind, attentive sons and daughters.

Show love and gratitude to those who gave us life, put us on our feet, whose days and nights were filled with caring for us.

We want to say thank you to our dearest people - our mothers and fathers, who loved us no matter what, scolded us when returning from parent meetings... but they always believed in us and, no matter what happened, hoped for the best.


Beautiful parental kindness

There is nothing holier in the world.

So that everything turns out great for them -

Give them parenting advice.


A word to dear parents!

(Speech by parents, then captions to the song “Closing the Circle.”

A song to the parents right away. Graduates present bouquets to their parents, then invite them to a waltz.

Alumni Waltz

Table with champagne.

Final song.


More victories on your life's journey! Let's say no to failures! And good luck to you in adult life. Good luck and good hour, girls and boys, - our graduates, graduates of 2013!

Scenario for the birth of an 18 year old (girl) - a mischievous option

This scenario will diversify ordinary birthday celebrations, turning it into unusual holiday. After all, turning 18 is a special holiday, especially for a girl, so everything should be unforgettable. And if you think so, then this scenario is just for you.

The essence of the scenario is a holiday-style bachelorette party for children 5-11 years old. Let the invited guests - the birthday girl's friends - come in bright children's outfits, with bows, shoes and white socks. Give each guest a wide ribbon to tie into bows.

First, you will need some preparation of the celebration site. Decorate the room with balloons, and put soft children's toys, balls and dolls on all the furniture in the room. Hang children's photographs of the hero of the occasion on the wall, the more, the better. And on the other wall hang an improvised “fence” - a fence made from whatman paper, we will need it later.

Write invitations for the birthday girl's friends - be sure to use childish handwriting and draw pictures as childish as possible.
Decorate everything as if it was the birthday of not an almost adult girl, but a five-year-old girl!
Now it's time for some fun!

Appoint a host, this is the most important part of the holiday; how much fun it is depends on the host there will be a holiday and whether there will be any hitches on it.
So, the guests gathered, sat down at the table, and raised their glasses to the birthday girl.

The presenter pronounces a congratulation approximately as follows:
– Coming of age celebration – 18 years! – this is a farewell to a wonderful time, to childhood. This is the beginning of a new path, the beginning of adult life.

That is why we celebrate the last day of childhood in this way - in a way we never celebrated even as children! And let there be a Day of DISOBEDIENCE, when everyone - both adults and children - have fun and be mischievous! And you know what we'll do first? What our parents forbade us to do - we will write on the fence everything we wish for the birthday girl! I kindly ask guests that you write each of your wishes on the fence!

Each of the guests is given a colored marker, and they write congratulations on the fence.
Next, the presenter offers several competitions that will bring the birthday girl back to childhood, for example, he offers to read poems on chairs, or build a real house from bedspreads and furniture! And there, inside, have a real feast, with a cake with candles, or tell each other stories from childhood, and just lie down and gossip.

Then there will be a game with forfeits, where each of the participants of the holiday receives a forfeit, in which it is proposed to show how the birthday girl learned to walk, how she asked her mother to buy her a toy in the store, how she learned to read.

If the holiday is a real bachelorette party, then the girls can remember how they played daughter-mother. Let them take turns tying bows for each other and drawing pictures on their faces with “mom’s lipstick.” Be sure to photograph your guests in this form - so that later, in a few years, they will remember this holiday with a smile on their face.

Don't forget about the ceremonial blowing out of as many as 18 candles and gifts! Let the birthday girl make a wish, say it out loud, blow out the candles and the wish will come true right away! You need to think about this in advance, and carefully consider this scenario. For example, find out from the birthday girl in advance (with the help of her friends, for example) what she wants most for her birthday. And don’t skimp on a gift – after all, turning 18 comes only once in a lifetime.

The most important thing in such a holiday is not to stop it for a second, so that there are no hitches, no stops, no awkward pauses. And then the birthday girl will remember her 18th birthday for a very long time!

Props - Soft toys “suns”; bunch of yellow balloons; scissors; Kids toys; book "Golden Beavers", diplomas; multi-colored ribbons.

Several schools take part in the celebration.
Venue: central square, stage festively decorated.
The song “Farewell to School” is played (music by O. Khromushin, lyrics by N. Lintsov).
At the end of the song, the presenter comes on stage.

Leading. We are starting a holiday
Last school ball.
The moment of its opening
It has come for all of us.
The signal “Listen up everyone!” is heard and a march sounds.
The military band takes its position.

Leading. Orchestra! Attention please! It's time to start the parade.
I ask the guests to greet the Graduates with smiles.

The orchestra plays fanfares.

Leading. Greetings graduates!
A march is played by an orchestra.
The graduation parade begins.
Girls carrying balloons with school numbers,
They bring out the graduates and line them up in a radial formation on the square.

Leading. This year... graduates are leaving the city's educational institutions. This is our pride, our future, our hope. Among them... medalists. Educational institutions are proud of them.

Here they suddenly believed in themselves
And we learned to appreciate friends.
Here you learned the secrets of science,
Secrets of heaven, earth and people.
Within these walls, as in Tsarskoe Selo,
The spirit of great discoveries reigns.
Know, only on this earth
You have a lot of things to solve.
Good luck and bright victories!

At this point, the construction of the columns of graduates has been completed.
The presenter introduces school graduates one by one.

Leading. Ours to all best regards, flowers and songs!

The song is performed by a vocal group.
Children junior classes graduates are presented with flowers.

Leading. Dear graduates! Tonight is a very unusual evening - it is an evening of wish fulfillment. Everyone who is present at today’s celebration can express their congratulations to you and express their most cherished wishes. We hope that they will definitely come true.
And the first person to congratulate you on this unforgettable day will be the mayor of our city.

Speech by the mayor. Graduates give him flowers after the speech.

Leading. It is very difficult to express in words what every teacher experiences. But today here, at a meeting with you, hardly anyone could remain silent.
On behalf of all teachers, dear graduates, the head of the municipal education department of the city administration congratulates you (represented by her). Please!

Speech by the head of the education department. Graduates give a bouquet of flowers.
Leading. The time has come - the children have grown up,
We have a graduation party today.
Dear dads, dear mothers,
It's so good to have you around now.
Because you are the best in the world,
Your children give you applause!

The graduates applaud.

Leading. Parents cannot predict
What awaits their children in the world,
But every father and mother
They only wish happiness for the children.

Parents address those who are saying goodbye to school with parting words.

Parents speak, then graduates give them flowers.

Leading. Dear teachers and parents! I wish you health, peace and prosperity, a successful outcome in all matters! Let a ray of hope, flowers, and the smiles of the school people warm you! Accept them with all your heart!

The music is played by an orchestra.
Graduates give flowers to school directors, teachers, and parents.

Leading. Dear Guys!
From childhood you were in a hurry to be adults,
We were rushing through our school years.
So that you value your childhood,
We must part with him forever.

Today is a bright train
Childhood takes you far away!

To the soundtrack of V. Shainsky’s song “Blue Car” a train rides out,
There are 12 children in the carriages. Approaching the stage, the train stops.
Children who recite poetry go up to the stage, and children with “suns” in their hands stand at the base of the stage. The engine is brightly decorated, with a bunch of yellow balloons attached to the roof of the last carriage, symbolizing the big sun.

1st reader. Hey, look, kids!
I have never seen smarter faces.
What wise eyes
These students!
2nd reader. What good children!
Well, where else can you meet such people?
All the guys are handsome
The girls are madonnas.
And among them there are no talkers or empty talkers.
3rd reader. In short, there are no more expensive ones in the world.
What good adult children!
4th reader. We envy you sometimes
That you have finished studying,
But we feel a little sorry for you -
This won't happen again.
5th reader. But cry in this bright hour
Don't, we won't let you.
For you, for you and only for you
Now we'll arrange something.

The phonogram of V. Shainsky’s song “Clouds” plays.

1st reader. We give the sun as a souvenir,
To keep you warmer.

A child standing by a train launches a large sun from balloons into the sky.

2nd reader. Let it warm you
Affection, light and kindness!
Never leaves
Your home is always a joy!
3rd reader. Take a piece of sunshine,
Pin it to your heart.
Give people good light!
This is our covenant.

The kids standing at the base of the stage give the graduates little suns and return to the train, where the children from the stage and from the carriages are already lined up.
The phonogram of I. Nikolaev’s song “Small Country” plays.

Leading. Dear graduates! Today, leaving a small country called “Childhood”, you say goodbye not only to carefree times, but also to your favorite toys.
Dear babies! Returning to the Land of Childhood, accept these wonderful toys as souvenirs from the graduates!

The soundtrack of the song “Little Country” continues to play. Graduates give toys to children. The little engine and the children go to the Land of Childhood.

Leading. And now comes the solemn moment: graduates will receive their long-awaited certificate.

Fanfare sounds performed by the orchestra. This is a signal for the “ship” to move.

Leading. I think everyone will be happy
Get your certificate!

Today, the medalists of our city will be the first to receive certificates. Let's meet and greet them on this square!

Against the background of music, the “ship” with the Beaver approaches the stage, followed by the medalists. The beaver comes out, the “ship” drives off. Beaver stands near the stairs, meeting the medalists and escorting them in turn to the stage. Then he gets up on his own.
Leading. Greet the gold medalists (introduces them). Give a friendly round of applause to the silver medalists (names them).
For the solemn ceremony of presenting certificates and medals, the mayor of the city, the head of the municipal education department, as well as the parents of the medalists are invited to the stage.

Presentation of certificates, medals, gifts, flowers;
After each presentation, the orchestra performs a touch.

Leading. Opening new Age With the victories of graduates in the field of knowledge, we are introducing a tradition - entering the names of gold medalists in the book of “Golden Beavers”, because the beaver personifies a student gnawing on the granite of science.

The beaver shows the book to the audience. In addition, each medalist will be awarded a “Golden Beavers” diploma. The diplomas are read out and presented by Beaver, and the orchestra plays notes.

Leading. A school graduate addresses (represents her) a response to all teachers, parents, and guests.

Speech by a graduate.

Leading. Dear medalists! You can go to your classmates and accept congratulations from them.

Graduates take their places in columns of friends.

Dear graduates! We heartily congratulate you on receiving your school leaving certificates. We have only one wish:

Broad road to everyone,
Less bad weather
So that everyone has
Real happiness!
Sorry, prospects,
Sorry, boulevards,
This night, please allow me
Disturb the peace
And on your asphalt
Spin to the guitar
Waltz in white shoes
White waltz graduation.

Dear graduates! I invite you to the school waltz!

The waltz begins at the choreographic studio, gradually
involving all graduates, teachers, parents.
Leading. You leave school, your hearts filled with excitement for new life, before the future. Let all your feelings and worries be joyful and bright.
Remember about school, school friends! Good luck in your adult life!

A military band closes the celebration. Everyone leaves the square.

To participate in All-Russian competition for the best development of the script “Graduation in kindergarten” “Farewell to rainbow childhood”

The presenters enter to the accompaniment of solemn music.

Presenter: How beautiful our hall is, how elegant and bright,

It's like he's welcoming guests of honor.

And the guests are relatives, beloved children,

Who have become much older!

Presenter 2: He saw a lot, our music hall,

And the laughter of children resounded more than once,

Today he will give us a farewell ball,

The last surprise is in store for us!

Presenter 1: We are starting the farewell holiday,

We invite the children to say goodbye to the garden.

So, here they are:

The best graduates!

Song "First-graders"

Presenter: How quickly time flew by,

Yesterday's little ones are unrecognizable

And this is the new “young tribe”

We will call them graduates.

Child: The music is ringing louder!

Our preschool ball is open!

And for guests at this hour

The parting waltz sounds.


Presenter: Not in an overseas kingdom, not in a distant state,

Not behind some valleys, but high mountains,

And among ordinary people Once upon a time there was a gardener,

And she had a garden. It was an extraordinary garden.

The children sit on the carpet. The gardener walks with a watering can between the children.

Gardener: How are there no flowers growing in my little garden?

Bushes, berries, and mushrooms do not grow.

There are boys growing up there in jackets, pants,

And girls grow up in dresses and skirts.

I keep an eye on the garden bed where the kids grow.

Bloom, children, like flowers on the branches.

Presenter 2: This is the garden! What a garden! It's full of guys.

The gardener loved her children

And every day I watered them, washed them,

She fed, taught, took for walks...

And she fought against weeds and diseases!

Yes! She had enough patience...

She played games with the guys!

To drown out all the weeds,

Let the good sprouts live.

Gardener: Days and months go by, the children grow and grow.

Grew big -

Like this... (stand up)

I developed new varieties of flowers, grew them and gave them the following names:

“Highlight”, “Golden Child”, “Charming”.

Flowers of health! Flowers of courage" Flowers of knowledge!

Flowers of friendship! Flowers of hard work! Flowers of zeal!

And the kids said

Children (already up) We're cramped in the garden,

Too little space!

Gardener: And the kids jumped from the garden bed,

Cute flowers, berries, mushrooms!


Every Small child

I've been very, very happy since childhood,

That I got almost from the cradle

To our favorite kindergarten.

Our favorite gardener

Calls everyone by name,

Our teacher

He dances and sings with us.

Our favorite kindergarten

Always waiting for his guys.

We are friends between adults and children,

We study everything in the world,

And we dance and we sing,

This is how cool we live.

Song "We get up early in the morning"

Presenter: Once upon a time there were 100 children, all of them went to kindergarten!

Once the child is the noisiest,

Two is the smartest child

Three children are the bravest: they managed to say and do everything.

5,17,36 - there are countless talented people here.

Why? Yes because! No need to explain!

Together: These are just children from our kindergarten!

Presenter: Each child in our group is a small bright star who, and we really hope for this, will grow into a big, pure, kind, talented star.

Our children are all beautiful

Like stars are shining -

Give light and beauty!

Applaud more boldly -

In a gentle dance they will give you

Your bright dream!

Dancing with the Stars.

Leading: Today we want to tell all our guests about magical land childhood. How did our children live in this fairyland. Our guys loved to draw. As soon as the children pick up paints or pencils, magical transformations begin!

To the tune of “Rainbow,” children run out and stand in a checkerboard pattern.

Children painted a rainbow in the meadow in the summer (raise the brushes)

Drawing, drawing (swing at the top)

And then suddenly they started arguing (put your hands in front of you)

What flowers is it made of so beautifully?!

Children: Violet! Yellow! Orange! Blue! Red! Green! And blue!

Leading: The children began to draw rainbows together again.

(draw in the air, swing their arms)

Painted, painted,

Then they started arguing again.

What does which color mean? Let the one who knows answer!


1.Yellow Warm with warmth! He gives affection and light!

2.Blue and light blue are a symbol of peace and tranquility!

3.Purple is the color of hello!

4. The color green is the color of spring, let your dreams be full of it!

5. The brightest and most beautiful color is, of course, red!

6. The color orange is pleasant, orange, elegant!

7. Seven colors, standing side by side, form a rainbow.

Children drew a rainbow in a sunny circle.

They painted as best they could and sang songs about happiness.

Song "Children love to draw"

Leading: Seven colors of the rainbow

Well, there are seven notes in music.

You lived seven years in the world, Little People.

The sun is bright with rain. They build a rainbow together.

A multi-colored semicircle of seven wide arcs.

I can’t get enough of the red arc.

The bright sunrise is the first year of our life.


1.Tell me where I came from?

I asked everyone a question.

And my grandfather answered me:

The stork brought you to us!

2. And my grandmother told me:

They found you in the cabbage!

And my uncle joked, “From the station

They brought you in a basket"

3. I know this is not true,

Mom gave birth to me

I just don't know the answer

Where did mom take me?

My sister grumbled at me:

“You’ve turned everyone’s heads!

And I started over:

Where did I live before my mother?

No one knows this secret from adults

I couldn't explain it that way.

Only my mother answered simply:

You lived in my heart, son!

I'll dirty your cell phone,

I'll drool into the sippy cup,

You won't scold me...

Because you love me so much!

I’ll crawl and open the cabinets,

I'll wash the floors with my tongue.

There's no reason to scold me

You are my mom!

First laugh, my “aha”

Ladushki and the first tooth.

You'll never forget

Because you love me so much.

I'm not saying yet

I’ll just repeat the syllables.

Well, when I grow up, I’ll say:

Mom I love you!

Dance with dolls.

Leading: The color is orange beyond red.

The second year has begun - wonderful.


Every day and every hour

Like a discovery for us.

The sun is shining in the river,

The wind rustles in the leaves,

Birds are high in the sky,

Fishes in the river deep,

And a flower on a thin stalk

He stretched out his palms to the sun.

Song "Colorful Planet"

Leading: Behind the orange arc-

Yellow is in front of me.

They've been living in the world for three years -

The children have grown up a little.


The sun ran along the path,

The sun scattered bright peas.

The guys saw those peas

And they promised to show us a dance,

They will dance for us now,

Collect peas in a basket.

Pair dance.


This new arc is greener than the meadows.

We ask a hundred questions because we are growing.

It suddenly became interesting why at four years old

At any time of the year we are called why.

Children take turns asking questions:

Why is it warm in summer and cold in winter?

Why doesn't the tiger take off his fur coat, because he's hot?

Why is the turtle toothless, does it like sweets?

If you take a black cat to the dry cleaner, will they turn it into a white cat?

Who threw the stars into the sky?

If the rain has no eyes, then why do they say that it is oblique?


Why are our children

Without asking questions they are so bored!

They'll have until the evening without them

There is simply nothing to do!

Song "What are ours made of..."


We continue our journey across the rainbow.

You and I will be on the blue path.


1.We grow up for the joy of mothers

Not by days, but by hours.

Days go by. Like flocks of birds

Year after year flies by.

2. Summer will fly by with games and fun.

Autumn will knock on the door with a school housewarming.

Which school to choose? How not to get confused?

We need to decide quickly.

3 boys come out and have a conversation with each other.

1m. Hello old man! How are you living? Which school will you go to?

2m. In a simple way, like in a microdistrict. And you?

1m. And I, brother, go to the innovation department.

3m. In which? I found a word... Well, repeat it!

1m. Again? No, hardly!

2m Well, explain it!

1m. Well, in general it's cool! There's business class, a computer and some other fun things.

3m. Wow! What a school! It would be great to go to something like this!

1m. If only I could pass the competition!

2m. And if you don’t pass, so what then?

1m. Don't croak, brother, my parents will have a heart attack.

3m. That's how far behind life we ​​are!

A girl runs up:

You haven't lost anything, yesterday I heard from my mother,

That the school has different programs and new...what's their name...technologies.

According to our child psychology.

Every school has a super class.

2m. Can't be! What a class!

Girl: Modernization is taking place everywhere, innovations are being used.

Conditions for human development have been created in the 21st century school.

3m. Well, you bent that too, this really can’t happen.

Girl: If you don’t want to, you don’t have to believe it.

You can ask the teacher and check it yourself.

(runs away)

Leading: We continue to dream

Let's think about who we would become.

Strive for knowledge

To become very smart,

Go to the border.

2 reb. And I really want to become

A flashy top model,

But grandma says

That they are all “boards”.

3 children My dream is to become the head of the Central Bank!

To surprise the whole world in Russian1

Buy a ticket to a distant planet,

And give mommy all the stars.

4 reb. I’ll go to work at the Ministry of Emergency Situations,

I dream about this work

My desire is to help

And saving is my calling!

5 reb. That's when I grow up

I'll get married right away.

I will choose a husband like this...

Like Natasha Koroleva.

6 children Well, I'll go to the farm.

Children: Will you be a milkmaid?

Reb. Confused! To the company! I'll be a secretary!

7 reb. I'll become a cool DJ, I'll play music,

Namikyuyu new topic, to get all the people excited.

With Kolya Baskov we will record a super hit dance,

The whole world will hear about me, the whole country will talk .

8 children And I will be a showman

All mustachioed and bright.

I'll spin the wheel

Receive gifts .

9 children I want to be a star

And I’m not silent about it.

Without much difficulty

I'm always ready to sing.

They will recognize me

Invite to concerts.

I will sing on stage,

Come take a look.

10 reb.And I want to sing like Galkin

I can, I can handle it!

Maybe Alya Pugacheva

I'll like you too!

11 reb. Oh, don't think about her

You're wasting your time.

You are for Alla Pugacheva

Already very old.

I would become a teacher

Let them teach me!

12 children Well, you said it!

The nerves will be tormented!

13 reb. I will work

Our President.

I will ban it throughout the country

I porridge semolina.

14 reb. We read poems to you,

Clap, try hard

All: It was you who raised us,

So figure it out!

Leading: These are our children, they want to know everything in the world.

We wish them good luck in solving all the problems!

But you, dear guys, in order for your dreams to come true

We must work hard and strive for our dreams.

Dance with books.

Leading: Five paths of the rainbow

You and I have gone through

We have now arrived at the blue path.


I run to the blue arc along with the music.

Let all the beautiful melodies fly into the blue sky.

Listen now to the story of

How we lived in our native garden.

Song about kindergarten.


We walked six paths and reached the purple one.

We learned a lot from it - after all, we studied languages.

Now it's time to find out what we want to show you.

A game.

Child: We walked over the rainbow

All colors found her.

In seven years and seven tracks

We've grown wiser and grown up.


The heroes of our fairy tales are in a hurry

Congratulate all your friends.

Graduates! Hurry up and have more fun

Fabulous guests.

King Pea:

I'm in trouble

And I never thought.

My daughter cries day and night

The weight of the fun went away.

How can King Pea be?

How to cheer her up?

(Nesmeyana comes out roaring, pulling her backpack on a rope)

Ts.G. She cries day and night, tormented Pea

If you could help, it would be nice.

Sing a song or dance,

Just make your daughter laugh!


For you, dear ones, goodbye

We want to give a dance.

Farewell dance on the day of farewell

It should be the brightest.


Princess Nesmeyana: I am Princess Nesmeyana,

I won't stop crying

And I don’t want to study

I'll grow up a little.

Ts.G. My daughter has grown up big and so stupid.

How long does she still have to grow, she should go to school.

And we have a briefcase,

Will you go to first grade, daughter?

Nesmeyana: How can I go to school, since I can barely carry my briefcase?

Ts.G. What did you load into it?

Why don't you have the strength to drag it?

(opens his briefcase, takes out bread)

Why do you take bread with you?

Nesmeyana: You'll die of hunger at school.

Ts.G.(takes out a slingshot) What is it I want to know?

(pushes the slingshot back into the briefcase)

Nesmeyana: To shoot the teacher.

C.G. (takes out a doll) I put the doll down too.

Well, my daughter, I have no strength.

Nesmeyana: I'll play with her.

C.G. Children, you help me and teach the princess

What to take with you to school. The king's daughter needs to know.

Leading: I'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison.

The letters are all from a to z on the pages... (ABC book)

Your... (diary) will tell everyone what kind of student you are.

To write with pens, we will prepare... (notebook)

Who will color our album? Well, of course... (pencil)

So that he doesn’t suddenly disappear, let’s put him in... (pencil case)

Nesmeyana: This job is not for me,

I like to play with children.

Leading: 1,2,3,4,5 Let's start playing!

And now we’ll show it to the guests

Game "Fun Counting"

Nesmeyana: I'll go to school with you,

I won't be lazy

I'll be at school with you

Study well.

Ts.G. Thank you for everything! (bow)

But our fairy tale ends

And let your holiday continue.

(The Tsar and Nesmeyana leave)

Leading: Childhood! What a wonderful word!

You immediately imagine blue sky, bright sun, joy, carefreeness. We, adults, sometimes want to return to those unforgettable moments of childhood, when everything in life was easy and simple.


A playful dance for centuries - it has grace and beauty.

Dance with hats.

Presenter: you were kids yesterday

Now it's time for you to go to school.

They have grown stronger and matured.

When did you grow up?


We surprise ourselves.

Maybe there's something wrong with the clock?

We will only come to kindergarten,

And we won’t recognize ourselves.

For some reason! For some reason!

We are growing very quickly!

It's like we're like trees

Watering endlessly!

Like miracle vitamins

We eat in the garden all day!

Our parents bring us to the kindergarten every day

They run, fly, go wherever they feel like it.

We live, we laugh all day in front of your eyes

And we honestly admit that we love you very much!

It happens, without a doubt, it is difficult for you sometimes,

But you will always make the right decision.

Sorry to the naughty kids for causing too much heat.

You love kids, and we sing about you.

Song "School Waltz"


Time flies and it cannot be returned,

The boys have become big.

We lit the stars, we send you on your way.

You are saying goodbye to kindergarten.

Friendship will help you along the way,

Painstaking work will help.

Just be good people

Happy travels to all of you!


We don't swear to you

But this is how we will learn,

So that everyone will finally know about us

So that you can hear this everywhere:

“Since he’s from Snezhinka, that means he’s great!!!”

It was cozy and beautiful here.

We went to kindergarten in the morning with joy.

We tell you all together

Children: Thank you!

And bow to you to the very ground.

I'm afraid there are not enough words in the world,

We will remember you, love you.

You, who give your heart to children,

Those who gave us a start in life.

We will never forget

Our preschool island.

Kindergarten our beloved,

Warm, bright little mansion.

Here is a house called a kindergarten!

And here we are, the cool guys.

And these are the second favorite mothers.

Who were once transported in strollers

To the kindergarten, which is called “Snowflake”.

And this is my beloved Aunt Tanya,

Who fed us porridge in the morning,

And her second mothers helped her,

Who always got the groovy ones

But, by the way, they are not bad guys,

Who were once transported in strollers

To the kindergarten, which is called “Snowflake.

There’s a musician here, you can’t even crack without him,

We will be left without dancing and singing!

Our second mothers will be sad without them

Who always got the groovy ones

But, by the way, they are not bad guys,

Who were once transported in strollers

To the kindergarten, which is called “Snowflake”

And we also have cooks in the kitchen,

Who cook us soup in the morning,

And the guys love to eat that soup,

Who were once transported in strollers

To the kindergarten, which is called “Snowflake”.

And our doctor is here, checking the cleanliness,

He takes everyone's temperature.

Are we healthy, good guys?

Who were once transported in strollers

To the kindergarten, which is called “Snowflake”.

And this is the manager, who doesn’t know?

Everyone in our kindergarten respects her:

And a laundress, and a doctor, and a watchman, and a supply manager.

And with them we are good guys

Who were once transported in strollers

To the kindergarten, which is called “Snowflake”.

And our methodologist helps her with everything,

Introduces new programs and methods.

Of course, the guys respect her,

Who were once transported in strollers

To the kindergarten, which is called “Snowflake”.

And this, look, is our graduation party.

A little sad, but still funny.

You loved us, and we love you!

But still the hour of parting came.

They always say goodbye to you graciously

But, by the way, they are not bad guys,

Who were once transported in strollers

To the kindergarten called "Snowflake"

Song "Thank you kindergarten"

The manager's word.

A word of congratulations to parents

Children stand in a semicircle and take balls.


And the moment is farewell, but beautiful,

Ready for another surprise to boot:

Take your happy ball -

As a sign of achievement and good luck.

And let him take away all troubles

Your ball is light-winged!

Start your flight with him,

Let him be happy.

(The children go outside)

Presenter: are we letting go of childhood?

Children: Yes!

IN.: Let him go forever?

Children: Yes!

IN. : Let the ball fly into the sky?

Children: Yes!

IN.: Will we have a wonderful summer?

Children: Yes!

IN.: Will we go to first grade in the fall?

Children: Yes! So!

IN.: Now we count:

All: One two Three!

Magic ball of childhood

Fly! Fly! Fly!

(release the balls into the sky)

The room is decorated with balloons, dolls are placed on sofas, chairs and armchairs, Stuffed Toys, balls. A newspaper with childhood photographs of the birthday girl is hung on the wall. Another wall is decorated with a “fence” made from pieces of whatman paper.

The host says congratulations to the birthday girl, and the guests raise their glasses.

Presenter: 18 years is a farewell to childhood, the beginning of adulthood. Therefore, we will celebrate this holiday in a way we never celebrated as children. We declare the Day of Disobedience! Today we will have fun and be mischievous. We will also write whatever we want on the fence. I ask guests to come to the fence and write their wishes to our birthday girl. (Guests write congratulations on the fence).

"Relay with pacifiers"

The presenter suggests remembering the process of growing up. A game is played in which participants must spit out a pacifier as far as possible. The winner is awarded a prize - a bright pacifier.

"On the chair"

The presenter tells those present about what great importance chairs played in our childhood. As children, we used them to get to the far corners of cabinets and sideboards, where sweets were hidden. We built entire castles out of chairs. Many had to sing songs and recite rhymes while standing on a chair.

Guests draw strips of paper from the box, each with 1 line written on it. children's poem. Then the guests stand in groups of 4 on chairs and read the resulting verse.

"How it was"

Participants are given forfeits, which say what they must show: how the birthday girl learned to walk; as she called her mother while sitting on the potty; how she selected her favorite toy; how she demanded to buy her a toy in the store, etc.


Guests take out cards from the box on which the names of the gift are written. The birthday girl pulls out a card from another box that says what she will do with the gift.

"Mothers and Daughters"

Girls participate in the competition. Participants are divided into two teams with the same number of players. Each team is given a bow. The first participant from each team ties the bow to the second, who unties the bow and ties it to the third. The last participant ties the bow first. The team that finishes it faster wins.

"Magic bag"

The guests pass the box to each other while dancing. When the music stops, the one who has the box in his hands takes something out of it, without looking inside, and puts it on himself. Then the game continues.

"Children's Songs"

The host reads out the definitions of children's songs, and the guests guess them and then sing.

- a song about a piece of land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants live happily and eat tropical fruits (“Chunga-changa”);
- song about vehicle light blue (“Blue carriage”);
- a song that states that bad weather cannot ruin a holiday (“We will survive this trouble”);
- a song about how a shaggy animal performs a musical composition while sunbathing in the sun (“I’m lying in the sun”);
- a song about a plant that grew in the wild and was cut down by a man (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”);
- a song about a small green creature (“A grasshopper sat in the grass”);
- a song about how pleasant it is to march with a group of like-minded people (“It’s fun to walk together”).