Interaction of the speech therapist with the family of the child onr. Cooperation between a speech therapist and parents in a senior speech therapy group for children with disabilities

The success of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy group is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the essence of which is to integrate speech therapy into educational educational process life activity of children. Natural way implementation of successful correctional work– this is the relationship, interaction between the speech therapist and teachers



Organization of correctional educational process in a speech therapy group.

Interaction in the work of a speech therapist and a teacher.

1 Principles and objectives of building a correctional educational process.

The success of correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group is determined by a strict, well-thought-out system, the essence of which is the integration of speech therapy into the educational process of children’s life.

The natural way to implement speech therapy is the relationship, interaction of the speech therapist and educators (for different functional tasks and methods of correctional work, which we will talk about later).

The pedagogical process in a speech therapy group is organized in accordance with age needs, functional and individual characteristics, depending on the structure and severity of the defect.

Final goal correctional group: raising a humane personality, a comprehensive and harmoniously happy child; social adaptation and integration of the child into the environment of normally developing peers.

Work in a speech therapy group is structured taking into account age, the profile of the group and individual manifestations of a speech defect (from the Regulations - the principle of age and differential by diagnosis)

When working with children with speech impairment, the main tasks are:

Arrangement and consolidation of sounds in speech, and, if necessary, differentiation based on similar characteristics.

Development of phonemic processes and skills of full sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

When working with children with special needs, tasks:

Development of lexical and grammatical means of speech.

Formation of correct sound pronunciation.

Development of phonemic processes and sound-letter analysis skills.

Development of coherent speech in accordance with age standards.

Preparing for literacy.

2. Functions of a speech therapist and educator in the process of work.

What are the functions of a speech therapist and educators in the process of working on lexical topics:

The work of a teacher and speech therapist when correcting sound pronunciation

3\ development fine motor skills(lace, mosaic, weaving, etc.)

4\ development of graphic skills (outlining, shading)

5\ formation spatial representations(right, left, narrow - wide.....)

6\ work on correcting lexical and grammatical categories.

At the end school year speech therapist conducts final lesson. Teacher - final complex lesson with the invitation of parents, administration, colleagues, teachers of speech therapy groups or the head of the Moscow Region.

Memorizing a poem


1\ preliminary vocabulary work (as in a mass group);

2\ the teacher reads by heart with clarity;

3\ conversation;

4\ reading a poem;

5\ memorization by quatrain and by line;

For the holidays, they work on all speech material together with a speech therapist. There shouldn't be no correct speech!

In the preparatory speech therapy group, classes are held to prepare children for writing, one lesson per week (from October to April inclusive, 30 lessons)

Each lesson includes:

Writing of certain elements;

Visual or auditory dictation;

Sketching borders, alternating with sketching or tracing followed by shading of patterns included in the auditory or visual dictation.

In 30 lessons, 6 elements are mastered, 20 visual and 5 auditory dictations are conducted.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Relevance Family – immediate and permanent social environment child and its influence on his development, on the formation of personality is great. A home raising a child with a speech disorder requires special attention and protection. Such families need the help of specialists in the education, training, and development of children with speech disorders. In this regard, it becomes relevant: 1. interaction between a speech therapist and parents in order to improve their psychological and pedagogical culture 2. improving the results of work on the development and correction of children’s speech. No educational system can be fully effective if the family is not involved in it. The conscious inclusion of parents in the correctional process together with the speech therapist and teacher can significantly increase the efficiency of work. Creation single space speech development child is impossible if the efforts of teachers and parents are carried out independently of each other, and both parties remain in the dark about their plans and intentions. IN kindergarten the child receives individual speech therapy assistance, so its effectiveness depends, among other things, on the degree of interest and participation of parents in speech correction. Firstly, parental opinion is the most authoritative for the child, and secondly, parents have the opportunity to daily consolidate the skills they are developing in the process of everyday direct communication (on walks, excursions, while visiting the theater, caring for plants and animals, helping adults at home and in the country). .

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Tasks of the speech therapist’s work in interacting with parents: Establish partnerships with the family of each student; Join efforts for the development and education of children; Create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support; Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents, maintain their confidence in their own teaching capabilities.

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The tasks of parents in correctional work with their children: Creating conditions in the family that are favorable for the general and speech development of children; Carrying out targeted and systematic work on the general speech development of children and the need to correct deficiencies in this development according to the recommendations of specialists.

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Work with parents includes: Forms of work - verbal, visual and practical. Verbal forms of work: Conversations. Their goal is to provide parents with timely assistance on issues of speech development and correction. During such conversations, instructions are given for the conscious inclusion of parents in the correction process. Consultations (general and individual) - every parent should know as much as possible about speech disorder your child and receive the necessary recommendations on how to work with him at home. By involving parents in discussing various problems, the speech therapist tries to make them want to cooperate. Sample Topics consultations: “Nurturing children’s independence”, “Readiness for school”, “Do parents need to teach children to read”, “If your child stutters”, “Readiness of the hand to write”, “Teaching a left-handed child”, etc. Conferences, dialogues for “round table” with the invitation of specialists (psychologist, health worker, etc.). Questionnaires on various types of activities, on issues of moral and physical education, to identify the attitude of parents towards their child’s speech defects. Analysis of the answers makes it possible to properly plan work with parents and outline topics for individual conversations. Parent meetings - here the foundations of cooperation and interaction are laid, friendly and partnership relations are formed, opinions are exchanged, and problems that arise in the process of raising and developing a child are resolved. These meetings can be held in the form of a classic meeting, but they can also be in the form of trainings, conferences, or role-playing games.

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Collective forms of work: Group parent meetings - held 2-3 times a year: at the beginning, middle and end of the school year. They help unite parents, direct them to help their group, and actively participate in the process of raising children. It is important for a speech therapist to organize consultations and seminars so that they are not formal, but, if possible, involve parents in solving problems and develop the spirit of fruitful cooperation, since modern parent will not want to listen to long and edifying reports from the teacher. Consultations must be extremely clear and contain only necessary for parents specific material and is carried out not for show, but for the benefit of the cause. Frontal open classes - it is useful to combine a class with a meeting, then parents are more interested in attending them (this applies to the second and third parent meetings). Speech holidays. "Open Days".

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Visual forms of work: Speech corner - it reflects the topic of the lesson. The “Homework” section gives parents practical advice on developing various speech skills, such as articulation; to identify the level of development of some components of a child’s speech, for example: how to check the level of development of phonemic hearing in a child; how to practice at home lexical topic, introduces games, game exercises and tasks to consolidate various speech skills. Information stands, screens, mobile folders - are material that is replaced 2-3 times a year with practical advice and recommendations. Folders can be either group or individual. Materials selected taking into account individual characteristics specific child, with practical recommendations in the family, allowing parents to develop an individual approach to their child and build a deeper relationship with him. Sound pronunciation screen – shows the number of impaired sounds in children and the dynamics of sound pronunciation correction. Parents see how the sound correction process is progressing (this is indicated by colored symbols). They can clearly see which sounds are still being automated and which ones have been introduced into speech.

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Practical forms of work: Open classes Workshop classes - adults who cannot work with children at home due to a lack of skills in organizing the child’s behavior or low pedagogical literacy come to watch individual speech therapist classes. The main attention of parents is drawn to the need to combine speech exercises with tasks for the development of mental processes. Adults learn practical techniques for working with children. The main form of interaction with parents for a speech therapist is a homework notebook. It serves as a “helpline” for us - an adult can write in it any question or doubt regarding the quality of the child’s assignments. He marks the numbers of completed tasks with a circle, and the numbers of uncompleted ones with a minus. The notebook is filled out by a speech therapist two to three times a week, so that classes in the family are carried out systematically and not to the detriment of the child’s health. Depending on the severity of the speech disorder, tasks in the notebook are given not only on sound pronunciation, but also on the formation of vocabulary, grammatical skills and skills for the development of attention and memory.

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“Why are classes with a speech therapist needed?” Parents do not always hear all the defects in their child’s speech. Correct speech makes it easier for a child to achieve success in society. If you do not correct your pronunciation before school, then later, it is very difficult to do this, as it will become a habit. If the child mixes sounds in pronunciation, then he will write the same way, because first he pronounces what he is going to write. Parents often believe that bad speech will go away on its own. Unfortunately, this is not always the case!

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Questionnaire for parents. Dear parents! Your child has been admitted to a speech therapy group. In order to more effectively help your child and cooperate with you on issues of raising and educating children, we ask you to answer the following questions: 1. Do YOU ​​read books to your child? ___________________________________ 2. Before entering the speech therapy group, did you pay attention to the child’s speech difficulties? development?______________________________________________________________ 3. Have you previously applied for speech therapy assistance? If yes, then the effectiveness of the classes.________________________________________ 4. Does your home library have special literature on speech development?_________________________________________________ 5. Are you interested in working together with a speech therapist?________________________________________ 6. Does your child notice difficulties in speech development, if so, then How does he react to this?_________________________________________________ 7. Are you ready to take part in joint activities with children? ____________________________________________________________ 8. What forms of work with families do you consider the most effective? a) parent meetings; b) attending classes; V) joint activities and holidays; d) individual conversations and consultations; d) newspaper; g) speech therapy game library; h) your suggestions_________________________________________________________ 9. What forms of work would you like to take part in?_______________________________________________ 10. Who, in your opinion, plays the leading role in raising children?______________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Who in your family is involved in raising a child?________________________________________________ 12. From what sources do YOU do you gain knowledge about raising a child? a) listen to radio and television programs; b) attend lectures for parents; c) from life experience; d) you educate without special knowledge, by intuition; e) read specialized literature; d) consult with the teacher; g) consult with your parents; h) consult with your friends. 13. What difficulties do you face in raising your child? a) child’s disobedience; b) lack of pedagogical knowledge; c) the child grows up nervous; d) the child is restless, inattentive; g) there are no difficulties; h) other_______________________________________

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Consultation for parents topic: “Speech alphabet for parents” Articulation gymnastics - gymnastics for the lips, tongue, lower jaw. Fast speech unacceptable in conversation with a child. Speak clearly, clearly, correctly. Don't let your child talk quickly. Always tell your child what you see. Remember that if everything around you is familiar and familiar, then your child needs to be introduced to everything that surrounds us. Main components beautiful speech: correctness, clarity, intelligibility, moderate tempo and volume, rich vocabulary, intonation expressiveness. Gestures complement our speech. But if your baby uses gestures instead of speech, do not try to understand his speech without words. Pretend you don't understand what he wants. Encourage him to express his request in words. The longer you understand your child’s sign language, the longer he will remain silent. The “golden mean” is what we should strive for in the development of a child, i.e. to normal. Don't overload him with information, don't speed up his development. Illustrations in children's books that are appropriate for the child's age are an excellent aid for speech development. Look at the illustrations with him, talk about what (who) is depicted on them; encourage your child to answer the questions: Who? What? Where? What is he doing?

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Consultation for parents topic: “Development of the articulatory apparatus” Correct pronunciation of sounds is ensured thanks to the good mobility of the organs of articulation, which include the tongue, lips, lower jaw, and soft palate. Work on the development of the basic movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is carried out in the form of articulatory gymnastics. The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. Articulation gymnastics must be performed daily so that the skills developed in children are consolidated.

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Articulation gymnastics “WINDOW” - open (close) your mouth wide - 10 times. “INFLATE TWO BALLOONS” - ​​inflate your cheeks and hold air in them. Then move the air from one cheek to the other 10 times. “SWING” - mouth open. With a tense tongue, reach to the nose, then to the chin - 10 times. “PENDULUM” - the mouth is open, with the tip of the tongue reaching towards the left (right) ear - 10 times. “SMILE - KISS” - holding your lips in a smile (stretch your lips very much). The teeth are not visible. Then extend your closed lips forward with a long tube. Alternate imitation of these actions 10 times. “MAYAR” - mouth open. Using the wide tip of the tongue, like a brush, we move from the upper teeth to the soft palate and return back, without stopping, for 30-60 seconds. “HORSE” - click your tongue - 30-60 seconds. “MUSHROOM” - “suck your tongue”, as before a click. Hold with your mouth as open as possible for 30-60 seconds. "SPATULA". The mouth is open, a wide, relaxed tongue lies on the lower lip - 30-60 seconds. “Naughty tongue” - spank the wide flat tip of the tongue with your lips, saying “five-five-five...”. Repeat 4-5 times.

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Consultation for parents topic: “Fingers help speak” A favorable period for the development of a child’s speech is preschool age. It is at this age that it is important to develop fine motor skills. It has been proven that the development of the hand is closely related to the development of speech and thinking. There are “active points” on the fingers and palms, massage of which has a positive effect on the child’s well-being and improves brain function in general. Work on developing fine motor skills should begin long before the child enters school. To develop fine motor skills of the hands, preschool children can be offered: Tools for the development of fine motor skills: Plasticine. Cereals, beads, buttons. Sand. Natural material. Threads, braid, ropes, laces, fabrics. Pencils, counting sticks. Paper. Dolls. Water. Finger games should not be long; five minutes a day is enough to stimulate the child’s speech function

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Games for developing fine motor skills Games with plasticine Plasticine provides unique opportunities to conduct Interesting games with benefit for general development child. Show your baby all the wonders of the plasticine world, get him interested, and you will be surprised how quickly children's fingers will begin to create, first clumsy, and then more and more complex figures. What do we do with plasticine? -Mine and pinch off. -Press and smear. -Roll into balls, roll out sausages. -Cut into pieces. -Making pictures. Games with paper Paper can be wrinkled, folded, torn, cut with scissors. These games and exercises will help your child learn how plain paper turns into beautiful appliqués and fun three-dimensional toys. The development of precise movements and memory is helped by weaving rugs from paper strips and practicing the origami technique: folding boats, airplanes, flowers, animals and other figures.

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Games to develop fine motor skills for children Games with buttons - Fill a spacious box with buttons. - Put your hands in the box. - Move your palms over the surface. -Rub the buttons between your palms. - Pour them from palm to palm. - Find the largest button, the smallest, square, smooth. - Assemble a letter or any pattern from buttons according to the pattern. - Pull the lace through the holes in the button. - Decorate the Christmas tree. Games with cereals, beads Games with dolls To develop fine motor skills, dolls are used that correspond to the child’s capabilities and develop them. There are different types of dolls: parsley dolls, knitted finger puppets, soft movable “mitten dolls”, combined dolls, “I-dolls”, marionette dolls. Games with natural material Drawing Drawing is an activity that is loved by all children and is very useful. And it is not necessary to draw only with a pencil or brush on paper or cardboard. You can draw on snow and sand, on a foggy window and asphalt. It is useful to draw with your finger, palm, stick, or make prints with a piece of cotton wool or crumpled paper.

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Advice from a speech therapist on speech development 1. Do not try to speed up the child’s natural speech development. Don't overload it speech classes. Games, exercises, speech material must be age appropriate. 2. Do not imitate children’s speech, do not abuse diminutive suffixes - all this inhibits speech development. 3. Correct the child’s speech deficiencies in a timely manner, trying to point out inaccuracies and errors found in his speech, be careful, do not laugh at the baby under any circumstances, the best thing is to tactfully correct this or that word if the child is in a hurry to express his thoughts or speak quietly , remind him: “You need to speak clearly, clearly, and slowly.” 4. Do not leave your child’s questions unanswered. And don’t forget to check: “Does he understand your answer?” If there is a tape recorder in the house, record the child’s speech. Such recordings will not only help in working on speech, but over time will a good gift for a son or daughter. 5. Read works to your child as much as possible fiction! The characters of the heroes must be drawn with facial expressions, voice, and plasticity.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The problem of the collaboration between kindergarten and family is not new; today it is creative in nature thanks to a differentiated approach.

The best results in the full speech development of preschool children are observed where the teacher and parents act in concert.

An integrated approach to overcoming a speech defect involves the active participation of parents, who are able to consolidate all the knowledge, speech skills, and abilities of children acquired during classes with a speech therapist and educators in everyday life (on walks, excursions, while visiting the theater, caring for plants and animals, helping adults at home and in the country).

The problems of a family with a child with speech development disorders are highlighted in the works of T.G. Bogdanova, V.A. Vishnevsky, B.A. Voskresensky, T.A. Dobrovolskoy, A.I. Zakharova, I.Yu. Levchenko, E.M. Mastyukova, A.R. Sharipova, A.G. Moscow. The involvement of parents in the orbit of pedagogical activity, their interested participation in the correctional pedagogical process is important for the development of their own children. The problems of special assistance for families raising a child with speech disorders have not yet found wide coverage in the scientific literature. Among domestic authors, the leading place in the development of this problem belongs to N.I. Belopolskaya and V.V. Tkacheva, who determined the fundamental approaches to the organization and content of joint work between teachers and parents.

The relevance of the problem of family education of children with speech disorders lies, in our opinion, in the difference in the position of teachers and parents. The latter are often excluded from the work of correcting speech deficiencies in children, not possessing the necessary pedagogical knowledge and skills. They often believe that everything will be done in kindergarten, and it is difficult for them to find free time to study with their children at home.

The conscious inclusion of parents in the correctional process together with the speech therapist and teacher can significantly increase the efficiency of work. Creating a unified space for a child’s speech development is impossible if the efforts of teachers and parents are carried out independently of each other, and both parties remain in the dark about their plans and intentions.

The main areas of joint activity of a speech therapist, teacher and parents include:

– formation of a motivated attitude of parents towards correctional classes preschoolers with speech impairments;
– development and testing of various content and structural options for interaction between the family, speech therapist, and teacher as a way to increase the effectiveness of the correctional and educational potential of the educational process;
– establishing partnerships with the family of each student;
– combining the efforts of teachers and parents for the development and education of children;
– creating an atmosphere of community, emotional mutual support and mutual insight into each other’s problems;
– increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the processes of speech development of the child;
– assisting parents in performing educational and correctional functions, supporting their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities;
– training parents in specific techniques speech therapy work.

Thus, the modernization of Russian education actualizes the problems of preschool educational institutions, families, and society. The cooperation of the family, speech therapist, and educator is becoming more and more in demand. Teachers are looking for new forms of working with parents. All this is the basis for family education of children with speech disorders.

The concept of developing interactions between kindergarten and family, where each not only contributes to the development of the other, but also finds conditions for their own personal development, easily forms the basis of work with parents.

Interaction with parents in our preschool institution is based on a certain system, which includes:

group parent meetings– help to unite parents, direct them to help the kindergarten, their group, and actively participate in the process of raising children;
consultations, seminars– we try to conduct them in such a way that, whenever possible, they involve parents in solving problems. To ensure that parents understand all the information offered, they are offered various reminders that reflect the key points of the consultations.

For some consultations, games and exercises are selected specifically on the topic, and exhibitions of manuals are organized. For example, from the materials of the exhibition “How fingers helped the tongue” with a demonstration of exhibits that were made by children with their parents, you can study how parents used information on the topic “Development of fine motor skills.”

– Parents attend open classes with great interest. We try to conduct integrated classes where parents can see different types of correctional work, enjoy their child’s achievements, and pay attention to problems in their children’s knowledge. After such classes, parents’ activity in interaction with group teachers increases.
– Information exhibitions in the group and in the corner for parents in the speech therapist’s office. Visual information for parents is presented in the form of various folding folders, thematic folders, inserts with recommendations for familiarization at home and consolidation of the received data, for example, games and exercises on speech development for children of senior preschool age; lists of literature recommended for preschoolers to read are posted.

From time to time, we prepare price lists for information that help guide parents in the wide variety of educational games, toys, and literature that fill the market. The text is compiled by the group’s teachers, taking into account the need and usefulness for the child. Indicating store addresses and prices will save parents time, which they can successfully use to communicate with their child.

Individual work allows you to establish closer contact with parents. Questionnaires play a significant role in the joint work of teachers and families: “Identification of parents’ ideas about the degree of emotional well-being of a child in a kindergarten group”, “Is your child ready for school”, “Formation of speech culture in the family”, questionnaire “Information about the child” " Reminders: “Prevention of influenza and ARVI”, “Feed the birds in winter!” (All-Russian environmental and cultural action), “Every parent is a role model” (memo for parents on raising a competent pedestrian), “Take care of our Christmas tree!”

We pay great attention to individual conversations with parents, during which we try to establish emotional control, trusting relationships, and convey an understanding of the importance and necessity of assisting the educator or speech therapist in achieving the results of correctional work.

A very effective form of interaction is the joint activity of parents and children, stimulating the speech and cognitive activity of pupils. Thus, during Book Week, parents helped children design and compose a homemade book. Then the group organized an exhibition of these creative works. Teachers and children from other groups were invited to the exhibition, and parents were invited in the evening. The children were happy to demonstrate their work and tell stories - “read” books. The kids really like “homemade letters”, which are done together with teachers and parents. Teachers prepare stencils of the first letters of the child’s name, parents design them in the form of an applique using plasticine, buttons, cereals, and beads.

Involving parents in the correctional process helps to increase their level of self-awareness and interest, which they acquire through the work of the teaching staff of the speech therapy group. The partnership of teachers and parents in creating a single correctional and developmental space ensures the child’s successful socialization in kindergarten among peers, and subsequently implies easy adaptation to the school environment and the surrounding life of adults.


  1. Bachina, O.V., Samorodova L.N. Interaction between a speech therapist and the family of a child with speech impairments. M.: TC Sfera, 2009. – 64 p.
  2. Perchatkina, E. V. Cooperation between speech therapist and parents.// Preschool education, 1998, №11.
  3. Stepanova, O. L. Organization of speech therapy work in preschool educational institutions / O. L. Stepanova, - M., 2007.
  4. Shchedrova, E.A. Interaction between a speech therapist and family on speech development. // Preschool education 2000. No. 6.
  5. Karpova, S.I., Mamaeva V.V., Nikitina A.V. Interaction in the work of speech group specialists. Speech therapist in kindergarten, 2007, No. 9.

Working on the problem of organizing the work of a speech therapist with a family, you come to the conclusion that interaction with a child’s family is one of the difficult aspects of a speech therapist’s work. Often teachers experience difficulties in establishing contact with parents of students. In modern educational conditions, as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, parents are direct full participants in the educational process. And the task of teachers is to create such conditions, use such methods and forms of work so that the inclusion of the family becomes the most effective, productive and beneficial in achieving common goals.

Traditional forms of working with parents (conversations, consultations, parent-teacher meetings) did not allow them to become full participants in the educational process. As a rule, they acted as passive observers or listeners. Such forms of interaction did not allow taking into account the characteristics of the child and family. Parents could not influence the correction process. In turn, the specialist could not attract parents to his side as direct assistants.

Performed analysis traditional forms The work of a speech therapist with a family in kindergarten showed that:
- work with parents was not carried out in a differentiated manner, the characteristics of the child and family were not taken into account;
- parents could not influence the pedagogical process. They were involved only in the implementation of organizational issues.

Traditional forms, when executed well, undoubtedly achieve their goal. Many of them are useful, interesting and necessary, as they were aimed at interacting with a wide range of parents, with the entire parent group of the group.

In modern conditions, more relevant are forms of work that provide solutions to the problem of each child and family individually.

That is why active interaction between specialists and parents is currently in demand, which would improve the pedagogical culture of parents and develop in them the necessary pedagogical skills.

One of the most important areas of correctional work with preschoolers is the correction of speech disorders, prevention speech disorders, early diagnosis, preparing children with speech disorders for schooling. Many years of experience show that the success of correctional education is largely determined by how clearly continuity is organized in the work of the speech therapist and parents. No educational system can be fully effective if the family is not involved in it. Parents are often not competent in matters of mental and speech development of children. In order for the cooperation between the speech therapist and the family to be most effective, it is necessary to clearly define the tasks of speech therapy work. It is important for a speech therapist to involve parents in correctional work and familiarize them with the methods of teaching and developing speech. To help parents see the child’s current problem, or, conversely, to convince them of the child’s success in mastering certain knowledge and skills. Convince parents that it is necessary to consolidate the studied material at home.

Organization of work with families in preschool educational institutions is carried out in the following directions:

- acquaintance with the primary, intermediate results of psychological, pedagogical, speech therapy examination;
- acquaintance with age characteristics mental development, stages of development of children's speech;
- acquaintance with methods and techniques of correctional and developmental influence.

- involving parents in active participation in the correctional process to overcome the child’s speech defect;
- training parents in methods of correctional and developmental work with a child;
- formation of parents’ ideas about readiness for school.

Organization of interaction between a speech therapist and parents of students

When building effective interaction There are some important points to consider with parents:

1 . Creating an objective positive image of the child among parents. A speech therapist teacher should never make complaints to parents about a child. Even if a child cannot cope with something, or experiences certain difficulties in learning, the teacher’s task is to find something positive that the child has, which he can cope well with, and based on this, solve certain problems. In a conversation with a teacher, a parent should not feel that his child is worse than other children. A teacher should never compare one child with another. But at the same time, the speech therapist should not hush up and hide from parents important information about certain problems associated with their child. Parents must be fully informed about the child’s development, and the speech therapist’s task is to find such an approach to each parent and convey this information to parents so that it is not perceived negatively.

2. Transferring to parents knowledge about the child, about his life in the preschool educational institution. The speech therapist must systematically provide parents with information about the successes of learning and the difficulties of their child’s development in the speech therapy group, the peculiarities of his communication with other children, and introduce him to the results of correctional activities.

3. Establishing trust. We can talk about establishing positive interaction if parents begin to trust the teacher with their problems and difficulties in raising and educating their child. At this stage, the active role belongs to the parents, the speech therapist only supports the dialogue. Without giving your assessments. It must be remembered that information received from parents is strictly confidential and can only be used to organize positive interactions.

4. Collaboration on the formation and development of a child’s personality. Only at this stage can a teacher who has won the trust of parents give advice and recommendations to parents.

Modern forms interaction between a speech therapist and a family in a preschool educational institution.

Parent meetings. This type of interaction remains relevant today. Parents are offered various topics for meetings: “Results of a survey of children’s speech at the beginning of the school year”, “Introducing parents to the tasks and content of correctional work”, “Joint work of kindergarten and parents to prepare a child for school”, “Development of fine motor skills and preparation hands to the letter”, “Results of correctional work for the year”. Parent meetings can be organized, for example, in the form of a “round table” or a “speech therapy lounge”. The most important thing is to create a trusting and positive atmosphere so that every parent can feel comfortable.

Maintaining homework notebooks for joint activities. This type of interaction is also very valuable for a specialist because here one can monitor the effectiveness of organizing the interaction of all participants in the educational process. The homework notebook is a connecting link in the “speech therapist-child-parent” system. The speech therapist provides parents with the opportunity to monitor the dynamics of the child’s learning and organize their participation in the implementation of homework. This type of work is the most optimal way to individually interact with parents. The parent becomes a full participant in the correction process. Helps the child in completing certain tasks, knows what stage of learning his child is at, knows what the child can’t do, and what the child can do well. In turn, the speech therapist has the opportunity to assess the degree of participation and desire of parents to participate in the correction process by the quality of homework performed. By giving each child his own individual task, the speech therapist has the opportunity to fully implement an individual approach. Maintaining home notebooks directly affects the performance of the speech therapist.

Organization of parent community in social network"In contact with". This type of interaction has become the most relevant and popular lately. Universal accessibility to Internet resources allows the speech therapist to maintain contact with the parents of students, albeit at a distance, and parents, in turn, can keep up to date with the news, share information with each other about the educational process, even with limited time and the impossibility of direct participation in the life of a child in a preschool educational institution.

Club for parents "Speech therapy lounge" This form of interaction allows us to solve many problems. Parents take an active part in planning and organizing the work of the club. Current issues are put on the agenda, and ways to solve problems are considered. Parents conduct training games and master classes for other parents. In this way, they can fully realize themselves as full participants in the educational process.

Testing and questionnaires. Firstly, it allows you to identify the most actual problems for parents. Secondly, they allow the speech therapist to organize his work more effectively, in accordance with the needs of parents.

Home game library. This section introduces parents to simple, but very interesting, and most importantly useful games for children, it includes a description of games that promote the development of a child’s speech, which parents could play with their child at any time convenient for them: “In the kitchen”, “On the way to kindergarten”, “In a free moment”.

A collection of methodological recommendations. Has proven herself well in the organization homework parents in compensatory groups. Every week, new information is added to the collection, recommended tasks for parents, poems, riddles to consolidate those skills that children have mastered over a certain period of time. This allows parents to see what the child has learned this week and continue working at home to consolidate these skills.

Open days. Parents attend individual and subgroup classes, watch how the children are doing, what they need to reinforce at home, what else needs to be worked on. Often the speech therapist himself invites parents to such classes.

Seminars - workshops. At such events, parents have the opportunity to get new, useful information. They also have the opportunity to practice performing certain tasks under the strict guidance of a speech therapist. For example, in performing articulatory gymnastics, breathing exercises, finger gymnastics, try out some of the types of aids that the speech therapist uses in classes. As a rule, such workshops have very positive reviews from parents; they bring them closer to teachers and allow them to better understand the specifics of the work.

Master classes. Allow parents to learn new things. He becomes one step closer to a specialist and becomes a bit of a teacher himself in working with his child.

Holidays, entertainment, speech therapy KVNs, quizzes. Parents are invited to participate. At the end of the year or during the year, parents are invited to these holidays, where children demonstrate all their knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the year. What is important is that parents also become active participants in these events.

Joint projects. They allow all participants in the educational process to express themselves in a new way, to discover new opportunities for the implementation of their skills. Projects allow you to diversify and enrich the educational process, making it more interesting. Parents, children and, of course, specialists actively participate in the projects. For example, parents, together with their children, actively participate in creating books of fairy tales about a funny tongue, creating illustrations for folding books, etc.

Speech therapy page on the website of a preschool educational institution or the personal website of a speech therapist. On the website of the preschool educational institution or on his personal website, the specialist posts various information relevant to parents: consultations on topics of interest, video and photo reports on ongoing projects and open events and classes, intermediate and final results of speech therapy examinations, videos of training master classes, etc. d. The availability of this information allows you to interact with parents more effectively. The use of this resource increases the competence, education and awareness of parents.

Mailbox “Ask a question to an expert.” This form of work allows the speech therapist to carry out feedback with parents. A parent has the opportunity to anonymously ask a specialist a question and receive an answer without meeting him in person. Such mailboxes are installed on each group. This type of interaction is necessary for very busy parents who do not have the opportunity to personally meet with a speech therapist, as well as for parents who, due to various reasons afraid or embarrassed to ask this or that question.

Visual aids are widely used when working with parents:
- special speech therapy corners “Speaking correctly” “Advice from a speech therapist”;
- information stands;
- thematic exhibitions of books;
- manuals, memos, samples of completed tasks.

The advantages of new forms and methods of interaction between teachers and parents are undeniable and numerous.

Firstly, this is a positive emotional attitude of teachers and parents to work together to raise and educate children. Parents are always confident that teachers will always help in solving pedagogical problems and at the same time will not harm. Since they will take into account the opinion of the family and suggestions for interaction with the child. Teachers, in turn, gain understanding from parents in solving problems. And the biggest winners are the children for whose sake this interaction is carried out.

Secondly, This is taking into account the child's individuality. The teacher constantly maintains contact with the family, knows the characteristics of each child and takes them into account when working, which, in turn, leads to increased efficiency of the teaching process.

Third, this is the strengthening of family ties, which, unfortunately, is also a problematic issue in pedagogy and psychology today.

Fourth, this is an opportunity to implement a unified program for the upbringing and development of a child in a preschool educational institution and in the family.

When implementing new types of interaction with families, it is possible to avoid those disadvantages that are inherent in old forms of working with families. Analyzing the results of your work pleases both children and, of course, their parents. They themselves begin to take an interest in the success of their children, offer help, control and focus on beautiful, correct speech.

These forms of work make it possible to involve parents in active participation in the correctional process, imply the establishment of trusting partnerships between teachers and parents, and awareness by parents of their role in the education and upbringing of the child. As a result, the main goal of this interaction is achieved - to provide the most favorable conditions for full and comprehensive development child.

Interaction between a speech therapist and a family in the process of correctional work with speech-language pathologist children.

Speech is one of the most powerful factors and stimuli for a child’s development. This is due to the exceptional role it plays in human life. Speech goes through certain stages in its development. At each stage, the elements of the speech system are formed in a certain pattern. However, if these patterns are violated, speech system the child is formed inconsistently, and, as a result, in the eldest to school age leads to speech pathology, which can only be corrected by a speech specialist, relying on the help and support of parents.

The family is the first social community that lays the foundations for a child’s personal qualities. In the family he acquires initial communication experience. Here he develops a feeling of trust in the world around him, in close people, and on this basis curiosity, inquisitiveness, cognitive and verbal activity and many other personal qualities appear. All this must be taken into account when planning work with your family.

Working with parents for a speech therapist is one of the the most important aspects his professional activity. The main direction in correctional work with preschoolers is the correction of speech disorders, the prevention of speech disorders, early diagnosis, and the preparation of speech pathologists for school education. After all, his further education depends on how prepared the child comes to first grade. Child with developed speech adapts more easily to new conditions and gets involved in the learning process, and quickly masters reading and writing.

According to G.V. Chirkina: “Parents should know that in the vast majority of cases with timely medical and speech therapy assistance is possible create all the necessary conditions for a full-fledged physical and mental development of the child. Wherein many domestic and foreign specialists noted as one of the most important factors determining final positive effect corrections, participation parents and their style of behavior in far from simple life situation. It is necessary to learn to find a certain balance between parental love and warmth, so necessary for the child with developmental characteristics, and firmness and tactful, but constant control over the systematic implementation of special speech therapy exercises to acquire correct speech skills. It is also very important emotional support for children, as this violation significantly limits opportunities to communicate with others, especially in the early stages of correction.”

Various sources describe working with parents, but more and more often recently authors refer to the term “cooperation”, for example, E. Perchatkina. Preschool education, 2008, No. 10, pp. 102-108. Correcting the speech of children with speech defects will occur effectively if a speech therapist begins to educate and train their close adults. The speech therapist needs to make them want to cooperate and take an active part in the correctional pedagogical process.

Only with close cooperation between a speech therapist and parents can a positive and stable result in correcting children’s speech be achieved.

It is necessary to explain to parents that speech and intelligence are closely interrelated: language is a tool of thinking and cognition, and speech is a way of formulating thoughts through language. Improved speech means the level of development of thinking increases.

Speech defects have an inhibitory effect on the development of speech itself, and on the development of the child’s thinking, on his preparation for mastering literacy. Incorrect pronunciation brings children a lot of grief and difficulties: they are embarrassed by their speech, feel insecure, become shy, withdrawn, have difficulty communicating with others, and suffer ridicule painfully. If in preschool age a child has not developed correct sound pronunciation and intelligibility of speech (not to mention the correction of such complex speech defects as dysarthria, general underdevelopment speech, alalia, etc.), then at school age the difficulties will increase significantly: the child will become complex when answering the teacher and when communicating with peers, will cope poorly with the sound analysis of words, write as he speaks, and experience difficulties when reading. Attention and memory will begin to suffer, behavioral problems will appear - aggressiveness or lethargy, lethargy. Of course, this will affect the child’s interest in learning, his character, and will interfere with the learning school curriculum, will cause poor performance.

Consequently, one of the main tasks of a speech therapist is to create motivation among parents for correctional work. e with their children.

Every year in September, in groups for preschoolers with phonetic-phonemic disorders, a speech therapist conducts a speech examination, and teachers conduct a psychological and pedagogical examination of children. An announcement appears in the speech corner that over the next week, parents are invited to talk with a speech therapist at a time convenient for them. These initial conversations and meetings play a huge role in motivating parents to cooperate with the speech therapist.

The first meeting, which allows the speech therapist to establish contact with the parents, plays an important role for both parties. During this meeting, anamnesis is collected, mothers talk about their children. The speech therapist listens, takes notes, asks questions. I would like to note that parents do not always correctly imagine the level of knowledge of the child revealed during the examination. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles when communicating with parents.

At the end of September - beginning of October, a meeting of parents is held at which they are introduced to the results of the examination. The speech therapist needs to convey to parents that the contingent of preschool children with general and phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment is represented mainly by children with residual manifestations of organic damage to the central nervous system (or manifestations of perinatal encephalopathy). This causes a frequent combination of persistent speech defects with various disorders mental activity.

Successful speech therapy correction in these cases often becomes possible only if there is drug treatment. However, the use of drug treatment requires careful clinical differentiation. Therefore, a speech therapist works together with a neurologist. Those prescribed by a neurologist alone medications have a stimulating effect on brain structures, increase the mental and physical performance of the body, other drugs directly affect metabolic processes nerve cells of the brain, being essentially synthetic analogues of biologically active compounds produced in the human central nervous system. These substances activate energy metabolism in brain cells, thereby stimulating their activity. All this must be presented very tactfully, intelligibly and seriously in an individual conversation with the child’s parents.

Parents do not always positively and correctly perceive such information from a speech therapist. Therefore, consultation with a neurologist is necessary. The conversation with the parents of each child should be individual. In an individual conversation with parents, I strive not only to reveal the structure of the defect, but also to outline ways to eliminate it as quickly as possible, and this, in addition to speech therapy, includes medical correction. It is better not just to inform parents of the diagnosis and the decision of specialists, but to tell them in an accessible language about the characteristics of their child, explain how to deal with him and what to pay attention to. At the same time, the living conditions of each family, its composition and cultural level, the number of children are always taken into account, so that the advice does not turn out to be difficult for the family to implement, and the parents do not have a feeling of guilt towards the child and their own helplessness.

Thus, overcoming speech underdevelopment is a complex medical and pedagogical problem. Parents' knowledge of the basics of drug treatment for general and phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment undoubtedly helps to increase the effectiveness of speech therapy work.

The speech therapist talks about speech errors that are typical for all children and that correctional work will give positive result only if everyone - speech therapist, teachers, parents - having a common goal, will act in concert. Only the joint influence of kindergarten and family will have an impact on the child’s development, and by the end of the year he will be prepared to master the school curriculum.

Then a separate conversation is held with each person present. The child’s relatives learn about gaps in his development, receive advice and recommendations. The conversation must be conducted tactfully; her task is to help the family raise the child. How the first meetings between the speech therapist and parents proceed will determine whether their cooperation will improve in the future. It is very good if both father and mother come to a meeting or consultation.

Since November, all parents have been actively involved in joint work. Interaction with parents occurs in the process of correctional work with children and according to the plan (Appendix No. 2).

Schematically, the forms of interaction with parents can be represented as follows (Appendix No. 1).

Forms of interaction with a family raising a child with a speech disorder in the 2nd speech group of MDOU No. 2.


    Information baskets.

A successful find for coordinating the work of a speech therapist, teacher and parents were “information baskets” (Bachina O.V. “Speech therapist” No. 8, 2006), into which each parent can make suggestions and comments at a convenient time. Based on these records, the teacher or other specialists adjust their work, and the speech therapist teacher can draw conclusions about the issues that concern parents.

    Thematic exhibitions.

Special equipment is regularly prepared according to the topics, that is, an exhibition of manuals is organized. For example, for the topic “Development of fine motor skills”: beads, buttons, lace-up boots, mosaics, construction sets, wind-up toys, sticks, etc. Parents were convinced of the importance and necessity of developing fine motor skills. We talked about different types work: from finger games before the development of manual skills. Parents skillfully managed this information and regularly supplement our games with exhibits that were made by children and parents at home.

    Speech corner

At the beginning of each week, information in the speech corner is updated. Parents once again become acquainted with the material that the child must learn during theme week. Speech corner headings: “Introducing to the active dictionary”; "Teach with children"; “Lexico-grammatical games and exercises”; "Recommended for parents."

    Very often, we have to resort to the power of articles in magazines and books, which have a great influence on parents, especially if they confirm the recommendations and opinions of teachers.


    Parent meetings

I try to hold parent meetings in the speech group in an unusual form. When giving information to parents, I strive to ensure that they draw their own conclusions. We definitely carry out practical work (for example, a situation: a child finds himself at home doing articulation gymnastics. What to do?) Parents willingly express opinions, share experiences, and play out certain situations.

    Meetings with parents

    Open classes

An open frontal lesson is an exam that the speech therapist and teachers take together with the children in front of their parents. But at the same time, this is an exam for parents. The one who was a good helper to the child, who sought advice and tried to follow it, who was not an observer and judge, but an active participant in the great daily work, will be rewarded in this open lesson by seeing the success of his child.


Seminars and workshops on training parents in joint forms of activities with children have a correctional focus (this different kinds productive activity, articulatory gymnastics, development of coherent speech, formation of sound pronunciation). You can prepare “support” cards, diagrams or tables in advance. This will make it easier for parents to understand the proposed material.

“How to teach a child to retell texts”

“Games and exercises for developing fine motor skills”

“Basic techniques for correcting syllable structure at home”

“Articulation gymnastics at home”

    Round tables

Authoritative experts are invited to round tables: teachers, psychologists, doctors, and technical equipment is actively used. Such broad social contacts enrich all participants and create emotional atmosphere trust for both children and adults.

    Training games



Questioning parents can play a significant role in the joint, comprehensive work of the speech therapist and the family. Questioning involves a strictly fixed order, content and form of questions, and a clear indication of answer methods. Using a questionnaire, you can find out the composition of the family, features family education, positive experiences of parents, their difficulties, mistakes. By answering the questionnaire, parents begin to think about the problems of upbringing and the peculiarities of raising a child.



It is important for the speech therapist to structure consultations in such a way that they are not formal, but, if possible, involve parents in solving problems and develop the spirit of fruitful cooperation, since a modern parent does not want to listen to long and edifying reports from a teacher. Consultations should be extremely clear, contain only the specific material necessary for parents and be carried out not for show, but for the benefit of the matter. The most relevant topics for consultation that interested parents in our group:

-“Articulation gymnastics”
-“Development of fine motor skills”
- "Doing homework" ;
- “Development of attention and thinking”;
- “Speech games Houses";
- “How to monitor sound automation at home”;
- “How to teach a child to read”;
- “How to teach sound-letter analysis.”


Our main form of interaction with parents is the homework folder. It serves as a “helpline” for us - an adult can write in it any question or doubt regarding the quality of the child’s assignments. The notebook is filled out by a speech therapist once a week, so that classes in the family are carried out systematically and not to the detriment of the child’s health. Depending on the severity of the speech disorder, tasks in the notebook are given not only on sound pronunciation, but also on the formation of vocabulary, grammatical skills and skills for the development of attention and memory. If the task is large, it is better to give it in parts so as not to cause a negative reaction from the child towards the learning process.

    Introducing to group life

Parents are regularly involved in the life of the group. This includes celebrations, repairs, walks and excursions. Parents are frequent guests in the group and the speech therapist’s office, so all the group’s problems are visible, and the parents themselves offer ways to solve them. Thus, this year the parents developed a sketch of a speech therapy corner for individual work on sound pronunciation and sponsorship was provided for its acquisition.

    Speech development monitoring

    Daily communication


    Participation in group projects

The joint work of the group’s teachers and parents made it possible to implement the “Seasons” project within the kindergarten. Parents took an active part and, together with their children, compiled an album of their own compositions on the theme: “Autumn-Winter”.

    Production of manuals

The collection of games and aids made by parents is regularly replenished in the speech therapy room. “Nyusha”, “Cheerful Tongue”, “Zvukovichki”, “Vegetable Garden”, “Vegetables and Fruits” and many others.

    Production of a monthly thematic newspaper

    Portfolio “I speak beautifully and correctly”

A project of children's speech therapy portfolios is under development. This is a kind of stepping stone to success. The portfolio begins with photographs of articulatory movements mastered by the child in the first 3 months of being in the speech group.

Interaction between kindergarten and family is a necessary condition for the full speech development of preschool children, since best results are noted where speech therapists and parents act in concert. The concept of “interaction with the family” should not be confused with the concept of “working with parents”; although the second is an integral part of the first. Interaction implies not only the distribution of tasks between process participants to achieve a common goal. Interaction necessarily implies control, or feedback; At the same time, control should be unobtrusive and indirect.

And finally, the last thing. The problem of the collaboration between kindergarten and family is not new. But today it is creative in nature through a differentiated approach to family and children. You need to learn this...

Annex 1.

Principles according to which a speech therapist teacher should build his conversation with parents of children with speech impediments.

1. Strive to understand the parents, “see” the problem through the eyes of the interlocutor, and respond emotionally to it.

2. When listening to parents’ questions and statements, it is important to pay attention to their gestures, facial expressions, intonation, and to “catch” the subtext.

3. Know the basics of the psychology of communication in order to be able to consciously use postures, intonations of speech, and facial expressions.

4. Build communication based on dialogue and equality of partnerships.

5. Do not resort to a mentoring, edifying tone when communicating even with the most “dysfunctional” parents; give recommendations in the form of wishes.

6. Avoid an evaluative position and refrain from criticizing your interlocutor.

7. Maintain confidentiality of information.

8. Do not emphasize the characteristics of a particular child’s defect if the conversation takes place in the presence of several parents.

9. In conditions of collective communication with parents, use only positive examples from the lives of children. Negative examples should be discussed strictly individually.

10. When talking about the child’s problems and difficulties, talk with an emotionally positive attitude and respect for him.

11. Use vivid examples and convincing arguments, provide scientifically reliable information from the point of view of psychological and pedagogical literature, avoiding complex

concepts and professional terms. (The working terms of a speech therapist teacher may be incomprehensible to parents who are far from speech therapy and will create a barrier in communication.)

12. Avoid using words such as “defect”, “violation” and the like in conversation, which cause a natural reaction of protest and, as a result, a negative attitude towards the speech therapist teacher. It is better to replace them with more neutral ones: “difficulties”, “problems”, “shortcomings”.

13. Use a friendly, trusting tone that evokes the affection and sympathy of parents.

14. Observe the principles of non-directiveness, non-judgment, personality-oriented approach, and correctness.

Appendix 2.

Plan of work and interaction of a speech therapist teacher

with parents of pupils of the 2nd speech group of MDOU No. 2. for 2011-2012.








History taking


Speech therapist, parents




History taking


Speech therapist, parents



Parent meeting

Diagnostic results. Causes of speech disorders.


Speech therapist, parents, educators




Articulation gymnastics


Speech therapist, parents




Doing homework in folders

Collectively and


Speech therapist, parents



Replenishment of the information basket


Speech therapist, teachers

During a year


Newspaper release

Respectively thematic plan





Doing homework in a folder


Parents, children

During a year



MMR development


Speech therapist, parents



Manufacturing teaching aids

Carrying out articulation gymnastics.



November December


Decoration of the speech corner


speech therapist

During a year


Preparation for the matinee

New Year





Visiting the sound of R.


Speech therapist, parents



Open lesson

Sound-letter analysis of words


Parents, speech therapist, educators




The computer is the enemy?


speech therapist



Participation in a group project



Parents, speech therapist, educators

February March


Open lesson

Compiling a story based on reference pictures


Speech therapist, parents





Speech therapist, parents

As needed


Exhibition of drawings and stories.

My family


Parents, speech therapist, educators



Raising a speech-language pathologist in a family


Parents, speech therapist, educators

During a year


Training game

A child refuses to study at home - what to do?


Speech therapist, parents



Meeting with parents

The problem of the speech corner.


Parents, speech therapist, educators



Open lesson

Automation of the sound sh in speech.


Speech therapist, parents



Round table

On the issue of monitoring speech development


Parents, speech therapist, educators



Parent meeting

Summer classes


Speech therapist, parents



    Bachina O.V. Samorodova L.N. Interaction between a speech therapist and the family of a child with speech impediments. M., 2009

    Perchatkina E. Cooperation between speech therapist and parents. //Preschool education, 2008 No. 10

    Pigasova A.G. Work of a speech therapist with parents.//Defectology, 1985 No. 5

    Razumovskaya E.Yu. Interaction between a speech therapist and parents in the process of correctional work with children.//Speech therapist in kindergarten, 2005 No. 5-6

    Stepanova O.A. Organization of speech therapy work in preschool educational institutions. M., 2007

    Tyutrina G.A. Inclusion of parents in the process of supporting the speech development of children of primary school age. // Rubric, 2007 No. 6

    Chirkina G.V. The role of the family in the correction of congenital developmental disorders in children. M., 2004