What does the airborne force on your hand mean? Airborne Tattoo: Sketches and Meaning of Army Tattoos

Any citizen of our country, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation and religion, knows exactly on what day in Russia the Day of the Airborne Forces, or Airborne Forces Day for short, is celebrated. It is on August 2 that the streets of all cities are filled with vests, berets and all kinds of airborne-military tattoos. It is believed that on this significant day it is better for some citizens to stay at home and under no circumstances go out to fountains, squares and central streets, especially with multi-colored flags in their hands.

Tiger with an airplane - symbol of the Airborne Forces

Airborne troops are a special branch of our army, whose task during military operations is to penetrate into the very lair of the enemy, land and fight. There is no need to reiterate how brave and strong the people involved in such attacks must be.


Please note that, unlike other types of tattoos, Airborne tattoos, the meaning of which is highly specific, belong to the army types of tattoos. This means that the symbolism of other types of tattoos can vary depending on the wishes of the tattoo artist and his client; the meaning can be abstract or deeply philosophical. Army tattoos were originally invented to identify the blood type and Rh factor of a fighter in case of a threat to life.

It is known that intelligence officers were prohibited from getting tattoos so as not to give away unnecessary information. Military personnel who were in Vietnam also did not use tattoos, because extreme information caution had to be observed. And also because the climate of Vietnam was not suitable for tattoos, which were filled outside the conditions of observing the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.

Airborne themed sleeve tattoo

Most often, the blood data was stamped on the forearm or chest, sometimes inside the image of a cartridge case or cartridge from a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Nowadays, there are several mandatory attributes of an airborne tattoo.

  1. Blood type and Rh factor.
  2. Abbreviation for airborne troops.
  3. The number of the unit in which the person served is often indicated.
  4. The image of a parachute is a fairly common component of the composition.
  5. The composition may also include calls such as “For the Airborne Forces!” and others.

Hand with the inscription "for the airborne forces"

Can women wear such tattoos?

Most often, airborne tattoos are on men. Most likely this is due to the fact that the theme of such tattoos is related to service in the air force. airborne troops. But there is information that some girls also serve in the Airborne Forces under contract. Accordingly, they have the right to wear such tattoos.

In general, everyone has the right to wear any tattoo they want. Therefore, the choice is yours. But out of respect for the people who risk their lives defending our Motherland, you should not get this kind of tattoo if you are not in any way related to the Airborne Forces.

Airborne inscription with airplanes and parachute

Distinctive feature

In addition to the points related to the mandatory attribute of an Airborne Forces tattoo, the sketch of such a tattoo may also contain the grinning mouth of a predatory animal, most often a tiger. Less common are wolves and bears. The quality of such tattoos usually leaves much to be desired. But in in this case this is not important, because aesthetics in this type of tattoo plays a secondary role.

Did you know that showman Ivan Demidov, who had a hand in the creation of the VID television company, starred in films such as Brother 2, and founded the Spas TV channel, served in the eighties as part of the airborne troops. Having received the rank of sergeant, Ivan retired to the reserve.

Airborne tattoo: skull with blue beret

Select a sketch

If it is important for you to plunge into aesthetics, then it is better to entrust the creation of a sketch to a professional. But, as a rule, airborne tattoos are made during service by people who are not professional tattooists using low-quality materials. That is why most often airborne tattoos, photos of which can be found on the Internet, are blue or dark blue, instead of the usual black.

As components of the composition, the image may contain airplanes, parachutes, “For the Airborne Forces!” ribbons, landscapes, animals of prey, bats, birds of prey, as well as various slogans, the abbreviation of the Airborne Forces, skulls, blue berets, portraits.

What sketch these components will form is a matter of your imagination.

Narashutes, plane and the inscription no one but us

I fought in '97. In the air military forces. Many of us had tattoos back then. And I have it. My tattoo has faded, I decided to update it. The carpenter offered to correct it, finish it there and all that, but I refused. I just asked to tint the outline. I'm pleased with the result.

Ilya, Voronezh

My husband served in the Airborne Forces. In our family it is customary to celebrate August 2nd. Both the children and my husband and I put on vests, berets and go for a walk. My husband has a tattoo - a tiger with a parachute and the inscription “Glory to the Airborne Forces!” I'm very proud of him and his tattoo. This year I asked him if he would mind if I also got an Airborne Forces tattoo, only a female version. He agreed. I got a tattoo with a bat on my shoulder and the inscription, like my husband’s, “Glory to the Airborne Forces!” Now I feel like I'm part of something bigger.

None of those who end up in the Airborne Forces or Special Forces can do without some kind of tattoo. The smallest thing is “Batman” on the edge of the palm, but, as a rule, it’s a “full set”: “For the Airborne Forces”, “Brigadnik” on the shoulder, something on the chest. Plus, of course, blood type. Blood types began to be “injected” into military personnel in Afghanistan for purely practical reasons. Such a tattoo often saved the lives of many unconscious wounded people.

Standard for everyone and very popular was a tattoo on the side of the palm of the left hand with the inscription “For the Airborne Forces...”. Why this is so, and why exactly there is one explanation. The fact is that since the war in Afghanistan, the third toast at any feast was to those who died in that war, and in general they drank to the Airborne Forces with the left hand. So the tattoo was stuffed so that when you change a glass (shot glass, goblet) this expression would be immediately visible. The bat is a symbol of EXCLUSIVELY reconnaissance and the privilege of ONLY intelligence officers. Accordingly, the dome with a bat means one of 2 things: either a reconnaissance unit of the Airborne Forces or a GRU Special Forces! Precisely the GRU, since they also jump with parachutes, but, as a rule, such a tattoo belongs to the first category, the second are usually limited to one mouse... Those who served in the North Caucasus often stab a scorpion. Wings106 division, Tula:

The eagle is one of the common and universal symbols of airborne tattoos. On the one hand, it indicates that the paratrooper lands from the sky to the ground quickly, like this winged predator. On the other hand, it serves as a symbol of intimidation. The paratrooper must inspire fear and respect in the enemy. Therefore, the totem animals that appeared in each division in 1993 are depicted as aggressive.

Airplane 106 division, Tula:

Il-76, a combat vehicle that is in service with the modern Air Force. Paratroopers who served several decades ago can be recognized by the image of the An-12 aircraft.

Years of service 106 division, Tula:

One of the elements of the tattoo design may contain information about the period of service (the last two digits along the edges), deployment and number of the formation or military unit.

Parachute canopy 106th division, Tula:

One of the main elements of paratroopers' tattoos, in addition to the eagle, is a parachute. Special forces soldiers can use the parachute canopy in their tattoos, so they can be distinguished from paratroopers by their unit number.

Blood typeOne of the regiments of the Tula division, now disbanded: Until 1992, there were no stripes on the fighters’ uniforms indicating the blood type. The tradition came from Afghanistan to make it as a tattoo on the left under the chest or on the forearm.

Mountains 76th Division, Pskov:

A common element that indirectly indicates the location of the unit is the landscape of the area where the service took place.

Kaban247 regiment, Stavropol (former 21st separate airborne brigade):

The boar is a symbol of the airborne brigades that were part of the Airborne Forces. In addition to totem animals, paratroopers use a skull as a symbol that brings death.

Beret disbanded division:

The beret is another symbol of belonging to the Airborne Forces. Another symbolic tattoo “For the Airborne Forces!” done on the edge of the palm. The paratroopers themselves joke that this gives them the opportunity to drink without toast.

Classics of the genre7 division, Baltic:

An example of a tattoo made in an artisanal way. In the 12 years since the soldier was discharged from the Armed Forces, it has become blurred. Now the division where this paratrooper served has been transferred to Novorossiysk.

They occupy a special place in one of ancient arts. As a rule, they are applied not in professional salons, but directly at the place of work. The peculiarities of the artist’s work in artisanal conditions make themselves felt: often, instead of professional tattoo ink, stationery ink or a similar pigmenting substance is used. Each has its own special distinctive elements, is proud of them, and honors established traditions. Paratroopers are no exception; Airborne Forces tattoos carry their own unique symbolism and inimitable images. And God forbid someone who did not serve in the Airborne Forces get such a tattoo!

Historical excursion

It is noteworthy that the first soldier tattoos appeared during the reign of the Tsar. Later, the Red Army soldiers came up with the idea of ​​​​applying insignia directly to the skin - they pricked out a five-pointed star on the forearm. During the USSR army tattoos were banned - it was believed that they could declassify the fighter. IN modern Russia the attitude towards tattoos is quite loyal, and even military intelligence officers are allowed to decorate their backs and shoulders with the image of a bat.

Symbolism of landing tattoos

The main sign by which you can identify a VDV soldier is the open canopy of the parachute. There are often images of airplanes and helicopters. As in other genera, symbols such as images of machine gun cartridges, fluttering ribbons with the unit number, blood type and Rhesus affiliation are common. The effectiveness of writing group and rhesus is questionable. The soldiers themselves are confident that this can save lives in case of injury, but military doctors are quite skeptical about such signs, preferring to double-check the information.

Those airborne units that are directly related to military intelligence also use the image of a bat for their image.

You can often meet other animals: tigers, lions, cats, wolves, dressed in landing berets and baring their teeth. The symbol of a skull, sometimes with wings, often becomes another motive for airborne tattoos.

And, of course, the motto “Nobody but us!” occupies a special place.

Localization on the body

Most often you can see airborne tattoos on the shoulder. This is not surprising - after all, in the summer, this place is often open to public viewing, and there is plenty of space here - there is room to roam around. In addition, the drawing so favorably emphasizes the expressive muscular relief.

Often, army tattoos of the Airborne Forces adorn the powerful backs of soldiers, ankles, necks, and wrists. The knuckles and edges of the palms are not so tempting for applying art, but they are best place for the laconic inscription “For the Airborne Forces.”

Airborne Brotherhood

First of all, Airborne tattoos are not intended for decoration. This special group of tattoos, rather, serves to ensure that you can always and everywhere unmistakably identify your own. Increased decorativeness was initially not a mandatory element of army tattoos; rather, they were of an informative nature. Although you shouldn’t think that among the artisanal army tattoo artists there are only amateurs! Some manage to create real masterpieces using hastily assembled machines and scrap paint. And yet, even an absolutely ascetic inscription with the number of the DShB will be the same source of pride as a three-dimensional image of a landing group against the backdrop of rocky mountains.

Army tattoos of the Airborne Forces allow serving soldiers to unmistakably recognize their own. The main features will be images of parachutes and the inscription "Airborne". But, as the warriors themselves say, they recognize each other first of all “not by their uniforms and chevrons, but by their eyes.” So, for many of them, expressive tattoos are, rather, a tribute to the memory of the times spent in the unit, a reminder of combat operations, a thread that forever connected their front-line comrades.

Tattoo on hand, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BStYN_0ltlI/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

The army tattoo of the Airborne Forces appeared with the formation of airborne troops. The unit was created in 1930 as an emergency response force.

Airborne value

It is difficult to say when the Airborne Forces tattoo entered the culture of army tattooing. The drawing has many variations. Depending on the year of service and period, the drawing can be color or black and white.

The variation of the tattoo has several additional phrases: “for the special forces”, “for the Airborne Forces”, “Airborne Forces forever”, “airborne troops protect us”. The meaning of the tattoo “for the Airborne Forces” has a deep meaning for those who served in these troops. In fact, it's like a badge of honor. The type of tattoo is individual for each airborne unit. The digital service period is applied to the drawing.

For paratroopers, such a tattoo is a source of pride for their achievements in the service. She is beaten only after completing her full term and in the case of field service rather than headquarters service.

According to etiquette, representatives of the airborne troops undergo a special initiation before getting a tattoo. The classic version is made using the tattooing technique.

Can women wear such tattoos?

The wearing of army tattoos is strictly regulated. Ordinary people those not related to the service should not get such tattoos. Even if you want to emphasize your closeness to the Airborne Forces, remember that this is primarily a male brotherhood.

“Airborne Forces” tattoos can only be worn by women who served in the airborne forces and distinguished themselves on the battlefield.

It is allowed to apply a drawing that has gone through real battles or operations. Those who were wounded or fought with minimal losses.

REMEMBER! Like any heraldic tattoo, “for the Airborne Forces” reflects the path of the war in service. It has a lot of unique touches by which experienced military personnel understand who is now in front of them. The subtleties of creating an image are taught within the fraternity.

Basic symbols of the Airborne Forces

The airborne troops have several units. Each tattoo has a set of its own unique attributes. This is how the airborne reconnaissance tattoo is complemented by a bat.

In modern translation, this is a whole range of interpretations, from the Batman symbol to realism. The picture can be complemented by a sapper shovel or. Both weapons are used for close combat.

Acceptable inscriptions:

  • fortune smiles on the brave;
  • unit motto.

The rapid response paratroopers of the liquidation brigades have animals in their symbols: a bear, a tiger, a stinging scorpion.

Additional items:

  • beret;
  • airplane;
  • parachute;

Those who served in Afghanistan write the name of the country above the composition.

Naval special forces Russian special forces abbreviate DShB. The attributes suitable for these troops are:

  • skull in beret
  • Red Star
  • panther
  • eagle.

The emblem of the Russian Paratroopers Union includes an open parachute. All paratroopers are paratroopers, so the tattoo necessarily includes the symbolism of an airplane and a parachute. Both elements reflect the very heart and calling of every Marine.

Where is it applied?

Traditionally, tattoos are made on the arm. Lots of places:

  • forearm
  • shoulder
  • on the edge of the palm.

Additionally, the design can be applied on the back. The colors chosen are classic:

  • Navy blue
  • blue
  • red
  • black
  • brown
  • green.

A taboo is placed on drawings on the waist, abdomen, legs or buttocks. It is considered offensive for the insignia to be applied to these areas.

  • Tattoo on the shoulder, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BqVeMc6FXG0/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

  • Tattoo on the shoulder, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BqRJM6sBNP2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

  • Tattoo on the shoulder, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BouTKTPnk08/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

  • Tattoo on the shoulder, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl7Nc12F5XE/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

  • Tattoo on the chest, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/BJtXhbljAa2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

  • Tattoo on the edge of the palm, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/p/_fILoYEbVM/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Select a sketch

Tattoo designs are drawn up under the guidance of senior ranks. This will allow you to avoid mistakes in the formation of symbolism. The drawing of a paratrooper should contain the classic general attributes:

  • airplane
  • open parachute with parachutist figurine
  • year of end of service.

Additional points depend on the unit and type of service.

It is better to hit the drawing on the shoulder. Due to the nature of their service, warriors undergo complex training; the volume and condition of the biceps emphasize the masculinity of the wearer.

Video on the topic - photo gallery

They have always been very popular among former military personnel. Those who are far from the army, skillfully made body images are perceived primarily as decoration. However, in addition to the aesthetic function, army tattoos also perform a recognition function. From the drawing, you can determine the type of military service and the unit in which its owner served, as well as judge the status of the serviceman in the army. Each branch of the military has its own characteristic images. The article contains information about Airborne Forces tattoos.

The main element of the drawing

Since the Airborne Forces parachute behind enemy lines, each of the body images must include a parachute. It became a symbol of the airborne troops. Airborne tattoos with the image of a parachutist soaring in the sky against the backdrop of a flying plane look very impressive. Below the picture, many servicemen write the note “For the Airborne Forces!” and the slogan “Nobody but us!” The Airborne Forces tattoo also indicates the unit number and years of service.


In addition to the traditional opening parachute, an Airborne Forces tattoo may contain the following elements:

  1. Winged sword. This symbol is very popular among airborne troops. Above the picture is a picture of a beret. The sword with wings primarily serves as a background on which the shield is drawn.
  2. Predator with wings. Depending on the preferences of the owner of the tattoo, it could be a wolf, bear or tiger. The main thing is that the animal is depicted grinning - this indicates the fearlessness of the wearer of such a tattoo and his constant readiness for battle.
  3. Leopard. The beast personifies swiftness, fearlessness and vigilance. The owners of such a tattoo demonstrate their belligerence and ability to act in the most difficult circumstances.
  4. A skull in a beret against the background of wings. indicates the dashing and desperate nature of its owner.
  5. Images of airplanes or helicopters.
  6. Automatic cartridges.
  7. The bats. Found among those paratroopers who served in military intelligence.
  8. Images of ribbons or army tags with the numbers of units and units indicated on them.

The above artistic elements of a tattoo can either be a single composition or applied separately. It all depends on the wishes of the tattoo owner.

The blood type and Rh factor are also marked on the body. The military believes that this will help doctors save the life of a paratrooper if he is seriously wounded. However, doctors are skeptical about such designations. Mostly, information about the wounded is double-checked by them.

Localization on the body

Mostly airborne tattoos are done on the shoulder. This choice is explained by the fact that in the summer this part of the body is open to public viewing. Those who served in the autumn conscription have the image of an opening parachute tattooed on their left shoulder. Additionally, tattoos can be placed on the back, neck, ankle or wrist. Some airborne troops have small, laconic inscriptions “For the Airborne Forces!” and “Nobody but us!” - on the knuckles and ribs of the palms.

Drawing quality

Mostly body images are applied at the end of the service by non-professional tattooists. Since tattoos are done in conditions unequipped for this purpose, using hastily assembled homemade machines, the design often turns out to be of insufficient quality. Usually it comes in one color. Anyone who wants their body to be adorned with a skillfully executed decorative tattoo should contact a professional. In this case, the image will use several shades: black, red, blue and cyan.


Each person decides for himself which tattoo to wear. However, for those who did not serve in airborne troops, decorating your body with airborne tattoos is not recommended.