Weekend holidays in RK January. Holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Summer days beautiful in themselves. However, holidays add to the mood. Therefore, if you work, you can relax more. Find out what holidays await residents of Kazakhstan in the summer in 2018.

The list of holidays in the summer months looks like this:

National Dombra Day - 1st Sunday of July

A new holiday for the residents of Kazakhstan: it was introduced only this year. President Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev noted that such a day would help preserve national culture.

Dombra occupies a special place in Kazakh culture. This is a two-string plucked instrument with a soft and quiet sound.

Residents of Kazakhstan have been familiar with dombra since ancient times. This tool is faithful companion Kazakhs at all times, a symbol of their history and customs.

Let us note that every baby born on this day is entitled to a dombra as a gift from the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.

Capital Day of Kazakhstan - July 6

This public holiday was approved in 1998. However, it used to be celebrated on June 10th. Since 2006, July 6 is a holiday. This is an anniversary year for Astana - the 20th.

In 2018, Capital Day is celebrated on Friday, so residents of Kazakhstan can enjoy three days off. Traditionally, festive events will be held throughout the country.

Eid al-Adha - August 21

Kurban Ait (Eid al-Fitr) - one of the greatest religious holidays Kazakhstan for Muslims. It is celebrated on the 70th day after completing the Oraza fast for 3 days.

This is an official day off, but due to the postponement of days, residents of Kazakhstan will return to work on Saturday, August 25.

Traditionally, Muslims perform a ritual of sacrifice, go to the mosque and invite each other to dastarkhan.

Constitution Day - August 30

Constitution Day is a public holiday and an official day off for residents of Kazakhstan.

Traditionally, on this day there are mass celebrations and large-scale concerts.

At the end of August, residents of Kazakhstan will rest for 4 days. Thursday falls on August 30th. Friday will also be a non-working day.

Thus, the holidays will provide an opportunity to enjoy the end of summer and gain strength for September.

This is what the holiday calendar looks like in the summer of 2018. You can already think about how to spend your free days and plan your vacation in advance.

Holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan are divided into national, state and professional. Their list is approved by law.

National holidays- these are holidays established to commemorate events of special historical significance that had a significant impact on the development of Kazakhstan’s statehood. Celebration national holidays accompanied by official events in central and local government bodies.

Public holidays- holidays dedicated to events of social and political significance, as well as traditionally celebrated by citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The celebration of public holidays may be accompanied by official events.

Professional and other holidays- holidays not given the status of national and state holidays, celebrated by certain categories of citizens.

Days on which national and state holidays are celebrated are non-working days.

Religious holidays Kurban Ait and Orthodox Christmas do not apply to official holidays, but are days off in accordance with Article 84 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Holidays and weekends in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The list of state and national holidays is contained in Articles 2 and 3 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. List of holidays ( professional holidays) is established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Days Name of the holiday Status Source
January 1-2 New Year State Art. 3 of the Law "On Holidays"
Jan. 7 An Orthodox xmas Day off Art. 84 Labor Code
March 8 International Women's Day State Art. 3 of the Law "On Holidays"
March 21-23 Nauryz Meiramy State Art. 3 of the Law "On Holidays"
1st of May Holiday of unity of the people of Kazakhstan State Art. 3 of the Law "On Holidays"
May 7 Defender of the Fatherland Day State Art. 3 of the Law "On Holidays"
9th May Victory Day State Art. 3 of the Law "On Holidays"
July 6 Capital Day State Art. 3 of the Law "On Holidays"
August 30 Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan State Art. 3 of the Law "On Holidays"
The first day of Kurban Ait, celebrated according to the Muslim calendar Kurban Ait Day off Art. 84 Labor Code
December 1 Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan State Art. 3 of the Law "On Holidays"
December 16-17 Independence Day National Art. 2 of the Law "On Holidays"

Coincidence of weekends and holidays

If a weekend and a holiday coincide, the day off is the working day following the holiday.

Transfer of rest days

In order to create favorable conditions for rest and rational use of working time, for example, when one working day falls between a holiday and a weekend, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan may issue resolutions on the transfer of rest days from a weekend to a working day. Such resolutions are adopted immediately before the relevant holidays and are published in the media in advance.

National and state, professional, international, folk, religious (Muslim), and unusual holidays are celebrated in Kazakhstan.

The most important dates:

  • New Year
  • Orthodox Christmas
  • International Women's Day
  • Nauryz Meiramy
  • Holiday of unity of the people of Kazakhstan
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • Victory Day
  • Capital Day
  • Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Independence Day
  • Eid al-Adha

National and state holidays of Kazakhstan are established to commemorate events that have special historical, socio-political significance for the country and influenced its development. They are established by Law No. 267 of December 13, 2001 “On Holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. On these days, official events are held in the country.

Professional holidays are events celebrated by representatives of a certain profession, occupation, or industry.

International holidays are celebrated in different countries peace. They are established by the UN, UNESCO, WHO, and other international organizations.

Folk holidays are associated with nature, the agricultural or church calendar.

Religious (Muslim) holidays - days of diligent worship, worship and prayers to Allah, memories of events from the life of the Prophet Muhammad and others important events sacred history. They are celebrated according to the lunar Islamic calendar.

Unusual holidays are interesting, original events.

The New Year is approaching, which for many has become the main holiday of the year, and we are wondering how we will spend these days. How are we relaxing for the New Year 2020 in Kazakhstan? This holiday will be celebrated in the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 1 and 2.

In 2020, January 1 and 2 fall on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. Since the New Year 2020 celebrations do not fall on weekends, according to the laws in force in the republic, there will be no postponements of weekends.

By the end of the year, a resolution “On the transfer of rest days in 2020” should be adopted, according to which it is planned to move the rest day from Sunday, January 5, to Friday, January 3, 2020.

Respectively, new year holidays can last as long as four days - official days New Year celebrations on January 1 and 2, Friday January 3 with a day off moved from Sunday to it, Saturday January 4.

They are separated from the two weekends preceding them (the last Saturday and Sunday of the outgoing year) by Monday and Tuesday, which in 2019 fall on December 30 and 31.

In the past year, there was no decision to move the December weekend to the New Year's holiday on December 30 and 31. However, for the New Year 2020, residents of Kazakhstan will have a long weekend that will last four days from January 1 to 4.

How to relax for the New Year 2020 in Kazakhstan

It is worth adding that the day off is also January 7, when we will celebrate Orthodox Christmas. This holiday falls on Tuesday, and if the corresponding decree of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is adopted to move the day off from Sunday, January 5 to Friday, January 3, then this holiday will be separated from the long weekend for the New Year by two working days.

And the Christmas holiday will be followed by a short working week - three days from Wednesday, January 8 to Friday, January 10. After this, until the end of the month there will be no more holidays and working days will alternate with Saturdays and Sundays as usual.

Thus, you can calculate the total number of vacation days in Kazakhstan that await us for the New Year holidays and Christmas - there will be five in total (from January 1 to January 4, 2020, then two working days, then again a day off on January 7).

When else is New Year celebrated in Kazakhstan?

However, according to established traditions, the New Year (Nauryz) is celebrated in Kazakhstan in March. The name of this holiday, which symbolizes the renewal of man and nature, is translated from Persian as “new day.”

In Kazakhstan it is also called “Ulys kyni” (“First Day of the New Year”) and “Ulystyn uly kuni” (“Great Day of the People”). In the Republic of Kazakhstan it is celebrated as a public holiday.

For Kazakhs, Nauryz is a symbol of spring renewal, fertility and the triumph of love. Since 1926, this holiday has been banned.

However, later the previous traditions were resumed, and in 1991, by the Decree of the President of the Kazakh SSR, this day was again recognized as a holiday.

Since 2009, Nauryz has been celebrated for three days, with the celebration starting on March 21; in 2020, this day falls on Saturday. Usually the holiday lasts three days, but since two of them fall on Saturday and Sunday, the weekend from these days will be moved to Tuesday and Wednesday of the next week.

Accordingly, residents of the republic will celebrate Nauryz from March 21 (Saturday) to March 23 (Monday), and then continue to rest on the next day immediately after holidays Tuesday, March 24 and Wednesday, March 25, which were postponed from Saturday and Sunday. That is, in total, the holiday on Nauryz will last for five whole days.

On holidays, people visit each other, and street celebrations are held in cities and villages. Young people sing songs, dance and play national games.

In the coming year, residents of Kazakhstan will have 31 holidays. The longest “vacations” are in March.

Holiday weekends traditionally start on the first days of the new year - 1 and 2 January 2018 (fall on Monday and Tuesday). A little later, on January 7, the country celebrates Orthodox Christmas - this is a regular day off without any postponements. Thus, in total, in January, with a five-day working week, Kazakhstanis have 10 days off - 4 Saturdays, 4 Sundays, plus two New Year's days.

February Traditionally, there are no holidays in Kazakhstan, so Kazakhstanis will have to be content with only weekends - 4 Saturdays and 4 Sundays.

The longest “vacations” fall on spring holidays. For two days on International Women's Day - March 8 (Thursday) and March 9 (Friday), in order to rest on the 9th, Kazakhstanis will work on March 3. Three non-working days Meirams are waiting for us on Nauryz - March 21, 22 and 23 (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). IN April Saturday - April 28 - will be a working day, and April 30 (Monday) will be a day off due to upcoming May holidays. Thus, on May 1 (Tuesday) - Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan - Kazakhstanis will rest for three days in a row: April 29-30 and the 1st. However, that's not all. In honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day (May 7, Monday) and Victory Day (May 9, Wednesday) plus four days of rest - from May 6 to May 9. The working day - May 8 (Tuesday) - is postponed to the 5th. In total, with a five-day working week, the number of weekends including holidays for the three spring months will be 33 days.

June, like February, without holidays: 5 Saturdays and 4 Sundays. In the midst of summer, in July, the country celebrates Capital Day. Since July 6 falls on a Friday, with a five-day work week there is the opportunity to rest for three days in a row. There are a total of 4 Saturdays and 5 Sundays this month.

IN August two holidays. This year, the first day of Kurban Ait falls on Tuesday, August 21. On the 30th, Kazakhstan celebrates Constitution Day. The next date - August 31 - falls on a Friday, so the working day is moved to August 25 (Saturday). Thus, in August, Kazakhstanis will be able to rest for a total of ten days. During the five-day period, of course.

September, October, november in 2018 there are no holidays, so you can rest only on Saturdays and Sundays: with a five-day working week - 26 days, with a six-day week - 13.

And according to tradition, the month that is most beloved and full of holiday weekends is December. On December 1 (falls on a Saturday) we celebrate the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan; December 1, 2 and 3 will be considered days off. Plus three days for Independence Day. Since the 16th falls on a Sunday, then, according to the Law of December 13, 2001 No. 267 “On Holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan,” the day off is moved to December 18. The last working day in the outgoing year 2018 will be the 29th (the working day will be moved from December 31st to December 29th).

Thus, in 2018, Kazakhstanis, together with weekends (46 Saturdays + 50 Sundays), holidays (23 days) and transfers, will be able to rest for 119 days in a five-day work week or 67 days in a six-day week. To this we must also add vacation pay, which is due to every working citizen of Kazakhstan according to Labor Code, and this is plus 24 calendar days.