How to make a chain of air loops. How and why to knit air loops

I said that learning to crochet is easy.

Today you will see this. Just please don’t force things, learn little by little, don’t try to get ahead of yourself and don’t try to learn how to knit in one day. Sometimes we set ourselves impossible goals, and then get upset because nothing works out.

So let's move in small steps, not quickly, but confidently. And, believe me, knitting is easy!

Do you have a hook? If not, it's time to buy it. There are different hooks on sale - steel, aluminum, plastic, bamboo, wood and even bone. Bone and plastic ones weigh less (weight is a very important factor, especially at first) but they are fragile and not as smooth as metal ones. Aluminum is a light metal, but hooks made of it are coated with a special protective layer, which quickly comes off, and then the yarn can get dirty, and your fingers will also become covered with a gray coating. Steel hooks are heavier, but they are strong, smooth, and do not leave marks.

We'll talk more about hooks and their varieties later. And now the main question of the first lesson: which hook to choose for training? There can only be one correct answer - the one that is more convenient for you to use.

Take a close look at the hook. It must be absolutely smooth for the thread to glide well. The head should be sharp, but with a rounded tip. If it is too sharp, then when knitting it may not enter between the threads, but into the thread itself, separating it. A hook with a head that is too blunt will be difficult to fit into the loop. And another important parameter is the depth of the beard cut. If it is too small, then the thread may slip off for an inexperienced knitter.

And, of course, not the last factor is ergonomics. If possible, hold different hooks in your hands and choose the one that feels more comfortable in your hand.

Have you seen long hooks in the store? They will come in handy later when you begin to master Tunisian knitting. Knitting with them using the usual technique is not very convenient, and there is no need for extra weight.

It is better to take smooth, lint-free yarn for training. It should be well, but not too tightly twisted. General rule This is: the thread should be 1.5 - 2 times thicker than the recess of the working part. The main parameter that determines the size of the loop is the diameter of the hook handle.

Let's start from the very beginning - we'll figure out how to hold the hook and thread, how to make the initial loops.

I would like to immediately apologize if your working hand is your left. I don't know how to knit with my left hand. One of my friends studied according to the usual manual, sitting in front of a mirror and looking at her hands in the reflection. This deserves great respect and admiration.

So, take the thread coming from the ball in your left hand with the tip facing you. The thread should cover the thumb and index finger of the left hand and press the remaining fingers to the palm.

Take the hook in your right hand. The classic way is the way you usually take a pen or pencil. The hook is held with the thumb and forefinger, lightly holding it with the middle one.

People often ask what difference it makes how exactly to hold it, because the main thing is to make the right movements. I admit: I find it more convenient to hold the hook differently. It so happened that first I learned to knit, and only then I mastered crochet. Many years have passed, and I still sometimes, out of habit, use a hook as a knitting needle. I think that experienced knitters know that with this style of knitting it is not easy to maintain an even tension on the thread and the loops can turn out uneven.

But this method also has its advantages. Try grasping the hook with your thumb and middle finger and placing the handle in your palm. The ring finger will support the hook, and the index finger will hold the loops on the working part of the hook when knitting. When knitting, the hook will not move relative to the fingers and the hand will get less tired.

Try both ways. Whichever one you like, use it.

Ready to take the first step? The first loop, of course...

So, the thread from the ball is in your left hand, thrown over your index finger, its tip is directed towards you and lightly pressed with your fingers into your palm (do not overdo it, please). Place the hook under the thread towards you, lift the barbed end slightly and turn the hook 180 degrees.

Pick up the thread coming from the ball and pull it through the loop on the hook. This initial loop is fastening and does not participate in calculations.

Complex manipulation? Make it easier! Tighten a regular loop with your fingers and place it on the hook. And, believe me, no one will ever guess how exactly you knitted the initial loop. And on appearance This will not affect the product in any way. You shouldn’t complicate your life, don’t you agree? Then let's continue.

Now you can start knitting a chain of air loops. Place the hook under the thread (the head should be facing your direction) and pull the working thread through the first loop. While pulling, you can turn the hook slightly (about 90°) so that the head is directed towards the chain. These are not mandatory recommendations, it’s just easier this way, and perhaps over time you will begin to get this movement automatically.

Now continue to grab the thread and pull it through a new loop on the hook each time. That's it - you know how to knit a chain!

No matter how simple the process may seem, there are still some subtleties. To ensure that the chain is even and not too tight, the loops need to be formed on the handle of the hook, and not on its tapering part.

Most beginners find the chain too tight. So tight that it is impossible to knit the next row on it. What to do?

Disband and start over. Practice until you get it right...

Don't be upset - I was joking!

I'll share a little secret. if you have hook of a larger number - tie a chain with it, and when knitting the main fabric, go to necessary hook size.

And in addition to practical skills, today there is a little more theory.

Look carefully at the connected chain. It has a front side (looks like a pigtail) and a back side (there are a number of tubercles on it).

Ta a loop, which is now on your hook, is called working.

A thread coming from the ball - too working.

Each loop of the chain consists of two arches. The one closest to you is called front half loop, far - rear half-loop.

A chain of air loops is the basis, the initial row of any knitting. There are, of course, other options - double chain or elastic cast-on edge (they are more complicated, we will talk about them later).

In diagrams, an air loop can be indicated by one of the following icons:

That's all you needed to learn in lesson two. In you will begin to master columns, their simplest variety. This means that you can already try to knit the simplest patterns.

Friends, today we will return to the basics... we will figure out how to crochet a double chain... I here from time to time conduct an audit on the blog and find out what I haven’t written about yet... So, today is the day when I discovered my mistake...

A double chain of air loops remained away from the general public... The simple one was knitted, but the double one was not... Not in order! But this is a very useful crochet technique.

Let's look at how this is done...

Double chain of air loops - how to knit

1. Make the initial loop by unwinding the long tail from the ball - we will need it for knitting. We arrange the threads as shown in the photo below, namely, the working thread on top, the tail on the bottom...2. Insert a hook under the tail...
and loop it over the hook... on the hook there is the initial loop plus the yarn over.

....and pull it through the yarn over and loop on the hook...on the hook there is again one loop.
repeat the operation))) Insert the hook under the “tail” thread from top to bottom
throw it on the hook
grab the working thread

we continue in the same spirit... The result is a double braid made of air loops,
which can be used very well as a lace, for example, for booties or for some other products, for example. as a finishing element))) Can you tie the lace differently... how? see article ""

In addition, many advise using a similar technique to start knitting a product, that is, like a cast-on chain, referring to the fact that with such a cast-on, the edge of the fabric does not tighten... I don’t know... I myself have never used a double braid made of air loops for these purposes, By the way, we need to correct this oversight too - try it)))

For those who are more comfortable learning from video lessons, I made a short video on how to crochet a double chain using air loops... The video, of course, is so-so... but how old we are - someday I’ll learn how to make films too))) Now look what I was filming here)))

The crochet technique appeared a long time ago and is still very popular. It differs from knitting by the whimsicality of patterns that cannot be replicated by a knitting machine. They interestingly and unusually complement various modern images, look good on interior details: bedspreads, decorative pillows, napkins, scarves. Also no less interesting are clothing items made from yarn. These can be various pullovers, knitted blouses, scarves, tops and even dresses. You can knit a wide variety of items from wool and nylon threads of varying thickness and density, depending on the desired result.

At the initial stages it is not at all difficult; any novice craftswoman or master can handle the training. But the result will delight you with the sophistication and lightness of openwork patterns and weaves. Where to start learning to crochet?

Selecting Tools

First, let's choose a suitable hook and yarn to knit our first projects. There are crochet hooks steel and aluminum, and the biggest ones are even bamboo. Their size is determined by a number - diameter in millimeters. For beginners, numbers from 3 to 5 are best. The thickness of the hook should be selected depending on the thickness and density of the yarn. It can be almost anything. It is important to avoid burrs and roughness on the head of the crochet hook.. This can significantly interfere with your work. And also make sure that its tip is not too pointed, as it can easily be scratched.

Correct technique and conventions

There are 2 ways to hold a crochet hook correctly: as a pen for writing or as a knife while eating. For convenience, modern instruments have a small flattened area approximately 2-4 centimeters from its head. This is where it will be correct to hold our tool. Now we’ll tell you a little about the terms so that there are no difficulties when analyzing diagrams and master classes.

How to knit chain stitches?

To start our chain of air loops - the first row of the future product - we need to complete the first of them. It will be slightly different from the subsequent ones, but it is not at all difficult to perform. For this:

  1. By wrapping the working thread around your index finger and then removing it, you get a small loop. Its short end should be placed on top.
  2. We insert a hook into it and grab the working thread as it continues.
  3. Pull the thread through this ring and tighten the ends of the first air loop. You should not do this too tightly, because it should be free and move around the hook without difficulty.

How to crochet an air loop from threads - watch step by step in the instructional video.

Did you understand how to knit the first loop and try it? Happened? Now from the completed first element you can begin to knit a series of air loops. To do this, wrap the working thread over your index finger and hold the short end with your thumb and middle finger. The hook is inserted into the first loop, then we hook the working thread and bring it into the loop, we do the same thing again and again to get a chain.

If you want to postpone the work, simply pull out the last (working) stitch a few centimeters. Then your product will not unravel accidentally.

After the first row of the product - the chain - is completed, you can begin to create a further pattern according to the scheme. For beginners, I recommend that you first practice by making the chain longer.

It is important to monitor the tension of the loops. They should be even and not too tight or loose. Otherwise, the first row of the product will turn out uneven, which means that all subsequent rows will also have errors. Once you learn how to knit a chain of chain stitches, you can begin to master other crochet techniques, such as double crochet, single crochet, and so on.

In the diagram, the air loop is designated as “0”, and the chain of loops is designated as “00000”. The count of loops in the chain does not include the one on the hook. As a rule, the first row (chain) is not included in the drawing on the diagram, that is, it is not depicted on it at all. Therefore, you need to be very careful when counting the rows in the product.

There are several options for making such a chain, as well as ways to obtain the first air loop. Also, in addition to a single row, you can perform, for example, a double row. Various variations of knitting rows are also possible, such as crocheting in the round. In this way you can make round needle beds or thick napkins/hot mats/potholders and similar products.

How to make a double row

To do this, you need to knit 2 air loops as described earlier. The hook is passed through both, and then the working thread is placed on it. It is hooked and knitted through them. This creates another loop. Then we add the next one to it and do it all again. You should end up with a double row. As you can see, this technique is not much more complicated than making a single chain. But such a chain looks much more attractive and stronger.

These techniques are the basis of crochet. Therefore, they need to be practiced and be able to perform perfectly before moving on to further training and creating products in this way. But then you can easily knit and weave any products from threads - crafts are made on the basis of the same loops, you will see if you look at the pictures finished works. Be patient and good luck in learning a new craft!

Friends, any knitting begins with a loop. Crochet is no exception. To start crocheting any pattern, you first need to cast on the loops for it, and for this you just need to know how this is done. The main crochet technique is an air loop and a chain of air loops. Without them, it is impossible to knit any pattern in principle. Therefore, let's first figure out how to crochet air loops and see why, how and where these loops and chains of them are used.

For work we will need:

  1. Any yarn. But it’s better if the thread is even, not very thin and light color. It's just more convenient and simpler. For example, Krokha yarn is perfect for learning
  2. Hook. For now, I will not give you advice on how to choose a hook... this is a big and not entirely clear topic for a separate conversation... Just read the recommendations on the label of the yarn you have chosen and use them. For the “Krokha” thread I propose, hooks No. 3 or 4 are well suited

So... let's start practicing

Take the hook in your hand. How to take it? Yes, whatever suits you! You can hold it like a ballpoint pen or a pencil, or you can hold it like a spoon in infancy, or like a knife. By the way, there is a lot of controversy about this on the Internet, like how to hold a hook correctly?...

Attention! Answer!

You need to hold the hook in such a way that it is convenient and comfortable for you - and this is the only correct way.

For example, I hold this instrument differently...

This way and that - it all depends on what and from what threads I knit... By the way, it very often happens that in the process of knitting the same product I change the grip of the hook, just for the sake of convenience...

Therefore, try holding it in different ways and you will definitely find the option that suits you.

How to crochet air loops - a guide for beginners and those interested

  1. We take the hook in the right hand, and the left end of the thread from the ball

Attention! Just remember... The thread coming from the ball is called the working thread in knitting

For your information! The first loop we just knitted is just the beginning of knitting, it is not taken into account (not counted) when counting the number of loops... i.e. tied and forgotten... we start counting from the next loop.

How to crochet air loops, I hope you understand... we continue further...

For example, we knitted 10 loops, which means a chain of ten loops.

Knit 50 loops for training, i.e. repeat the action described above 50 times and you will get a chain of 50 VP (chain loops). You can link more if you wish...

  1. To “close” or complete the knitting, it is enough to make another air loop with a crochet, but pull it out longer than usual, cut it and pull up the tip... By the way, we will use this closing technique to finish crocheting always and everywhere.

If you need to see visually how to crochet air loops, then this video will help you :)

How are air loops designated in crochet patterns?

It’s no secret that a significant part of needlewomen use patterns when crocheting...

If you want to thoroughly master crocheting, then learning to read patterns is a must...

Each knitting element corresponds to a certain symbol, and it happens that there is more than one...

For example, air loops and chains of them, which we knitted today, can be presented in the diagrams in the form of dots, arcs, circles (both hollow and filled) or small ovals (both hollow and filled)

Let's see examples:

  1. Dots, small circles, ovals in the diagram are simple air loops (chains) or lifting loops - they need to be counted before starting knitting, unless, of course, they have already been counted by the author of the diagram

What are chain stitches used for in crochet?

Friends, if you were looking for information on the topic of how to crochet air loops, then it is quite logical to assume that you need it for some reason.

For example, you want to knit something, and we have already said that any product, be it clothing, a toy, a napkin, a simple pattern or something else, crocheted starts with air loops...


Friends, I'm ending this...

Today we figured out how to crochet chain stitches, knitted a chain of chain stitches, looked at how and where these irreplaceable stitches are used and how they are indicated in the diagrams.

In the near future, we will begin to get acquainted with other, no less important, elements - various columns.

Crochet air loop- This is the basic knitting technique. If you need to knit an openwork tunic for the summer, then the main element is air loop crochet.

Air loops are used to create openwork patterns. An air loop is indispensable and when climbing to higher rows, such an air loop is called.

It is used in most products as a base, as well as to create airy motifs.

From the lesson you will learn how to knit an air loop And how to cast air loops to form a chain of air loops.

Crochet lessons for beginners - a chain of air loops

To perform the first air loop, you must use the initial loop from the previous lesson: ""

1. Here is ours first crochet stitch from the previous lesson

3. Pull the working thread through the loop on the hook. This first air loop

4. Now let's master the diagrams))) In the diagram, the air loop is reflected in a circle. Some descriptions may be different, but these are mostly foreign ones.

5. Grab the working thread and pull it through the loop on the hook - this second air loop

Several air loops following each other are called chain of air loops

7. In the diagram, the chain of air loops will look like this