What to do if your feet get wet. What to do if your feet get wet

The rainy season has arrived. What you can't put on is wet feet. Next comes a cold, runny nose and cough. How to protect yourself? Even if you are the happy owner of a car, you still need to get to the parking lot. Not everyone can afford to leave their car in their driveway.

During the rainy season, the most wonderful shoes are rubber boots. In the old days they were also called wet shoes.

The fashion for rubber boots came to us from Europe. Most often they have fancy shoes, rather than ordinary galoshes. Unfortunately, you will have to pay extra for beautiful wet shoes.

There are rubber boots different color, colors (stripe, check) and even with various accessories (for example, inserts made of knitwear or leather). Boots come in both heels and wedges. It's practical, fashionable and stylish. The only drawback of such shoes is the limited time of wearing (you cannot walk in them for more than 3 hours). In this case, you should take spare shoes for indoors with you.

When choosing rubber boots, pay attention to the quality of the material. It should be elastic vulcanized rubber, not PVC. The sole should not be flat - frosts are not uncommon in autumn. You should also choose rubber shoes with an orthopedic last, which is not found in all models. It is best if the lining is made of natural fabrics. There should be no folds or unevenness inside the boots. There is one trick: wipe the lining with a damp napkin - if there is a mark left on the napkin, then the lining will fade, leaving marks on your tights or jeans.

If everything is fine, you can try on the boots. Bring cotton socks. Rubber, unlike leather, does not stretch over time. Experts advise taking rubber boots a size larger: it will be easier to put on and take off, and you can wear warm socks. To prevent your foot from slipping inside the boots, place a soft insole. Wear rubber boots for no more than 3 hours. A humid environment is a risk for foot fungus. Be sure to air your boots after use. Do not dry them near the radiator.

Rainy weather can cause a lot of discomfort. First of all, we recommend purchasing for this weather rubber boots. They will keep your feet from getting wet. These shoes will protect you very well from the rain, but they cannot be worn every day. A “greenhouse effect” may occur, and this will affect the development of fungal disease. So what to do if your feet get wet?

Since childhood, we have been told that our feet need to be kept warm. And this is no joke. Because you can catch many diseases due to this. Today we will look at how to protect your health after getting wet feet, because who wants to be sick?

The consequences of wet feet

And if our shoes didn’t save us and our feet still got wet, then we should prepare for the worst case scenario. First of all, we must know that the consequences will be the most unpleasant.

The least that awaits us is a runny nose, cold or acute respiratory infection. After severe freezing, kidney disease and inflammation of the bladder may occur, which are accompanied by pain when urinating. In addition, pain will be felt in the lumbar region.

Wet feet can cause inflammation of the appendages and cystitis. This is not the most pleasant thing that can happen to you. A man may develop prostatitis and its exacerbation. Freezing combined with wet feet will cause (pityriasis rosea). Therefore, you should be careful. Skin diseases are difficult to treat. In addition, there is a possibility of arthritis (joint disease) and even sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which manifests itself as pain in the buttock).

Help for wet feet

What to do as soon as your feet get wet? Therefore, if your feet get wet, you should immediately start a “first aid” plan. This way you can avoid negative consequences. And you won't get sick. Let's get acquainted with useful tips that will help.

  • Change of shoes. The very first thing to do is immediately change your wet shoes. It is she who is now the source of the problem. You need to get to your home or destination and put on dry shoes. If you don’t have any other shoes or you’re visiting, simply dry them on a radiator or near a heater. Now they sell a special device - a shoe dryer. It is precisely intended for such cases. Place a heater near your feet to warm them up too.
  • Warming actions. It is worth knowing that wet feet need to be warmed urgently. Otherwise, you will get sick very soon. Of course, if you are currently in the office or studying, then this procedure will not suit you. But if you quickly came home after the rain, then perform this ritual. You will need an alcohol tincture with pepper. It needs to be poured onto the fabric and rubbed into the legs. Then put on woolen socks and relax. The tincture will do its job and prevent you from getting sick.
  • Foot massage. Before you change into dry shoes, you should warm up your feet. You can massage with your hands or use a woolen cloth. This procedure will help improve blood circulation in your limbs. Doctors note that the procedure will improve the body’s protective functions. It is recommended to carry out a good rubbing; for this, use warming ointments that are designed for this. You can use strong alcoholic drinks for rubbing - vodka, cognac, whiskey, liqueur, etc. You need to rub until completely warm, you will feel it. Your feet will become pink and warm. Try to rub clockwise, pressing on the active points on your feet.
  • Delicious hot tea. A hot drink will help keep you warm and keep your cold at bay. The best remedy would be herbal tea with honey or ginger. The drink will warm you up perfectly and has a healing effect on the body. You can use both dry and fresh ginger for tea. Ginger perfectly warms the blood and speeds up metabolism. Drink this drink daily, it will boost your immune system.
  • Foot baths. To avoid colds or flu, we recommend trying foot baths. It's not difficult to prepare. You will need mustard or sea salt. Steam your legs for 15 minutes and you will feel better. You won't be able to do this in the office. That's why you should steam your hands. Make this hand bath. After all, there are active points on your hands; by warming them, you will put your entire body in order.
  • Warming drink. In addition to regular tea, you can drink a super warming drink, which has been saving humanity from colds and flu for many years. Grog or mulled wine will help you. Drink a drink right before bed and wrap yourself in a blanket. The drink copes well with colds, coughs and runny nose. This the best remedy after hypothermia.
  • Essential oils to help. Everyone knows that essential oils have a wide range of actions. They can save you from many diseases. They are increasingly being used for the prevention and even treatment of colds. If your feet are wet and you are currently at work, then it doesn’t matter. Essential oil will help you. You need to apply the oil to your chest and a little under your nose. Best to use essential oil citrus, fir, pine, tea tree. The oil acts on the body as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent, and among other things, it improves the immune system.
  • Warming bath. If you get wet feet and are frozen, then when you come home you should immediately go to the bath. Give yourself a relaxing and warming bath. To do this you will need a collection of herbs and sea salt. To prepare a herbal bath, you should make a decoction. To do this, take 5 tbsp. collection of herbs (chamomile, mint, sage, nettle). Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the grass and leave for half an hour. We filter and pour into our bath. You can just use sea salt. Now you can pamper yourself. You should take a bath for 20 minutes. After this, wrap yourself in a warm robe (or pajamas) and crawl under a warm blanket. Rest for an hour or two until you feel better. Make yourself some delicious hot herbal tea. This procedure is an excellent prevention of certain diseases and will help avoid colds.

Try to avoid getting your feet wet. Buy shoes for yourself and outerwear with a waterproof surface. You can avoid discomfort. These tips will help you improve your well-being and will not give you any chance of catching a cold. Good luck!

There are two ways to deal with the problem of wet feet. The first one is a car to the entrance. But this is for a narrow circle.

An ordinary person still needs to get to the parking lot before getting behind the wheel. The second method is affordable and reliable: buy rubber shoes for the rainy season. Wet feet, as they used to say in our old days.

In a modern way, the problem of such shoes was solved long ago by practical Europeans. For example, they often buy galoshes - elegant plastic covers for either high-heeled pumps or men's shoes. They don't slip off your shoes and are easy to put on and take off. And your feet are dry and warm, and expensive shoes All right. You can also look for galoshes here, but you will have to pay a very decent amount for beauty and comfort. And our puddles are deeper...

In general, the most democratic and affordable option is rubber boots. You can look very stylish in plain ones - brown or black, and they come with both heels and wedges. Don't have the right style? Buy in stripes, checks, or with leather and knit inserts. You can wear them with a raincoat, a jacket, or a coat. Fashionable, stylish and practical. Perhaps the only drawback of such shoes is that you can’t walk in them all day. So what? Anyway, you won’t wear wet shoes at work - you always have spare ones.

No mistakes!

It's not just a matter of appearance rubber boots. A good choice is, first of all, convenience. Pay attention to the quality of the material. Best shoes Made of elastic vulcanized rubber, not PVC. If boots have fabric inserts, make sure the rubber, fabric, and seam are waterproof. The sole should be grooved: it will protect against falls and injuries, because frosts in the fall are not uncommon. Another important point is a special comfortable orthopedic block (not found in all models!).

Pay attention to the lining. Although many believe that this is not important, since the foot still does not breathe in rubber, it is still better if it is made of natural fabrics - in “synthetics” the foot sweats more. Feel the inside of the boots - there should be no unevenness or folds there. And another little trick: wipe the lining with a damp cloth. Did she stay clean? This means the lining will not fade and leave colored spots on the tights.

Everything is fine? So, let's try it on. Bring cotton socks with you. Rubber is not leather and will not stretch to fit the shape of your foot. But in general, even if you feel quite comfortable, experts advise buying these shoes a size larger. Firstly, it is easier to put on and take off. Secondly, sometimes thick socks will come in handy for warmth. Well, to prevent your feet from slipping around in boots without them, place a soft insole inside. And, of course, try on both boots and walk in them in the store before heading to the checkout.

Try to walk in rubber shoes for no longer than 3 hours at a time: your feet should breathe. A “humid climate” is an additional risk for the development of foot fungus. Be sure to thoroughly ventilate these boots after each use. Do not dry rubber shoes near the radiator. To extend the life of rubber boots, after returning home, rinse them with warm water several times, add a few drops of glycerin to a bowl of water, this will keep the shine longer. And after the “bath”, such shoes must be wiped dry with a soft cloth.

The legs, however, like the arms, normally have a temperature 6–8 degrees lower than the torso and head. This happens because there is very little fatty tissue under their skin, but the number of blood vessels (capillaries) is large. And through them the feet and hands give off their heat at an accelerated pace internal organs. When a child is cold, blood flows more actively to the internal organs to prevent them from hypothermia, leaving the limbs unattended. The blood vessels in the arms and legs narrow and they freeze. This process is classified as protective-adaptive. If hypothermia continues, compensatory capabilities dry up and the baby freezes completely. In conditions high humidity the action accelerates and can lead to general hypothermia of the child. And wet feet indicate that this is about to happen. A dense capillary network on the soles can quickly lead to their cooling, and after this the entire body freezes.

Why should a child’s feet be dry and warm?

Wet and frozen feet in a child necessarily lead to hypothermia of the whole body and a decrease in resistance to infectious agents, in other words, a hypothermic child can easily get sick. In addition, the feet are a place where a huge number of reflexogenic points accumulate, exposure to cold, which, according to Eastern medicine, leads to disruption of the microcirculation of vital energy in the nose and throat. All children and adults, without exception, have many different bacteria living in these organs, the reproduction of which is restrained by the immune system. After the child is hypothermic, the defenses weaken, the microbes become more active, which ultimately results in a real cold.

How can a child avoid getting his feet wet?

To prevent your feet from getting wet and overcooling, you need to follow simple rules:

Walking is an active process

If a child is standing or sitting still, then no matter how high-quality the shoes are, and how thick the socks are, it is quite difficult to avoid icy feet, and subsequently a wet nose. Try to plan your walk so that your baby runs, jumps, or at least walks.

Don't skimp on shoes

The shoe manufacturer must be chosen very carefully. Low-quality shoes from unknown manufacturers, so-called no name, are unlikely to be made from safe materials that keep a child’s feet warm and dry.

If the little one is walking during slushy times, then a waterproof pair would be optimal. The fact that boots or shoes belong specifically to this category is indicated by the waterproof mark on the label. However, not every product made from fabrics with a similar characteristic is equally safe. The method of attaching the sole to the shaft and top of the shoe is important. After all, it is this joint that is very vulnerable to moisture. The optimal method is the adhesive-molding fastening technique (liquid molding method). Using this technology, a pre-made shoe upper is lowered into a special mold, which immediately “sculpts” the sole onto the boot. The tightness of this product is guaranteed.

Another, glue-stitching, method of attaching the sole and the puddle is a risky combination. No matter how firmly the sole is glued and stitched, water will find a hole through the thread seam - and it is sewn along the side along the entire perimeter of the product. This option is unlikely to be suitable for wet weather.

An intermediate position is occupied by the adhesive method of fastening, when the sole is simply glued to the top of the shoe. For wet weather, this pair is suitable only if the thickness of the sole is at least one and a half centimeters.

If you are cold, this does not mean that your baby will be too. Metabolism, accompanied by the release of heat, is several times more intense in children than in adults. Consequently, a child produces more of it per unit time than an adult, and where the adult is cool, the child is normal, where the adult is normal, the child is warm, and where the adult is warm, the child is hot.

Monitor your baby's sweating

A child’s feet can also become wet as a result of excessive sweating, that is, the toddler’s soles will simply sweat, and puddles will have nothing to do with it. Shoes that are too warm for the weather or the child’s foot hyperhidrosis are to blame. To avoid this situation, it is recommended to use a special membrane shoes, which removes excess moisture from the inside to the outside, but does not allow it to pass from the outside. The membrane is a thin porous polymer film located on top of the material from which the upper part of the boots is made. Moisture, even if it is absorbed from the air through the surface of the product, does not penetrate inside the model because the pores of the polymer film on the outside are several thousand times smaller than water molecules, and on the inside, on the contrary, they are larger. Sweat easily goes into the external environment and evaporates there, that is, the feet “breathe” and do not become wet. The best membrane on this moment recognized as GORE-TEX, a little worse, but also cheaper than Sympatex.

Right size

Not acceptable tight shoes! If she presses, her fingers are immobilized, blood circulation is disrupted and her limbs freeze. From the toe of the shoe to the toes, there should be about one centimeter left inside for air circulation.

Why, despite all the mother’s efforts, do the child’s feet become hypothermic?

Perhaps the baby has health problems, for example, an illness that leads to impaired tone of blood vessels and facilitates the process of hypothermia of the feet. The most common reason This phenomenon is anemia resulting from iron deficiency. To avoid the problem, you need to enrich your child’s diet with foods rich in iron, namely meat. The second reason is, which will help to avoid, hardening and daily routine. We also must not forget about various diseases of the thyroid gland and cardiovascular system.

To normalize the tone of the blood vessels of the feet and the child’s body as a whole, from birth it is recommended to carry out various hardening procedures, namely massage of the fingers and feet, walking barefoot massage mats, contrast shower, rolling with your feet on “spiky” rollers.

  • If you want to keep your child's feet dry, do not wear cotton socks when walking. Products made from fine wool are better suited for it, which, among other things, also protects from mechanical damage.
  • There is a very simple way to check why your child has wet feet - wet shoes or sweaty soles. You need to lift the insole and feel the junction of the boot with the sole. If your boots get wet, the edges in this area will be wet. If the inside of the boot is wet, but not under the insole or below, most likely the child’s feet are sweating, and.

What to do if your child’s feet are wet and cold?

Cold feet do not mean that the child will definitely get sick, but prevention will not hurt. No inhalations, immunomodulators or other medications will be needed.

  • Come home, quickly undress the baby and warm his feet in any way acceptable to you.
  • Actively rub your feet with your hands or a terry cloth, you can use a warming ointment.
  • Immediately put warm socks on your feet, preferably woolen ones.
  • Wash your feet with warm water.
  • Take a hot bath.

Our winter has always been original. It starts raining in the morning, and by lunchtime it changes to snow, which slowly turns into puddles. You feel like you’re in the “12 Months” fairy tale, only they don’t give out gifts.

What shoes to choose for such weather, to keep them dry and warm, and how to save them in extreme conditions? This is not an easy task.

What shoes to wear in winter

I had to experience all the dampness and cold of the coming winter when I returned from my grandmother. She lived in a small village, and you can only get there by commuter train. Events turned out in such a way that the train left without me. But tomorrow there was work, and the nearest transport was 7 kilometers from the station, and you had to walk to the highway! Outside the window, rain and snow competed to see who would leave the biggest puddle.

There was nothing to do, I looked at my heels, winked sadly at the cashier and got ready to leave. Suddenly she stopped me and handed me two huge pads with the words: “Don’t laugh, put them in your boots instead of insoles. You won't get out of this swamp with dry feet. I don’t go to work without them, and I can’t get sick - I’m 67 years old, after all.”

A few minutes of resistance, and I gave in to my sweet granny. How I thanked her all 7 kilometers! All kidding aside, this is the ultimate winter slush find! Without hesitation, I recommend this to everyone who is going on a trip, fishing, or generally going to the market for food!
Moving around the city in winter is always accompanied by risks both for the shoes themselves and for their wearer. Salt, ice, snow and puddles - all this is displayed on our legs. There are several secrets to keeping your boots in their original condition and your feet dry and warm. In this article I will tell you my shoe tricks that make winter walks safe and keep boots safe and sound.
As you may have guessed, the first one will be my “railway life hack”: your feet will remain dry in slushy weather if you use regular women’s pads instead of insoles. In summer, such a device will help against excessive sweating and eliminate unpleasant odor!
To prevent your shoes from slipping in winter, glue pieces of sandpaper to the soles with double-sided tape. You can take them off near the office entrance without damaging your shoes. For longer use, use superglue instead of tape. If you don’t have sandpaper, stick on a regular adhesive plaster, it will last for 3-4 days.
Shoe stores sell winter ice shoes - stretchable rubber devices with metal spikes. They are easy to put on and take off, are sold in different sizes, and are available for children. They last for several seasons, the main thing is not to walk on asphalt. I have a couple for each family member in case of ice.

Sometimes, to make shoes slip less, it is recommended to rub the shoes with raw potatoes. I haven’t tried it personally, but I really want to check it out.
If the sole is smeared with superglue and sprinkled with sand, this coating will protect against ice for at least four weeks. However, this method can damage the sole.
A radical solution is to screw small screws into the sole. Excellent option for trekking boots, eternal protection!

A simple method will help you get rid of salt on leather shoes: 3 tsp. Dissolve vinegar with a teaspoon of water, wipe the salt stains with this solution. You can use half a lemon instead of vinegar. Afterwards, clean thoroughly with shoe polish.

Works great on salt stains Castor oil, which need to wipe the shoes several times until the stains completely disappear.
Salt marks on suede boots are more difficult to remove. Boil water and hold the boot over the steam for several minutes, then comb the suede with a special brush. If the steam does not work, wipe the contaminated areas ammonia and sprinkle with semolina. Let sit for a few minutes so that the cereal absorbs the salt and then brush.
On nubuck shoes, salt is removed with a soap solution. After the procedure, be sure to dry your shoes, but not near the heating elements!
For prevention, before each time you go outside, use a special water-repellent product that is sold in shoe stores. After a walk, be sure to clean your boots from dirt. Warm shoes for the winter it should be on a thick sole or on a platform, so the likelihood of salt getting on the surface is minimal.

Wash leather shoes Absolutely not under running water. It is better to wipe off dirt with a wet cloth or wet wipes. Be sure to apply cream after washing and rub it well with a brush. Buy a shoe dryer, they come different types. Wet boots will dry overnight.
Your feet only deserve careful care, choose high-quality and comfortable shoes! How do you deal with ice in winter? What method of protection against salt do you think is the most effective?