Daily planning of educational work. Topic: "Miracle vegetables and fruits"

Theme of the month, week, day (Monday) “Garden. Fruits, berries."


Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “Fruits are healthy foods.”

Tasks: expand and consolidate children's knowledge about fruits: appearance, surface character, taste, ways of eating.

Examination of photos, illustrations, dummies, natural fruits and berries.

Individual work on speech development (Dima, Seryozha, Egor, Danya Kh.).

Tasks: exercise children in forming adjectives from nouns (maple leaf - maple, linden - linden); learn to work in pairs; tactfully correct your partner’s mistakes.

Household work: cleaning the group room.

Tasks: teach how to organize joint work, create responsibility for fulfilling work assignments.

Parents are recommended to: review natural berries with their child and explain that all this can be called in one word “berries”; tell, show and let your child try what is made from berries.

Speech development. Comparing words by sound, getting to know the length of words (long and short), modeling, drawing needles for hedgehogs.

Target: continue to introduce the variety of words; introduce the length of words (long and short); introduce the fact that words can sound similar. Continue to introduce modeling, the word is indicated in the form of a rectangle. To form an idea of ​​a syllable as part of a word, to introduce the division of a word into syllables using a word model. To develop interest in speech activity, independence, initiative in solving cognitive problems (E.V. Kolesnikova “From Word to Sound”, p. 6).

Drawing "Juicy Fruits"

Target: learn to convey in drawings the characteristic shape and color of familiar fruits. Continue to develop compositional skills (arranging objects evenly across the entire sheet of paper). Develop the ability to work on a plan (in advance, before starting work, mentally imagine the content of your drawing).


Observation behind plants: mosses.

Tasks: invite children to look at the moss, touch it, tell what it is like, how it is similar to grass, how it is different. Tell children about the features of this group of plants.

Outdoor game « Cat and mice."

Tasks: continue to teach how to follow the rules of the game;

intensify physical activity.

Work : cleaning up fallen leaves.

Individual work on

development of movements (Ulyana, Lida, Nikita K.).

Tasks: develop the skills of throwing a ball at a target.

Sport game football.

Tasks: teach children to play together and act as one team. Promote the development of accuracy, coordination of movements, determination, courage.

Independent games for children with external materials.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Preparation for sleep.

Reading L. Tolstoy’s story “The Bone.”

Tasks: teach children to listen to the reader, understand the content of what they read, answer questions based on the content, and evaluate the actions of the characters.

Canteen duty

(Nikita V.).

Tasks: cultivate responsibility, conscientiousness, and develop teamwork skills.

Game situation “Handkerchief”.

Tasks: teach children to monitor the condition of their nose and mouth and use a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing.


Didactic games:

“Trace on the stencil”

"Gather the Harvest"

“Connect with lines.”

Tasks: development of children's grapho-motor skills.

Didactic game“What’s mixed up” (Danya P., Lesha, Polina).

Tasks: consolidate ordinal counting skills, develop visual perception, memory, attention.

Role-playing games “Builders”, “Firemen”.

Tasks: improve children’s ability to unite in play, distribute roles, and perform game actions in accordance with the game plan.

Organized educational activities

Physical training


Observation for the weather .

Tasks : teach children to characterize the weather; invite children to compare the weather in the morning and in the evening. How has she changed? What happened?

Sports game towns.

Tasks : continue to introduce children to figures, teach how to build and place figures in the city, and perform throws. Develop coordination of movements and eye.

Educational planning educational work for October.

Theme of the month, week, day (Tuesday) “Garden. Fruits, berries."


Cooperative activity adult and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic "The work of adults in gardens."

Tasks: activate passive and active vocabulary on the topic; fix the name of fruits and fruit trees; develop memory, attention, perseverance.

Articulation gymnastics “Puffing up our cheeks”, “Proboscis”, “Fence” (Seryozha, Dasha F., Egor, Dima).

Tasks: train children's articulatory apparatus.

Independent activity of children in the theater corner.

Tasks: develop children's independence, initiative, and creative abilities.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development(FCCM) "Our orchard."

Target: expand and clarify children's knowledge about fruits and fruit trees, and their care, stages of growth, varieties of fruits. To form in children the idea that vitamins contained in fruits are beneficial to human health.

Modeling "Autumn still life".

Target :teach children to create three-dimensional compositions (still lifes). Improve visual technique (choose your own sculpting method and techniques). Develop compositional skills - place several objects, creating a harmonious composition (large ones in the center or in the foreground, small ones on top or to the side) (I.A. Lykova “Visual activity in kindergarten”, p. 40).



Observation behind natural phenomena: fog.

Tasks: invite children to tell what has changed around them, what the fog looks like, and explain how fog occurs.

Outdoor game "Interceptors".

Tasks: teach children to follow the rules of the game, play the roles of players and driver-trap. Increase children's physical activity.

Work: clearing the area of ​​branches and stones.

Individual work on

development of movements (Polina, Timofey, Misha).

Tasks: improve walking technique (walking with side steps).

Outdoor games

“Cycle”, “Cold - Hot”.

Tasks: achieve the correct technique in previously mastered types of walking.

Health jog around the territory kindergarten.

Tasks: teach children to correctly perform basic movements when running, maintain posture, coordinate the movements of arms and legs, and breathe rhythmically through the nose.

Independent games of children's choice.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Preparation for sleep.

Readingand discussion of the storyJ. Rodari “Cipollino”.

Tasks: develop artistic perception and aesthetic taste, develop literary speech.

Canteen duty (Lida).

Tasks: Discuss with children the significance of the work being performed, teach them to plan their actions, stick to the plan, talk about the results of the work, and evaluate its quality.

Self-care: Tidy cabinet exercise.

Tasks: teach children to undress correct sequence. Carefully put things in the locker.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics.

Work in the sensory education corner.

Tasks: teach children to identify the properties of water using their senses. Introduce such a property of water as density. Strengthen the ability to talk about your impressions.

Didactic game “Listen and count” (Sonya, Dasha N., Sasha).

Tasks: consolidate the skills of ordinal counting, learn to answer the questions: “How much?”, “In what place?” Develop attention and memory.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Tasks: teach children to select attributes for the game, unite in the game, creatively develop the plot, and perform role-playing actions.


Observation for animals: hedgehogs.

Tasks: invite children to carefully examine the hedgehog, trying not to disturb it, describe its appearance, and observe its behavior. Tell the children how hedgehogs prepare for winter.

Outdoor game “We are funny guys.”

Tasks: to develop the ability to act on a signal, to train children in running. Develop attention, coordination of movements, agility and endurance.

Independent motor activity of children.

Planning educational work for October.

Theme of the month, week, day (Wednesday) “Garden. Fruits, berries."


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Ethical conversation on the theme "Let's smile at each other."

Tasks : to form in children the idea that a smile is kind and good mood is transmitted to others, do not spoil the mood of others.

Individual work with Olya, Dima, Egor on speech development.

Tasks: reinforce children’s correct pronunciation of the sounds “s” and “ts”; exercise in their differentiation, isolating words with given sounds from the speech stream.

Games with building materials “Let’s build a garden.”

Tasks : to develop children’s ability to independently select construction kit parts for the construction of the necessary building. Develop imagination and imagination.

Individual conversations about children's successes.

Organized educational activities

Speech development. Theme "Fruits".

Target: teach children to name fruits, consolidate the general concept of “fruit” in the dictionary, teach them to write stories about fruits according to the proposed visual plan. Learn to compose word combinations and sentences using pictures (N.E. Teremkova “Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP”, p. 1).

Drawing "Rowan branch."

Target: performing a drawing using mixed drawing techniques: dipping, poking, drawing with the tip of a brush, drawing with a finger, to develop the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing.

Physical training(according to the plan of the physical manager)


Observation: change in day length.

Tasks: invite children, based on the results of observations, to draw a conclusion about the change in the path of the sun across the sky, the change in the length of the day.

Outdoor games « The kite and the hen", "Who's next?"


Work: preparing shrubs for winter (removing dry and broken branches).

Individual work on PHYS with Lida, Polina, Seryozha.

Tasks: practice running, completing a task to improve the ability to navigate in space.

Play activity according to children's interests.

Tasks: To develop children’s independence, activity, and to develop the ability to spend their leisure time interestingly and usefully.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Preparation for sleep.

Reading the fairy tale “Apple” by V. Suteev.

Tasks: instill an interest in fiction.

Canteen duty (Ulyana).

Tasks: contribute to the improvement of children’s table setting skills, teach them to independently perform the duties of an attendant from start to finish.

Outdoor game "Giants-Dwarfs".

Tasks: develop attention, reaction speed, and the ability to act on a signal.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics.

Familiarization with fiction: reading works of children's choice.

Tasks: develop independence, artistic taste, invite children to justify their choice, encourage children’s interest in reading.

Individual work on learning to use scissors (Timofey, Nikita K., Danya P., Danya Kh.).

Tasks: consolidate the ability to cut paper into short and long strips, develop fine motor skills.

Plot- role-playing game"Fruit shop"

Tasks: Using the indirect method of guiding the game, lead children to independent play plans. Foster a culture of behavior in public places, respect for the work of the seller.


Observation: autumn wind.

Tasks: teach children, based on observation results, to select words that characterize the wind (strong, weak, gusty, cold, piercing); tell with the help of which sense organs it was possible to identify each of the properties of the wind.

Outdoor games "Cat and Mice"

Tasks: continue to teach to follow the rules of the game; intensify physical activity.

Independent motor activity .

Tasks : teach children to organize games independently, find activities of interest for themselves and their friends.

Planning educational work for October.

Theme of the month, week, day (Thursday) “Garden. Fruits, berries."


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Tasks:introduce children to how to care for and improve their health; give an idea of ​​microbes.

Introduce children to the concept of “healthy and unhealthy food”, consolidate knowledge about the benefits of vitamins.

Didactic game “Say kindly” (Lesha, Seryozha, Lida).

Tasks: to train children in the ability to change words using diminutive suffixes, to introduce them to the simplest rules of word formation.

Independent activities of children in the zone visual arts.

Tasks: develop hand movements in drawing strokes, strokes, vertical, horizontal and rounded lines.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP). Composing an object from triangles.

Target: learn to make a structure of four isosceles triangles, navigate on a sheet of paper, name the direction in words: “left”, “right”, “above”, “below”; practice counting within six; develop imagination

(V.P. Novikova “Mathematics in kindergarten”, p. 17).

Music(according to the music director’s plan)


Observation behind the mountain ash.

Tasks: continue to introduce children to rowan.

What does rowan look like? Where does it grow? What animals love rowan berries?What birds peck rowan berries and when?

What does rowan give to people?

Outdoor games

Tasks: learn to run, holding each other, listen to the teacher’s signal.

Work: collection of poplar, rowan, and willow leaves for autumn crafts.

Individual workwith Danya P., Ulyana, Nikita K., Sashadevelopment of movements.

Tasks: teach jumping on one (right, left) leg.

Tasks: teach children to independently find something to do, join groups for joint games, and take into account the interests of other children.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Preparation for sleep.

Reading chapters from A. Milne’s book “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything.”

Tasks: introduce children to fiction.

Canteen duty (Timofey).

Tasks: teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of dining room attendants, set the table, and clear away dishes after meals.

Fostering a culture of behavior: learning to communicate with peers.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics.

Theatrical game "Trip to the Zoo".

Tasks: teach children to relate animals and their young, to name them correctly.

Individual work in fine arts: decorative drawing “Dymkovo Turkey” (Sonya, Dasha N., Polina).

Tasks: teach children to carefully examine a picture, a product of the Dymkovo craft. Arouse children's interest in works of art.

Role-playing games “Cosmonauts”, “Drivers”.

Tasks: teach children to coordinate their actions with the actions of their partners, to observe role-playing actions and relationships in the game.


Observation behind the moon and stars.

Tasks: draw children's attention to the fact that it is already getting dark during evening walks. Invite children to tell what can be seen in the night sky, suggest why the moon and stars cannot be seen during the day, tell how the shape of the moon changes over the course of a month.

Outdoor game "Interceptors".

Tasks: introduce children to the rules of the game, teach them to play the role of a trap driver, develop reaction speed, and develop the ability to react to the actions of their comrades.

Sports game towns.

Tasks: continue to introduce children to figures, teach them to come up with new figures for the city, and take care of safety while playing. Learn to throw a bat at a distance and develop accuracy.

Planning educational work for October.

Theme of the month, week, day (Friday) “Garden. Fruits, berries."


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic “Mom and Dad have guests.”

Tasks: develop the ability to behave correctly in the presence of adults, discuss what rules of etiquette exist, consider various situations, find out how to behave.

Didactic game " Wonderful pouch", theme "Fruits" (Danya Kh., Dasha F., Timofey, Lida).

Tasks: teach children to use the ability to recognize and correctly name fruits and their characteristics to solve a game problem.

Didactic lotto game “Autumn Leaves”.

Tasks: enrich children’s vocabulary on the topic “Autumn. Trees”, learn to coordinate words in a sentence, correctly use nouns in the genitive case.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (FCDM). “What has autumn brought us?”

Target: continue to expand and enrich children’s knowledge about fruits, teach them to distinguish them by taste, color, shape; continue to introduce folklore; practice solving riddles; develop emotional responsiveness to works of oral folk art

(N.E. Veraksa " Complex classes", page 148).

Physical training(Street)


Observation behind the labor of adults: cleaning the flower garden.

Tasks: invite children to watch how they remove dried grass, dig up the ground, cover flowers, discuss the purpose of the work of preparing gardens for winter.

Outdoor game"The Shepherd and the Flock."

Tasks: teach children to monitor the coordination of movements of the arms and legs, to maintain posture when running. Cultivate courage and self-confidence.

Work: sweeping the veranda.

Outdoor game “Don’t get caught” (Nikita V., Danya P., Polina, Olya).

Tasks: train children to jump over a line, teach them to perform jumps technically, and maintain correct posture. Develop agility and reaction speed.

Sports game badminton.

Tasks: organize children's learning in various ways movement around the court, learn to follow the shuttlecock with your eyes and move freely, regulate the force of the blow.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Preparation for sleep.

Memorizing the poem by M. Karem “Peaceful counting rhyme”.

Tasks: continue to introduce children to works of oral folk art and develop memory.

Canteen duty (Julia).

Tasks: contribute to the improvement of skills related to the duties of the duty officer. Involve children in serving the second course and clearing dishes from tables.

Self-Care: Wet-Dry Exercise.

Tasks: teach children to independently identify wet things that need to be dried after a walk.


Wellness activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Introduction to fiction: the story of V. Dragunsky “Top down, diagonally.”

Tasks: continue to introduce children to the stories of V. Dragunsky, evoke an emotional response.

Didactic game "Cook" (Ulyana, Sasha, Semyon, Misha).

Tasks: activation of the dictionary on the topic “Fruits, berries”, teaching the correct use of nouns in the accusative case.

Role-playing games of children's choice.

Tasks: using an indirect method of guidance, lead children to independently create a game plan; develop the ability to use substitute objects.


Observation for the weather.

Tasks: to clarify children’s ideas about natural phenomena united by the concept of “weather”. Invite children to characterize today's weather, compose a collective story using the concepts of dry, rainy, windy, sunny, cloudy.

Outdoor game "Swan geese".

Tasks: invite children to tell the rules of the game, explain how the players need to act. Develop attention, dexterity, coordination of movements.

Independent activity of children.

Tasks: fostering independence, encouraging initiative and friendly relationships.

Thematic week“Vegetables and fruits” senior group

Purpose: To generalize and supplement children’s ideas about fruits and vegetables. Forming in children the habit of keeping fruits and vegetables clean before consuming them. Focus children's attention on the characteristics of fruits and vegetables and their effect on the human body. Tell children about the benefits of vegetables and fruits for humans (a source of vitamins, a tasty food product). Introduce children to the preparation of vegetables and fruits - canning, salting, pickling, making jam, compotes, juices. Reinforce the concept of “fruit”.

Monday October 15, 2018 The theme of the week is “Vegetables and fruits”. Educator: Rozhkova N.E.



Interaction with parents




1. Conversation on the topic “The work of vegetable growers and gardeners.”

Goal: To consolidate the names of vegetables and fruits, the correct use of generalizations (“vegetables”, “fruits”); to consolidate ideas about the content and nature of the work of vegetable growers and gardeners, to clarify children’s knowledge about the use of machines and their role in the production of vegetables.

2. Theatrical games. “How the soup was made” to imitate movements. Goal: to develop imagination and pantomime skills.

H-uh. R.

Ind. modeling work “Vegetables”.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to roll out a ball of plasticine withOlya, Arseny and Semyon.



H-e R.

1. Depositvisual didactic aid"Gifts of Nature".

2. Add stencils"Vegetables fruits".

Conversation with parents

“Crafts from vegetables and fruits with a child.”


S-k R.


1. Social world . The topic is “Healthy food”. Target. Help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition- food should be not only tasty, but also healthy.

Source: Avdeeva N. N., Knyazeva N. L., Sterkina R. B. “Safety: A textbook on the basics of life safety for older children preschool age", topic 30, page 47.

2. Classes with a psychologist (according to the psychologist’s plan).

3. Physical development (according to the physiologist’s plan).



S-k R.

Surveillance of live and inanimate nature. Continue to develop in children the ability to independently identify the signs of a golden autumn. Which trees shed their leaves faster? (aspen, birch); What causes leaves to fall quickly? (wind, frost). Discuss with the children why leaves fall.

Work on the site: sweeping paths. Goal: to cultivate hard work.


Development of movements.

Goal: to develop jumping ability, combining strength with speed (with Vika K., Sonya K., Vika A.).


Invite children to play mobile gamesgame

"Brave guys."

Goals: practice fast running; develop dexterity.

Games with external material: balls, scoops, molds, buckets.





1. Situational conversation:

“To the garden for vegetables.”

Goal: replenishing children's active vocabulary with new words.

2. P/i “Hot Potato”.

Goal: Develop protozoa skills quick action with a ball.


Didactic game "Find the same shape." Goal: sort vegetables and fruits into geometric shapes. (Knowledge is being consolidated on geometric shapes). ( with Matvey, Katya, Andrey B.).


Post didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: “Fruits, vegetables”. Goal: Development of skills to classify objects according to essential characteristics, consolidation of generalization words.

Tuesday October 16, 2018 The theme of the week is “Vegetables and fruits”. Educator: Rozhkova N.E.

Individual organized



Organization of a development environment for independent activity children

Interaction with parents





S-k. R.

1. Conversation on the topic “Vegetables and fruits.”

Goal: To consolidate the general concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”; names of various vegetables and fruits;

2. D/I “Fruit”. Goal: To develop the ability to find fruits in pictures and name them.

3. KGN. Teach children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry). At lunch, continue to teach how to finish food and use a napkin.



Didactic game “Find and name.” Goal: To develop the ability to describe a vegetable or fruit based on its characteristic features. (with Misha, Dima, Arseny).

S-k. R.

Role-playing game “Mom and Dad picking fruit in the garden.”

Goal: Develop the ability to implement a game plan.

Find and learn a poem or riddle about vegetables and fruits with your child.




H-e R.


1. Reading fiction. Topic: Fairy tale by D. Rodari “The Big Carrot”. Comparative analysis of the fairy tale with the Russian one folk tale"Turnip". Goal: To teach to feel and understand the similarities and differences in the construction and plots, ideas of two fairy tales, to help children notice expressive means, to understand the appropriateness of their use in the text. Source: O.S. Ushakova “Familiarization of preschool children with literature and speech development. Toolkit»,

With. 118.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (music).

3. Physical development in the air. (according to the physiologist's plan).



S-k R.

Watching a sparrow in autumn.

Goals: continue to consolidate knowledge about the sparrow; teach to see changes in the behavior of birds with the arrival of autumn;

activate attention and memory.

Labor activity.

Cleaning up fallen leaves.

Goals: to teach you to finish what you start;

Cultivate accuracy and responsibility.


Development of movements.

Goals: to consolidate the ability to run at speed;

develop dexterity and throwing power. (with Vika K., David, Yuliana).


Offer the students the outdoor game “Migration of Birds.”

Goal: practice running in a certain direction.

Games with external materials: balls, scoops, molds, buckets .



S-k. R.

1. Situational conversation “Where does what grow?”

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about the place where vegetables and fruits grow.

2. S\r. game "Harvest". Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the process of preparing vegetable dishes. Improve the ability to use substitute toys.



Individual work on fine art on the topic “Apples for a hedgehog.” Purpose: To promote learning to draw objects round shape; painting the surface of the paper. (with Matvey, Olya O., Andrey B.).



Games at the art activity center.

Drawing “Potatoes and beets” - drawing with stencils.

Goal: Learn to draw using a stencil, develop artistic skills.

Wednesday October 17, 2018 The topic of the week is “Vegetables and fruits.” Educator: Rozhkova N.E.

Individual organized



Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents



S-k. R.

1. Conversation “Fruits are ripe in the garden.” Goal: To expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about fruits: appearance, surface character, taste, ways of eating. Practice solving riddles in order to consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of fruits.

2. S/r game “Vegetables and Fruits Store”. Goal: To remind the children that in cities they buy fruits and vegetables in stores; where they are brought from the vegetable store and from the cannery.



Individual work on the topic “Drawing the contours of vegetables and fruits, their shading.”

Goal: to develop the ability to shade an outline with a pencil. (with Venya, Seva and Nastya).




1. Printed board games: “Fold the fruits”, “What’s extra”.

Goal: to consolidate and expand ideas about the harvest of vegetables and fruits in the fall.

2. D/i “Gather the harvest.” Goal: continue to teach the difference between vegetables and fruits.

Exhibition of creative works of children and parents " Orchard", "Our garden."



H-e R.


1. Natural world. Topic: Vitamins strengthen the body. Target: Introduce the concept of vitamins, consolidate knowledge about the need for vitamins in the body, about healthy products, which contain vitamins, to instill in children a culture of nutrition and a sense of proportion. Source: Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. "Lesson notes in senior group kindergarten. Cognitive development,” p. 66.

2. Modeling. Topic: “Make whatever vegetables and fruits you want for the store game.”

Program content. To consolidate children’s ability to convey the shape of different vegetables (carrots, beets, turnips, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) in modeling. Learn to match shapes

vegetables (fruits) with geometric shapes(tomato – circle, cucumber – oval), find

similarities and differences. Learn to convey in sculpting characteristics each vegetable

using the techniques of rolling, smoothing with fingers, pinching, pulling... Source: T. S. Komarova. “Lessons in visual arts in the senior group of kindergarten. Class notes”, page 50.

3. Physical development (according to the physiologist’s plan).



S-k R.

Tree watching.

Purpose: to remind about the trees growing around the kindergarten. Learn to distinguish them by the appearance of the trunk, crown, leaves. Clarify the signs of autumn, its signs. Develop logical thinking.

Labor activity.

Collecting maple, rowan, and willow leaves for autumn crafts. Goal: to teach how to carefully collect and distinguish leaves of different trees.


Exercise with a ball.

Goal: practice catching and throwing a ball. (with Kolya, Egor and Misha).


Offer students an active game"Ball for the captain."

Goals: to learn to make various movements with the ball in the game, to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partner; cultivate collectivism.

Games with external materials (balls, jump ropes, hoops).



S-k. R.

S-k. R.

Reading. Tolstoy L. “Roots and Tops.”

Goal: to cultivate a desire to listen to stories and tales about autumn.

2. Formation of the KGN: sit correctly at the table, move the chair closer to the table, hold the spoon correctly.

3. Role-playing game "Vegetable shop". Teach children to describe the selected product in words, role-playing dialogue.



Strengthen children's ability to cut out circles by sequentially rounding the four corners of a square. (vegetables, fruits) (with Minaya, Lisa and Arseny).



Coloring pages "Fruits, vegetables." Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of what grows and ripens in the fall in the garden beds, to develop imagination and creativity.

Thursday October 18, 2018 The theme of the week is “Vegetables and fruits”. Educator: Rozhkova N.E.

Individual organized



Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents




1. Conversation “Why can vegetables and fruits be dangerous?” Goal: to form in children the idea that eating unwashed vegetables and fruits and improperly eating fruits with seeds can be dangerous, and explain why.

2. P/i “Tops and Roots”.

Goal: To consolidate knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops.

H-uh. R

Ind. work on the application “Vegetables and fruits”.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to cut a circle from a square - Sonya, Roma, Dima.


S/r game "Hospital". Goal: to develop interest in the game, develop knowledge about the function of the hospital, its role for people.

Consultation for parents on the topic:

"Vegetables and fruits. Myths about vegetables and fruits."


H-e R.



1. Artistic and aesthetic development (application). Theme: Applique “Cucumbers”

and the tomatoes are on the plate.” Program content. Continue to practice children's ability to cut out round and oval-shaped objects from squares and rectangles, cutting corners using a rounding method. Develop coordination of movements of both hands. Strengthen the skill carefully

paste images.


- conversation with children“Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”

Goal: To consolidate the general concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”, the names of various vegetables and fruits. Tell children about the benefits of vegetables and fruits for humans (a source of vitamins, a tasty food product. Reinforce the concept of “fruit.”

To cultivate a caring and loving attitude towards nature, which generously gifts us with its riches, and respect for the work of people working on the land.

- individual work RR. On the recommendation of a speech therapist.

-duty roster in a natural corner: watering plants, loosening the soil as needed

-free games at the request of the children

-preparing for breakfast, serving in the dining room. Strengthen the skills of independently being on duty in the dining room.


- Observation behind the soil. Explain that clay soil retains water more strongly and therefore does not dry out for a long time, while sandy soil allows water to pass through and therefore dries out quickly. Pay attention to the fact that on clay soil there are few plants, but on sandy soil plants appear earlier, but then quickly dry out.

- outdoor games“traps in pairs” to improve motor and speech activity.

-individual work on movement development throwing the ball to each other with one hand from the shoulder and two hands from the chest.

- didactic games on PP “Nature and Man” to consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.

Returning from a walk Maintain cleanliness and order in your closet yourself Didactic exercises: “Who will put the clothes correctly”,

Reading fiction V. Stepanov “The hare had a garden”

Continue to develop an interest in fiction. Strengthen the ability to listen carefully to works and answer questions about the text.

canteen duty

Preparing for lunch dinner

Preparation for sleep, dream Strengthen the ability to neatly fold clothes before going to bed, turn out the sleeves of shirts and dresses, straighten clothes, carefully place shoes

Gradual climb, gymnastics after sleep complex No. 8" manual

air baths, water, hygiene procedures, extensive washing, prevention of flat feet. Improve the ability to wash quickly and accurately, and maintain order in the washroom. Reinforce the ability to wash hands after visiting the toilet and as needed.

Afternoon snack


Observation behind fallen leaves. Remember what they were like in the summer, compare, note the changes. Explain to children that all the valuable nutrients that were in the leaves have dried up.

outdoor game " Lifesaver”, “Relay race with hoops” to develop in children the ability to unite for outdoor play. Develop motor and speech activity. Respond quickly to the teacher’s signal and follow the rules of the game. To cultivate friendly feelings, the ability to negotiate and discuss the rules of the game, to teach them to act fairly.

- Word games « The letter got lost” to consolidate the ability to distinguish words by sound and meaning; development of thinking, activate vocabulary, cultivate the ability to think quickly.



pedagogical situation“Why is the titmouse crying?” teach children to analyze and evaluate the actions of the heroes, to understand how to act correctly in a given situation.

-individual work with children in different ways educational areas. Modeling on the recommendation of an art teacher. Activities.


- sedentary games, “Telephone” reinforces the ability to act according to the rules. Liter: M.F. Litvinov “Outdoor Games” p.61.

Marina Sergeeva
Calendar- thematic planning V preparatory group on the topic “Vegetables. People's work in the garden" according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Topic of the week: Vegetables. People's labor in the fields and gardens


3.10.2016 OOD 9.00 – 9.30

Communication activities

Subject: By according to the speech therapist's plan

Educational area: speech development

OOD 9.40-10.10

Visual activities (drawing)

Subject: « Vegetables on a tray»

Target: continue to teach children to draw from memory

Educational area:

Artistic and aesthetic development

Integration of educational regions: , , "physical development"


Continue to develop children's ability to draw from memory.

Practice painting with watercolors and brushes (all the pile and the end of it)

Strengthen the ability to place a drawing in the middle of a sheet.

("Artistic and aesthetic development")

2. Intensify the use in speech of the names of objects, their parts, materials ( « Speech development» )

3. Develop fine motor skills and basic movements according to the text of the physical minute ( "Physical development")

4. Cultivate an interest in fine arts and visual drawing.

Methods and techniques:

- practical: game exercise, drawing

- visual: looking at

sample teacher

- verbal: asking riddles

Materials and equipment: display tray with vegetables

handout, soft brushes No. 3, watercolor, albums according to the number of children

Source: room No. 6

OOD 15.40 – 16.10

Musical activities

Subject: By specialist plan

Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development


Di “What is cut, what is collected”- activation of the dictionary with verbs.

Conversation: introduction to professions – vegetable grower/field grower/

Autumn chores of a person. Vegetables and fruits

Target: give children the idea of ​​a person’s autumn preparations for winter vegetable garden, in the garden; develop aesthetic perception surrounding

Di "We have reaped the harvest"

Target: practice children in making sentences with homogeneous members.

Work in a corner of nature. Teach children the ability to care for plants.

Regime moments (washing, changing clothes, breakfast)

Walk 1:

Observation excursion to the orchard.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of what grows in the garden.

P/n “Collect the leaves in a basket”

Target: develop in children the ability to move in one direction.

P/n "Colored Cars"

Target: consolidate the rules of the game, the ability to move according to the rules.


Gradual reveille

Reading fiction. (Reading a poem by A. S. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn”).

Target: develop the ability to voluntary memorization text.

Individual work on the instructions of the speech therapist

Board and printed games "Puzzles" vegetables and

Target: fine motor skills

A game "Give me a word" or “My grandmother grew riddles in her garden bed”

Role-playing game: "Family"- “Preparing soup (borsch)»

Target: cultivate a desire to provide all possible assistance to adults when preparing food.


Games with a constructor

Games with a physical education corner

Walk 2:

Weather observation.

Target: To develop the ability to compare and draw conclusions about the results of the study.

Individual work on physical development With subgroup of children"Roll the ball into the goal"

Target: teach children to accurately roll the ball into the goal.

P/n "We are funny guys"»

Target: develop a sense of cohesion, the ability to move at a specified pace.

P/n "optional"

Target: Give children the opportunity to choose a game.

Illustrations, pictures for the conversation. Use of artistic words.

By topic of the week

Using Techniques: explanation, demonstration, personal example, praise, encouragement, comparison

Cards - diagrams for the regime moment.

Playing with external material

Board and printed games

Tales of A. S. Pushkin

Models vegetables

Plastic constructor

Wooden construction set, cards - diagrams

Games in the physical education corner

Playing with external material: balls, jump ropes, hoops, crayons, sand sets,

Provide advice to parents on how to properly communicate with children.

(Discussion of specific problems)

Topic of the week: Vegetables. People's labor in the fields and gardens

Organized educational activities Educational activities

V regime moments Creation/organization of subject-spatial development educational environment for independent activities of children and support of children's initiative Involving families in educational activities

OOD 8.50 – 9.20

(Mathematical development)

Subject: Quantity and counting. Digit 4

Integration of educational regions: "Cognitive Development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development"

Target: clarify children’s understanding of the number 4. Strengthen ideas about the quantitative composition of the number 5 from ones.

Strengthen the ability to compare two objects by size (length, width) using a conditional measure equal to one of the objects being compared.

(Cognitive Development")

Develop the ability to indicate in speech your location relative to another person ( "Speech development")

Methods and techniques:

- Practical: work with handout pictures, outdoor play;

- Visual: viewing demonstration pictures;

- Verbal: answers on questions; guessing riddles; reasoning; formulation of conclusions.

Materials and equipment:

Demonstration material. Dolls, cards with numbers from 1 to 4, 2 ribbons different lengths, measures.

Handout. Dolls, cards with numbers from 1 to 4 (per child) Pencils, strips of paper I. A. Pomoraeva1 pcs. for a couple of children)

(Zone No. 5) page 24

OD 9.30 – 10.00

Motor activity

Subject: By specialist plan

Educational area:

Physical development

OOD 16.00 – 16.30

Cognitive and research activities

Subject: « Vegetables. »

“Our harvest is good”

Integration of educational regions: "Cognitive Development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic"

Correctional educational tasks: systematization and activation of the lexical dictionary topic« Vegetables. People's labor in fields and gardens». ( "Cognitive Development") Improvement grammatical structure speeches

(formation of relative adjectives, their agreement in gender, number, case; agreement of possessive pronouns with nouns" ( "Speech development",).

Correctional and developmental tasks: development of speech hearing, visual attention, perception, speed of thinking, memory, coherent speech; development of coordination of speech with movement, general and fine motor skills.

Correctional and educational: education of strong-willed qualities, a sense of mutual understanding, independence, activity, initiative and responsibility; ability to apply knowledge in a team competition environment. ( "Social and communicative development")

Equipment: laptop, speakers, emblems (8 tomatoes and 8 zucchini, certificates, chips, presentation on topic« Vegetables» .

Preliminary work. Unlearning finger gymnastics "Basket with vegetables» , , guessing riddles; work on general speech skills in individual lessons with a speech therapist; examination vegetables with teachers. Participation in harvesting from the experimental plot at the preschool educational institution. Story-based role-playing game "Cooks", teaching in the game the formation of relative adjectives (carrot juice, cabbage

Methods and techniques:


Observations in the kindergarten area for animate and inanimate nature. -

Verbal: Learning finger gymnastics "Basket with vegetables» , “One day the mistress came from the market”, guessing riddles; Job


Looking at paintings

Note No. 3


Reception of children. Inspection appearance. Morning exercises in the gym.

Conversation “Autumn beauty – nature’s decline”

Target: Replenish children's ideas about nature in the fall. Activate vocabulary, develop the ability to tell stories from personal experience.

Di « Work in the garden»

Activities in a corner of nature. Offer to remove dry or wilted leaves from plants, wipe large leaves

Target: Strengthen the ability to carry out instructions for caring for indoor plants

Free activities for children.

Offer Board games

Target: to form stable attention in children, develop interest in board games.

Walk 1:

Observing the weather in autumn. This year the weather pleases us with warm, sometimes hot days, not like rainy autumn days.

Target: Clarify children’s ideas about autumn, about autumn weather. Strengthen the ability to observe.

Individual work on the instructions of a physical education instructor

P/n "Traps"

Target: Learn to run without bumping into each other. Keep children active.

P/n "Sly Fox"

Target: Cultivate patience, attention, the ability to follow game rules, practice running Evening:

Gradual reveille

Reading fiction. L. Tolstoy "The Lion and the Dog"

Target: Introduce the story. Encourage expression of feelings caused by listening to a literary work.

Individual work on the instructions of the teacher-speech therapist

Offer plasticine for self-sculpting. Practice sculpting techniques. Encourage meaningful design.

Games in the theatrical corner. Offer to play out a fairy tale "Three Bears" using wearable dolls.

Target: Practice storytelling by role

Walk 2:

Observing the flower garden.

Target: Draw the attention of children and name which plants are still blooming, examine and compare the seeds of some flowers (marigolds, asters, balsam)

. Work assignments: preparing shrubs for winter(removal of dry and broken branches).

Discuss with the children the purpose of such preparing the plant for winter, offer to take part in the work as much as possible.

Individual work. (Vlad K., Yaroslav B., Vika P.)

Train children to hit the ball on the ground at least 5 times. Develop gross motor skills and hand muscles.

P/n "Hit the Hoop"

Target: Develop accuracy, eye, coordination of movements of arms and legs.

P/n "Relay race in pairs"

Target: To introduce the rules of the game, the purpose of the game, to create interest in the game actions. Ensure physical activity and the ability to play together.

M, p/i “Find the flag and remain silent”

Illustrations with professions, pictures depicting working tools

Watering cans, cloths

Playing with external material: balls, jump ropes, hoops, crayons, sand sets.

Collection baskets natural material (seeds, leaves, petals)

Invite parents to talk at home with their children about the lexical topic of the week.

Subject: Vegetables. People's work in the garden

Day of the week

date Direct educational activities Educational activities

in special moments Creation/organization of a subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support of children’s initiative Involving families in educational activities

OOD 8.50 – 9.10

Communication activities

Subject: By according to the speech therapist's plan

Educational area: speech development

OOD 9.40 – 10.10

Visual activities (drawing)

Subject: "Gifts of Autumn"

Integration of educational regions: ,"Cognitive Development", "Speech development",


1. Develop imagination, conceptual thinking, memory, and the ability to speak from personal experience (Speech and cognitive development)

2. To train children in the ability to use a variety of drawing techniques in their work for a more complete embodiment of the visual concept; learn to make a pattern of fruits and vegetables, conveying their structure and shape. (Artistic and aesthetic development)

3. Develop analysis and ideas about the diversity of children's plans (Social and communicative development)

Methods and techniques: Practical - drawing

Visual – demonstration of visual skills

Verbal – conversation, working with questions

Materials and equipment: landscape-sized paper, graphite and wax pencils.

OOD 15.400 – 16.10

Musical activities

Subject: By specialist plan

Conversation (With subgroup of children) about healthy nutrition:" ABOUT people working in the garden» "Vitamin table" Target: Formation of children's ideas about people's work,about the benefits vegetables and fruits, about healthy and wholesome food.

D/game "Find out by taste".Target vegetables, fruit to taste.

Collective work in a corner of nature.

Target: continue to develop the ability to care for plants in a corner of nature.

S/R "Opening in the store vegetable department» teach children to decorate store windows - arrange vegetables on the counter and showcase; consolidate the ability to use substitute checks; take on the role of the buyer and follow the chain

actions: go to the cash register, give money, take the receipt and return to the seller

Walk 1

Observing that what people are wearing.

Target people in summer and autumn.

Target: To teach Anton A., Vika P., Leroux N. to climb from an opening to a span of a gymnastic wall.

Games with external material

P/n "Run to the goal". Target

P/n "Catching up with the wind".


Evening. "Three Bears"

Target: continue to introduce children to the works of L.N. Tolstoy, introduce children to reading and speech expression.

Didactic game "Autumn Signs"

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about the signs of autumn, develop oral speech, observation, attention, memory.

S/r game "Journey through the Park".


Contest: "Craft from boiled vegetables»

Target: to teach children the ability to perform simple crafts.

Walk 2 Watching leaf fall.

Target topic of the week.

Ind. Job

Games with external material

Outdoor game “Find where it’s hidden?”

Target .

P/n "Name it correctly"

Target: Continue to reinforce the rules of the game, develop attentiveness, auditory perception, and speed.

Boiled vegetables, natural material.

labor process in late autumn.

Attributes for the s/r game

3 Baskets (natural material).

Balls of two sizes (throwing, rolling, 3-4 toys for searching, 2 rackets with shuttlecock.

Large construction set for independent activities.

3 Baskets (natural material).

Demonstration of a photo exhibition.

Create a recipe with your child vegetable or fruit dishes, draw and bring to replenish the card index of didactic games.

Topic of the week: Vegetables. People's work in the garden


educational activities Educational activities

in special moments Creation/organization of a subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support of children’s initiative Involving families in educational activities

OOD 9.00 – 9.30

Communication activities

Subject: By according to the speech therapist's plan

Educational area: speech development

OOD 10.30 – 11.00

Motor activity Subject: By specialist plan

Educational area:

Physical development

OOD 15.40 – 16 – 10

Cognitive and research activities (FEMP)

Subject: "Number 6"

Educational area:Cognitive development

Integration of educational regions: "Artistic and aesthetic development","Cognitive Development", "Speech development", “Social and communicative development”


Introduce the quantitative composition of the number 6 from units:

Clarify the idea of ​​the number 5;

Strengthen the ability to consistently name the days of the week

"Cognitive Development"

Continue to develop the ability to see the shape of familiar geometric shapes in surrounding objects.

Strengthen the ability to answer questions with complete answers "Speech development"

Methods and techniques:

Practical: dynamic pause, examination.

Visual: viewing, working with visual material

Verbal: reading, question, conversation.

Materials and equipment: numbers from 1-10

Envelopes with geometric shapes, numbers from 1-6 Morning

Conversation (With subgroup of children) about healthy nutrition: "Autumn Vitamins".

Target vegetables, about healthy and wholesome food.

D/game "Find out by taste".

Target: develop taste sensations, the ability to determine vegetables to taste.

"One is many"


Collective work in a corner of nature.


Games with a constructor "Lego".

Formation of the ability to act in accordance with the instructions of the teacher and convey the features of objects using the designer.

Walk 1

Observing that what people are wearing.

Target: develop children's ability to compare clothes people in summer and autumn.

Experience "Air Movement".

Target: Show children that although air is invisible, it can be felt.

Progress of the experiment: Wave your hand near your face. What does it feel like? Blow on your hands. How did you feel? All these sensations are caused by air movement.

Ind. physical education work "Climb the ladder"


Games with external material

P/n "Don't get your feet wet". Target: develop agility, reaction to a signal, running speed.

P/n "Catching up with the wind".

Target: develop the ability to run in one direction.

P/n "Cycle", "Cold - Hot"

Speed ​​running. Develop athletics skills.

Reading the Story of L. N. Tolstoy "Oak and Hazel"


D/i "One is many".


S/R "Cafe"- Drawing up algorithms for role-playing games using models together with the teacher. (cooking sequence vegetable salad)

Individual work on the instructions of a speech therapist

Walk 2

Watching leaf fall.

Target: to develop in children the ability to see the beauty of falling leaves. Activate the dictionary by topic of the week.

Ind. Job

Games with external material

Outdoor game “Find where it’s hidden?”

Target: develop attention, ability to navigate in space (find a hidden object).

P/n "Swan geese"


Adding attributes, benefits, visibility, equipment

Boiled vegetables, natural material.

Place models in a corner of nature labor process in late autumn.

Balls of two sizes (throwing, rolling, 3-4 toys for searching, 2 rackets with shuttlecock.

Large construction set for independent activities.

3 Baskets (natural material).

Place illustrations with images in the book corner late autumn, books, L. N. Tolstoy

:Cards with signs of autumn (8 pieces)

Introduce new desktop games: "All year round", "Times of Goal", « Nature calendar» .

Balls of two sizes (throwing, rolling, 3-4 toys for searching, 2 rackets with shuttlecock.

Large construction set for independent activities.

3 Baskets (natural material).

Individual consultation upon request.

Insulation of windows group.

Topic of the week: Vegetables. People's work in the garden


educational activities Educational activities

in special moments Creation/organization of a subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support of children’s initiative Involving families in educational activities

2016 OOD 9.00 – 9.20

Musical activities

Subject: By specialist plan

Educational field Artistic and aesthetic development

OOD 9.00 – 9.20

Communication activities

Subject: By according to the speech therapist's plan

Educational area: speech development

Conversation (With subgroup of children) about healthy nutrition: "Autumn Vitamins".

Target: Formation of children’s ideas about the benefits vegetables and fruits, about healthy and wholesome food.

D/game "Find out by taste".

Target: develop taste sensations, the ability to determine vegetables, fruit to taste.

"One is many"

Target: teach how to form plural nouns

Collective work in a corner of nature.

Target: to develop the ability to care for plants in a corner of nature.

Walk 1

Observing that what people are wearing.

Target: develop children's ability to compare clothes people in summer and autumn.

Ind. physical education work Climb the ladder"

Target: Learning to climb from an opening to a span of a gymnastic wall Anton A., Vik u P., Leroux N.

Games with external material P/i "Don't get your feet wet". Target: develop agility, reaction to a signal, running speed.

P/n "Catching up with the wind".

Target: develop the ability to run in one direction.

Reading the Story of L. N. Tolstoy "Oak and Hazel"

Target: to introduce children to reading, speech expression.

Didactic game "Autumn Signs"

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about the signs of autumn, develop oral speech, observation skills,

attention, memory.

D/i "One is many".

Target: teach how to form plural nouns.

S/r game "Journey into the Forest".

Target: develop friendly relations among children, initiative.

Contest: "Craft from boiled vegetables»

Target: to teach children the ability to perform simple crafts,

Walk 2

Watching leaf fall.

Target: to develop in children the ability to see the beauty of falling leaves. Activate the dictionary by topic of the week.

Ind. Job

Games with external material

Outdoor game “Find where it’s hidden?”

Target: develop attention, ability to navigate in space (find a hidden object).

P/n "Swan geese"

Target: Continue to reinforce the rules of the game, develop attentiveness and auditory perception.

Adding attributes, benefits, visibility, equipment

Boiled fruits, vegetables, natural material.

Place models in a corner of nature labor process in late autumn.

Balls of two sizes (throwing, rolling, 3-4 toys for searching, 2 rackets with shuttlecock.

Large construction set for independent activities.

3 Baskets (natural material).

In the book corner place illustrations depicting late autumn, books, L. N. Tolstoy

:Cards with signs of autumn (8 pieces) and other seasons (5-6 pieces, game

a field divided into 8 cells.

Introduce new desktop games: "All year round", "Times of Goal", « Nature calendar» .

Balls of two sizes (throwing, rolling, 3-4 toys for searching, 2 rackets with shuttlecock.

Large construction set for independent activities.

3 Baskets (natural material).

Calendar-thematic planningeducational- educationalwork (preparatorygroup)

Thematic bloTo(Dullit's time!charm!))


CognitionTasks: To arouse interest in the world around us, to form a realistic idea of ​​nature.

Fix a general concept"vegetables" ; names of various vegetables; place of their growth; significant features. Develop imagination and creative thinking.

Continuous direct educational activities

Joint activities of the teacher with children

Independent activity

Individual work

Interaction with family


Topic: What grows in the garden?

Target: Fix the general concept of “vegetables”, the names of various vegetables. Tell children about the benefits of vegetables for humans (a source of vitamins, a tasty food product). Introduce children to preparing vegetables - canning, salting, pickling. Reinforce the concept of “fruit”.

To cultivate a caring and loving attitude towards nature, which generously gifts us with its riches, and respect for the work of people working on the land.


Subject:Vegetable base.

Target: Introduce counting within 20, the peculiarity of the formation of two-digit numbers (11-20).


Knowledge of the composition of numbers from units of the first heel;

The ability to compare the number of sets of objects of different sizes (long and short, wide and narrow, red and blue, etc.).


Subject:We are building a vegetable store.

Target: Shape:

Design skills;

Guided imagination.

Lead to the perception of elementary astronomical concepts and ideas.

I/u “Gathering the harvest” (forward, reverse, ordinal counting within 15)

I/u “From smallest to largest” (layout by size)

I/u “Count, remember, pick a number” (ratio of number and number)

D/i “Recognize by smell”, “Recognize by taste” - consolidate the ability to identify vegetables by smell and taste.

Working with the encyclopedia

“Great encyclopedia for preschoolers” (OLMA-PRESS publishing house)

Looking at photo illustrations about vegetables

Collection of illustrations of different vegetables for a collage

Lotto "vegetables"

Olesya-i/u “Building a greenhouse” - exercise in the construction of various buildings according to the proposed conditions.

Collecting material about vegetables together with parents

Communication Tasks: Systematize and deepen children’s understanding of vegetables. Practice forming adjectives from nouns.

Independent activity

Individual work

Interaction with family


Subject:Riddles from the garden.

Target: Continue to teach children to answer questions fully and accurately, building sentences of 4-6 words. Develop story-writing skills from children's experiences.

Activate the names of vegetables. Reinforce the general concept of “vegetables”. Learn to agree nouns with adjectives in gender, number and case. Practice forming adjectives from nouns. Learn to form the genitive plural forms of nouns. Teach children to understand the figurative meaning of riddles. Develop memory.

Conversation about vegetables “Gifts of the vegetable garden” Goal: systematize and deepen children’s ideas about vegetables. Clarify ideas about the variety of vegetables. Guessing riddles about vegetables.

Examination of various illustrations, books, postcards depicting vegetables.

Sasha Sh.-d/u “Guess” - teach to find the place of a given sound in the name of vegetables

Joint creativity of children and parents: inventing riddles about vegetables.


Tasks: Replenish your literary baggage with stories, poems, tongue twisters, riddles.

Continuous direct educational activities

Joint activities of the teacher with children

Independent activity

Individual work

Interaction with family


Subject:Learning sayings and proverbs about vegetables.

Target: broaden children's horizons .

Give an idea of ​​the concepts “speech”, “word”, “sentence”.

Develop phonemic awareness.

Cultivate interest in words u.

V. Stepanov “The hare had a garden”

R.s.s. "Tops - roots"

Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”

N. Nosov “Cucumbers”

Creating conditions for reading poetry and tongue twisters, asking riddles, proverbs and sayings about vegetables

Sasha S.-Choose some adjectives? -learn to select epithets for a given vegetable and use them correctly in speech.

Selection of books on the topic

Artistic creativity

Tasks: Develop children's creativity. To develop the ability to freely use various techniques previously learned to create natural objects.

Continuous direct educational activities

Joint activities of the teacher with children

Independent activity

Individual work

Interaction with family

Drawing Theme:Drawwhat kind of vegetables do you want?

Target: Learn to convey the shape and characteristics of vegetables, as well as color. Improve the technique of painting with gouache paints (mix paints to get shades). Strengthen children's ability to easily, confidently use a brush, skillfully draw rounded lines. Develop children's creativity and emotional responsiveness.

Drawing Theme:Painting a board for cutting vegetables with a Gorodets pattern.

Target: Deepen and consolidate knowledge about Gorodets painting. Strengthen skills - use acquired drawing techniques to convey phenomena in a drawing; – draw with simple and colored pencils. Develop a sense of composition, the ability to beautifully arrange a pattern in a given shape.

ApplicationTema: ABOUTwaxon a platter.

Target: Improve the technique of cutting along the contour (of vegetables). Bring children to understand that a beautiful still life is obtained by combining different colors, forms. To develop children's applicative skills. Develop children's creativity. Learn:

Independently choose the means to create your intended products;

Fundamentals of design art;

Get beautiful color combinations.

Develop the ability to notice shortcomings in your work and correct them.

Involve children in drawing an invented fairy-tale vegetable - develop children's creativity

– Design of the album “Gifts of the Vegetable Garden”

Drawing as desired using vegetable stencils, coloring on the topic.

Vadim - teach how to use decorative modeling skills (moulding, deep relief)


Tasks: Strengthen the ability to use outdoor games of various content in independent activities.


Tasks: Learn to improvise simple melodies on your own.

Physical Culture

Tasks: Strengthen the ability to come up with game options, combine movements, showing creativity.

Tasks: Foster hard work, observation, and respect for the environment.


Tasks: Expand children's understanding of healthy nutrition.


Tasks: Expand your understanding of how to properly interact with plants.