Discharge at 27 weeks of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes: what is it?

The twenty-seventh week marks the beginning of pregnancy. At this time, the baby reaches a symbolic weight of one kilogram.

The main task for the expectant mother during the last three calendar months of pregnancy is to exercise maximum caution when performing any task, eat well, remain calm and confident.

At this time, the baby will have to gain strength before being born. All his organs continue to develop and improve. The expectant mother should communicate with the child as often as possible, at least mentally - this will help strengthen his mental health.

Weight gain

During the 27th week of pregnancy future mom can gain 350-550 g. The total increase in body weight for the entire period from the beginning of pregnancy ranges from 7 to 9 kg and depends on many factors: the woman’s initial weight, metabolic characteristics, etc.

important Due to the increase in weight of a pregnant woman, it is recommended to wear shoes only with low shoes - this will avoid unnecessarily loading the spine and will reduce the risk of falls and bruises.

Belly size

The belly at 27 weeks of pregnancy becomes even more impressive. 7 cm above the level of the navel. In some cases, this organ begins to compress the vena cava, as a result of which the blood supply is disrupted and there is a danger of fainting. To avoid loss of consciousness, under no circumstances should you simply rest on your back. Sitting far back in your chair is also undesirable.

Due to the fact that the uterus also compresses other organs (in particular, the intestines), it is advisable to further fragment your diet in order to avoid the occurrence of and.

Fetal size and development

At week 27, the baby’s height from the top of the head to the bottom of the buttocks is 24 cm, the total body length is 34 cm. Weight reaches 1000 g.

By the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the following changes have occurred in the baby’s body:

  • The fetal immune system is capable of responding to various substances, incl. allergens, so it is advisable for the expectant mother to exclude “dangerous” foods from her diet;
  • the thyroid gland is actively functioning, producing hormones that affect the child’s metabolism;
  • the skin becomes lighter due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat;
  • the child sleeps about 20 hours a day.

information In this case, the child's chances of survival are 85%. This figure increases significantly if, when the first signs of labor begin, you immediately go to a specialized clinic that has equipment for caring for premature babies.

The lungs of a 6-month-old baby are not yet fully developed, so in this case it is necessary to use equipment to ensure the breathing process of the newborn.

Physiological changes

With the onset of the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman can feel even more comfortable: all the systems and organs of the baby are already formed, the baby can only rapidly gain weight.

At week 27, the following changes in well-being and appearance are possible:

  • Cholesterol levels in a pregnant woman's blood may increase. This substance is necessary to accelerate the production of certain hormones by the placenta, therefore at this stage of pregnancy, a change in the value of this indicator is normal.
  • Sometimes there may be pain on the side of the abdomen. Such sensations are associated with tension in the ligaments that support the uterus, and intensify when trying to stand up after a long rest in a chair or bed. In order to prevent pain, all movements must be carried out smoothly and slowly. Caution should also be exercised when sneezing and coughing, as these reflex actions can cause sharp pain in the abdomen or side.
  • Periodic spasms similar to contractions should not cause concern– the pregnant woman’s body “trains” before the upcoming birth. But if pain increases significantly or other symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Caution should be exercised when walking, going up or down stairs or on porches, because Due to an increase in body weight and the appearance of clumsiness in movements, the risk of falls and bruises increases. The porches of some shops and institutions in winter time: Slippery steps or poorly placed mats can cause falls.
  • You should definitely sign up for courses for expectant mothers if possible. Dad can also attend such events, because knowledge about the first signs of an approaching birth, providing assistance to a pregnant woman, and caring for a baby will certainly not be superfluous.
  • You should immediately change your body position if you experience a feeling of “pins and needles” in your arms or legs: do not allow the limbs to become numb and the blood circulation in them to be impaired.
  • Compliance is mandatory healthy image life. There is no need to change eating habits abruptly: the child has already adapted to the taste of certain types of food.
  • It is recommended to exercise caution and, if possible, avoid visiting crowded places and traveling on public transport. In a few months you will be able to afford all this, but for now you should take care of yourself and your child.

Pregnancy calendar by week

At week 27, a woman enters the final period of pregnancy - the third trimester of her “interesting situation” begins.

At week 27 (the beginning of the seventh month), the baby is almost ready for birth. Of course, it is still very difficult for such children to breathe on their own; their immune system and thermoregulation system are also underdeveloped. However, in 85% of cases, doctors care for babies born at this time with minimal risk to their health.

Fruit size

At 27 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is about 34 cm long. In size, it can be compared to a cabbage.

Baby weight

This week the fetus weighs about 1000 g.

Fetal development at 27 weeks of gestation

All internal organs are already formed, and at week 27 they fall into place. So, the heart is already on the left, the liver on the right. The lungs continue to improve (now they take the desired shape), the brain grows. The baby's breathing is still provided by the placenta, thanks to which gas exchange occurs between the fetal blood and the mother's blood.


At week 27, the focus is not on the heartbeat as such (the contraction frequency, as before, is 140–160 beats per minute), but on the correct location of the heart, which should be on the left and occupy approximately 1/3 of the chest.

What does the fetus look like at 27 weeks of pregnancy?

A baby at 27 weeks looks more and more like a newborn, but his skin remains wrinkled due to constant exposure to intrauterine fluids. He is now beginning to turn and will soon assume the optimal cephalic flexion position for childbirth. This means that the fetus will be positioned with its head down and its butt up, while its neck will be bent in such a way that the back of the baby’s head will appear first, facing forward, while the arms and legs will be pressed to the body. If the baby’s head remains “unbent”, doctors will tell the mother about the baby’s incorrect cephalic extension presentation - this position, along with the pelvic position (buttocks or legs down), is considered an indication for a cesarean section.

Body changes and new sensations for women

In the second half of the “interesting situation”, women may notice swelling in their arms and legs. In some cases, this is a sign of the appearance of such an unpleasant condition as gestosis during pregnancy. In addition to edema, the occurrence of gestosis (also called “dropsy” or “late toxicosis”) is indicated by protein excretion in the urine and high blood pressure. Preeclampsia is formed as a result of damage to the walls of blood vessels, due to which some of the blood along with protein escapes into the tissue - this is how edema occurs. The amount of blood in the body decreases and the vessels through which it circulates narrow, which in turn leads to increased blood pressure.

The most unpleasant thing for the fetus during gestosis is that the placenta swells along with the arms and legs, which reduces the access of oxygen to the child. And for the mother, gestosis is fraught with heart attack, stroke, pulmonary edema, placental abruption, and also kidney and liver failure. How to prevent the development of such an unpleasant complication? Top tip- don’t overeat! Obesity is a direct path to gestosis. In addition, a woman must take all tests on time and be sure to listen to the advice of specialists.

Weight gain

During this period, the expectant mother gains an average of 350 g, but not more than 500 g per week. By the end of the 27th week, the total weight gain is about 8.5 kg.

Mom's belly

The belly continues to increase in size at week 27. The woman's full attention is focused on him. And this is not surprising: now a practically formed baby is growing up there. At the same time, a woman may be bothered by some unpleasant sensations associated with the abdomen. One of them is its petrification, which may be a sign of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy. It happens that not the entire stomach turns to stone, but only part of it - often this is a consequence of the uncomfortable position that the woman has taken. In any case, be sure to tell your doctor about your discomfort - he will help you cope with the problem.

Tests and ultrasound

Before your next visit to the residential complex, do not forget to take a urine test to prevent the development of possible complications(for example, gestosis or diabetes). If there is a risk of an Rh conflict, the woman’s blood can be taken to test the amount of anti-Rh antibodies (a similar procedure, for medical reasons, is carried out repeatedly throughout the “interesting situation”). An ultrasound at 27 weeks of pregnancy is not usually prescribed.

Nutrition at 27 weeks of pregnancy

The fruit is growing. Now more than ever he needs the “building material” - protein. The need for it at week 27 increases to 100–110 g per day. Products that contain protein are cottage cheese, eggs, lentils, cereals, liver, beef.

But the consumption of carbohydrates (pasta, white bread, corn, sweets, crackers) should be limited - this leads to gigantism of the fetus and obesity of the mother.

As for fatty foods, it is also recommended to minimize its quantity, especially if the pregnant woman is prone to obesity. But you can’t completely give up fats - they are a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the development of brain cells, the central nervous system and the retina of a child’s eyes.


Two months before giving birth, a woman’s need for vitamins and mineral complexes increases. Do not ignore your doctor’s advice and regularly take the vitamin supplements prescribed by him at week 27.

Sex at 27 weeks pregnant

Do you know what American doctors advise pregnant women with gestosis, the symptoms of which were described above (see “Week 27: Body changes and new sensations of a woman”)? Oral sex. Americans believe that the possible entry of male semen into the stomach has a beneficial effect on female body in general and on the condition of blood vessels in particular. So experiment with making love for your health! The main thing is that it brings pleasure to you and your partner. But rough sex and sexual toys need to be abolished in any case!


Childbirth is just around the corner, and a woman, as at the beginning of pregnancy, is often overcome by a feeling of anxiety: how everything will go, what kind of baby she will have, and so on. How can I help the expectant mother? If no persuasion works on her, perhaps objects associated with the unreal, one might say mystical, world will help her. Thus, parapsychologists believe that stones have incredible energetic powers and that among them there are special ones intended specifically for pregnant women. The best amulet for mom is a pendant with jade. In ancient China, jade was called a sacred mineral. He was credited with the ability to protect the owner from otherworldly forces, ensure longevity and family well-being. For pregnant women, wise residents of East Asia recommended wearing products made from green stone on their stomachs to facilitate childbirth and successfully prepare for it. Of course, you may not believe this, but for those who constantly doubt something, we recommend pampering yourself at week 27 and making a gift in the form of jade jewelry - what if it helps?!

Beauty and accessories

At week 27, some mothers ask the question, do they need to prepare their breasts for feeding their baby? Almost all experts answer this question in the affirmative. This, in their opinion, is necessary so that the woman does not subsequently experience any discomfort when feeding the baby, and her breasts remain beautiful and toned. Air baths are very useful for the breasts, as well as a light massage of the nipples - to do this, just wipe them with a rough and damp terry cloth or washcloth. In order to prevent the appearance of cracks, you can already lubricate the skin in this area with special emollients. In addition, at 27 weeks, if you have not done so before, you should definitely purchase a more closed and durable bra made of natural materials on wide straps and without wires.

The 27th obstetric week of pregnancy is the middle of the seventh month. During this period, the mother experiences various sensations, both pleasant and not so pleasant.

27 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

The baby's weight this week ranges from 800 to 1000 g, height 35-38 cm.

Almost all systems of the unborn baby are developed. Currently, existing skills are being improved.

What has formed, what is happening, what does it look like?

The respiratory system is actively developing this week. Small sacs called alveoli appear on the bronchi. They will begin to function only after birth.

Vision continues to develop. The baby distinguishes between light and darkness. In addition, he can distinguish between black, white and grey colour. Thanks to this ability, he can already see vague outlines own hands and umbilical cord. By this time, the eye color of all babies is sky blue.

Subcutaneous fat continues to accumulate. The baby will need it after birth to regulate heat exchange. The baby periodically swallows amniotic fluid throughout the day. Moreover, the papillae on his tongue can already determine the taste of these waters.

He actively grimaces, plays with the umbilical cord, sucks his thumb and even hiccups. The baby, along with nutrients, receives hormones from the mother that convey her mood.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

An ultrasound this week may be performed for the purpose of prevention. By using Doppler study Doctors check the condition of the blood vessels of the uterus and umbilical cord.

Attention is also drawn to the presentation of the fetus. However, at this time, not all babies have decided on their position.

The facial features of the future baby have already formed so much that parents, during an ultrasound, will be able to determine who he will look like.

Video: Ultrasound 27 weeks

Fetal heart rate at 27 weeks

For the second half of pregnancy, a heartbeat with a frequency of 120-160 beats in a minute. The work of the heart, depending on the activity of the baby, can slow down or speed up. But if the readings are outside the normal range, the baby needs to be examined.

What happens in a woman's body?

Pregnancy is a natural phenomenon for a woman, but it makes its own adjustments to her lifestyle:

  • At this stage, almost all women feel that their growing belly is constricting their breathing. It becomes more frequent, but less deep. In this case, breathing exercises can help the mother.
  • Frequent urination is a concern, especially at night. This happens because hormones weaken the sphincter. Bladder. In addition, the uterus puts constant pressure on the urinary system. Therefore, pregnant women need to limit their fluid intake before bed.
  • A couple of months before the expected birth, expectant mothers often experience a drop in hemoglobin levels in their blood. In this case, iron supplements are prescribed.
  • The gums become looser and bleed. In order not to aggravate the situation, you need to choose a soft toothbrush.
  • Among pregnant women, there is a high risk of bile stagnation.
  • During this period, many women experience forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. Sensitivity may increase. It is very easy to offend a pregnant woman now.

Changes in a woman’s body at the 27th obstetric week of pregnancy

Chest and abdomen of a woman at 27 weeks of pregnancy

Pictures of pregnant bellies prove that by this time their size is already quite impressive. For many mothers, this becomes a reason for worry about their appearance.

However, when proper care By taking care of the skin, a woman will be able to maintain her beauty and attractiveness after childbirth. If up to this point the expectant mother has not been lazy and lubricated her tummy with cream every day, most likely she will not face stretch marks.

The chest also undergoes changes. The skin stretches under the influence of progesterone, which can lead to itching, and subsequently to stretch marks. To increase elasticity, all mothers are recommended to take a contrast shower and use moisturizers.

Movements during pregnancy

The movements this week are not only felt by the mother - they can already be visible to others. Babies, like adults, have periods of activity and rest. Therefore, movements may be inconsistent.

On average, a baby should make about 10 movements during the day. With twins, the number of movements will be greater.

Video: 27th week of pregnancy

What can and cannot be done for a woman during pregnancy?

The main rule at this time is not to overwork. There is no need to ignore your needs for rest. For back and leg pain, a light massage will be very helpful.

You also need to be careful when squatting and bending. You only need to put on your shoes while sitting.

Doctors advise pregnant women to do Kegel exercises daily. This is a kind of training for the pelvic floor muscles. With the help of these exercises, all muscles will be prepared by the time of birth, which will help avoid tears.

27 weeks of pregnancy - how to understand that everything is fine?

There are several criteria by which we can assume that the pregnancy is proceeding correctly, without pathologies:

  • The baby moves regularly - about 10 times a day.
  • Stable weight gain. At this stage, the pregnant woman gains 300-400 g. in Week.
  • No unusual discharge or pain.

Popular questions about pregnancy - answered by a specialist

Obstetric and embryonic term - how are they different?

The obstetric period is slightly longer than the embryonic period, since it is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. This is done in order to determine the approximate date of birth. Embryonic period – exact date from the moment of conception, but it can only be determined using ultrasound.

Is discharge at 27 weeks of pregnancy normal or a threat of miscarriage?

At this stage, the pregnant woman should not be bothered by any unusual discharge.

Light or clear discharge without a strong odor is considered normal. A change in color or consistency may indicate an infection in the genital tract. In this case, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

If at 27 weeks of pregnancy you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat?

This is a very alarming symptom, indicating that the pregnancy is fading. But before confirming such a diagnosis, doctors will need to conduct more than one study.

The fact is that the audibility of the heart depends on several factors. For example, in an overweight woman, listening to the baby's heartbeat can be problematic.

If at 27 weeks of pregnancy your lower abdomen feels tight?

A little discomfort in the lower abdomen is considered normal. But a pregnant woman needs to monitor her condition. Since sometimes such nagging pains are a sign premature birth.

If in addition to this there is pain in the lower back, radiating to the hips - you need to see a doctor immediately. But it’s better to lie down and call an ambulance.

The ovaries hurt or hurt at 27 weeks - reasons?

All pregnant women face this. The cause is an enlarged uterus. The ligaments that support it throughout pregnancy are constantly under tension. This is where the pain comes from.

The ovaries temporarily stop functioning during pregnancy.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappears at the 27th week of pregnancy, the nausea stops, I don’t feel pregnant; is there blood?

The appearance of blood should always be alarming. In a normal pregnancy this should not happen. In this case, you should definitely visit a doctor without waiting for a scheduled check-up.

27th week of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

At all stages of IVF pregnancy, mandatory monitoring of the woman’s hormonal levels is carried out. During this period, doctors monitor the state of placental blood flow. If necessary, medications that improve placental blood circulation can be prescribed.

The level of protein in the urine is also examined to prevent the occurrence of gestosis.

How to understand that amniotic fluid is leaking?

In appearance, amniotic fluid is almost no different from normal discharge. The fact that fluid is released only when the woman is in a lying position may suggest a possible leakage of water. This is explained by the fact that in a standing position, the fetus puts pressure on the internal canal of the cervix, and thereby stops the release of fluid.

You also need to monitor the amount of discharge. If there are suddenly more of them, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Is it possible to detect a frozen pregnancy at 27 weeks or does it rarely freeze at this time?

You can only assume the problems that have arisen on your own. If suddenly the baby stops moving, and the mother does not feel any symptoms of pregnancy - need to see a doctor. At this stage, miscarriage of pregnancy occurs very rarely.

Are ARVI, influenza and other diseases dangerous at 27 weeks of pregnancy?

At this time, you only need to be wary of infectious diseases, such as hepatitis, measles, chicken pox, and toxoplasmosis.

During influenza and ARVI, it is important not to self-medicate, as some medications may be contraindicated for a pregnant woman.

At 27 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good

If all the tests are normal and the mother feels the baby’s movements well, there is nothing to worry about. The main thing a mother needs to do is always pay attention to the slightest changes in well-being and report them to your doctor.

6.5 months of pregnancy are behind us. This and next week will make it seven, and this is already a kind of milestone. You may have noticed that a little less time has actually passed, which may have gotten you a little confused in your calculations. This is because in obstetrics months are measured differently: 1 month is not equal to 30-31 days, but to four weeks, that is, 28 days.

You are now entering the 27th week of pregnancy. The child has already grown up and improved enough, but his development does not stop for a minute. What awaits us this week?

Fetus at 27 weeks gestation

At the 27th week of pregnancy, the fetus enters the next phase of active growth. Now his weight reaches 900 g, and his size (full height) is on average 36 cm. He begins to grow quickly, and this is due not least to the active development of the brain. Thus, the pituitary gland produces the hormone somatotropin, which is responsible for the growth of the child.

Other endocrine glands are also activated. The pancreas produces insulin, the thyroid produces calcitonin, thyroxine, triiodothyronine, which are responsible for the calcium content in the baby’s body, development mental abilities, metabolic processes.

The baby becomes less and less dependent on the mother’s hormonal status and can even take over some functions, which the mother feels as if she is feeling better at 27 weeks of pregnancy.

All the main organs and systems have already been formed by this time, mainly the immune and respiratory systems continue their active development, preparing to ensure the vital activity of the small organism in the “other” world. Alveoli and alveolar ducts continue to form. From the 27th week of pregnancy, surfactant begins to be produced - a special substance that will help the alveoli open after the baby takes his first breath. By the time of birth, the concentration of surfactant must be sufficient for independent breathing, otherwise the child will have to be connected to a machine. But even if for some reason the birth occurs now, then with adequate help from doctors and the use of modern equipment, the baby will be able to live!

It becomes more and more like a newborn: eyes and ears have formed, soft nails are growing, eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on the head are visible, the genitals are clearly visible, so during an ultrasound there are very high chances of seeing the sex of the child.

The skin is still quite wrinkled - this is understandable, because the body is always in the water. But on the other hand, it is no longer so bright red, and the further it goes, the lighter it will become - subcutaneous fat is deposited at a high speed.

Your baby's eyes are already opening and closing and by this time are responding well to light. In general, the little one behaves like a baby: he experiences emotions, feels tastes and smells, hears sounds coming from inside and outside, plays, and he has already developed a more or less stable sleep and wakefulness pattern.

Although the baby has already grown up enough, he still has enough room for active activities: he swims, tumbles, pulls his legs up to his face, trains his limbs, which are growing more and more muscles every day and becoming stronger. Mom already feels very well all the pushing, turning over and changing positions. Sometimes you can even guess which part of the child’s body is resting on the stomach. Sometimes he begins to hiccup: as a rule, fetal hiccups are short-lived and do not bring him any discomfort.


Almost all of these changes can be seen on ultrasound. During its passage, the location, growth and development of the fetus, its organs and systems, motor activity and heartbeat are assessed. So, at week 27, the baby’s heart makes 140-150 beats per minute, and it makes up to 40 breathing movements.

The parameters of the child are very important because they help to establish the correspondence of his development to the gestational age and assess his well-being. Also, the ultrasound specialist will certainly examine the location of the placenta, quantity and condition. amniotic fluid, condition and size of the uterus and, if necessary, the cervix.

In principle, there is usually no need to undergo an ultrasound scan at 27 weeks of pregnancy. But in some cases ultrasonography may be prescribed to the mother to exclude any suspicions. Indications for its implementation may be suspicions of a non-developing pregnancy, its unfavorable course, infections suffered by the mother and existing diseases, and so on. Of course, you don't have to worry if your doctor sends you for an ultrasound. It’s just that sometimes reinsurance is not superfluous.

But if by this time you do not yet know the gender of the child, then perhaps it will appear during an ultrasound scan at 27 weeks of pregnancy, because from this period the reliability of gender determination increases significantly.


The uterus must be examined during an ultrasound. An assessment is made of its location, size, fundus thickness, condition of the myometrium, and so on. At the 27th week of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus rises 5-7 cm from the navel or 27-28 cm above the womb.

The weight of the uterus increases sharply at 26-27 weeks, and you will feel it: it is increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position. The uterus is already quite large and heavy, so in some positions it can infringe on the vena cava, blocking the return of blood from the extremities to the heart, which can cause dizziness and even loss of consciousness. In this regard, it is not recommended to sit for a long time, cross your legs, or lie on your back. The most physiological position for sleeping during pregnancy is considered to be lying on your left side.


All the main events in your life are now happening in your stomach, so both yours and the doctors’ attention is focused mainly on it. The attention of others also first falls on the tummy, because at the 27th week of pregnancy it has already grown quite enough.

You may experience some discomfort due to your expanding belly. These are insomnia, shortness of breath, heartburn, bloating, constipation - the uterus puts pressure on the internal organs, so they often malfunction slightly. In addition, sometimes the mother feels rhythmic shuddering inside - this is your baby hiccupping. You already feel him very well, you can guess what he is doing now and in which direction he is turned. Sometimes the child’s excessive activity and movements cause discomfort and even pain and are especially annoying at night, preventing sleep. In this case, try to calm the baby as if you had already done it with a newborn baby: stroke your tummy, sing a lullaby, “lull to sleep” (walk around the room).

The skin on the abdomen continues to tighten as it grows, which can cause itching. But if the itching becomes unbearable and spreads to other parts of the body, and also noticeably intensifies at night, then it is necessary to undergo liver tests.

If your stomach becomes stiff or painful at 27 weeks of pregnancy, you should definitely tell your doctor about it.

Pain at 27 weeks of pregnancy

In general, a pregnant woman is a living person and anything can make her sick. But this does not mean at all that it is necessary. Although many pains are truly harmless and are temporary in nature associated with pregnancy, including pain on the sides of the abdomen. Firstly, the ligaments continue to stretch, holding the growing uterus (you especially feel such pain when you suddenly change your body position). Secondly, training contractions begin as preparation for childbirth. But such pains are unexpressed and passing, if they intensify and grow, or are accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract, then it is necessary to exclude the onset of premature labor.

Abdominal pain at 27 weeks of pregnancy may also be associated with disruption of the digestive organs. Usually such pain is easily recognizable.

Under the weight of weight, the spine, back, lower back and legs may begin to hurt at 27 weeks of pregnancy. Try not to walk for a long time, wear comfortable shoes, do not stick your stomach forward, take care of the prevention of thrombosis. A massage or a water bath with cool or slightly warm water will help relieve tired legs. The appearance of cramps in the calf muscles indicates a lack of calcium in the body - its deficiency should be replenished.

You should know that sometimes pain radiating to the lower back and lower abdomen is caused by diseases of the urinary system. If at the same time you notice painful urination, pain and burning in the vagina during urination, increased body temperature or other symptoms associated with pain, then be sure to tell your doctor about it.

At the 27th week of pregnancy, the mother’s body is already beginning to actively prepare for childbirth, and in connection with this, pain may appear in the pelvic area and in the pubis. The bones gradually soften and begin to separate, opening the birth canal. You may experience a “duck walk” - this indicates symphysitis.

In addition, pain in the rectal area may well indicate the development of hemorrhoids. But if you immediately react to the situation, then it can only be corrected by correcting your diet.


In some cases, your doctor may prohibit you from having sex at 27 weeks of pregnancy. Most often this is due to increased uterine tone. Please note that in this case, any actions that can lead a woman to orgasm are contraindicated, since at the peak of pleasure the uterus begins to actively contract.

However, if everything is fine with health and pregnancy, there are no threats to pregnancy, then sex at 27 weeks of pregnancy can bring a lot of pleasure to future parents. And don't let your big belly bother you. Yes, some positions will be uncomfortable and even dangerous; deep penetration and sudden rough movements should be avoided. But in no case do not deny yourself intimate intimacy if you have a desire and there are no contraindications to this. Pleasant emotions will only benefit everyone, and often it is sex during pregnancy that brings spouses together and reunites like never before.

Of course, this should be sex not just with a regular partner, but also with the one with whom you were sexually active before pregnancy. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing sexually transmitted infections, even if the man is healthy. The fact is that women vaginal microflora gets used to the male one, the change of which can provoke a “conflict” between microorganisms. First of all, discharge from the genital tract will help you suspect something is wrong.


You should be alerted mainly by colored and odorous discharge. White, yellow, green, purulent, earthy, scarlet, brown, red discharge with a pungent odor of beer, fish or some other is a sign of sexually transmitted infections, and the onset of bleeding may indicate placental abruption or the threat of premature birth. Serious sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, syphilis, trichomoniasis and others rarely develop during pregnancy. But candidiasis (or thrush) worsens very often, and it must be treated before labor begins, since the risk of infection of the child during passage through the birth canal is very high, and this has its consequences.

You should also pay attention to the consistency of the discharge. In case of pathology, they become thick, curdled, bubbly, and flaky.

But discharge at 27 weeks of pregnancy may well be normal and physiological. Don't be scared by translucent liquid discharge of a uniform consistency. However, towards the end of pregnancy they may become a little cloudy and smell sour.

Watery, liquid, clear discharge with or without a sweetish odor may be amniotic fluid. If they leak, you will have to go to the hospital. It’s bad if the waters rush in - call ambulance or go straight to the hospital.

In addition, discharge at the 27th week of pregnancy can also be observed from the breast. This is colostrum, and apart from maintaining hygiene, nothing else needs to be done. Never try to squeeze milk out of your breasts!

Tests at 27 weeks of pregnancy

So that you do not have any reason to worry, do not neglect scheduled visits to the gynecologist and taking the necessary tests. During this period, visits to the clinic should be made once every two weeks.

During each examination of his ward, the doctor will certainly measure the abdominal circumference, the height of the uterine fundus, the woman’s blood pressure, listen to the baby’s heartbeat and the mother’s pulse.

A routine laboratory test, as before, includes determining the woman’s blood sugar level, the level of leukocytes, red blood cells, and the presence of protein. A urine test is also mandatory.

Don't be alarmed by elevated blood cholesterol levels at 27 weeks of pregnancy. It is necessary for the placenta, which produces hormones, in particular progesterone, which is involved in preparing the breast for feeding and milk production.

Starting from the 27th week of pregnancy, there is a risk of developing gestosis, which is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, and the occurrence of edema. But if you regularly get tested, then there is nothing to worry about.

Also, if you have a negative Rh factor, then you may additionally be prescribed a blood test for Rh conflict.


At 27 weeks of pregnancy, you are already starting to feel tired of your position. You may be plagued by multiple inconveniences and unpleasant sensations: various pains, heaviness, shortness of breath, constipation, heartburn, bloating, frequent urination, fatigue, insomnia... Your arms and legs may now begin to go numb.

Remember that this condition is temporary and that much can be avoided by following certain rules and recommendations. Try to improve proper nutrition, do not spend a lot of time on your feet, do not strain yourself or lift heavy objects, control your posture, refuse difficult work, try to sleep on your left side. Be sure to take a walk every day, especially before bed. Avoid smoky rooms and other harmful factors that can affect your well-being and the development of your baby.

Listen to your little one. If you have established contact with him, then you already know how to recognize his different movements. Every movement of a child can tell his mother a lot: either he is playing, or is excited or dissatisfied with something, or is demanding something.

Now the psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman is extremely important. Try to exclude from your life everything that can upset or excite you and learn to react calmly to any situation, no matter what. This makes a big difference!


Nutrition does not undergo any special changes at the 27th week of pregnancy. The recommendations remain the same: everything healthy, natural, preferably in small portions, but often. Try to minimize the consumption of salt, flour, sweet, fatty, smoked, spicy, fried foods. Be sure to get enough calcium into your body and eat protein every day.

It is better to have carbohydrate foods for breakfast (muesli, porridge), but protein foods are ideal for lunch. It is well absorbed and does not burden the digestive system. In general, you shouldn’t overeat at night, so if you’ve already had dinner, but your appetite has returned, try tricking your body with low-fat yogurt or fruit.

Drinking is also important. You definitely need to drink enough so that you don’t feel thirsty. Best of all - simple clean water. You can also use unsweetened compotes and fruit drinks. Fresh juices are also healthy, but very high in calories. Therefore, be careful with them - excess weight you don't need it now.

If your weight exceeds acceptable standards, then in addition to sweets and flour products, eliminate or reduce the use of spices during cooking.

Weight at 27 weeks of pregnancy

Excess weight during pregnancy is fraught with a number of complications in the present and future, so it should definitely be kept under control. By 27 weeks of pregnancy, you could have gained 7.6-8.1 extra pounds. The increase mainly consists of an increase in the weight of the uterus and child, the amount of amniotic fluid and blood volume, and heavier breasts. Actually, mom should have recovered only a little.

If you have not abused forbidden foods and have not gained more weight than expected, then do not be upset about your size: during childbirth and during pregnancy. breastfeeding they quickly decrease. Also remember that the increase is a rather relative number and may normally differ in each individual case. But don't make excuses for yourself when your weight is really much over the acceptable limits.