Will they accept you into the Airborne Forces with a tattoo? Airborne Tattoos: Description

In the article you will find photographs of army tattoos and learn their meaning.

Only those people who were able to go through the “school” of war or serve in the army get an “army” tattoo. Such a drawing necessarily has a meaning, for example, it indicates which troops the fighter belonged to. Moreover, only those soldiers who have already served fully have the right to get a tattoo.

INTERESTING: It was customary for soldiers to get tattoos many centuries ago. It was believed that a tattoo could identify a person after death if he was severely injured. Or it will be necessary to find out the blood type so that a health worker can save a stranger without documents or any data. However, there were also rules that prohibited some employees from getting tattoos so that they would not be recognized on the “foreign side,” for example, intelligence officers.

It is not customary to get any army tattoo just because you like it or want to have it. An army tattoo had to be earned. However, modern youth are increasingly starting from this rule and independently decide on getting this or that design on their body.

IMPORTANT: It is best to get a tattoo after military service in professional salons and with certified specialists, since “homemade” artists who do it right in a military unit often introduce infected blood to a person with a needle.

Can military personnel get tattoos?

Tattoos are prohibited for certain categories of military personnel. For example, services that are designed for intelligence are absolutely not allowed to have tattoos because the design on the body is a special sign by which a person can be recognized. In addition, ordinary soldiers are prohibited from having tattoos on their open parts bodies: head, neck, face (standard of military ethics).

VKS army tattoos: photos

The Russian Aerospace Forces are military space forces that must defend their state in the space sector.

Army Navy Tattoos: Photos

Navy - navy. Drawings on the bodies of Navy personnel were supposed to protect them from various disasters and natural elements during voyages. Another purpose of Navy tattoos is to “tell” about the merits and victories of a soldier.

The most popular drawings:

  • Flag of the Russian Navy – This flag is also called “St. Andrew’s” in honor of the Apostle Andrew, who was an ordinary fisherman until he met Jesus. The tattoo has a simple and at the same time strong energy.
  • Polar bear - Such a tattoo was tattooed on the body of soldiers who served in the North Sea.
  • Palm trees – a symbol that a person has visited the Mediterranean Sea
  • Shark- a symbol that gave fearlessness and helped get out of any difficult situations.
  • Turtle- a drawing that “says” that a person has crossed the equator.
  • Anchor- a symbol that protected and protected those people who are “attached” to the sea element.
  • Sparrow- this drawing was printed only by those who managed to overcome 5000 miles by ship.
  • Wind rose, guiding star or compass- a symbol that inspired military personnel with hope of returning home.
  • Pigs with roosters (or each animal separately)- a symbol of salvation. These animals were transported on ships in wooden boxes, protecting people from shipwreck and starvation.
  • Swallows or seagulls- a drawing that symbolizes land
  • Words on fingers Hold AndFast these words helped the one who held the mooring lines, protecting him from falling into the water.
  • Mooring end – drawing for a sailor
  • The Dragon - tattoo for a sailor who visited China
  • Globe - a symbol that characterizes a person who has seen the whole world.
  • Sailboat on the wave - forward movement symbol
  • Steering wheel – sign of a person who loves to travel
  • Ship - As a rule, a specific drawing of the ship on which the military man served was printed.
  • Cannons on the ship (crossed) – a man fought on a ship.

Army air defense tattoos: photos

Such drawings are applied to the body only by those soldiers who are currently in service, and there are only a few months left until its end. On such tattoos It is customary to indicate the service date and part number. These symbols are applied to the upper part of the body, usually the chest, arms or shoulders.

The inscription “for clear skies”, which symbolizes peace on earth, is very popular for air defense. Another popular custom is stuff a plane that's already landing, as a symbol of ending and completion (of service). In some cases it is depicted bat, floating in the air.

Army tattoos RCBZ: photos

RCBZ are “chemical” troops that provide protection to the state at the chemical and biological level.

Army tattoos of the Marine Corps: photos

Marines stuff themselves with:

  • Parachute – a symbol of fearlessness and lightness, as well as the true designation of the military.
  • Predatory grin - a symbol of strength and masculinity, fearlessness and courage. The grin could belong to any wild animal.
  • Predator in a beret - the animal symbolizes strength, and the beret defines the Marine.
  • Skull in a beret - symbol of mockery of death

Army tattoos of border troops: photos

Popular tattoos:

  • Sword and shield - a bright symbol of the protection and defense of the state border.
  • Border pillar -
  • Border tower – symbol of service in the border troops.
  • Shield and border star – symbol of defense of the Motherland
  • Abbreviations and year of service - personal information of the employee
  • Green Beret - border guard symbol
  • Eagle - a symbol of freedom and strength, as well as the “all-seeing eye.”
  • Scorpion - symbol of wisdom and strength

Army artillery tattoos: photos

As a rule, artillery tattoos indicate specific data: year of service person, place where the service took place, and sometimes even military rank. Popular images of weapons, skulls, as well as the inscriptions “Gods of war” and “they fear us.” It is important to know that such tattoos are allowed to be applied to the body only by soldiers who have already served.

Army tattoos of the Airborne Forces: photos

Airborne Forces - military landing forces.

Popular tattoos:

  • The grin of a predator - bear, tiger or wolf as symbols of masculinity, strength and power.
  • Tiger - a symbol of a fighting character (it is not uncommon for a tiger to be depicted in a blue beret).
  • Blue color - symbolizes the sky
  • Blue beret - Airborne symbol
  • Airplane - airborne service symbol
  • Parachute – symbol of lightness, freedom and service in the Airborne Forces
  • Bat - strong and intimidating tattoo
  • Bird of prey (eagle) – a symbol of air and sky, as well as courage and strength.
  • Skull in a blue beret – fearlessness before death

Army tattoos of motorized rifle troops: photos

Motorized rifle troops are the main ground forces of the state. Tattoos for such military personnel are most often images of:

  • Weapons (Kalashnikov assault rifle)
  • Grin of predators
  • Skulls
  • Abbreviations and dates
  • Steel arms

Army special forces tattoos: photos

Spetsnaz - special forces.

What kind of tattoos do you get:

  • Bat
  • Skulls
  • Airplane or helicopter
  • Landscape (usually of the place where the soldier served)
  • Predator with a grin
  • Star
  • Slogans and inscriptions
  • Abbreviation
  • Blood type
  • Firearms
  • Bat

Army signalman tattoos: photos

Signal troops - are responsible for the communication system between military formations and armed forces formations.

INTERESTING: Signalmen's tattoos often have lightning as a symbol of speed and an arrow as a symbol of the right direction.


Which army unit has a sea turtle tattoo?

A sea turtle tattoo is a symbol of strength and endurance. It is filled by those soldiers who are related to the sea and have crossed the equator at least once.

Military tattoos in the Russian Army bat: meaning, photo

The bat is most often stuffed by those soldiers who serve or have served in special forces or intelligence. This animal is predatory and is associated with danger, but at the same time it is stealthy and dexterous.

Military tattoos in the Russian Army Scorpio: meaning, photo

Scorpio is often worn by soldiers as a symbol of strength and courage, fearlessness and endurance. It is interesting that if a scorpion has a lowered sting, this indicates that the soldier did not take part in the battle, and if it is raised up, the soldier fought.

Military tattoos in the Russian Army tiger: meaning, photo

A tiger with a grinning mouth is a symbol of courage, defiance and strength in battle. The bared mouth should inspire threat and fear.

Tiger - army tattoo

Military tattoos in the Russian Army wolf: meaning, photo

A wolf is a predatory animal, which indicates that the soldier is a very strong-willed person, rebellious and dangerous (in battle). The bared mouth of the beast should intimidate and scare away the enemy.

Wolf - army tattoo

Military tattoos in the Russian Army: dragon: meaning, photo

The dragon is a symbol indicating that a person served or visited China.

Military tattoos in the Russian Army, blood type: meaning, photo

The blood type very often complements the patterns on the body, since in battle, if a person is wounded, he needs to be treated ambulance(if a person is unconscious and without documents, it is impossible to find out his blood type without prompting).

What military men's tattoos are applied on the shoulder, arm, wrist, ribs of the palm, chest?


  • Shoulders – scorpions, inscriptions, dates
  • Hands - skulls, weapons, animals, birds
  • Breast - blood type, inscriptions, animals,
  • Back - birds, bat, weapons, inscriptions
  • Belly – Christian theme, words and inscriptions
  • Wrist – blood type, weapons, slogans and words

Do they accept tattoos into military school?

There is no clear law that prohibits entering a given institution of higher education with tattoos. But in some cases, each university has its own separate requirements. Most often, the ban falls on tattoos and designs that are too large-scale and flashy, as well as provocative ones on the head, face, and neck. In any case, remember that tattoos are an identifying mark on the body and in some military services they are not desirable and even prohibited.

Sketches of military, army tattoos: photos


Video: “Different army tattoos”

“Do they take you into the army with tattoos?” - This is perhaps the most common question. It should be understood that the actions of all military registration and enlistment office employees, including doctors, are strictly regulated. Having tattoos is not a disease, so you most likely will not be able to obtain a deferment or complete exemption from military service.

There is a widespread belief that people with a large number of tattoos are never accepted into the army, but this is not true. However, in practice there have been cases where, thanks to tattoos, some conscripts were able to obtain exemption from conscription. This should be looked into in more detail.

Medical examination

In many developed countries, having tattoos is grounds for exemption. young man from military duty. We are talking about drawings on such parts of the body as:

  • Hands;
  • face.

As mentioned earlier, current legislation does not provide for such measures in Russia. However, if, during a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, the drawings seem suspicious to a psychiatrist, this can lead to a number of consequences. This fact will serve as the basis for sending the conscript for additional examination to a psychoneurological dispensary at the place of permanent registration. This may entail the young man being registered with the appropriate institution for a period of 5 years. While the young man is registered as a psychoneurologist in the army, the path is closed for him.

On the one hand, this is what is needed. However, it is important to understand that this circumstance can greatly complicate further civilian life, namely:

  • difficulties will arise in obtaining a passport;
  • you will not be able to get a normal job, since almost everywhere they require a certificate of no criminal record and absence of mental illness;
  • It may be difficult to obtain a driver's license.

The conclusion is obvious - it's definitely not worth it.

Find out: When is Armed Forces Home Front Day celebrated in Russia?

What tattoos can provide a military ID?

Statistics indicate certain groups of images that a psychiatrist can interpret as pathological:

  • symbols of protest against the legislature;
  • drawings with a threatening message (beasts of prey, scenes of violence, different types weapons);
  • racist images;
  • religious symbols;
  • obscene drawings.

Special attention given by a doctor to the location of the tattoo. Psychological pathology is indicated by images on visible parts of the body (hands, neck and face).

On the Internet you can see a widespread opinion that if most of the skin is covered with tattoos, then you will not be accepted into the army. In a sense, this is true, because if 90% of a conscript’s body is painted, then the psychiatrist is obliged to issue a referral for additional examination. He himself does not have the right to make a diagnosis, since the doctors at the military registration and enlistment office do not have the appropriate license.

How is a psychological examination performed?

Standard diagnostic methods do not allow assessing a person’s psychological state, so in practice the two most common methods are used:

  1. Verbal. This method involves a specialist conducting a conversation, through which the adequacy of the interlocutor and his psychological stability are established.
  2. Non-verbal. Characterized by assessment appearance- clothes, piercings, haircuts and tattoos. These factors help to draw conclusions regarding the inner world of a person and his experiences; they always carry hidden information.

If the presence of a tattoo or piercing became the reason for referral for further examination, then the doctor’s task is to determine the intentions of the conscript using the methods mentioned above.

Assessing the mental state of a conscript based on drawings on the body

You can draw some conclusions about the human psyche thanks to a tattoo based on the following features of the design:

  • visual (the size and number of images, as well as their location are taken into account);
  • group (can be cult, ethnic or professional);
  • semantic (through dialogue, the doctor tries to determine the conscript’s worldview, thereby determining the meaning of the impaled image).

Find out: When is the Day of the Civil Defense Forces of the Russian Federation celebrated?

As practice shows, people with mental disabilities prefer to wear large-scale tattoos that occupy most of the body.

How to get rid of a tattoo and why you might need it

If the tattoo did not bother the psychiatrist at the medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, then in the absence of other contraindications to wearing military service the conscript will go to the military unit after the verdict is announced by the draft commission. A tattoo can significantly complicate your stay in a military unit:

  • oppression by “comrades in arms”;
  • prejudice on the part of officers And so on.

  1. Mechanical. This method involves removing the painted area of ​​skin under local anesthesia. This is the most effective method getting rid of a tattoo, but later quite rough scars will remain.
  2. Chemically - mechanical. Perhaps the most painful and time-consuming way to get rid of an unwanted image on the body. Using a special tool, the outer layer of the epidermis is removed, after which impregnated special solution tampons, their task is to discolor the paint. The method is not particularly effective, since in most cases the paint penetrates much deeper than the outer layer skin. To achieve results, you have to attend sessions for quite a long time.
  3. Laser. By far the most effective method getting rid of tattoos. The essence is the absorption of photons by the epidermis, as a result of which the paint molecules are destroyed. Here it is important to take into account the chemical composition of the paint that was used when applying the drawing. Not all substances are susceptible to the destructive influence of photons.

It is important to understand that a harmless image will not attract the attention of a doctor.

They have always been very popular among former military personnel. Those who are far from the army, skillfully made body images are perceived primarily as decoration. However, in addition to the aesthetic function, army tattoos also perform a recognition function. From the drawing, you can determine the type of military service and the unit in which its owner served, as well as judge the status of the serviceman in the army. Each branch of the military has its own characteristic images. The article contains information about Airborne Forces tattoos.

The main element of the drawing

Since the Airborne Forces parachute behind enemy lines, each of the body images must include a parachute. It became a symbol of the airborne troops. Airborne tattoos with the image of a parachutist soaring in the sky against the backdrop of a flying plane look very impressive. Below the picture, many servicemen write the note “For the Airborne Forces!” and the slogan “Nobody but us!” The Airborne Forces tattoo also indicates the unit number and years of service.


In addition to the traditional opening parachute, an Airborne Forces tattoo may contain the following elements:

  1. Winged sword. This symbol is very popular among airborne troops. Above the picture is a picture of a beret. The sword with wings primarily serves as a background on which the shield is drawn.
  2. Predator with wings. Depending on the preferences of the owner of the tattoo, it could be a wolf, bear or tiger. The main thing is that the animal is depicted grinning - this indicates the fearlessness of the wearer of such a tattoo and his constant readiness for battle.
  3. Leopard. The beast personifies swiftness, fearlessness and vigilance. The owners of such a tattoo demonstrate their belligerence and ability to act in the most difficult circumstances.
  4. A skull in a beret against the background of wings. indicates the dashing and desperate nature of its owner.
  5. Images of airplanes or helicopters.
  6. Automatic cartridges.
  7. The bats. Found among those paratroopers who served in military intelligence.
  8. Images of ribbons or army tags with the numbers of units and units indicated on them.

The above artistic elements of a tattoo can either be a single composition or applied separately. It all depends on the wishes of the tattoo owner.

The blood type and Rh factor are also marked on the body. The military believes that this will help doctors save the life of a paratrooper if he is seriously wounded. However, doctors are skeptical about such designations. Mostly, information about the wounded is double-checked by them.

Localization on the body

Mostly do airborne tattoo on the shoulder. This choice is explained by the fact that in the summer this part of the body is open to public viewing. Those who served in the autumn conscription have the image of an opening parachute tattooed on their left shoulder. Additionally, tattoos can be placed on the back, neck, ankle or wrist. Some airborne troops have small, laconic inscriptions “For the Airborne Forces!” and “Nobody but us!” - on the knuckles and ribs of the palms.

Drawing quality

Mostly body images are applied at the end of the service by non-professional tattooists. Since tattoos are done in conditions unequipped for this purpose, using hastily assembled homemade machines, the design often turns out to be of insufficient quality. Usually it comes in one color. Anyone who wants their body to be adorned with a skillfully executed decorative tattoo should contact a professional. In this case, the image will use several shades: black, red, blue and cyan.


Each person decides for himself which tattoo to wear. However, for those who did not serve in airborne troops, decorating your body with airborne tattoos is not recommended.

In this article we would like to consider such a separate category from the world of tattoos as army tattoos. What they mean and how desirable their application is - such considerations deserve a separate article.

It is no secret that the school of military service is quite harsh. Well, how do people in the army feel about body art? It turns out that it’s very positive. The main thing is to be able to understand all the nuances and meanings of tattoos.

Can military personnel get tattoos?

The following tattoos may raise suspicions about behavioral abnormalities:

  • Covering more than 70% of the body surface
  • Applied to the face
  • With obscene, obscene, sexual, racist, extremist content

IMPORTANT: A visit to a psychiatrist can end in different ways. Of course, deviations may not be detected. But there are also cases when a conscript is prescribed an examination and treatment and is registered for 5 years. The latter option may negatively affect the young man’s career in the future.

As we can see, even the listed cases do not serve as a guarantee of a ban on service. As for less radical tattoos, they are not prohibited.

Concerning special army tattoos, they carry an important meaning, however they all need to be earned. As a rule, experienced soldiers were allowed to apply them, and newcomers had to wait their time.

Sometimes the military was still prohibited from applying anything to the body- for example, when serving in Vietnam there was a risk of blood poisoning. As for the scouts, then they were not allowed to wear those images that give out personal information.

A tattoo that does not reveal any personal information

Army military tattoos for men - places

Shoulder- the most common tattoo placement option. And is predominantly chosen left shoulder— symbols of the military branch or unit are placed on it.

Back of the hand on the right hand, edge of the palm- another frequently encountered places. They like to place the inscriptions “For you”, “For the Air Force”, “For the Airborne Forces”, “For the Air Defense” on them.

IMPORTANT: It is believed that such tattoos should be placed so that they are visible when a person raises a toast.

It is advisable to post large images on the back, because it is an excellent canvas - the procedure will be painless, and the skin in this area will be smooth.

Some tattoos should be placed on the chest- for example, blood type.

Bat tattoo: meaning in the army

This mammal inflicts on itself representatives Airborne forces, special forces, reconnaissance. In China it was associated with longevity, good health, death without suffering. It is noteworthy that the bat and good luck means the same hieroglyph - “fu”.

As for the Greeks' perception of this mammal, they associated it with vigilance, insight, the ability to see through. This interpretation of the image becomes clear if we remember that the bat is quite deftly and quickly hunts in the dark.

The Romans, in addition to all of the above, respected animals for their ability masterfully avoid obstacles.

IMPORTANT: You can create a similar tattoo in the Chinese style - it is believed that in this case it will bring good luck.

Tiger tattoo: meaning in the army

A tiger in a beret is often depicted by those associated with Airborne Forces. And it’s not surprising, because the tiger in many cultures was revered as strength, courage, determination, was perceived as personification of masculinity.

A tiger in a beret is another popular symbol among army tattoos.

Residents of Asia consider him the king of beasts - Chinese mythology claimed that the tiger keeps peace and punishes sinners. The people of India considered the predator worthy of being depicted on the emblems of warriors, and the Japanese made it a symbol of samurai and a talisman for them.

On the one hand, the tiger symbolizes cruelty, bloodthirstiness and power, but on the other hand - courage, greatness, heroism and honor. Embodies the predator and wisdom, which is necessary for any warrior.

It is believed that people who are patronized by the tiger will protected in risky situations, they will become stronger spiritually.

Tigers were often depicted on coats of arms and shields of warriors - it was understood that the drawing will protect men, help to show fearlessness. As for the body image, it will be just as effective and impressive, but it is only advisable to draw a larger tiger. The fact is that It’s unlikely that it will be possible to draw a small animal beautifully.

Scorpio tattoo: meaning in the army

It was often applied by those who passed service in the North Caucasus, border guards. Perhaps because the scorpio symbolizes transition period. Although this creature was often associated with death, loneliness and betrayal, it was also perceived as the embodiment of protection, defense, control.

It is believed that this sign gives its owner willfulness, intuition, devotion, nobility, perseverance, self-confidence.

If you observe a live scorpion, it becomes clear why it was chosen as an emblem . In case of danger, he always keeps his sting ready - not a single living creature would dare to fight against such an opponent. Scorpio can warn, but stings instantly. These creatures live in the harsh desert, but able to endure all hardships, which is also quite symbolic.

In ancient chronicles there is a mention of Scorpio men guarding the sunrise. Africans have always considered scorpions patrons of avengers and warriors, and the Chinese associated it with moral values.

IMPORTANT: Oddly enough, the scorpion was considered in some cultures a talisman and a symbol of good health. The fact is that its poison in Tibet and Egypt was used as an antidote and was part of some medicines.

Army wolf tattoo

The wolf is liked to be applied to the body by employees related to Airborne forces, special forces, motorized rifle troops Russian Federation . This animal embodies courage, anger, confidence, loyalty, the ability to win and defend one’s interests, fortitude, and independence.

Even in ancient times, people looked closely at wolves and tried to copy their behavior during the hunt. Our ancestors were struck intelligence, discipline, cohesion, insight animal, its willingness to fight to the end.

Before each battle, the Celts believed that by drinking the blood of a wolf, they would turn into one. The Indians gave honor to wearing the image of a predator only a select few. The Mongols and Turks believed that their ancestors were wolves. It’s hard not to remember the famous legend about Romulus and Remus, who were raised by a she-wolf. By the way, the same Romans considered the appearance of a wolf on the eve of the battle a good sign.

IMPORTANT: A wolf with an open mouth is a sign that the owner of the tattoo is ready to attack first. An animal with a closed mouth tells others that the person will wait for the enemy to attack.

Army tattoos of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Frequent element - five pointed star. Mostly it serves as a kind of background, but can act as a separate element. Sometimes the star even becomes the central figure of the tattoo. Her interpretation is simple - the owner of the image belongs to the Soviet or Russian army.

Attached to the star is another emblem, characteristic of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - a fist with a machine gun or rifle clamped in it. The weapon is often placed against the background of a black shield.

In this sketch for a tattoo of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a hand with a machine gun is positioned against the background of a star.

A fist with a rifle in a sketch for a tattoo of the VV MVD

Army tattoos of motorized rifle troops

The emblem of this type of troops is crossed rifles. True, this continued until 2014, and then the symbol motorized rifle troops become crossed swords and grenade. Grenada glows and represents combat power, and swords- fight.

About the sword should be said separately. Since ancient times, he has personified courage, honor, justice, control over one’s destiny, perseverance, and willingness to fight for ideals and principles.

IMPORTANT: The sword was often perceived as a symbol of death, which is not surprising. However, it would be more accurate to say that it is rather a sign of the fight against death, protection from it.

Drawing for a tattoo with the designation of motorized rifle troops

Army tattoos of the Strategic Missile Forces

Special purpose missile forces are constantly in a state of combat readiness, because it is necessary to provide for aggression that can arise at any time. This determined the specifics of the coat of arms of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation: a double-headed eagle that clutches arrows in one paw and a sword in the other. Two arrows are sometimes applied to a tattoo.

Almost always present on the tattoo rocket- it indicates the specifics of the type of military service. Moreover, the rocket can be made both schematically and realistically. Sometimes they even choose a cartoon style.

Tattoo for Strategic Missile Forces employees, made in a cartoon style

Often there are all sorts of additional elements like people, animals, ribbons, ornaments. Eg, wolf or bear may well appear in the image. The latter embodies courage and strength of soldiers serving in the Strategic Missile Forces.

IMPORTANT: In order for the idea to turn out organic, the bear can hold arrows in its paws. Or maybe hug a rocket.

Birds- also a good option, because they are associated with the element of air in the same way as a rocket and arrows. You can depict birds instead wings as a symbol of air protection.

Wings are often depicted on army tattoos of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Organically woven into the tattoo years of service, part number. The inscriptions also look great, being a unique motto this type of troops. Eg, “After us there is only silence”, “If we fall asleep, you will not wake up”— after such slogans it is difficult not to realize the importance of such a service.

Slogans will fit perfectly into a Strategic Missile Forces tattoo

Army tattoos of tank troops

Of course, such tattoos depict tanks. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they are large or small. The idea can be realized both in color and in a monochromatic version.

Sometimes they also indicate company, years of service, city name. Particularly creative individuals invent entire pictures in which a tank appears.

Army tattoos blood type

It is believed that it was these tattoos that gave rise to images that are applied to the body for a practical purpose. Now you can often find inscriptions about epilepsy, allergic reactions, diabetes mellitus and other ailments that are important to consider when providing medical care. In emergency situations, such tattoos literally become life-saving amulets.

Over time, the designation of blood group became compulsory attribute of the military. After all, if something happened to a soldier on the battlefield, blood transfusion would be impossible without establishing its type. This truth was understood back in the time of Peter the Great, but it became especially widespread when Russian soldiers were in Afghanistan.

IMPORTANT: Such a tattoo must contain a number indicating the blood type, as well as the letter R, that is, the Rh factor. After the letter R, a “+” or “-“ is placed, that is, it indicates whether the Rh factor is positive or negative.

Usually this tattoo is applied to the following places:

  • Chest, ribs, armpit - they are considered traditional and most common
  • Wrist- a less common option, but the most noticeable
  • Elbow bend— since veins are located here, doctors will certainly pay attention to this place.
  • Back of the hand
  • Back of the neck- however, this place should be chosen only if the hair does not obscure it.

Army artillery tattoos

In the form of tattoos for employees in the artillery troops, they often apply crossed cartridges. You can also depict artillery pieces - mortars, howitzers, guns.

By the way, it is believed that the symbol of a gun can protect a person from negativity directed in his direction.

Army tattoos RCBZ

Those serving in the radiation, chemical and biological defense troops also get their signature tattoos. As a rule, they depict gas masks as a symbol of his work.

Tattoo for RCBZ with gas mask and bombing planes

Close-up image of a gas mask for a RCBZ tattoo

Tattoo for the RKhBZ with the image of a military man shooting from a machine gun in a gas mask

Army tattoos of the USSR

The peak of military tattoos occurred in the 40s of the last century. The more difficult the conditions of service were, the more simpler people attitude towards tattoos - they did not cause any complaints.

IMPORTANT: There is an opinion that in Soviet times a tattoo was equated with self-harm, but in fact there was no strict monitoring of the fact of their application.

As a rule, tattoos of that time were worn more not decorative, but informative function. They were called upon to tell about where, when and how a person served. Of course, we should not forget about blood type. There were also such simple symbols, How flag, plane, parachute, ship.

They especially loved to decorate their body sailors. They chose mainly seagulls, anchors and other marine paraphernalia. Gull- This is the first association many people have with the sea, a symbol of independence and freedom. These birds reminded sailors of home and served as a talisman.

There were frequent inscriptions “For you!”, “GSVG”(Group of Soviet troops in Germany). Image eternal flame also met.

GSVG tattoo

Army tattoos of border troops

Almost always, border guards are depicted on tattoos shield and sword- something that from time immemorial has been associated with protection. It implies that the person wearing it fair and always ready to fight evil and protect loved ones. The shield also embodies courage and resilience.

IMPORTANT: It is a good idea to place the abbreviation PV and a star on the shield.

Another almost always present element is border tower. There may be located next to her border pillars as indispensable attributes of this type of troops. The applied ones look good next to them years of service.

Some soldiers depict in addition to the attributes listed above green beret or beautiful landscape. Look good mountains, especially if the duty station was located near a mountainous area.

As we mentioned earlier, often among the tattoos of border guards there is an image Scorpio.

An excellent option would be to apply eagle- from time immemorial he has been associated with protection, guardianship, masculinity, freedom, power, determination, fearlessness. Another noteworthy point: the eagle has extremely sharp vision, thanks to which it instantly recognizes the enemy and prepares to attack him. Our ancestors considered the soaring of this bird a good omen - in their beliefs, it brought victory closer.

A tattoo that is perfect for border workers

Military Intelligence Tattoos

Bat is depicted on almost all tattoos that are related to intelligence. And it’s not surprising, because she is its symbol as the embodiment of night, mystery, stealth. The Greeks thought that the animal had clairvoyance - a good analogy with scouts who were required to predict the actions of the enemy.

IMPORTANT: A person involved in intelligence must place the bat on his shoulder or chest. People of other types of employment can choose any place they want.

The bat is often depicted against a dark background or against the background of the moon- this way the atmosphere of the night is better conveyed. Often they finish drawing and parachute canopy, rifle sight.

Another frequently encountered element is skulls in berets. The skull symbolizes the opportunity to leave everything unnecessary in the past, embodies dashing temper the owner of the image, his ability to step into the abyss at any moment.

The Indians were convinced that the drawing of a skull could, paradoxically, scare away death - supposedly, in the eyes of death, a person marked in this way was already dead. Another meaning - a reminder that we are all mortal, and that there is no need to be afraid of this phenomenon.

Owl- another creature associated with the dark time of day, and therefore perfect as an emblem for scouts. However, this image also has other remarkable characteristics - wisdom, silent movement.

The Indians believed the owl amulet and protector, Egyptians - a mediator between worlds.

IMPORTANT: An owl is a long-liver, and therefore a tattoo with it can really be perceived as a talisman.

Military special forces tattoos

Representatives of the special forces also portray bats and skulls in berets. Special forces also like to decorate themselves wolves with grinning mouths- aggressive, but brave and independent animals.

Leopard- a lone predator who is among the snow practically invisible. It lives in difficult natural conditions, being the only predator among the windy mountain peaks. Leopard will never allow others predators, even of their own kind, into personal territory.

A popular addition to the image will be maroon beret, ribbon, inscriptions like “Nobody but us.”

Military airborne tattoos

As in the previous case, the inscription is relevant "Nobody except us". In the event of hostilities, it is the representatives of the Airborne Forces who parachute to where the enemy is located and enter the fight - definitely such brave people deserve such a slogan. The postscript is also very popular "For the airborne forces".

Years of service, unit number- they are also often designated.

Inscription for the Airborne Forces tattoo - Nobody but us

Parachute- Where would we be without this symbol of the Airborne Forces? Looks especially spectacular parachutist against the backdrop of a flying plane.

IMPORTANT: There is an opinion that such a tattoo should definitely be tattooed on the left shoulder. However, this statement is not entirely correct - as a rule, the left shoulder is decorated with those soldiers who were subject to the autumn conscription.

Army tattoo of the Airborne Forces in the form of an airplane and a parachute

winged sword- also quite an interesting and frequently used symbol. The sword can be drawn against the background shield, and above the sword - beret.

Airborne tattoo in the form of a winged sword

Often depicted with wings wolf. Popular among animals tiger, a little less often, Airborne Forces employees impale bear. In any case, it is advisable that the animal showed a grin- this will show everyone around that the soldier is always ready to fight.

Airborne Forces tattoo in the form of a tiger with a grin

Leopard- personification swiftness, greatness. Leaders previously wore the skins of this animal, as it was believed that the spots on it turned into eyes, giving vigilance. These predators fierce, undaunted, warlike and ready to adapt to any conditions.

Leopard tattoo. suitable for a soldier in the Airborne Forces

Scull- another option. Wings, beret, years of service- all this can form a single composition.

Airborne Forces Tattoo with Skull

Navy tattoos

Such images used to have a mainly informative function - they told about what waters their owner crossed, could tell about successes in maritime affairs, kept track of miles traveled, and illustrated battles and storms. Then tattoos served as amulets. And last but not least, they began to perform a decorative function.

Anchor- this symbol is found more often than others. And it’s not surprising, because it symbolizes good support underfoot, roots, stability. During a storm, this amulet is called upon protect against the threat of getting lost. People with this tattoo strong in spirit and strong in body, they are able to withstand even the most severe blows of fate.

IMPORTANT: You should pay attention to the symbolism located next to the anchor. Thus, the dolphin is a sign of moderation, the wind rose is the desire to follow a certain path, the heart is loyalty to the ship, home and loved ones, the cross is faith, the rose is self-sacrifice and selflessness. Two crossed anchors adorned the bodies of the boatswain's mates, mainly between the index fingers and thumbs.

Navy Anchor Tattoo

St. Andrew's flag- very expensive for sailors. It’s not for nothing that back in the days of the Russian Empire there was a slogan “God and St. Andrew’s flag are with us”. For all representatives of the Navy this symbol of fearlessness- a real shrine that cannot be tarnished. The flag got its name in honor of the Apostle Andrew, who was a fisherman before he met Jesus Christ.

Navy tattoo in the form of St. Andrew's flag

Shark- incarnation fearlessness, power, swiftness, strength and the ability to survive. She aggressive, furious, but at the same time stubborn and graceful. Sailors painted sharks as a sign readiness to face any dangers along the way.

Shark as an element of a Navy tattoo

Inscriptions "Fast" And "Hold" located on the fingers. The sailors believed that such tattoos were amulets help to hold mooring lines tighter, stay on board.

Polar bear- sailors belonging to the Northern to the navy . Is the embodiment strength, steadfastness, courage, peace, boldness, confidence. Personified with masculine, power. The polar bear embodies and loneliness, the ability to survive under any conditions.

IMPORTANT: It is best to depict an animal with a grin - this symbolizes courage.

Polar Bear Tattoo Suitable for Navy Members

Rose of Wind is a fairly popular symbol that protects and helps to return home. The symbol did not arise by chance, because the stars served as guides and landmarks for sailors, and the sea winds served as assistants. People were convinced that the compass rose would help them find right direction not only in the seas, but also in the ups and downs of life. It was believed that this sign must still be earned by one’s valor.

It was often possible to find out from a tattoo where an employee had been and how many miles he had walked. Eg, Neptune or turtle applied to their bodies by those who crossed the equator. Sparrow said that its owner had five thousand miles behind him. Dragon, as you might guess, the sailors who visited China decorated themselves. Sailboat crashing into a wave, was previously inflicted on those who rounded Cape Horn, and is also a symbol of struggle.

Sparrow tattoo as a symbol of how many miles a sailor has walked

Scull and in this case he found his admirers. Only this time it’s worth portraying him in a bandana.

Dolphin jumping out of the waves- symbolized wit, intelligence, superiority, power, generosity, luck. And, of course, let’s not forget that these smart mammals have been rescued sailors from sharks and rocks - truly a talisman.

Tattoo suitable for the Navy, in the form of a dolphin

globe- means that a person the ocean is subject to. Often performs in tandem with anchor and dolphin. A person with such a tattoo loves to travel and discover the world.

Navy globe tattoo

Steering wheel- a sign that a person loves to travel, let him choose. Talks about the ability to get out of any troubles and return home safe. Tattoo owner knows how to take responsibility for your actions. Often depicted with an anchor.

IMPORTANT: It is not surprising that this tattoo is so popular among Navy personnel. The helm is not just one of the attributes of sea life, but also serves as a truly masculine sign, embodying leadership qualities.

Tattoo for the Navy in the form of a steering wheel and anchor

Inscriptions, of course, do not leave this category of army tattoos. Fleet name, military unit or base number, ship name- this is what you can often find. As for the names of the fleet, abbreviations are applied, derived from the following full names - Black Sea Fleet, Pacific Fleet, Red Banner Northern Fleet, Twice Red Banner Baltic Fleet.

Navy tattoo mentioning the name of the fleet, ship and years of service

Ship— it’s hard not to remember this motive. However, unlike other people who want to get a tattoo, sailors most often depict those ships on which you had the opportunity to serve.

Do they accept tattoos into military school?

As in the case of conscription into the army, tattooed young people should not have any special problems. However, it is still recommended to get a tattoo on an area of ​​the body that is usually covered by clothing.

Exists Regulations on military medical examination. It contains a list of diseases that prevent young people from entering military educational institutions. The presence of tattoos is not specified in the Regulations.

You might be surprised, but military tattoos originated in Russia during the time of Peter the Great! True, they then had a purely practical function. Over time, army tattoos began to act both as amulets and simply as a symbol of memory of service, a way to beautifully decorate the body. However, the information function still comes first, as we discussed in this article.