Nod in the first minor. Summary of nodes in the junior group "we are friendly"

Summary of the integrated lesson in kindergarten. First junior group

Author: Goncharova Marina Mikhailovna, teacher of the MDOU CRR kindergarten No. 1 “Beryozka”, Verkhneuralsk, Chelyabinsk region.
Description of material: I offer you a summary of an integrated lesson for children from 2 to 2.5 years old. This material will be useful to teachers of early and early childhood preschool age.
Integration educational areas: « Cognitive development», « Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".
Target: consolidation of previously acquired knowledge.
Evoke an emotional response in children. Continue to teach children to distinguish objects by size (large - small); distinguish and name colors (yellow, red), form quantitative ideas. Expand words knowledge. Promote movement development. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate a caring attitude and interest in joint activities with an adult.
Demo material: sunshine, toys of a hare and a bunny, a hedgehog, a bear cub, two paths (long and short).
Handout: cardboard carrots of two sizes (for all children), cardboard apples of two colors (yellow and red), two buckets (yellow and red), massage needle balls.

Guys, look out the window!
It shines for everyone, it warms everyone,
He lives in the sky.
Yellow, round, kind
Sends rays to all the children!
- What is this? ( Sun)
- Yes, this is the sun!
(The teacher picks up the sun toy).
- Look, the sun has come to visit us!
- Hello guys! (Hello Sunshine).The sun greets the children: “Hello, Roma, hello, Taya...”
The sun woke up
The kids smiled!
(Let's smile at the sun too)
In the morning the sun rises higher, higher, higher,
By night the sun will set lower, lower, lower. (Joint execution of actions on the text)
- The sun invites us to visit the bear. Shall we go visit you? (Yes.)
- There are two paths in front of us: one path is long, the other is short. Let's say together: long, short. We'll take the long path.
- You quickly get up behind me,
Everyone walk along the path,
Raise your legs higher
Don't leave me behind! (children follow the teacher)
- They walked and walked and came to the little bunny. (On the table under a transparent scarf is a toy bunny and cardboard carrots of two sizes for all children)
- Hello, little bunny. Why are you crying?
-Bunny: I carried carrots for the mother bunny and for me. Big for mom, small for me. There are a lot of carrots, but I mixed them all up.
- Little bunny, don’t cry, the guys and I will help you.
- Guys, how many carrots: one or many? (a lot of)
- What are the largest carrots? (big and small)
-We will give large carrots to the mother bunny, and small ones to the little bunny. (children lay out carrots for the bunny toy and the bunny toy, the teacher helps with intonation words: big ones for the mother bunny, small ones for the little bunny)
-Well done boys!
- Thank you guys! (The hare and the little bunny thank the guys)
- Our guys know how and love to jump. (Game exercise"Bunnies")
Girls and boys jump like bunnies.
Jump into the clearing and jump, have fun, my friend!
- It's time to say goodbye to the hares and move on. Goodbye!
- We walked and walked and came to the hedgehog! (On the table is a toy hedgehog and yellow and red cardboard apples, 2 for each child)
- Hello, hedgehog! (Hello guys)
- How many apples do you have! (say: a lot of apples)
- Apples red and yellow color (the teacher picks up a red apple, say: red apple, takes a yellow apple, say: yellow apple)
- Hedgehog: My apples need to be put into buckets. Yellow apples in a yellow bucket, red apples in a red bucket.
- Our guys love to help. Let's help the hedgehog put the apples into buckets. (children arrange apples by color)
- Hedgehog: Thank you. I have funny hedgehog balls, let's play with them? (Yes)
(The teacher says the words, and the children perform actions with massage balls)
Hedgehog, hedgehog, show us your needles, (roll the ball between the palms)
They say that you are very, very prickly hedgehogs.
“I’ll curl up in a ball and sway along the path, (roll in a circular motion)
Whoever crosses the path will end up on needles.”
- It's time to say goodbye to the hedgehog. Goodbye!
- Along the path we will go to visit the bear and we will get there. Hear: someone is snoring! (Hrr-hrr-hrr..) Let's come and have a look.
- Who is this? (Bear)
- Hello bear, we have come to visit you.
- Rrrrrrr! Hello guys!
- On the way we met a bunny and a hedgehog and helped them.
- Rrrr! What great fellows and helpers you are! Do you want to play with me? (Yes)
Teddy Bear
Beckons the children with his paw, (children move step towards the bear)
Invites you to go for a walk and play catch-up!
R-rr-rrrr (children run away from the bear).
- You played well with me. I have a treat for you. (The bear gives a basket of apples)
- Thank you, bear. Goodbye!
- Guys, who did we go to visit? Who did we help? Well done!

Devyatkina Elena Nikolaevna
MBDOU No. 110 "Swallow", Kemerovo region, Belovo city.

Abstract open class in the first younger group

on speech development

Topic: "Actions"

Program content:

To form in children an idea of ​​good and bad deeds, to teach them to see positive and negative qualities characters, form positive feelings through a smile, cultivate a sense of politeness and kindness.

Tasks: Expand children's knowledge about good and bad deeds.

Equipment: Teddy Bear toy, cards depicting good and bad deeds, basket with treats.

Guys, look how many guests we have in our group today.

Are you happy to have guests?

What do you think should be said to our guests?

Say hello.

(in unison) - Hello!

Now I invite you to sit on the chairs. Sit comfortably (back straight, legs together, hands on your knees).

Show me your radiant, kind eyes. How beautiful they are!

Now you and I will go on a trip, take a train to fairy forest(to music).

Educator - We've arrived. We drove for a long time, we were tired on the road. Sit down on the stumps, relax - Guys, look how beautiful forest clearing, the bright sun smiles at us, butterflies and bees fly, beautiful flowers grow in the clearing, birds sing, and how many green Christmas trees there are. (music sounds of the forest).

Educator - Guys, do you hear someone crying?

In the forest under the Christmas tree Mishka is crying. Toys, pine cones are scattered, a book is torn.

Educator. - Bear, why are you crying?

Bear. - Because I have no friends.

Educator. - Bear, you are doing something bad. You don’t wash your paws with soap, you don’t brush your teeth in the mornings and evenings, you tore your book, scattered your toys.

That's why you are alone and have no friends.

Educator. - Mishutka don’t cry, we will help you! - When you start doing good deeds, your friends will return.

Educator. - Mishutka sit on the stump and play with us once.

A game. “Let’s stomp and clap.”

We invite the children to listen to the poem. For good deeds - clap your hands, for bad deeds

Stomp your feet.

Children love it early in the morning

Wash your eyes with tap water.

Children wash their nose clean,

Well, they love to brush their teeth.

They love to collect toys

Jump on your pillow

Tear the leaves of the book.

Be capricious, scream,

Lie down in your boots on the bed.

Educator. - Did you like the game? - Promise me, children and Mishutka, that you will do only good deeds.

Didactic game.

Cards depicting good and bad deeds

When children do well, the sun rejoices and smiles; when they do poorly, the cloud frowns and threatens rain.

Educator - Children, let's look at the picture that we see. (the girl screams, cries, stamps her foot).

Educator. - Do you think the girl is doing good or bad? (Badly). We put the picture next to the cloud.

Physical education minute.

Educator. - Clap your hands loudly, stamp your feet loudly. Spin like a snowflake and hug your friend (children repeat the movements and hug each other and Mishutka).

Educator - Children, hug each other, smile at Mishutka, let friendship and kindness, a good mood reign.

Educator. - It’s time for us to say goodbye to Mishutka. The children say goodbye to Mishka. Mishutka promises to do only good deeds.

Mishka's friends prepared treats for the children (a basket of sweets).

Educator. - Thank you, dear guests, for coming to us today and giving us your kind smiles!!!

We say goodbye to the guests. We say - Goodbye!!!

The song “From a Smile” sounds.

Comprehensive notes

Abstract of an open integrated GCD in the direction
"Communication" in the first junior group
on the topic “Who lives in the little house?”

Shaimieva A.I., teacher of MADOU No. 106 “Fun”, Naberezhnye Chelny, RT

Program content: consolidate children's understanding of domestic animals, promote the ability to distinguish between appearance and name domestic animals what they eat; consolidate the pronunciation of sounds in onomatopoeic words; in reading nursery rhymes; cultivate a caring, humane attitude towards pets.

Age group: first junior group


  • Consolidating children's knowledge about pets (cat, rooster, horse) .
  • Forming children's skills to recognize and show domestic animals.
  • Formation of skills to hear and fulfill the teacher’s request.
  • Strengthening in children such moral and ethical qualities as empathy and kindness towards animals.

Integration of educational areas: "Reading fiction", "Communication", "Socialization", "Cognition", "Formation complete picture peace."

Materials and equipment: toys cat, cockerel, horse, grain, milk, grass, saucers, interactive board.

Preliminary work: reading nursery rhymes “Pussy”, “Cockerel”, “Horse”, didactic games: “Who’s screaming?”, looking at the album “Pets”.

Vocabulary work: the fur is soft, fluffy, long fluffy tail, multi-colored feathers, sharp beak, mane, fast strong legs.

Individual work: with Elina, Arina - repeat onomatopoeia, with Mark, Evelina - memorize nursery rhymes.

Planned results: listens to the teacher with interest, with the help of an adult compares toys by size, takes part in the “Children” physical education lesson; answers to simple questions teacher about a cat, a rooster, a horse.

GCD move:

1. Organizational moment.

(Children enter the group, the teacher meets the children).

Educator: Hello guys, let's say hello to you. (I pronounce the poetic lines and show the movements, the children repeat)

Hello, palms


Hello legs


Hello cheeks


Hello sponges


Hello my nose

Hello guests! (raise hands, greet guests).

2. Main part. Creating a game situation.

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful house it is. Who lives in this house? (Knocking).

Who lives in the little house? (Showing a cat toy).

Who is this? (Children's answers)

It's a cat. How beautiful she is! Say hello to her.

What kind of fur does she have? (Soft, fluffy). What kind of tail? (Long fluffy). Ears? (Little ones).

Pet the cat. How does a cat meow?

What nursery rhyme do we know about pussy? (Children and the teacher tell a nursery rhyme):

Pussy, pussy, pussy, scat!

Don't sit on the path.

This is where the boys will go

They will fall through the pussy!

Educator: Oh, look, the cat looks sad. Let's ask her what happened. What happened kitty? Guys, the cat is hungry, what does she like to eat? (Children's answers)

Educator: Now we will feed the cat milk. (I let the children feed the cat from the saucer).

Educator: Who else lives in the house? (Knocking). Who lives in the little house? Does he get up early and doesn't let the kids sleep? (Children's answers). (I take out a toy cockerel)

What cockerel? (Beautiful). The cockerel has colorful feathers, a long tail, and a sharp beak. What song does the cockerel sing? (Children's answers).

What nursery rhyme do we know about the cockerel? (Children together with the teacher recite the nursery rhyme “Cockerel, cockerel”):

Cockerel, cockerel

golden comb,

Olive head,

Silk beard.

That you get up early

Don't you let the kids sleep?

Educator: Let's feed the cockerel. What shall we treat him with? (Seeds are poured in and children feed the cockerel from a saucer).

Physical education session “Children”

Girls and boys: clap, clap, clap,

Jumping like balls, jump-jump, jump-jump

feet trample stomp-stomp-stomp

blink their eyes (close eyes)

Afterwards they rest. (free hands squat)

3. Feeding pets.

Educator: Do you hear guys, who is it that says yoke-go? (Children's answers). This is a horse. (I take out a toy horse). What's this on the horse? (Mane). What is she like? (Long). Do you know why she jumps quickly and quickly? Her legs are long, fast, strong. (Looking at the horse). - We will now become horses and quickly and quickly gallop! - How do horses click their hooves? (click my tongue).

We will click and shout loudly. (Children imitate horses).

(Children together with the teacher tell the nursery rhyme “Horse”):

Clack - clack, clack - clack!

I am a horse, gray side.

I'll knock my hoof

If you want, I'll give you a ride!

Educator: Did you like playing horses? Let's feed the horse. What shall we treat her to? Green grass. (children feed the horse green grass from a saucer).

4. Reflection.

Educator: Guys, who lives in the tower? (Children's answers). These are pets. They live next to humans. Now you can play with them.

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Talmensky kindergarten No. 5"

Talmensky district of Altai Territory

Final GCD

Cognitive development

in the first junior group

"Visiting Little Bear"

Prepared and conducted by educators:

Golubtsova N.V.


Summary of the final GCD in the first junior group: “Visiting the little bear.”

Target: Consolidation of elementary mathematical representations about the basic properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world: shape, color, size.


    Exercise children in identifying and naming colors (red, yellow, green, blue); sizes (large - small, high - low, long - short); geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle) through visual and tactile examination, comparison;

    Learn the names of some wild animals and recognize them.

    Continue work to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in different types activity, gradually including all types of perception. (identify color, size, shape using examination)

    Develop fine motor skills;

    Z strengthen children’s ability to distinguish between sad and happy moods;

    Strengthen the ability to determine the number of objects (“many”, “one”);

    Enrich children's vocabulary with nouns denoting the names of objects and adjectives: cheerful - sad, soft - fluffy, big - small, high - low;

    Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers, development of emotional responsiveness and empathy. Forming children's readiness for joint activities.

Equipment : sound recording of transformation, noise of the forest; a bear, a hare, a wolf - a toy, a bridge with geometric shapes, a house, high and low trees.

Progress of the lesson

Surprise moment .

Let's say hello to you.

Hello, palms. Clap - clap - clap.

Hello legs. Top - top - top.

Hello cheeks. Plop - plop - plop.

Chubby cheeks. Plop - plop - plop.

Hello sponges. Smack - smack - smack.

Hello, teeth. Click - click - click.

Hello, my little nose. Beep - beep - beep.

Hello, guests. Hello!

Playback: Guys, I suggest you go on a trip to the magical forest to visit Mishutka. But in order to get into the magical forest we need to close our eyes and say magic words.

The teacher says the magic words ,children close their eyes. Music is playing

One two three four,

Five, six, seven,

Eight nine ten.

The white moon is coming out!

Who will reach the month?

He'll get into the forest right now!

Open your eyes!

Look, we found ourselves in a magical forest.Music is playing

Well, are you and I going to visit the little bear? Where does Mishke live?

Children: assumptions

Playback: Guys, look under the Christmas tree, who is it:

Long ears stick out
gray paws are trembling...
Guess who's under the tree...
There's a little coward sitting here... (bunny)

Children: answers

Playback: That's right bunny, let's say hello to the bunny!
Educator: - What hare?
Children: - gray, fluffy.
Educator: - What kind of ears does a hare have?
Children : - long (children show)
Educator: - What kind of tail does the bunny have?
Children : - short, small (children show).
Children’s answers are monosyllabic and phrases: “long ears”, “short tail”, “White, fluffy bunny”, etc. The teacher praises them for their proactive statements.
Educator: - Bunny, can you tell us how to get to Mishutka?

Bunny: I'll tell you if you play with me.
Educator: Shall we play with the bunny?
Game exercise “The gray bunny is sitting...”. Children repeat the words together with the teacher and perform movements in accordance with the text.
The gray bunny is sitting
And he wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He's moving his ears!
It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm our paws.
Like this, like this
We need to warm up our little paws!
It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump.
Like this, like this
The bunny needs to jump!

Bunny: you need to go to the river and cross it.

Children and children say thank you and say goodbye to the bunny.

Playback: kidsThere’s a river on our way, look, and someone broke the bridge over the river.

What to do?

Children: answers

Playback: Let's fix the bridge (you need to insert geometric figures into empty holes) (children complete tasks by inserting a shape and calling its color)

Well done, we crossed the river,

Playback: where should we go next? Look guys, who's hiding under the tree?

Children: wolfEducator :- Guys, what kind of wolf?
Children : - gray, big, angry.
Educator: - Guys, how does a wolf howl?
Children : - Uh-uh

Playback: top, tell me how to get to Mishutka?
Wolf: I'll tell you if you play marbles with me.
Educator: Shall we play well with the wolf?

Children: Yes
Breathing exercise “Balloons”
Let's inflate the balloon with you
He's getting big.
The balloon burst, at least it was good
Looked like rags.
Educator: - What kind of ball was it?
Children: - big.
Educator : - It burst, what did it look like?
Children blow on their hands, spread them apart, and connect them together.
Children: - became thin, like rags.

Vosp : And now the top, can you tell me where we can find the bear?

Wolf: yes, you need to walk along the path and you will find yourself at Mishutka’s house

Children and children say thank you and say goodbye to the top.

Playback: Guys, there are two paths in front of us. To get to the house we will need to follow a long path. What color is the path in front of us?

There are two tracks on the floor: a long one - red and a short one - green.

Which of the two tracks is longer - red or green?

Children: Red.

The children follow the teacher along the path and approach the house.

Educator: We walked and came to the house.

Guys, look, there are Christmas trees growing near Mishka’s house.

Look how many Christmas trees there are?

How many tall Christmas trees?

How many low trees?

Look, who's that in the window?

Hello, Mishka!

Bear: Hello kids!

Playback: What bear?

Children: The bear is big, soft, fluffy.

Playback: Children, look, what is Mishka’s mood?(A model of a sad mood is shown.)

Children: Sad.

Educator: Guys, so that the bear doesn’t be sad, let’s play with him.

Finger gymnastics:

There is a house in a clearing

Well, the path to the house is closed

We are opening the gates

We invite everyone to visit!

Playback: kids, look at Mishka’s mood now?

Children: fun.

Bear: How much fun I had with you, I prepared a treat for you.

(takes out a tray of candies and distributes it to the children)

Playback and children: Thank you Mishka!

Educator: Guys, did you like our trip?

Children: Yes.

Playback: Who did we come to visit?

Children: answers

Bear: Who helped you get to Me?

Vosp : What did you and I do, what tasks did we complete?

Playback: Well, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten, I’ll say the magic words and we’ll end up in kindergarten, close your eyes

One two three four,

Five, six, seven,

Eight nine ten.

The white moon is coming out!

Who will reach the month?

IN kindergarten will hit!(Music)

The children say goodbye and go back to the group.

Description of material:

Summary of educational activities in the first junior group on the topic: “Let's play with pyramids” Sensory development

Integration of educational areas: OO Communication, OO Artistic creativity, NGO Socialization. OO Cognition.

Target: enrichment sensory experience children when comparing objects by size. Reinforce the concept of “many” “one” Improve manual motor skills.

Tasks: Learn to group objects by color. Develop coordination of hand movements, develop visual and auditory perception.

Demo material: A large pyramid on a conical base of five multi-colored rings. Teddy bear toy.

Handout: Pyramids for each child on a conical base of five multi-colored rings.

Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation dialogue, physical education lesson “We stomp our feet”, productive activity children, summing up

GCD move:

A surprise moment, there is a knock on the door and Mishutka comes in with a large bag.

Educator: the forest resident Mishutka came to us, it was his birthday and all the forest guests gave him many pyramids, and Mishutka decided to bring them to the kindergarten for the children, keeping only one for himself. The teacher puts the pyramids on the table and invites Mishutka to play with the pyramids with the children.

Game exercise “Assemble a pyramid”

Educator: Children, look at what beautiful pyramids Mishka brought you. Let's look at it together. How many rings does the pyramid have?

Children's answers (many). The teacher takes off the rings, and the children name their color and size.

Educator: (takes off the first ring) which ring? What colour?

Children: this is a small ring, it is green, and so on until the end. If the children find it difficult, the teacher calls it himself.

Educator: Now I will give you all pyramids, and you first take off the rings, putting them in a row, and then put them on: first - the largest one, then - smaller ones, even smaller ones, then the smallest one.

Children begin the task, the teacher helps with the exercise.

Educator: Well done guys. We put everything together correctly and even helped Mishutka, let’s applaud our success.

Physical education lesson “We stomp our feet”

The teacher and Mishutka offer to play. Children perform all movements, imitating the teacher.

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands


We give up:


We'll spread our hands

Let's all go in circles.

Game exercise “Arrange the rings by color”

Children sit at tables, with a folded pyramid in front of each child.

Educator: now we need to disassemble the pyramid and mix all the rings.

The children sort it out and the teacher helps mix the rings.

Educator: Nikita will only collect blue rings, like these (shows a blue ring). And Katyusha will only collect red ones,

Maxim will collect green rings. Similarly, the teacher gives tasks to other children. Children select rings of the desired color and place them on the table nearby.

Educator: raise up someone’s blue rings?

Children lift

Educator: raise up someone’s red rings? And so on.

Educator: What great fellows you all are. All the rings were assembled correctly.

The phone rings. The teacher pretends to be talking to the bear.

It's time for our Mishutka to come home, his mother is calling him, let's say goodbye to him. The children say goodbye to Mishutka.