Lesson summary "March 8 - Women's Day." Lesson summary "March 8 - Women's Day" Compiling a story about mom according to plan

There is very little time left until the wonderful spring holiday - International Women's Day on March 8, when we congratulate our mothers, grandmothers and girls. We learn poems and songs, prepare gifts for our beloved women and try to please them.

We have prepared specially for this holiday thematic lesson“March 8 is on the doorstep.” Shall we play?

1. History of the holiday

Do you know what kind of holiday this is? And why is it celebrated on March 8th?

For the first time, it was on March 8, 1857, in the distant city of New York, that women went out on a demonstration and loudly beat empty pots, demanding improved working conditions and higher pay for their labor. This demonstration was called the “March of Empty Pots.” The demonstration was then dispersed.

After 50 years, women came out to demonstrate again, and in 1910, Clara Zetkin proposed celebrating International Women's Solidarity Day to remind the whole world of the need to fight for equal rights for men and women.

Later, in 1965, on the eve of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, March 8 was declared a holiday.

On this day, women are congratulated not only on their professional successes, but also thanked for being excellent housewives, creating comfort in the house and taking care of all family members.

Think with your child about all the significant women in your family. What can you thank them for? What would you like to please?

2. Songs about mom.

Mom is the closest person. Many poets and composers dedicated their works to their mother. Listen to songs about mothers with your child, dance, sing along. And the selection of songs “” will help you with this.

3. Speech game"Compliments to Mom"

The players take turns complimenting their mother. For example: “Mom, you are kind, cheerful, affectionate, smart, beautiful, etc.” The player who gave the last compliment wins.

4. Game “Guess what mom is doing”

During the day, mom does a lot of things. The players are divided into two teams. The player of the first team says: “When mom wakes up, she does this...” and shows with gestures what mom does. Players on the second team must guess what exactly mom is doing.

Any options are possible, for example: when mom is in the kitchen, when mom is getting ready for a walk, on her day off, when I don’t listen, etc.

If there are few players, then they can show and guess mom’s actions one by one, and not in teams. You can also play in pairs: mother and child.

5. Flowers and gifts for mom

Print out the proposed options on a color printer, or cut out silhouettes of vases from colored paper. The child’s task is to arrange tulips, roses and other flowers in vases of the appropriate shade. Present suitable color must be placed next to the desired vase.

6. Physical education minute “Mom’s Helper”

One two three four five We bend our fingers

Let's help mom.

Two - we will wipe the dust everywhere.

Three – let’s wash the floors now

Together, amicably, you and I.

And four - march to the kitchen,

We'll make lunch.

We'll cut the bread, arrange the juice,

There is nothing tastier.

Five - we'll wash the dishes.

Phew, it's time for us to rest.

And, of course, strong wishes to mom

Hug and kiss!

7. Game "Wash"

Who helps mom wash clothes? ( Washing machine).

Help mom hang clothes on the clothesline.

The rope is stretched. The child should use clothespins to hang clothes, for example, doll clothes or cut-out clothes.

While developing hand motor skills in this game, you can simultaneously repeat with your child the names of items of clothing (dress, overalls, trousers, socks, etc.)

8. Game “Mom will be the most beautiful”

On International Women's Day, mother should be especially beautiful. Dress up. Wear a dress, beads, earrings, and a hat. The more elements you have, the more interesting game. While the mother is dressing up, the child watches carefully and remembers. Invite your child to close his eyes and remove one item from his outfit. The child, opening his eyes, must guess what exactly the mother took off.

The game will be more exciting if not only the mother, but also the child has an outfit, and the players will take turns guessing what is missing.

9. “Mom is sleeping”

Read E. Blaginina’s poem “Let’s Sit in Silence”

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
Well, I didn’t play!
I don't start a top
And I sat down and sat.

My toys don't make noise
The room is quiet and empty.
And on my mother's pillow
The golden ray steals.

And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
There's so much I want!
But mom is sleeping and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,
And then he slid towards me.
“Nothing,” he seemed to whisper, “
Let's sit in silence!..

Discuss this poem with your child.

- Why is mom tired?

- Why should you try to be quiet?

Play! The presenter commands: “Mom is sleeping.” Players move around the room on tiptoe, talking in whispers. On the command “Mom is awake” you can have fun, jump and talk loudly.

10. Surprise for mom and grandma

On March 8, you should definitely congratulate your mothers and grandmothers and please them with homemade gifts. We offer you several easy-to-make cards that you can make even with a 2-year-old child.

For the first postcard you will need: glossy colored paper, corn grits, plasticine and coffee beans, which can be replaced with beans, peas or beads if desired.

For the second card you need: glossy and corrugated colored paper, lentils, a piece of fabric and string.

Don't be afraid to experiment! The cards turn out very beautiful, and working with materials that feel different to the touch has a beneficial effect on the fine motor skills of a child’s hands.

For the third card you need paints and a piece of sponge. First, draw the lines - the stems, and then simply dip the sponge into the paints and make prints on the sheet. The green ones will be leaves, and the rest will be bright flowers. To make the flowers more curly, make several cuts on the sponge.

Another option for a gift for mom is a bouquet of flowers.

To make flowers you will need corrugated paper, wooden sticks and glue.

First, apply glue wooden stick and wrap it in several layers of green corrugated paper. The peculiarity of this paper is that it tears easily when wet, so let the sticks dry thoroughly. These will be the stems.

Take a leaf corrugated paper Fold the flower in the same shade as you want, fold it several times and cut out a circle. The circle may not be very even, this will only add naturalness to your flower. Lubricate the tip of the stem with glue and place the petals on it. The stem should pierce the petals in the center. With one hand, fix the petals near the edge of the stem and press them against the “trunk”. When all the petals are on the stem, let the flower dry thoroughly. Then lightly fluff the petals with your hands. You can slightly crumple them towards the center. The core of the flower can be made by applying glue and sprinkling it with corn or any other grits. Glue the leaves to the stem.

Such a bouquet will delight your mother or grandmother for a very long time!

11. Coloring pages about spring

March 8th is bright spring holiday. And in this thematic lesson, you can remember spring and its signs and give it to your child for coloring.

We hope you enjoyed our themed lesson and helped you not only prepare gifts for your loved ones, but also remember how much mom does for us every day.

Vera Shumskaya, especially for

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Event summary

Type of work– summary of the open event

GBOU JSC "Nyandomskaya SKOSHI"

GPA teacher.

Goal: developing respect for women

1. Foster in children love for loved ones and the people around them.
3. Develop children's creativity and talent.
4. Instill a sense of friendship and responsibility for the assigned work.

1. An exhibition is being set up for the holiday.
2. Exhibition “Flowers for the Holidays” (students draw a bouquet for their mother).
3. Balloons, posters.

Celebration progress:


Good afternoon, Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you today and hope for a good, joyful mood for each of you.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: “A smile unites.”
This is true. Let's now look at each other and………..smile! You did it great. Now we can begin our meeting. After all, we have something to talk about!
Spring has come, March has come!

Guys, what do you associate with “Spring has come, March has come!”

(Children's answers: nature comes to life, the sun appears more and more often, it becomes warmer, the holiday is March 8)

March 8 is when the sun begins to warm the earth, when snowdrops bloom in forest thawed areas and rooks fly in... Everyone loves this holiday. After all, this is a holiday for our mothers, grandmothers, and classmates. Everyone we know. And we don’t know who. Everyone who lives next to us... And far from us... A holiday for half of humanity. And what half! The most charming, the most beautiful, the kindest.

A little from the history of the holiday: Throughout the history of society, women around the world have had a much harder time than men. They did not have the right to become a doctor, engineer, or lawyer, and women were not allowed to study everywhere. There were countries where a woman did not dare to reveal her face in front of strangers or sit at the same table with a man. It was this disenfranchised situation that forced women all over the world to unite in the fight for their rights. In 1910, in the Danish city of Copenhagin, representatives of many countries gathered at a conference and agreed to establish an international day of women's solidarity in the struggle for economic and political equality. This holiday was first celebrated in Russia in 1913.

In our country, everyone loves this holiday very much. These days, the words of love and gratitude spoken by men and boys sound especially tender.

And March is a song!

And March is a fairy tale!

And March is all about miracles and spring!

And March is freshness,

And March is a holiday

Kind and sweet mothers!

Educator: Indeed, there is no one better in the world than your mother.
Mother! The most understandable word on earth. It sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the most tender and affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the kindest and most sensitive heart. And no matter how old a person is, 5 or 50, he always needs a mother.

student: Different children live on the planet,
But all the children in the world love their mothers
It happens that we don’t listen to our mothers,
And mothers teach us good deeds

student: And mothers teach us how to be kind,
How to protect and love our Motherland!
Mothers can do anything, mothers will help
Moms know how to understand everything!
If they have a holiday, then we have a holiday too.
Let us congratulate our mothers!

Educator: Guys, do you know what qualities are inherent in a mother? Now we will check it.
1. Every mother who loves her child has this quality (kindness)
2. This quality is designated by such an amazing word. It is always in my mother’s soul (care).
3. This property of the soul can be seen in the mother’s gaze, heard in her voice (tenderness).
4. The ability to intelligently solve various complex issues and give advice (wisdom).
5. And this quality manifests itself when mom jokes and makes everyone laugh (humor).

Telegram game The telegram is brought in and read out by the teacher.
“March 8th is the best day,
And on this spring day.
We ask the women of all the earth
Have fun, don't be bored
And get plenty of rest.
At home, at work
You were always held in high esteem."

And now let’s move on to the “Telegram” competition.

To take a big word.

Take out the letters, once and twice,

And then collect them again -

New words will come out...

So, who can make up the most new words in one minute from the word "Telegram".

Educator: Since ancient times, people have developed many good and kind proverbs about mothers:

(the guys put together proverbs from individual words and explain them)

The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about its mother.

There is no sweeter friend than your own mother.

In the sun it is light, in the presence of mother it is good.

Mother’s anger is like spring snow: a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt

The mother's prayer from the day of the sea takes out (takes out).

The mother's word is not spoken past.

There are many relatives, but my mother is dearest of all.

Living with your mother means neither sorrow nor boredom.

God rules by the mother's word.

Not the father-mother who gave birth, but the one who gave him water, fed him and taught him goodness.

Game "Mom's professions".

Rules of the game. The teacher names the profession in the masculine gender, and the children need to name the same profession in the feminine gender.

For example:

teacher - teacher

artist - artist

weaver - weaver

tailor - dressmaker

doctor - doctor (and not a doctor's wife - this is based on intelligence)

writer - writer

poet - poetess

athlete - sportswoman

scout - scout

seller - saleswoman

actor - actress

journalist - journalist

teacher - teacher

pianist - pianist

drummer - drummer

singer - singer

archaeologist - archaeologist (for quick wits)

Educator: In a faithful mother's heart, love for her children never fades. Throughout her life, your mother will take care of you, protect you, give advice, and teach you to be wise. As you grow up, you can help your mothers by doing some of the housework. What do you guys do around the house, how do you help your mothers? (Children's answers)

Solve kitchen riddles.

1) He never eats, but only drinks,

And when he makes noise, he accepts everyone.


2) Walks from edge to edge,

Cutting a loaf.


3) All full of holes and evil,

And so biting.

Only her grandmother gets along with her,

He rubs and strokes her sides.


4) There are a lot of holes, but nowhere to jump out.


5) It is oak, the belt is elm, and the nose is linden.


Duck in the sea, tail on the fence.


6) From a hot well

Water flows through the nose.


7) Little horse

And he drank the whole lake.


A game " Sweet words »

The game is called: “Mom..., what is she like?”

You need to name as many adjectives for the word as possible Mother .

(The teacher writes the words on the board)

Everyone needs a mom

And it’s important for everyone.

Comforts, caresses,

Hugs with love,

And if mom is sad,

Bring flowers...

She will be so happy!

And with her, so do you.

Educator:. And now it’s the turn to congratulate the girls.

(Boys read poetry - congratulations to classmates)

1. Happy Women's Day, Christina!

We wish with all our hearts,

So that, like a wonderful picture,

Life appears before you.

2. Congratulations to Nadya on the spring holiday!

We wish you happiness, health and fun!

May this spring bring you

Lots of smiles, warmth and kindness!

3.Vika! With a fragrant sprig of lilac

Spring comes to every home,

We congratulate you with all our hearts

With International Women's Day!

4 Sveta congratulations

We wish you health and happiness,

So that only the best friends are nearby!

Physical education lesson “With mom you can do anything in the world!”

Dads know, children know,

With mom you can do anything in the world - (they walk in place)

You can jump with mom (jump rope)

You can play hide and seek (cover your eyes with your palms)

You can spin around in a dance (spin around yourself)

And go skiing (imitate a ski step)

You can play with the ball (bounce the ball off the floor)

And shoot snowballs (aim in a throw)

You can spin the hoop, ( circular movements hips)

Can be cut, painted, sewed (imitated with hands)

Bundle of balloons

You can inflate with mommy (inflate balloons)

And exhausted from happiness,

Fall asleep on her shoulder. (close eyes, palms under cheeks)

Crossword.(On the board. Children guess and write in the cells, The key word is gift - it should work out in the highlighted cells))


    Lip paint (lipstick)

    Fortune teller flower (daisy)

    Joyful event (holiday)

    Substance that is added to jelly, jelly (gelatin)

    Kitchen clothes (apron)

    A permanent place for stuffing cones (forehead)

    Strand of hair (curl)


1. If you are not very pleased with the gift, how will you behave?

2. After receiving a gift, do you...?

3. If you were given flowers, then you...?

4. If you were given sweets, then you...?

5. Is it possible to refuse a gift?

6. If one of the guests came without a gift, what would you do?

7. Do you think that a given gift should be immediately unpacked in the presence of the giver?

8. When giving a gift, is it possible to ask if you liked it?

9.What is the most valuable gift?

A gift made with your own hands carries warmth and special charm.

(Children do creative work: repeat PTB when working with scissors and glue.)

Moms can do anything; any job can be done in their hands. They do everything to raise you good people, give you a decent education and help you realize yourself in life. They will take care of you even when you become an adult, because to them you are the most precious creatures on Earth. There are many songs about mom. Let's listen to one of them. (Video clip “Drip-drip”. Karaoke (With words)

Yes, your mother and your second mothers - teachers need to be loved and protected, helped in word and deed when they feel bad. You cannot take advantage of their love and selflessness without giving anything in return; be grateful children and give them your tenderness, love and care. Appreciate, love your mothers, and your second mothers, with them this world will be warmer and more comfortable for you.

Please accept our congratulations
On International Women's Day!
Let your mood be
Always blooming like lilacs
May your life be wonderful
And the children are always happy
Let your home be a full cup!
Good luck, happiness and goodness!

1. “Dress the baby for the street” - on 2 tables there are prepared: a blanket, clothes, a doll. Both adults and children can take part in the game.
2. “Children’s song competition” - performance of songs by drawing lots: “Antoshka”, “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass...”, “Let them run
Awkward..."The game is for both adults and children, you can arrange a competition between children and parents.
3. “Fast Hands” competition. Competition for grandmothers. One hand “cooks the porridge”, and the other performs another action: writes
Or decorating the Christmas tree or pouring juice...
4. “Find your daughter (son).” There is a blindfolded mother in the circle of children. Moving in a circle, she tries to identify her child by touch.
5. “Recognize your mother by her hands”
6. “Recognize your mother by her voice”
7. “Whose mother is under the blanket?”
8. “Delicious competition” - pieces of sweets are prepared on toothpicks, an adult or child is blindfolded and asked to guess what they taste
Suggested. / marmalade, marshmallows, chocolate, marshmallow, halva, biscuit.../
9. “Cinderella” - several girls in the center take off one shoe, Ved. mixes them up, and the boys have to find and
Put your girl's shoes on. Who is faster.
10. “My light is a mirror, say” - dress up a boy as a girl / cap or scarf, skirt, beads... / and looking in the mirror, say the magic words...
11. “Sports moms” - who can spin the hoop the longest.
12. “Feed Grandma” - tie a “bib” to the grandmother and feed her yogurt - two couples, grandchildren and grandmothers participate.
13. “Collect a flower for mom” - separate petals and the middle, you need to make different flowers
By color and shape. Who is faster and more accurate?
1. “Mom is getting ready for work” - on the table there are clips, beads, hats, glasses, bracelets, scarves, etc... - 2 - 3 pairs compete to see who can decorate mom faster.
2. “Make soup and compote” - two teams, one selects products for soup from a common pile of dummies, the other for borscht, and carry them to 2
Various pots. At the end of the competition, the leader checks both pans to see if everything is
Correctly chosen.
3. “Move the purchases” - move one item at a time from the table to mom’s basket - bread, milk, sugar, cottage cheese.../use
4. “Help mom.” There are dummies mixed on the table: washing powder, clothespins, rope, handkerchiefs, threads, scissors, scraps, centimeter, mirror, lipstick, comb, mascara - 3 children need to sort out each
The type of activity is all items, one is for washing, the other is for sewing, the third is for toiletries.
5. “Draw a portrait of your mother” - two teams draw a collective portrait on two easels. 1 - oval of the face, 2 - eyes, 3 - nose, etc.
6. Competition between mothers and children: “Who can name the most kitchen utensils”
7. “Tie a bow” - a rope is tied on the posts, colored ribbons tied in a knot are prepared on it. Compete
Dads. They must tie bows on both sides, moving towards each other. Whoever reaches the marked middle
That winner.
8. “Help grandma wind a ball” - 2 baskets, 2 balls, 2 scarves. Putting on a scarf and winding a ball is the task of a grandson or granddaughter.
9. “Night surprise” - place a bouquet in a vase blindfolded.
10. “Affectionate” - passing a balloon - a heart in a circle, speak tender words to mom.
11. “Who will collect more balloons, and holding them with your hands, feet, chin.”
12. “Build a house” - children carry one cube to their dads in cars, and dads take as many blocks as they can.
Receipts of construction materials, building “houses”
13. Girls’ and boys’ toys/dolls, jumping ropes, baby dolls, doll outfits, etc. are laid out in disarray around the hall.
The same: cars, transformers, balls, soldiers, etc. / Mom and dad must quickly collect everything for their daughter (mom) and son (dad) into baskets.
14. The babies are covered with a large blanket, their arms are stretched up. Several mothers try to guess their child by

“Bake pancakes” - pancakes are cut out of ceiling tiles and painted. Pancakes lie in a stack on a tray, opposite there are two teams, each with one spatula for baking pancakes; Team members carry one pancake from the common pile on their shoulder blades to their team. The trick is that the pancakes are light, when children try to run, the pancakes fly off the shoulder blade, and you can’t hold them with your hand.

“Make jam” - in front of each team there is an easel with a Whatman paper on which an empty jar is depicted. Children stand with their mothers: mothers cut out berries from arakal, separate the adhesive part, and the children run to stick it on the jar. Whose team will fill (“seal”) the empty jar with berries faster? A joint game with mothers is always fun (by analogy: “Whose bouquet is more beautiful” - instead of a jar there is an empty vase, and flowers are cut out)
A variant of the game “Guess the baby by his palms”: children stand behind an improvised screen (stretched fabric) and stick their hands into the slits in the fabric. When mothers hold the hands of their chosen baby, the fabric lowers.

“Get things in order” - they are scattered around the hall air balloons. each team uses a dust broom to sweep the balls into its hoop, whose team will “sweep” the most balls into its hoop

"Pancakes". 2 teams, each team has several pairs (mother + child). The first mother has scissors in her hands, the child has a frying pan.
Mothers “bake pancakes” (cut out a circle from paper) and place them in a frying pan. The child carries the “pancake” and places it on a large plate. The attribute is passed on to the next participant.
Whose team is faster? And so that “friendship wins”, let’s look at how “high-quality the pancakes are prepared”!!! Grandmothers can also take part in the competition.
You can use the competition during Maslenitsa.

A black box is brought out, containing 4 items.
Question 1. Mom has a super pleasant remedy. It has been helping her since childhood. And it never fails, When his mother brings it home. (candy).
Question 2. Grandmother and grandchildren have no difficulties. Grandmother has her own magic secret: She uses it every time. In the evening the house is always quiet. (fairy tale).
Question 3. How does the grandfather solve the problems of upbringing? What kind of incentive does he offer for his grandchildren? (money).
Question 4. Dad rarely does parenting with us, but if he does, this tool is top class! (belt).

(Two family teams are participating)
Mother and child are at opposite ends of the hall.
Dad has “traces” cut out of cardboard.”
Dad runs one by one from mother to child and places one footprint on the floor for each.
Mother and child follow the tracks towards each other.
All three must meet. Which team will do it faster?

Girls, and another very original orchestra for little Hairdressers.
Thanks a lot AUTO RU Unfortunately, I don’t know who showed such a fantasy. If the author recognizes his brainchild, please respond!
"Hairdressing Polka"
Tools for hairdressers: shampoo jars (noisemakers), curlers tied in groups of 4, combs, and wooden hair curlers perm, they can either be knocked or “scraped” against each other.

Hairdresser polka –
We have so many clients! - we say this before the music.
Introduction - listen
Music A – (playing bottles)
We have this shampoo
Wash their heads!
We have this shampoo
Wash their heads!

Music B – (combs play)
And we have combs,
So they started dancing
And we have combs,
So they started dancing!

Music A – (curlers playing)
Take the curlers quickly
Curl the curls quickly.
Take the curlers quickly
Get curls quickly!

Music B – (wooden curlers play)
Bow hairpins,
You will become like Christmas trees.
Bow hairpins,
You will become like Christmas trees!

Music A – (just say it to the rhythm of the music)
Come visit us more often
We are very glad to have guests,
We'll cut your hair by five,
We won't even take money!

Music B - everyone plays together without words

Music A
Oh, the hairstyles are good, they tried their best.
Look at the hairstyles, you won’t faint.

Girls, a wonderful spring orchestra.
A very beautiful performance by the orchestra. Author - N. Kulikova.
Educator: Not at all embarrassed that there is snow all around,
An icicle took up residence outside the window.
And she timidly began to sing her song: (the girl runs out and stands next to her metallophone)

Girl: Listen, listen,
I'm singing about spring!
(plays scales on metallophone)

Educator: And a day later we see - there are five icicles!
And the melody began to sound more confident. (four more children run out to their instruments)
Their quintet is not playing very well yet...

Children: Listen, listen
Hello spring!
(play instruments)

Educator: And under our roof, lined up in a long row,
Icicles rehearse for an hour in a row.
(the rest of the children run out)
How beautiful and tender the sounds of their orchestra are!
Children: Listen, listen
Symphony of spring!
(play instruments)

Instruments can be replaced, I took a triangle, bells, and homemade tambourines. We tried it today.

"Mom is going to work"

Various jewelry, cosmetics, and a mirror are laid out on the tables in front of the girls.
The task is to portray their mothers.

"The most musical"(Contest)

Mothers sing a children's song to the soundtrack, the sound is periodically turned off.
The task is not to lose the tempo and continue singing.
Mothers are awarded “Most Musical” medals.

“Help Mom reschedule her shopping”

Ved: Moms often have to go shopping and make purchases. And sometimes
There are a lot of purchases. But our guys are happy to help their own
Moms. Let's see how they do it.


Ved: And for moms I have one more task (calls moms). Here I have
Threads, needles and beads. Your task is to plant as many as possible in 1 minute
Beads on a string. Who will have the longest chain?

"Get to know yourself"

Ved: Our children wrote about you short stories and painted portraits.
Now I will read, and every mother (and if there is no mother in the room, then grandmother)
I must guess myself in this story and portrait.


Lesson structure.
1.Musical greeting
2.Warm up
3. Attention exercise
4.Development of auditory perception
5.Finger gymnastics
6. Play therapy
7.Relaxation and visualization exercises

Progress of the lesson:

1. Greeting exercise “Let’s say hello”
Goal: To create a good mood and a trusting relationship between children and the teacher.
The teacher sings the major triad “Hello!”, and the children repeat after him.

2. Games with names
Goal: consolidation in memory of the names of class participants, development of trust and friendly relations between children.
The presenter transmits soft toy child, and he, taking it, sings his name. what he wants to be called. After all the children have sung their names, one of the children passes the toy, trying to come up with a diminutive name for the child to whom he throws the ball.

3. Game "Freeze"
Goal: development auditory attention, awareness of your body, removal of impulsiveness.
Children move according to the character and tempo of the music; during a stop, they freeze in the position in which the pause caught them.

4. Fun game with a bell
Goal: development of auditory perception.
Everyone sits in a circle; at the request of the group, a driver is selected, but if there are no people willing to lead, then the role of driver is assigned to a psychologist. The driver is blindfolded, and the bell is passed around in a circle; the driver’s task is to catch the person with the bell. You cannot throw the bell to each other.

5. Song-game “My triangular cap” (ancient game)
Goal: to teach concentration, promote the child’s awareness of his body, teach him to control his movements and control his behavior.

First, children learn the words of the song:
My cap is triangular,
My triangular cap.
And if not triangular,
This is not my cap!

Once they have learned the song, they are asked to act it out. The children sit in a circle and everyone takes turns, starting with the leader, singing one word from the song: “My cap is triangular, my cap is triangular. And if it’s not triangular, then it’s not my cap.” After this, the song is repeated again, but the children who get to sing the word “cap” replace it with a gesture (for example: two light claps on their head with their palm). Next time, two words are replaced: the word “cap” and the word “mine” (point to yourself). In each subsequent circle, the players sing one less word, and “show” one more. In the final repetition, children perform the entire phrase to the music using only gestures.
If such a long phrase is difficult to reproduce, it can be shortened.

6. Warm-up exercise “Siamese twins”
Goal: to teach children flexibility in communicating with each other, to promote trust between them.
The presenter tells the children the following: “Split into pairs, stand shoulder to shoulder, hug each other by the waist with one arm; Place your right foot next to your partner’s left foot. Now you are conjoined twins: two heads, three legs, one torso and two arms. Try walking around the room, doing something, lying down, standing up, drawing, jumping, clapping your hands, etc.” In order for the “third” leg to act “harmoniously”, it can be fastened with either a rope or an elastic band. In addition, twins can “grow together” not only with their legs, but with their backs, heads, etc.

7. Game “Name Calling”
Goal: remove verbal aggression, help children express anger in an acceptable form.

The presenter tells the children the following: “Guys sometimes get into a quarrel, if it does happen, it is very difficult to refrain from hurtful words. To prevent these words from causing harm to others, you can “tame” them. How? That's how! Imagine that two friends quarreled. But suddenly it turned out that they both forgot everything offensive words: only words remain - the names of vegetables (fruits, fish, birds, flowers, etc.). And so the friends want to quarrel, but only “vegetables” come out of their mouths. Now, passing the maracas around, let’s call each other different harmless words, “vegetables.” Each appeal should begin with the words: “And you... carrot!” Then the presenter asks them. Is it easy to swear like that? How did everyone feel? Do you feel like screaming and quarreling? The game is repeated several times.
In the final circle, be sure to say something nice to your neighbor, for example: “And you... darling!” and play something for him on a maracas (or other musical instrument).
The game is useful not only for aggressive, but also for touchy children. It should be carried out at a fast pace, warning the children that this is only a game, and they should not be offended by each other.

8. Warm-up exercise “Pass the ball”
Goal: remove excessive physical activity.
Sitting on chairs or standing in a circle, players playing to fast and cheerful music try to pass the ball to their neighbor as quickly as possible without dropping it. You can throw the ball to each other or pass it by turning your back in a circle and putting your hands behind your back. You can make the exercise more difficult by asking children to play with eyes closed or using several balls in the game at the same time.

9. Game “Tender Paws”
Goal: relieving tension, muscle tension, helping to reduce the child’s aggressiveness, developing sensory perception, promoting the harmonization of relationships between the child and the adult.
The presenter places on the table 6-7 small objects of various textures, a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. The child is asked to bare his arm up to the elbow: the psychologist explains that an “animal” will walk along the arm and touch it with its affectionate paws . With your eyes closed, you need to guess which “animal” touched your hand, guess the object. Touches should be stroking and pleasant. The entire game takes place to calm music.
Game options:
The “animal” will touch the cheek, knee, palm:
You can change places with your child;
Each “animal” has its own music.

10. Game “Gusli-samogudi” (relaxation and dance complex)

1. The presenter reads the text (calm music sounds). Children stand freely.
In a fairytale palace
On the high porch
A formidable decree sounds -
A message to good fellows:
"Who can dance
Just as the harp tells us,
He will help
To rule our kingdom.
Gusli, gusli-samoguda
They sing songs everywhere.
Since you are ready, friends,
It's time for us all to dance.

2. Rhythmic music plays (for example, a Russian folk dance tune) The presenter reads the text. Children stand and “dance” the muscles of their shoulders and arms.
Here comes the music.
And the people are still waiting, standing there.
Oh, my shoulders started dancing.
Have fun, just one more time!
Fingers and elbows jump together.
And the people stand still.
The dance began to fade,
Play the music quieter.
3. The timbre of the music changes, the leg muscles “dance”.
My legs began to wake up.
Wake up, get up!
Heels, toes and knees
They danced as they wanted.
How fun they are to dance!
Just stop getting tired.

4. The tempo of the music changes (a little slower), the abdominal muscles “dance”
Glad to get some stomach exercises.
I learned to tense up.
Inhale and exhale, spin.
Sloth, hey, wake up!

5. The rhythm of the music changes, the shoulder muscles “dance”.
Our shoulders rose. Higher, higher, sharper, sharper. The shoulders began to calm down, calm down and fall asleep.

6. Calm music sounds, then the rhythm changes again, the facial muscles “dance”.
The cheeks and nose began to dance.
Raise your eyebrows gently.
The lips stretched out into a tube,
Dance just a minute longer.

7. The presenter chooses a child who tried hard and was attentive. The child orders any movements for the whole body.
Once again the people stand and wait.
What will the music sing to us?
You, assistant, come out.
Order a general dance.

Rhythmic music sounds, everyone dances the “ordered” dance, performs movements. And then the presenter invites everyone to move along at will, the way the body itself wants.

8. Calm music sounds, the children, without leaving their seats, smoothly move to it. After this, you can invite the children to lie down on the carpet.

Now, let's all rest.
Relax and dream
About magical shores.
About unseen lands.

Calm music with natural sounds sounds. Children dream. “Gusli-samoguds” fall silent, and the children talk (optional) about their dream images.

11. Final exercise

Short description


State budget special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities health comprehensive school No. 9
Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory
Extracurricular activity
on moral education:
"Women's Day - March 8."
GPA teacher: Tevanyan M.M.
Extracurricular activity on moral education.
Topic: “Women’s Day – March 8.”
Expand the range of ideas about the celebration of March 8th.
- Cultivate a respectful attitude towards mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and women teachers.
-develop the ability to speak in front of an audience;
-correct oral speech, attention, thinking of children.
Equipment:congratulatory sign of paintings depicting mother, grandmother, girl, boy; pictures of flowers; flower crossword; encrypted congratulations for grandmother; poems for children; gifts for guests; leaves and markers.
Progress of the lesson.
1. Organizational moment.
Checking readiness for extracurricular activities. Psychological attitude to work.
2. Introduction to the topic:
A) guessing the name of the holiday:
There is such a day in March,
With a number, like a pretzel.
Which of you guys knows
Does the number mean this?
The children will tell us in chorus:
“This is the holiday of our mothers!”
The teacher hangs a congratulatory sign on the board (Happy March 8th!)
b) conversation about this holiday.
-What holiday is celebrated on a spring day in March?
-Who should be congratulated?
-How will you congratulate your mothers and grandmothers?
-What else do you know about this holiday?
c) from the history of the holiday:
So, March 8 is the first spring holiday dedicated to women. A woman is a giver of warmth, love, beauty. Therefore, it has become a good and joyful tradition to congratulate mothers, grandmothers, wives, sisters, daughters, and girlfriends on this day. Try to give them joy from morning to evening this holiday: clean the apartment, prepare lunch, dinner, give mom something you made with your own hands. Of course the best gift There will be flowers on this holiday. But do not forget that caring for a woman should be shown not only once a year on March 8, but every day.
3.Conduct game tasks on the topic.
a) solving a crossword puzzle:
- Here is one of my friends, the boy Pavlik (hang a picture) congratulated his mother on March 8th. He has prepared a surprise (post a crossword puzzle). If you solve this crossword puzzle, you will find out what Pavlik gave his mother. (The word BOUQUET).
Teacher: Reading poems about flowers.


This flower is blue
Reminds you and me
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun!
Answer: forget-me-not

On a green fragile leg
a ball grew by the path.
The breeze rustled
and dispelled this ball.
Answer: Dandelion

In a green dress
And a red cap
I decorate the steppe
Satin outfit.
Answer: Mac

Fragrant and inviting,
Gives tender flowers,
You stretch your hand over the fence -
And it will contain...
Answer: Lilac

Grew from an onion
But it's not good for food.
On a bright glass
The flower is similar.
Answer: Tulip

b) “Flower letter”:
For babu
Now we will find out what it is and try to write such a letter for our mothers. You just need to know the flower language - after all, each flower has its own meaning (print postcards with images of flowers and their meaning).
Iris is a symbol of heartfelt affection and friendly affection, trust and hope.
Scarlet, purple rose - as a symbol of eternal, unquenchable love, because roses are considered the most favorite flower of beautiful ladies and a divine flower.

Even among the ancient Slavs, chamomile was considered one of the most revered flowers, which symbolized the innocence and purity of the bride.
Carnation - Turkish and Caucasian carpets depicting beautiful carnations were considered a symbol of happiness.
Daffodils are a symbol of rebirth, a happy marriage and the coming long-awaited spring.
Poppies, as a symbol of happiness and prosperity, openness and forgiveness of all insults, will delight you with the brightness of the natural color palette.
Take a pencil and draw the flowers that you like.
c) working with a poster:
- When Pavlik gave his grandmother his gift, he was very worried, so he mixed up all the syllables in the words.
- Rearrange the letters and syllables and you can read what the boy said to his grandmother.
(Grandma, I love you! Not only on March Eighth. But every day! Always!)
d) reading poems.
- For his sister (hang a picture) Pavlik couldn’t come up with a gift for a long time and finally composed a poem. But there are many of them, so the boy could not choose. Let's help him: read the poems and choose the right one for his sister.
(Children read the poems that the teacher gave them on cards in advance).
1 student:
Me with my grandmother
I've been friends for a long time.
She's in everything
At the same time with me.
I don't know boredom with her,
And I love everything about her.
2nd student:
Dad brought mom a cake,
Candy for grandma
And a whole cart of toys
For sister Sveta.
I was so upset
Little brother.
Why in the calendar
No boy's day?
3rd student:
I jumped out, made the bed,
Move and was able to sleep some more.
I don’t grumble at the alarm clock,
I'm busy in the kitchen.
I pour tea for mom,
I’m extending Mom’s holiday.
4 student:
There are many mothers in this world.
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother,
She is dearer to me than anyone else.
Who is she? I will answer:
- This is my mom!
5th student:
I started drawing a gift for my mother,
The sun has come out and invites you to go for a walk.
Sun, sun, don't be angry,
Mother's holiday once a year,
I'll draw and go!
4. Generalization.
- What holiday were we talking about today?
- What new did you learn about March 8?
- How will you congratulate mothers at home?
- Why do we have to remember to congratulate the girls?
- How do you congratulate them?
5. Summary:
“Everyone did a wonderful job today, listened to me attentively, helped the boy Pavlik, and are now ready to congratulate our guests on the holiday of March 8th.”
- Give the gifts you made in labor lessons and flowers.
1. L . I. Maltseva, A. I. Maltsev “Games - scenarios for extracurricular activities"; Rostov-on-Don “Phoenix” 2005
2. E. A. Voronova “The school is laughing!”; Rostov on Don “Phoenix” 2006
3M . P. Sysoeva, M. Yu. Sherstobitova “School year - no hassle”; Rostov on Don “Phoenix” 2006
4. E. A. Voronova “Holiday with your own hands”; Rostov-on-Don 2007
5. Magazine for teachers primary school“Pedagogical Council”, A. Merzulov, V. Vinogradova, L. Blinova; Moscow printing house No. 12001

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State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities, comprehensive school No. 9

Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory

Extracurricular activity

on moral education:

GPA teacher: Tevanyan M.M.



Extracurricular activity on moral education.



Cultivate a respectful attitude towards mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and women teachers.

Develop the ability to speak in front of an audience;

Correct oral speech, attention, and thinking of children.

Equipment: congratulatory sign of paintings depicting mother, grandmother, girl, boy; pictures of flowers; flower crossword; encrypted congratulations for grandmother; poems for children; gifts for guests; leaves and markers.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Checking readiness for extracurricular activities. Psychological attitude to work.

2. Introduction to the topic:

A ) guessing the name of the holiday:

There is such a day in March,

With a number, like a pretzel.

Which of you guys knows

Does the number mean this?

The children will tell us in chorus:

“This is the holiday of our mothers!”

b) conversation about this holiday.

What holiday is celebrated on a spring day in March?

Who should be congratulated?

How will you congratulate your mothers and grandmothers?

What else do you know about this holiday?

c) from the history of the holiday:


So, March 8 is the first spring holiday dedicated to women. A woman is a giver of warmth, love, beauty. Therefore, it has become a good and joyful tradition to congratulate mothers, grandmothers, wives, sisters, daughters, and girlfriends on this day. Try to give them joy from morning to evening this holiday: clean the apartment, prepare lunch, dinner, give mom something you made with your own hands. Of course, the best gift this holiday will be flowers. But do not forget that caring for a woman should be shown not only once a year on March 8, but every day.

3. Conducting game tasks on the topic.

a) solving a crossword puzzle:

Here’s one boy I know, Pavlik (hang a picture), who congratulated his mother on March 8th. He has prepared a surprise (post a crossword puzzle). If you solve this crossword puzzle, you will find out what Pavlik gave his mother. (The word BOUQUET).

Teacher: Reading poems about flowers.









































This flower is blue
Reminds you and me
About the sky - pure, pure,
And the radiant sun!
Answer: forget-me-not

On a green fragile leg
a ball grew by the path.
The breeze rustled
and dispelled this ball.
Answer: Dandelion

In a green dress
And a red cap
I decorate the steppe
Satin outfit.
Answer: Mac

Fragrant and inviting,
Gives tender flowers,
You stretch your hand over the fence -
And it will contain...
Answer: Lilac

Grew from an onion
But it's not good for food.
On a bright glass
The flower is similar.
Answer: Tulip

b) “Flower letter”:

For babuShka (hangs a portrait) the boy prepared an unusual letter.

Now we will find out what it is and try to write such a letter for our mothers. You just need to know the flower language - after all, each flower has its own meaning (print postcards with images of flowers and their meaning).

Iris is a symbol of heartfelt affection and friendly affection, trust and hope.

Scarlet, purple rose - as a symbol of eternal, unquenchable love, because roses are considered the most favorite flower of beautiful ladies and a divine flower.

Even among the ancient Slavs, chamomile was considered one of the most revered flowers, which symbolized the innocence and purity of the bride.

Carnation - Turkish and Caucasian carpets depicting beautiful carnations were considered a symbol of happiness.

Daffodils are a symbol of rebirth, a happy marriage and the coming long-awaited spring.

Poppies, as a symbol of happiness and prosperity, openness and forgiveness of all insults, will delight you with the brightness of the natural color palette.

Take a pencil and draw the flowers that you like.

c) working with a poster:

When Pavlik gave his grandmother his gift, he was very worried, so he mixed up all the syllables in the words.

Rearrange the letters and syllables and you can read what the boy said to his grandmother.



(Grandma, I love you! Not only on March Eighth. But every day! Always!)

d) reading poems.

For a long time Pavlik could not come up with a gift for his sister (hang a picture) and finally composed a poem. But there are many of them, so the boy could not choose. Let's help him: read the poems and choose the right one for his sister.

(Children read the poems that the teacher gave them on cards in advance).

1 student:

Me with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time -for a long time.

She's in everything

At the same time with me.

I don't know boredom with her,

And I love everything about her.

2nd student:

Dad brought mom a cake,

Candy for grandma

And a whole cart of toys

For sister Sveta.

I was so upset

Little brother.

Why in the calendar

No boy's day?

3rd student:

I jumped out, made the bed,

Move and was able to sleep some more.

I don’t grumble at the alarm clock,

I'm busy in the kitchen.

I pour tea for mom,

I’m extending Mom’s holiday.

4 student:

There are many mothers in this world.

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother,

She is dearer to me than anyone else.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mom!

5th student:

I started drawing a gift for my mother,

The sun has come out and invites you to go for a walk.

Sun, sun, don't be angry,

Mother's holiday once a year,

I'll draw and go!

4. Generalization.


- What holiday were we talking about today?

How will you congratulate mothers at home?

Why should you remember to congratulate the girls?

How will you congratulate them?

5. Summary:

Everyone did a wonderful job today, listened to me attentively, helped the boy Pavlik and are now ready to congratulate our guests on the holiday of March 8th.

Give the gifts you made in labor lessons and flowers.


1. L. I. Maltseva, A. I. Maltsev “Games - scenarios for extracurricular activities”; Rostov-on-Don “Phoenix” 2005

2. E. A. Voronova “The school is laughing!” ;Rostov on Don “Phoenix” 2006

3. M. P. Sysoeva, M. Yu. Sherstobitova “School year - without hassle”; Rostov-on-Don “Phoenix” 2006.

4. E. A. Voronova “Holiday with your own hands”; Rostov-on-Don 2007

5. Magazine for elementary school teachers “Ped Council”, A. Merzulov, V. Vinogradova, L. Blinova; Moscow printing house No. 12001

Purpose of the event: introduce students to the history of the celebration of March 8,to form in children a respectful attitude towards their family, mother and the culture of relationships between parents and children; promote the unity of children and parents, the formation of positive emotions;fostering a respectful attitude towards mothers, women andcaring attitude towards family and friends.

Dear guys, today we are holding the game “Field of Miracles”, dedicated to March 8, in honor of our mothers and grandmothers.

This holiday originated as a day of struggle for women's rights. On March 8, 1857, workers from clothing and shoe factories gathered for a demonstration in New York. They demanded a 10-hour working day, bright and dry workspaces, and equal wages to men. At that time, women worked 16 hours a day, receiving pennies for their work. After decisive actions, the men managed to achieve the introduction of a 10-hour working day. Trade union organizations have emerged at many enterprises in the United States. And after March 8, 1857, another one was formed - for the first time women became its members. On this day, hundreds of women demonstrated in many cities in New York, demanding the right to vote.

More than 50 years passed and on the last Sunday of February in 1908, thousands of women again took to the streets of New York. This demonstration, as you might guess, was timed to coincide with that same Women's Day in 1857. Women again began to demand suffrage and spoke out against terrible working conditions, and especially against the labor of children. The police received orders to disperse the demonstration. Hoses filled with dirty, ice-cold water were used.

In 1910, at the International Conference of Socialist Women in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin made a proposal to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, which sounded like a call to all women in the world to join the fight for equality. Responding to this call, women in many countries are joining the fight against poverty, for the right to work, respect for their dignity, and for peace. In 1911, this holiday was first celebrated on March 19 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Then more than a million men and women took part in the demonstrations. In addition to the right to vote and hold leadership positions, women sought equal production rights with men.

And then it was celebrated on May 12, 1912. In Russia, International Women's Day was celebrated for the first time in 1913 in St. Petersburg. The petition addressed to the mayor announced the organization of “... a scientific morning on women's issues.” The authorities gave permission and on March 2, 1913, one and a half thousand people gathered in the building of the Kalashnikov Bread Exchange on Poltavskaya Street. The agenda of the scientific readings included the following issues: the right to vote for women; state provision motherhood; about the high cost of living. The following year, in many European countries, on or around March 8, women organized marches to protest the war.

In 1917, women in Russia took to the streets on the last Sunday of February with slogans like “Bread and Peace.” Four days later, Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne, and the provisional government guaranteed women the right to vote. This historical day fell on February 23rd according to the Julian calendar, which was used in Russia at that time, and on March 8th according to the Gregorian calendar.

International Women's Day on March 8 has become a public holiday. Since 1965, this day has become a non-working day. There was also a festive ritual for him. On this day, at ceremonial events, the state reported to society on the implementation of state policy towards women.

Is this holiday really international? Yes, back in 1977, the UN adopted resolution 32/142, calling on all countries to proclaim March 8 as the day of struggle for women's rights - International Women's Day. This day has been declared a national holiday in the republics former USSR and other foreign countries.

At first, International Women's Day was celebrated as a political event, but gradually in Russia it turned into a holiday marked by especially respectful attitude towards all women. On this day, men give flowers to all women - from little girls to elderly pensioners, congratulate them on the holiday and try to free them from housework (of course, it would be nice to do this more often, and not just on a holiday).

The school is preparing for International Women's Day festive concert and handmade gifts.

"Field of Dreams"

The most beautiful word on Earth is Mom. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

Mom has the kindest and most gentle hands, they can do everything. Your mother's arms rocked you in your cradle when you were little. It was your mother who warmed you with her breath. Repeating the movements of your mother’s lips: you uttered the first word in your life - “Mom”!

Mother! Listen to how proud it sounds! People have many warm words about their mother:

“There is no sweeter friend than your own mother,”

“It’s warm in the sun, good in the mother’s presence.”

Remember: when you were sick, you always saw your mother’s concerned face above you; when there was joy in your life, you saw this joy on your mother’s face.

But if you know your mother at home, you absolutely cannot imagine her at work. But she devotes all her knowledge, all her skill to the work in which she is busy.

Mom tries to warn you in time against a wrong step or bad deed. Be sensitive and attentive to her. And if sometimes your mother is strict with you, understand her correctly - this is because she wants the best for you.

Learn to appreciate your mother's love. Be careful with this love. Do not insult her with random rudeness, harsh words, or disobedience.

So let there be more holidays for mom!

I round

What flowers are usually given to mothers and grandmothers on this day?


2nd round

What do people usually compare the image of a mother to?


III round

What brings parents and children together most in a family?



What quality is most characteristic of a mother?



What quality does a mother want to see in her children?

(Hard work)

Day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers.

Hidden in every home these days

Gifts for grandmothers and mothers.

The gifts were made by the boys

Secretly and with dad in half.

Summarizing. Class hour finished.

Prepared and conducted:

Ivanova O.V.

March 2012


For teaching staff certified for 1st and highest qualification categories

portfolio development

Portfolio – a set of certified and non-certified documents confirming the results of professional activities and the personal contribution of the teacher to the development of the education system.

Based on the documents included in the portfolio, the results of the professional activities of the teacher are examined and the personal contribution to the development of education in the Tver region is assessed, after which section No. 2 is filled out by experts" ABOUT expert opinion.

Copies of documents certified in accordance with the established procedure are included in the portfolio.

Components of a portfoliocorrespond to section No. 2" ABOUT evaluation of the results of professional activity of a teacher applying for the highest (first) qualification category"expert opinion:

1. R

Portfolio structure

  1. Front sheet (indicate full name, position, place of work, year).
  2. Contents of the portfolio (list of documents) indicating pages.
  3. Introduction ( explanatory note), in which the applicant explains what documents and materials are included in the portfolio and why, how they confirm the level of his professional activity (no more than 2 pages).
  4. The following paragraphs (chapters) correspond to section No. 2“Assessment of the results of professional activity of a teacher applying for the highest (first) qualification category”expert opinion

1. R results of students mastering educational programs and indicators of the dynamics of their achievements

  1. High results of educational achievements of students with positive dynamics over the past three years. Indicators of the quality of mastering educational programs by teachers (pupils)
  1. Results of educational achievements of students (pupils), based on the results of external control and final certification (including in the form of the Unified State Examination)

Includes: certificates from the head of the educational institution about students at “4” and “5”, the results of the Unified State Exam, State Examination in 9th grade in the new form, copies of the Unified State Examination, State Examination reports, extracts from monitoring, etc.

  1. Dynamics of the number of students (pupils) taking part in olympiads, competitions, competitions, tournaments, festivals, etc.

Includes: certificates from the head of the educational institution about the number of students who took part in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, about the number of students who took part in other olympiads, competitions, tournaments, festivals, etc., as well as other documents confirming the participation of schoolchildren in these events.

  1. Availability of prize-winners and olympiads, competitions, competitions, tournaments, festivals, exhibitions, etc.

Includes: copies of documents (.) students who became winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, in other Olympiads, competitions, tournaments, festivals, etc., as well as other documents confirming the participation of the teacher in the preparation of prize-winners and winners (certificates, letters of gratitude, etc.)

  1. Dynamics of the number of students (pupils) engaged in educational research, project and other types of creative activities under the guidance of a teacher for at least three years preceding certification

Includes: certificate from the head of the educational institution about the number of students who took part V educational and research, project and other types of creative activities, a list of names of projects developed by the teacher, copies of orders, articles from newspapers, Thanksgiving letters, reviews, etc.

  1. Results of educational, research, project and other types of creative activities of students (pupils) for at least three years preceding certification

Includes: copies of documents (certificates, diplomas, extracts from orders, etc..)

  1. Creation by the teacher of conditions for students (pupils) to acquire positive social experience
  1. The teacher’s activities are aimed at developing self-government in the children’s (teenage) team (the number of projects, areas of activity that contribute to the teacher’s creation of conditions for students (pupils) to acquire positive social experience.

Includes: certificates from the head of the educational institution with a list (names) of projects by year (topic of the project, full names of children who took part, class, performance), as well as copies of documents confirming their implementation: reviews, articles from newspapers, thanks, etc.

  1. Dynamics of the number of students actively involved in projects and areas of activity that contribute to the teacher’s creation of conditions for students (pupils) to acquire positive social experience

Includes: certificates from the head of the educational institution with a list (names) of projects by year (project topic, class, number of children who took part), as well as copies of documents confirming their implementation: reviews, articles from newspapers, gratitude, etc.

  1. Availability of prize-winners and competitions, grants for social activities

Includes: copies of documents (certificates, diplomas, extracts from orders, etc..) prize-winners of these types of activities

2. Personal contribution of the teacher to the development of the education system of the Tver region

2.1. Presentation of your own teaching experience

Includes: programs of scientific and practical conferences, seminars, pedagogical readings, meetings methodological associations, round tables etc; copies of the flyleaf and pages with the contents of teaching aids, brochures, newspaper clippings with articles, website addresses and screenshots of sites on which the materials are posted

2.2. Participation of the teacher in innovative, research, project activities, in the activities of professional associations, ongoing seminars


2.3. Participation in the activities of expert commissions, groups, methodological associations, appeal commissions, subject commissions for checking the State Academic Examination and the Unified State Examination, on the jury of professional competitions, etc.

Includes: copies of documents confirming participation (extracts from orders, copies of certificates, certificates).

2.4. Participation in professional competitions

Includes: copies of documents confirming participation (extracts from orders about sending to the competition, as well as copies of orders, certificates, diplomas of prize-winners and winners, etc.

2.5. Use of the teacher's methodological system by other teachers and the level of its distribution

Included: copies of orders for participation in experiments, reviews of the use of experience in teaching practice by other teachers

2.6. Development teaching materials, teaching aids who have successfully passed the examination

Includes: copies of documents confirming the results of the examination (expert opinion published methodological developments programs, etc.


1 in driving: Hello, dear mothers and grandmothers, dear guests!

2 presenter: In honor of the upcoming holiday of March 8, we are visiting Kolychevsky Television.

1 presenter: Our pre-holiday program begins with a special edition of “Poetry Evening.” It was prepared by 1st grade students.

1 . Our school is bustling and noisy:

Coming soon!

Where is my suit

2 . Vitya and Zhenya, give us the flags!

Whispers, movements, arguments, giggles.

3 . What kind of holiday is being prepared here?

Apparently the guests of honor will come!

4 . Maybe the generals will come?

(in unison) No!

5 . Maybe the admirals will come?

(in unison) No!

6 Maybe a hero who has flown around the world?

(in unison) No! No! No!

7 . Stop guessing in vain,

Look, here they are - guests.

8 . Honorable, most important:

(in chorus) - Hello, moms!

9 . I've arrived fun party to us,

A fun holiday - a holiday for mothers.

10. Congratulations to my mom,

I love her the most.

11 . Everything is ready for the holiday,

So what are we waiting for?

12 . We sing a cheerful song

Let's start our holiday.

(song performed by 1st grade)

13 . Mom, very, very

I love you!

14 . I love you so much that at night

I don't sleep in the dark.

15 . I peer into the darkness

I'm hurrying Zorka.

I love you all the time

Mommy, I love you!

16 . The dawn is shining.

It's already dawn.

No one in the world

There is no better mother!

2 presenter: Our program continues with the program “Through the Mouth of a Baby.” Dear mothers, I remind you of the rules. You need to guess the word that your children will describe. Second graders, it's your turn.

(2nd grade guys come out)

1 . She loves children, is kind, buys something tasty - whatever you want. Caring, never scolds. She has a loved one - her grandfather. Who is this? (Grandmother)

1 student: Everyone is in a hurry today

Celebrate a bright holiday,

Just don't forget

Congratulations to the grandmothers!

2nd student: Guys, I'm not rude to grandma.

Because I love my grandmother.

Let's be our grandmothers

Help with you.

Smile, grandma -

Always be young!

3rd student: And here's what we decided:

In thin needles

Very little use.

We want to come up with

New needle.

4 student: Will be at the needle

From a donut ear,

To thread the thread

Grandma is easy

5 student : So as not to get angry,

To sing songs,

To smile

Doing business.

6th student: We love our grandma

And we are very friends with her.

With a good, kind grandmother

More fun in the world!

7th student: My grandma and I are old friends

Until what good grandma my!

Scene: Child and grandmother.

Child: Mom has work,

Dad has work.

They have it for me

Saturday remains.

And grandma is always at home.

She never scolds me!

He will sit you down and feed you:

Grandma: Don't rush.

Well, tell me what happened there.

Child: I speak, but grandma doesn’t interrupt,

Buckwheat grain by grain

Sits, sorts...

We are good -

That's it, the two of us.

Without a grandmother, what kind of house is it?

2. It's very cold and smooth. When it gets warm it goes from big to small. It comes in different shapes, but most often looks like a carrot. Hangs upside down. When spring comes, it drips. What is this? (Icicle)

3. It happens and it doesn't happen. When mom buys something tasty, it immediately appears. I start jumping, running and having fun. When guests arrive, this also appears. It can be funny and sad, good and bad. What is this? (Mood)

4. This is uncle. He is strong, he can cook, he can drive a car, a motorcycle. He is not afraid of anyone, he never cries. He is good, kind, caring. He promised to carry his mother in his arms all his life. (Husband)

5. It can be big and small. When you take pictures, you need it too. She appears when they tell a joke or something funny, and then disappears. What is this? (Smile)

1 presenter: And now the second graders will give you, dear mothers, the song “Smile.”

2 presenter: And now the program “Help Yourself.” After watching it, you will learn how you can cope with toothache using various means.

Scene: doctor and patient. (2 boys 3 "B")

Sick: Oh, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!

Doctor: What hurts?

My tooth hurts.

Yesterday I had?


Here's my advice: take a string, tie one end to the tooth and the other to the door handle. And have someone from your family open the door. You'll come tomorrow.

Oh, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!

What hurts?

My tooth hurts.

Yesterday I had?


What's my advice?

It's torn off.

What came off?

The door handle was torn off.

Here's another tip: take a rope, tie one end to the tooth, and the other to the table leg, and have someone move the table half a meter. You'll come tomorrow.

Oh, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!

What hurts?

My tooth hurts.

Yesterday I had?


What's my advice?

It's torn off.

What came off?

The leg of the table was torn off.

Here's another tip: take a thick rope, tie one end to a tooth and the other to a train car. You'll come tomorrow.

It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt!

What doesn't hurt?

The tooth doesn't hurt.

Yesterday I had?


Well, what's my advice?

It's torn off.

What came off?

The carriage from the train.

Where's the tooth?

The station manager knocked it out.

1 presenter: The program “A Woman’s View” is on air.

(4th grade)

1. Dedicated to my sister.

2. All sisters

Funny habits -

They write secrets

In each other's notebooks.

They will disperse forever -

They'll make up instantly.

And you can’t be offended by them for a long time.

1. Today we wish our sisters,

So that the holiday brings joy,

May this day be the happiest,

He was cheerful and carefree.

3 “B” grade (3 boys and a girl).

1. Dedicated to our girls.

2. What are the girls talking about so much?!

All the lessons and all the changes.

They laugh so much together in the corners,

They rattle the chairs so loudly.

1. I keep thinking: why do I love them?

There are other girls maybe

Which need to be protected

Fight with enemies for them.

3. Which, well, at least something,

At least a little afraid!?

Well, at least one of them would drown while swimming...

1. But then Marinka walked by and pushed him.

2 presenter: And now, the program “Play, my beloved accordion,” beloved by many.

(3 boys from 3 “A” perform ditties.)

1. Why are we all dancing here?

Why are we singing here?

Because all the girls

Happy Women's Day!

2. We sit in class

And we look at the girls:

And beautiful and smart -

It's simply not better to find.

3. There is a magazine on the table,

Well, it has A's.

Because in our class

Smart girls.

4. The river runs fast,

Clean to the bottom.

Our girls smile

Bright as the sun.

5. You're lucky, girls!

You are already happy

Because we are with you -

Most beautiful!

6. We are funny guys

Congratulations, girls

Happy Women's Spring Day -

Tenderness and beauty!

2 presenter: And now, within the framework of the same program, there is a ditty duel: “Wall to wall.” 3 B's are invited.

3 boys and 3 girls:

We understand.

We don't hit girls all day long,


Girls: Well done our boys,

They won't let us be offended!

They say that if necessary,

They will beat us themselves.

M.: We will please the girls:

Let's be polite!

Be patient, guys.

Tomorrow we will be the same. (or Tomorrow we will become the same)

D: If dragons appear,

Then the boys will save us,

All dragons will be riled up

They will smash it to pieces.

M.: Our girls without a fight

They will defeat any enemy!

If only they scream -

Whoever you want will be stunned!

D.: The boys offend us,

This means they adore it!

Well, if they beat you,

It means they love you!

M.: The rook dreams of spring,

Fisherman about carp.

On the girls' mind

Only a Barbie doll.

D.: We love our boys,

We can confidently tell you:

"Very difficult tasks

We will decide for you."

M.: What can I wish for the girls?

The best?

Two hundred packs of different chewing gums

And an ice cream truck!

We love to have fun.

After such a holiday

I want to study!

1 presenter: A wonderful duel. Draw!

2 presenter: We present to your attention the festive issue of the magazine “Yeralash”. 3 "A" class is invited.

(Boy, mother, 3 students)

The boy diligently sweeps the floor, singing “There was a grasshopper sitting in the grass.” Mom comes in outerwear, bags in hands, keys in mouth. He looks at his son with round eyes, dropping his keys in fear, and asks:

- …, What's happened?


Like nothing! Why are you sweeping the floor?

- (Singing “Grasshopper” And because he was dirty.

-(Unbuttoning) ..., I beg you, tell me what happened? The last time you swept the floor was when you got a bad grade for behavior, and the second to last time was when they wanted to keep you for a second year.

(Mom looks around the room and asks in fear) Have you wiped off the dust?

-(Proudly and joyfully) Wiped it off!



- (Frightened) ... what happened? Tell me what have you done?

- (He cheerfully takes off his mother’s hat and coat) Yes, I’m telling you – nothing! It was just dirty, so I cleaned it up!

- (Suspiciously) Why did you make your bed?

Just! Refilled and that's it!

- (Ties his head with a towel and sits on a chair) ... the truth! Why am I being summoned to the school principal?

Don't be afraid, mom! Everything is fine. (Sits opposite mom) I did my homework, had lunch, washed the dishes, and brushed my teeth.



(Mom faints.)

- (Screams in fright) Mom, mommy! What happened to you? Now I'll bring you some water. (Runs, pours water. There is a knock on the door. The boy opens it. Three classmates enter)

1 student: (Noting something in the journal) Well...! How was your day of helping your parents? Cleaned the apartment?

Day to help parents, day to help parents!!! Here, admire it!

2nd student: ..., first aid kit!

Student 3: (Taking out the first aid kit) How nervous all mothers are! (Drips medicine into a glass) 19-20-21-22. Aren `t you ashamed, … . What he brought his mother to! Couldn't you tell me it's just for one day?

Mom raises her head and asks: “Will everything be the same tomorrow?”

Classmates: “The old way, the old way.”

(Mom faints again)

1 presenter: And again - “Evening of Poetry”.

(3 "A")

1. Go around the whole world

Just know in advance:

You won't find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother’s.

2. You won't find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter.

Mom to each of us

All people are more valuable.

3. A hundred paths, roads around

Travel around the world:

Mom is the best friend

There is no better mother!

(3 “B” - 5 people leave at once)

1. Mom is upset

When I'm very rude.

Frowning, sad,

When I'm very stupid.

2. It's easy to offend your mother

It's easy to be upset...

But how to cheer her up?

Get a smile?

(We all sing in chorus “The Baby Mammoth Song”)

3. Mom’s dresses are literally countless.

There is blue and there is green.

There is a blue one with big flowers -

4. In this she goes to work,

In this he goes to the theater and on visits,

He sits in this, busy with drawings...

Each serves the mother in its own way.

5. Carelessly thrown onto the headboard,

Mom's old, tattered robe.

I serve it carefully to my mother,

And why - guess for yourself:

If he puts on a colored robe,

This means he will be with me all evening.

(4th grade)

  1. Alexey Maksimovich Gorky wrote: “Without the Sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is neither a poet nor a hero. All the joy in the world comes from mothers.”
  1. And if it weren’t for our mothers, we would never have existed. There is only one person in the world whose heart is hotter and stronger than nine suns, and this person is mother!
  1. If you guys want to make your mother the happiest person, act in such a way that she will be happy and proudly say: “You know how good my children are!”
  1. Mom takes on double duty so that we can learn, play, grow and develop. Some of us believe that this is how it should be, but if you love your mother, don't believe that she doesn't need your help. Stand next to her, help, get tired with her. Your mom will be happy.
  1. No matter how the rush of events beckons you,

No matter how you draw me into your whirlpool,

Take care of your mother more than your eyes

From insults, from hardships, from worries.

2 presenter: And now we bring to your attention the program “Visiting a Fairy Tale.”

(Grade 4. Fairy tale Turnip in a new way.)


The role is played by an adult:
The roles are played by children:

Mom made a pie
Well, Vova helped her.
I put cinnamon in the dough,
Poured out a jar of mustard,
I added a spoonful of lentils...

In general, I did everything I could.

Who scratched our door?

The door was scratched by a terrible beast.

Who poured all the compote on the floor?

Compote? Probably Vaska the cat

Who tore the books today?

The naughty mice tore it up.

Who put the cat in the bag?

A pig in a bag? Our dog, Buddy.

The friend growled angrily,
And Vova immediately fell silent.