Scheme for cutting out snowflakes. DIY paper snowflakes, simple patterns for step-by-step cutting out beautiful snowflakes

“Beauty Snowflake” Master class with step-by-step photos.

Cutting snowflakes from paper.

Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, teacher at MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 8 "Stork" Michurinsk
Description: This master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: for decorating a room for the New Year, Christmas holidays, a gift, a Christmas tree decoration, can serve as work for a New Year, Christmas exhibition, competition.
Target: making paper snowflakes.
Learn to cut snowflakes from paper.
Introduce the technique of cutting out 6 and 8 ray snowflakes.
Develop the ability to work with scissors, Creative skills, imagination, fantasy, aesthetic taste.
To cultivate hard work, patience, accuracy, the desire to complete the work started, the desire to do something nice for family and friends.

Dear colleagues, today I would like to present a master class on cutting out paper snowflakes. Everyone has cut out snowflakes from paper at some point. Have you noticed that a miracle is happening? You fold a simple sheet of paper, cut it out, cut it out... And you don’t even mean that you are performing magic with your own hands, which happens on New Year’s Eve! What happens there is not clear. Then you carefully unfold it and... This is no longer a simple piece of paper, this is beauty! The symmetry of a snowflake fascinates, attracts the eye, you want to look at it and admire it.
This master class is designed for children from 6 years old. The work will be of interest to everyone who loves to create and bring joy to friends and family during the Christmas holidays.

Some interesting information:
Once upon a time, people believed that snow or rain were water droplets. In the warm season, rain pours out of the clouds, and in winter they fly out like snowflakes. But scientists have proven that snowflakes are not formed from water droplets, but are produced from steam.
This vapor is constantly present in the air. He rises high into the sky, where it is very cold. There, water vapor turns into tiny pieces of ice. The ice floes move, collide and cling to each other. So they grow, becoming bigger and bigger. And they begin to fall to the ground like beautiful snow stars.

Ah, beautiful and sweet!
How could it become like this?
All made of rays - needles.
But the needles are not from Christmas trees!
And so delicate!
I'll catch her now!
Today I bring to your attention a master class on making paper snowflakes
Materials required for work:
1. A4 sheet of paper
2. Scissors.
3. Simple pencil

Rules for handling scissors:
1. Check the tool before work. Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
2. Do not hold scissors with the ends up, do not carry them in your pocket.
3. Do not use scissors with loose hinges.
4. Do not cut with scissors on the go, do not approach your friends while working, do not leave the scissors with the blades open.
5. Pass the scissors only closed, with the rings towards a friend.
6. Place the scissors on the table so that they do not hang over the edge of the table.
7. Monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.
8. Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

Step-by-step process for completing the work:
The paper for cutting out snowflakes can be taken from office paper, colored paper for children's creativity, paper for origami.
1 Method. Cutting out an 8-ray snowflake.
This snowflake base is easier to create for children of preschool and primary school age.
We make the blank for the snowflake from square sheet paper, so we cut off the excess part

Fold the resulting triangle in half perpendicular to the base

Fold in half again, connecting the sharp corners of the triangle

Fold again, aligning the sides.

Cut off the excess part. The resulting triangle is the basis for the snowflake.

A simple pattern can be cut out immediately without preparation:

It turned out to be such a snowflake

Method 2. Cutting out a 6-ray snowflake.
You need to fold the paper to form a regular hexagon
We start folding with a square

Place the triangle base down

We divide the unfolded angle of the base of the triangle into three equal angles

We wrap one sharp corner according to the photo

We put a second acute angle on it

Trim evenly to form a triangle

Fold the triangle in half

Using a simple pencil, draw a drawing on the base.

Cut out the painted part

We carefully unfold it. It turned out to be a snowflake.

You can make the pattern more interesting by cutting out small triangles, stripes, etc.

The same snowflake will be more carved and beautiful

We will cut out the next snowflake without a pencil sketch. The thinner the pattern on the base, the more beautiful the snowflake will turn out

Use your imagination, cut as you like

Cut until there is very little paper left on the base.

Carefully unfold

And here she is - our beauty

Using such snowflakes, we decorate the group for New Year's holidays

What if you put the most beautiful snowflake in a frame? It turned out like this:

Today we will approach such a banal decoration as paper snowflakes very carefully and learn, among other things, for example, how to make such a beautiful three-dimensional snowflake

Cutting out paper snowflakes is a simple craft that turns into a hobby for some. Each time I want to cut out an increasingly complex pattern. And what a reason for this - New Year! This means you need to learn how to cut snowflakes out of paper with your own hands. After all, there must be a lot of them!

We stick it on windows (and in the entrance too), doors, walls, furniture, and decorate the ceilings in the house with hanging works of home art. We decorate gift boxes, holiday plates and tablecloths on the table, attach them to dresses and much more.

We will need proven diagrams and templates so that all the cut out snowflakes are different.

The simplest snowflake is the four-pointed one. Few people make them, but if you suddenly want to learn how to cut out simple snowflakes, then please step by step photos process.

How to cut a five-pointed snowflake

If you have never taken a professional approach to how to cut out a beautiful snowflake, then you probably think that this requires some special schematic drawings that are simply transferred to paper. In fact, this is not true. And you still need to fold this very sheet of paper correctly. Here step by step wizard-Class with a photo of how to fold paper to make a five-pointed snowflake.

1. Take a regular sheet of A4 paper, that is, landscape. In most versions, you need to bend it so that you can then cut out a square, but we are making a special paper snowflake, an unusual one - five-pointed. Therefore, we fold it in half horizontally.

2. And then again in half along the long side. And we unbend again.

3. The third step is to fold the bottom left corner of the rectangle with the middle of the top edge. To make no mistake, there is already a fold there.

4. Next, we bend the oblique lower part upward and combine it with the left diagonal fold. In the photo, this moment may not seem very clear to you, but when you hold the paper for the snowflake in your hands, it directly stretches itself to the right place.

5. Turn the paper over and fold an additional two-layer triangle to the near edge.

6. Now just cut off the excess paper (more than half) along this line with scissors.

7. We begin to cut out patterns, as your imagination tells you. To make the snowflake more delicate, we set the scissors deeper and at a small distance from the neighboring figure.

8. Unfold the paper. And it really is five-pointed!

Cutting out snowflakes: patterns for six-pointed ones

This is probably the most popular snowflake, and the most patterns have been invented specifically for patterned creatures with six ends. And every day there are more and more of them. If you are looking for how to cut snowflakes correctly, then pay attention to this option.

1. Bring one of the side edges of the sheet of paper to the top, bend and cut off the second side part evenly so that a triangle remains. If you expand it, it will be a square. But you don't need to do this.

2. Bend the triangle in half again.

3. Mark an angle of 30 degrees between the base and height of the triangle (remember the geometry, but it’s better just look at the photo).

4. Fold 1 corner to this line.

5. Turn the shape over and fold the second one.

6. Bend what you got in half.

7. For this snowflake pattern, you don’t have to cut off the corners, but in others it is desirable that you get an isosceles triangle.

8. Transfer the drawing to paper and cut off all excess.

9. Unfold and admire the result. Now we know how to cut beautiful snowflakes from paper.

Scheme for an eight-pointed snowflake

Miracles continue, and now we will cut out the eight-pointed snowflake step by step.

1. First, we make the square we already love.

2. Fold it in half and in half again.

3. And again in half.

4. Hold it firmly by the lower right corner, and with the other hand connect the base of the triangle to the right side.

5. Turn it over and cut off the extra triangle on top with scissors.

6. Cut out patterns. We unfold and count.

7. The result is an eight-pointed snowflake.

How to cut a voluminous snowflake

To make a three-dimensional snowflake, you cannot do without glue.

1. Cut out a square from a sheet of paper, as in the previous master class.

2. Fold it in half and mark the lines as shown in the photo. Let's cut them.

3. Unfold the sheet and glue the 2 edges in the center of the snowflake.

4. Turn over to the other side and glue the corresponding edges.

5. Repeat until the strips of paper run out. We have a snowflake element. You need to make 8 of these.

6. Now we glue them together so that the side with more volume is in contact with the one with less volume.

7. This is what happened. A large, voluminous snowflake will now celebrate the New Year with you and delight you with its beauty.


1. It is difficult to carefully bend paper while hanging, so it is better to sit at a table not covered with a soft tablecloth.

2. If it is difficult to immediately cut out the pattern with scissors, transfer it to paper using a pencil.

3. The snowflake does not have to be white; you can cut it out of colored paper or then color it with pencils.

4. To make your snowflakes sparkle magically, you can spray them with glitter paint from a glitter spray can.

And on the video:

To make a beautiful snowflake out of paper, you should stock up on ready-made templates in advance to create a pattern. Of course, you can cut paper without using special patterns, but this method is only suitable for those who already have some experience and artistic taste. The process of making openwork snowflakes is quite simple; to do this, you need to fold a sheet of paper in half to form a triangle. We fold the resulting triangle two more times, after which we cut out the pattern using a previously prepared template. This is applicable for creating traditional hexagonal snowflakes.

To make a snowflake with eight corners, first fold a sheet of paper in half twice into a triangle, and then once again diagonally. Octagonal snowflakes look more elegant, but they are more difficult to cut out due to the greater number of layers of paper.

Schemes for cutting snowflakes from paper

Instead of plain white paper, you can use paper napkins, thin papyrus paper, foil, or old magazines. Beautiful openwork snowflakes on the walls and windows of the room will perfectly complement the holiday decor. Light paper snowflakes can be used to make a magnificent garland or streamer with threads hanging down. You can also decorate with a homemade snowflake New Year's card or gift wrapping. Snowflakes made from denser material will be an ideal decoration for a children's New Year's costume.

Volumetric paper snowflake

Necessary materials:

  • thick paper of any color;

  • pencil;

  • ruler;

  • scissors;

  • stapler (glue or tape).


Beautiful snowflake made from pasta

Necessary materials:

  • pasta of various shapes;

  • brushes of different sizes;

  • glue Moment;

  • acrylic paints;

  • decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, sparkles, artificial snow, stickers, etc.).


Openwork snowflake using quilling technique

Quilling (paper rolling) is a direction in art associated with the production of flat or three-dimensional figures from strips of paper twisted into spirals. Using the quilling technique you can create incredibly beautiful openwork snowflakes.

Necessary materials:

  • paper;

  • ruler;

  • pencil;

  • scissors;

  • brush;

  • glue;

  • awl.

Decorating your home for the holidays is not an easy task, but nothing is easier if you figure out how to make a paper snowflake - this decor looks attractive and has been relevant for many years. Moreover, you can make not just ordinary flat decorations, but also voluminous ones. By the way, they can be used in interior design, festive table or even decorate a Christmas tree with them.

Traditional garlands from paper leaves have been cut out for several generations and are the most popular type of decoration. It's best to get the whole family together and do this activity - this way you can have a good time and make snowflakes with your own hands - with different designs.

Traditional decorations are made by folding a sheet of paper six times - you can see patterns of snowflakes. However, if you want to get a more sophisticated decor, you should not stop at the classic options; you can quite easily fold the sheet any number of times - like snowflakes on New Year will turn out to be varied.

What you need to make paper snowflakes yourself:

  • paper - simple office white paper is suitable, as well as an album for children's creativity. You shouldn’t take particularly dense varieties like watercolor - such a blank will not be very easy to bend and cut.
  • breadboard knife and stationery scissors - directly for cutting. If you plan to make paper snowflakes with your children, make sure they have scissors with rounded ends.
  • pencil and eraser - for applying markings and patterns to the workpiece.

Several ways to create

How to make a beautiful snowflake out of paper if you have never done it before? You can go through trial and error if you have enough time and enthusiasm. Fold the sheet in any way convenient for you, and then pick up scissors or a stationery knife.

This video shows 3 ways to fold paper to cut out snowflakes:

draw the pattern and cut it out correctly:

If you don't mind bends, you can use nail scissors. First of all, you need to give your future snowflake a beautiful edge - you can simply cut it with a smooth line, cut out ice crystals or even a few teeth. It all depends on your imagination.

Then you need to cut through the main decorative elements - they can be abstract or quite logical - for example, a pattern with herringbones looks beautiful. After you cut out the main elements, add small ones - it is more convenient to do them with a stationery knife (for this you can place the workpiece on a special mat for cutting paper or on a pile of old newspapers or magazines - this will help protect the table).

Then the workpiece needs to be smoothed. A few attempts will help you get your bearings and decide on a design.

If you don't understand how to fold paper, you can use the most in a simple way- fold the paper sheet in half, then again - a rhombus will come out. Fold it again to form a triangle - the corner where the most folds will be the central part, and the free sides will be the edge. You can look at addition schemes to obtain elements with any number of rays.

A colored paper snowflake looks impressive - especially if it bilateral colored paper with glitter effect. By the way, the finished snowflake can be decorated with decorative glue and glitter.

Try folding the paper for a snowflake according to one of the patterns and cutting out something at your discretion, and if you don’t like the result, you can always print it out beautiful diagram and make snowflakes with your own hands from paper or blanks.

How to cut out big beautiful snowflakes?

Download diagrams of large snowflakes for cutting out of paper or look at stencils of beautiful snowflakes.

More volume

If you want to understand how to make a three-dimensional snowflake out of paper, then first you need to define the terms. Three-dimensional can be either an ordinary shape, which is folded after cutting and fixed in such a way that it turns out to be corrugated, or a structure that is made from several elements.

The most impressive look is the beautiful huge snowflakes (larger in size than an A4 sheet), which are assembled from several fragments. Making a large snowflake without an assembly diagram is very difficult; you need to have good spatial thinking. To understand how to make each element and understand how a three-dimensional structure is obtained from it, it is better to watch a short and understandable master class.

The best DIY voluminous snowflakes made from foil and paper come when you follow inspiration and at the same time look at the working assembly diagram.

Do you want to figure out how to cut snowflakes out of paper with an unusual design in the form of Einstein's head or with symbols from Game of Thrones? You will need snowflake templates to cut out - follow the instructions and you will get exactly the same result as in the image.

If you are confident in your own abilities, then you can try to draw your own stencils for cutting - first we fold the sheet the required number of times, then on one side we make a drawing of what should end up and cut it out.

With such decorative elements you can decorate your apartment or christmas tree, and they can also be used at a party - of course, if it is in the spirit of a popular fandom. However, you can go the other way and not print out the finished design, but study a step-by-step master class and figure out how a folded triangle of paper turns into familiar symbols and faces.

Try cutting snowflakes out of paper using cutting templates.

Unusual voluminous paper snowflakes can be made in another way - for example, using the quilling technique. You will need strips from which you will twist spirals and glue them together.

Use a ready-made idea with a photo or video, or come up with something of your own. To make voluminous beautiful snowflakes from colored paper with your own hands - take a look step by step lessons and you will learn how to make unusual snowflakes from paper and colored foil by looking at the cutting diagrams.

However, if you like to cut you have good knife for cutting out of paper, you can do fan snowflakes with your own hands. This is a complex structure with an interesting design, which is assembled from several layers - like a children's pyramid. Each layer consists of sheets of paper folded like a fan, on which fancy patterns are cut out.

Here's a large, voluminous snowflake you can make from two sheets of paper folded like a fan:

The paper fan made in this way is glued with three or four similar fans - this will be the largest circle. By the way, you can make it quite dense, without a large number of openwork elements, or take sheets of blue or cyan color for production - subsequent layers will show through and the product will actually glow with blue light.

The next paper circle is also made from fans, but of a smaller size; you can change the depth of the fold and choose an interesting pattern. This is how several layers are made step by step - you shouldn’t do too much, 3-6 layers will be enough.

To assemble a snow globe, you will need a drawing - you can print it out or come up with it yourself based on the master class. All that is required for this product is to figure out how many elements you will assemble your ball from, and how you will fasten the elements together (the easiest way is to glue them), and then prepare a template for one such element.

Now you know how to cut out New Year's snowflakes and maybe even in the hottest summer you can bring a little winter decoration and comfort to your home.