Summary of a lesson on experimenting with air in the middle group of kindergarten. Summary of a lesson on experimentation in the middle group in the laboratory of Professor Pochemuchkin Forms of organizing experimental activities

Maryam Miroshnichenko (Khanapieva)
Open lesson-experimentation in middle group"Water Sorceress"

Open lesson-experimentation in middle group« Water Sorceress»


1. Create a holistic idea of ​​water as a natural phenomenon;

2. Introduce the properties of water;

3. Make it clear about the importance of water in human life and in nature;

4. Foster respect for water;

5. Enrich and activate the vocabulary;

6. Develop mental activity and draw conclusions independently;

7. Develop the ability to work together.

Move classes: (Formation of positive motivation)


Good morning! I'm telling you.

Good morning! I love you all!

I wish you well in your studies!

Listen carefully, gain your mind!

- Today the guys are our guests, say hello.

Children: Good morning!

Today visit us class came Droplet, look how sad and sorrowful she is.

Listen to her story: The droplet was recently born and doesn’t know anything about itself. This makes her very sad, because not knowing anything about yourself is not fun at all. And so she decided to turn to you for help, because you are smart guys and probably know something about her.

Guys, do you think we can tell Droplet anything about her?

Of course, eh! So let's start right now.

What does a droplet consist of? (Of water). And where does she live? In water.

Well done, where can we find water? (in the river, sea, tap, etc.)

IN: Guys, Droplet is wondering if you know who needs water?

(Showing and viewing pictures)

Yes! Trees, birds, people, animals, plants. Do we, in kindergarten, need water?

And for what?

Wash your face, wash the floor, cook dinners, do laundry, wash toys, water flowers.

Yes, guys, without water, every living thing in the world will die. Water is life!

IN: Well done boys! You've said everything Right: plants need water

and they need to be watered - otherwise they will die.

Animals also drink water, and some live in it (fish). Water for people

simply necessary: drink, cook, wash, harden, relax near water.

No living creature can live without water.

Have you heard about water?

They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap.

Like an icicle, it freezes,

Fog creeps into the forest.

It's boiling on the stove.

The steam of the kettle hisses,

We can't wash ourselves without it,

Don't eat, don't get drunk!

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without water!

IN: Children, do you know that water magical. You can play with her, spend

various tricks, experiments. Do you want to play with water?

Then please come to the tables!

IN: Guys, look, I have two glasses on the table. Determine which glass contains water (children show) .

IN: How did you guess? How did we determine what helped us?

D: The water is clear, but the milk is not.

IN: Let us see, is this true or not?

Experience No. 1: “To determine water transparency”

IN: Let's put pebbles in a glass of water. Can you see them?

D: Yes

IN: And now we will put the same pebbles in a glass of milk. Can you see them?

D: No

IN: So you and I are convinced that the water is actually clear.

Tell me guys, what color is the water?

Experience No. 2 "To determine the color of water"

IN: Let's check it out. I have different colored lids. I will lower these lids into the water one by one, and you will see which lid matches the color of the water. (Checks the color of the water using colored caps) Well, guys, does any lid match the color?

D: No.

IN: Then what conclusion can you and I draw? Does water have color? No. This means the water is colorless.

Look, Droplet smiled a little. She has already learned a little about herself and is happy, and we will rest a little.

Physical education minute.

We quickly went down to the river

Bent over and washed

1,2,3,4. That's how nicely refreshed we were

And now let's swim together

You need to do this with your hands

Together once is brass

One another is a rabbit.

Went ashore steep

And we went home.

Well, let's continue.

Experience No. 3: “To determine the taste of water”

Now let's find out if water has taste? Take the straws and try the juice. Is the juice tasty? What does it taste like?

D: Delicious, sweet.

IN: That's right, the juice is sweet. Now try the water. What does water taste like? (let me taste the water). Does she have taste? Water is sweet, sour, etc. No. A

what kind of water?

D: The water is tasteless!

IN: Now look what happens if I add lemon to clean water.

Now try the water. What is the water like?

D: Sour.

IN: That's right, the water has become acidic. Pure water tasteless, and if you add some substance to it, then the water acquires the taste of what was put in it.

Guys, please tell me, does the water smell like anything? Let's smell the water and find out whether the water smells or not.

Experience No. 4: "To determine the smell of water"

D: No.

IN: That's right, the water doesn't smell like anything. Now smell the lemon water. Is there a smell?

D: Eat.

IN: Why does water with lemon smell?

D: Because it smells like lemon.

IN: Yes, because lemon has a smell. So what can we conclude?

Pure water has no odor, but if you add a substance with an odor to it, it will

Well done, I see you know a lot about water. Let's remind Droplet that we

learned? And that the water is clear, colorless, tasteless and odorless. Look,

How cheerful and joyful Droplet has become. She wants to remember herself

give you your girlfriends - “droplets”.

Be friends with them and take care of them!

Publications on the topic:

“The Sorceress – Water” Plan: 1. Conversation about water. 2. The teacher’s story about the meaning of water. 3. Outdoor game “Droplets and Clouds”. 4. Experience.

Complex lesson on cognitive development in the senior group “Water Sorceress” Purpose of the lesson: To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about water, the role in human life and living organisms, about the forms and types of water (springs, rivers, etc.).

Program content: 1. Reinforce with children the properties of water in the process research activities. Clarify its meaning for all living things.

Summary of the lesson on experimental activities in the middle group “Water Sorceress” Lesson summary on experimental - experimental activities in the middle group “Water Sorceress” Trusova Lyudmila Anatolyevna Topic of the lesson:.

To improve efficiency correctional work During speech therapy classes in kindergarten, along with other types of work, it is recommended to use experimental activities of children. The proposed material can be used in group and individual lessons.




Speech is a great gift of nature, thanks to which people receive ample opportunities to communicate with each other. Speech connects people in their activities, helps to understand, shapes views and beliefs, and provides a tremendous service in understanding the world. A future first-grader must be able to coherently, logically, consistently and expressively express his thoughts, create different types texts on topics accessible to his understanding.

Speech development and experimentation are closely related.
To increase the effectiveness of correctional work in speech therapy classes in kindergarten, along with other types of work, it is recommended to use experimental activities of children. The child most fully and clearly perceives and remembers what was interesting to him. You can always find something interesting and exciting in learning the Russian language. You just need to find it and present it to the children in such a way as to encourage them to make similar finds and discoveries.

Organization algorithm children's experimentation formed like this - a child together with an adult:

1-identifies and poses a problem that he wants to solve (i.e. learns to ask a question correctly, set cognitive tasks for himself);

2- offers various options her decisions; checks these possible solutions (i.e., reasons, gives various arguments, and the sentences must be constructed correctly, understandable for other children);

3-sums up (i.e. analyzes the information received, systematizes it).

Thus, at every stage of his work, the student actively develops his speech. In the course of children's experimentation, preschoolers learn to actively enter into arguments with their peers, prove their point of view, using complex sentences in their speech (demonstrative speech develops). On speech therapy classes Children can not just learn something, but try and experiment on their own, gaining knowledge. I want to offer the tasks and exercises that I use in my work.

Construction of letters.On the tables there are sticks, strings, buttons, clothespins. Children are asked to lay out the given letters. They must choose the material most convenient for laying out these letters.

Reconstruction of letters.How to get others from one letter? (Move or add part).

“Complete the letter” (finish the broken letter: we work according to the instructions in the notebook)
Game "The Word Has Scattered". On the board is a word with a changed order of letters (option: this may result in not one word, but several).

Selection of words for a given sound model.On the board there is a diagram of uncolored chips or colored chips representing sounds. Children must select as many words as possible (mentally “fit” the words to the diagram).

"The letters are hidden." Using ready-made letters, lay out those that the child sees in the diagram (or trace with your finger). Find the given letter and color it.

Formation of new words from the letters of a given word.(game “Mysterious Letters”)

Replacing one sound (letter) in a word to get a new word(metagram). For example: bunny - T-shirt - nut - seagull. Game “Replace the sound” during differentiation sounds Sh-S, R-L.
Selection of words for this rhyme.

Solving puzzles. Solving crossword puzzles.
Composing a wordusing the initial sounds or the final sound of other words.
Drawing up proposals using graphic diagrams(game "Telegraph")
Rearranging words to get the desired phrase.For example: “Misha has a new car.”
Connecting parts of broken sentences.(For example: “It’s drizzling. The rain meows plaintively. Murka”).
Compiling a story from two texts, read intermixed.
Compiling a coherent story from fragmentary phrases and phrases.
When diagnosing children on speech development, teachers often encounter a number of problems: children cannot clearly formulate their question, express their thoughts, or construct a sentence correctly.

The use of experimental activities in working with children helps to solve a number of problems in in this direction. It is necessary to note the two-way nature of these connections. The ability to clearly express one’s thoughts makes it easier to carry out the experiment, while increasing knowledge about the world around us contributes to the development of speech. In the process of experimentation, preschoolers learn to set a goal, solve problems and test them empirically, draw conclusions and simple conclusions. They experience joy, surprise and even delight from their small and large “discoveries”, which give children a feeling of satisfaction from the work done. The introduction of a new object for study each time helps to expand the children's vocabulary. In the process of experimentation, the preschooler gets the opportunity to satisfy his inherent curiosity, to answer a hundred thousand “why?” For what? How? what happens if…?".

At first school year when considering the question “What helps us speak?” The experiment “The work of the vocal cords” is carried out. The purpose of which is: to understand the origin of sound in the vocal cords. If you inflate a balloon, then squeeze the hole of the balloon with your fingers, leaving a small hole, and press on the balloon, the air escaping from the balloon into the hole makes a whistle. If we stretch the hole differently, we will get a different whistle. This is exactly how we get sound. As a result of the experiment, children conclude: air from the lungs enters the larynx and passes through the vocal cords.

Experimental work is aimed at improving the theoretical basis of teaching, upbringing and development of preschool children, achieving positive results practical activities.

In the process of experimental activity, it develops emotional sphere child, Creative skills, labor skills are formed. During the experiment, the child’s memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated, as the need constantly arises to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification. Experimental activities also have a huge impact on the development of children’s speech.

For example, the long-term project “Our Flowers”, which lasted 6 months, just showed that the knowledge gained through experiments was deep and lasting. Even after a year from the start of this project, the children remember it and talk about what they did, why and what they learned.

To increase the effectiveness of correctional work in speech therapy classes in kindergarten, along with other types of work,experimental games.The following tasks are achieved through these games:

  • expand and deepen information about the surrounding world, form a system of ideas on this basis;
  • develop mental operations in children - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization;
  • develop children’s speech, teach them the interrogative form of speech interaction;
  • to form the need for organizing cognitive communication with adults;
  • develop abstract and logical thinking children;
  • learn to pose a question, analyze, find the correct answer and draw a conclusion.

I will give examples of experimental games used in speech therapy classes in a group with OPD, which are related to the lexical topic being studied.

Experimental games with a ball.

Experiment options:

a) take two balls of the same size, only one is made of rubber, the second is made of plastic.

Question: Which ball will bounce when it hits the floor?

Children hit the ball one by one on the floor and draw conclusions.

b) Two balls, identical in size and both rubber. Let's make a hole in one of the balls, what will happen?

Can such a ball jump and jump? Children are asked to knock on the floor first with a deflated ball, then with a regular one. Is there a difference, what is the reason? We draw a conclusion.

C) Drown a deflated ball in water, an ordinary one, a metal one: which of the balls will float or sink?

With the help of a demonstration we confirm the correct answer. Let's draw conclusions.

“In what ways can a person move?” (theme "Human. Body parts")

Exercise. Come up with different ways to move and get to the table. We find out who has come up with the most methods of transportation, conclusions are drawn that a person can use a huge number of different ways movement.

Approximate options: jump on one (two) legs, walk, crawl on your stomach, back, on all fours, squatting, dance, roll, etc.

Special attention in organizing experimental activities, children should be given work on individual cards with tasks of increasing complexity aimed at preventing errors in reading and writing at the level of letters, syllables, words and sentences.
Completing tasks on individual cards is of great importance both for children and for the teacher.
For children:
- provide a minimum level of phonemic, sound-letter, graphic, cognitive tools that make it possible to move on to the next stage of learning - reading;
- create conditions for children’s orientation and research activities;
- develop various aspects of mental activity - attention, thinking, memory, speech;
- consolidate the stock of existing ideas about the sound-letter side of a word, the degree of preparedness of the hand to perform graphic skills;
- develop the ability to understand a learning task and solve it independently;
- form self-control and self-esteem skills.
For the teacher:
- remove selection difficulties didactic material at individual work with kids;
- allow you to control the level of assimilation of program material;
- build relationships with children, especially those with little contact.
Work on cards can be carried out in individual lessons - as one of the types of control frontal classes, in the afternoon - in correctional work with a teacher and at home.
All tasks on the cards are accompanied by bright illustrations and protected with film, which allows children to use felt-tip pens when completing tasks and can be used repeatedly.

Sample tasks.

1. Make sound models of words and compare them.

2. Make a sound model of the word, denoting vowel sounds with letters.

3. How many sounds are there in a word? Write the number in the square.

4. Connect the picture with the sound model.

5. Connect pictures and sound models.

6. Correct errors in the sound model of the word.

7. Choose one word for each sound model.

8. Match three words to the sound model.

9. Make up a word based on the first sounds of the names of the pictures.

10. Make up a word based on the second sounds of the names of the pictures.

11. Make up a word based on the last sounds of the names of the pictures.

12. Determine the place of the sound in words (at the beginning, middle, end).

13. Highlight the first sounds in the names of the pictures. Name the sounds paired with them based on hardness and softness.

14. Highlight the first sounds in the names of the pictures. Name the sounds paired with them based on deafness and voicedness.

15. Write the word in letters. What other words can be made from these letters?

16. How many syllables are in a word? Write the number in the square.

17. Connect the picture with the syllable diagram.

18. Connect the pictures and syllable patterns.

19. Choose one word for each syllable pattern.

20. Make up a word based on the first syllables of the names of the pictures.

21. Make a sound model of the word. How many sounds are there in a word? Give a description of each sound. Write the word in letters. How many letters are there in a word? Divide the word into syllables and add stress.

22. Make a proposal based on the picture and graphic diagram.

23. Make one sentence for each graphic diagram.

Thus, in the process of correctional and developmental work, including new techniques and methods, favorable conditions are created for correcting deficiencies in speech development, in the personal, cognitive, emotional-volitional spheres. Experimentation is a means of development cognitive activity older children preschool age. Thanks to the experimental type of activity, children's speech becomes more meaningful, more expressive, and correctly constructed. The widespread use of experimental activities in our work will help us prepare children for school who are capable of creatively solving problems, capable of making bold statements, making assumptions, and finding ways to solve a situation.

  1. Zueva L.N., Kostyleva N.Yu., Soloshenko O.P. Entertaining exercises for speech development. M., Astrel-AST, 2001.
  2. Kolesnikova E.V. Fun grammar for children 5-7 years old. M., 2003.
  3. Kolesnikova E.V. Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old. M., 2000.
  4. Milostivenko L.G. Guidelines on preventing children's reading and writing errors. St. Petersburg, 1995.
  5. Nechaeva N.V., Belorusets K.S. ABC. Samara, 1997
  6. Pozhilenko E.A. A magical world of sounds and words. M., 1999.
  7. Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.A. 1000 words for phonetic (sound-letter) analysis. Development of phonemic hearing. M., 2003.

Goldinova Irina Yurievna

Summary of the lesson on experimentation “Our discoveries about air”

In the middle group

Target :

Development of children's cognitive activity in the process of experimentation.

Tasks :

Introduce children to the properties of air;

Give an idea of ​​the importance of air in human life and nature;

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary;

Develop skills in conducting experiments;

Develop mental activity and draw conclusions independently;

Develop the ability to work together;

Bring up friendly relations between children;

Cultivate caution when working with water.

Equipment :


Badges according to the number of children;

Drawn diagrams: eye, nose, hands, ear;

Plastic bags (according to the number of children);

A transparent glass with a napkin at the bottom;

Cups of water with peas at the bottom (according to the number of children);


Basin with water;

Fans by the number of children;


Covers for felt-tip pens (according to the number of children);




Album sheets.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today a Balloon flew to our lesson. Look how sad and sorrowful he is. Listen to his story: Balloon was recently born and knows nothing about himself at all, doesn’t even know why he is called balloon. This makes him very sad, because not knowing anything about yourself is not fun at all. And so he decided to turn to us for help. Guys, we will help To a balloon?

Yes, of course, Sharik, don’t worry, we will definitely try to help you.

We have all heard that we are constantly surrounded by air on all sides, it is always around us. Why do we need air? (Breathe)

Who else needs air? - Fish, animals, plants.

That's right, to all living things.

But no one saw the air or touched it with their hands. So maybe there is no air?

Let's not guess, but check with the help of experiments and experiments: does air exist, and what properties does it have? I suggest you guys, together with the Balloon, go to the laboratory and, like real research scientists, conduct experiments to learn more interesting things about air.

In the laboratory, certain rules : do not break the silence, do not interrupt each other, handle equipment with care, use only your own tools.

Come into the laboratory, don’t forget to fasten your badges - now we are researchers.

Balloon, we found ourselves in a real scientific laboratory.

Sit down at the tables.

Scientists often use diagrams and models when researching. You and I will also apply their methods.

Look at the research board.

The first diagram shows eye .

What question do you think we will be looking for the answer to now?

Yes, that's right - how can you see air?

Experiment 1. “Catch the air”.

Take plastic bags from the tables. Look how thin they are, they can be folded several times.

Now try to catch air in the bag and twist it. The bag is full of air, it looks like a pillow. This means air exists! The air has taken up all the space in the bag, even though we can’t see it.

Conclusion : the air is transparent, it is everywhere, to see it, you have to catch it.

And we were able to do it! We caught the air and locked it in a bag just like in your tummy. A balloon - you also have air in you, although we don’t see it.

Experience 2 "Is there air in the glass?

Attention colleagues. Let's keep quiet. Next experiment. Glue a napkin on plasticine to the bottom of the glass. Turn the glass upside down and lower it straight vertically into a container of water, to the bottom of the container.

Let's see if the napkin gets wet. What happened to the napkin?(She's dry)

Conclusion : the napkin did not get wet, because there is air in the glass (air is everywhere) - even if we don’t see it (because it is invisible), but it was he who did not let water into it.

Experience 3 "The air in man»

Is there air inside people? Let's check.
Move the cups of water towards you; there are peas at the bottom of the cups
. Want to spice up your peas? What need to do? - You need to blow into the tubes. What do we see? Bubbles have appeared - this is air. What are our peas doing? They are moving. What helped us revive the peas? Yes, of course, air. Not only did we find him, but we also saw how he made the peas move. Where did this air come from? – we blew into the tubes.

Conclusion : So now we are convinced, Balloon, that there is air in a person! We breathe it!

So we continue to experiment. What's the next diagram on our research board? - Nose .

Do you think the air has a smell? How to check?

Experiment 4. “Does the air have a smell?”

Invite children to smell the air - they can’t smell it.

Let the children smell the perfume.

Conclusion: The air is odorless, but can transmit foreign odors.

Physical education minute.

I got up this morning,

He took a balloon from the shelf.

I started blowing and watching -

My ball suddenly began to get fat.

I keep blowing - the ball is getting thicker,

I blow - thicker, blow - thicker.

Suddenly I heard a bang -

The balloon has burst, my friend...

Let's now turn to the research board again. What is shown in the following diagram? - Hands.

What do you think the hands could mean? - How to feel the air.

Experiment 5. “Air movement”

Guys, can we feel the air movement? How about seeing?

When we inhale and exhale, the air moves - it creates a breeze.

While walking, we often observe air movement(trees are swaying, clouds are running, a turntable is spinning, steam is coming out of the mouth).

We don't see air, but we can feel it.

Take fans and wave them in your face.

What do you feel? (We feel the air moving) .

Lower the boats into the water. Children blow on the boats, they float. This is how real ships move thanks to the wind. What happens to a ship if there is no wind? What if the wind is very strong? A storm begins, and the ship may suffer a real wreck.

Conclusion : Wind is the movement of air.

Look at the next model, drawn - ear.

What question should we answer? How to hear the air?

Experiment 6. “We hear the air”

If we blow into a jar or bottle, a felt-tip pen cap, or deflate a balloon, we can hear the air.

Take the lid and blow from the edge. What do you hear? Sound, air.

We also have a ball on the table, what do you think can be done with this ball to hear the air? You need to inflate it, and then stretch the hole of the ball and slowly release the air, what do we hear? Squeak, air.

Conclusion : Air can be heard in many ways.

So, colleagues, let's remind Balloon what we learned about air in our laboratory?

Conclusion 1: Air exists!

Conclusion 2: Air is invisible, colorless, transparent.

Conclusion 3: The air is odorless.

Conclusion 4: Air lives around us and inside us

Conclusion 5: Air can be heard in many ways.

Conclusion 6: Wind is the movement of air.

Our experiment is coming to an end, you have all been attentive and active. The balloon became happier and learned a lot about air.

Our fellow scientists have left you a gift of straws to use in kindergarten. games-experience"Drawing with air."

You can draw with the help of air: you need to use tubes to blow gouache blots on a landscape sheet from the center in different directions.

And in the kindergarten, anyone who wants can draw pictures for the Balloon as a gift, so that he will never be sad again.

And now, Dear colleagues- Researchers, we are now returning to kindergarten. I hope you can repeat the experiments you saw and be able to come up with new ones.

Thanks for your work, goodbye!


  • give an idea that it has properties (invisible, light, odorless), and also give an idea that wind is the movement of air;

Vocabulary work:


  • laptop;
  • disk;
  • car soap bubbles;
  • magnetic board;
  • musical accompaniment;
  • “professor” hats;
  • vessel - “sea” for boats;
  • fans (according to the number of children);
  • balloon.

1.Organizational moment


And you will be healthy for many years.



Children: Yes.


Educator: Guys, let's help Professor Pochemuchkin? Let's not trust rumors, but let's check with the help of tests and experiments: does air exist and what properties does it have? I haven’t seen air either, but I know that it is always around us! Guys, I suggest you go to our laboratory and, like a real scientist, conduct experiments to learn a lot of interesting things about air. Do you agree? Then - go ahead!

Children: Yes

Educator: listen to the riddle

We need him to breathe
To inflate the balloon.
With us every hour,
But he is invisible to us! What is this?

Children: Air!



Educator: Water cannot fill an upside down glass because it is already filled with air. An “empty” glass is full of air. Air has no size or shape, but can fill any space.

Conclusion 1: Air exists!


Children: No.


Children: Invisible.

Educator: What color is it?

Children: colorless, transparent.


Children: nothing, it is odorless.



Children: It's empty.


Children: There is no air in it.

Conclusion 3: invisible air


Children: Straws.


Educator: Oh, what is this?

Children: bubbles.

Educator: what are they doing?

Children: Bubbles rise to the top.

Educator: Why?

Children: we are blowing the air out of ourselves. Bubbles are air.

Conclusion 4: Here we have proven:

Children: we inhale it through our nose.



Conclusion 5 :

Fizminutka (with soft modules) :

We walked happily and met a friend.
- Hello, hello dear friend,
Look around you
Just smile at me and hug me tightly.


Children: Let them float on water.

Educator: How will they swim?

Children: You can blow on them.



Children: The wind blows in your face.


Conclusion 6: wind is the movement of air.




(children draw in the sand)



Conclusion 1: Air exists!

Conclusion 2: Air is invisible, colorless, transparent, odorless.

Conclusion 3: Air invisible ,

Conclusion 4:

Conclusion 5 : Man cannot live without air.

Conclusion 6: Wind is the movement of air.

Conclusion 7: The air is very light.


Educator: We are with you in the meadow .



Children: Yes, sure.


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“Summary of a lesson on experimentation in the middle group To the laboratory of Professor Pochemuchkin”

Topic: To the laboratory of Professor Pochemuchkin

Target: develop children's cognitive activity in the process of experimentation.



    cultivate children's interest and desire to expand their horizons;

    cultivate curiosity, mutual assistance,

    cultivate a positive attitude towards the world around us, a desire to explore it in all available ways.


    develop mental operations in children: the ability to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions, and select methods of action.


    give an idea that it has properties (invisible, light, odorless), and also give an idea that wind is the movement of air;

    promote mastery of some methods of air detection; promote the formation of cognitive interest in children; generalize and clarify previously acquired knowledge about the properties of air; learn to work in a team and individually during experiments;

    enrich children's vocabulary with new words.

Vocabulary work: laboratory, transparent, invisible, experiments.


  • screen and projector for presentation;

    soap bubble machine;

    touch table “Sand Fantasy”

    magnetic board;

    musical accompaniment;

    “professor” hats;

    plastic bags (according to the number of children);

    cups of water (according to the number of children);

    cocktail tubes (according to the number of children);

    foam boats with paper sails;

    vessel - “sea” for boats;

    fans (according to the number of children);


Construction logic organized activities children

1.Organizational moment

(The teacher sets up the children to start GCD using psycho-gymnastics)

Educator: Hello! You tell the person.

Hello! He will smile back.

And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy.

And you will be healthy for many years.

Educator: Let's, guys, wish each other health - say "Hello!" and give everyone our smiles.

Goal setting, game situation.

Educator: Guys, look, what is this? Message for children of the senior group "". This is probably for us. Disk. Want to see what's there?

Children: Yes.

(The teacher turns on the computer. On the disk there is a video letter from Professor Pochemuchkin)

Pochemuchkin: Hello guys. You recognized me. I am Professor Pochemuchkin.

(The song from the animated film “Fixies” plays.)

I work all day in the laboratory. I have some problems and I want you to help me. We have all heard that we are constantly surrounded by air on all sides. But you can neither see it nor touch it with your hands. So maybe there is no air?

Educator: Guys, let's help Professor Pochemuchkin? Let's not trust rumors, but let's check with the help of tests and experiments: does air exist and what properties does it have? I haven’t seen air either, but I know that it is always around us! Guys, I suggest you go to our laboratory and, like a real scientist, conduct experiments to learn a lot of interesting things about air. Do you agree? Then - go ahead!

Children: Yes

Educator: listen to the riddle

We need him to breathe
To inflate the balloon.
With us every hour,
But he is invisible to us! What is this?

Children: Air!

Educator: Air? And what is it? Let's do an experiment. Crumple a piece of paper and push it into the glass so that it does not fall when the glass is turned over. Submerge the glass completely under water, holding it with the opening facing down. Take out the glass. Check to see if the paper in it is wet?

Children: The paper in the glass remains dry.

Educator: Water cannot fill an upside down glass because it is already filled with air. An “empty” glass is full of air. Air has no size or shape, but can fill any space.

Conclusion 1: Air exists!

Educator: Guys, have you seen this air?

Children: No.

Educator: If we don’t see him, then what is he like? How else can you say it?

Children: Invisible.

Educator: What color is it?

Children: colorless, transparent.

Educator: what does it smell like? Smell the air. What smells? (for comparison, you can invite the children to inhale the air through their noses. Then take lemon, garlic, perfume and invite the children to try to smell the smells one by one, and then just smell the air).

Children: nothing, it is odorless.

Conclusion 2: Air is invisible, colorless, transparent, odorless.

Educator: To see air, you need to catch it. Do you want me to teach you how to catch air?

Educator: Take a plastic bag. What's in it?

Children: It's empty.

Educator: It can be folded several times. Look how thin he is. Now we fill the bag with air and twist it. The bag is full of air, it looks like a pillow. The air took up all the space in the bag. Now let's untie the bag and let the air out of it. The package became thin again. Why?

Children: There is no air in it.

Conclusion 3: invisible air To see him, you have to catch him. And we were able to do it! We caught the air and locked it in a bag, and then released it.

Educator: Guys, do you know that air lives inside people. And now we will prove this to you. Look guys, what is this?

Children: Straws.

Educator: Yes, these are straws and a glass of water. Now try blowing into straws placed in cups (children blow).

Educator: Oh, what is this?

Children: bubbles.

Educator: what are they doing?

Children: Bubbles rise to the top.

Educator: Why?

Children: we are blowing the air out of ourselves. Bubbles are air.

Conclusion 4: Here we have proven: It turns out that air lives around us and inside us. You exhale. It means it is inside you. But how does it get to you?

Children: we inhale it through our nose.

Educator: Certainly! All people breathe through their nose. Guys, let's show how our noses breathe - we inhale and exhale air. Let's first take a deep breath and then exhale.


Educator: We are so used to breathing that we don’t even notice it. Meanwhile, we would not be able to live without breathing. Let's check it out. Close your nose and try not to breathe. Let's see how long you can stand without air.

You see, you all eventually let go of your nose to breathe.

Conclusion 5 : Man cannot live without air.

Fizminutka (with soft modules) :

The legs walked straight along the path
We walked happily and met a friend.
- Hello, hello dear friend,
Look around you
Just smile at me and hug me tightly.

Educator: There are boats in my laboratory, but how can I play with them?

Children: Let them float on water.

Educator: How will they swim?

Children: You can blow on them.

Educator: Yes, guys, when we inhale and exhale, the air moves - it turns out to be a breeze, and the boats float. The ships catch the air with their sails. This means that air can move objects.

Educator: And if you don’t blow, how else can you make wind? Guys, let's try to create wind using a fan! Wave the fan first at yourself, then at each other. What do you feel?

Children: The wind blows in your face.

Educator: Look: the air does not move, and the boats do not float. I wave my fan, push the air, it turns into wind, and it helps the sailboats float.

Conclusion 6: wind is the movement of air.

Educator: There are plates on the table with geometric shapes, try to make boats out of them.

Educator: Well done guys, you did it well!

Educator: And now I suggest you draw the sea, but not on paper, but on the sand. Shall we try?

(children draw in the sand)

Educator: And guys, the air is very light. I suggest you verify this by playing a little with soap bubbles. Soap bubbles can even be moved by breathing (children play with soap bubbles from a soap bubble machine).

Conclusion 7: The air is very light.

Educator: Thank you guys, today you helped me find out what air is. Now I can tell Professor Pochemuchkin everything.

(We look at the slides and consolidate our knowledge about air)

Conclusion 1: Air exists!

Conclusion 2: Air is invisible, colorless, transparent, odorless.

Conclusion 3: Air invisible ,

Conclusion 4: Air lives around us and inside us

Conclusion 5 : Man cannot live without air.

Conclusion 6: Wind is the movement of air.

Conclusion 7: The air is very light.


Close your eyes, we will relax (turn on melodic music)

Educator: We are with you in the meadow . The sun shines brightly. Light breeze blowing. The grass sways quietly. Butterflies and dragonflies flutter above us. We breathe in clean, fresh air. We feel good and pleased.

Educator: Oh, guys, look, how did we end up with a ball?

The wind blew it, but look how cheerful it is, let's decorate it.

(Children decorate the ball with napkins soaked in water)

Educator: Can I give this ball to the professor as a souvenir of us?

Children: Yes, sure.

Educator: then you go play, I’ll go to the post office and send the ball to the professor.


AT Speech Therapy Classes.

Timakhova T.A.

To increase the effectiveness of correctional work in speech therapy classes, along with other types of work, it is recommended to use experimental activities of children. The child most fully and clearly perceives and remembers what was interesting to him, what was explored by him independently.

Psychologists have proven that classes learned without interest, not colored by one’s own positive attitude and emotions, do not become useful. This is dead weight. During class, the child writes, reads, answers questions, but this work does not affect his thoughts and does not arouse interest. He is passive. Of course, he learns something, but passive perception and assimilation cannot be the basis of solid knowledge. Children remember poorly because learning does not captivate them. You can always find something interesting and exciting. You just need to find it and serve it to the children, which will encourage them to make similar finds and discoveries.

In speech therapy classes, children can not just learn something, but try and experiment on their own, gaining knowledge. We have adapted to individual characteristics children and included modified tasks and exercises in the content of some classes

"Construction of letters." On the tables there are sticks, strings, buttons, pencils. Children are asked to lay out different letters. They must choose the material most convenient for laying out these letters.

“Letter reconstruction” is a variant of the letter construction exercise. How to get others from one letter? (Move the stick or add, combine waste, natural material etc.)

Game "The Word Has Scattered" (anagram). On the board is a word with a changed order of letters (this can result in not one word, but several, for example: pine - pump, grater - actor).

Game "Who can collect the most words." Making up words to a specific syllable (for example: flour, fly, museum, garbage). Choice of words to a given sound model. In front of the children is a diagram of colored chips representing sounds. You need to select as many words as possible (mentally “fit” the words to the diagram). A more complicated option for children to work with a model is a riddle game. A certain word is guessed, children must guess with the help of leading questions: is it alive? inanimate? item? what shape? what is it made of?

Selecting words for syllable patterns. Name words consisting of one syllable, two or three syllables - with emphasis on the first, second, third syllable, etc.

Composing a word using the initial sounds or the final sound of other words.

Replacement in a word of one sound (letter) to obtain a new word (metagram). For example: bunny - T-shirt - nut - seagull.

Formation of new words from the letters of a given word. For example: ice cream - sea, knife, walrus, etc.

Choice of words to this rhyme. For example: juice - fishing line, sock, belt, little voice, etc.

Working with isographs. In the pictures, the words are written in letters, the arrangement of which resembles the image of the object in question.

Making proposals using graphic diagrams (game “Telegraph”).

Rearranging words in order to obtain the desired phrase. For example: “Fatima has a beautiful doll.”

Connecting parts of broken sentences. For example: “Falls sticky. Snow barks loudly. Ball".

Writing a story from two texts read alternately.

Writing a coherent story from fragmentary phrases and phrases.

Reading text from the end to realize the inconvenience of such a reading.

Educational game “Read on the marbles” (author Voskobovich and other similar games).

Solving puzzles (especially with the use of prepositions - the ability to choose the right preposition).

Solving crossword puzzles (words starting with a specific letter, thematic, etc.).

In organizing children's experimental activities, we paid special attention to working on individual cards. First we used cards with tasks published in methodological literature. Then, seeing the children’s interest in this type of task, we made cards with tasks of increasing complexity. Completing tasks on individual cards is of great importance, both for children and for the teacher.

For children:

Provide a minimum level of phonemic, sound-letter, graphic, cognitive tools, which make it possible to move on to the next stage of learning - reading;

Create conditions for children’s orientation and research activities;

Develop various aspects of mental activity: attention, thinking, memory, speech;

They consolidate the stock of existing ideas about the sound-letter side of a word, the degree of preparedness of the hand to perform graphic skills;

They develop the ability to understand a learning task and solve it independently;

They develop self-control and self-esteem skills.

For the teacher:

Relieves the difficulties of selecting didactic material when working individually with children;

Allows you to control the level of assimilation of program material;

They build relationships with children, especially those with little contact.

Work on the cards was carried out in individual lessons, as one of the types of control of frontal classes, as well as during correctional work between a child and a teacher, and was recommended to parents for playing with their children at home.

All tasks on the cards were accompanied by bright illustrations, which were protected with a special film, which made it possible for children to use felt-tip pens when completing tasks.

We offer a list of sample tasks - experiments that we conducted with children:

Make sound models of words and compare them.

Make a sound model of the word, labeling vowel sounds with letters.

How many sounds are there in a word? Write the number in the square.

Connect the picture with the sound model.

Connect pictures and sound models together.

Correct errors in the sound model of the word.

Choose one word for each sound model.

Match three words to the sound model.

Make up a word based on the first sounds of the names of the pictures.

Make up a word based on the second sounds of the names of the pictures.

Make up a word based on the last sounds of the names of the pictures.

Determine the place of the sound [l] in words (at the beginning, middle, end).

Highlight the first sounds in the names of the pictures. Name their paired sounds based on hardness and softness.

Highlight the first sounds in the names of the pictures. Name the sounds paired with them according to their deafness - hardness.

Write the word in letters. What other words can be made from these letters?

How many syllables are in a word? Write the number in the square.

Connect the picture with the syllable diagram.

Connect the pictures and syllable patterns with each other.

Choose one word for each syllable pattern.

Make up a word using the first syllables of the picture names.

Make a sound model of the word. How many sounds are there in a word? Give a description of each sound. Write the word in letters. How many letters are there in each word? Divide the word into syllables and add stress.

Make a proposal based on the picture and graphic diagram.

Write one sentence for each graphic diagram.

    Kolesnikova E.V. Fun grammar for children 5-7 years old. M., 2008.

    Kolesnikova E.V. Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old. M., 2000.

    Pozhilenko EL. A magical world of sounds and words. M., 1999.

    Uzorova O.V., Nefedova E.L. 1000 words for phonetic (sound-letter) analysis. Development of phonemic hearing. M., 2007.

Card No. 6. Connect pictures and syllable patterns together