Speech by the school principal at a parent meeting. “But I have to hand over the money”

Tatyana Manaeva
Minutes of parent meeting


1. "Children's safety is a concern parents» - speech by teacher Tatyana Aleksandrovna Manaeva.

2. “Repair report”- speech by teacher Evgenia Vladimirovna Nedonoskova.

3. "Peculiarities speech therapy work» - performance speech therapist teacher Drugova Natalia Evgenievna. Training for parents: "Finger gymnastics"- conducted by teacher-speech therapist Drugova Natalia Evgenievna.

4. Chairman's speech parental committee of the group Buryak Marina Vladimirovna.

1. Listened: Manaeva Tatyana Alexandrovna

(teacher of the FFN group)

Tatyana Alexandrovna introduced parents how to teach a child to behave on the road. It was emphasized that work on familiarization with PPD is carried out in classes, in games, and individually.

Made a speech: Repina Olesya Sergeevna, parent of a group student

“Why do preschoolers need to know the rules of behavior on the street if they walk with adults and must strictly observe and follow their instructions?”

Suggested: It is the duty of each of us to protect a child on the road. Therefore, we need to study and practice the rules together with the children. traffic. You can draw and work out a safe route diagram with your children. "Kindergarten - home - kindergarten» marking dangerous areas and places on it safe passage roads

"Behind"- 15 people; « Against» -0

2. Listened: Nedonoskova Evgenia Vladimirovna,

(teacher of the FFN group)

Evgenia Vladimirovna presented a report on repairs summer jobs in Group. Expressed gratitude for active work and help. All parents were involved in the life of the group. We hope that the children will be comfortable and interesting after the renovation.

Made a speech: Shekhovtsova Olga Nikolaevna, parent of a group student

"She is on behalf of parents thanked the teachers for doing the right thing organized work. And she assured that in the future we will resolve all issues related to the life of the group together.”

"Behind"- 15 people; « Against» - 0

3. Listened: Drugova Natalia Evgenievna

(teacher-speech therapist at preschool educational institution)

Natalia Evgenievna introduced parents with the main directions of speech therapy work. All work is divided into 3 periods depending on time and correctional tasks. One of the main tasks of the 1st period was an examination of children’s speech, which was carried out in early September with each child separately. The survey results showed that the level speech development Every child is different.

Made a speech: Demenkova Svetlana Viktorovna, parent of a group student: “I would like to see the results of the examination”

Suggested by a speech therapist: “Dear parents, you can find the results of the survey in individually, after parent meeting. I will answer your questions at speech therapy topic. And I kindly ask you to take a responsible approach to completing your homework.”

Natalia Evgenievna spent with parents training"Finger gymnastics": told about the meaning finger gymnastics in working with children to overcome speech disorders. Showed parents Several exercises to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Questions parents on this topic: Tsivileva Alla Anatolievna: parent group student “What other games for developing fine motor skills do you recommend?”

Answered by speech therapist Natalia Drugova Evgenievna: “These are mosaics, puzzles, Legos, stringing beads, shading, i.e. games that develop specifically fine motor skills fingers."

4. Listened: Buryak Marina Vladimirovna

(chairman parent committee)

Noted: Marina Vladimirovna presented a report on the results of the work parental committee for 2014-2015 academic year. She noted that within a year parental The committee took an active part in creating optimal conditions for organizing educational - educational process in Group. The exercise bike and benches were repaired, the swings were surrounded by a safe net, parents took part in the renovation of the group room.

Suggested: elect a new composition parent committee.

Made a speech: Tsivileva Alla Alexandrovna, parent of a group student

Suggested: select to composition parental committee Buryak Marina Vladimirovna, Shekhovtsova Olga Nikolaevna, Repina Olesya Sergeevna.

Made a speech: Golovko Yulia Alexandrovna, parent of a group student

"Behind" -15; « Against» - 0

Solution parent meeting

1. Study and practice traffic rules with children every day. Play home games with children aimed at preparing children for school and teaching them to be independent at home.

Responsible: educators Manaeva T. A.

Nedonoskova E. V.

group parents

2. Draw up a plan for practical lessons for parents on familiarization with articulatory gymnastics, breathing and speech exercises.

Responsible: teacher Manaeva T. A.

Nedonoskova E. V.

group parents

3. Parents actively use in working with children "Finger gymnastics"

Responsible: teacher speech therapist,

group parents

4. Approve to the composition group parent committee: - Chairman parental committee Marina Vladimirovna Buryak; members parent committee: Shekhovtsova Olga Nikolaevna, Repina Olesya Sergeevna.

Text of the speech on parent meeting Chairman of the Education Committee

“Results of the implementation of the Civil Society Program patriotic education"I am a citizen"

Dear parents, teachers, guests!

Today we have gathered in this hall to sum up the implementation of the city program of civic-patriotic education for the years “I am a citizen of Russia,” which was developed on the basis of the Concept of civic-patriotic education of youth of the Chelyabinsk region, as well as State program “Patriotic education of citizens” Russian Federation for years"

To identify new tasks in the civic and patriotic education of our children, based on the conditions that dictate to us modern life. The system of patriotic education cannot remain unchanged. Its change and development is determined both by the achievements of the priority tasks of the system of patriotic education, and by changes occurring in the economic, political, social and other spheres of Russian society, as well as by the new conditions of the modern world.

Radical transformations in the country at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, which determined a sharp turn in the modern history of Russia, are accompanied by changes in the socio-economic, political and spiritual spheres of society and the consciousness of its citizens. The educational potential of Russian culture, art, and education as the most important factors in the formation of patriotism has sharply decreased.

The system of patriotic education is designed to ensure the targeted formation of an active position among citizens, to promote their full inclusion in solving national problems, to create conditions for the development of their state thinking and the habit of acting in accordance with the national interests of Russia. It must prepare young people and encourage representatives of other generations to engage in a type of active work in which knowledge and life experience are combined with a position of civic duty and involvement in the fate of the Motherland, and personal interests with public ones. The future of Russia, progress in the economic, political and social spheres primarily depend on the civic position of the younger generation. Citizenship is moral quality personality, which determines the conscious and active fulfillment of civic duties and debt to the state, society, and people; reasonable use of their civil rights, strict observance and implementation of the laws of the country. The young man needed by modern society is a responsible person, capable of making choices, controlling his personal and public life, and having a clear set of values. “Letters about Goodness” states that “...every person should have one rule in life, in his goal of life, in his principles of life, in his behavior: one must live life with dignity, so that one is not ashamed to remember...”.

At the first stage of patriotic education is the family, as the main social unit of society, in which the foundations of the moral, spiritual, cultural, physical and other development of the individual are laid. In the family, the formation of its life guidelines and values, attitudes towards oneself, towards other people and towards the Fatherland takes place;

Social, including family and school education are important components of one process. Social education carries images of a different nature: from bright positive phenomena and examples to dubious costs of social development that negatively affect the teenager. School education- this is a systematic, systematic impact on the individual, with the aim of forming those qualities that correspond to the cultural and ethical demands of modern society. The effectiveness of education will depend on the extent to which the interests of students and their social and family experience are taken into account, the ideas of children and the pedagogical influence of adults are intelligently combined. It is necessary to establish a connection between the school and society, family. For the child you need to create social situation development, a communication environment, a field of activity that cannot be replaced even by very interesting lessons.

Thus, we see the following as the main tasks of civic-patriotic education: the formation of respect for the law, justice, the rights of other people, responsibility for one’s actions; knowledge of moral and legal norms; knowledge of the history of the Fatherland, native land; immersion in socially significant activities; self-knowledge, self-determination, personal self-improvement.

In schools, the content of civic education is implemented in all academic courses, and, above all, in the disciplines of the humanities and natural sciences, as well as subject clubs and electives. The integrated nature of the courses in civics, social studies, local history, and economics allows students to acquire the most relevant generalized knowledge about man, society, and the main areas of public life. In such classes, adolescents gain experience in mastering basic social roles (family member, citizen, voter, owner, consumer, etc.).

electives, extracurricular activities and circles focus on the interaction of natural, economic and social aspects of society; form in schoolchildren a sense of responsibility for preserving the environment, a willingness to actively participate in solving global problems facing humanity.

We realize that the educational potential of the content of civic education, realized in the educational process, despite all its significance, is still insufficient for the formation of a socially active, competent personality. An essential factor in the civic development of the younger generation is its active socialization. To develop such skills in children, we “pull apart” the walls of the school, “include” schoolchildren in the world in all its diversity. To achieve the triune goal of the educational process, we integrate the efforts of the entire surrounding society. Over the years, a system of interaction with city institutions has been established: the Children's House of Creativity, the sports club, the Children's Art School, the library, the Sfera Leisure Center, and public organizations.

The system of civic-patriotic education that has emerged as a result of such interaction includes such components as the development of a civil attitude towards oneself, towards one’s family, towards the people around them, towards the Fatherland, towards the world community.

Cultivating a civil attitude towards oneself is formed through training lessons, debates, frank conversations, visits to museums, clubs and electives; meeting interesting people. Of course, institutions of additional education play a positive role here (Data by institution). Library workers do a lot of work, organizing city tours, theme evenings, and debates on topical topics. I would like to note the work of the history and social studies teacher at Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1”, who forms the active life position of students not in words, but in deeds: arranges meetings with people from the “authorities”, organizes conferences on sensitive topics, etc.

Developing a civil attitude towards your family. Following the will, we associate citizenship education with the presence in children of devoted, selfless and generous love for parents and relatives and the ability to show this love in attention and care, the so-called “sense of moral settlement.” Fostering family feelings, duty to parents, respect for people, caring for the younger and older; kindness, mercy, wisdom in the relationship between a woman and a man, education of mental and moral readiness to create a family and the correct organization of intra-family relations, to raise children, to household are components of the citizen model we developed. We begin helping schoolchildren prepare to fulfill these roles by getting to know the student’s family, by drawing up with him a social passport of the family, his pedigree, family tree, from evenings of getting to know the family, which provide an opportunity to explore its educational capabilities.

Every year, photo exhibitions and exhibitions of drawings “Beloved Grandmother”, “Dear Mother” are organized in schools and classrooms, sports festivals “We are a sports family” and other thematic events are held. Special attention We focus on involving immediate family members in class and school affairs.

To develop in children the practical skills and abilities that are necessary to help relatives, clubs and additional education associations “Skillful Hands” and “Thread and Needle” are useful. A creative workshop for making folk doll in DDT. A special role in the transmission of traditions is played by traditional folk and family holidays and gatherings at Christmas and Maslenitsa.

In 2010, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, an attempt was made to restore “Timurov’s work”: patronage assistance from class groups to the elderly, retired teachers and veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately, this work remained within the framework of one-time assistance

Developing a civic attitude towards school the best way children's associations of schoolchildren with elected bodies help, as well as days of self-government, participation of schoolchildren in planning and implementation educational program. Today every educational institution has its own form of student self-government. Students’ abilities are realized in a variety of creative activities of a cognitive nature, creative competitions. Traditional are creative reports schools at amateur art shows, exhibitions of applied arts, performances at various city festivals, holding a charity event “Hurry up to do good,” fairs, etc.

Developing a civil attitude towards other people. Students, teachers and parents create a comfortable living environment around schools and in schools. Our schools are cozy and beautiful. Every year, school students work in labor associations and provide all possible assistance in the improvement of the city and school, labor holidays. Every year, in the last week of April and the first week of May, the city hosts the “Glory Will Not Silence These Days” campaign. Its program includes meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, evenings honoring veterans, museum lessons, operations “Care”, “Memory”. This year all city students and their families were involved in regional action“Remember Me” is the creation of a video archive about surviving veterans, home front workers, as well as those who died during the Second World War. You could see the results of this work at the Victory Day on May 9; photographs collected by children and adults were presented at the Memorial of Glory.

Fostering a civil attitude towards the Fatherland promotes the direct active participation of schoolchildren in the activities of school museums. In our city, 4 school museums of local history have been created (1, 2, 6, KShI). The work of the museum of 1 school for several years has been assessed by the region with diplomas and certificates. Work is underway to create a museum of education in the city of Karabash (supervising the work). Parents and grandparents provided great assistance in creating school museums. Thank you! Traditionally, in February, the city holds a month of military-patriotic education, which includes various military sporting events: formation review and songs, military sports games and competitions, as well as class hours and themed evenings. For three years We are participating in the “I am a Citizen of Russia” campaign - this is a ceremonial presentation of passports to teenagers who have reached the age of 14. Held in May military sports game"Zarnitsa"

During the year (autumn, winter, spring), pre-conscription age youths and school students participate in the Pre-conscription Youth Spartakiad, where their physical fitness is tested.

Every summer, a group of schoolchildren goes on search expeditions and hiking trips. Yes, for last years Our schoolchildren visited excavations in the Varna, Kartalinsky, Nagaibaksky and Kunashaksky districts. Every year the children go hiking in our Ural Mountains and take part in rafting on the Ai River.

The results of students’ activities indicate the formation of their citizenship and patriotism. School and DDT students, under the guidance of teachers, became winners and prize-winners of various competitions, scientific and practical conferences, mind games, Olympiads, sports competitions at the municipal, zonal and regional levels. Conference “Fatherland”, “Step into the Future”, “Heritage”, “Intellectuals of the 21st Century”, geological Olympiads, tour competitions. technology, cross-country skiing, etc.

Thus, the implemented program of civic-patriotic education covers all areas of school life, including the educational process, involving parents and city institutions, educating a person, a citizen, a patriot.

The goals we set for ourselves in the future.

1. we continue to form a conscious attitude towards the Fatherland, its past, present

and the future based on historical values ​​and the role of Russia in the destinies of the world;

2. develop citizenship and national identity of students

3. create conditions for each student to realize their own civic position through the activities of student self-government bodies;

4. develop and deepen knowledge about the history and culture of the native land.

5. creation of democratic micropolitics in the school community, the conductors of which are teachers, students and their parents.

Parents were invited on the eve of the OGE in social studies 2017. The exam is very important for ninth graders who are going to continue studying in the 10th grade in the humanities. It is also a bridge to prepare for the Unified State Exam in a couple of years. Therefore, at the meeting the question was posed to parents: what specialized education will their child choose? If your child is taking this exam, you need to start preparing right away. Almost 40% of our class chose social studies.

You are a subject teacher. The school administration and class teacher have invited you to a parent-teacher meeting. The event is important and the invitation should not be ignored under any circumstances. But both the young teacher and the experienced teacher need to prepare. Compliance with a few simple but important rules is designed to facilitate your successful cooperation with parents.

1. Be punctual. Try to meet the time given to you.

2. Be sure to have the abstract of your speech in front of you. Stick to the plan, don't get distracted and don't let the audience lead you astray.

3. Don't turn speech at parent meeting into dialogue. There will always be a person who is dissatisfied with something. Try to take this calmly. He may be dissatisfied with his job, the loss of his favorite team, or his mother-in-law's soup. Note that you understand the importance of the issue he raised and offer to discuss it individually.

4. Don't speak too fast. The tongue twister is very difficult to understand and quickly tires. In addition, it will be difficult for you to highlight the main thing and make logical emphasis in a sentence.

5. Keep calm. Try not to gesticulate.

6. Speak so that you are understood. Avoid complex professional terms. If you cannot do without them, explain their meaning. Remember that there are different people in front of you age categories with different levels of education and culture.

7. Attract the audience to you. After all, a certain part of it was already prepared to hear the list of claims and complaints announced.

8. Tell us why you are so interested in coming into this class, what you talk about with children during breaks, remember the recent funny incident at the lesson. Indicate what serves as a source of inspiration in your hard work, how you added to your teaching experience while working in the classroom. Be sure to thank your parents for the information they share with you, for listening to your opinion (for example, on your advice, they prescribed a magazine for the children regarding your subject), for their help in making visual aids.

9. All your statements and comments regarding academic performance must be specific and constructive. Advise, consult, suggest ways to solve problems, while outlining specific deadlines for their practical implementation. Note positive changes: they may relate to activity in the lesson, willingness to help the teacher in preparation extracurricular activity. The main thing is that there are manifestations of indifference to the subject.

10. Briefly but clearly formulate the program requirements and assessment criteria for this subject. Parents should understand that all your requirements are within the framework of the curriculum.

11. Mention the decrees of the ministry and the recommendations of local methodological offices regarding the choice teaching aids and school supplies.

12. To make your presentation at the parent meeting more effective, use a laptop, diagrams, posters, a board, and various manuals.

13. Emphasize the importance feedback: signature in the diary, personal contacts.

14. Convince your parents that you are always ready to answer their questions and clarify possible misunderstandings. Be sure to indicate the day and time when you are ready to talk with parents individually. Emphasize at the same time that it is extremely undesirable to disrupt the educational process by coming during a lesson or during a break (you must prepare for the next lesson, you can be on duty).

15. You may find yourself in a situation where another teacher worked in the class before you and not all parents were happy with the result. Never criticize your colleague. It is not forbidden for anyone to have their own opinion about the presence or absence of teaching talent, but this is not the subject of discussion. If a response cannot be avoided, note that there are different pedagogical methods: some of them are more successful, others - in a particular case - less so.

16. Tell us about your former students, what educational institutions they entered after successfully passing your subject. Name those for whom it became the basis of their profession. You have the right to be proud of your achievements. Parents will receive information about you from your own lips, and not from school folklore.

17. Don’t forget to emphasize at the end of your speech: only in close cooperation with parents can you see the key to their child’s success.

Deputy Director for HR: Vikulova E.V.

“Family and school are partners in education”

The most fertile age is the age of childhood. Blessed because there are many friends nearby, many discoveries, many teachers who are always nearby and ready to help, because mom and dad are nearby. The family is the main institution for the development of a child’s personality, and how a child grows up primarily depends on the family.

Today modern families develop in a qualitatively new and contradictory social situation. On the one hand, there is a turn of society towards the problems and needs of the family, complex targeted programs are being developed and implemented to strengthen and increase its importance in raising children. On the other hand, processes are observed that lead to exacerbation family problems. This is, first of all, a decline in the standard of living of most families, an increase in the number of divorces, which negatively affect the psyche of children, and an increase in the number of single-parent families and families with one child. Our children are growing up in these difficult modern conditions, and it is very important for them to see the coordinated actions of teachers and parents. When the requirements of the school coincide with the requirements of the family, the child is confident in the correctness of these requirements, he is organized and disciplined.

The topic of my speech is “Family and school – partners in education.” In terms of their psychological status, school and family are opposite poles. In a family, everything is based on emotional connections and attachments. No matter what problems torment a child, parents should empathize with him and support him. The school has slightly different functions. It should not replace a child’s second home; raising children at school should not replace parental education. The school should educate the child, broaden his horizons, provide an opportunity for self-realization, to reveal his abilities.

Lev Kassil wrote: “Family and school are the shore and the sea. On the shore, a child takes his first steps, receives his first life lessons, and then an immense sea of ​​knowledge opens up before him, and the school charts a course in this sea. But this does not mean that it should completely break away from the shore.” All of us, both parents and teachers, want one thing: for our children to grow up healthy, receive a good education, learn to live and work in a team, develop their abilities, and only in cooperation, in close interaction, can we achieve this result.

The issue of school uniforms still remains relevant. You and I know that there are several trends in fashion: sports, club, business, home. We have no desire to come to work in slippers, so let's try together to teach our children the rules of good manners. It’s good form to come to school in a shirt, not a T-shirt, good tone– when a girl is wearing a sundress or a skirt, and not jeans, which tend to fall off, when the student is wearing a blouse, and not a top with a bare belly. We adults have formed a culture appearance, our children do not. And in this matter we need your support, we need coordinated actions of teachers and parents.

Conclusion: I have just told you and analyzed the work of the teaching staff, about what achievements our children are achieving. But the main task of today’s meeting is not to list the activities that the school is conducting, but to identify problems and develop measures to organize cooperation between teachers and parents so that our children are even more successful.

    If a child comes home with complaints about an adult, about his comrades, you need to listen to the child and promise him to sort out the current situation. Be sure to contact the class teacher, find out the reason for the disagreement and decide together how to act in the current situation. Only through concerted action can we arrive at a reasonable outcome of events. Teachers and parents should become allies and like-minded people, and not competitors, they should always meet each other halfway, solve educational problems with interest and in a coordinated manner.

And we would like you to see your allies in teachers. If problems arise, call, come to school, we will solve it together, ask for help. You came to the parent meeting today, which means you are not indifferent to the fate of your children. Let's work together to prepare children for independent living.

And I would like to end my speech with the words of the classic V.G. Belinsky “Parents, only parents, have the most sacred responsibility to make their children human, and the duty of educational institutions is to make them scientists, citizens, members of the state... So let’s together make our children human. Well-educated children are our happy old age, poorly raised children are our grief, our tears. So think about the future, and the future is our children.”

Attended a parent meeting at school.

Each of us remembers with what bated breath we waited for parents from school meetings: attentive teachers always found something to scold, noted gaps in knowledge and paid attention to grades and behavior. Today, schoolchildren find themselves in fundamentally different conditions, because the teacher cannot talk about their performance out loud: he is afraid of violating the provisions on the protection of personal data. So what are parents and the class teacher talking about now for two to three hours?

Question one - money

The fourth grade is graduating from primary school. Therefore, three quarters of the total number of parents gathered - a good indicator. Everyone is excited: there are a lot of questions, the children are moving to the middle level.
“So, our first question is graduation,” class teacher Irina Sergeevna, very young, but with a confident, loud and clear voice. - There is a little more than a month until graduation, but not everyone handed over the money. Meanwhile, since October, the location of the holiday was determined and the necessary expenses were approved.”

Parents of fourth-graders buried their heads in the sheets of paper they received from the teacher. Each person had a sign on their sheet indicating who donated money for what specific need and who did not donate. “Well, well,” mutters the girl’s mother Olya, “what did they come up with again for a photo album for 800 rubles? I understand that before there was only one camera for half the school; you could spend money on pictures. Now what? What 800 rubles? Can I come and take a photo for free?”

No one can hear my desk neighbor. A diverse chorus of indignant parents expresses dissatisfaction: how is it possible, how long can we wait for those lagging behind?! Katya’s parents are the only ones who say loudly and clearly: we don’t want the album. “Are there still those who don’t need memory?” - the teacher sparkles with his eyes. There are no more people willing, everyone sits with downcast eyes.

“In the same way, they didn’t pass it for video recording,” the teacher continues. “And if not everyone passes, the amount for those willing will increase, because we divide the photographer’s fee by the number of students.” The parents, still with downcast eyes, remain silent. Probably, not everyone needs both photography and videography, but no one dares to say this out loud.

Question two - money

“The second thing I wanted to discuss with you is the holiday lineup,” continues the class teacher. - So, it will also be held on May 25, in the morning before graduation. And here comes the problem again: do you think the teachers and school staff who have worked with your children for four years deserve gifts for your graduation?”

The faces of the parents stretched out: probably no one expected that the teacher, without embellishment, in plain text, would ask parents for gifts for colleagues. “We’ll give 500 rubles to teachers for flowers,” the lady from the first desk immediately suggested, “we’ll buy bouquets for everyone.”

“Are you tearing money from trees?” - Dad yelled from the back desk. A life-and-death dispute ensued. Someone offered to hand over a hundred rubles, another shouted that he wouldn’t hand over a penny, a third offered to pick flowers from the school flowerbed. As a result, it was decided to hand over 250 rubles. “I won’t hand you over, even kill me,” said a thin mother of three children from the penultimate desk. “We live on this money all day.”

“Is it possible to ask,” the man with glasses whispered quietly, “what’s wrong with my English, did I correct my bad marks?” “Come to me after the meeting or tomorrow before classes, now is not the place or time,” the teacher cut him off. “Actually, I didn’t come to the meeting to hand over money, but to listen to my son,” dad mumbled and fell silent, somehow immediately becoming shorter.

The third issue, according to the teacher, was exams. Here, I thought, it would definitely be about children, success, academic performance, requirements, tests. However, we are talking about certificates. More precisely, about the need to hand over money for them.

“I’m shocked,” says the mother of excellent student Oksana. - In other words, I graduated from college, but didn’t pay for my diploma. So they didn’t give it to me! So?" The teacher, raising his eyes invitingly to the sky, as if he were insane, repeats that it is the school’s personal initiative to present children with a primary school certificate. In general, such certificates do not exist in nature, so the school, of course, orders them at the expense of the parents.

Why didn't you ask for your wishes?

Well, it’s so simple: you wouldn’t want your daughter to be the only one in the whole school who wasn’t awarded a certificate?!

“That’s what we’re counting on,” the girl’s mother finally decides to say out loud. She doesn’t say anything else, but looks sadly at the calculator on her phone, adding numbers to some amount.

Question four - money

“Last week a famous performer came to school,” continues the class teacher. - I wanted to discuss this issue with you: our leisure time. Since we are accustomed to rewarding children at the end of quarters with trips to bowling or the cinema, let's decide where we will go this time. I suggest inviting a mobile chocolate laboratory. 650 rubles per person. And by the way, not everything was handed over for the performer.”

“Why exactly chocolate? - the uncertain voice of someone’s grandmother sounds from the second row. - Maybe to the zoo? And it’s cheap, and what could be better than communicating with animals?”

The zoo is not accepted. It was decided to enrich the tour guests with a chocolate fountain.
“Do you know why? - my desk neighbor whispers in my ear. - Because these “chocolate” ones either give teachers, or the head teacher, or even the director a kickback. That’s why they lobby for their interests. Don't believe me? Last year our class was taken on an excursion to the park, I sat on the bus next to the organizers. They laid out everything to me: so, they say, and so, with all the wealth of choice, namely, a dozen travel agencies offering to take children by bus to the park, we beat everyone and always! Because we don’t skimp on “gratitude.” Namely: for each child who hands over four hundred rubles for a short trip, 50 is returned to the teacher. Not a bad extra extra, right?” And, seeing my almost square eyes, she continued: “Why do you think this singer and performer, widely known in narrow circles, came to school with a concert if we, parents, are not allowed past security? They all…” “Connections?” - I guess. “Kickbacks,” clarifies the neighbor at the desk.

“Why, excuse me, is it impossible for a child not to go to this concert? - the young mother with glasses mumbles timidly. “My Anya didn’t like him at all.”

“Well, he was there during school hours,” the teacher reminds. - The children were removed from the lesson. In this case, attendance is mandatory.”

"Where is it written? - Having become a little bolder, the girl tries to argue. “Let mine go to class.”

“And who would lead it to her alone?” - the teacher retorts. And for mom with glasses, like everyone else, everything becomes clear.

Question five - money

“The parent committee also asked me to help,” the teacher glances at the first desk near his desk, literally eating it with his eyes, listening to every word. “For some reason, some did not submit the next contribution to the class fund.”

Someone's silhouette appears in the doorway, the teacher comes out.

“I have prepared for you a report on the expenditure of the donated funds,” the overweight lady gets up from her seat. “Here, look.” She inserts a flash drive into the teacher’s computer, inscriptions and numbers appear on the screen: cooler repair - 3500, water for the cooler - 670, gifts for the teacher - 12,700.

“Is there something wrong with my eyes? - Olya’s mother tries to joke. “What does a teacher need to do to receive a gift of almost 13 thousand?”

“Actually, these are gifts for three holidays,” the parent committee answers. - What do you think we should give, by the way, to your class too? Certificate for a thousand? Well, that’s a shame!”
There is an unimaginable noise in the office. “Heavy Artillery” - the parent committee - stands its ground: “the gift must be decent, it is not appropriate to give even a gold ring, because for such a ridiculous amount it will obviously not be with diamonds and will be as thin in weight as a wire.” Another part of the parents does not concede: “What are you talking about! This is a teacher! Like a man of the brightest and most respected profession! And besides, she actually receives money for her work.” It was decided to collect five thousand for a gift in honor of graduating from elementary school and a little less for a luxurious bouquet. Parental committee I was dissatisfied: I wanted the gift to be 15 thousand...

The teacher returned to the class and said: there are initially five excellent students in the class, twelve percent are studying at “4” and “5”, several people are at risk of earning deuces in one or even several subjects. If parents are interested in the specific progress of their children, please stay after the meeting. Or come tomorrow, before or after school.

After the meeting

The result of the meeting between parents and teachers was the following fact: five students are not going to graduation. Ten schoolchildren refuse to buy video and photographic materials. Three are categorically against paying one hundred rubles for a concert of a “star” invited to the school. And one mother called the district education department with the question: “How to deal with school fees?” To which I received the answer: “Are they extorting money from you? Are they just extorting, demanding? Really “shaking”? Or are they simply asking for help? In the first case, your path lies with the prosecutor's office. In the second - well, you have to understand the lack of funding, we are probably talking about voluntary assistance to the school, where everything is done for the benefit of your child.”

Obviously, there is a second option. Does this change anything?