Conspiracy against cystitis: texts, rules and timing of the ritual, results, possible consequences and reviews from doctors. A powerful plot against cystitis

Cystitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the bladder. The disease is complex and almost always occurs suddenly; in ancient times there was no cure for this scourge, and doctors did not yet know how to treat it, and people were forced to use spells to get rid of cystitis. These conspiracies still work today, but since the necessary drugs and the doctor himself are not always at hand, many people still use conspiracies to treat cystitis.

Conspiracy for cystitis using holy water

Stock up on some holy water; by the way, you don’t have to take a lot of it in the temple; it has an interesting property: if it is diluted with the required amount of ordinary water, then all the water will acquire the properties of holy water.

In the morning, place a glass of water on the windowsill, preferably so that the sun's light falls on the glass of water; of course, the weather is not always sunny, then it is enough for the room to be light and clean. You can also carry out this conspiracy on the street or in the yard, this is not so important, the main thing is that no one bothers you, and preferably does not see you.

“How holy water is pure, how transparent. So let the body of God’s servant (name) be clean and free from illness, from adversity and from pain. Like the sun, the light fills this holy water with light, and the Lord God fills it with power. So the servant of God (name) is filled with health and strength, freed from illness, freed from adversity and pain. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Take three sips, wash (spray) lightly your face, shoulders and chest, pour the remainder under a living (not dry) tree or flower. Carry out the ritual for several days before the onset of relief, which will soon come.

Conspiracy for cystitis on hot stones

Heat two flattened stones over a fire and place the patient on the bed on his stomach. Place a towel on the lumbar area to prevent burn, and place two heated stones on top. While they are cooling, say three times:

“Like the first stone is mighty, like he is not afraid of pain, he avoids illness.

So let the servant of God (name) be strong in health, not afraid of pain, and avoid any illness.

Like a second stone, it is strong and strong, it warms you with warmth and overcomes illness.

So the servant of God (name) will be warmed by your warmth, and his illness will be overcome.

Just as both of these stones go under the water, so the illnesses and misfortunes of the servant of God go away, pass away forever, and do not come back.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After the stones have completely cooled, throw them into any body of water, the main thing is that there is running water in it, with the words:

“As these stones go under the water, so will all the ailments from the servant of God (name) go away.”

After the first procedure, the patient feels relief, and complete relief from cystitis will not take long.

This spell can also be used to treat bedwetting, urethritis and other diseases of the bladder and kidneys.

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Hernia plot on fig

Diseases, unfortunately, are sometimes the consequence of intentional damage or a curse, and the sorcerer (performer) himself does not always suspect what the effect is...

Getting sick is always unpleasant and brings with it a series of bad events, bad mood and poor health. And everyone doesn’t want to go to the hospital to take pills, give injections, IVs, and so on. In this case, you can turn to ancient times and make a conspiracy against cystitis, which is based on magical rituals, ceremonies, and the like. This will help cope with the disease without the intervention of traditional medicine.

Such conspiracies helped our ancestors many years ago, when medicine was not so developed. Therefore, you can not doubt the reliability of conspiracies for cystitis, but feel free to take and carry out rituals that certainly will not harm your health.

Cystitis: description and symptoms of the disease

A common female disease (but this does not mean that it occurs only in them; this disease can also occur in males and children) disease, which often occurs with inflammation of the urethra. Doctors identify two main causes of cystitis: the first is bacteria that enter the urethra. The most common of these is E. coli. The second reason is the appearance of inflammation of the urethra after sexual intercourse. And in this case, symptoms appear after 12 hours. So what symptoms portend cystitis?

  1. Frequent, copious urination, which is accompanied by pain. Painful sensations are felt in the form of a burning sensation.
  2. Pay attention to the type of urine. If it has a pungent, nasty smell, is cloudy and has a pink tint (contains blood), then do not hesitate and take some action, because these are sure signs of cystitis.
  3. Also pay attention to your condition. The presence of fatigue for no apparent reason, and a feeling of pain in the lumbar region also portend this disease.
  4. Please note that in older people and children the symptoms differ from those listed above. And they do not manifest themselves in this form; the disease at such ages can be indicated by the presence of fever, nausea and the appearance of pain in the abdominal area.

How to carry out a conspiracy correctly

For those who are not a fan of visiting doctors and do not want to seek help from traditional medicine, the option of using special spells is suitable. Therefore, it is proposed to read the conspiracy against cystitis, but before you get acquainted with the conspiracies themselves, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its implementation. It is necessary to read a plot for cystitis in the presence of a sick person and it is advisable that this be done by another person. The conspiracy is carried out during the full moon, like other magical rituals. All the necessary components are prepared in advance, so that at the time of the conspiracy itself you are not distracted by searching for the necessary devices. Since ancient times, people have been supported by the following three rules:

  • the person who reads the plot, in the old fashioned way, does not eat anything for one day - this does not have to be a day, it is important not to eat from the morning until the end of the ritual, drinking water is allowed, and then in small quantities;
  • the ritual should begin with reading a prayer - there is no need to look for special prayers, the usual “Our Father” will do;
  • Previously, in order not to pay for the rituals with their health, they prepared a ransom - for this, several coins were thrown into the river with the flow the morning after the contract.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can increase the effect of the conspiracy and reduce the subsequent influence on your destiny. But, since the conspiracy against cystitis is not strong, and especially not related to black magic, you can neglect the first rule, but it is better not to discard the second and third.

Carrying out the ceremony

The plot for cystitis itself is not complicated, it has a minimum cost both in terms of money and time. They are as simple as possible, and everyone can cope with them. Let's take a look at the three most effective and popular conspiracies below.

Conspiracy on the water

A bowl of holy water is placed in front of the patient, and it must be spoken (necessarily near the patient). For the conspiracy you need to read the following words:

“Just as the water flowed, draining the cup, so the body of the servant of God (after these words you need to say the name of the patient) leaves the disease, leaves it drop by drop and drains the cup of illness to the bottom. Amen".

Before the patient’s name is pronounced, he needs to drink a little water, and then water is poured from one bowl to another. After pronouncing the words, the one who has problems should be baptized three times (wet three fingers, and then, as in church), and the remaining water is poured into the ground.

This spell is also performed when using holy water. It can be done alone, to yourself. For three months, absolutely every day (this must take place in a row; it must not be interrupted under any circumstances) in the morning, water is poured into a transparent glass, brought under the rays of the sun or simply under the light. Above it, the “Our Father” is first read, and then a special spell:

“As pure as the water is, as much as it glows, the body of the servant of God (Name) is cleansed of pain, torment, and painful suffering. To the extent that the water has warmed up and become saturated with light and warmth, the extent to which I become healthy and saturated with health, and all bad weather goes away from me.”

After all this, three sips are taken from the glass, and the rest of the water needs to be fed to the plant - any plant. It is important to perform a healing ritual on an empty stomach.

This conspiracy is carried out using absolutely any stone. Take two round pebbles and heat them in any way convenient for you. The patient lies on his stomach, a thick towel is placed on his back, and heated stones are placed in the kidney area. While the pebbles are cooling, the following plot is read:

“The stone is strong, powerful and does not know illness and disease, you cannot break it, you cannot bend it, so the servant of God (Name) will cope with illnesses. While the stone cools down, the pain will take the heat with it. Amen".

Final part

The spell for cystitis can be read at any age, so it is an effective approach to treatment. But, in order to start treatment in this way, you first need to make sure whether you really have cystitis. Some diseases have very similar symptoms, therefore, in order not to resort to extreme methods and not to progress the resulting diseases, you need to be examined by a doctor. And subsequent treatment methods depend on your choice.

Cystitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the mucous membrane of the bladder. Clinically, it is manifested by cutting pain and burning during urination, as well as changes in laboratory urine analysis. Cystitis is treated mainly with antibacterial agents and herbal preparations. Some people prefer to use exclusively traditional methods of treatment, such as prayer for cystitis or taking herbal decoctions. You should not rely only on conspiracies or folk remedies. They most often do not give the desired effect. Traditional methods are best used in combination with traditional therapy for the disease: this way they will help you recover faster and recover from the disease.

The most common conspiracies for cystitis

It is recommended to read conspiracies based on herbal decoctions and other folk remedies that are used to treat illness. For the ritual, which is widely used in folk medicine, prepare three large bowls. Leave one of them empty, and pour clean water into the others. Invite the sick person to lie on their stomach, close their eyes and relax. Stand nearby and read the Lord's Prayer three times. After this, take a bowl of water in each hand and pour the water into an empty container. At the same time, recite the following spell: “As water flows drop by drop until it reaches a dry bottom, so ailments and illnesses flow from the body of (name of the patient). So the pain, defeated, leaves him and the ailments that stick to him disappear. Amen". After reading, dip your fingers in water and spray the patient. Pour the remaining water in the bowl onto the ground. This plot can be used in combination with traditional and folk treatment not only for inflammation of the bladder, but also for prostatitis.

A spell using consecrated water or a decoction of herbs is used for any diseases of the urinary system.

An assistant is not required to perform the ritual; the patient can do everything independently. Immediately after waking up, you need to pour a small amount of consecrated water into a glass and bring it to the window so that the sun illuminates the water. Place the glass on the windowsill or table and read the Lord's Prayer several times. After this, say the text of the conspiracy: “As holy water is pure and transparent, so the body of (the name of the patient) is clean from ailments and other misfortunes. Just as water is warmed by the light of the sun and the will of the Almighty, so health returns to the body and relieves painful pain. Amen". When you finish reading the plot, drink some water from a glass, 3 sips is enough. Pour the remaining water onto the ground. It is better to perform the ritual in the morning before meals. It is necessary to perform several stages of the ritual. Do it on the same dates every month for 3 days. The duration of the ritual is at least 3 months. After some time, reading the plot can be repeated.

The video explains how prayers for healing work:

Herbal decoctions for rituals

  • Take 20 g of dried lemon balm leaves and pour 300 ml of boiling clean water. Prepare the infusion in a thermos or other closed container for at least 4-5 hours. When the broth has cooled completely, strain it through cheesecloth or a sieve and start taking it after the ritual. It is recommended to prepare a fresh decoction every day.
  • 30 g of dried leaves and shoots of bearberry, popularly called bear's ear, pour 500 ml of water and heat over low heat. Infuse the medicine in a thermos for 20 minutes and then strain. Perform the ritual and read the plot you have chosen. Take the product before meals 3-4 times a day. This infusion can treat nephritis and other kidney diseases.

Nowadays, cystitis is not difficult to cure using medications. But our ancestors treated inflammation of the bladder with the help of herbs and reading a conspiracy against cystitis. Ancient rituals have been preserved to this day. For prayer to help, you must sincerely believe in its healing power.

The healing power of prayer can help with cystitis

Healing rituals can be performed either independently or by involving one of your family members as an “assistant.” Basically, they do not require special ritual objects or practical skills in white magic.

Not only women are affected by this disease. It occurs in the stronger sex and even in children. From a medical point of view, the main routes of infection are:

  • entry of bacteria into the urethra, for example, E. coli;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • infection during sexual intercourse.

At the first signs of illness, you should contact your doctor.

Symptoms appear quite quickly, within 24 hours.

  1. Burning and pain during urination.
  2. Urine smells bad. The smell is quite pungent and the color is cloudy. It may also have a slightly pinkish tint due to the presence of blood.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The general condition of the body is painful and depressed. An increase in temperature may occur.
  5. In older people, cystitis manifests itself in the form of fever, nausea and pain in the abdominal area.

It is best to contact your doctor at the first signs of illness. He will conduct a study, prescribe the necessary medications, and prescribe treatment. To enhance the effect of medications, you can read conspiracies for cystitis using tablets, water, food, or simply turning to higher powers.

These healing spells are read in order to enhance the effect of traditional treatment, and not instead of it.

Very powerful conspiracies to help get rid of cystitis

For prayer for cystitis to help and for it to go away, you need to know for sure that you have this disease. For example, some sexually transmitted diseases may have similar symptoms. In this case, a conspiracy that helps against cystitis will not bring the desired result.

It is necessary to diagnose the disease

The disease should not be neglected; this may have serious negative consequences in the future and treatment will be more difficult and lengthy. Be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations. Strengthen the fight against disease with magic. You can read the plot against cystitis yourself, it’s not at all difficult.

Effective prayer to help with cystitis

This prayer for severe cystitis will help if the patient is treating inflammation with traditional methods and wants to speed up his recovery by turning to higher powers for help. In order for prayer to help and the disease to recede, during the ritual you need to focus on the positive result. First, read “Our Father.” Then the following text:

“Virgin Mary, intercessor of her children! Take the sore out of my body, turn it into dust, so that my body does not writhe in pain, so that the evil spirit does not twist its veins. Lord Jesus, who cares about my good! Take away the sharp needle from my belly, what does not give me life, what hurts and never stops, what takes me away from bright thoughts. Virgin Mary and Lord Jesus! Answer my prayer, heed my prayer, save my body from illness, turn this misfortune for good, heal me, a sinner.”

Reading the prayer is done twice a day

To make the prayer faster it will be better to read it twice a day. Before bed and in the morning, before you get out of bed. At this time, a person’s consciousness connects to the general information field of the universe and can work miracles. The effect occurs within the next few days.

A strong rite against cystitis using Epiphany water

This spell for cystitis is read over water that was collected on the night of January 19th. Usually such water lasts a very long time, so you can get it without difficulty. If this still fails, then you can perform the ceremony over consecrated water from the church.

To carry out the ceremony, they wait until the days when the Moon is in its waning phase. You need to prepare:

  • Epiphany water;
  • medicinal plants - St. John's wort and chamomile;
  • thin aspen rod.

The ceremony will require outside help. Ask your relative or friend to perform the ceremony.

A pot of boiling water is needed for a spell ritual against cystitis.

Plants are thrown into a pan of boiling water. You can add any medicinal herbs that help cure inflammation if desired. As soon as the water begins to boil, read the spell, stirring the brew clockwise with an aspen rod:

“I twist and twist, I turn and turn over, I pull the heavy pain out of (name’s) stomach: so that the sore goes away from his body, so that it leaves the vein of water, so that it flows into the ground, so that the stomach no longer twists and turns, does not twist and does not turn over "

Turn off the heat after five minutes. The medicinal decoction is filtered well and put on fire again. Waiting for the first bubbles to appear. Then they read the plot again. Half of the cooled water is poured into another container and goes outside.

The assistant should pour it on the patient’s hands and allow him to wash himself so that the water flows to the ground. During this, he reads the plot against cystitis for the third time.

Medicinal plants are added to the spell solution

The patient, having washed himself, says the following words:

“A black sore from a vein of water and cold hands.”

The remaining solution should be used to wash the genitals.

A spell to help reduce pain from cystitis

Very often, a person with inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract experiences severe pain. In this case, special words are read to relieve pain. The ritual is quite simple; you can read this plot yourself. In the evening of any day you need to light two white candles and one green. They say the following text:

“Beyond the black and blue seas, beyond the distant oceans, lies a white stone, under that stone the old man is bored, counts the waves, chases the seagulls, scares the raven - not with his long beard, not with his crooked nose, but with his terrible voice that drowns out the waves, like the birds drives away that he knocks the nasty sore out of me, from the veins and bones, from muscles of all kinds, so that the body does not hurt, so that the sore lies under a stone and sleeps, while the old man under the stone is bored, while he counts the waves, while he chases the seagulls, while the raven frightening."

White candles are used for a spell against cystitis

The spell is pronounced three times. Then they read the “Our Father” prayer. The candles are blown out and put away until next time. They go to bed. There should be relief in the morning. If the pain is still severe, the spell should be repeated twice more.

A ritual to help get rid of chronic cystitis

This plot that helps against cystitis is quite strong. It can help even if the disease is in a chronic stage. The ritual should be performed only when the Moon is in its waning phase. Before the ritual you should prepare:

  • regular table salt;
  • homemade chicken egg;
  • a piece of natural linen of a light, but not white color.

In the evening, a prepared piece of material is spread on the floor. Sprinkle it with salt. The patient is completely naked and stands barefoot on the fabric.

The one who performs the ritual takes the egg in his hands and begins to roll it over the patient’s body. Particular attention is paid to the abdomen, the place where the bladder is located and the groin area. While rolling out the egg they say:

“Golden hen, which is not from the sky, but from the earth, which drives away death itself with its beak, which covers the sun itself with its feathers, you pull the old ailment out of me, you take the ancient sore from me and take it to heaven, burn it in the rays of the sun , throw it to the ground, break it into pieces, give it to black death, but don’t let it come to me.”

The egg is used in a ritual for cystitis

After the plot is read three times, the egg is placed in a plastic bag, salt is poured into it and said:

“Absorb the bad salts and keep them inside.”

Three simple but very effective water spells

The one who performs the ritual sits the patient in front of a bowl filled with holy water. He himself reads the plot three times:

“Just as the water flowed, draining the cup, so the body of the servant of God (after these words you need to say the name of the patient) leaves the disease, leaves it drop by drop and drains the cup of illness to the bottom. Amen".

When the “assistant” begins to pronounce the first words of the magical text, the patient drinks from the bowl, taking three large sips. After reading the words, take a second bowl and pour water seven times from one bowl to another. Then the patient is baptized and washed with the same water.

Holy water for the spell is poured from bowl to bowl during the ritual

The following ritual is also performed using holy water. You can do it yourself. Every day, in the morning, blessed water is poured into a glass and placed on the window under the sun's rays. First, the prayer “Our Father” is read over the water, then the following text:

“As pure as the water is, as much as it glows, the body of the servant of God (Name) is cleansed of pain, torment, and painful suffering. To the extent that the water has warmed up and become saturated with light and warmth, the extent to which I become healthy and saturated with health, and all bad weather goes away from me.”

Drink half the water, water the other half on any indoor plant. If there are no domestic flowers in the apartment, water the tree or bush outside. The charmed water is drunk on an empty stomach every day until complete recovery.

For the next ritual you will need two round stones. You can take pebbles brought from the sea coast or find any others on the street.

Spell stones cleared of extraneous energies under running water

Clear the stones of extraneous energies under running water. Then they throw them into boiling water and say:

“The stone is strong, powerful and does not know illness and disease, you cannot break it, you cannot bend it, so the servant of God (Name) will cope with illnesses. While the stone cools down, the pain will take the heat with it. Amen".

Then take it out and let it cool slightly. The patient lies on his stomach and warm stones are placed in the kidney area. Read the plot over twice more, for each pebble separately.

Ritual for cystitis on the waning moon

This plot to help against cystitis should be read only when the Moon is in its waning phase. The time of day is arbitrary. A small board of dark wood is placed on the table. A hammer and a medium-sized nail are laid out nearby. The patient is seated next to the table and the following words are read:

“Jesus Christ, son of God, take away the pain from the servant of God (name of the sick person), pull the nail out of the bladder, with that nail nail the pain to the black board, to the painful melancholy. She should hang there, and not pester the servant of God (name of the sick person). Amen".

The spell is pronounced three times. Then wrap the board and nail in linen.

A nail and a dark board are used for a ritual against cystitis

The nail should be taken away from the patient’s home and buried deep in the ground. The board is thrown into a reservoir of running water. This spell for cystitis is very effective, but you must comply with all the conditions of the ritual. For example, if you throw a board into a pond with standing water or a swamp, the water will not be able to “wash the disease” from the board, and it may become chronic.

For many people, magical spell rituals often become the saving grace that helps out in difficult life situations, improves the quality of life and even relieves chronic illnesses. Despite the expensive treatment, medicine is ineffective in the fight against many diseases, as is the case with kidney diseases. But, for example, a conspiracy against cystitis helps to forget forever about the existence of such a disease.

Rules for conducting a magical ritual

Usually a spell for cystitis is read over a sick person during the full moon. For the ritual you will need three bowls: two with water and one empty. Before pronouncing the spell words themselves, the patient is placed on his stomach and the “Our Father” is read over him three times. Then they pick up bowls filled with water and, pouring water into an empty bowl, begin to slander. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

“As all the water flows drop by drop to a dry bottom, so the illness flows from the body of the servant of God - the name (of the servant of God - name), drop by drop, so the pain vanished, so the illness that clings to it disappears. Amen".

Then, having wetted the fingers in the water poured into one bowl, the patient is overshadowed three times with the life-giving cross. The remaining water is poured into the ground. This plot effectively helps not only with cystitis, but also relieves prostatitis.

A simple spell for holy water

We use holy water

This magical spell relieves those who are ill from any kidney disease, including cystitis. You can even do it for yourself, being completely alone. Every morning you need to pour a little holy water into a transparent glass and exposing it to the sun’s rays or the light of a lamp, say “Our Father”, and then the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as water is clean, how transparent it is, so the body of the servant of God - the name (the servant of God's name) is clean from pain, illness and other misfortunes, just as water is heated by the warmth of light and the will of the Almighty, so health will return to the body and relieve excruciating pain . Amen".

After carrying out the spell, the patient must take three sips from the glass, and pour the remaining water under any flower into the ground. The conspiracy ritual must be carried out on an empty stomach and in stages: three days in a row of each month on the same dates for three months. But noticeable improvements occur after the first stage.

Conspiracy on stones

Getting rid of the stone

This ritual is also considered extremely effective in the fight against cystitis, bedwetting and morning swelling associated with poor kidney function. On the fire or in the oven you need to heat two large round pebbles and carefully remove them. It is necessary for the patient to lie down on his stomach, cover the lumbar region with a warm towel and place pebbles on the projection of the kidneys. While the stones are cooling, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

“Just as you, a mighty stone, do not hurt, do not whine, just as you are a strong stone, do not break or bend, so the servant of God - name (servant of God - name) will overcome a persistent illness. Just as you, a strong stone, hot in water, cool down and lose heat, so pains and ailments go away with warmth, and evil torments, and sticky ailments from the servant of God - name (servant of God - name). Amen".

After the ceremony, the stones must be thrown into any body of water with running water.

Treatment of cystitis in women. Conspiracy for cystitis

To perform a magical ritual treatment of cystitis at home you will need three white cups (without pictures). Pour half of the holy water into two cups and leave the third empty. On a full moon, standing at the feet of a sick woman lying on her stomach and placing cups on a stool, they read the Our Father three times and only after that, taking cups filled with water in their hands and pouring the water into an empty container start reading a conspiracy against cystitis in women :

Upon completion of reading the plot against cystitis, wet your fingers in water and cross the woman three times, sprinkling her with the spoken water. The remaining water is poured into the ground under the female tree (pine, birch, willow). With this conspiracy you can cure cystitis at home.

Just as water is clean, how transparent it is, so the body of God’s servant (name) is clean from pain and illness

CystitisCystitis symptoms and treatment Nothing darkens our lives more than illnesses and ailments. But a rare disease can cause such discomfort as cystitis. Cystitis is an infectious disease in which inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder occurs. Mostly women suffer from cystitis, and we have already talked about treating cystitis at home.

Cystitis treatment at homeCystitis treatment at home Traditional medicine has accumulated many ways and means by which you can independently treat cystitis at home, restoring your health. Let's remember these treatment methods once again: Eliminate or reduce to a minimum the consumption of strong tea and coffee, completely eliminate alcohol. Drink more clean water.

treatment of cystitis in women Cystitis treatment drugs and medical treatments Cystitis, or symptomatic urinary infection, is not the most pleasant and quite common disease, with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder and disruption of its function, and if treatment of cystitis with medications is not started in time, there is a possibility of kidney complications . Due to its

medicine for cystitis medicine for cystitis. Inflammation of the bladder - the disease “cystitis” can develop not only in women during pregnancy. Now cystitis can be found in both men and children. Modern medicine knows a whole list of medications for cystitis - these include modern antibiotics, powder and tablets that can quickly treat cystitis at home

Cystitis in women treatment Treatment of cystitis in women. How to treat cystitis at home Today we will talk about treating cystitis at home in the fair half of humanity - women. Cystitis translated from Latin “cystitis” is an inflammation of the bladder that affects almost 93% of the world's population with infections of the genitourinary system, but most often the symptoms of cystitis

read the plot for cystitis yourself

Cystitis is an insidious disease that overtakes a person suddenly.

In ancient times, there were no medicines that could help defeat the disease, so our ancestors used another method - magic.

However, today magic remains just as popular; it is used to cure many diseases.

A conspiracy made for cystitis will make the disease recede and disappear completely.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses, c.

A conspiracy that helps against herpes -.

Magic ritual for cystitis

You should place a cup filled with holy water on the table in front of a sick person and say the following conspiracy words:

“As water flows out of this cup, so pain flows out of the servant of God (the name of the sick person) - with ore, with urine, with saliva and sweat. From now on and forever this pain must be overcome. Amen".

At the words “As water flows from this cup, so pain flows from the servant of God (the name of the sick person) ...” the performer must pour a small amount of water from the cup into the outstretched hands of the sick person, who needs to shake them under the table.

Spell words for cystitis

The plot must be carried out on the waning moon at any time of the day. A dark wood board, a nail and a hammer should be placed on the table in front of the sick person. Then say the magic words:

“Jesus Christ, son of God, take away the pain from the servant of God (the name of the sick person), pull the nail out of the bladder, and with that nail nail the pain to the black board, to the painful melancholy. She should hang there, and not pester the servant of God (the name of the sick person). Amen".

After pronouncing the charm words, the person being charmed must nail a nail to the board.

Strong conspiracy against illness

You need to pour 2 tablespoons of horsetail grass with 4 glasses of water. Next, boil the mixture for 45 minutes, squeeze, strain and read the magic words on the drug:

“I will get up early at the early dawn, wash myself with spring water, go out of my hut through the doors, into the open field outside the gate.

In that field there is a sea-ocean, and in it an island is protected, on the island there is a stone belatyr. An old grandfather, more than 100 years old, is sitting on that stone.

That grandfather forges the depths of the sea, raises the heights of heaven from a stone, and prepares for a long journey.

Grandfather come to us, work a copper bar, an iron lock and a sharp sickle. With this sickle I will cut off the pain, with this rod I will knock out the disease, with this castle I will close my conspiracy forever.

So that the hollow inside does not hurt, the water vein does not make the servant of God (the name of the sick person) lose weight. Amen".

The magic potion should be given to a sick person, who should drink one glass 2 times a day. Place the remaining herb in a canvas bag, which is then applied to the lower abdomen until the plant has cooled.

Each of the proposed conspiracies should be carried out with full confidence of success, otherwise the disease will not recede.

Conspiracy for cystitis

Many of us know that cystitis is a very insidious disease. As a rule, it overtakes a person very suddenly and brings a lot of inconvenience and pain. Previously, there were no medicines that could somehow help a person with this disease. Therefore, people often used alternative medicine methods and even turned to magic and conspiracies. By the way, many people still use conspiracies in order to quickly get rid of insidious cystitis. Such conspiracies are very effective if they are used correctly, following all the recommendations.

There is one very effective spell for cystitis, which can also be used for other urinary tract diseases. How to carry out such a conspiracy? The first thing to remember is that such a conspiracy can be carried out by a person even without an assistant, that is, by a person with cystitis himself. When you wake up in the morning, you need to pour a little holy water into a glass and bring it to the window, to the first ray of sun or to the light of a lamp. Next you need to read the words of the prayer “Our Father”, and then the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as the water is pure, how transparent it is, so the body of the servant of God (the name of the sick person is pronounced) is clean from pain, illness and other misfortunes. Just as water is heated by the warmth of light and the will of the Almighty, so health will return to the body and relieve it from painful pain. Amen". Next, the person must drink water from this glass (take three sips). The rest of the water will need to be poured into a flower pot. It is recommended to carry out this ritual in the morning before breakfast. You may have to repeat this plot several times, in different months.

A very strong conspiracy against cystitis

There is another rather strong conspiracy against cystitis. What is needed to implement it? First, you need to place a cup of holy water on the table in front of the patient and say the words of the conspiracy:

“As water flows out of this cup, so pain flows out of the servant of God (the name of the sick person) - with ore, with urine, with saliva and sweat. From now on and forever this pain must be overcome. Amen". When the words are said, “As the water flows from this cup, so the pain flows from the servant of God (the name of the sick person) ...” you need to pour some water from the cup into the patient’s hands. And then he should shake them under the table. After such a conspiracy, the disease should recede very soon.

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Spell for any medicinal decoction and infusion

A spell for any medicinal decoction and infusion.

In order for the herbs to be filled with their former magical power, they must be “revitalized.”

Before brewing, you need to tune in to the elements of the Earth.

Take the grass in your hands and imagine a field, forest or meadow to restore the plant's memory and awaken it from sleep.

✔ If you use the herb for healing, focus on the desire to cure the disease.

Gather in your hands, pass on to the grass.

Grass wake up! Grass come alive!

Go into the water, swim in the water.

Dissolve in water, give yourself to the sick,

Drive, drive out, heal, renew

Take everything that interferes with you,

Return to the earth with an evil load.

After the conspiracy, you can brew the grass.

Before giving the patient a medicinal infusion or decoction, take the cup with the prepared remedy in your hands and read the spell on it so that your breath touches its surface:

walked from the east to the west,

washed all the roots and stones,

took out all illnesses from God’s servant (name),

from bones, from relics, from clear eyes,

from a wild head, from listening ears,

from the blood, from the womb, into the ribs, from the ribs to the thighs,

from hips to knees, from knees to heels,

from the heels on the cheese I will blacken the earth

took away all the illness, brought lightness and goodness,

When pronouncing these words, you must mentally imagine the events described in the conspiracy, feel how your participation and sincere desire for the patient’s recovery are transmitted to the healing agent. All this must be experienced and felt when pronouncing other conspiracies and performing any ritual actions.

The most common conspiracies for cystitis.

It is recommended to read conspiracies based on herbal decoctions and other folk remedies that are used to treat illness. For the ritual, which is widely used in folk medicine, prepare three large bowls. Leave one of them empty, and pour clean water into the others. Invite the sick person to lie on their stomach, close their eyes and relax. Stand nearby and read the Lord's Prayer three times.

After this, take a bowl of water in each hand and pour the water into an empty container. At the same time recite the following spell:

“As water flows drop by drop until it reaches a dry bottom, so ailments and diseases flow from the body of (the name of the patient). So the pain, defeated, leaves him and the ailments that stick to him disappear. Amen".

After reading, dip your fingers in water and spray the patient. Pour the remaining water in the bowl onto the ground. This plot can be used in combination with traditional and folk treatment not only for inflammation of the bladder, but also for prostatitis.

A spell using consecrated water or a decoction of herbs is used for any diseases of the urinary system.

An assistant is not required to perform the ritual; the patient can do everything independently. Immediately after waking up, you need to pour a small amount of consecrated water into a glass and bring it to the window so that the sun illuminates the water. Place the glass on the windowsill or table and read the Lord's Prayer several times.

After this, say the text of the conspiracy:

“Just as holy water is pure and transparent, so the body of (the name of the patient) is clean from ailments and other misfortunes. Just as water is warmed by the light of the sun and the will of the Almighty, so health returns to the body and relieves painful pain. Amen".

Do it on the same dates every month for 3 days. The duration of the ritual is at least 3 months. After some time, reading the plot can be repeated.

Herbal decoctions for rituals.

Effective herbal infusions for cystitis:

  • Take 20 g of dried lemon balm leaves and pour 300 ml of boiling clean water. Prepare the infusion in a thermos or other closed container for at least 4-5 hours. When the broth has cooled completely, strain it through cheesecloth or a sieve and start taking it after the ritual. It is recommended to prepare a fresh decoction every day.
  • 30 g of dried leaves and shoots of bearberry, popularly called bear's ear, pour 500 ml of water and heat over low heat. Infuse the medicine in a thermos for 20 minutes and then strain. Perform the ritual and read the plot you have chosen. Take the product before meals 3-4 times a day. This infusion can treat nephritis and other kidney diseases.

The principle of a conspiracy against cystitis

Getting sick is always unpleasant and brings with it a series of bad events, bad mood and poor health. And everyone doesn’t want to go to the hospital to take pills, give injections, IVs, and so on. In this case, you can turn to ancient times and make a conspiracy against cystitis, which is based on magical rituals, ceremonies, and the like. This will help cope with the disease without the intervention of traditional medicine.

Conspiracy for cystitis

Such conspiracies helped our ancestors many years ago, when medicine was not so developed. Therefore, you can not doubt the reliability of conspiracies for cystitis, but feel free to take and carry out rituals that certainly will not harm your health.

Cystitis: description and symptoms of the disease

A common female disease (but this does not mean that it occurs only in them; this disease can also occur in males and children) disease, which often occurs with inflammation of the urethra. Doctors identify two main causes of cystitis: the first is bacteria that enter the urethra. The most common of these is E. coli. The second reason is the appearance of inflammation of the urethra after sexual intercourse. And in this case, symptoms appear after 12 hours. So what symptoms portend cystitis?

  1. Frequent, copious urination, which is accompanied by pain. Painful sensations are felt in the form of a burning sensation.
  2. Pay attention to the type of urine. If it has a pungent, nasty smell, is cloudy and has a pink tint (contains blood), then do not hesitate and take some action, because these are sure signs of cystitis.
  3. Also pay attention to your condition. The presence of fatigue for no apparent reason, and a feeling of pain in the lumbar region also portend this disease.
  4. Please note that in older people and children the symptoms differ from those listed above. And they do not manifest themselves in this form; the disease at such ages can be indicated by the presence of fever, nausea and the appearance of pain in the abdominal area.

How to carry out a conspiracy correctly

For those who are not a fan of visiting doctors and do not want to seek help from traditional medicine, the option of using special spells is suitable. Therefore, it is proposed to read the conspiracy against cystitis, but before you get acquainted with the conspiracies themselves, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its implementation. It is necessary to read a plot for cystitis in the presence of a sick person and it is advisable that this be done by another person. The conspiracy is carried out during the full moon, like other magical rituals. All the necessary components are prepared in advance, so that at the time of the conspiracy itself you are not distracted by searching for the necessary devices. Since ancient times, people have been supported by the following three rules:

  • the person who reads the plot, in the old fashioned way, does not eat anything for one day - this does not have to be a day, it is important not to eat from the morning until the end of the ritual, drinking water is allowed, and then in small quantities;
  • the ritual should begin with reading a prayer - there is no need to look for special prayers, the usual “Our Father” will do;
  • Previously, in order not to pay for the rituals with their health, they prepared a ransom - for this, several coins were thrown into the river with the flow the morning after the contract.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can increase the effect of the conspiracy and reduce the subsequent influence on your destiny. But, since the conspiracy against cystitis is not strong, and especially not related to black magic, you can neglect the first rule, but it is better not to discard the second and third.

Carrying out the ceremony

The plot for cystitis itself is not complicated, it has a minimum cost both in terms of money and time. They are as simple as possible, and everyone can cope with them. Let's take a look at the three most effective and popular conspiracies below.

Conspiracy on the water

A bowl of holy water is placed in front of the patient, and it must be spoken (necessarily near the patient). For the conspiracy you need to read the following words:

“Just as the water flowed, draining the cup, so the body of the servant of God (after these words you need to say the name of the patient) leaves the disease, leaves it drop by drop and drains the cup of illness to the bottom. Amen".

Before the patient’s name is pronounced, he needs to drink a little water, and then water is poured from one bowl to another. After pronouncing the words, the one who has problems should be baptized three times (wet three fingers, and then, as in church), and the remaining water is poured into the ground.

This spell is also performed when using holy water. It can be done alone, to yourself. For three months, absolutely every day (this must take place in a row; it must not be interrupted under any circumstances) in the morning, water is poured into a transparent glass, brought under the rays of the sun or simply under the light. Above it, the “Our Father” is first read, and then a special spell:

“As pure as the water is, as much as it glows, the body of the servant of God (Name) is cleansed of pain, torment, and painful suffering. To the extent that the water has warmed up and become saturated with light and warmth, the extent to which I become healthy and saturated with health, and all bad weather goes away from me.”

After all this, three sips are taken from the glass, and the rest of the water needs to be fed to the plant - any plant. It is important to perform a healing ritual on an empty stomach.

This conspiracy is carried out using absolutely any stone. Take two round pebbles and heat them in any way convenient for you. The patient lies on his stomach, a thick towel is placed on his back, and heated stones are placed in the kidney area. While the pebbles are cooling, the following plot is read:

“The stone is strong, powerful and does not know illness and disease, you cannot break it, you cannot bend it, so the servant of God (Name) will cope with illnesses. While the stone cools down, the pain will take the heat with it. Amen".

Final part

The spell for cystitis can be read at any age, so it is an effective approach to treatment. But, in order to start treatment in this way, you first need to make sure whether you really have cystitis. Some diseases have very similar symptoms, therefore, in order not to resort to extreme methods and not to progress the resulting diseases, you need to be examined by a doctor. And subsequent treatment methods depend on your choice.

A powerful plot against cystitis

During the autumn period, the weather often changes. This year, it was cool already in September, and in November it was abnormally warm. The human body does not always have time to adapt to weather conditions.

When leaving the house, sometimes it happens that the clothes are not chosen for the weather outside the window. Therefore, it turns out that it is enough to freeze a little or get your feet wet in a puddle after rain and then there is a possibility of getting cystitis. Cystitis is a disease of the bladder. This disease mainly affects women. The first symptoms are pain in the lower abdomen.

As the disease progresses, urination becomes difficult and body temperature rises. There are such pains that a person simply cannot get out of bed. If left untreated, cystitis can lead to chronic kidney disease. Usually, if you have cystitis, you should consult a urologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medications and a course of antibiotic injections.

There are situations when this disease becomes chronic, and then you have to visit a doctor almost every month. Because of the current situation, people are beginning to turn to traditional medicine, that is, to carry out a conspiracy against cystitis. Some people do not accept medicines and spell rituals for them become a lifesaver that helps in illness, improves well-being and is even able to overcome chronic illnesses.

Even after spending a lot of money to fight the disease, you may find that medicine turns out to be ineffective. However, if you correctly apply the spell against cystitis, you can say goodbye to this disease forever. Conspiracies came to us from the distant past, when there were no effective drugs. People resorted to magic for treatment and often it helped them.

There are very strong conspiracies, they can be carried out by the sick person himself or by people from the outside. For the ritual you need to have holy water and know special spell words. It is better to spend it on days when the moon is full. With these words, the water is first incanted, then the sore spot is washed and the next incantation is pronounced.

Then the washed area is wiped with a towel and the final words of the conspiracy are pronounced. There is another ritual: they place holy water in front of a sick person and say charming words. After this, they pronounce the name of the patient and pour water from cups of holy water onto their hands and shake their hands under the table. It is believed that the disease leaves the body along with the flowing water. The stronger a person’s belief that the conspiracy will help, the higher the effectiveness of treatment.

There are different conspiracies for cystitis. One of them using horsetail grass. Use two spoons of horsetail herb and add four glasses of water. Then everything is boiled for 50 minutes. Subsequently, the patient takes this decoction twice a day. The squeezed warm herb is applied to the sore spot. The result appears the next day.

Of course, all these rituals must be carried out, believing in a positive result.