Autumn cosmetic procedures. Facial care in autumn: what to pay special attention to

Golden and generous! The beginning of autumn is a favorable and friendly period, and, in general, for well-being, and for the condition of the skin and hair, it is a time of recovery, rehabilitation after the scorching sun and stifling summer heat. Cold winds are not blowing yet, there are no lingering gray rains, the sun during the day is still warm like summer, but not so aggressive, the gardens and orchards are full of fruits and vegetables. What else do you need to feel comfortable? In general, it's time to take care of yourself and your appearance.

Early autumn beauty treatments

For most cosmetic procedures, autumn is the best time. True, such activities as laser skin resurfacing, cryodestruction, anti-pigmentation mesotherapy, as well as procedures associated with deep skin peeling, will be left for a later period. And now, at the beginning of autumn, we will engage in more gentle rehabilitation, caring and rejuvenating procedures. Moderately warm weather and soft autumn sun do not interfere with hygienic and therapeutic procedures, performing superficial peeling, or taking a course of biorevitalization.

In early autumn, beauty salons may offer a course of salon procedures to deeply moisturize the skin, a massage course using a variety of moisturizing concentrates, serums, moisturizing and nourishing masks, various for the face, body, and hair. The choice of necessary procedures depends on the condition of the skin and hair, and they are selected according to individually.

But, as they say, rely on the salon, but don’t make a mistake yourself! Even if you use the services of professionals, the need for home care does not disappear.

Now may be the right time to replenish your supplies. cosmetics, moreover, precisely with restoring, healing, moisturizing products. High-quality cosmetics based on natural ingredients will renew the skin, revitalize it and give it excellent tone. Modeling face masks and creams with a lifting effect, cosmetics with peptide complexes, cosmetics based on seaweed, with essential oils(shea, rosemary, fennel, citrus), ivy, horse chestnut extracts - there is plenty to choose from.

Well, don’t forget about the gifts of nature. Autumn provides all the conditions for high-quality and effective home skin care using natural remedies.

Masks and lotions for the autumn period

Autumn gives us an abundance of vegetables and fruits, which during this period enter the time of full maturity and contain the maximum amount of vitamins and microelements - these are grapes, apples, pears, watermelons, melons, peppers... - our eyes run wild! We will make autumn masks from them.

It is difficult to find a berry more beneficial for the skin than grape . Ripe ones are rich in glucose, proteins, vitamins B, C and carotene, potassium salts, sodium, magnesium, iron, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, microelements, pectin substances. Dark grape varieties are rich in bioflavonoids, natural antioxidants that neutralize the effects of free radicals. There are especially many of them in seeds and skins. Recent research into the healing properties of this amazing plant is experiencing a real boom, so many useful things have been discovered there. The seeds of red grapes contain the strongest antioxidant, resveratol, which improves the condition of the cardiovascular system and rejuvenates the body. White grapes are also good in their own way. Of course, the best qualities of grapes appear when consumed internally, but, unfortunately, there is a fairly large list of contraindications - a weak pancreas, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as diabetes or obesity. But its external use is shown to everyone!

Grape juice stimulates metabolism in the skin and moisturizes it no worse, and maybe better than many ready-made creams. Daily rubbing of the skin of the face, neck and hands with natural grape juice gives a good cosmetic effect. The procedures must be repeated daily throughout the grape season. 10-15 minutes after applying the grape juice, rinse it off with warm water.

Grape juice mask for sensitive skin. To two teaspoons of grape juice, add a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of cottage cheese, grind well. Apply the mixture to your face, rinse with cold water after 10-15 minutes.

They are also very useful from the point of view of cosmetic procedures. melons and watermelons , let’s not say anything about their taste, they don’t need any comments.

Pulp melons , rich in vitamin A, when used as nourishing and toning masks, gives the skin softness and smoothness, and the hair a pleasant healthy shine.

There are many vitamins with antioxidant properties in melon peels. It is useful to apply these crusts on the face, or rub them and make masks from the resulting mass. Such procedures have a noticeable rejuvenating effect on the skin of the face.

Melon moisturizing lotion. Mash the melon pulp and leave for 1-2 hours, then squeeze out the juice, mix it with 2 tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of salt. Wait for the salt to dissolve, strain the resulting mixture and add a glass of vodka. Wipe clean washed skin with lotion at any convenient time. There is no need to wash it off; let it remain on the skin for 1-2 hours.

Melon mask for normal to dry skin. Mash the melon pieces to a pulp, mix with honey and sour cream. For 2-3 tablespoons of melon pulp, 1 teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the mask to your face. After 15-20 minutes, wash off.

If practiced regularly for a month, the skin becomes elastic and takes on a white-ruddy color with a matte tint.

No less beneficial for health and blooming appearance and striped watermelon , from its pulp you can prepare excellent and cleansing and nourishing masks. Masks can even be made from watermelon seeds, because they contain very healthy oil, in physical and chemical properties reminiscent of almond...

Watermelon seed mask. Grind the seeds as finely as possible (you can use a meat grinder), add a little boiled water. Apply the mixture to your face for 10-15 minutes, rinse. The skin will take on a fresh, velvety appearance.

Mask for dry, dehydrated skin with pigment spots. Grind the watermelon pulp and apply the resulting pulp to your face for 10-15 minutes. Before applying the mask, dry, dehydrated skin with age spots should be wiped with olive or corn oil and a compress should be applied for five minutes. For a compress, soak a towel in hot water with soda (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), or in a warm chamomile infusion. Rinse off the mask with water room temperature and apply nutritious cream.

Masks and lotions from pears makes facial skin smooth, elastic, and reduces pores. Additionally, these luxurious fruits contain quercetin, which fights inflammation. Pear juice is suitable for caring for any skin type. For the mask, very ripe pulp is taken and kneaded to a paste. Keep the mask for 20 minutes and wash off first with warm and then cold water.

Well refreshes, vitaminizes and nourishes any skin, a mask made from rubbed apples .

Apple mask for normal skin: Peel the apple, grate it, mix with a teaspoon of sour cream or olive (corn, sunflower) oil and a teaspoon of starch, apply to the face and neck for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Moisturizing apple mask: grate one green apple on a coarse grater. Add 2 teaspoons of fresh honey. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Rub your face with an ice cube or wash with cold water. Apply moisturizer. After a hot summer, this mask will be a real salvation for sun-dried, tanned and rough skin.

As for hair...

When rehabilitating the skin of the face, we do not ignore the hair. In the fall, you can restore them with the help of a scalp massage, moisturizing treatments, nourishing serums, biolamination and molecular glossing. You can and should supplement your range of salon procedures with homemade masks. For example, like this:

Grape hair mask. Peel about 50 grapes from skins and seeds, mash them into a paste, add 1 egg yolk and 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable or olive oil. Stir thoroughly, carefully rub the mask into the scalp, massaging it, and distribute the rest of the mixture over the entire length of the hair. Warm your head (cap, towel, etc.), keep the mask on for 2 hours, wash your hair with shampoo for your hair type. Then rinse your hair with water and add half a glass of fresh grape juice. This mask is suitable for dry, brittle hair; it perfectly revitalizes hair damaged by the sun and heat.

The result of an integrated approach to autumn cosmetic procedures will be soft, smooth, moisturized, elastic skin, ready for all the challenges of the upcoming cold season, elastic,

Another hot summer has ended. As a souvenir, it left delightful photographs of family vacations, enthusiastic posts on Vkontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki or Instagram, a golden tan and... tired skin. Do we always remember that the gentle rays of the sun, warming us with warmth, destroy collagen and lead to the appearance age spots, and sea air and salty spray dry out the skin? Of course not! In summer we enjoy relaxation, sun and great mood. But now, in October, it’s time to think about how to properly care for your skin in the fall.

Ideal time for facial care

This may seem surprising, but autumn is the best period to take care of restoring the health and beauty of your skin:

  • It's not hot outside anymore, but it's not cold either.
  • The skin and body are saturated with vitamins and microelements obtained from fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.
  • Solar activity has begun to decline, which means that you can now afford those procedures for which exposure to the sun is contraindicated.

And before we move on to choosing the best skin care programs for the fall, let's figure out how and why it looks now.

Features of “autumn” skin

You have probably noticed more than once that in the autumn off-season not only problem (dry, oily or sensitive), but also normal skin looks and “behaves” differently than usual. After the summer sun, wrinkles have become more noticeable, freckles have intensified or pigment spots have suddenly appeared, and the feeling of tightness and dryness is disturbing. On the one hand, most of these manifestations are associated with the effect of photoaging, and on the other hand, with the onset of cold weather and damp weather.

So what happened to the skin of the face?! Firstly, the content of natural humectant has decreased hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin fibers that maintain tone and elasticity. As a result, previously invisible wrinkles “appeared”. Secondly, unfortunately, over the years, tanning pigment is not formed in skin cells as evenly as in youth, and therefore after summer we may be unpleasantly surprised by pigment spots. And the “renewal” of the skin gets worse and worse over the years.

Knowing the main reasons for skin changes after summer, it is easy to create the TOP seasonal autumn procedures. By the way, I hasten to disappoint those who expect to get by with store-bought cosmetics or homemade face masks: not a single skin cream or “magic” herbal decoction cannot be compared with the effect of procedures performed by specialists in the clinic of plastic surgery and aesthetic cosmetology.

Choice number 1. Professional peeling

What it is?

Peeling is a special procedure that allows you to renew the skin by removing the top layer of the epidermis. Since after such treatment protection from UV rays is necessary, autumn - best time to perform peeling.

What types of peeling are there?

Depending on the degree of impact on the skin, peeling can be superficial, medium and deep. Gommages and scrubs for superficial peeling can be used for facial care in the fall at home, but medium or deep peeling must be performed by a qualified specialist.

In addition to home cosmetics, there are several methods professional peeling, which differ in the methods of removing the epidermis:

  • Mechanical: microdermabrasion (grinding with aluminum oxide crystals), brossage with rotating brushes, vacuum or ultrasonic peeling, based on the exfoliation of the surface epithelium under the influence of low pressure or ultrasound.
  • Physical: cryotherapy (skin renewal using ice or liquid nitrogen) and laser resurfacing (“burning” the upper layer of the epidermis under the influence of a laser beam).
  • Chemical: the effect on the skin of solutions of acids and enzymes that destroy the bonds between keratinized epithelial cells. It is chemical compounds that are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

What effect does peeling have?

After removing the surface layer of the epidermis, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic. The procedure allows you to get rid of fine wrinkles, “excessive” tanning and some age spots, as well as restore skin tone.

Choice No. 2. Biorevitalization

What it is?

Biorevitalization is a type of mesotherapy based on the injection saturation of the deep layers of the skin with hyaluronic acid. Since after the procedure it is necessary to avoid ultraviolet rays, it is better to do it in the fall. Quite often, such injections, in addition to hyaluronic acid, include other biological active ingredients- peptides, amino acids, vitamins, glycerin.

What effect does biorevitalization have?

Getting deep into the skin, hyaluronic acid retains moisture and also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibers. As a result, the facial contour improves, wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out, the skin becomes more elastic, moisturized and velvety.

Choice No. 3. Fractional photothermolysis

What it is?

The procedure using the Fraxel device (fractional photothermolysis) is a modern, high-precision technique for skin rejuvenation due to deep penetration of laser beams.

What effect does fractional photothermolysis have?

Unlike laser machines for resurfacing (peeling), the Fraxel device acts not on the superficial, but on the deep layers of the skin, causing renewal processes in them. Under the influence of laser beams, the temperature in damaged cells rises, they are destroyed and at the same time regenerative processes are launched - neighboring healthy cells are activated, collagen and elastin fibers are produced.

The procedure allows not only to increase skin tone, improve its color and texture, but also to get rid of superficial and deep wrinkles, scars, and age spots.

Choice No. 4. Contour plastic surgery

What it is?

Contour plastic surgery is a minimally invasive aesthetic surgery technique based on creating a frame under the skin from heavy-duty threads or filling wrinkles with special biocompatible gels (fillers or fillers).

What types of contouring are there?

  • Thread lifting with the introduction of strong surgical threads under the skin, for the treatment of which lactic acid is used.
  • Injection contour plastic surgery, in which wrinkles are filled with fillers based on hyaluronic acid or polycaprolactone.

What effect does contouring have?

The effect of contouring is determined by the method used to perform it. Thus, with thread lifting, a frame is formed in the skin, which stimulates the production of its own elastin and collagen fibers. At the same time, precise injection of fillers into the skin creates additional volume, allowing naturally improve the oval of the face, get rid of wrinkles, pronounced nasolabial and nasolacrimal folds, sagging skin. Such procedures are an excellent solution for caring for the face and skin around the eyes in the fall after 40 years.

Choice number 5. Hair removal of facial skin

What it is?

Epilation is a method of getting rid of excess facial hair by destroying the hair follicles.

What types of hair removal are there?

Depending on the method of getting rid of unwanted “vegetation,” the following hair removal techniques are distinguished:

  • Electrolysis- burning of hair follicles under the influence of electric current;
  • Laser hair removal— destruction of the hair follicle due to heating of pigmented cells with a laser beam;
  • Photoepilation- the effect on the hair follicle of a powerful beam of light, due to the heat of which it is destroyed;
  • ELOS hair removal- combined effects on the skin of light energy and electric current.

The optimal hair removal method must be chosen taking into account the color and structure of the hair. To finally get rid of “vegetation”, you will need several procedures, after which the hair will gradually become thinner and lighter, and eventually stop growing altogether.

What types of peelings are there and what is radio wave lifting? A cosmetologist talks about popular cosmetic procedures

Autumn is the best time to improve the condition of the skin after a hot summer, saturate it with moisture, remove dead cells and nourish the skin with vitamins. Together with a cosmetologist, neurologist, physiotherapist and trainer in injection techniques and professional cosmetics Natalia Vorontsova Let's look at several methods that you can take a closer look at in the fall.

King of Autumn – chemical peeling

After you have arrived from the sea or from hot countries, it’s time to go to a cosmetologist to restore sun-damaged skin. To restore a fresh look to the skin, a cosmetologist may recommend removing solar hyperkeratosis ( excessive thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis - ed..), rid the skin of dead cells that, due to the sun, the skin fixes on the surface, forming a “protective shell”. Chemical peels will help with this. There are a lot of options for chemical peels - with different contents and combinations of acids.

“Which procedure is right for you should be determined by an experienced specialist. He will conduct a diagnosis, warn about possible contraindications and recommend the procedure taking into account individual characteristics your skin"

Noted by Natalia Vorontsova.

How does a chemical peel work?

The main essence of chemical peeling is its effect on our skin. various types acids that solve specific problems:⠀

– rejuvenation,
– update,⠀
– lightening,⠀
– treatment of acne,⠀
– rosacea,
– correction of wrinkle depth,⠀
– correction of scars,⠀
– reduction of stretch marks.

What are peelings?

Today there are many options for chemical peels, but they can be divided into several categories.

Superficial chemical peels work only at the level of dead cells, barely affecting the layer of living ones. This procedure produces a quick effect: the skin becomes smoother and fresher. But the effect will not last long - about two weeks. To achieve a lasting result and work on all layers of the skin, you need to undergo a short course of procedures.

The exact number of procedures you will need will be told to you by a cosmetologist who will assess the condition of your skin (usually 4-6 times). It is advisable to carry out the procedure once a week or once every 10 days.

Deep, scalding chemical peels used when you need to form the required depth chemical burn even out skin texture, work on scars, deep wrinkles. But we should warn you right away: you need to mentally prepare yourself for the fact that your skin will look unpresentable in the first few days.

Remember Samantha from Sex and the City, who was stupid and got a scalding peel the day before Kerry’s book presentation? She had to wear a hat and veil to the event...

Therefore, be sure to ask your cosmetologist what effect you will get from this or that peeling. Be patient! On the second day, crusts will appear on the face, and on the third, swelling will appear. On days 5-7, the skin will flake and flake, but swelling may persist.

The desired effect will begin to appear on the 14th or even 18th day. This procedure is performed only when it is truly advisable. In addition, it should not be done in one fell swoop: the skin must first be prepared with a series of gentle chemical peels, which we discussed above.

Stimulating chemical peels“work” with a layer of living cells without affecting the surface layers. The skin immediately looks refreshed, but the final result comes on the 10th day. These peels are done at intervals of 2-3 weeks, do not require frequent repetition and are done in a course of 3-4 procedures. The procedure is painless, and there are no crusts or burns on the face.

Homemade chemical peels. This peeling is useful for every woman aged 27 years and older to have at home. Home peels differ from salon peels in that they contain a low concentration of the active substance – acid. A reduced concentration, but applied to the skin more often gives a renewing and rejuvenating effect on the skin. After two or three months we see beautiful dense, elastic, younger skin.⠀However, there is also a contraindication - an individual allergic reaction to the ingredients.

Procedure No. 2: Biorevitalization

This is the second procedure that can be done when arriving from the sea. But when going to the sea, it’s also a good idea to protect your skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and moisture loss with the help of this procedure.

Biorevitalization is a procedure for introducing small droplets of hyaluronic acid into the skin using a thin needle over the entire area of ​​the face, neck, and décolleté. It can be a salvation for skin that is “withered” in the sun, and a cosmetologist can also recommend it to those young ladies who have “overdone” their tanning. Usually two or three procedures are enough with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

By the way, modern biorevitalizants can contain not only hyaluronic acid, but also vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants, and amino acids. Of course, such drugs are more expensive, but in this case there is no need for related procedures, such as mesotherapy.

Skin and hair require more careful care in autumn. And, besides, September is the best time to prepare for cold weather and seasonal vitamin deficiency. Experts recommend cleansing the skin of the face and body with peelings, undergoing hair treatment and making several moisturizing and fortified face masks. Cosmetologist Lyudmila Kuznetsova talks about the most necessary salon procedures September.

Autumn tips

To restore the strength lost to the skin in the fight against the scorching rays of the sun, a course of moisturizing masks is ideal, and if you have wrinkles, a course mesotherapy.

In the fall, replace the lightweight gel night cream for a more saturated product, remove makeup with milk, and when purchasing a day cream, focus on moisturizing.

The main procedures of autumn

For face

In summer, the skin is exposed to a series of negative factors, including UV radiation and temperature changes. It is not surprising that already at the end of August it looks tired, begins to fade and lose moisture.

Creams are not always able to improve the condition of the skin in a short time. Comes to the rescue biorevitalization , which has become one of the most popular autumn procedures in beauty salons.

Biorevitalization is one of the varieties mesotherapy . During the procedure, moisturizing hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin, resulting in skin regeneration.

As a result, you get healthy, glowing skin, free from signs of fatigue and swelling. Experts recommend doing from two to five sessions with a break of 2-3 weeks.

For hair

Beauty salons offer comprehensive techniques (courses of procedures) aimed at restoring hair, improving its color, getting rid of fragility, dryness, split ends and hair loss. Hair healing occurs at the molecular level.

Nourishing serums are applied to the hair, useful compounds, masks and other means. Hairdressers recommend trimming the ends. The best therapeutic method of cutting hair is with hot scissors, after which the hair grows faster, splits less and is even easier to style.

For body

The effect of a high-quality peeling course is comparable to the result of hardware techniques. There are about fifty options for skin resurfacing. The most popular methods are gentle glycolic peels, fruit acid peels, and laser peels.

Which one is right for you, the cosmetologist must decide individually, universal recipe Beauty does not exist in the case of peelings.

The choice of method largely depends on your skin type and its characteristic problems. Thus, superficial peeling is used for minor defects, for example, freckles, medium peeling is recommended for acne and shallow wrinkles, deep peeling is recommended for skin with enlarged pores, smallpox scars, mature, dull skin, etc.

The main purpose of resurfacing is to even out the complexion, smooth out fine wrinkles, and start the process of natural regeneration of the skin.

In spring and summer, our skin, like a sponge, absorbs all the negative environmental factors, and as a result, enlarged pores, hated blackheads, comedones and often the skin is dehydrated from high temperatures and insolation. In September, when ultraviolet activity has dropped, it is possible and necessary to carry out peeling procedures for deep and thorough cleansing, in order to stimulate and regenerate new cells, to achieve smooth, healthy, radiant skin. What is skin peeling? This is a medical procedure aimed at cleansing and exfoliating dead skin cells. This includes: all kinds of facial skin cleansing, ultrasonic peeling, microdermabrasion, and the actual classification of all peelings: all-season, superficial, medium or deep peeling.
All procedures are selected by a cosmetologist individually and depend on the condition of the skin.

IMPORTANT! Procedures such as peelings must be carried out strictly by a dermatologist in a cosmetology office, in compliance with the conditions of the procedure protocol. Since with an unprofessional approach there is a high risk of skin burns, and as a result: scars, cicatrices, pigmentation, thinning of the skin.

2. Facial care: moisturizing and nourishing the skin

This is the second stage to beautiful and healthy facial skin, after cleansing and exfoliating.
At this stage, doctors at the Epimed clinic include a set of procedures specially selected for your skin type and desired results.

Mesotherapy is an injection procedure that includes a cocktail of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, peptides, active acids and a host of other microelements that not only moisturize our skin, but also nourish it, saturating it with vitamins and amino acids from the inside. They also nourish and thicken the skin, which helps improve skin turgur and quality. In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, mesotherapy also fights problems such as rashes, hyperkeratosis, acne and post-acne.
Biorevitalization is an injection procedure aimed at moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hand skin. In the fall, this is the most relevant and popular procedure among residents of the metropolis. With the help of hyaluronic acid injections, the skin is deeply moisturized, saturated with moisture and toned, which actually gives a rejuvenating effect.

3. Lifting and rejuvenation

Our doctors specifically included this stage in a separate group. Skin elasticity and tone are usually achieved in combination and with integrated approach. The previous stages of cleansing and moisturizing the skin are mandatory as preparation for global rejuvenation.
At this stage, the bestseller, already so beloved not only by doctors, but also by patients, is the multi-stage IPL platform from Lumenis M22. This newest approach in the field of rejuvenation and correction of aesthetic problems and skin imperfections. Photorejuvenation M22 is a procedure that is indicated for every patient, since the capabilities of this device are not limited.

What problems does M22 solve?

  • intradermal resurfacing, without damaging the integrity of the skin, due to which the level of collagen and elastin is produced in our skin a hundredfold, and collagen and elastin are responsible for the tone and quality of our skin
  • elimination of pigmentation and hyperpigmentation of the skin, erases the effects of UV and “sun kisses” from the face
  • fights rosacea, blood vessels and rosacea
  • indicated for acne and post-acne, i.e. k. has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • works great with the body, is responsible for the absence of cellulite, tone and lifting of the skin

We also included Botulinum toxin injections at this stage. In the summer, in the rays of the bright sun, we squint, our facial expressions are very active, and facial wrinkles form on our face. It has long been a well-known fact that the botulinum therapy procedure is today the only, unparalleled correction and elimination procedure facial wrinkles, which is also safe. Indicated for correction not only of the forehead, eyebrow area and eye area. Doctors also actively use botulinum toxins to correct the lower third of the face. But that’s not all, Botulinum toxins also work with the problem of hyperhidrosis, active sweating in armpits, palms and feet.

4. Daily care

For prolongation and long-term effect, doctors at the Epimed clinic always prescribe proper care to your patients. This stage includes supporting care procedures in the clinic using professional premium brands that moisturize, nourish and rejuvenate our skin during breaks between injection and hardware cosmetology. And of course, this is home care. Creams, serums, lotions and masks are your irreplaceable friends at home.

Only a competent and professional approach will help maintain the beauty and health of your skin for many years.