Lesson on ecology in the middle group. Summary of an educational lesson on environmental education in the middle group: a tale about the wise mother - the earth and about the most magical wizard - the sun. Lesson - game on ecology in the middle group

Lyudmila Anatolyevna Bogomolova
Open integrated lesson on ecology in middle group"Journey into the Forest"

Target: To cultivate a love for nature, the desire to preserve and protect it.

Overcome consumerism, develop in children

environmental consciousness, corresponding value orientations,

interest in the surrounding world.


1. Assign the account to in direct order, names of colors (yellow, green, red); match the color of the object with the color of the basket.

2. Develop cognitive activity, attention, memory; intensify communication skills; develop fine motor skills fingers, coordination of movements; develop aesthetic taste through listening to music.

Preliminary work: conversations about nature conservation, solving similar riddles, learning the meaning words: ecology, halt, poachers. Memorizing poems.

Preparing for occupation:

1. Attributes for games (basket, cut-out apples, cards - green, yellow, red and white, clothespins, stencils - hedgehog, 2 - envelopes)

2. Game: "Plant a tree" Cups with soil, sticks for loosening, napkins, twigs for planting, watering can.

3. Presentation classes.

Progress of the lesson:

Emotional mood:

Warm-up game "Australian Rain"

Progress of the exercise

Participants stand in a circle.

Instructions: Do you know what Australian rain is? (Children's response) Then let's listen together to what he is like. Now in a circle in a chain you will convey my movements. As soon as they get back to me, I will pass on the next ones. Watch carefully!

The wind picked up in Australia. (The leader rubs his palms).

It starts to rain. (clicking fingers).

The rain is getting heavier. (Alternating palm claps on the chest).

A real downpour begins. (Clap on thighs).

And here comes the hail - a real storm. (Stamping feet).

But what is it? The storm subsides. (Clap on thighs).

The rain is subsiding. (Clapping palms on chest).

Rare drops fall to the ground. (clicking fingers).

The quiet rustle of the wind. (Stretching palms).

Sun! (Hands up).

Educator: Guys, today we are going to interesting, educational


Along the way, knowledge and ingenuity, friendship and resourcefulness, speed and accuracy in completing tasks will be very useful to you. As in any hike, you must help each other, and then luck will accompany you.

I suggest going to travel by bus. Take your seats, we're going into the forest. (slide No. 1)

Music is playing "Bus". The teacher performs movements with the children to the music

We arrived. We get off the bus carefully and don’t disturb each other.

- Ready to go, come behind me. First we will walk along a narrow path, step over fallen trees, and cross the swamp over hummocks.

- Here we are in the forest! (slide No. 2)


Hello forest, dense forest

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal, what kind of bird?

All open - don't hide,

You see, we are our own.

It's true, it's beautiful here. What did you see in the forest? (Children's answers.)

a lot of trees

- Let's sit down.

Guys, look, there's some kind of letter here (takes it out, reads)

"The poachers were here

And they cut down all our forest.

The letter was written by the bear cubs,

This forest is a home for animals.

We kindly ask you guys

Help us quickly! ”

Guys, there are people who are involved in nature conservation - ecologists. They make sure that the forests are clean, the water in the river is clear, the air is clean.

Who are the poachers? (children's answers)

That's right, it's people who destroy forests, birds, animals, fish.

Guys, let's help the bear cubs? Let's “plant” new trees

and the rabbits, bear cubs, and fox cubs will have the forest, their home.

A game "Let's plant a tree"

Let's plant a tree. Let's take it first. (seedling) and put him in. (ground).

In order for it to grow, you need it. (water).

What else does a plant need? (Sun)

Time will pass and it will appear. (leaves)

Over time, if everything is fine and all conditions are there, the thin trunk of the young tree will grow stronger and become more powerful, the crown of the tree will become thicker. The most good conditions for plant growth where it is warm and humid.

(slide No. 3, No. 4)

Educator: Guys, tell me, is it possible to cut down trees in the forest?

(children's answers)

A game “It’s possible - it’s not possible” (children answer in unison)

Breaking trees and branches (it is forbidden). (slide no. 6)

Plant more trees (Can). (slide No. 7)

Walk and trample flowers in the meadows (it is forbidden). (slide No. 8)

Walk only on paths (Can). (slide No. 8)

Picking large bouquets of flowers (it is forbidden). (slide No. 9)

Admire them (Can). (slide No. 9)

Leaving trash in the forest (it is forbidden). (slide No. 10)

Collect garbage in a hole and bury it (Can). (slide No. 10)

Lighting fires in the forest (it is forbidden). (slide No. 11)

Protect the forest from fire (Can). (slide No. 11)

Make noise in the forest (it is forbidden). (slide No. 12)

So what is a forest? (slide No. 13)

Children answer:

The forest is the green outfit of our land. (Veronica)

The forest is the home of animals and birds. (Batyr)

The forest is our wealth. (Kate)

Forest is the beauty of our nature. (Sasha)


The forest is a fairy tale.

The forest is home

The forest is a friend with whom

Always interesting and joyful to be,

Forgetting about adversity, forgetting grievances.

The forest is a book.

The forest is the world.

The forest - as if we want to see happiness.

All the secrets of the forest will open for you

And they will make you happier.

Fizminutka "Droplets"

(audio recording plays "Sounds of nature")

Educator: Get up, I’m turning you into droplets (waves his hand, run, water the ground, flowers, grass, trees.

(children are running, "watered" land)

That's it, the rain is over, the plants thank you.

Let's sit down on the stumps and look around.

How do you think? What time of year is it now? (slide 14 - spring)

By what signs did you guess that it is spring time of year?

(Children's answers)

Children, take the cards on the chairs. (slide show no. 15,16,17,18)

“Four artists,

as many paintings.

Painted it with white paint

All in a row one.

The forest and field are white,

White meadows,

Near the snow-covered aspens

Branches like horns. ” (Winter)

“The second one has blue

Sky and streams

Splashing in blue puddles

A flock of sparrows.

Transparent in the snow

Ice floes - lace.

The first thawed patches,

The first grass..." (Spring)

“In the picture of the third

Countless colors:

Yellow, green, blue are available.

Forest and field in greenery,

Blue River

White fluffy

There are clouds in the sky..." (Summer)

“And the fourth is gold

Painted the gardens

The fields are productive,

Ripe fruits...

There are beads everywhere - berries

They ripen through the forests,

Who is that artist?

Guess yourself!" (Autumn)

Well done! You know the seasons well.

Educator: Is our the journey continues.

and now we will fly on an airplane. (slide No. 19)

(Children raise their arms, spread them to the sides and “airplanes”

Educator: That's it, we've arrived. We are landing (children sit on chairs).

Guys, we flew with you to the banks of the Irtysh. (slide No. 20)


We quickly went down to the river (we walk in place,

Bend over and wash (bend forward, hands on waist,

One, two, three, four (clap our hands,

So nicely refreshed (shake hands).

Oh, where have we ended up? How dirty, is this a dump?

Yurchenko Batyr: Ah, Irtysh, a big river

Cities are on it.

The shore is all strewn with garbage,

The glass cuts and shines.

Zainullin Sasha: A country cannot live without sweets.

People eat candy all year round.

If he throws candy wrappers,

Then he pollutes his planet.

Turban Veronica: You must remember, and he, and I -

You will kill an ant with a candy wrapper.

Although they are beautiful and light

Beetles can die from them.

Basalai Katya: That's right friends

He will do it

Who owns the candy wrapper

It will go to the trash can.

Educator: That's right, guys, you can't throw candy wrappers, bags, paper,

plastic and glass bottles.

Let's collect all this garbage so that it's clean and

The game “Who can collect the candy wrappers the fastest” is played. I invite 2 children,

You need to collect the candy wrappers in the basket.

(slide No. 21)

Educator: Well, everything is in order here, we can move on.

We traveled by bus, flew by plane, and now we will travel by boat. (slide No. 22)

(Children sit on the floor, “take hold of the oars” and row).

Educator: Oh, guys, trouble. The wind rose and our boats capsized.

We swam to the shore.

(Children lying on their stomachs “swim” to the shore.)

Did all the guys swim, did they all go ashore?

Let's take a break, dry off, and rest.

Guys, look, someone is coming towards us! (movie starts "Hedgehog")

A hedgehog came to visit us. Let's say hello to him. Guys, the hedgehog is sad for some reason. He told me that he came to visit us with a gift, dropped it and kept spilling it. (pictures of yellow, green and red apples are scattered on the table)

Let's see what the hedgehog brought us? (apples)

What color apples did the hedgehog bring us? (yellow, red, green)

How many apples did the hedgehog bring? (a lot of)

Katya, take a green apple. How many apples do you have in your hand? (one)

What color is it? (green)

Let's put the green apple in the basket.

Call two children, invite them to take yellow apples (red) colors. Ask how many apples are in your hand, what color? Put the apples in the basket.

Guys, look how many apples are in the basket? (a lot of).

Let's count how many apples are in the basket.

The hedgehog is very happy that we collected apples in the basket.

He invites us to play a game "Butterfly". (slide No. 24)

Breathing exercise "Butterfly"

- Oh, the butterfly is flying!

(Invite the children to blow on the butterfly so that it flies (while making sure that you take a long, smooth exhalation).

Guys, his hedgehog friends came to visit us along with the hedgehog. (show the children hedgehog stencils)

Look what hedgehogs are missing? (show a hedgehog toy with needles and a stencil)

That's right, needles. Let's make the hedgehogs happy and give them colorful needles. (show how you can make needles for a hedgehog using clothespins)

Guys, hedgehogs thank us for the needles! Now they can carry mushrooms and apples on their backs. Let's say goodbye to hedgehogs. It's time for them to return home. And so that we wouldn’t get bored, the hedgehogs left us an envelope with riddles.

riddles and questions

And now some riddles and questions for the mind. Let's test your intelligence.

1. Not a bird, but with wings, not a bee, but flies over flowers (butterfly).

2. Flies, buzzes, eats in summer, sleeps in winter (bug).

3. Without wings they fly, without legs they run, without sails they sail (clouds).

4. Why do you need a nose? (breathe and smell the smells).

1. Long ear, ball of fluff.

Jumps deftly and loves carrots. (Hare)

2. Cunning cheat, red head,

A fluffy tail is a beauty

Who is this? (Fox)

3. What kind of animal is this? forest:

Clubfoot and big.

In the summer he walks through the forest,

And in winter he rests in a den. (Bear)

Educator: The halt is over. What do you guys need to do?

(You need to clean up after yourself so that everything remains clean).

Leading: Guys, it's time for us to go home. And you and I will go to

horses. (slide No. 27)

(Children are divided into 2 groups and “ride” on horses.)


Ours is over trip to the forest. What it was interesting on the trip? What did you like most? Who are they ecologists? Who are poachers?


For environmentalists we wish everyone to work hard

They help the Earth to be reborn.

May the earth, rivers and waters be clean

Let everyone protect their native nature.

Kotova Natalya
Summary of a lesson on ecology in the middle group “Take care of nature!”

Target: - form the basics in children ecological culture.


Educational: expand and systematize children’s knowledge about nature, to generate interest in the problem of protection nature, introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature.

Developmental: develop in children the desire to make a contribution to environmental education of the population, developing horizons, thinking, connected speech.

Educational: cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Materials and equipment: environmental signs, audio recordings "Sounds of the Forest", "Bus" music Zheleznova, game "Collect a flower", butterflies for breathing exercises, dummies of mushrooms, figures of forest animals and birds, trees, game "Stock up", poster « Protect the environment

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: - Guys, we have guests today, let’s greet their:

The game is being played "Hello!".

Hello, palms! Clap, clap, clap!

Hello legs! Top, top, top!

Hello cheeks! Plop, plop, plop!

Hello sponges! Smack, smack, smack!

Hello, teeth! Click, click, click!

Hello, my nose, beep, beep, beep!

Hello, guests! Hello!

So we gave our guests a piece of health!

Educator: - Guys, guess riddle:

The house is open on all sides,

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come to the green house

You will see miracles in it.


Educator: -What is a forest? What trees grow in the forest? What animals live in the forest? We are with you in the past class talked about the rules of behavior in the forest. Let's remember what each sign means.

(the teacher shows the sign, and the children tell what it means)

(magpie appears)

Magpie:-"Attention! Attention! Big trouble could happen in our forest!

We may never see many animals and plants!

Help! Help!"

Educator: -What kind of trouble can happen in the forest? (children's answers) Guys, how can you and I help the forest? What we can do?

Let's go into the forest and take the signs with us! How can you get to the forest? (children's answers)

Today we will go to the forest by bus. Take your seats!

(to the music of Zheleznova "Bus" children "are going" in the forest)

Well, here we are in the forest. How beautiful it is in the forest!

(birds singing is heard, audio recording "Sounds of the Forest")

Guys, what is the air like in the forest? (Children's answers.) Do you think it is different from the air we breathe in the city? (Children's answers.) Why? (because there are many trees in the forest, they protect us from dust, dirty air, and gas from cars.) Let's all take a breath of fresh air together!

Breathing exercises

The air we breathe is fresh

We raise our hands to the sun

Exhaled, lowered

And they repeated it again.

Suddenly, an old man from the forest peeks out from behind the tree.

Lesovichok::- Who came to the forest?

Vos-l: We are children from 10 UAH D\s, we came to help the forest.

Lesovichok: - How can you help the forest if you are still small?

(children's answers)

Educator: - Old Lesovichok, our guys are big and smart. And they will cope well with any task. Check them out and see for yourself.

Lesovichok: -I’ll check them now.

Lesovichok: What time of year is it now? Arrange these pictures in the correct order, starting with the time of year that is going on now.

A game "Seasons"

(children arrange the pictures correctly, and Lesovichok lets him into the forest)

Lesovichok: - Now I’m convinced that you are already big and know a lot! I hope you can help the forest and its inhabitants. Follow this path and you will come to a clearing. Bon Voyage!

(children go and come out into a clearing where nothing grows)

Educator: -Guys, beautiful flowers once grew in this clearing. What happened to her? Why does she look like this? Do you like this clearing? What can you do to make her beautiful? (answers) Let's plant flowers on it.

A game "Collect a flower"

Guys, what can you and I do to prevent such a disaster from happening in the forest again? (answers) Let's put up a sign (the child approaches the table and selects the desired sign).

Educator: -Guys, look at our beautiful clearing, butterflies have arrived. Let's blow on them and see how beautifully they circle over our clearing!

Game to develop speech breathing “Butterfly fly!”

Educator: -Guys, look how many mushrooms grow in the forest. What mushrooms can you pick? (answers) What edible mushrooms do you know? How should you pick mushrooms? What mushrooms should you not pick? Why?

Educator: -Guys, why can’t you trample and break poisonous mushrooms? (children's answers)

What sign can we put here?

Educator. - Guys, what kind of trees grow in the forest? (Children's answers). Why do you think trees are needed (Answers children: They purify the air. There are animal holes under them, they live there. Birds build nests in trees.)

Many different trees grow in the forest. How many of you know how a tree appears? (answers) At first they, like you, are small and weak, especially in need of protection and careful attitude. Let's imagine that we are little seeds that fell into the ground.

Psycho-gymnastics “How do trees grow?”

It takes a lot of time for a tree to grow and become big. Unfortunately, people don't take care trees and cut them down with an axe. There are fewer and fewer of them.

What sign should be placed here (the child, at the teacher’s choice, goes to the table and selects the desired sign, explaining his choice)

Educator: -Guys, look carefully at the tree, what do you see? (nest) What birds do you know? (answers) Now I will call you different words, and as soon as you hear the name of the birds, clap your hands, and if I say other words, stomp.

Game for attention "Birds"

Why do birds build nests? (answers) What rule do we know about birds? (the child chooses a sign, explaining what it means)

Educator: -Guys, what is that on the tree? (draws attention to the hollow) Who built it? (answers) Who do you think lives in the hollow? (answers) What does a squirrel eat? What other animals live in the forest (answers) What do they eat? Let's prepare a surprise for the animals, collect supplies for them and treat them.

A game "Stock up"

(there are cones, mushrooms, and berries in the clearing; children collect supplies for the hedgehog, squirrel and bear cub in different baskets, saying “I’ll treat the squirrel with nuts!” etc.)

How should you behave in the forest? (keep quiet) Why? Let's put up a sign. (child chooses and puts a sign)

-(addressing the child) Tell us why you chose this sign. What does it mean?

(child explains his choice)

Educator:- Well done!

Educator: What do you guys think, did we help the forest? (answers) What have we done? It's so nice in the forest, but it's time for us to return to group!

(Lesovichok appears)

Lesovichok: -Well done boys! You are real protectors nature! I hope, thanks to you, people will take care of nature. And as a souvenir, I give you this poster, which will tell people what they need protect nature and take care of it. Hang it in the kindergarten!

Educator: -Thank you, Lesovichok! Goodbye!

Guys, stand in a circle and close your eyes. One, two, three - turn around and find yourself in the group.

(children return to group)

Educator:-Here we are group.

Did you guys enjoy the trip?

What rules of behavior in the forest do you know? Let's talk about it.

And now we will smile, hold hands tightly,

and as a parting gift we will give each other promise:


Abstract open class at a preschool educational institution in the secondary ecology group "Air Finders".

Buzilova Elena Argadievna, teacher, MADOU kindergarten general developmental type No. 79, Tomsk
Description of material: This summary of an open lesson on ecology is intended for teachers of the middle group (4-5 years old), its fragments can be used in the teacher’s educational activities.
Target: develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation; expand knowledge about air.
Integration educational areas: “socio-communicative development”, “cognition”, “ speech development», « physical development", "artistic and aesthetic development".
Training tasks:
Practice observation of the environment.
To consolidate children's ideas about air and its properties.
Learn to build hypotheses about the signs and properties of air.
Continue to strengthen your experimentation skills.
Developmental tasks:
Develop the ability to independently draw conclusions based on practical experience.
Create conditions for development imaginative thinking, intelligence, attention.
Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.
Educational tasks:
Cultivate kindness, responsiveness, and respect for your comrades.
Develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently.
Cultivate an interest in experimentation, cultivate accuracy when working with water
Methodological techniques: conversation-dialogue, game situation, looking at illustrations, physical education, experience, experiment, productive activity children, analysis, summing up, questions, individual answers of children).
Hypotheses: - air constantly surrounds us;
- the method of detecting air is to “lock” the air, “catch” it in a shell;
- air is lighter than water;
- there is air inside objects;
- there is air inside people;
- Life is not possible without air.
Equipment: plastic bags (according to the number of children); aprons (according to the number of children);
- bowls with water 2 pcs.; toys and other small objects are dense and hollow; gouache; tassels; flashlights; cups and straws.
Progress of the lesson:
Educator: Guys, today I invite you to act as scientists and do research. But you will find out what we will explore by guessing my riddle:
Passes through the nose into the chest,
And the return is on its way.
He's invisible, but still,
We cannot live without him.
We need him to breathe
To inflate the balloon.
With us every hour,
But he is invisible to us!

Children: Air!
Educator: Tell me, guys, do you see the air around us?
Children: No, we don’t see it.
Educator: Since we don’t see it, what kind of air is it?
Children: The air is transparent, colorless, invisible!
Educator: And to find air, we go to our laboratory (children go to the tables and put on aprons). To see air, you need to catch it. Do you want me to teach you how to catch air?
Children: Yes.
Experiment 1. “Catch the invisible man”(With plastic bag and flashlight).
Educator: Take a plastic bag. What's in it?
Children: It's empty.
Educator: It can be folded several times. Look how thin it is, now let's catch the air in the bag. Well done, you are so fast! Now we're twisting it. The bag is full of air, it looks like a pillow. The air took up all the space in the bag. What if we untie him? What will happen?
Children: If we untie the bag and let the air out of it, the bag will become thin again.
Educator: Conclusion: to see the air, you need to catch it. And we were able to do it! We caught the air and locked it in a bag, and then released it. What color is the air?
(children's answers). We have lanterns on the tables. Wizards, let's shine a light on the package. What did you see?
Children: The light of the flashlight passes through the package. It goes through without being distorted.
Educator: Light passes through a bag of air because air has no color, i.e. transparent. Here is the first property of air - transparent, colorless.
Educator: I wonder if there is air inside people? What do you guys think? Let's check.
Experiment 2. “Air in a Man.”
Educator: There are glasses of water in front of you. Blow into a tube placed in a glass of water. What's happening?
Children: Bubbles come out. Air bubbles!
Educator: Well done! Conclusion: this means there is air inside us. We blow into the tube and he comes out. But in order to blow more, we first inhale new air, and then exhale through the tube and we get bubbles. Do you think there is air in other objects? (children’s answers).
Didactic game: “Drowning - not drowning”(The children's song “Across the seas, across the waves” sounds; children take turns taking a stone, a wooden block, or other small objects from the chest and placing them in two basins).
Educator: Well done boys! Now we know that objects with air inside will float.
Physical education minute:
Since we are dealing with water, (demonstration - pour water from one fist to another)
Let's roll up our sleeves with confidence. (roll up our sleeves) If you spill water, it’s no problem (hands on your belt, shake your head) Always have a rag at hand (show your palms connected by an edge to each other)
An apron is a friend. He helped us (run your palms from neck to knees)
And no one here got wet (hands on waist, head turned to the sides)
Have you finished your work? Have you put everything in place? (step in place).
Educator: Guys, please take your seats at the tables.
Experiment 3. “Blow up the drop” (drawing with air).
Educator: Apply a few drops of liquid paint (gouache) to a sheet of paper and take cocktail tubes. We direct the lower end of the tube to the center of the blot, and then blow forcefully into the tube and inflate the blot from the center in different directions. Look at how the “legs” of the blot scatter in different directions. Guys, what does this look like? We can complete individual details with a regular brush or using felt-tip pens. You like?
Children: Great!
Educator: We can also use tree leaves that we collected during our walk to complete our compositions!
Educator: Guys, you are excellent air detectors! As a result of our searches, we discovered (children sum up the experimental and research activities in class) :
- that air constantly surrounds us;
- that the way to detect air is to “lock” the air, “catch” it in a shell;
- that air is lighter than water;
- that there is air inside objects;
- that there is air inside people.
Summing up, designing an exhibition of creative works.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group in environmental education children
Visiting the water sorceress.

Middle group.

give to children elementary representations about the water cycle in nature.

- to consolidate children’s knowledge about the benefits of water for all life on earth,
- introduce the water cycle in nature,

- develop curiosity, observation, logical thinking, speech,
— develop skills in conducting experiments, observing the necessary safety measures,

- develop the ability to work in a team,
- cultivate a caring attitude towards water.

Preliminary work.

Observing different states of water, guessing riddles about natural phenomena, reading fiction, designing exhibitions of children's work on the topic of the lesson, getting acquainted with the globe, showing the presentation “Water Purification”, etc.

Equipment: an envelope with tasks, for carrying out the experiment, two glasses for each child, a paper funnel, a piece of cotton wool, activated carbon, dirty water, an audio recording of Water’s voice, the sound of water, a multimedia projector.

Progress of the lesson:

And they greet the guests.
Educator: Today we will go on a visit, and who you will find out if you guess the riddle:
It can be alive or dead,
Both liquid and very solid.
It may be lurking in the sky,
And hide in the depths of the earth,
And evaporate before our eyes,
And then appear again. (Water)

Educator: Yes, this is water. Today we will go to the kingdom where the Water Sorceress lives. Water surrounds us everywhere.
-Where can we find water?
-Who needs water?
-What is water needed for?

Educator: All living beings need water. Without water there is no life on earth.

And so, we hit the road. Let's close our eyes, and magical sounds will take us to the kingdom of water. (Music and sounds of the sea sound).

Open your eyes. Here we are. (Against the background of the noise of the sea, the voice of the Water Sorceress is heard).

To save my residents from extinction, I organized a water friends club. I am sure that you too can become my friends, but on the condition that you complete my tasks. You will find them in a blue envelope. See you soon.

Educator: Do you want to become friends with Water? Then let's open the envelope. (Open). To become friends of Water we need to complete three tasks.

Task No. 1.

You need to answer the questions:
-What happens to water in very hot weather?
-Where does the steam rise?
-What helps water evaporate?
-How do puddles appear?
-Where does rain come from?

Guys, look what happens (slide image of the water cycle diagram).
The sun, with its hot rays, heats the water in the puddle and the water turns into steam.
Steam rises up into a cloud.

The wind rose, our cloud flew across the sky and rained down. A large puddle appeared on the ground. After the rain, the sun came out again and the water from the puddle began to evaporate.

Our water goes in circles all the time. It goes up and then goes down. This phenomenon is called the “water cycle in nature.”

To remember this better, we will now play a game called “Water Cycle”.

Dynamic pause “Water cycle”.

Task No. 2.

Conducting the “Water Purification” experiment

Educator: - What do people do to prevent dirty water from getting into rivers? (They are building treatment stations).
– How can we purify the water?
This is dirty water. What needs to be done to make it clean?
Children talk.

Educator: The Water Sorceress has an experimental laboratory, let's go there.
Children go to the tables and conduct an experiment on water purification. (Music sounds).

Task No. 3.

Guess the riddles.
Educator: Water can take different forms. It is either rain, or snow, or a soft cloud. Children solve riddles about different transformations of water. If the children guessed correctly, a picture of the answer appears on the slide.

Educator: Well done! So we completed all the tasks.

Guys, it will be Water Day soon, and let's congratulate the Sorceress Water on the holiday and decorate a greeting card for her.

Children stand around the table where it lies big postcard. A pattern is created from the finished elements and pasted on paper.
The finished card is placed in a prominent place.

The voice of Water is heard: Well done, guys! Thank you. You passed all the tests with honor. I am glad to accept you into the ranks of my friends, and here is the reward for your labors. The sound of water is heard and a gift appears on the “shore” - a tray containing “Friend of Water” medals and cups. Children put on medals and are treated to delicious water.
To the sounds of magical music, the children return to the garden.

Educator: - Where have we been? (In the kingdom of the Water Sorceress).
- What is the name of the phenomenon that we met today? (Water cycle in nature).
– Whoever liked the activity, put the flower in a vase, and whoever didn’t like it, leave it on the tray.

That's how big and beautiful bouquet we succeeded. Thank you very much for your work.
The children say goodbye to the guests and go for a walk.


Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MK Preschool Educational Institution OV DS No. 1 “Firefly” with priority implementation activities for the development of children in the cognitive and speech direction
Location: Oparino village, Oparinsky district, Kirov region

Lesson on the formation of elementary ecological ideas for children of the middle group "Journey to Autumn"

Description of work: This material will be useful to teachers additional education, parents, educators. Designed for children 3 – 5 years old.
- Help you see the colors of autumn,
- Teach to feel and understand the beauty of the world around us, poetry, painting,
- Learn to express your emotional outburst in practical application through drawing and self-expression in music
- Expand children’s understanding of autumn changes in nature;
- Teach children to name the signs of autumn;
- Develop speech activity in children;
- Train in solving riddles.
- Learn to draw autumn leaves using the wet sheet technique;
Material: paths (narrow and wide), pictures of autumn, a picture of a lawn, a seven-flowered flower, watercolor paints, brushes, jars for water, napkins.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher and the children enter the hall decorated with autumn leaves
Now we're heading to wonderful country, a mysterious country full of secrets. And you will find out who we are going to look for if you guess the riddle:
Come! - we ask her
In a golden outfit...(autumn)
That's right, we'll go look for Autumn. Well, let's hit the road. Look, notice everything and don’t miss anything! We are walking into the country along the path where someone’s feet walked. (Children and teacher walk along the path). But be careful. The paths need to be changed. Listen to the words and act on the verses.
"Little feet walk along the path,
A big feet are walking along the road.

Little feet run along the road
And big legs run along the road.
Little legs hop and jump along the path,
And big feet follow the road."
Educator:“Our legs are obedient. Where are we going?”
Children:“Let’s go look for Autumn.”
Educator:“Each season has its own signs. Now let’s check if you know the signs of autumn. I’ll tell you riddles, and you guess them.
"The leaves are spinning in the air,
They lie down quietly on the grass.
The garden sheds its leaves
It's just...(leaf fall)"

"In September and October
There are so many of them in the yard!
The rain passed and left them,
Medium, small, large. (puddles)

"The wind will call the cloud,

A cloud is floating across the sky.
And on top of the gardens about the grove
It's drizzling cold...(rain)

"No arms, no legs
There's a knocking under the window,
Asks to go to the hut" (wind)

"Low in the gray sky
The clouds are moving close
Closing the horizon
It will be raining,
We took...(umbrella)

Our beds are empty,
The vegetable garden is in order.
You, earth, give birth again,
We have collected...(harvest)

It started to get cold at night,
The puddles began to freeze.
And on the grass there is blue velvet,
What is this?.. (frost)

Educator: You know the signs of autumn, which means you can move on. Guys, look, we are on a lawn where there are a lot of flowers.

(the teacher finds a seven-flowered flower)
Educator:“What kind of strange flower is this, every petal is different?”
Flower: I unusual flower. I am a seven-flowered flower. Each petal is special to me. Find my autumn colors.
Children name autumn colors: yellow, red, orange, green.
Flower: “Guys, do you want to visit in Autumn?”
Children:“Yes, we want.”
Flower: Then say the spell, but quickly, quickly, otherwise it won’t work.
(Children pronounce a tongue twister)
"Autumn has passed through the clearing,
I spilled my paints."
(autumn slide is shown)

The teacher reads a poem:
At the edge of the forest autumn colors were spreading,
I quietly ran a brush across the foliage.
The hazel tree has turned yellow, and the maples have stripped,
The aspen trees are purple, only the oak is green.


"That's how much work autumn has! All the leaves need to be gilded, not a single one is missed. What paint did autumn choose? And how did you paint it?
A magic brush and music helped her with this. The brush itself danced from leaf to leaf to the music and gilded everything. Where does the melody live?
(Children listen...and at this time slides are shown showing how autumn draws on the leaves)

Autumn is tired and falls asleep. And the wind flew by, took the paints and mixed everything. I splattered orange paint on one leaf, and red paint on this one. Guys, let's ask him not to be naughty anymore.
Children say: "The wind, the wind is not a shawl,
You took the paints, so put them down!”
Doesn't want to return the wind of paint. He invites us to play with him, because he’s bored alone. Children, let's dance to the music, pretending to be leaves.
Children dance to the soundtrack of P. I. Tchaikovsky "October" from the album "Seasons".
The teacher quotes:
Oak leaves, maple leaves,
They turn yellow and fall quietly.
The wind grabs you and throws you into a heap,
The leaves are spinning quietly.
So makes you fly and spin,
This is how he plays and has fun.
The leaves are dancing their round dance,
They will return again only after a year.
But then it started to rain heavily. Drops of water fell on the leaves, and the paint flowed, all the colors mixed.

Oh, what a beauty!

Educator: Guys, look at the leaf, it was simple, but now it’s golden. How the colors shimmer. The trees put on a golden outfit.
She took all the greenery of the forest and repainted it,
The good sorceress decorated everything around,
She painted the ground bright yellow.
Everything around is sparkling
Everything shimmers.
What is this miracle in nature called?
Children in chorus: Autumn!

Children, and now we will be little artists, we will convey the beauty of autumn in our drawings. Come to the tables and see what autumn has prepared for you: leaves, paints, brushes, cups of water. Do you remember how you painted autumn? We moisten our leaves with water, then take the desired paint and apply it to the leaf with light movements. (Children draw to the music.)
After completing the work, the teacher invites the children to admire their leaves and sums up the lesson.