Vaseline in cosmetics: good or bad? Useful properties of Vaseline that you did not know about Vaseline, its production and use.

Petrolatum(watery paraffin; lat. Vaselinum, Paraffinum unguinosum, Petrolatum) - a pasty liquid without aroma or taste. With incomplete cleaning, the color ranges from black to yellow, with complete cleaning - to white. Consists of a consistency mineral oil and solid paraffin hydrocarbons. Melting point - 27-60 °C, viscosity - 28-36 mm²/s at 50 °C. Soluble in ether and chloroform, insoluble in water and alcohol, miscible with any oils, except castor. It is obtained from vacuum distillate petroleum fractions by thickening with petrolatum, paraffin and ceserin. It is not saponified by mixtures of alkalis, does not oxidize, does not go rancid in air and does not change when exposed to concentrated acids.

Invented in 1859 by the English chemist Robert Cheesbrough. Robert A. Chesebrough). In 1872, he received a patent for the creation of Vaseline.


There are two types of petroleum jelly: natural and artificial.

Natural(natural “American”) petroleum jelly comes from the residues from the distillation of paraffin oil, followed by cleaning with sulfuric acid and bleaching with bleaching earths, which adsorb resinous and coloring substances. It is ointment-like, and in a narrow layer - a transparent viscous dull mass, without taste or aroma (occasionally with a faint smell of kerosene), free from grains and lumps, simply stretching into threads. Yellow Vaseline usually fluoresces green, snow-white - opalescent. It has aseptic and hydrophilic qualities and the ability, separately in consistency with lanolin and cetyl alcohol, to absorb and retain a significant amount of water. Natural Vaseline is very difficult to emulsify. When stored at any temperature conditions, it should not separate and release oil, even in the form of traces (exudation).

Natural Vaseline has a more beautiful and transparent appearance than artificial one. It is least susceptible to changes in the mixture during temperature fluctuations and does not “sweat” and leaves a sticky, greasy residue on the skin that is difficult to wash off.

Vaseline artificial- an alloy of ceresin, paraffin with purified (honey) vaseline or perfume oil in varying proportions depending on the melting point of paraffin or ceresin. Purified petrolatum is added to it to increase viscosity and significantly protect against the occurrence of effusions.

Artificial Vaseline is obtained from the oil industry or prepared in cosmetic factories. Paste-like, cloudy, translucent in a narrow layer, neutral, snow-white or yellow mass stretching in small threads in the absence of aroma and taste. When melted, it should give a homogeneous, transparent, fluorescent oily liquid with no aroma.


Vaseline is used to impregnate paper and fabrics in the electrical industry, to produce greases that are resistant to strong oxidizing agents, to protect metals from corrosion, as a laxative in medicine, and as a component of cosmetic creams in cosmetics. Vaseline is used as a fat base in some creams and without the help of others (vaseline, boric petroleum jelly, massage creams).

Contrary to popular belief, Vaseline has very little use as a lubricant in the sex industry because it helps break down latex; here, more modern compositions based on water-containing components (for example, silicones) are used.

Vaseline is registered as a food additive E905b.

Sources and additional information materials:

Vaseline - Wikipedia

What do we know about Vaseline?

    What is Vaseline made from?

    Vaseline (watery paraffin; lat. Vaselinum, Paraffinum unguinosum, Petrolatum) is a pasty liquid without aroma or taste. With incomplete cleaning, the color ranges from black to yellow, with complete cleaning - to white. Consists of a consistency of mineral oil and solid paraffin hydrocarbons. Melting point - 27-60 °C, viscosity - 28-36 mm²/s at 50 °C. Soluble in ether and chloroform...

Many of us would like to have an inexpensive and effective remedy which can be used in self-care. We suggest learning the beneficial properties of Vaseline and how to use it not only for cosmetic purposes. Read and adopt.

Proven methods!

Vaseline oil is a mixture of paraffin, microcrystalline wax and mineral oil. It prevents moisture from evaporating through the skin, clogging pores and preventing the skin from breathing, which prevents it from drying out.


Vaseline is an occlusive humectant. Occlusives form a sealant that locks water into the skin, thereby preventing dryness. Vaseline can relieve dryness by preventing further water loss from the skin, allowing the skin to repair itself from the inside out. Thanks to this property, Vaseline oil is used to eliminate dryness of the upper layers of the skin.


Healing cuts, abrasions and chapped lips

Vaseline oil was originally developed for use on cuts and scrapes on the skin. Due to the occlusive properties of Vaseline, it simply seals a minor wound on the skin, which prevents bacteria and various contaminants, allowing the body to easily repair damaged tissue.

When Vaseline is applied to chapped lips, it acts as a balm, soothing the surface and preventing moisture from evaporating.

Lubricate the thermometer

Vaseline oil is used as a lubricant. Experts recommend using Vaseline when measuring a child's temperature rectally. After cleaning the thermometer, coat the tip with Vaseline before inserting it into your baby's anus.

Vaseline oil for constipation

If you suffer from constipation, among other things natural remedies Vaseline can be used orally. The main advantage of petroleum jelly over other vegetable oils is that it is absolutely not absorbed in the intestine, which makes it possible to effectively lubricate both the colon itself and its contents. Thus, it stimulates intestinal motility and facilitates the passage of feces.

Other uses of petroleum jelly

In addition to the above-mentioned uses of Vaseline, it can also be used as a treatment applied to pulse points on the neck and forearm to prolong the longevity of a perfume's scent. Also, Vaseline oil can thicken split ends of hair.

Thanks to the huge advancement in the field of medicine, scientists have invented lubricants, which are used to moisturize a girl’s vagina and inflame her with passion. Also, these chemicals affect a person’s mood, and therefore, sexual relationships become more romantic and enjoyable.

However, before these products were invented, people tried to make their own lubricant at home. For this purpose, it was very often used different oils, creams or viscous mixtures. It's no secret that Vaseline was sometimes used. Until now, some people continue to use this product and recommend it to others. But is Vaseline actually harmless?

Composition, properties and functions

Vaseline is obtained by processing petroleum fractions at low temperatures.

There are three main types of Vaseline, they differ from each other in the degree of purification and composition, these are:

  • Technical– has a repulsive kerosene smell. It does not undergo deep and high-quality cleaning, so it is most often used in industry.
  • Medical– a deeply purified product that is used in medicine as the main component for the manufacture of ointments. Not only that, it protects and softens the skin.
  • Cosmetic– used to create cream and butter.

Vaseline or petrolatum is used to soften rough skin and makes jewelry easier to remove. Moreover, they clean shoes and make various crafts. Some people use Vaseline instead of intimate lubricant. As you can see, this substance is known for its versatility.

Advice! For sex, it is best to use cosmetic Vaseline.

Can I use Vaseline?

Both male and female genital organs are particularly sensitive. During sexual intercourse, friction occurs and if not enough lubrication is released, then partners feel discomfort and pain. Sometimes cracks or wounds may appear in the intimate area of ​​women.

To make sex an enjoyable experience, people use different lubricants or gels. Many people know Vaseline as an intimate lubricant, as they use it for moisturizing. However, everyone is interested in whether this tool can be used.

  1. This substance has a bad effect on the female body.
  2. Not everyone knows that Vaseline can be cosmetic, technical or medical.
  3. Vaseline has a bad effect on latex, so the condom becomes useless.

But if you have a home baby cream, based on medical Vaseline, then it can be used.

For reference! A huge disadvantage of petrolatum is that it is very difficult to wash off with water.

How to improve your intimate life?

In fact, a person can fix the fact that he produces little lubrication during sex. You just need to change your diet and start eating healthy image life. Try playing sports and exercise regularly.

Often, intimate problems are associated with a person’s hormonal background, so go to an appointment with a doctor and find out exactly what hormones or vitamins you are missing.

Advice! Take dietary supplements to replenish your body with beneficial substances and microorganisms.

Moreover, if a man does not skimp on intimate caresses and tries to excite a woman, this problem will no longer bother you.

Danger of use

To prevent petrolatum from harming your body, you need to know how to use this substance. Remember that even medical Vaseline is never used in its pure form. This is due to the fact that its main components are very concentrated. In this case, it destroys the microflora intimate area women.

If you decide to make your own lubricant and use it regularly, you should remember that:

  • With constant use of homemade lubricant, allergies may develop over time,
  • After sexual intercourse, be sure to wash off the intimate ointment,
  • If you have a constant feeling of discomfort, go see a doctor,
  • A lack of natural lubrication may indicate the development of serious female problems.

After conducting an experiment, scientists discovered that those women who constantly use Vaseline as an intimate lubricant are more susceptible to bacterial vaginosis than other representatives of the fairer sex. This is due to the fact that this substance has alkaline properties, which is why the acidic environment in the vagina disappears, which protects the body from various infections.

This disease is accompanied by severe itching, burning and pain. Having bacterial vaginosis, there is a high chance that you will become infected with sexually transmitted infections. With this in mind, make smart choices.