Test your communication and parenting style. Test “Parental Communication Styles” What, in your opinion, determines a person’s character more by heredity or upbringing? Exercise “Tales of our childhood”

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Test "Parental Communication Styles"

1. What, in your opinion, determines a person’s character to a greater extent – ​​heredity or upbringing? A. Mainly by education. B. A combination of innate inclinations and environmental conditions. B. Mainly by innate inclinations. G. Neither one nor the other, but life experience. 2. How do you feel about the idea of ​​children raising their parents? A. This is a play on words, sophistry, which has little relation to reality. B. absolutely agrees with this. V. I am ready to agree with this, provided that we cannot forget about the traditional role of parents as educators of their children. G. I find it difficult to answer, I haven’t thought about it. 3. Which of the judgments about education do you find most successful? A. If you have nothing else to say to your child, tell him to go wash himself (Edgar Howe). B. The purpose of education is to teach children to do without us (Ernst Loguwe). B. Children do not need teachings, but examples (Joseph Joubert). D. Teach your son obedience, and then you can teach everything else (Thomas Fuller). 4. Do you think that parents should educate their children about gender issues? A. No one taught me this, and life itself teaches them. B. I believe that parents should satisfy their children’s interest in these issues in an accessible form. Q. When the children are old enough, it will be necessary to start a conversation about this. And in school age, the main thing is to take care to protect them from manifestations of immorality. G. Of course, parents should do this first. 5. Should parents give their child pocket money? A. If he asks, he can give it. B. it is best to regularly issue a certain amount for specific purposes and control expenses. B. It is advisable to give out a certain amount for a certain period (for a month, a week) so that the child learns to plan his expenses. D. When possible, you can sometimes give him some amount. 6. What will you do if you find out that your child has been hurt by another child? A. I’ll be upset, I’ll try to console the child. B. I’ll go to sort things out with the offender’s parents. B. Children themselves will better understand their relationships, especially since their grievances are short-lived. D. I will advise the child how best to behave in such situations. 7. How do you feel about a child’s foul language? A. I will try to make him understand that in our family, and among people in general, this is not accepted. B. Foul language must be nipped in the bud! Punishment is necessary here. B. Just think! We all know that these words should not be given meaning as long as it does not go beyond reasonable limits. D. A child has the right to express his feelings even in a way that we do not like. 8. A teenage daughter wants to spend the weekend at a friend’s dacha, where a group of peers will gather without parents being present. Will you let her go? A. Not under any circumstances. Such gatherings do no good. If children want to relax and have fun, let them do it under the supervision of their elders. B. Perhaps, if I know her comrades as decent and reliable guys. B. She can make her own decision. Although, of course, in her absence I will worry. G. I see no reason to prohibit it. 9. How will you react if you find out that your child lied to you? A. I’ll try to get him to clean water and shame. B. If the reason is not too serious, I will not attach importance. B. I’ll be upset. G. I’ll try to figure out what prompted him to lie. 10. Do you think that you are setting a good example for your child? A. Absolutely. B. I try. Q. I hope so. G. I don’t know. Processing the results.

Communication style

Question numbers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Authoritative B IN IN G IN G A B G B
Authoritarian A A G IN B B B A A A
Liberal IN B B B A A G IN IN IN
Indifferent G G A A G IN IN G B G
Mark the answer options you have chosen in the table and determine their correspondence to one of the types of parental communication. Authoritative style. You are aware of your important role in the development of the child’s personality, but you also recognize his right to self-development. You soberly understand what requirements need to be dictated and what to discuss. We are ready to reconsider our positions within reasonable limits. Authoritarian style. You have a good idea of ​​how your child should grow up, and you make every effort to achieve this. In your demands, you are very categorical and uncompromising. It is not surprising that your child sometimes feels uncomfortable under your control. Liberal style. You value your child highly and consider his weaknesses excusable. You communicate with him easily, trust him, and are not prone to prohibitions and restrictions. Indifferent style. The problem of upbringing is not a priority for you, since you have quite a few other concerns. You basically have to solve your problems yourself. But he has the right to count on greater participation and support from you.

KVN “I am…?”

(Joint event with the participation of teachers, children and parents). Target: to form children’s ideas about children’s belonging to a certain social group (men or women); develop the ability to use your knowledge and ideas in specific situations and life; foster friendly relationships between boys and girls; to give parents ideas about the need to raise a child as a representative of a certain gender in order for him to fulfill a certain social role in the future, and the need for education not only in kindergarten, but, above all, in the family. Bring joy! Progress of the event: Two teams participate in the game: "Elena the beautiful"- mothers with daughters and "Ilya Muromets"- dads with sons. - I want to start today’s game with words that will be the motto of our game: A boy can be different, A boy, a girl, an old man, And not so - it’s easy to figure out Which of them... There are eyebrows, and eyelashes, there are ears, two hands... Very It's important what's on the outside, but what's more important is what's on the inside! First task: “Let’s first find out what’s outside!” Each team must name its own characteristics - who is greater. The one who wins, that is, the one who names the distinctive feature last, receives either a flower (for the women's team) or a car (for the men's team). Second task: “Let’s dress the doll.” There is a doll for each team and a mix of boy and girl clothes in the box. The children of each team need to choose clothes typical of the opposite sex, and the parents need to dress a doll. Third task: “You dress dolls quickly, and now let’s see how quickly you can dress yourself.” Parents need to choose clothes that are typical for their gender, lay them out so that children can easily get dressed quickly. Children must quickly put it on in the order in which their parents laid it out. Fourth task: Each team is offered a doll - a naked one. It is necessary to give a name to the doll and endow it with qualities characteristic only of its gender. The last one to name a certain quality wins. Fifth task: Draw a boy (girl) blindfolded. Children draw, and parents give advice. The one with the most beautiful drawing wins. Sixth task: Pictures available with depicted activities characteristic of a particular gender. Children need to choose pictures with activities characteristic of their gender (for example, for girls - unwashed dishes, for boys - a broken hanger. Parents - check the pictures and count the correct ones.) Seventh task: Remember the fairy tales where heroes show qualities characteristic of real men: courage, masculinity, courage. The one who can name the most fairy tales wins. Eighth task: Teams are given tasks to demonstrate skills specific to their gender.

For the women's team - sew buttons to the dress,

Male - build a bird feeder,

Girls - wrap the doll,

Boys - build a house out of blocks.

The quality of the work performed is assessed. Ninth task: Acting out problematic situations How should men and women behave? “Entering the transport”, “Visiting the theater”, “Waiting for guests”. At the end the scoring Which one has more: girls - flowers, or boys - cars. Presentation of prizes, words of gratitude to all participants, organization of tea party. Lesson notes for children on the formation of a “family image”. Lesson “The Dearest Person” Target: to develop in children a conscious attitude towards the family, an understanding of the role of the mother as a keeper of the hearth, a protector of children, and to develop skills in expressing feelings. Progress of the lesson: Teacher. Today we will talk about mom. I would like to ask you: “How do you address your mother?” I recently heard one child call his mother: “Mommy.” And the other girl is “Mommy”! - What would you say to this? Is it nice for mom? Why? Our appeals express our attitude towards a person. - Why might mom cry if you are sick, lost, or injured? - Why does mom cry herself if she scolded you or even spanked you? - A woman, if she is a mother, creates warmth, tenderness, care, affectionate attitude, support. Do you feel this from your moms? How? - Ancient people surrounded the fire with stones and called it a hearth. A woman is the keeper of the hearth, at the beginning of real fire, and then - mood, kindness, respect for each other in the family. - Why is a woman called the keeper of the hearth? ( because women emanate love, affection, peace, harmony)- Who and what can destroy the home, that is, peace, warmth, love? (war)- Whom does the mother save first? - What can you call your mother? (she is not a warrior, but a protector)- When a mother protects her child, does she think about the danger, about herself? - What is the most important thing in a woman – a mother? ( power of love)- How is love expressed? (tenderness, affection, care, protection)- Should mother help in maintaining the home? How do you multiply this? - Are you ready to treat your mother the way she treats you? - Exercise: Now one of you will think about your mother, and we will try to please his thoughts by facial expressions. - There is a song about mom. Homework: Discuss with parents why kindergarten used to be called "Ochag"? - Did you like today's conversation? - Draw a portrait of your mother with love and tenderness. Lesson “About Grandparents” Target: to form a conscious perception of the older generation as a source of wisdom, experience, patient, caring attitude towards grandchildren. Invite grandparents to the lesson, prepare herbal tea, and light candles. Progress of the lesson: Teacher. Hello dear! We've been waiting for you, we're glad to see you! It’s so good to have grandparents in the family! Parents are often busy and have a lot to do. And then their parents - grandparents - come to their aid. - Which of you can tell how and when your grandmother helped you? Or maybe grandpa helped someone? - Whose grandparents know a lot about plants, animals, birds? - Who drank herbal tea at grandma or grandpa’s? - Whose grandmother or grandfather taught to apply a plantain leaf to a wound? And what else? - what do you like to ask your grandparents about? -What are they telling you about? How many of you can say about your grandparents that they are kind, affectionate, and knowledgeable people, that is, wise? - Can you say if you love your grandparents very much that you are proud that they are kind and wise? - Let's light the candles. It's like this is our home. And while the lights are burning, let's wish the grandparents everything you want. - Wonderful, I am proud of you, your kind and bright thoughts about your loved ones. - And now the floor is given to grandparents. Drawing up a pedigree “Family Tree”. The teacher asks the children to draw their family tree. Explains that the family tree should include the names of all relatives known to children: close and distant, living and deceased. To complete this task, the teacher asks children to collect detailed information about their family for 2 weeks and make every effort to learn as much as possible about the people who gave rise to their family. The date of birth and death must be indicated on the tree. Children can also indicate the professions and places of birth of their relatives. The tree should be built starting from the root, placing the names of relatives sequentially. The teacher asks the children to answer the following questions:

    Are there more women or men in your family? What is the average life expectancy? What types of activities and professions are most common? Are there any common spiritual values ​​that are passed down in your family from generation to generation? Do your family members live in the same city, or do they live in different places? Which ones do you support? friendly relations? If you had a celebration and invited all your relatives, which of them would come to this celebration? Do you think it is important to maintain friendly relations with all your relatives? Which of your relatives would you like to be like, and why? Which of your relatives' lives do you find most interesting, and why?
When everyone brings their family tree and tells their friends about it, the teacher invites the children to make a stand from their family trees: “Our families.” Ethical conversation“About how to behave with mom, dad and the rest of your family.”- It’s impossible to say in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen how bad it is when some child is ill-mannered and angry. - I hope that you, my little friend, don’t behave like that? - You, of course, know that mom, dad, grandparents and the rest of your family are your most faithful and most reliable friends. They are always with you. Both on holidays and in difficult times for you. And no matter how tired they are, and sometimes even sick, they will always feed you, give you something to drink, listen to you, and caress you. They will give you good advice. Is not it? - Remember: when you are sick and lying in bed, you heat How attentive and caring your mother and grandmother are with you all these days! - What if there is a holiday in your house? Together with you, your parents clean and decorate the apartment. Grandma is baking a pie. These days, cheerful worries and the love of your loved ones make the house warm. - Everything - everything that is in the house and in your own possession - all things, books and toys are made by hand or bought with money earned by your parents. After all, your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather never tire of working all their lives. - Look, my friend, carefully at the hands of your grandmother and grandfather. How much work they have done in their lives! - Somehow, kindly ask me to tell you about this, and you will understand what wonderful people live in your family. - To tell the truth, some boys and girls don’t know their parents very well and don’t think about them very often. Meanwhile... - Here's your mother... - How many different things she manages to do in just one day! Prepare breakfast in the morning, clear the table, take you to kindergarten, and your older brother or sister to school. Mom is at work for many hours, but she still has time to go to the store and cook dinner, tidy up the house, read a book and play with you, wash you and put you to bed. Then wash, sew, and watch a little TV. - Not a single fairy-tale sorceress will have time to redo so many things in a day! - Maybe mom wouldn’t have been able to cope with all these things if your dad (and the rest of your family) hadn’t helped her. - Because your dad is almost fabulously kind, fabulously smart. He knows about everything in this world. About your factory, about hockey, about where the stars come from. And what should you use to coat your skis in very cold weather? different countries. About famous chess players. - These are the amazing people who live and live in your family, my friend. They are all your most faithful and reliable friends. - And you need to take care of your friends, take care of them, try to help them in everything. - Therefore, please, wash the dishes yourself as often as possible after eating. Don't leave this matter to your grandmother and mother. - When grandparents come from the street, help them undress. And bring some slippers. - And if you go with your parents to visit or for a walk in the transport, do not rush to sit down yourself. Sit your favorite older friends, especially women, in your place, they rarely rest. - Never interrupt adults in conversation, do not be rude to them. - Try to be a real master in your home. A good owner is neat and tidy. - Don’t make noise if one of your loved ones is sick or working. Try not to quarrel, not to fight, with younger brothers and sisters. - Please be affectionate and kind with your loved ones and with everyone around you. - Then you won’t upset mom, dad, grandma and other members of your family, and you won’t be ill-mannered and angry. Ethical conversation "Grandma's holiday."- Holidays are enjoyable for everyone. - Grandma worked harder than anyone else in your family in her entire life - she worked. - Grandma raised your mom or your dad. Your grandmother loves you more than anyone in this world! - And you, of course, love her very much. And you’ve probably been dreaming of organizing Grandma’s holiday for a long time. - Just please don’t shift all the holiday worries to adults. - In order to give grandma a fun, real holiday, everyone should prepare for it. And above all, you yourself. And to do this you need to do the following: * help the adults clean the apartment. Sweep the rooms. Wipe off the dust. * help mom set the table. Arrange the plates correctly, arrange forks, spoons and other items. * help mom prepare salads and sandwiches. Or maybe your mother will trust you to cook something yourself. * politely invite your grandmother to the table. * you must greet all other guests politely. Help them undress and invite them to the table. * give your grandmother some gift that you make with your own hands. * when everyone leaves the table, please don’t forget to help wash the dishes and put them back in place. In this way, you will please your grandmother, cheer her up, and also show your parents that you can be a good owner and helper. Materials recommended for designing a parent information stand in a preschool educational institution.

Education by example.

(the role of mom and dad in raising children)

Raising a child in a family begins, first of all, with the constant moral and cultural atmosphere that has developed in the home. The child lives and breathes this atmosphere. Mentally healthy, calm children usually grow up in a calm, friendly, homely atmosphere. Taking this important factor into account, parents need to begin raising their sons and daughters. In order to achieve a constant even - friendly, affably - polite, tolerant spirit in the family, every father and every mother must be people of high culture. The child adopts his habits, interests, style of behavior, his attitude towards work and the people around him from adults. And thus, without realizing it, he is brought up to learn from constant adult examples. Naturally, the people closest to him—the members of his family—have the greatest influence on his habits and developing character. Much has been said about the role of the mother in raising children, and the same number of times can be repeated that a child needs maternal patient affection, tenderness, attention, and love for his healthy and normal development. Boys model their character on adult men and childhood the closest and most understandable man to them is the father. Being a dad is a serious and responsible matter. For a boy, a father is the ideal of courage. It is dad who, through his behavior, kind, attentive attitude towards his wife and mother, should be the first to awaken in the boy a sense of male responsibility. The behavior of a young son is most often a mirror reflection of his father’s behavior. A smart father wisely uses his authority with his children. The influence of the father on his daughter, the girl, is also quite great. A smart, kind and skillful dad remains a role model for his daughter all his life. male behavior. And yet, the role of a mother in raising a daughter is infinitely great, since girls in their habits, affections, tastes, in their attitude towards home and family, towards loved ones - first of all, look up to their own mother. That is why in a family where a daughter is being raised, the mother must be a person who is demanding of herself: polite, restrained, neat, feminine. A mother must patiently and skillfully accustom her daughter to household responsibilities. Mother and daughter (as well as father and son) should have their own common affairs in the family. Parental requirements must be understandable and feasible for the child. Thus, any action, any parental act must have a deep educational orientation. In our everyday, ordinary lives, there are opportunities for raising a child at every step. You just need to learn to see these opportunities and use them. And most importantly, dear mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, of course, never forget that the main example for children to follow is ourselves.

Influence family relations on the development of the child.

The moral qualities that parents possess create a certain psychological atmosphere in the family. A culture of communication, responsibility, mutual assistance - these are the qualities that distinguish a friendly, family team. Family relationships significantly influence the development of a child’s personality. He imitates his father or mother, their actions, behavior, relationships, expressions, manner of communicating with adults and children, acquaintances and strangers. A preschooler strives to be a recognized member of the family team, to be like his father and mother. Imitation strengthens the child’s love for his parents and makes him want to actively interact with his dad or mom. A boy, as a rule, imitates his father, a girl - her mother. The child strives to achieve common experiences with family members in joint family affairs, and learn to act like parents. Using the example of his father, a son develops an idea of ​​what a man should be: hardworking, decisive, courageous, a man with a strong character. He loves and respects his wife, is noble, feels responsible for starting a family and raising children. It is up to the mother to instill in children love and respect, and a kind attitude towards others. The moral qualities of the mother most influence the creation of a favorable psychological climate and the formation of communication in the family. It is the mother who serves as an example in the ability to love and respect her husband, to be his friend, a wise adviser, and to be able to support him spiritually. Her image gives her daughter an idea of ​​a woman who knows how to be self-possessed, patient, delicate, who raises children and leads household striving for self-improvement. A family union where the parents have such moral qualities, give rise to a type of family relationship. It is strengthened not only by love and respect, but also by the fulfillment by each of its members of basic family responsibilities. Mutual assistance, joint discussion family problems, participation in household chores gives the child a feeling of joy, which encourages him to do good deeds, arouses love for his parents, and a desire to imitate them. Those parents who actively include their preschooler in the life of the family group do the right thing. Thus, from the first years of life, a child is accustomed to the responsibilities that he will need in the future. family life. A child who has known parental care, attention, and the joy of shared experiences will not find it difficult to create a good family of his own over time.

The questionnaire we offer you is taken from the book “Emotional Intelligence of a Child. A practical guide for parents.” According to the author of the book, psychologist John Gottman, to become good parents, you need to start with introspection. Take a test to help you understand what parenting style you have. At the end of the test, there is a description of the four parenting styles and an explanation of how these styles affected the children who took part in the study.

The most advantageous when raising a child, as J. Gottman is convinced, is the emotional educator style: “All parents love their children, but, unfortunately, not all engage in emotional education. Awareness of its necessity does not automatically follow from their love or from the decision to use a warm and positive attitude in communicating with the child. Emotional education is more like an art; it requires awareness , listening skills, and problem-solving behaviors—behaviors that my colleagues and I have discovered in our observations of healthy, well-functioning families.

We can call these families emotionally intelligent. I believe that almost all moms or dads can become emotional caregivers, but many of them will have to overcome certain obstacles. One of the obstacles may be the habitual attitude towards emotions accepted in the homes where they grew up. Lack of skills to listen to your children can also get in the way. These difficulties may prevent them from becoming the strong mothers and fathers they want to be...


In this test you will answer questions about the negative emotions - sadness, fear and anger - that you and your children experience.

Please mark the answer that most closely matches your opinion. Try to answer all questions (P = Correct, F = Incorrect).

Test material.

1. In fact, children have little reason to be sad. P N

2. I think that if anger is under control, then it is quite normal to experience it. P N

3. Children who show their sadness simply want adults to feel sorry for them. P N

4. When a child gets angry, you need to take a short break. P N

5. When my child is sad, he begins to behave badly. P N

6. When my child is sad, he expects me to fix the world and make it perfect. P N

7. With my rhythm of life, I have no time for sadness. P N

8. Anger is a dangerous state. P N

9. If you ignore a child’s sadness, it goes away on its own. P N

11. Children often pretend to be sad to get their way. P N

12. I think that as long as the sadness is under control, then everything is fine. P N

13. Sadness must be overcome, experienced, and not focused on it. P N

14. I don't mind talking to my child about sadness as long as it doesn't last too long. P N

15. I like cheerful children more than constantly excited ones. P N

16. When my child is upset, it good time to start solving problems. P N

17. I help my children get over their sadness quickly so they can start doing more enjoyable things. P N

18. I don’t think that if my child is sad, then he can be taught something. P N

19. I think children are sad because they attach too much importance to the negative aspects of life. P N

20. When my child gets angry, he turns into a real brat. P N

21. When my child gets angry, I set limits. P N

22. When my child is sad, it means he wants attention. P N

23. Anger is an emotion worth exploring. P N

24. Most often, children get angry due to immaturity and lack of understanding. P N

25. I am trying to change my child's anger to cheerfulness. P N

26. You should express the anger you feel. P N

27. When my child gets upset, this is a chance to bond with him. P N

28. In fact, children have almost no reason to be angry. P N

29. When my child is sad, I try to help him understand what exactly is upsetting him. P N

30. When my child is sad, I show him that I understand him. P N

31. I want my child to experience sadness. P N

32. It is important to find out why the child is sad. P N

33. Childhood is a happy time, so a child should not be sad or angry. P N

34. When my child is sad, we sit down and talk about sadness. P N

35. When my child is sad, I try to help him figure out the reason. P N

36. When my child gets angry, this is an opportunity to get closer to him. P N

37. When my child gets angry, I try to experience this feeling with him. P N

38. I want my child to feel anger. P N

39. I think it's good that children get angry sometimes. P N

40. It is important to understand why a child experiences anger. P N

41. When my daughter is sad, I warn her that she will have a bad temper. P N

42. When my child is sad, I worry that he will become a pessimist. P N

43. I don't try to tell my child anything special about sadness. P N

44. The only thing that can be said about sadness is that expressing it is completely normal. P N

45. I'm not sure there's anything you can do to get rid of sadness. P N

46. ​​You can do little for an upset child, other than comfort him. P N

47. When my child is sad, I try to let him know that I love him no matter what. P N

48. When my child is sad, I don’t quite understand what he expects from me. P N

49. I don't really try to teach my child anything special about anger. P N

50. The only thing that can be said about anger is that expressing it is completely normal. P N

51. When my child is angry, I try to be understanding of his mood. P N

52. When my child gets angry, I try to let him know that I love him no matter what. P N

53. When my child gets angry, I don’t quite understand what he expects from me. P N

54. My child has a bad character and it worries me. P N

55. I believe that a child should not show his anger. P N

56. When angry, people cannot control themselves. P N

57. Children express anger in the form of fits of rage. P N

58. Children get angry so they can have their own way. P N

59. I worry that when my child gets angry, he tends to destroy things. P N

60. If you allow children to feel anger, they will think that they can always do as they want. P N

61. When angry, children do not respect anyone. P N

62. When children are angry, they look funny. P N

63. Anger usually prevents me from drawing the right conclusions, and I do things that I later regret. P N

64. If my child is angry, then it is time to solve the problem. P N

65. When my child gets angry, I think it's time to spank him. P N

66. When my child gets angry, my job is to stop it immediately. P N

67. I do not attach of great importance child's anger. P N

68. When my child gets angry, I don't take it too seriously. P N

69. When I get angry, I feel like I'm going to explode. P N

70. You won’t achieve anything with anger. P N

71. Expressing anger causes a child to become very excited. P N

72. A child’s anger is very important. P N

73. Children have the right to feel anger. P N

74. When my child goes crazy, I just find out the reason. P N

75. It is important to help the child understand what caused his anger. P N

76. When my child gets angry at me, I think, “I don’t want to hear that.” P N

77. When my child gets angry, I think, “If only he could just learn to be flexible.” P N

78. When my daughter gets angry, I think, “Why can’t she accept things as they are?” P N

79. I want my child to be angry so that he can stand up for himself. P N

80. I don't attach much importance to my child's sadness. P N

81. When my child is angry, I want to know what he is thinking. P N

Key to the technique:

Rejecting parenting style:

1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 28, 33, 43, 62, 66, 67, 68, 76, 77, 78, 80.

Divide the total by 25. This is your Rejection Type score.

Disapproving parenting style:

Count the number of times you answered “correctly” to the following questions:

3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 41, 42, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 69, 70.

Divide the total by 23. This is your Disapproving Type score.

Non-interfering parenting style:

Count the number of times you answered “correctly” to the following questions:

26, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53.

Divide the sum by 10. This is your non-intervention score.

Emotional educator:

Count the number of times you answered “correctly” to the following questions:

16, 23, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 51, 64, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 79, 81.

Divide the sum by 23. This is your emotional education score.

Compare the four scores you received. The higher your score in one style, the more inclined you are to it

Interpretation of the results of the technique:

Rejecting parent

Considers the child's feelings to be unimportant and unimportant

Is not interested in or ignores the child's feelings

Wants the child’s negative emotions to pass quickly

Often uses distraction to stop emotions

May ridicule or dismiss the child's emotions

Considers children's feelings to be irrational, so they are not taken into account

Shows little interest in what the child is trying to tell him

Knows little about his own and others' emotions

Feels uncomfortable, afraid, anxious, irritated, hurt when the child expresses strong emotions

Afraid of letting emotions get out of control

More interested in how to cope with an emotion than in the meaning of the emotion itself

Believes negative emotions are harmful

Believes that focusing on negative emotions makes the situation even worse

Doesn't know what to do with the child's emotions

Sees in the child’s emotions a demand to fix everything

Believes that negative emotions indicate poor child adjustment

Believes that a child’s negative emotions have a bad influence on his parents

Minimizes the child's feelings by downplaying the events that triggered the emotion

Does not solve problems with the child; believes that over time they will resolve themselves

The influence of style on children: Children learn that their feelings are wrong, inappropriate and unfounded. They may decide that they have some kind of congenital defect that prevents them from feeling correctly. They may have difficulty regulating their emotions.

Disapproving Parent

The behavior of this type of parent is in many ways similar to that of a rejecting parent, but their attitude to emotions is even more negative. Disapproving Parent:

Judges and criticizes the child's emotional expressions

Absolutely confident in the need to set boundaries for your children

Emphasizes compliance with standards of good behavior.

Reprimands, is strict, and punishes the child for expressing emotions, regardless of how the child behaves.

Believes that the expression of negative emotions should be limited in time

Believes that negative emotions should be controlled

Believes that negative emotions indicate a bad character

Believes that the child uses negative emotions to manipulate parents; that is, we are talking about a struggle for power

Believes that emotions make people weak; Children must be emotionally cold to survive

Considers negative emotions unproductive and a waste of time

Believes that negative emotions (especially sadness) should not be thrown around

Concerned that the child obeys his elders

The influence of this style on children is the same as with the rejecting style.

Non-interfering parent

Freely accepts all emotional expressions of the child

Offers comfort to a child who is experiencing negative feelings

Tells little about how to behave

Does not help the child cope with emotions

Allows everything; does not set restrictions

Doesn't help kids solve problems

Does not teach children how to solve problems

Believes that nothing can be done with negative emotions except to survive

Believes that managing negative emotions is built according to the laws of physics; release your emotions and the job is done

The impact of this style on children: children do not learn to regulate their emotions; they have trouble concentrating, making friends, and get along less well with other children.

Emotional educator

Sees the child's negative emotions as an opportunity for bonding

Can easily be around a sad, angry or fearful child; emotions don't irritate him

Considers the world of negative emotions to be an area that requires parental involvement

Sensitive to the child’s emotional states, even if they are little manifested

Does not become confused or distressed by the child's emotional expressions; knows what to do

Respects the child's emotions

Does not tease or minimize the child’s negative feelings

Doesn't say how the child should feel

Doesn't feel like he or she has to solve all the problems for the child

Uses emotional moments to:

Listen to the child

Sympathize and reassure him with words and affection

Help your child name the emotions he is experiencing.

Offer options for resolving emotions

Set boundaries and teach acceptable expression

Develop problem solving skills

The impact of this style on children: Children learn to trust their feelings, manage their emotions and solve problems. They have high self-esteem, study better, and get along well with other children.

Rating 5.00 (3 Votes)


"Styles of pedagogical communication"

Target: determining parenting style

Instructions: Read the question carefully, analyze your opinions, preferences, choose the most appropriate answer.

On the form, under the question number, place a cross in the box of your chosen answer option.

    Do you think that a child should:

A) share with you all my thoughts and feelings, etc.;

B) tell you only what he wants;

C) keep your thoughts and experiences to yourself.

    If a child takes a toy or pencil from another in his absence without permission, then you:

A) talk to him confidentially and let him make the right decision;

B) let the children themselves sort out their problems;

C) notify all children about this and force them to return what they took with an apology.

    An active, fussy, sometimes undisciplined child, this day in class he was focused, careful and completed the task well. What will you do?

A) praise him and show all the children his work;

B) show interest, find out why it turned out so well today;

C) tell him: “I wish I would always do this!”

    The child did not greet you when entering the room. What will you do?

A) make him greet you loudly in front of everyone;

B) don’t pay attention to him;

C) immediately enter into communication with him, without mentioning his mistake.

    The children are studying quietly. You have a free minute. What would you prefer to do?

A) calmly, without interfering, observe how they work and communicate;

B) help someone, give some advice, make a comment;

C) go about your business (recording, checking, etc.)

    Which point of view seems most correct to you:

A) the child’s feelings and experiences are still superficial, passing quickly and should not be paid attention to special attention;

B) the child’s emotions, his experiences are important factors with the help of which he can be effectively trained and educated;

C) the child’s feelings are amazing, his experiences are significant, and they must be treated with care, with great tact.

    Your starting position in working with children:

A) the child is weak, unreasonable, inexperienced, and only an adult can and should teach and educate him.

B) the child has many opportunities for self-development, and the adult’s cooperation should be aimed at maximizing the child’s activity;

C) the child develops almost uncontrollably under the influence of heredity in the family, and therefore the main concern is that he is healthy, fed and does not violate discipline.

    How do you feel about the child’s activity:

A) positive – without it, full development is impossible;

B) negatively – it often interferes with purposefully and systematically conducting training and education;

C) positively, but only when agreed with the teacher.

    The child did not want to complete the task under the pretext that he had already done it at home. Your actions?

A) they would say: “Well, don’t!”;

B) would be forced to do the work;

C) would have been offered a different task.

    Which position do you think is more correct:

A) the child should be grateful to adults for taking care of him;

B) if he is not aware of the concern for him, does not appreciate it, then it is his business, he will regret it someday;

C) the teacher should be grateful to the children for their trust and love


    Perception of the child's attitude towards the teacher.

    Choice of professional influence.

    Reaction to a successful, successful action of a child.

    Reaction to an error.

    Involvement in children's activities.

    Attitude to children's feelings.

    Attitude towards cooperation with children.

    Perception of children's activity.

    Taking into account the needs of children.

    Attitude towards children in general.


Answer options

25-30 points– preference for a democratic style;

10–19 points– expressiveness of the liberal style of communication.

The examinee can compare the identified level of development of professional and personal qualities and the style of pedagogical communication with the average values ​​of the specified parameters, and also compare with a high norm. In the future, knowledge about yourself should serve as the basis for working on yourself.


FULL NAME. (cipher)

Age Experience Male Women


FULL NAME. (cipher)

Age Experience Male Women

Education Date of research “____”_______________


FULL NAME. (cipher)

Age Experience Male Women

Education Date of research “____”_______________


  1. To update the problem of relationships between parents and children.
  2. Discuss effectiveness different styles family education.

Form: meeting - workshop with elements of discussion.

Participants: parents, class teacher.

Preparatory stage:

  • preparing a presentation;
  • preparing a test for parents “Me and my child”;
  • preparation of a memo “Parental giftedness”;
  • invitation for parents.

Progress of the meeting

I. Organizing time.

Hello dear parents! I’m glad that you took the time to talk about the problems that we, adults, have when communicating with children (slide 2, 3)

The one who will be abandoned by happiness will be the one
Who was raised poorly as a child?
Green shoots are easy to grow,
One fire to fix a dry branch

Do you know what is the surest way?make your child unhappy? P teach him not to refuse anything.

Before we get started, let's get ready for joint activities. A warm-up game will help us get in the mood.

Game "Dating".

The person standing in the center of the circle offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have some common feature. He calls this sign. For example, I will say: “Change seats, all those who have more than one child,” and everyone who has more than one child should change places. At the same time, whoever stands in the center must have time to take one of the vacant seats, and whoever remains in the center of the circle without a seat continues the game.

II. Teacher's presentation (accompanied by a change in slide show).

In our Everyday life We often encounter various situations when communicating with children. But we must not forget that a child is a person! This little person does not need shouting and punishment, not evil and cruel treatment, but kindness, care, and love. The child cannot and does not yet know how to protect himself from physical violence and psychological pressure from adults. But children learn behavior and communication manners from us: they scream if we scream, they are rude if we are rude, they are cruel if we demonstrate it. Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. It is in the family that we learn love, care and respect. The diversity of relationships between its members, warmth, mutual understanding, trust - all this creates a favorable environment for emotional and moral formation personality. And vice versa - the indifference of family members to each other, an indifferent attitude towards children can determine the character of a person, his attitude towards life.
There are many theories about raising children. Consider the relationship between style parenting and the characteristics of the child.

– characterized by high control on the part of parents. Parents expect strict fulfillment of their demands. Parents have a good idea of ​​how their child should grow up and make every effort to achieve this. The child sometimes feels uncomfortable under their control. When communicating with a child, parents give orders and expect their child to carry them out exactly. The relationship is cold and distant. Children are withdrawn, fearful and gloomy, unpretentious and irritable. Girls are mostly passive and dependent, boys are uncontrollable and aggressive.

– assumes high level control, when parents recognize and encourage their children's growing autonomy, as well as warm relationships (parents are open to communication, allow changes in their requirements). As a result, children are socially adapted, self-confident, capable of self-control, have high self-esteem, and they do well at school.

Liberal style(slide 6)

– implies a low level of control and warm relationships. Parents weakly or do not regulate their children’s behavior at all. Parents value their child too highly and consider his weaknesses to be excusable. They communicate with him easily, trust him in everything, and are not prone to prohibitions and restrictions. However, it is worth thinking: is a child capable of such freedom? Although parents are open to communication with children, the dominant direction of communication is from child to parents, children are given an excess of freedom, parents do not set any restrictions. Children are prone to disobedience and aggressiveness, behave inappropriately and impulsively, and are undemanding to themselves. In some cases, children become active, determined, creative people.

Indifferent style(slide 7)

– with a low level of control and cold relationships. Parents do not set any restrictions, are indifferent to their children, and are closed to communication. Due to the burden of their own problems, there is no strength left to raise children. If indifference is combined with hostility, the child exhibits destructive impulses and a tendency toward deviant behavior.

III. Psychological workshop.(slide 8 – 11)

IV. Discussion of situations.

The guys, your child’s friends, have gathered in the house. How can you organize them, what to do with them?
(slide 12)
You need your child’s help, but he is busy with something interesting to him. How to proceed?
(slide 13)
Your child tells you that he is being called to school for poor performance in subjects. What will you tell your child?
(slide 14)

V. Summing up the meeting(slide 15)

American scientist David Lewis studied the psychological climate in families where gifted children grew up. He noticed that with all the diversity of these families, there is much that unites them, and above all - style parental interaction with baby. Based on the results of his research, he identified a number of specific features of parental behavior that guarantee successful development intellectually - creativity. The proposed list includes 32 judgments that will allow us to understand and evaluate how the style of interaction between parents and children corresponds to the practical findings of the most gifted parents who have achieved success in raising their children (

Test "Parental Communication Styles"
1. What, in your opinion, determines a person’s character to a greater extent – ​​heredity or upbringing?

A. Mainly by education.

B. A combination of innate inclinations and environmental conditions.

B. Mainly by innate inclinations.

G. Neither one nor the other, but life experience.

2. How do you feel about the idea of ​​children raising their parents?

A. This is a play on words, sophistry, which has little relation to reality.

B. absolutely agrees with this.

V. I am ready to agree with this, provided that we cannot forget about the traditional role of parents as educators of their children.

G. I find it difficult to answer, I haven’t thought about it.

3. Which of the judgments about education do you find most successful?

A. If you have nothing else to say to your child, tell him to go wash himself (Edgar Howe).

B. The purpose of education is to teach children to do without us (Ernst Loguwe).

B. Children do not need teachings, but examples (Joseph Joubert).

D. Teach your son obedience, and then you can teach everything else (Thomas Fuller).

4. Do you think that parents should educate their children about gender issues?

A. No one taught me this, and life itself teaches them.

B. I believe that parents should satisfy their children’s interest in these issues in an accessible form.

Q. When the children are old enough, it will be necessary to start a conversation about this. And at school age, the main thing is to take care to protect them from manifestations of immorality.

G. Of course, parents should do this first.

5. Should parents give their child pocket money?

A. If he asks, he can give it.

B. it is best to regularly issue a certain amount for specific purposes and control expenses.

B. It is advisable to give out a certain amount for a certain period (for a month, a week) so that the child learns to plan his expenses.

D. When possible, you can sometimes give him some amount.

6. What will you do if you find out that your child has been hurt by another child?

A. I’ll be upset, I’ll try to console the child.

B. I’ll go to sort things out with the offender’s parents.

B. Children themselves will better understand their relationships, especially since their grievances are short-lived.

D. I will advise the child how best to behave in such situations.

7. How do you feel about a child’s foul language?

A. I will try to make him understand that in our family, and among people in general, this is not accepted.

B. Foul language must be nipped in the bud! Punishment is necessary here.

B. Just think! We all know that these words should not be given meaning as long as it does not go beyond reasonable limits.

D. A child has the right to express his feelings even in a way that we do not like.

8. A teenage daughter wants to spend the weekend at a friend’s dacha, where a group of peers will gather without parents being present. Will you let her go?

A. Not under any circumstances. Such gatherings do no good. If children want to relax and have fun, let them do it under the supervision of their elders.

B. Perhaps, if I know her comrades as decent and reliable guys.

B. She can make her own decision. Although, of course, in her absence I will worry.

G. I see no reason to prohibit it.

9. How will you react if you find out that your child lied to you?

A. I will try to bring him to light and shame him.

B. If the reason is not too serious, I will not attach importance.

B. I’ll be upset.

G. I’ll try to figure out what prompted him to lie.

10. Do you think that you are setting a good example for your child?

A. Absolutely.

B. I try.

Q. I hope so.

G. I don’t know.

Processing the results.

Communication style

Question numbers























































Mark the answer options you have chosen in the table and determine their correspondence to one of the types of parental communication.

Authoritative style. You are aware of your important role in the development of the child’s personality, but you also recognize his right to self-development. You soberly understand what requirements need to be dictated and what to discuss. We are ready to reconsider our positions within reasonable limits.

Authoritarian style. You have a good idea of ​​how your child should grow up, and you make every effort to achieve this. In your demands, you are very categorical and uncompromising. It is not surprising that your child sometimes feels uncomfortable under your control.

Liberal style. You value your child highly and consider his weaknesses excusable. You communicate with him easily, trust him, and are not prone to prohibitions and restrictions.

Indifferent style. The problem of upbringing is not a priority for you, since you have quite a few other concerns. You basically have to solve your problems yourself. But he has the right to count on greater participation and support from you.

KVN “I am…?”

(Joint event with the participation of teachers, children and parents).

Target: to form children’s ideas about children’s belonging to a certain social group (men or women); develop the ability to use your knowledge and ideas in specific situations and life; foster friendly relationships between boys and girls; to give parents ideas about the need to raise a child as a representative of a certain gender in order for him to fulfill a certain social role in the future, and the need for education not only in kindergarten, but, above all, in the family. Bring joy!
Progress of the event:
Two teams participate in the game: "Elena the beautiful"- mothers with daughters and "Ilya Muromets"- dads with sons.

I want to start today’s game with words that will be the motto of our game:

The boy is different

Boy, girl, old man,

And it’s not so - it’s easy to figure it out

Which one of them...

There are eyebrows, and eyelashes, there are ears, two hands...

What's on the outside is important, but what's on the inside is more important!

First task:

“Let’s first find out what’s outside!”

Each team must name its own characteristics - who is greater. The one who wins, that is, the one who names the distinctive feature last, receives either a flower (for the women's team) or a car (for the men's team).

Second task:

“Let’s dress the doll.”

There is a doll for each team and a mix of boy and girl clothes in the box. The children of each team need to choose clothes typical of the opposite sex, and the parents need to dress a doll.

Third task:

“You dress dolls quickly, and now let’s see how quickly you can dress yourself.”

Parents need to choose clothes that are typical for their gender, lay them out so that children can easily get dressed quickly. Children must quickly put it on in the order in which their parents laid it out.

Fourth task:

Each team is offered a doll - a naked one. It is necessary to give a name to the doll and endow it with qualities characteristic only of its gender. The last one to name a certain quality wins.
Fifth task:

Draw a boy (girl) blindfolded.

Children draw, and parents give advice. The one with the most beautiful drawing wins.

Sixth task:

Pictures available with depicted activities characteristic of a particular gender. Children need to choose pictures with activities characteristic of their gender (for example, for girls - unwashed dishes, for boys - a broken hanger. Parents - check the pictures and count the correct ones.)
Seventh task:

Remember the fairy tales where heroes show qualities characteristic of real men: courage, masculinity, courage. The one who can name the most fairy tales wins.
Eighth task:

Teams are given tasks to demonstrate skills specific to their gender.

For the women's team - sew buttons to the dress,

Male - build a bird feeder,

Girls - wrap the doll,

Boys - build a house out of blocks.

The quality of the work performed is assessed.
Ninth task:

Acting out problematic situations How should men and women behave?

“Entering the transport”, “Visiting the theater”, “Waiting for guests”.

At the end the scoring Which one has more: girls - flowers, or boys - cars. Presentation of prizes, words of gratitude to all participants, organization of tea party.

Lesson notes for children on the formation of a “family image”.
Lesson “The Dearest Person”
Target: to develop in children a conscious attitude towards the family, an understanding of the role of the mother as a keeper of the hearth, a protector of children, and to develop skills in expressing feelings.
Progress of the lesson:
Teacher. Today we will talk about mom. I would like to ask you: “How do you address your mother?” I recently heard one child call his mother: “Mommy.” And the other girl is “Mommy”!

What would you say to this? Is it nice for mom? Why? Our appeals express our attitude towards a person.

Why might mom cry if you are sick, lost, or injured?

Why does mom cry herself if she scolded you or even spanked you?

A woman, if she is a mother, creates warmth, tenderness, care, affection, and support. Do you feel this from your moms? How?

Ancient people surrounded the fire with stones and called it a hearth. A woman is the keeper of the hearth, at the beginning of real fire, and then - mood, kindness, respect for each other in the family.

Why is a woman called the keeper of the hearth? ( because women emanate love, affection, peace, harmony)

Who and what can destroy the home, that is, peace, warmth, love? (war)

Who does the mother save first?

What can you call your mother? (she is not a warrior, but a protector)

When a mother protects her child, does she think about the danger, about herself?

What is the most important thing in a woman - a mother? ( power of love)

How is love expressed? (tenderness, affection, care, protection)

Does mom need help in maintaining a home? How do you multiply this?

Are you ready to treat your mother the way she treats you?

Exercise: Now one of you will think about your mother, and we will try to please his thoughts by facial expressions.

There is a song about mom.

Homework: Discuss with your parents why the kindergarten used to be called “Ochag”?

Did you enjoy today's conversation?

Draw a portrait of your mother with love and tenderness.

Lesson “About Grandparents”
Target: to form a conscious perception of the older generation as a source of wisdom, experience, patient, caring attitude towards grandchildren.

Invite grandparents to the lesson, prepare herbal tea, and light candles.

Progress of the lesson:
Teacher. Hello dear! We've been waiting for you, we're glad to see you! It’s so good to have grandparents in the family! Parents are often busy and have a lot to do. And then their parents - grandparents - come to their aid.

How many of you can tell how and when your grandmother helped you? Or maybe grandpa helped someone?

Whose grandparents know a lot about plants, animals, birds?

Who drank herbal tea at grandma or grandpa's?

Whose grandmother or grandfather taught to apply a plantain leaf to a wound? And what else?

What do you like to ask your grandparents about?

What are they telling you? How many of you can say about your grandparents that they are kind, affectionate, and knowledgeable people, that is, wise?

Can you say if you love your grandparents very much that you are proud that they are kind and wise?

Let's light the candles. It's like this is our home. And while the lights are burning, let's wish the grandparents everything you want.

Wonderful, I am proud of you, your kind and bright thoughts about your loved ones.

And now the floor is given to grandparents.
Drawing up a pedigree “Family Tree”.
The teacher asks the children to draw their family tree. Explains that the family tree should include the names of all relatives known to children: close and distant, living and deceased.

To complete this task, the teacher asks children to collect detailed information about their family for 2 weeks and make every effort to learn as much as possible about the people who gave rise to their family. The date of birth and death must be indicated on the tree. Children can also indicate the professions and places of birth of their relatives. The tree should be built starting from the root, placing the names of relatives sequentially.

The teacher asks the children to answer the following questions:

  • Are there more women or men in your family?

  • What is the average life expectancy?

  • What types of activities and professions are most common?

  • Are there any common spiritual values ​​that are passed down in your family from generation to generation?

  • Do your family members live in the same city, or do they live in different places? Which ones do you maintain friendly relations with?

  • If you had a celebration and invited all your relatives, which of them would come to this celebration?

  • Do you think it is important to maintain friendly relations with all your relatives?

  • Which of your relatives would you like to be like, and why?

  • Which of your relatives' lives do you find most interesting, and why?
When everyone brings their family tree and tells their friends about it, the teacher invites the children to make a stand from their family trees: “Our families.”

Ethical conversation “On how to behave with mom, dad and the rest of your family.”
- It’s impossible to say in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen how bad it is when some child is ill-mannered and angry.

I hope that you, my little friend, don’t behave like that?

You, of course, know that mom, dad, grandparents and the rest of your family are your most faithful and most reliable friends. They are always with you. Both on holidays and in difficult times for you. And no matter how tired they are, and sometimes even sick, they will always feed you, give you something to drink, listen to you, and caress you. They will give you good advice. Is not it?

Remember: when you are sick and lying in bed, you have a high temperature, how attentive and caring your mother and grandmother are with you all these days!

What if there is a holiday in your house? Together with you, your parents clean and decorate the apartment. Grandma is baking a pie. These days, cheerful worries and the love of your loved ones make the house warm.

Everything - everything that is in the house and in your own possession - all things, books and toys are made by hand or bought with money earned by your parents. After all, your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather never tire of working all their lives.

Look, my friend, carefully at the hands of your grandmother and grandfather. How much work they have done in their lives!

Somehow, kindly ask me to tell you about this, and you will understand what wonderful people live in your family.

To tell the truth, some boys and girls do not know their parents very well and do not think about them very often. Meanwhile...

Here's your mom...

How many different things she manages to do in just one day! Prepare breakfast in the morning, clear the table, take you to kindergarten, and your older brother or sister to school. Mom is at work for many hours, but she still has time to go to the store and cook dinner, tidy up the house, read a book and play with you, wash you and put you to bed. Then wash, sew, and watch a little TV.

Not a single fairy-tale sorceress will have time to redo so many things in a day!

Maybe mom wouldn’t have been able to cope with all these things if your dad (and the rest of your family) hadn’t helped her.

Because your dad is almost fabulously kind, fabulously smart. He knows about everything in this world. About your factory, about hockey, about where the stars come from. And what should you put on your skis in very cold weather, about different countries. About famous chess players.

These are the amazing people who live and live in your family, my friend. They are all your most faithful and reliable friends.

But you need to take care of your friends, take care of them, and try to help them in everything.

Therefore, please wash the dishes yourself after meals as often as possible. Don't leave this matter to your grandmother and mother.

When grandparents come from the street, help them undress. And bring some slippers.

And if you go with your parents to visit or for a walk in public transport, do not rush to sit down yourself. Sit your favorite older friends, especially women, in your place, they rarely rest.

Never interrupt adults in conversation or be rude to them.

Try to be a real master in your home. A good owner is neat and tidy.

Don't make noise if one of your loved ones is sick or working. Try not to quarrel or fight with your younger brothers and sisters.

Please be affectionate and kind with your loved ones and everyone around you.

Then you won’t upset mom, dad, grandma and other members of your family, and you won’t be ill-mannered and angry.

Ethical conversation "Grandma's holiday."
- Holidays are enjoyable for everyone.

Grandma worked harder than anyone else in your family in her entire life - she worked.

Grandma raised your mom or your dad. Your grandmother loves you more than anyone in this world!

And you, of course, love her very much. And you’ve probably been dreaming of organizing Grandma’s holiday for a long time.

Just please don’t shift all the holiday worries to adults.

To give grandma a fun, real holiday, everyone should prepare for it. And above all, you yourself. And to do this you need to do the following:

* help the adults clean the apartment. Sweep the rooms. Wipe off the dust.

* help mom set the table. Arrange the plates correctly, arrange forks, spoons and other items.

* help mom prepare salads and sandwiches. Or maybe your mother will trust you to cook something yourself.

* politely invite your grandmother to the table.

* you must greet all other guests politely. Help them undress and invite them to the table.

* give your grandmother some gift that you make with your own hands.

* when everyone leaves the table, please don’t forget to help wash the dishes and put them back in place.

In this way, you will please your grandmother, cheer her up, and also show your parents that you can be a good owner and helper.

Education by example.

(the role of mom and dad in raising children)

Raising a child in a family begins, first of all, with the constant moral and cultural atmosphere that has developed in the home. The child lives and breathes this atmosphere. Mentally healthy, calm children usually grow up in a calm, friendly, homely atmosphere.

Taking this important factor into account, parents need to begin raising their sons and daughters. In order to achieve a constant even - friendly, affably - polite, tolerant spirit in the family, every father and every mother must be people of high culture.

The child adopts his habits, interests, style of behavior, his attitude towards work and the people around him from adults. And thus, without realizing it, he is brought up to learn from constant adult examples. Naturally, the people closest to him—the members of his family—have the greatest influence on his habits and developing character.

Much has been said about the role of the mother in raising children, and the same number of times can be repeated that a child needs maternal patient affection, tenderness, attention, and love for his healthy and normal development.

Boys model their character on adult men, and in childhood the closest and most understandable man to them is their father.

Being a dad is a serious and responsible matter. For a boy, a father is the ideal of courage. It is dad who, through his behavior, kind, attentive attitude towards his wife and mother, should be the first to awaken in the boy a sense of male responsibility. The behavior of a young son is most often a mirror reflection of his father’s behavior. A smart father wisely uses his authority with his children. The influence of the father on his daughter, the girl, is also quite great. An intelligent, kind and skillful father remains a model of masculine behavior for his daughter all his life. And yet, the role of a mother in raising a daughter is infinitely great, since girls in their habits, affections, tastes, in their attitude towards home and family, towards loved ones - first of all, look up to their own mother. That is why in a family where a daughter is being raised, the mother must be a person who is demanding of herself: polite, restrained, neat, feminine. A mother must patiently and skillfully accustom her daughter to household responsibilities.

Mother and daughter (as well as father and son) should have their own common affairs in the family. Parental requirements must be understandable and feasible for the child.

Thus, any action, any parental act must have a deep educational orientation.

In our everyday, ordinary lives, there are opportunities for raising a child at every step. You just need to learn to see these opportunities and use them. And most importantly, dear mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, of course, never forget that the main example for children to follow is ourselves.

The influence of family relationships on child development.
The moral qualities that parents possess create a certain psychological atmosphere in the family. A culture of communication, responsibility, mutual assistance - these are the qualities that distinguish a friendly, family team. Family relationships significantly influence the development of a child’s personality. He imitates his father or mother, their actions, behavior, relationships, expressions, manner of communicating with adults and children, acquaintances and strangers.

A preschooler strives to be a recognized member of the family team, to be like his father and mother. Imitation strengthens the child’s love for his parents and makes him want to actively interact with his dad or mom.

A boy, as a rule, imitates his father, a girl - her mother. The child strives to achieve common experiences with family members in joint family affairs, and learn to act like parents.

Using the example of his father, a son develops an idea of ​​what a man should be: hardworking, decisive, courageous, a man with a strong character. He loves and respects his wife, is noble, feels responsible for starting a family and raising children.

It is up to the mother to instill in children love and respect, and a kind attitude towards others. The moral qualities of the mother most influence the creation of a favorable psychological climate and the formation of communication in the family. It is the mother who serves as an example in the ability to love and respect her husband, to be his friend, a wise adviser, and to be able to support him spiritually.

Her image gives her daughter an idea of ​​a woman who knows how to be self-possessed, patient, delicate, raises children and runs a household, and strives for self-improvement. A family union where parents have such moral qualities gives rise to a type of family relationship. It is strengthened not only by love and respect, but also by the fulfillment by each of its members of basic family responsibilities. Mutual assistance, joint discussion of family problems, participation in household chores, gives the child a feeling of joy, which encourages him to do good deeds, arouses love for his parents, and a desire to imitate them.

Those parents who actively include their preschooler in the life of the family group do the right thing. Thus, from the first years of life, the child is accustomed to the responsibilities that he will need in his future family life. A child who has known parental care, attention, and the joy of shared experiences will not find it difficult to create a good family of his own over time.