How to make a paper crown. Do-it-yourself crown from various materials

Preparing for holidays, theatrical performances, matinees, photo sessions and other children's events always causes a lot of difficulties, as it becomes necessary to prepare a costume that matches the intended image.

The headpiece is an important part of any themed outfit, and the crown remains one of the most popular today: in various incarnations, this accessory can be used to complete the image of many fairy-tale or real characters.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made crown in stores, but an accessory made from a sketch of a paper crown and designed according to the finished image can look much more interesting.

Today we will figure out how to make a do-it-yourself paper crown for a boy and a girl.

Do-it-yourself paper crown, photo

Making a cardboard crown

The easiest way to make a do-it-yourself cardboard crown involves cutting it out according to a sketch and decorating it with foil. All you need to create such an accessory is a couple of sheets of cardboard, scissors, glue, pencil and foil.

Attention! The larger and "more magnificent" the conceived crown, the more original sheets will have to be used. We advise you to stock up on a sufficient amount of material, since it is possible that such a craft will have to be re-glued several times.

We start the process with measurements: measure the girth of your child's head - and add a few centimeters to the obtained parameters, since the sheet of cardboard will stick together from the back. After the calculations, proceed to cut a long strip, which will serve as the basis for the craft.

The next step is to create the top of the crown. You can use a ready-made cardboard crown pattern, as well as cut out the desired shape yourself. For example, manually draw cloves of the same or varying height with a pencil - and cut along the contour.

Next, we proceed to decorate the crown: coat the cardboard with glue - and glue the foil of a suitable size. We advise you to bend the edges of the foil inward on each side of the craft so that the cut joints are not conspicuous. The rest of the foil is glued to the inner walls.

When the crown is dry, carefully cut off the excess foil between all the teeth of the crown. Bend the edges of the material inward similarly to the previous manipulations. Only after the complete gluing of the crown and its final drying, you can fix the teeth on the holder strip - and fasten the edges together. You will get a circle with parameters suitable for your child.

A cardboard crown can also be made in a different way: cut out and sequentially fasten several dense layers to each other, and then decorate the craft with beads, sparkles, foil elements, rhinestones, ribbons, tinsel and other details.

If you are creating a crown for a New Year's look, a bright rain or a fluffy layer of cotton along the bottom edge will be a great addition to this accessory.

The simplest example of how to make a cardboard crown is in the video:

Scheme paper crown and snowflake idea

You can make a crown with your own hands from paper according to the template. Take a thick paper sheet - and draw the shape of the crown with a pencil according to the stencils found. A crown made of paper according to a template for cutting is best done in bright colors.

In addition to colored paper, you will need glue and a utility knife.

We suggest you try to implement another idea - snowflake crown.

To create a do-it-yourself stenciled paper crown on your head, it is enough to do just a few procedures:

  1. Cut out strips from colored (for example, red and yellow) paper with parameters of 7 mm by 25 cm.
  2. To create the base of the paper crown, prepare 20 circles and 2 diamonds of the same size. To create the first row, we need circles that will be connected to each other with glue.
  3. Next, we make the second row: this time take the diamonds - and glue between the circles of the first row. The remaining rows are made in a similar way by alternating two geometric shapes and shades.
  4. The main focus of this decoration will be a snowflake. Schemes of a paper crown with a snowflake can be downloaded from the Internet, but you can also make a good decor manually: glue rhombuses and circles together to create a large snowflake of a multi-colored palette. Such a composition is glued to the center of our craft.

To make the crown "more magnificent", each subsequent geometric layer can be made wider. Then the composition will expand to the top - and will look much more interesting than traditional purchased jewelry.

Advice: to make the snowflake crown look more spectacular, do it in the quilling style.

Now that you have an idea of ​​how to make a simple paper crown, we advise you to check out the mockup of a paper or cardboard crown, which is even more suitable for a royal look.

Volumetric crown with gold overflow

How to make a crown for a princess out of cardboard or paper? In addition to the sheets themselves, we only need scissors and glue. If you only have white materials for cutting, stock up on paints or sparkles that will imitate gilding.

In this case, a paper crown pattern is not needed, since the craft will consist of many small elements.

What should be done:

Cardboard crown, photo

That's all! It remains only to smooth the sides of the crown with your fingers, as well as decorate this accessory.

This master class on how to make a paper or cardboard crown for a princess will be useful to anyone who is willing to spend about 30 minutes on crafts (remember that the glue must dry).

Creative crown for a girl

All girls are not indifferent to sweets. Therefore, a bright and unusual crown in the form of a cake will surely please your child. Make such a do-it-yourself paper crown for a girl - and we are sure that at any holiday she will outshine all the guests.

Advice: if there is no thick paper, use cardboard, but first color it in bright colors or decorate with colored paper.

How to make a crown for a girl out of cardboard? First, decide on its size: measure how the ring should be so that such an ornament is securely held on the head. To give this accessory the desired shape, use the cardboard crown template.

Follow these steps:

  1. Take a square sheet - and cut it in half so that the new fragments have parameters of 15 by 30 cm.
  2. Use cardboard to cut out two circles with a diameter of 11.5 cm.
  3. Now we make the base - a cardboard headband. Using the template, cut out the composition on the already prepared rectangular sheet. Then proceed to create a similar second fragment.
  4. On one side, the cut rectangles should be glued. In the photo, such a cardboard crown is decorated with ribbons and a stitch at the top, but you can come up with your own decor.
  5. Now use stickers or draw pictures of different goodies. You can use any materials: for example, the crown is decorated with ribbons, paper pictures and rhinestones.
  6. Glue circles with a diameter of 5 cm to the tops of the upper waves. Inside, make round patterns from threads that match in color.
  7. Attach the crown to the girl's head - and cut off the unnecessary length. Only after that you can glue the halves from the free sides.

There are no strict rules on how to cut a crown out of cardboard, and it is not even necessary to adhere to the chosen theme. The presented template can be a suitable basis for many children's images.

"Royal" crown for a boy

How about a medieval-style paper crown? This decoration is suitable for boys who depict princes or kings at the festival.

How to do beautiful crown from paper? First, take a thick sheet - and cut a long enough strip for the base. The two ends of the strip are immediately glued together to create a ring. Two wider strips are cut out of colored paper of a different shade. They must be glued to the base crosswise, and so that when put on the head, such a crown does not cause discomfort.

Six thinner strips should be cut for the main decor. One end of these stripes is trimmed to create a semi-circular and slightly elongated border. Glue the other side of the strip to the inside of the annular base of the crown. The result should look like the sun.

Now, focusing on the photo of the paper crown, give these stripes the correct shape - and fix it on top of the decoration. It remains only to add details: beads, colored paper inserts or a figurine for the top.

If you are not sure how to make a crown of this type from colored paper so that it stays on your head, we advise you to cover the black stripes with fragments of fabric or thick cardboard that are suitable in size and shape. Then the crown will not move out.

Kokoshnik made of paper or cardboard

The Russian image remains no less popular at the holidays. Do you want to know how to make a paper kokoshnik with your own hands using a stencil?

First, draw a picture of a kokoshnik stencil from cardboard or paper. It can have any shape, but make sure that it is not very bulky, otherwise the decoration will not be able to stay on the head.

Attention! When creating a kokoshnik template from paper, it is necessary to correctly calculate the coverage of the head.

On a dense material, we cut out a holistic decoration. Now you need to go over all the borders of the decoration with glue: fur, rain, ribbons and other decorations will be attached to them.

Advice: if desired, the entire front side of the kokoshnik for a girl with your own hands from cardboard can be decorated with a cloth, but then the borders will have to be stitched with ribbons so that uneven joints are not conspicuous.

A paper kokoshnik pattern will be held on the head with ribbons. Therefore, hem them on both sides to a semicircular base. And do not forget about beads, paints, sparkles and other decorative elements.

This is how a homemade head decoration may look like if you use the instructions on how to make a kokoshnik from cardboard with your own hands according to the template:

Do-it-yourself kokoshniks made of cardboard, photo

Now you know that you can spend quite a bit of time cutting out a template of a crown or other headdress from paper - and the festive look will turn out even more vivid. And the main advantage of such decorations is the opportunity for the children themselves to participate in the creation of joint decorative masterpieces.

Many people are engaged in the manufacture of tiaras, but they all make them in the same way - absolutely everything is wired, including the base itself. I saw, touched such products and this ... this is not good). My way of making such things is the golden mean between sculpting "on the knee" and professional factory performance.

So, we will make this crown:

We will need the following things: a soldering iron, two medical clips, a wooden board, soldering flux and fat, rosin, lead-free solder, a sponge for cleaning the soldering tip, hot glue, glue moment

Crystals of two sizes in emerald color, pink opal, champagne and caps (can be found in different price categories - Swarovski, Preciosa, on the Chinese site), beads of different sizes and shades (China, Zlatka from Leonardo specifically in my case, like met. elements, or disassemble purchased ones), metal decorative elements - openwork leaves, flowers, basic elements - metal ovals - in this case all in gold/bronze, filigree - I buy at a local store, you can also order from China and other details that can be seen in the photo below. By and large, it makes no sense to paint the entire decor in detail, because everyone will have their own design, the main thing here is the base.

The main components of the base of the crown are the rim, filigree, metal ovals.

Let's start. We insert the soldering iron into the socket. We work carefully, the solder is very fluid, it can fall from the sting onto your knees or burst, and then hot drops will fly to all places. For example, into the eyes, as I had.

Clamps are needed in order not to burn yourself, since the entire surface will become very hot.

We apply flux to the surface of the rim.

We collect solder by leaning the sting against it.

If the solder is without rosin, then we pre-wet it in rosin so that it is more fluid, otherwise it will be too thick and will not lie on the surface.

We begin to apply solder to the rim treated with flux. We lean the tip with solder against the rim and apply solder.

So, we have tinned the surface of the rim, on which we will solder the filigree elements.

We are preparing the filigree for soldering. We will solder them in three places - the places of adhesion to the rim. We pre-estimate the filigree to the rim and mark these points. We put fat on these places

We collect solder and put it on the fat with a touch of a sting.

We cook all filigree like this.

We outline the center of the rim, take the filigree and lean it against the rim, fix the position with a clamp.

We collect solder, lean the tip against the places with the solder applied earlier on the filigree in the places of planned contact, delay the tip a little, the solder between the filigree and the rim should warm up, melt and flow, fastening them together

Along the circumference of the rim, we solder the remaining filigrees in the same way, the only difference is that on the sides they will also be attached to each other.

We fasten the second filigree with two clamps for the strength of the position.

We press the contact points of the filigrees with a clamp, apply fat to the place of their fastening and apply solder.

We lay the rest of the filigree around the circumference of the rim in the same way. Do not forget to let the solder cool before removing the clamps. At least 15 seconds.

We fasten the combs to the rim. We tint them in the same way as the rim at the beginning.

We press it firmly against the rim. We heat the surface with a tip with the collected solder so that the solder applied earlier to the comb melts and creates a grip.

The turn of metal ovals has come. We need to solder one oval to one free filigree. Selected contact points in the photo.

We press the filigree to the back side of the oval, apply grease to the contact points and apply solder.


We take a ready-made element made of filigree and an oval and press it with clamps. We apply fat to the contact points and use a sting with solder.

We fasten all the details in this way along the circumference of the rim. We adjust the height of each part as desired.

The base is ready. Wash thoroughly with dishwashing detergent, dry immediately with a towel.

We take wire and beads, rhinestones, decor elements and twist branches from this.

Hot glue the crystals.

We take thin threads of beads, glue the crystals around the perimeter with gold, glue the twisted edges of the ovals with black. We glue on the moment.

These are former earrings. Bought specifically for analysis. I tore out some stones from them. We glue them (the rest of the decor, twigs, etc. on hot glue)

Slowly fill the entire surface of the base with decor.


And we get the following result

All crowns are made according to the same principle, the difference depends on the decor filling, which is often very difficult to solder, especially for small elements on the tops of the crowns, such as here.

A lot of people are engaged in the manufacture of diadems, but they all make them the same way (badly) - absolutely everything is wired with wire, including the base itself. I saw, touched such products and this ... this is not good). My way of making such things is the golden mean between sculpting "on the knee" and professional factory performance. To be honest, doing this is especially difficult because of the constant fumes from solder in large quantities, so you need to do this in a well-ventilated area, driving animals and children out of there.

But in general, a woman and a soldering iron hand in hand - very romantic!) Videos with soldering processes periodically appear in my NastyaNoyabr inst, so if someone is interested - welcome). By the way, there will soon be a giveaway with several prizes (decorations + materials for creativity;) In the meantime, I'll add a few crowns while there is still room).

Thank you for your attention!

Mrs Russia 2016

First Vice-Miss "Beauty of Russia 2015"


A do-it-yourself crown can be made for a girl and for a boy for any occasion.

Sometimes you don't even need a holiday to have a fun event. Crowns are also relevant for photo shoots.

It is easy to make them, it is enough to correctly use the materials that are available to everyone.

Every girl wants to be a queen, a snowflake or a princess on a holiday. A lot of characters can't impress without this optional accessory like a crown.

DIY foil crown

In order to make a foil crown, it is enough to have, in fact, only foil.

You can make an accessory using wire - then it will keep its shape better and will not tear as quickly as it will be the case with simple foil.

However, if there is no wire, perform the following set of actions:

  • cut the foil roll into equal strips. It is better to cut the strips horizontally, along the long side. It is better if they are about a meter long;
  • lay several strips on top of each other, and then begin to twist them together. This should be done so that the protruding edges of each of the foil layers are not visible. It is better if twisted in the form of a slight roundness, but it is important to remember that such a crown may wrinkle during operation;
  • it can include not only the presence of a crown, but also other attributes, such as a magic wand, so you can make different stars, flowers, cut out interesting figures from the remnants of the foil;
  • when the DIY foil crown ring is ready, you need to fasten the two edges of the foil in the shape of a circle. It is better to do this with PVA glue - unlike paper clips and a stapler, it will not become an additional load that breaks the fragile structure of the foil;
  • now we begin to fasten the arcs and interesting curls, which are twisted in the same way. You need to fasten them first to the circle, and then to each other. Fantasy can be expressed in different ways.

If you are ready to use the wire, you can pre-bend and cut it.

The foil crown will hold its shape better, not sag, and last longer.

Foil should be tightly wrapped in one row along the entire length of the wire, and then, in a more relaxed form, create a three-dimensional surface for the product, if this is the main goal.

A tightly wrapped foil crown in several layers will last longer.

Tip: straighten the wire well. You can do this with durable objects and even around furniture. If your table leg is rounded, you can circle the wire around it and apply force to level the surface. True, you need to put something under the product so that the furniture does not deteriorate.

DIY plastic bottle crown

Work on this product will be more laborious, but the result will be beautiful and original.

The main thing is that such a crown can be used for more than one year, and anyone will fit it.

To create a crown from a bottle, you will need the following materials:

  • large beads, rhinestones, various shiny small jewelry, colored sand;
  • plastic bottle with a large diameter corresponding to the size of the child's head;
  • scotch;
  • paper;
  • nail polish.

As for the varnish, you can choose one of the options: take a colorless coating that will be applied to colored sand, and the sand itself, in turn, to the surface of the crown smeared with glue, or use the choice of applying a ready-made colored varnish with sparkles.

The perfect choice is a nail shimmer. That's just one jar of such varnish and will be spent, since it will need to be applied in at least three layers, generously and thickly.

How to make a crown with your own hands from a bottle:

  • first we take the prepared bottle and cut out approximately in its center a section corresponding to the width of the crown;
  • we take a sheet of plain paper and glue it with adhesive tape along the edges around the cut-out segment of the bottle;
  • on a sheet of paper, draw the top outline of the crown. If you want to make holes inside the decoration, they must also be provided;
  • cut out the product along the drawn lines;
  • remove paper;
  • decorate the crown from the bottle with varnish.

You can make a frame of beautiful threads, openwork stripes and shiny beads.

However, it is recommended to apply at least one layer of lacquer before decorating the various elements of the crown, so that its color is even and without white glimpses.

For the crown, you can make the original magic wand in similar colors.

The main advantage of using plastic is that there is no need to make the product whole.

You can make a cut in the center of the accessory at the back - this will provide an opportunity to use the crown not only for children, but also for adults, adjusting the size.

You just need to be extremely careful, because during flexion and extension, the sparkles can crumble, peeling off the surface of the crown.

DIY paper crown for a boy

A crown for a boy may be relevant for New Year for a prince or king costume.

To make such a crown is very simple, for this you need:

  • colored paper;
  • 5 yellow and orange paper modules for more (other colors are possible);
  • 5 red and 5 triangular modules for less;

To start, we need to do triangular modules. Doing it is simple.

Take paper and fold in half and cut.

Then fold in half again and cut. It turns out 4 identical square sheets.

Take a sheet and fold it in half (lengthwise).

Then fold into a small square.

We unfold the square and make a triangle along the fold (as if you are making an airplane).

We bend the edges of the airplane into a triangle.

Fold the resulting triangle in half.

With smaller modules, you should do exactly the same, only at the initial stage make 32 small squares from a large A4 sheet (fold several times and cut).

Our do-it-yourself crown for a boy will consist of such modules.

We glue large modules (triangles), forming a crown.

Rubies and emeralds can be made from small modules (by bending the triangle in half, cut up).

We insert our stones into the crown with our own hands for the boy.

Do-it-yourself paper crown for a girl

Making it is easy enough. From the picture you will understand that even a child can handle it.

In children's games, it is very important to use accessories. They give the game a realistic touch, and are appreciated even more if they are made by hand. The paper crown can be used not only for entertainment, but also for theatrical performances that are held in kindergartens and schools. Hurry up to please your child, and we will tell you how to make a paper crown at home.

paper crown

To get to work, prepare:

Now we can get down to business. We perform the following actions:

Paper crown: option 2

Let's make a crown in a different way. For work, take:

  • cardboard with a low density;
  • gum;
  • hot glue gun;
  • elements for decoration (can be replaced with felt-tip pens, paints or pencils).

Let's do the following:

Color the crown as you wish: paints, felt-tip pens, pencils.

Volumetric crown with gold overflow

It will be a little more difficult to make such a crown than the previous ones.

Get ready for work:

  • paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

We do the work:

We smooth the finished crown with our hand and you can put it on!

Crown for a girl

Prepare the following materials:

  • colored paper of high density (30 cm wide and 30 cm long);
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • compass;
  • glue.

We make a crown for a girl as follows:

Crown of the Snow Queen / Princess (with snowflake)

To make a beautiful crown, prepare a sheet of paper, scissors, glue.

We perform the following actions:

  1. We draw the outlines of the crown (you can use templates).
  2. We cut strips of colored paper, 25 cm long, 7 cm wide.
  3. For the base of the craft, we make circles in the amount of 20 pieces, rhombuses in the amount of 2 pieces. We connect the circles with glue to get the 1st row.
  4. Diamonds with glue in the gaps between the circles. This will be the 2nd row. We repeat the procedure, alternating circles and rhombuses.
  5. To make a snowflake, we glue multi-colored rhombuses and circles and fix them in the center of the crown.

Advice! To make the crown look more magnificent, make each subsequent row a little larger than the previous one.

The quilling crown looks very beautiful.

Monarch headdress for a boy

Any boy will be happy with the chic crown of a real king.

You will need:

  • a sheet of high density paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • rhinestones and beads for decoration.

How to do?

  1. Make a strip for the base of the crown, glue the ends together.
  2. Take paper of a different color and cut out 2 more strips, which should be wider than the previous one. Glue them to the base with the letter X. Measure on your head and see if anything is in the way.
  3. Cut out 6 stripes to decorate the crown. Trim one of the ends of the strips to form a semi-circular oblong border line. Glue the opposite side of the strip to the base of the craft from the inside. It turned out something like the sun with rays.
  4. Examine the photo of the crown and shape the stripes accordingly. Attach the decoration at the top. Decorate the craft with prepared decorative elements.

Cutting templates

Video instructions

The training videos selected for you will help you to understand the subject and the method of work in detail, to choose the appropriate option.

origami crown:

Royal crown:

Foamiran crown:

Forest Fairy Crown:

If a child needs to dress up as a prince or princess for a matinee, you will need a crown. It can be made with your own hands from paper, mastic, beads and other materials.

You can make a crown with your own hands from paper, mastic, beads and other materials.

paper decoration

There are many options for how to make a paper crown, the main thing is to show your imagination and imagination as much as possible. Manufacturing options:

  1. From paper golden color cut into squares of the same size, 10x10 cm in size. Fold each blank in half diagonally, then insert the resulting triangle into another and glue it together. The number of parts depends on the size of the head.
  2. You can also easily and quickly make a crown from paper plate. It is necessary to divide the plate into 8 equal triangles, uniting them at a central point. It is important that the edge of the plate remains intact. The finished crown can be decorated with various beads or sequins.
  3. Another option for making a crown with your own hands is from paper strips twisted at the ends. You must first prepare a base equal to the circumference of the head, and then glue the strips on it.

Cardboard craft

A crown made of cardboard is stronger, stronger and holds its shape better. For a solemn occasion, you can make a corrugated cardboard crown. The craft can be both with sharp corners and rounded. The edges are fastened with a stapler or glue. You can decorate with sequins and artificial stones.

beaded crown

To make a beaded crown with your own hands, you will need the following materials: 2 types of wire (thick and thin section), pliers, beads, pearls, beads. From a thick wire, you need to make a base corresponding to the girth of the head. Form a frame from the remnants of a thick wire - waves or triangles, and fix it to the base with a thin wire. Next, you should string beads, beads and pearls on a thin wire, and then attach all this with a wire to the main part.

There is another option: the main part is performed in the same way as in the previous case, and corresponds to the circumference of the head circumference. Next, instead of waves or triangles, you should cut the wire different lengths and string beads or beads on it, and then attach the resulting strips to the main, pre-decorated part. You can beads, pearls and beads of different sizes.

felt crown

For a New Year's celebration for a girl in puffy dress you can offer a felt crown, which is also made by hand. Felt is a very unpretentious and fairly dense fabric that does not have a front or back side. Felt parts can be fastened by hand, using a sewing machine, PVA glue or a glue gun - with any of these types of fastening, the aesthetics of the fabric does not change.

To make such a crown, you need to take a piece of 25x8 cm. For strength, you can use fabric in 2 layers, but in most cases one layer is enough. You can choose a shape using a ready-made template or make your own original one, unlike any other. The edges do not need to be fastened together - in order for the product not to fall off the head, you need to sew an elastic band on the back or satin ribbon. For decoration, you can use rhinestones, sequins, beads.

Lace crown

This crown is original decoration for a little charming princess. You will need lace and fabric hardener. Before starting work, you need to decide on the size, for this you need to make a cardboard cylinder that matches the size of the future crown. When the cylinder is ready, you need to cover it with cling film, pull the lace on top and fasten the edges, then carefully process it with a fabric hardener and leave to dry.

After the lace has become hard enough, it must be removed from the cardboard, dyed, dried and proceed to decoration.

Advice! Instead of a hardener, you can apply spray paint of the desired color to the lace. It dries much faster, and gives the necessary hardness to the product.

autumn crown

The autumn crown is made for the autumn festival, and is made mainly from maple leaves. Before work, you need to cut the ends of the cuttings from the leaves. Then take 2 sheets and bend them at the base, insert one sheet into another and fasten together with a handle. This is how all the remaining leaves are fastened. The finished crown can be decorated with rowan fruits.

In a metropolis, it is not always possible to find maple leaves. In this case, you can use paper and paints to create an autumn crown. For manufacturing, you must first draw, cut and color the leaves. On a strip of cardboard, the length of which should correspond to the circumference of the child's head, glue paper leaves.

Children's crowns with a letter are made for first-graders on the holiday of the primer.

Children's crowns with a letter are made for first-graders on the holiday of the primer

In order to make such a crown, you will need 2 sheets of white cardboard and a letter of the corresponding color for it (denoting a vowel - red, a consonant - blue). The letter is best immediately cut out of colored paper. The rim is made of white cardboard, its width should be no more than 4 cm, the length of the rim is equal to the circumference of the head, the edges are fixed with a stapler. From the second sheet of cardboard, you need to make a semi-oval, on which the letter will subsequently be glued. The outline of the letter must be circled in black, all the details should be connected together.

Crown on a number

Children's holiday is always joy and fun. To make this day more memorable for the child, you can add your own zest, for example, make a three-dimensional figure corresponding to the age of the child and put a crown on it.

It is best to make a figure from cardboard, since this material, despite its lightness, perfectly holds the shape of the product. Another material from which you can make a number is foam. The size of the figure can be very diverse - from medium to corresponding to the height of the child. After the figure is ready, it is necessary to give it an aesthetic appearance by pasting it with paper of the same color.

You will need several packs to decorate. paper napkins, glue, scissors and stapler. Napkins can be used in different colors, but choose according to shades so that there is a match.

From napkins you need to make flowers. To do this, the napkin is bent in half, and then again, the resulting square in the middle is fastened with a stapler, a circle is cut out of it, each layer of the napkin is folded upwards, flower petals are formed. It is necessary to make a large number of flowers and stick them on the letter.

After the figure is completely ready, you can make a crown for the number from a piece of ordinary colored cardboard that differs from the color of the three-dimensional figure. It can be attached to the top of the figure with a stapler or glue.