The pension fund has determined who will receive an early pension in December. The issuance of January pensions is carried out according to a special schedule. Pensions for January will be paid in December

Due to the long New Year holidays, which for Russians will last from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019 inclusive, many pensioners in the country will receive a pleasant bonus for the holiday - a pension for January. The mechanism for receiving it was explained the day before at the Pension Fund.

Payments will be received by both those who usually receive payments at Russian Post and those who use the services of banks - it is better to check the date of receipt of the second December pension, or rather, payments for January, at the place of receipt in advance, so as not to complain later that you or your loved ones are late.

The Pension Fund clarified the pension payment schedule for January 2019. Due to the fact that the first days of the new year are usually weekends, pensioners who receive their pension at the beginning of the month will receive it earlier - on the last working days of December.

As the Pension Fund explained, this applies to all methods of paying pensions - through a bank or via mail. You need to find out the specific date of pension payment at your place of residence at the post office or at your bank.

For example, in the case of those receiving a pension via mail, early payment will be made to those who receive the pension on the 1st or 2nd. Since January 3, 2019, the post office has been operating as normal, with the exception of the day off on January 7.

As for banks, a similar principle applies. However, many banks are closed throughout the New Year holidays (until January 8), so those receiving pensions through them on these days will receive it in December.

It is important that from 2019 old-age pensions will be indexed by 7.5%. This means that if two pensions are paid in December, the second pension will be paid in an increased amount.

Pensioners expecting their pensions between January 1 and January 5 will receive them on December 28 and 29, 2018. This applies to both those who receive money through the mail and all other citizens to whom money is transferred to a card or delivery is carried out by authorized organizations.

Citizens receiving social payments January 6 and 7, they will also be able to receive them either before the New Year, or on January 6, 2019 - if post offices are open on this day (working hours for postal workers in different regions of the Russian Federation may differ).

Payment of pensions after January 8, 2019 will be carried out according to the usual schedule. The exact delivery time of pensions for January will become known in mid-December 2018.

Pensions in 2019 - indexation amount, how much they will increase

As it became known earlier, from January 1, 2019, social payments will increase in the country. In particular, pensions are indexed from the first month of the year non-working pensioners- the increase will be equal to 7.05% of the payment that the pensioner already receives.

Earlier, the government promised that pensions would increase by a thousand rubles on average across the country, but many perceived this exact amount as the size of the increase. The conclusions were drawn incorrectly - “on average” means that it will increase by a thousand average pension, which now exceeds a little 14 thousand rubles. If your pension is smaller, then the amount of increase, accordingly, will be smaller - indexation will be carried out according to the percentage indicated in the budget, and not for everyone by the same amount.

As 2019 approaches, many pensioners are trying to understand the issue of early payment of pensions for January. Indeed, it follows from the government order that some pensioners will receive their January pension this month.

It is also noted that in a number of regions the delivery schedule for January pensions has changed. The corresponding data was published on the resources of the Russian Pension Fund. Our country already has experience of such payments. Recently, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova confirmed plans for early payment of pensions for January.
“In connection with the indexation of pensions from January 1, 2019, I would like to draw attention to the need to make early advance payments of pensions in December on weekends and holidays 2019, so that citizens can receive this money,” Golikova said.

When will pensions be paid for January 2019?

As explained in the Pension Fund of Russia, the Russian Post will be closed on January 1 and 2, 2019, which means everyone who receives a pension in the first days of the month will receive it before the New Year. Since January 3, the institution, due to its social significance, has been operating as usual, so pensions will be paid according to schedule. True, with a small clarification - those who receive a pension on the 7th and 8th will also be able to receive it earlier - in the week from January 3 to January 5 inclusive.

More precisely, it is better to check the dates of receipt of payments directly at your place of residence or at the point where you receive your pension.

Those who receive pensions from banks will also be able to receive their pension earlier, in December, if the payment date falls on a holiday. Many banks in the country, similar to Russian Post, will not have long New Year holidays, but will start working on January 3rd. But if you find out that your department will be closed until the 8th, like most enterprises in the country, then it is better to clarify in advance how pension payments will be made.

Similarly, it is worth clarifying the date of payments to all recipients of social benefits - social pensions, financial assistance and the like. All of them that fall on holidays will be paid on weekdays in December 2018 or January 2019.

By the way, the paradox is that for non-working pensioners the pensions in December will not be the same - at the beginning of December they received the same amount of payment, but in the end they will receive a higher amount, since pensions will be indexed from January 1, 2019.

Why are changes expected in the pension payment schedule?

Representatives of the credit institution explained that there is an option for early receipt of pensions for those citizens who usually received monthly payments in early January. This is due to the fact that in the period from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019, the country will have a long New Year holidays.

To avoid any problems, Sberbank representatives adjusted the payment schedule. According to official information received from the credit institution, funds will be transferred to the recipient’s bank cards immediately on the day they are transferred by the Pension Fund. In January 2019, you should expect accruals according to the previously established schedule.

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Pensions in 2019 - indexation amount, how much they will increase

As it became known earlier, from January 1, 2019, social payments will increase in the country. In particular, from the first month of the year the pensions of non-working pensioners are indexed - the increase will be 7.05% of the payment that the pensioner already receives.

Earlier, the government promised that pensions would increase by a thousand rubles on average across the country, but many perceived this exact amount as the size of the increase. The conclusions were drawn incorrectly - “on average” means that the average pension will increase by a thousand, which now exceeds a little 14 thousand rubles. If your pension is smaller, then the amount of increase, accordingly, will be smaller - indexation will be carried out according to the percentage indicated in the budget, and not for everyone by the same amount.

Will grow in 2019 and social pensions- from April 2019. The increase will be a little more than 4% - we can immediately say that for this category of the population the amount of the increase does not change from year to year.

Military pensioners will receive an increase only from October 2018 - the increase will be made by the 4.3% adopted by the budget.

As for non-working pensioners, they are not provided with additional payments to their pensions - indexation was frozen in 2015 and nothing has changed yet. A working pensioner will receive an indexed pension only after leaving his place of work and depriving himself of additional income in the form of wages. True, a small increase will still await working pensioners in August 2019 - pensions will increase due to the recalculation of accrued insurance experience and pension points.

It is also impossible not to clarify that from January 1, 2019 comes into force pension reform, which caused a real resonance in society after the deputies adopted the bill. Retirement age in the country will increase to 60 years for women and 65 years for men. The increase will not take place immediately - the full implementation of the reform will be delayed for a decade, since future pensioners will receive “little by little” increases in their working experience every year. At the same time, from the age of 55 years for women and 60 years for men, a citizen will be considered a “pre-retirement person” - he will continue to work, but will have benefits similar to those that existing pensioners in the country have.

Can money be credited in December for January?

Citizens living in the territory Russian Federation, who receive regular payments from the Pension Fund from the 1st to the 5th, may encounter payments received on their cards earlier. Due to the long holidays, Sberbank representatives decided to adjust the schedule for transferring funds to people. The initiative will be approved if the Pension Fund supports it. Pensions for January, which citizens should have received from January 1 to January 5, will be accrued in December 2018 (28th or 29th).

The pension delivery schedule is set monthly by the organization that makes payments:

  • bank or other credit organization;
  • branch of the Russian Post;
  • another organization providing similar services.

Transfer dates are adjusted due to weekends or holidays public holidays. In this case, the transfer of pensions is postponed to the next working day.

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In the first half of January 2019, Russian citizens will have a long weekend to celebrate the New Year and Christmas. Holidays, according to production calendar, will last from December 30 to January 8 inclusive. Therefore, the timing of payment of pensions for January 2019 will change.

More than a week's holiday does not allow you to postpone the date of payment of benefits to the next day. In this regard, by Order of the Board of the Pension Fund of November 28, 2018 No. 682r, it was established early payment of pension for January 2019 in December 2018.

The head of the Pension Fund, Anton Drozdov, explained: “Given that holidays are from 1 to 8, at the end of December - 28 and 29 - we send them to the post office and to credit organizations so that citizens can receive them when the post office and banks start working.”

Who will receive pensions early in December?

According to the order, the postponement of the date of issue will not affect all pensioners, but only those who:

  • receives his benefits in the first third of the month, that is, from the 1st to the 9th.
  • I chose credit to a bank card by credit institutions as the delivery method.

If pensions are delivered no earlier than the 10th, there will be no changes. Also, the issue date will not change for pensioners whose benefits are issued at Russian Post or delivered to their home.

Due to the holidays, the work schedule of institutions will be adjusted in some regions. You can find out when the pension payment for January 2019 will be paid by contacting the branch of the organization at the place of receipt.

The pension payment schedule for January 2019 may differ from other months due to long weekends and the entry into force of the new budget. First of all, the adjustments will affect those who are always paid at the beginning of the month.

December is the end of the financial year, then the new federal budget, including the social budget, comes into force. This will affect the amount of payments, and long weekends will slightly adjust the timing of receiving social benefits.

Basic prerequisites for adjusting the date:

  1. Holidays, from December 30 to January 8, many government and financial organizations do not work, which makes it impossible to physically receive funds;
  2. The end of the budget period, since not all taxpayers make planned payments in advance, filling the budget for the next month may occur with some delay, so it is necessary to determine the source for the timely provision of social benefits. There is an instruction from the Russian Pension Fund to allocate funds for January needs from reserves; other decisions may be made in the regions.

It is worth noting the following adjustments to the amount of benefits:

  • do not expect one-time assistance of 5,000 rubles similar to 2017, it will not happen (this was accumulated indexation, the new budget has a different recalculation mechanism);
  • starting from the first month of the new year, for non-working pensioners, indexation will be carried out at 7.04%, regardless of the date of receipt;
  • for those who continue to work, the recalculation will be carried out later, adjusting the amount to the amount of taxes paid;
  • social assistance for disability will increase by 2.4% from April 1, 2019;
  • the part for citizens living in rural areas is fixed, will additionally increase by 25% in 2019.

Who will be affected by the change in the pension payment schedule for January 2019?

Message from the Pension Fund: the pension payment schedule will be adjusted for social payments until 9.1.19. Further delivery is carried out in standard mode.

As a rule, pension assistance is paid on the same day of each month (from 3 to 22); if the planned date falls on a weekend, then the payment must be made the day before. In general, this rule applies to the first month of the budget period, but each region independently determines the exact payment procedure.

  1. Finish calculations for the last month of the year by December 22-25.
  2. Issue on December 27-28 pension money in advance for those who expect them before January 8, 2019.
  3. Or pay pensions for January 1-5 on December 27-28, 2018, and for January 6-8 on January 9, 2019.
  4. From January 9, the standard schedule is restored.


A representative of the Pension Fund stated that the management had made a decision at the state level on the early payment of pensions for January 2019. Elderly people who are scheduled to expect their benefits by the 8th should receive two monthly payments this month, and in the first month of the current month. d. there will be no re-payment. For these purposes, funds were allocated from the reserve fund. But not all regions fully adhere to this recommendation, and in many, payments begin as planned on January 3, since some bank branches and post offices operate on the 3rd-6th. Payments for holidays (Christmas) are generally scheduled a day in advance. In December, money will definitely be given to those who receive benefits on the 1st or 2nd.

What is the pension payment schedule for January 2019

Pension payment schedule in 2019 in several regions (first month):

  1. Moscow (Russian Post):
  • 3 – the work order is not adjusted,
  • 4 – it will be possible to receive benefits for 4 and 7,
  • 5 – calculations for 05-06;
  1. Crimea:
  • 4 – payments for 4 and 6,
  • 5 – for 5 and 7;

  1. Bryansk region as usual, payments for 7 will be made on the 5th or 6th;
  2. The Volgograd region operates without changes;
  3. Tomsk region:
  • benefits for 1-5 can be received: 4 or 5 at a post office branch, 6-7 - at home, 8 - in rural areas,
  • for 7 – after the 9th;
  1. Tula region:
  • planned accruals for the period 01-05 will produce 4 or 5, depending on the normal operating mode of the department,
  • for the 7th – 5th.

Schedule of pension payment by mail for January 2019

Pensioners who receive payments at the post office should be guided by the work schedule of their branch. If the money is delivered by the postal delivery service to your home or rural area, then deviations from the standard schedule towards delays are possible.

How Russian Post works in January and how this affects the schedule of payments to pensioners:

  • 1 and 2 – days off, benefits are received very rarely on these days (if there are such cases, then accruals must be made before December 29, 2018);
  • 3-5 – calculations in standard mode;
  • 6 – pre-holiday part-time work, planned benefits are paid for the 6th and 7th;
  • 7 – day off;
  • 8 and further – standard operating mode.

Sberbank pension payment schedule for January 2019

Sberbank is actually an intermediary in this process, the term for crediting money depends on the pension fund. If money arrives in a bank account, Sberbank will instantly transfer it to the client’s personal account.

Often SberBank clients receive this type of social payments on the 5th-20th, which excludes the possibility of unscheduled or early accrual in 2019, since the New Year holidays will be over by this time. If there are cases of planned receipts of accruals during the holiday period (January 1-8), then the bank undertakes to make such calculations before December 29, 2018.

Receiving a pension on a bank card in January

If social payments are received through a bank, then they are credited to the client’s card after the money is transferred to the Pension Fund; banking organizations should not delay the settlement process. If planned receipts are planned for the New Year holidays, the funds must be credited to the card ahead of schedule (before the end of 2018).

Plans of financial organizations for settlements with pension clients during holidays:

  • The following are planning to fulfill their obligations by December 29: SberBank, VTB, Vozrozhdenie;
  • 12, 10-15.01 – Srednerussky Bank of Sberbank;
  • 10 – the rest.

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