Military pensioners stand for Russia and its armed forces. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces Cancellation of military pensions

Indexation of military salaries in 2018: the latest news

At a government meeting held on October 25, 2017, President V.V. Putin announced the need to index military salaries. The procedure should take place on January 1, 2018. The President noted that the necessary amount should be provided for in 2017 in order to begin paying increased salaries and military allowances on time. According to Anton Siluanov, the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, the budget has sufficient funds to carry out indexation. The last time a significant increase in salaries for the military took place in 2012. Initially, the legislation provided for annual adjustments to payments. However, the crisis situation in the economy did not allow the state to fulfill its obligations. The indexation rate will be 4%. How they inform last news, in 2019 and 2020 it is also planned to annually adjust salaries by 4%. The corresponding bill has already been submitted to the State Duma for approval. This change will allow for an increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2018. The amount of security is determined by the formula: B = D * (50% + 3% * N) * K, where: B is the total amount of security; D is the soldier’s salary before dismissal; N is the number of years of service over the minimum period of 20 years; K - adjustment indicator - 72.23%. The formula applies to citizens who have served for over 20 years. With mixed experience, 1% is taken for calculation instead of 3%.

Height material support former military man was appointed at the beginning of the year. Indexing will be carried out by law enforcement agencies that assign content of this type. No additional requests are required from the pensioner. After adjusting the allowance amounts, military pensions will also increase by 4% from January 1, 2018. Pensioners will be provided with increased payments from the beginning of the year. The reduction factor used in the calculations will retain its value for 2018. Previously, the increase in payments was made through its adjustment. Until the beginning of 2019, its value will be 72.23%. A calculator will help you make preliminary calculations military pension from January 1, 2018, located on the website of the Ministry of Defense employees. The system issues the required amount of military pensions in 2018. Information about the position, increments and duration of service is entered into the form on the website.

Insurance pension for military pensioners in 2018: latest news

Retired military personnel are entitled to a second pension paid Pension Fund. To obtain it, compliance with established conditions is required: assignment of payments from law enforcement agencies due to disability or length of service; achievement of the required age limit (60 years for men and 55 years for women); recorded insurance experience (in 2018 - from 9 years); accumulation of points in the Pension Fund system (in 2018 - from 13.8). The amount of insurance content is determined by multiplying the IPC by its cost. The IPC amount is formed within labor activity citizen, therefore it depends on its duration and insurance contributions. The fixed payment is not taken into account in the calculations. Its increase will not affect the final amount of funds received, since the military is not paid. The insurance pension for military pensioners will increase by 3.7% from January 1, 2018. Traditionally, payment adjustments occurred in February. However, inflation rates for 2017 decreased and will amount to no more than 3.2%, but large indicators appeared in the state budget bill. Therefore, indexing in 2018 will occur a month earlier than planned. All retired military personnel who are assigned this support will receive it in an increased amount from the beginning of the year. As a result of indexation, the cost of the point will reach 81.49 rubles. The procedure will affect only unemployed citizens. For employed citizens, a full increase in payments will take place only after settlement with the employer.

Certain groups of military personnel are entitled to state pension. This includes the following categories of pensioners: conscripts who became disabled during service or up to 3 months after its completion; conscripts with a disability established after service due to injury or other health problems acquired during its period. The amount of such support depends on the social pension (SP), circumstances of acquisition of disability and its group. The SP has a fixed value valid throughout the year. The adjustment of the joint venture is carried out annually in April. Its change is influenced by the increase in the minimum amount of funds necessary for the livelihoods of pensioners. In 2018, the increase in state pensions will take place in April. The indexation rate is set at 4.1%. As a result, the value of the SP will reach 5240.65 rubles. After indexing, military pensions in 2018 for state benefits for disability as a result of injury will be: 1 group - 15721.95 rubles; 2 group - 13101.63 rubles; 3 group - 9171.14 rub. If the factor causing disability was illness, then the procedure for assigning payments changes: group 1 - 13,101.63 rubles; group 2 - 10,481.3 rubles; group 3 - 7,860.98 rubles. The indicated values ​​also correspond to the minimum security, which military personnel can receive if they are disabled.

Military pensions in 2018 from January 1, by what percentage. Example on military pensions

Vorontsov Sergey Petrovich has 20 years of service in the ground forces. In 2017 Vorontsov S.P. resigned from service. His salary for the tariff category and the rank of senior lieutenant was 29,250 rubles. The amount of security in 2017 is: 29,250 rubles. * 50% * 72.23% = 10,563.64 rubles. After indexing in 2018, the salary of Vorontsov S.P. will reach: 29250 rub. * 4% = 30,420 rubles. The remaining components of the formula will remain the same. How much collateral will be after indexing is determined by the formula: 30,420 rubles. * 50% * 72.23% = 10986.18 rub.

Military pensions in 2018 from January 1, by what percentage. Conclusion

With the onset of 2018, military personnel will begin to receive increased amounts of allowance. Indexation of monetary allowance will increase provision for retired military personnel. The state budget recorded an increase in military salaries for the next 3 years. The reduction factor used to calculate military allowance will not change until the beginning of 2019. Right to insurance content appears for military pensioners when they meet the requirements for length of service, age and the amount of the IPC. When military personnel receive insurance coverage, it is indexed in the prescribed manner. The insurance content will increase by adjusting the cost of the IPC. When state security is paid, its increase will take place in April. The indexation value is set at 4.1%. State support is provided to conscripts who become disabled while performing their duties. Most popular question and the answer to it regarding military pensions Question: I have two young children, and I have received pension increases for them. Are these indexed? additional payments or just the pension itself? Answer: A pension supplement is provided to citizens after reaching 80 years of age or upon confirmation of group I disability. It is paid in the amount of the social pension. After its adjustment, the increase in payments will be: 5240.65 rubles. - 5034.25 rub. = 206.4 rubles. Non-working pensioners with dependents will receive an increase. This increase also determined on the basis of SP. For each dependent, an additional 32% of this amount is paid. A maximum of 3 disabled relatives are taken into account. As a result, the increase in payments after indexing will be: for one dependent - 66.05 rubles; for two - 132.1 rubles; for three - 206.4 rubles.

According to experts, the average monthly pension benefit in 2016 was about 23,000 rubles. Based on the 2018 inflation, the government applied an adjustment factor for pension calculations. The adjustments made it possible to increase pension payments in 2018 by 4%. According to experts, next year, 2018, the indexation of insurance pension benefits will be close to that applied this year, and the burden on the budget will change as predicted.

When will pensions for military pensioners be increased?

The question will be of interest to people who will receive their military pensions in 2018. The government claims that there are funds available to increase cash benefits for retired military personnel and persons equivalent to them. The comments note that the military pension in January 2018 is higher than that of civilians. The amount has been increased because military personnel suffer greater psychological and physical exercise, the military is entrusted with the responsibility to be constantly ready to perform the task after taking the oath of office.

Increase in military pensions in 2018

Required military service experience Russian Federation to receive allowance is determined by position and characteristics of the service. The main factor is the position, and then the rest are taken into account - such as titles, length of service and others. Pensions for military pensioners in 2018 are provided to retirees who served and are leaving the ranks of the troops of the Russian Federation.

An increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2018 is being actively discussed, both types:

  • upon reaching the age at which military personnel become eligible for payments;
  • for health reasons (disability).


Indexation of military pensions will begin in 2018 in accordance with decisions made in 2017. The budget has already allocated 2.26 billion rubles for these purposes. All military pensions in Russia will be increased in 2018, but the new pension norm proposed in the same bill with an increase in allowance by 2% is frozen until 2018. The amount will also be indexed for working pensioners. A number of additives and benefits are provided by the Ministry of Defense, federal or regional entities.

At a meeting jointly with the government, the President of the Russian Federation demanded to establish interaction with all government agencies and use responsible government bodies for the timely payment of salaries and pension benefits. At the meeting, the government was instructed to index military pensions. This must be done simultaneously with the pension payments of other Russians - from January 1, 2018.

It is planned, as before, to index the increase in pensions for both defenders of the homeland and persons equivalent to them, taking into account the salaries of military personnel. The allocation of money is planned for this year. The law contains additional information about people who will also notice an increase in pensions in 2018 - police officers and guardsmen. According to the president, budget revenues will allow the increase in pensions this year.

Cancellation of military pension

Nothing has been said about the abolition of military pensions and insurance pensions, but the slowdown in inflation has already been taken into account, because annual increase (indexation) is planned at up to 4% of the total amount. The government intends to increase service life, which will lead to a reduction in “pension” costs. They plan to develop and implement new standards - they believe that citizens will face reform and recalculation of pensions in 2018, which will affect the accrual of funds to pensioners. Following the example of civil servants, this reform will propose to increase the standard length of service required when calculating military pensions in 2018

The essence of potential changes is to reduce government spending. This will reduce costs, reduce the burden on the budget, and avoid budget deficits. According to representatives of the Ministry of Finance, all changes will depend on the indicators and capabilities of the country’s current budget. The increase in military pensions in 2018 will affect citizens of the Russian Federation who served in the armed forces and internal affairs bodies, and other citizens authorized to receive such payments in accordance with the law.


However, there is other information. There is talk that the government may take more radical measures, namely, eliminating military pensions altogether. Such a decision is directly related to the negative impact on the functioning of the army as a whole. However, no one has yet canceled the indexation of pensions, so this year it will also be done.

Latest news about increasing military pensions in the coming year

According to the bill on indexation of law enforcement and fire departments, starting from 2013, pension accruals should increase annually by 2%. This should continue until financial coverage reaches 100%. If we consider the calculation for 2018, then the total amount of funds allocated will be 72.23%. The figure was approximately the same last year. However, from January 1 of this year, the indexation of military pensions by 2% will be suspended by government decision.

As stated by the Russian Defense Committee, in the coming year, military pensions were supposed to be indexed at the rate of 5%. However, these promises will not be fulfilled in the near foreseeable future.

On a note! In addition to the listed introductions, the Presidential Decree on the gradual increase in the amount of pensions for military personnel who have already retired is also not being implemented. However, our President gave the corresponding order to carry out indexation of pensions for military personnel who have already left service due to retirement age.

Yesterday's latest news from the Duma about increasing military pensions in 2018 indicates the following. Budget funds are quite enough to index pensions for military personnel starting in January of this year, and for former military personnel - next month (February). The President of Russia said that this must be done simultaneously and without delay. V.V. Putin is of the opinion that indexation should be carried out the same way as it was done last year.

The indexation itself, according to our President, should first of all affect pensioners who gave their lives to serve the Motherland. This should also apply to persons who are considered military pensioners. Basically, these are members of the Russian Guard, as well as employees of internal affairs bodies.

As the President recently announced, in order to effectively implement the plan, it is necessary to carefully review all funds allocated to in this direction, already in the coming year. This is important to do because pensions are paid to military pensioners a month earlier. V.V. Putin said that the funds in the budget allow the implementation of this plan.

What to expect in the coming year

Yesterday's latest news from the Duma about increasing military pensions in 2018 indicates that this issue has not yet been fully resolved. All the ideas that have already been made public are just getting ready to become part of reality. However, some changes on the issue of indexation of pensions for military personnel who have already left their service are in the government’s plans, and their implementation is considered the highest priority. Currently, pensions are paid only to those military personnel who have served their Motherland for at least 20 years, which is provided for by Russian legislation and established at the official level.

Important! However, there are some amendments to the law. For example, additional information states that a military pension can also be paid to those persons who served in the army for at least 12 years with an additional 25 years of service, as well as if they left service before the age of 45 for health reasons.

Thus, the law states that the following categories of citizens are entitled to military pensions:

  • persons who have served at least 20 calendar years;
  • one who has served the Motherland for 12.5 years, and his civilian experience is at least 25 years;
  • those who were removed from service due to health problems before reaching 45 years of age;
  • all military personnel who have retired and have length of service.

Interesting! As one of the State Duma officials stated, 9 billion rubles that were found in the possession of the military leader Zakharchenko will be transferred to the federal budget fund, since it is fair that funds acquired by criminal means will be used for good.

However, information that pensions for military pensioners may soon be abolished has been circulated in the media. Currently, there are people who are skeptical about this point of view, and there are those who strongly adhere to it. However, the confusion that has arisen around this information is most likely in vain.

Severance pay will always be paid to military retirees, as this is extremely necessary so that people who, due to age or for some other reason, leave their military activities, can feel more confident. This will make them understand that the state protects those who serve it faithfully and devote their lives to this profession.

Severance pay will also be paid to young military personnel who left their service untimely, since in this case they cannot receive a pension due to the fact that they have not formed one, and they will be in dire need of material and financial support.

With regard to pensions for former military personnel, there is currently reliable information about indexations in the coming year. According to State Duma officials, the figure will increase from 72.23% to 73.1%. In terms of money, this will amount to about 25,000 rubles, taking into account the funds that will go to the federal budget. However, the government was considering the option of increasing the reduction factor in the coming year, but there is no exact information on this yet.

Thus, the government does not yet intend to cancel the indexation of pensions for former military personnel, so the increase in accruals will occur as it did last year.

How many rubles will the Government take from the pocket of a military pensioner in 2018, without fully implementing Presidential Decree 604 from the date of its publication? We have calculated... Everyone should know this!

The decision of the State Duma Committee on Defense to consider the draft law “On the suspension of Article 43...” contains paragraph “6” with the following content:

"6. To propose to the Government of the Russian Federation during 2018 to ensure full implementation of the requirements of subparagraph “d” of paragraph 1 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 604.”

What, in the above solution, does the phrase “in full” mean? Either this is an increase in pensions by 2% above inflation in 2018, or the return of underpaid amounts to pensions resulting from failure to comply with the requirements of the Presidential Decree for the entire period since 2012. to 2018

If we mean an increase in pensions by 2 percent above inflation in 2018, then the issue is resolved quite simply. According to Rosstat, the expected inflation rate for 2017 will be 3.2%. Therefore, the pension of persons who served in the military should be increased by 5.2%. If we take into account the increase in pensions by 4% due to an increase in the salary of military personnel, then it is necessary to increase the amount that takes into account the “cash allowance for calculating pensions” from 72.23% to 73.1%, that is, by 1.2%

1.04*(OVZ+OVD+PNVL) *0.5*K/ (OVZ+OVD+PNVL) *0.5* 0.7223=1.052 ;

1.04*K/0.7223=1.052; K *1.04=1.052*0.7223 ;


State Duma deputies A.N. Sherin and S.E. Savitskaya proposed setting the coefficient at 73.1%. The amendment was rejected due to lack of funds in the budget

If we mean the return of lost amounts to pensions for the entire period under review, then this issue has been repeatedly discussed in the media, but, unfortunately, the published results are contradictory.

For example, there are also these: “the current presidential decree provides for an annual increase in pensions for military pensioners by at least 2% of the inflation rate in a particular year.”

In order to obtain an objective result, it is advisable to review the process of increasing pensions on a scientific basis, based on the methods of “Econometrics” and on regulatory legal acts.

Subparagraph “d” of paragraph 1 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 604.” prescribes:

The Government of the Russian Federation shall ensure
d. Annual increase in pensions for citizens dismissed from military service at least 2% above the inflation rate.

To decide by what percentage pensions should increase annually, it is necessary to have the inflation rate by year as initial data.

As an indicator of the inflation rate, the parameter “inflation rate” is used, specified as a percentage.

According to official data from Rosstat, the inflation rates in December of the current year compared to December of the previous year are:

Adding 2% to the inflation rate, we obtain the percentage (growth rate of the nominal pension) by which the pension must be increased in accordance with the Presidential decree.

In calculations related to inflation, an indicator is used, known in science as

“index”, expressed not as a percentage, but in times. To move from the growth rate of the nominal pension amount according to the Presidential Decree to the growth index, it is necessary to divide the growth rate as a percentage by 100 and add one to the resulting quotient.

The growth rate of the nominal pension amount by year and the growth index by year when implementing the decree are presented in the table

Let's calculate the growth index of the nominal amount of the pension for a given year relative to the one chosen for the base year 2012. In our case, the index shows how many times it would be necessary to increase the nominal amount of the pension in 2012 in order to comply with the instructions of the Presidential Decree.

In accordance with the index multiplication theorem, the index for a period is equal to the product of the indices included in the period.

Index of 2013 relative to 2012 I (2013) = 1 * 1.086 = 1.086

Index 2014 relative to 2012 I(2014)= 1*1.086*1.085=1.178

Index 2015 relative to 2012 I(2015)= 1*1.086*1.085*1.134=1.336

Index 2016 relative to 2012 I(2016)= 1*1.086*1.085*1.134*1.149=1.535

Index 2017 relative to 2012 I(2017)= 1*1.086*1.085*1.134*1.149*1.074=1.649

Index 2018 relative to 2012 I(2018)= 1*1.086*1.085*1.134*1.149*1.074*1.052=1.735

Since, from 2013 to 2017, pensions increased solely due to an increase in the size (reduction coefficient), which takes into account the “monetary allowance for calculating the pension” when calculating the pension, we will determine the value of this coefficient by year. To do this, we multiply the coefficient established by law in 2012 in the amount of 54% (0.54) by the index of the corresponding year relative to 2012. In 2018, it is expected that the pay of military personnel will increase by 4%. Then, in order to increase pensions by 5.2%, it is necessary to increase the “Reduction factor” to the value:

1.04*(OVZ+OVD+PNVL) *0.5*K/ (OVZ+OVD+PNVL) *0.5* 0.8905=1.052 ;

1.04*K/0.8905=1.052; 1.04*K=1.052*0.8905=0.937; K=0.937/1.04=0.901

With the annual implementation, since 2012, of paragraph “d” 604 of the Presidential Decree “Reducing coefficient” in 2018. should be 90.1%

The parameters of the actual increase in pensions are given in the table

* - the estimated parameters for 2018 are indicated.

The nominal pension growth index shows how many times the pension has increased over the period under review, 2012-2018. When implementing Presidential Decree No. 604, the pension was supposed to increase by 1.735 times or in percentage terms by 73.5%

In fact, taking into account the expected increase for 2018, the pension would have increased by 1,389 times compared to the 2012 pension amount. or by 38.9% The index ratio gives the percentage by which the actual pension must be increased to comply with Presidential Decree 604. 1.735/1.389=1.249 or 24.9%

To implement the presidential decree to increase from 2013. pensions by 2% above the inflation rate, it is necessary to increase pensions in 2018. by 24.9%

For greater clarity, we present the under-indexation of pensions in rubles for typical positions and titles of pensioners according to data taken from the article


Calculation of a military pension for a sergeant, squad commander, 5th tariff category, who served for 20 years in preferential and calendar terms:

Salary for military position (MIA) - __________________ 15,000 rubles.

Salary according to military rank (OVZ) - ____________________ 6,500 rubles.

Pension in rubles expected to be received in 2018. 1.04*(15000+6500+(15000+6500)x0.3) x 0.50 x 0.7223 = 10497.91 rubles

What should be the size of a sergeant’s pension when fulfilling paragraph “d” of Presidential Decree No. 604

1.04*(15000+6500+(15000+6500)x0.3) x 0.50 x 0.901 = 13095.13 rubles

Under-indexation for the period from 2013-2018 amounted to -2597.22 rubles.


Calculation of a military pension for a captain, company commander, 14th tariff category, who served for 20 years in preferential and calendar terms:

Salary for military position (MIA) - __________________ 22,000 rubles.

Salary according to military rank (OVZ) - ____________________ 11,000 rubles.

Long service allowance (NL) -_____________________ 30%

Seniority coefficient ______________________________50%

Pension in rubles expected to be received in 2018.

1.04*(22000+11000+(22000+11000)x0.3) x 0.50 x 0.7223 = 16113.07 rubles

What should the pension amount be in 2018? captain of the company commander when implementing paragraph “d” of Presidential Decree No. 604

1.4*(22000+11000+(22000+11000)x0.3) x 0.50 x 0.901 = 20099.51 rubles

Under-indexation for the period 2013-2017 amounted to 3986.44 rubles.


Calculation of a military pension for a lieutenant colonel, deputy brigade commander, 24th tariff category, who served in calendar terms for 24 years, in preferential terms - 25 years exactly:

Salary for military position (MIA) - __________________ 27,000 rubles.

Salary according to military rank (OVZ) - ____________________ 12,000 rubles.

Long service allowance (NL) -_____________________ 30%

Seniority coefficient ______________________________65%

Pension in rubles expected to be received in 2018.

1.04* (27000+12000+(27000+12000) x 0.3) x 0.65 x 0.7223 = 24755.53 rubles

What should be the size of the pension in 2018 for a lieutenant colonel, deputy brigade commander when implementing paragraph “d” of Presidential Decree No. 604

1.04* (27000+12000+(27000+12000) x 0.3) x 0.65 x 0.901 = 30880.62 rubles

Under-indexation for the period 2013-2017 amounted to 6124.62 rubles.

Of course, for each military pensioner, the pension is not indexed to different amounts, but we tried to show the methodology for individually calculating the amounts not received as a result of non-compliance with the Presidential decree. The article is somewhat overloaded with calculations, but without this it is impossible to show the objectivity of the published results and calculation methods.

As a conclusion. As a result of failure to fully comply with the requirements of subparagraph “d” of paragraph 1 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 604, each military pensioner will not receive an additional quarter of the pension received in 2018.
We express our deep gratitude to the respected author for such painstaking work carried out in the interests of all military pensioners and persons equivalent to them: Yuri Mityakov