From hatred to love there is only one step. From hate to love - three years

Marina studied at the most ordinary school in the most ordinary village. She was an ordinary girl and did not stand out among her classmates. She recently broke up with her boyfriend, but was very happy about it, because she was tired of him. At this time, a guy moved into her class from another school. His name was Stas. When Marina saw him for the first time, she noticed that there was something about him that attracted her gaze and at the same time repelled him. Yes, he is handsome, but there was something in his gaze that scared Marina.
Stas also paid attention to Marina. “A cheerful and pretty girl,” Stas thought to himself. “We must try to start a relationship with her,” he decided. But it was not there. When Stas tried to ask Marina something, she avoided answering, and he could not get a single word out of her.
The next day he had a very serious fight. This happened due to Stas's fault. The fact is that when Marina was walking home alone, he caught up with her. They struck up a conversation. Stas was very pleased. Finally, this seemingly unapproachable girl began to answer his questions. But then Stas made a big mistake. He did not understand that Marina was talking to him only because she had no one else, and tried to hug and kiss her. Marina pushed him away and hit him on the cheek.
-I hate you! Don't you dare kiss me!
-Please forgive me. I couldn't resist.
-Leave me alone and don’t even think about approaching me again, much less telling me anything.
And Marina, slamming the gate of her house, ran away. And Stas remained standing in slight confusion. “Is a simple kiss really that serious for her? That is OK! There are a lot of people like her in the world. She is no better and no worse than others. I can easily find myself the same and even better!” - thought Stas.
Stas decided to take revenge on Marina for this. He still did not understand that he loved this girl. He also did not understand that they were destined to be together. The next day, Stas constantly teased Marina, and she was very angry with him. So two months passed. All classmates realized that Marina and Stas could not stand each other. And Marina was drawn and attracted to this guy, although she did not want to admit it to herself. And one day at a disco something happened that should have happened a long time ago.
Stas approached Marina and said:
-We need to talk. Just please listen to me.
“I also think that we should find out everything once and for all.”
-Listen... I really like you... I liked you the first time I met you. It was a long time ago.
-You know, Stas... I like you too, but...
-What but...
“There’s something about you that repels me, and I can’t come to terms with it.”
-I suggest you meet. Trying is not torture. If things don't work out, we'll remain friends.
-Let's try.
Stas leaned over and kissed Marina. They walked all night. All their friends whom they met could not believe that these two, these two enemies, two irreconcilable enemies were now together. But it was like that...

This is my first story. If you like it, I have more. I'll be waiting for comments.

12 November 2014 - Author Guest

Hi all. I was 18 years old and met a guy on the Internet. I'm a village chewer, a medical student. College, and he's a city guy. Damn, you won’t believe it, first the constant SMS and then the round-the-clock conversations on the mobile phone. You know, there was something in him, about a month passed in our community, he asked for a visit, I didn’t seem to mind, but I was very ashamed because we didn’t live poorly, but not very richly either. How did it happen. City guy, well, okay, I wasn’t with my parents in the dlm, of course I won’t bring him and I had a tembolism
The guy we're with civil marriage It’s been 4 years now and I found a way out. My boyfriend had a good drink the night before and I took advantage of the moment to tell him that he kind of cheated on me with my girlfriend, I’m leaving him. My friend confirmed this, although in reality there was no betrayal. and I go to the dacha where I invite the guy I met online. And this was on the eve of March 8, or more specifically on March 6. He arrived, what a handsome guy he was, I thought, well, I immediately understood this was love. He remained sleepy until March 8th, congratulated me and offered to meet, well then I simply could not refuse him because I was in love. And he went to his place and I went to mine. Upon arrival home, my parents told me that my common-law husband was looking for me, but I didn’t care anymore. Well, my relationship continued internationally, he went to me on weekends, I visited him, I was happy. He invited me to his New Year and that's all new year holidays I agreed everything was cool, we were together all week and it was cool. A month later, I found out that I was pregnant, I told him, he was shocked, he didn’t contact me for 2 days, then he came out and said that’s how we’ll grow. I was very happy. I dreamed of a wedding, but he was in no hurry with proposals and we lived in Russia, he was at home, I was at home, since I was a student, time passed and in September I became a mother but continued to study. My parents helped me a lot, and after finishing my studies I moved in with him. We lived in a family dorm in one small room. It seemed like a sweet paradise even in the hut. He didn’t want to work and lived on his children’s money. his mother paid for our housing and utilities, but mine was paid for with money and food. In the end, I achieved my goal and begged him to get a job. He found a job, but I began to rejoice in advance. He spent everything he earned on himself and not a penny for his family. My parents finally thought about it and decided to cut our budget, that is, they stopped giving us money. Well, this didn’t affect him; he didn’t bring money to the family. I endured this for a year, trying as hard as I could to pay for the children’s 1,500 UAH per month, I tried to pay at least part of the utilities and feed my family. She herself wore something old, but he wore new clothes every month. I dressed my daughter in seconds and the neighbors gave away unnecessary children's clothes. I only bought everything I needed. I had a friend to whom I always poured out my soul, but more on that later. It had already reached such a point that my child benefits were temporarily cut off and there was nothing left to live for. I got into huge debts. The child had nothing to eat. I was constantly forced by my neighbors to babysit my child, like I need to go to the store, and I locked myself in my room, sobbing, with the hope that my daughter would be fed. And then my husband’s payday came, I was hoping to beg for at least 100 UAH for groceries, but he didn’t give me anything. I went to the store, bought 1 kg of potatoes, fried myself and sat down to eat, knowing that we had not eaten for 2 days with my daughter. When his daughter came up to him and said, “Dad, I want to eat,” he pushed her away and broke his lip and nose, and only at that moment did I hate him. I packed my things where to go, not knowing, but I didn’t care; my friend offered to help. Which I couldn't refuse. He rented us accommodation, bought food and left us money so that we wouldn’t deny ourselves anything, hired us a car and we moved. Then he started courting me and earned money for my daughter and me, but I couldn’t
To deny him sympathy. And this is a man who was just a friend
Then I invited him to live with us and he stayed as a father's daughter.
Since she doesn’t remember her family. Well, for my part, I gave another daughter who is now 2 weeks old. And we are truly happy

From hatred to love there is one step, says popular wisdom, and my story confirms this. I was a little over thirty, I wasn’t married, I wasn’t a mother, but I wanted so much, I wanted to be loved! Life flew by and became banal: home-work-home. Over time, I began to treat work as the main activity in my life: I carefully and scrupulously checked documents, often stayed after finishing work, and demanded that performers strictly follow my recommendations...

And here is the next project, I get acquainted with the working version and find not only financial errors, but also legal ones. I outline all this to the performer - and according to the script, he must listen, make adjustments and provide a revised project. But here I encounter resistance, a wall that is difficult to overcome. We call each other, argue and each of us tries to prove that we are right. Our squabble reached the management, which resolved the situation, because... We couldn’t come to a common denominator on our own. My comments were significant, and management gave instructions for their implementation. Somewhere in the depths of my consciousness lurked a resentment that I could not find an approach and achieve a result, a resentment that my pride was hurt.

After this project, he and I met in the office, greeted each other through gritted teeth, and if possible, we turned out of each other’s path so as not to cross paths again. I put off the next project with his support until later until he called and asked when my visa would be available. There was no way out, so I began to review the documents provided. I outlined the mistakes, copied my manual, and when he answered, he also copied his manual.

And so project after project. Hatred grew; as a rule, he did not agree with mistakes. Each time I had to provide links to articles in the legislation - this was very exhausting and time-consuming. On the sidelines of the office she said: “How does his wife live with him, he’s like that...”. Then, when I found out that he was divorced, of course, my puzzle came together: “Who can live with that!”

Days, months, a year, two, three passed, but our relationship did not turn into friendly ones - we constantly expected a new argument from each other. And then one day I had to go to the dining room alone, because... my colleagues had already had lunch, and at that time I was not able to join them. I’m standing with a tray in the middle of the hall, there are no free tables, and my enemy waves, inviting me to sit at a table with the words: “I’m already finishing and won’t disturb you with my presence for a long time.”

It’s strange, but I accepted the invitation: either there was no way out, or I didn’t want to emphasize my hostility. We agreed right away that we wouldn’t talk about work. At first they sat in silence, then he finished his meal and began to tell a story that happened to his friends during their vacation. While I was eating my food, I was thinking about one thing: take the tray and go to work. But he didn’t intend to, but kept narrating and narrating. And when I finished eating, he picked up my tray and carried it to the counter. After which he impudently suggested going to a cafe and having coffee and dessert.

The only thing I could think of at that moment for a gentle refusal was: I have a lot of work, and I would like to go do it, otherwise I will have to stay late. Okay, he said, then I’ll come get you after work and we’ll fill this gap. Said - done. When he arrived, I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak and, in my opinion, wasn’t thinking well - so I agreed that I simply needed dessert after a hard day.

Colleagues who knew about our “love” did not understand what was happening, and some wondered: “Will it work or not?” I went and didn’t regret it. He turned out to be different, completely different - attentive, sensitive and vulnerable. Soon we had wedding, a wonderful daughter was born. Yes, we argue, not only at work, but also at home, sometimes we get offended at each other, but we have left hatred in the past. It took us three years from hatred to love.


Wonderful, gives hope in the face of hopelessness))

01/19/2014 13:54:34, Lapushkina

Eh, during these 3 years they could have given birth to more children) was it worth waiting 3 years?

Comment on the article "From hatred to love - three years. A story with a good ending"

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from hatred to love)) is this according to Freud?

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from love to hate?. Girlfriends, friends. About yours, about your girl’s. from love to hate? 7th, you have been my favorite site for a long time. 7th, I came here every free moment for two years.

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From love to hate... Ours family life, after the birth of Chamomile turned into a nightmare... We used to be normal happy family, and now - financial and housing problems have eaten up our happiness.

Well, it’s not for nothing that they say - from love to hate there is one step. I think so. By the way, I heard something else, more correct, from hatred to love - one step 01/09/2002 17:30:24, Siniy.

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Sofia was sitting in a chair at home, slowly drinking hot tea with lemon flavor. Occasionally looking out the open window, the view of which looked out onto a beautiful garden planted with flowers. The summer was hot. And today was no different from the previous ones. The weather was bright and sunny. Although it was still ten in the morning, it was already quite hot.
While drinking tea, Sofia remembered Oleg, her ex-fiancé. Ever since they broke up, more precisely: how he disappeared, having written only a note that he urgently needed to leave for a while, Sofia thought constantly about him. And I didn’t understand why and why he did this. After all, everything was fine. And they were even going to get married.
Having finished her tea, Sofia put the empty cup on the glass table that stood next to the chair, stood up and walked over to the open window. A warm July breeze blew slightly, and Sofia smiled to herself. be sad special reasons did not have. Apart from the fact that her fiancé left her six months ago. But it’s time to forget about this too. And maybe you should pay attention to other men. There's just one problem. No one was interested in Sofia.
At thirty years old, Sofia has achieved everything she dreamed of. She had her own stylish clothing store for women. Moreover, the store became very popular in this city and brought in good income. Two years ago, she bought herself this house, which she furnished to her taste, and was very pleased with the furnishings. The two-story house has become cozy and bright. Not big, of course, but it’s your own. And a month ago I bought a new car. No way without a car. Especially when you urgently need to go on business, and you have to wait a long time for a taxi. So, after thinking about it, I bought myself a foreign car.
Maybe it was due to the success of the successful woman that she was to many, or maybe it was because of her well-groomed appearance and beauty, but men took an ardent interest in her. Men tried to get to know her. They gave gifts. Invited on dates. But noticing her indifference, they lost interest and retreated back.
Turning to the wall where the large clock hung, I looked at the time. It was already eleven in the morning. Sofia decided to take a shower, but before she could get to the bathroom, her cell phone rang.
Sofia hurried to the bedroom, where the phone lay on the bed, and answered the receiver without looking at the caller's number.
-Yes. - She asked.
-Hi dear.
Sofia heard her friend’s familiar voice.
-Something happened? - Sofia asked anxiously.
-Sofia. Have you forgotten or what? - Lisa’s offended voice sounded in the receiver.
-About what?
Sofia really didn't understand. What did she forget?!
-Actually, there's a party today. And I told you about this two days ago. You surprise me.
Lisa was silent for a minute and continued:
-I’m waiting for you at my house at six o’clock.
Lisa hung up. Making it clear that she was very upset with her friend.
Sofia sat up on the bed. And she threw the phone next to her. How could she forget about today's party. And thereby offend her only friend. Lisa said that she bought an apartment and was throwing a party on this occasion. Sofia made a displeased face, remembering Lisa's brother, whom she hated and despised. And it’s right that Lisa bought an apartment and moved away from her brother. It is high time.
Looking sideways at the phone and picking it up, she dialed her friend’s number. Lisa quickly picked up the phone:
-Yes. I am listening to you. - Lisa said in a serious and menacing voice.
Sofia smiled to herself.
-Lisa. I'm sorry. I got busy at work and forgot.
There was silence on the line.
-OK. I forgive you.
-I'll be with you at six.
After talking about small things, Sofia hung up and hurried to take a shower. The time was approaching lunch, and she still needed to go to the store to buy a gift. It is customary to give gifts for housewarming. This means we must not deviate from traditions.
Taking off her jeans and T-shirt as she walked, Sofia disappeared behind the bathroom door.
After taking a shower and drying off long hair hairdryer, went back to the bedroom. She opened the closet where all her dresses hung and began to look around for what to wear for this summer evening. The gaze settled on a silk, dark green dress. The most optimal for such hot weather. Sofia took out her dress, took off the towel she had wrapped herself in after the shower, and quickly changed into it. The dress reached her knees and fit her figure perfectly, emphasizing beautiful breasts and showing off perfectly slender legs.
Having unraveled the long ones, Golden hair, Sofia decided not to do her hair, but leave it loose.
Sofia walked over to the large mirror hanging on the wall opposite the bed and looked at herself appraisingly. She was completely satisfied with everything. The silk dress matched her green eyes perfectly.
Taking the phone from the bed and her purse from the nightstand, she headed into the corridor in search of shoes. Having put on sandals with small heels, Sofia left the house and slammed the door.
When she walked out the gate, she noticed a dark car near her house. But she couldn’t see the man sitting behind the wheel. But it was somehow uncivil to continue looking. Most likely, the person simply came to the store, which was located across the street from her house. Looking towards the store, Sofia noticed that there really was no place to stay. Having calmed down, she got into her car, turned on soft music and drove to the nearest gift store. It’s good that the store was not far away, ten minutes away by car. Having arrived at the store and parked, she got out of the car.
She spent a whole hour choosing suitable gift for Lisa. And in the end I chose luxurious curtains for the bedroom, violet color. Lisa's favorite color. She will definitely like it.
Sofia left the store in a good mood, not noticing that the dark car was still parked near her house. And the man, sitting in the car, watched her closely.
Sofia put the gift in the back seat, and looking around, feeling that someone was watching her, did not notice anyone. I got into the car and drove to Lisa.
All the way she had the feeling that she was being watched. Even funny. Who needs her?! Most likely it was just my imagination.
Arriving at Lisa's house, which she had recently bought, Sofia realized that she had arrived very early. But it was stupid to sit in the car. Yes and nothing like that if best friends Let's chat while no one is there. Getting out of the car and taking out a gift, Sofia headed down the alley towards the house. The house looked nice enough, at least from the inside. And I couldn’t wait to see what it was like inside.
Sofia rang the doorbell, and looking around, looking at the surroundings, waited for it to be opened for her. We didn't have to wait long. Lisa opened the door within a minute.
-Again Hello. Come in. - Lisa let her friend into the house, opening the door wider.
-Aren't you offended anymore? - Sofia looked closely at her friend to catch her mood. And she sighed with relief when she saw a happy smile on her face.
Lisa, a person who never lies. And everything that happens to her, and what mood she is in, is always visible on her face.
-No. What are you talking about? How can I not forgive my best friend? Come on, I'll show you the house.
Lisa hugged her friend and took her to show her her purchase.
The house was not big. But so pleasant. There was some kind of gentle atmosphere in it. Every room had glass ceilings. In general, the house was decorated with delicate flowers. The windows are large. The house was bright. The sun was shining directly through the window.
When the friends looked around the whole house, Lisa offered to drink tea.
Walking into the kitchen, Sofia decided to ask her friend:
-Listen, Lisa. And your brother will be there too.
-Certainly. Why are you asking?
Lisa looked at her friend with curiosity.
-You didn’t just ask?
-Lisa. He pesters me. And he directly offers to sleep with him.
Sofia shuddered at the mere thought of the bed. She never liked Mikhail.
-I do not even know what to say. Maybe he likes you? - Lisa tried to turn everything into a joke.
-Not funny. I do not like it. - Sofia glanced sideways at Lisa. Well, of course, he is her brother. And she will stand up for him like a mountain.
- Let's do it this way. I'll talk to him tomorrow. Fine?
-Try. He's already starting to scare me.
Lisa made tea and invited us to the table.
The topic about Mikhail was closed and was not raised again. Lisa began to boast about the house and tell how lucky she was with such a purchase, and for little money. Although the house costs much more. This can be seen from the design.
Sofia sat and sipped tea, silently listening to her friend and not interrupting. Lisa chatted until the doorbell rang. Apparently guests began to arrive.
Lisa ran to open it, and Sofia got up from the table, went to the window, and saw Mikhail’s car. Now jokes about her will start again, and everything will be in this style. It felt like he took pleasure in making her hysterical.
Hearing the voice of Mikhail, who was laughing at something, Sofia became worried.
-Hello. - Mikhail walked into the kitchen and looked at her strangely. This look made me feel uneasy. Everything inside tightened.
-Is everything ready for the table? - He asked.
-Certainly. A large table was set in the living room. - Lisa laughed, not understanding this question.
Mikhail did not take his eyes off Sofia. And Lisa noticed this.
-Listen. Why are you looking at Sofia like that? He's fallen in love, or what?
Lisa was a straightforward person, and that wasn't always a good thing. She always said what she thought, and this made it awkward.
-I? Fell in love? Of course not. Sofia is not my type. - There was coldness and indifference in Mikhail’s eyes.
-So. Stop talking about me as if I can't hear you.
Sofia began to feel strained by this conversation.
-I'll go for a walk.
Jumping out of the kitchen, Sofia hurried into the yard. Lisa created an unpleasant atmosphere in the house. And so that the mood did not deteriorate at all, Sofia went outside to calm down.
It was nice outside. A light breeze blew, as if whispering something in your ear.
Walking around the yard, Sofia noticed a car near the gate. She saw the same one today near her house during the day when she went to Lisa. And Sofia was almost sure that someone was watching her. Well, who is it?!
This means that today’s feeling that she was being watched did not let her down.
Frightened, she returned to the house, confronting Mikhail.
-What's happened? Why are you so scared? Are you afraid of me? - Mikhail laughed, trying to hug her while no one was looking.
-You have nothing to do with it. - Sofia escaped from his hands and hurried to the kitchen to look out the window.
The unknown car was still standing in the same place.
-What are you doing? - Lisa saw a friend who was nervously looking out the window.
-Lisa. Someone is watching me. This car has been following me all day.
Sofia pointed her finger at the car to Lisa, who came to the window.
-Are you sure? - Lisa was worried.
Lisa thought for a minute and said:
-So. Let's stay with me today. And tomorrow we'll come up with something.
-It will probably be better this way.
Sofia agreed with Lisa.
It was scary to go home. She didn’t know who it was or what to expect.
Lisa made soothing tea for her and ran off to meet the guests, leaving her completely alone. Standing at the window, Sofia began to remember who she could have offended and with what. Nothing came to mind. She didn't argue with anyone. Even men who invited me on a date, she politely refused.
Hearing the familiar voices of her friends, Sofia went out into the corridor to say hello to everyone.
Nastya, Sveta, and Alexander came.
Sofia smiled sweetly at everyone. The girls smiled sweetly in response. Only Alexander silently approached her and whispered in her ear:
-Sofia. Do you know that Oleg has returned?
-What? - She screamed at such a question.
Mikhail stared at her in bewilderment. And the others also looked at her in surprise.
But Sofia didn’t care about these views.
-Where is he? - She asked loudly and excitedly.
-In car. Near the gate.
Sofia didn't listen to anything else. She jumped out of the house and ran to the car in which was the man whom she loved, and still loves.

-Oleg. What did you say to Sofia? - Mikhail asked, observing how Sofia’s face changed when Oleg said something to her.
-I told her that Oleg had returned.
-What? - Mikhail and Lisa said in one voice.
Mikhail clenched his hands into fists, trying not to show his anger to his friends. But the fact that Oleg returned drove him crazy. And he could not support himself.
With quick steps, Mikhail went out into the street and headed to the car where Sofia and Oleg were talking.
Mikhail, without explaining anything, hit Oleg with his fist as hard as he could, causing him to fall.
-Are you crazy? - Sofia screamed, pushing him away from Oleg.
Mikhail looked at her with fury and hissed:
-If you are with him, then you can forget about friendship with Lisa. Understood me?
Sofia stared at Mikhail in bewilderment.
-What does Lisa have to do with it?
-And you ask him? - Mikhail spat in Oleg’s direction and went back into the house.
Without noticing his friends and their surprised looks, he walked past them and headed to the kitchen.
Sofia turned to Oleg and helped him get up.
-What did he mean?
-Don't know.
-I want to know the truth. - Sofia demanded.
She saw that Oleg was lying. He doesn't say something.
-OK. I will tell. Just don't misunderstand me and forgive me.
While Oleg was telling everything that was happening behind her back, Sofia could not utter a word. She couldn't believe it was all true.
-Enough. I can listen to this anymore and I don't want to. Get out.
-Sofia. I'm sorry.
Sofia turned her back to him and ran into the house. She could not hold back the tears in her eyes, and they flowed down her cheeks.
Hearing voices in the living room, Sofia hurried there. Running into the room with tears, and looking straight at Mikhail, she asked:
-It’s true that Oleg and Lisa almost...
-Yes. - Mikhail did not let her finish. He jumped up from a hundred, and with an angry face, grabbed Sofia by the hand and took her away from prying eyes.
-Your Oleg almost raped Lisa. It's good that she managed to call me. You were just in another city on business. And after that he decided to disappear.
-So. OK. I have to go. There's nothing for me to do here.
-Calm down. Nobody is guilty. - Mikhail took her hand and tried to calm her down.
-Nobody. Only now, I considered you honest people. And it turns out you know how to lie.
Sofia pulled her hand away and ran away.
Mikhail followed Sofia with his gaze, but did not stop her.
He understood perfectly well that now it was better for her to be alone and think about everything. Moreover, he could not stand it when women cry.
Returning to the guests, he sat down at the table.
-What came over you? And where are Lisa and Sofia anyway? - Alexander asked.
-Sofia left. And Lisa will come now. Never mind.
Mikhail smiled at the girls with his sexy smile, which made women lose their heads. He had long noticed that Nastya, Lisa’s friend, had fallen in love with him. To defuse the situation, Mikhail winked at Nastya. She became embarrassed and looked away.
Lisa came into the room. Mikhail immediately drew attention to the tear-stained eyes.
-Sister. Sit next to me. Let's celebrate.
Lisa sat down at the table next to her brother, trying to squeeze out a smile.
-Let's Dance. - Alexander suddenly suggested.
Mikhail supported. And he turned on a disc with slow songs.
Alexander took Lisa to dance. And Mikhail was left alone with the two girls. It was awkward. Sveta felt this, and under an excuse, she left.
Nastya, rejoicing that she and Mikhail were left alone, decided to take the initiative into her own hands by drinking a glass of wine.
-Maybe we can dance too? - Nastya asked coquettishly.
-I have a better proposal. Maybe we can go to my place?
Mikhail looked at the girl, who was not even offended by such a proposal. On the contrary, she was delighted and quickly agreed. Mikhail never took such women seriously. And he quickly lost interest in them. Here Sofia is a completely different matter. He liked those. Sofia knew what she wanted. And if he had invited her to go to him, he would have already received a punch in the face.
-So we're going to your place? - Nastya asked, looking at him.
-Certainly. Wait a minute.
Mikhail approached Lisa and Alexander, who were still dancing.
-Lisa. I went home. And Alexander will stay with you. Yes?
He looked at Alexander, and he agreed, promising that he would not offend.
Mikhail called Nastya, and they went to him.
Arriving home, Mikhail helped Nastya out of the car.
When he entered the house, he did not even turn on the light. He took the girl by the hand and led her to the second floor.
When they entered the room, Mikhail pulled the girl towards him and kissed her on the lips. They quickly undressed and fell onto the bed.
Waking up early in the morning, Mikhail looked at the girl lying next to him. Cursing to himself, he got out of bed, trying not to wake Nastya, got dressed, and went downstairs to make a cup of hot coffee.
While he was preparing coffee, Nastya also woke up and went down to him, hugging him from behind.
-Nastya. Would you like some coffee?
-Will. - Nastya purred like a kitten.
Mikhail poured two cups of coffee and placed them on the table.
-Listen. Excuse me. We didn't have to do this.
-Why? We like each other.
-That's it. Just sympathy. And nothing more.
Nastya put the coffee on the table and headed towards the exit.
-Where are you going? - Mikhail watched Nastya silently leave.
-Home. Whenever you need me, you will find me.
After Nastya left, Mikhail returned to the room and dialed his sister’s number.
-Hello. - Lisa said, picking up the phone.
-How was the evening? - Mikhail asked.
Although he already knew the answer. Lisa answered in a satisfied voice.
-Fine. Except for the fact that Sofia doesn’t pick up the phone from me.
-Yes. Not a very pleasant situation. But I think she will understand everything. Give her time.
-Hope. Alright I have to go.
-I'll call you in the evening. - Mikhail hung up. Thinking about Sofia.
What if she does something to herself? After all, she loved Oleg very much, and probably still does. Seriously scared, Mikhail grabbed the car keys and flew out of the house like a bullet.
Mikhail reached Sofia’s house in fifteen minutes. He jumped out of the car, didn’t even slam the door, and ran to her house. I knocked on the door, quite loudly, but no one opened it. I knocked again, and again...
As a result, the door was slowly opened. And what a surprise Mikhail was when the door opened completely. Oleg stood in front of him with an impudent grin.
-You! - Mikhail stared at him, amazed at the naivety of women.
Has she really forgiven him? I've completely lost my mind.
-Where is Sofia? - Mikhail could not believe that Sofia could forgive such a thing.
-I went to the shower.
Oleg stood and smiled. Clearly pleased that he was able to convince Sofia.
“I don’t know how you managed to beg for forgiveness, but I think I’ll find out now.”
Mikhail sharply pushed Oleg away and entered the house insolently.
He went to the bathroom and knocked on the door:
-Sofia. Get out. Need to talk.
Mikhail leaned against the wall, opposite the door, and began to wait for Sofia, not noticing Oleg, who was standing next to him.
Sofia came out five minutes later and looked at Mikhail:
-What's happened?
-Could you really forgive him for this? You are Lisa's best friend. I understand love, but don't you understand what happened? He almost raped her.
Sofia listened silently and just blinked her eyes.
-I told you that if you forgive him, then your friendship with Lisa will end. So, you made the choice yourself.
Mikhail turned around, hit the wall with his fist, and walked towards the exit.
-Wait. - Sofia shouted.
Mikhail turned and saw Sofia in front of him.
-I haven't forgiven anyone. I didn’t even know that Oleg was in the house. Is it true. He apparently opened it with his keys.
Sofia turned to Oleg, with a request in her eyes.
-Darling, don’t be shy. What's the big deal if we made peace?
-What? What are you saying? For what?
Sofia was amazed at such a lie. She looked at Oleg with hatred, making it clear that he should get out. But he was in no hurry. He was apparently amused by what was happening. OK then. I'll deal with you later.
Turning to Mikhail, she tried to explain:
- Believe me. True, I didn’t know that he was in the house. I even forgot that he had keys.
-What are you saying? What a liar you are. My sister and her friend were unlucky.
Mikhail continued to walk towards the exit.
-What is this? Is it really so difficult to trust a woman?
Mikhail stopped and answered without turning to her:
- It’s not difficult to believe. But not for you.
Mikhail left as quickly as he had appeared.
Sofia remembered Oleg’s presence and approached him.
-Why did you tell him this nonsense?
-I love you. And I want to be with you.
-Get out. - Sofia screamed so loudly that Oleg disappeared from the house in seconds.
Sofia went into the bedroom and lay down on the bed.
It turns out interesting. They themselves deceived her, and she is also to blame. And why does she even have to explain anything to Mikhail? Who is he to her? He's just her friend's brother, that's all. She was never friends with him. On the contrary, I always hated him. And there was a reason for it. And it’s not up to him to decide whether to be friends with Lisa or not.
Sofia lay in bed for half a day, thinking about this whole story. And I came to only one decision. Need rest. Go somewhere for a while. Moreover, business at the store is going well. And for a week or two, the girls will cope without their bosses.
There was one place where Sofia loved to go. Rarely, of course, but I still found time sometimes. Only two people knew about this place. She and Lisa.
Sofia got out of bed, quickly packed her things and called her work, warning her that she was leaving for a couple of weeks. She took the suitcase in her hands and went outside, slamming the door.

Mikhail sat in his office, leafing through documents. But only Sophia was in my head. It was not possible to work at all. It's been two weeks since they quarreled with her. And he perfectly remembered her surprised look when she saw Oleg in her house. Maybe she was telling him the truth. And Lisa didn’t understand that Mikhail forbade them to communicate.
He himself did not understand what came over him. But when he saw Oleg, six months later, something clicked in his head. Although, he knew that. Firstly, Oleg received for his sister. And secondly, he was terribly jealous of Sofia towards all men.
He liked Sofia as soon as they met. But he couldn’t admit it to her. Because Oleg appeared, with whom she fell in love. And then she began to avoid him. Of course, he understood that he was scaring her with his behavior. But she attracted him so much that he could not restrain himself.
Throwing the documents aside, Mikhail stood up and began nervously walking around the office. I should have immediately confessed my feelings to her. Maybe everything would have been different then. But he was so afraid to hear no. And for sure, this is exactly what he would have heard.
This can't go on any longer. He needs to talk to her. Urgently.
Mikhail left the office, got into the car, and drove to Sofia.
But she was not at home. Then he decided to go to her store.
Arriving at the store, Mikhail learned that Sofia had left two weeks ago to rest. And no one knows when he will return.
So we'll have to postpone the conversation. But as soon as she returns, he will definitely confess everything to her. Let Sofia know that he loves her. Because of this, he behaved idiotically towards her.
Mikhail did not return to work. What's the point? If all thoughts are filled only with Sofia. The woman he loves from the first day they met.
Arriving home, he made himself some coffee, sat down at the table, and tried to forget about Sofia at least for a while. The silence in the house bothered him. Since his sister moved, he has become completely bored. He stopped bringing women here. The last time he brought Nastya here. Although this was not so long ago, from that moment on he decided not to bring women into the house. He wants to get married already. I've had some fun. Enough. No longer interesting.
The phone rang unexpectedly. Mikhail saw his sister’s number and quickly picked up the phone.
-Hello. - The sister answered somehow tensely.
-Something happened? - Mikhail tensed.
-I know how much you don’t love Sofia. But I have no one else to call.
-Lisa, speak already.
Mikhail became alarmed.
-Sofia’s car broke down, but I can’t escape. I'm stuck at work. We need to go to the village and help her with the car. Can you? Or should I look for another person.
-Don't talk nonsense. Give me the address, I'll go.
Mikhail was as happy as a child.
Lisa dictated the address to him. And Mikhail hastily ran out of the house. It's a long way to go, but he should get there by nightfall.
Getting into the car, he rushed off.
All the way he thought only about how he would confess his feelings to her. And he was sure that she would send him. But he didn't care. The main thing is to admit it.
After several hours of driving, he finally arrived at the village where Sofia was located. Driving through the streets, Mikhail tried to find the address that his sister had given. But it was already dark. And it was difficult to see.
Tired, Mikhail stopped the car near a house with lights burning in the windows. Getting out of the car, he approached the gate, which was not locked. He quietly opened the door and looked inside. To his surprise, he saw Sofia's car. Which made me very happy.
Did he really find her?
Mikhail went into the yard and knocked on the window.
Sofia ran out of the house and saw Mikhail.
He approached her.
-Hello. Will you let me in?
-Why did you come? - Sofia said angrily.
-Can I help you. Lisa said your car broke down.
-It's clear. Okay, come in, don’t stand on the street.
Sofia opened the door wider and let Mikhail into the house.
Mikhail saw Sofia’s frightened face and did not understand why she was so afraid. They entered a house that was cozy and smelled of delicious food. He walked into the room where there was a chair and sat down in it. He thoughtfully watched Sofia, who was silently making tea.
-Sofia. I wanted to apologize.
-For what? - She turned sharply to him.
-For all. For forbidding him to communicate with Lisa. And for the fact that...
Mikhail fell silent, got up from his chair, and approached Sofia.
-And for this...
He pulled her towards him and kissed her passionately on the lips. Sofia tried to break free for a while, but then weakened and returned the kiss. And it certainly didn’t seem to him that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.
Sofia was surprised that she enjoyed kissing him.
-Sofia. I love you.
Sofia pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. She couldn't believe what she heard. Sofia thought that he hated her on the contrary. He always laughed at her.
Mikhail felt that Sofia did not believe him.
He took her face in his hands and forced her to look into his eyes.
-I really love you.
Tears flowed from Sofia’s eyes that she could not hold back. So much has happened in these days. IN this moment she just needs support. She's tired of being strong. Sofia laid her head on his shoulder, and Mikhail hugged her tenderly. Then he suddenly picked her up in his arms and carried the bed.
Everything happened as if in a dream. Mikhail everything became uninteresting. Next to him is a woman whom he loves and will not give to anyone.
I kiss Sofia tenderly on the lips, he slowly undresses her. She didn't resist at all. And she even helped him undress. Does she really love him too?
When they were both completely naked, Mikhail could no longer restrain himself. He lay on top of her, pinning her with all his weight to the bed. In one motion he spread her legs and entered her. Sofia screamed with pleasure and clung to him, hugging his shoulders with both hands.
He had dreamed about this for so many years. And this is what is happening now. No woman can compare with Sofia. Her soft skin excited him.
All night long Sofia and Mikhail made love. Only in the morning, tired and exhausted, did they fall asleep in an embrace.
Mikhail woke up and looked at Sofia, who was sleeping. He kissed her tenderly on the cheek, straightened the hair that covered her face, and smiled.
He carefully got out of bed, trying not to wake Sofia, quickly undressed, and left the room, closing the door behind him.
While Sofia is sleeping, he will see what’s wrong with her car. Having made some hot tea, he took the hot mug in his hands and went outside. It was cool today. Mikhail shivered from the cold and walked up to the car.
An hour later, he finished Sofia's car and returned to the house.
When he entered the kitchen, Sofia stood with her back to him, making herself tea. She didn't even hear him enter the house.
-Good morning, Expensive.
Mikhail approached Sofia, hugged her waist, but she pushed him away and jumped away. He stared at her in confusion.
-What's happening? - Mikhail spread his arms to the side.
-What happened yesterday was a mistake. Understand me.
-Are you serious?
Mikhail began to last. He did not expect such a turn of events. Did he really think that she loved him? Or she pretends to be like that with everyone she sleeps with.
-Sofia. I don't understand. Yesterday everything was so wonderful.
Sofia walked around the kitchen, nervous.
-I don’t know what came over me yesterday. Apparently I'm just tired of everything.
Mikhail opened his eyes wide in surprise.
-So. It's clear. I slept and sent it. I didn't think women could be like that. Okay, I went home. And I fixed your car. So you no longer need my services.
Mikhail searched for the keys to his car, and having found them, he went outside without saying another word.
Once on the street, Mikhail kicked the wheel of his car, as if it was all her fault. He got behind the wheel and took off.
He hated himself for trusting her and confessing his love. And she just laughed at his feelings. Never! He won't let this woman do this to him anymore. He will force himself to stop loving her forever.
When Mikhail arrived in the city, it was approaching evening. There was no desire to go home. No one is waiting for him there anyway. He decided to go to his work. A lot of things have accumulated. Because of Sofia, he forgot about his business. And this kind of business does not tolerate slackers.
Mikhail had three cell phone stores around the city. But none of the friends knew about it. Mikhail kept everything secret. He himself didn’t know why he hid his business from everyone, but since he was silent, it means it would be better.
He didn’t like to talk about his work, and when his friends asked him what he did, Mikhail always laughed it off.
He and his sister have been in St. Petersburg for only six years. And before that they lived in a completely different city. And when Lisa moved here, he decided to go with his sister. So that she would be a kind of supervision. Her parents also insisted that Mikhail go with her to St. Petersburg. And now six years have passed since they lived here. And a year later, after arriving here, Lisa met Sofia, and they became friends so quickly that no one was going to interfere with their friendship. When Mikhail saw Sofia for the first time, he immediately realized that he was missing. Fell head over heels in love like a child.
Everything was fine with the girls. Until Sofia met Oleg. That's when it started. Oleg began to brainwash them. He spoke to one about love, then to the other. Lisa told everything only six months ago, when he almost raped her. But Sofia knew nothing at all, and did not even suspect about it. But not long ago, Sofia learned the truth about her fiancé.
Having finished with the papers at work, Mikhail went home, completely tired.
It was dark outside when he got home.
Having made himself a cup of hot coffee, he went up to his room and sat down on a chair, trying to relax at least a little. But thoughts constantly returned to Sofia. He couldn't help but think about her. He was interested in whether she came home or not.
Suddenly the phone rang, and Mikhail rose from his chair to take the phone out of his trouser pocket. When he saw an unfamiliar number, he hurriedly picked up the phone and heard Sofia’s voice:
-Sorry it's so late. But I forgot to ask you. Don't tell anyone what happened between us. OK?
-Why? Are you ashamed of me? - Mikhail lost his temper.
-Not in this case. I just don't want to start talking.
-Fine. I won't tell anyone anything. And I didn't intend to do this. Let everything remain as it was.
-Thank you.
Mikhail threw the phone on the bed. If she wants it that way, then it will be that way. He will make her regret these words. He will do everything, but prove to her that Sofia loves him. She just doesn’t want to admit it, even to herself.
Mikhail remembered the holiday that would take place in a week. All friends and acquaintances will gather. Then we’ll see how she will behave when she sees him with another woman. For such a case, he will find someone.
With these thoughts, Mikhail undressed and went to bed.
Mikhail slept all night and half the day. I woke up just before lunch. Oddly enough, the mood was good.
After getting dressed and going down to the kitchen, I made myself some coffee, drank it quickly, and went to work.
On the way to the office, he decided to drive past Sofia’s house and see if she had come from the village or was still there. Driving past her house, he calmed down when he saw her car in the yard. So she's back.
At work, Mikhail took care of business, and even turned off his cell phone so that no one would distract him. Sales of cell phones have increased. Which couldn't make me happy.
Mikhail finished work at five o'clock in the evening. And turning on the phone, I saw missed calls from my sister. I started calling back, but the number was unavailable. Without wasting time, he went to his sister.
He reached his sister in half an hour. He walked up to the house and rang the doorbell.
Lisa opened the door. And she silently looked at him, letting him into the house.
-Lisa. Where am I guilty again?
Mikhail grinned, seeing her dissatisfied face, realizing that now Lisa would give him a lecture. I wish I knew why. Lisa generally loved to educate everyone. She needed to work at school, and not at the bank.
-Are you crazy? - Lisa rushed at him with her fists.
-What are you talking about?
-I mean, when you need a woman, at least don’t sleep with my friends.
Lisa got furious and ran out onto the terrace. At the same time, she swore loudly at her brother.
Mikhail was amazed. Sofia herself asked not to tell anything. And she took it and told Lisa. Still, women are difficult to understand.
Mikhail didn’t have time to finish speaking when Lisa turned to him and shouted at him:
-What does Sofia have to do with it? I'm telling you about Nastya.
He sighed with relief.
-Sister. I'm already a grown boy. And I can decide for myself who I sleep with. Fine?
-You know? Nastya told me all about you. I can't and don't want to constantly hear about how much she loves you.
Mikhail laughed. He was not interested in Nastya at all. He didn't care. She understood everything perfectly when she went to bed with him. He didn't promise to marry her.
-Fine. I'll talk to Nastya. And she won't bother you anymore. I promise.
Mikhail was about to make coffee, but Lisa stopped him:
-Listen. Maybe you should take a closer look at Nastya. She's a good girl. The more he loves you.
Yes. Lisa surprised him every minute. This was still not enough for him. For his sister to choose a bride for him.
-So. All. I went home. And so for the future, dear sister. I love another woman. And I will only marry her.
Lisa opened her mouth in surprise. But she couldn't say anything. Since Mikhail quickly disappeared.

It was raining outside the window. But it was warm.
Sofia stood near the mirror and looked at herself. It was very noticeable that she did not get enough sleep. And how she will go to her friend’s birthday. Something needs to be done.
A week has passed since she slept with Mikhail. And all this time they never saw each other again. Same with Lisa. But they talked with Lisa on the phone and decided to forget about that story with Oleg and not remember anymore. Why should best friends quarrel over a man who doesn’t deserve it?
With Mikhail everything turns out to be much more complicated. He confessed his love to her and they slept together. And then she refused him, making it clear that she did not love him. Sofia was very afraid that he would begin to take revenge on her. And she won't stand this.
Sofia didn’t know why she slept with Mikhail, whom she always hated. But she felt very good with him. And the most interesting thing is that she did not regret what she did. Only she could not reciprocate his feelings. She had no love for him. Mikhail just happened to be there at the moment when she needed consolation and affection. And nothing more. Sofia hoped that everything would remain between them. And no one will know about it. Even Lisa.
Sofia gathered her hair into a bun and went to the bathroom to take a hot shower.
After taking a shower, she went into the room, sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV.
But there was nothing to see, or rather, thoughts constantly returned to Mikhail. How she will look into his eyes. In any case, he will joke about her in the same way as he did before.
I'm even curious how they will be able to communicate with each other now.
Looking at the clock, Sofia jumped up from the sofa and ran to the bedroom. If she is late for Lisa’s birthday, she will definitely be offended. This cannot be allowed.
Sofia changed into a long violet-colored dress, with a deep neckline on the chest, and completely hugged her slender figure. Sofia looked beautiful in this dress.
Sofia got ready quickly. Taking a small box from the nightstand, she went outside.
Sofia carefully placed the beautiful box in her purse. After all, there was a gift for Lisa. For her best friend's birthday, Sofia did not skimp on a gift. I bought a very expensive set. This set included gold chain, earrings, bracelet and diamond ring. Lisa will definitely like it. I don't mind anything for my best friend. If only she was happy.
Having reached the car, she jumped into it, having managed to get wet from the rain. The weather today is not very good. In such weather it is better to sit at home and watch TV.
Sofia drove out onto the road and slowly drove towards Lisa. What a day today is. Besides the fact that it rains like buckets, and this spoils the mood. She also managed to get into a big traffic jam. Sofia looked at the large number of cars, and for the first time she regretted that she drove her own car. It would be better and faster to take the bus.
Sofia looked for her phone in her purse and dialed her friend’s number:
-Hey, where are you? - Lisa asked immediately.
-I'll be late. Got stuck in a traffic jam.
-We are waiting for you. - Lisa said and hung up.
Sofia was already starting to get nervous. She didn't like traffic jams at all.
About an hour later, Sofia broke out of the traffic jam and headed towards Lisa. There was no trace left of the good mood. While she was stuck in traffic, she managed to freeze. It looks like she's guaranteed to catch a cold.
Finally, she arrived at Lisa’s house, where they were already walking with might and main. Or maybe just ignore everything and everyone and go home. It's fun here even without her. Apparently no one even remembers her.
But as soon as she thought about it, her phone rang. Lisa called. Sofia smiled to herself. So someone still needs it. Sofia hung up the call and went to the door, which was not locked. It's good that the rain has stopped. This made me happy.
Sofia opened the door and went inside. Music was playing in the house. You could hear the girls laughing loudly at something. After passing the corridor, Sofia entered the living room, where everyone had already gathered, and stood silently in the doorway, watching her friends.
Lisa was the first to see Sofia, and joyfully jumped up to her.
-Finally. And then I began to think that you wouldn’t come at all.
-What are you talking about? How can I not come? Congratulations.
Sofia handed Lisa a gift. She took it in her hands and hurried to open it.
-Thank you dear. A wonderful gift.
Lisa happily ran away to apply the new decorations. Sofia sat down at the table where there was free space. And she noticed that Mikhail and Nastya were not there. Strange. Nastya is never late.
-Where is Nastya? - She asked Alexander.
-Do not you know?
-What I do not know? - Sofia really didn’t know anything.
-Nastya is now an almost married girl. True, it seems to me that nothing will come of it.
Sofia was formed for Nastya.
-And who is the lucky one?
A couple entered the room laughing. Mikhail and Nastya.
-And here is the lucky one.
Sofia stared at Mikhail in amazement. To say that she was surprised would be an understatement. She was shocked.
He said that he only loves her. Although, what does she care about him? Moreover, having known Mikhail for so many years, one could assume that he knows how to lie.
But something sank inside, and it was unpleasant for her to watch Mikhail hug another woman in front of her eyes. But she herself asked him to forget everything.
Sofia caught Mikhail’s gaze, telling her that he didn’t care about Sofia.
Pulling herself together, she began to eat, pretending not to notice them. Mikhail and Nastya walked to the table and sat down opposite her. This was not enough for her yet.
Why is he looking at her like that? Doesn’t he see that she’s already embarrassed in front of him?
And she is generally silent about Nastya. She was very happy. It was noticeable. She constantly looked at Mikhail with loving eyes.
-Sorry, I need to call urgently.
Sofia left the table and left the room in search of Lisa.
She found her friend in her room.
-Lisa. Why didn’t you tell me that Nastya and Mikhail are together?
Lisa looked at her and smiled.
- My brother just asked me not to tell anyone.
-Don't tell anyone? And I know everything except me. Fine.
Lisa approached her friend and hugged her:
-Do not pout.
The friends left the room and headed back to the guests.
Sofia stopped abruptly, under the pretext that she needed to go to the toilet, and stayed. She waited until Lisa came to the guests, and she went to the terrace.
It was nice on the terrace. By evening it became warmer. There was no desire to return to friends. But you have to go, otherwise they will think of something for themselves.
I’ll stay for another ten minutes and then I’ll go to the others, Sofia thought.
The music started playing loudly. Apparently they decided to dance.
Sofia did not immediately realize that her phone was ringing. And when the music was turned down, Sofia heard a bell. The number was unfamiliar to her.
-Where are you? - Sofia shuddered when she recognized the caller’s voice and hung up.
Oleg called. This was not enough for her yet. Here he is. She told him everything. And a normal man would understand everything. But apparently Oleg is abnormal.
Sofia hurried back to her friends, holding the phone in her hand. But before she had time to sit down at the table, the phone rang again. Sofia quickly hung up the call, but Mikhail noticed this and, frowning, did not take his eyes off her.
-Who called you? - Mikhail asked with curiosity.
-Yes, yes. Wrong number.
But you can’t fool Mikhail. And she was never good at lying.
-I'm sure.
Nastya came to Sofia’s defense.
-Why did you pester Sofia? Do you really care.
- None at all. - He answered rudely and fell behind.
This is where the conversations ended. And everyone continued to communicate normally and eat the food that was on the table. Lisa tried. There was a lot of food. It's impossible to eat it all. Unless Lisa invited someone else.
Mikhail began to tell jokes, and everyone laughed. Only Sofia didn’t find it funny at all. She still couldn’t understand Mikhail. Where he was playing and where he was telling the truth remained a mystery to her. But it was a shame to hear that she doesn’t care who calls her.
Sofia understood only one thing. She's confused. And who was Mikhail for her, she did not understand. Somehow he catches her. But what is this?! Love, or just embarrassment for what happened, this needs to be sorted out.
The doorbell rang, and Lisa jumped up, muttering something under her breath, and ran to answer it.
A few minutes later, Lisa appeared with a bouquet of flowers and a man unfamiliar to everyone present.
-Meet me. This is my best friend Egor.
Everyone smiled, and Lisa added:
-Egor is truly my friend, and nothing more.
Lisa showed where Yegor could sit, and he walked to the table.
A handsome man, to say the least. And how could Lisa hide such a man from all her girlfriends? Yegor was bombarded with a lot of questions, such as, what? Where? How?
After the survey ended, Alexander suggested turning on slow music and dancing. After Yegor appeared, the number of girls and men became equal.
Sofia felt uneasy. Alexander took Lisa to dance, and Mikhail took his girlfriend. Only she and this Yegor remain. I'll have to dance with him.
The music started playing. Everyone went to dance. Yegor stood up and politely invited Sofia to dance. It was inconvenient to refuse, so I had to agree.
To his surprise, Yegor felt his partner perfectly. He immediately noticed Sofia's tension.
-Are you so tense because of me? Or is there a person here who evokes a sea of ​​​​emotions in you? - Yegor asked, in a half-whisper.
-Excuse me, of course, but what difference does it make to you? - She got nervous.
-You're just so tense. - Yegor noticed. - And you are angry because of something or someone.
Sofia removed his hands. And she returned back to the table. Yegor followed after her.
-Sofia, excuse me. It's none of my business.
-That's it.
Sofia took a couple sips of juice and caught Mikhail's gaze. He looks at her again. No. That's impossible. It's better to go home and not see him.
Sofia got up from the table and walked up to Lisa, who was dancing with Alexander. They looked like lovers.
-Lisa. I'll go home. I get up early tomorrow.
-Fine. Just call when you get home.
-I'll call.
Sofia left the room and hurried to the exit.
Once outside, she calmed down. It’s so nice when no one is looking at you. Sofia got into her car and drove home.
This Yegor also pestered me with his questions. He seems to be a handsome guy, but he's a bore.
Sofia got home quickly. There were no more traffic jams. Once in the house, she went into the bedroom and fell on the bed. It's so nice to be at home.
Sofia fell asleep without even undressing.
Waking up early in the morning, Sofia got out of bed and went barefoot to the kitchen to make some hot tea. Opening the window in the kitchen, a warm breeze blew in. The fact that it rained yesterday was not even visible today. The kettle boiled and Sophia made a cup of tea.
Today she decided to give herself a day off. There is no need to go to work. But she’s been wanting to update her wardrobe for a long time. Only there was no time.
After drinking tea and taking a shower, Sofia dressed in a white trouser suit, tied her hair into a long ponytail, and went shopping.
Sofia never took things from her store. I thought it was wrong.
Arriving at a store where everything was sold, things, food, and toys. Yes, everything for the home. She parked the car in the parking lot and went shopping. Enjoying the good mood and warm weather.
Sofia went into almost every department and bought something for herself. Today she wanted to buy the entire store. And with every minute, the mood became better and better.
In the end, when her hands were already overloaded with packages, she decided that that was enough. Coming out of the store with large large bags filled with who knows what, Sofia barely dragged them to the car.
Having sorted out my new purchases, throwing them into the back seat, I got behind the wheel.
A black foreign car parked nearby. And a man got out of the car and walked straight towards her. Sofia didn’t recognize him at first, but after looking closer she remembered him. It was Yegor, whom she met yesterday at Lisa's. Her car door was open. Since Sofia was in no hurry to go.
-Hello. - Yegor said when he approached her.
-Hello. - Sofia answered out of politeness.
-It seemed to me, or do you not want to communicate with me?
-To be honest, I have no desire to communicate at all. And what should we talk about? We don't know each other.
Sofia looked at Yegor appraisingly. And it's true handsome man, about thirty-five years old, and for some reason he hasn’t gotten married yet. He probably also loves women, and constantly changes them.
-Sofia. Let's have lunch somewhere. At the same time, let's get to know each other better.
-How much closer? - Sofia asked quite seriously.
Yegor laughed.
-Not that close. Let's just have coffee and get to know each other. I definitely won’t bother you.
Sofia thought and agreed.
-OK then. There is a restaurant not far away. Let's go there?
-You have a good taste. The food there is excellent.
Everyone got into their own car and slowly drove one after the other towards the restaurant. She really wants a snack. And the company will not hurt her. Unless, of course, he again starts interrogating her like yesterday and making his own guesses.
Having arrived at the restaurant, I got out of the car and looked around. Yegor's car was already parked here. Entering the restaurant, I looked towards this counter. There was no one there. Although very often Mikhail makes promises here. This is his favorite restaurant. That's what Lisa said. And she herself often saw him here. That’s why I came here often too.
-Let's go to. - Yegor invited her to a table by the window.
They walked to the table, sat down, and the waiter immediately approached them, smiled and handed them a menu.
It didn't take long to choose. Sofia knew what she wanted. So she made her choice quickly. But Yegor thought for about ten minutes.
Sofia didn't know where to start the conversation. Silently she turned to the window, looking somewhere into the distance.
-Sofia. Tell about yourself. - Egor asked.
-Nothing to tell.
Egor was surprised:
-Like this?
-Like this. One. Only I have a best friend.
-Such a gorgeous woman and alone. Where men look.
Sofia was confused and embarrassed by such compliments.
-I'm ordinary and simple.
Sofia answered in such a way that Yegor understood that compliments should not be given to her.
The waiter brought the order and they began to eat. At the same time, Yegor often glanced in her direction, but did not dare to speak.
For unknown reasons, Sofia disliked Yegor. Maybe because he sees right through her. And guesses everything she thinks about.
After having a snack, Sofia hurried to go home.
-Thank you for lunch. It was delicious. But it's time for me to go home. Excuse me Egor.
-Yes, sure. It was nice to chat.
Sofia left the restaurant. She walked up to her car and looked towards the restaurant. Egor hasn't come out yet. She may have been rude to him, but she couldn’t do anything about it. She doesn’t want anyone to look at her and try to guess her thoughts.
Sofia got into the car and drove home. She couldn't wait to look at her new purchases.

Mikhail sat in his car and looked nervously out the window. He didn't want to go home. Nastya was waiting for him there. He himself did not understand how it happened that they were together. He just wanted to annoy Sofia, but not really meet Nastya. But apparently Nastya thought differently.
Mikhail swore. How did she get it? He didn't love Nastya. He needs a completely different woman. And he will achieve it. Whatever it costs him.
He did not see Sofia for a month. Autumn has already arrived. And it was getting cold.
How can he deal with Nastya? You need to have a serious talk with her. And we need to talk in such a way that she understands him and is not offended. Well, he can’t bring himself to love another woman. When he has Sofia in his head.
All month he was looking for an excuse to meet Sofia, but he never came up with anything. And how he wanted to see her, hug her, and kiss her. Does she really not think about him, and does not remember the night they spent together. And what a night. The night that changed him completely. Previously, he constantly changed women, and did not want anything more from them. And now, he only wanted one woman, and no one else.
All. Stop sitting in the car. We need to go home.
Mikhail got out of the car, roughly slamming the door. He went towards his house, where Nastya was waiting for him.
Having opened the door with the key, he entered the house. Nastya heard him and ran out to meet him. She rushed to hug her joyfully. Mikhail pulled her away, and looking into her eyes, said:
-We need to talk.
-What about dear? - Nastya asked affectionately.
-About Us! - Mikhail said this in such a way that Nastya immediately understood exactly what the conversation would be about.
-Lets talk.
Nastya went into the kitchen and began making tea. Anger was felt in her every movement.
-Nastya. Sit down.
Mikhail took Nastya by the hands and sat her down on a chair.
-You’re a big girl, and you understand everything. Well, I don't love you. Understand.
-Who do you Love? - She asked with sadness in her voice.
-It doesn't matter.
-Tell. Who is she? Who's so lucky? - Nastya insisted.
Mikhail blurted out this name so that Nastya would leave him alone. And he’s tired of hiding from everyone that he loves Sofia.
Nastya was surprised that Mikhail loves Sofia.
-I don't understand. You always swear like dogs.
-You're wrong. So. Stop talk about this.
Mikhail went up to the second floor. Nastya ran after him.
-Maybe you're wrong. Maybe this isn't love. - Nastya shouted out in hope.
Mikhail turned to her, his eyes sparkling with anger, and answered rudely:
-I already said that I love Sofia. And I won’t repeat it again. Understood.
-You will answer for this.
Nastya shouted this with hatred and ran away.
Mikhail went up to his room and sat on the bed, clasping his head in his hands.
Nastya’s words stuck in his head. Will she really take revenge because he loves another woman? This is nonsense. He never swore his love to Nastya. And he did not promise to marry her. Nastya came to him herself. And how can she harm him or Sofia?
Mikhail lay down on the bed with his hands behind his head.
Evening has come, but it is still very early time for sleep. And I didn’t want to go anywhere.
There was complete silence in the house. And the silence was broken by a phone call. But I was too lazy to get up. So he ignored the call. Five minutes later, the phone rang again.
Mikhail swore and got out of bed. Who is this persistent? Who needed him at a time like this?
He picked up the phone and said:
The number was unfamiliar.
-Who is this? - Mikhail asked.
-This is Egor. We need to talk.
-Us? About what?
-Not about anything, but about whom.
-Even so. Well then, come to me and we’ll talk.
-I'll be there in fifteen minutes.
Mikhail hung up.
Even interesting. He and Yegor don’t really know each other. Is there anyone to talk about?!
Mikhail went downstairs. Made myself a cup of hot coffee. Looking out the window, he saw a car approaching. Apparently this is Egor.
Mikhail opened the door without waiting for him to ring the bell.
Egor entered the house, and Mikhail invited him into the kitchen to drink coffee.
Egor followed Mikhail.
-I want to talk about Sofia.
Mikhail suddenly stopped and looked at him with a surprised look:
-About whom? About Sofia?
-Yes. It's about Sofia.
-Why with me? She has a best friend, Lisa, and she knows more about her.
Mikhail clenched his hands into fists. He didn’t like that Yegor was interested in Sofia. This was still not enough.
-I know women very well. And I'm sure there was something between you and Sofia.
Yegor spoke confidently and calmly. A very well-mannered man.
-Why do you think so? - Mikhail asked, pretending that he did not understand what Yegor was talking about.
-I saw how she looked at you when it was Lisa’s birthday. And I understood everything.
It dawned on Mikhail.
-Even if there was something, what difference does it make to you?
Yegor thought for a minute, took a cup of coffee in his hands, and answered:
-She's a good girl. And you shouldn’t offend such people.
Mikhail asked sharply:
-Do you love her?
-It doesn't matter. The main thing is that she loves you.
Mikhail laughed.
- How do you know? She told me to my face that everything was a mistake.
-I know. So here it is. I didn't tell you the main thing.
-About what? - Mikhail felt something was not good.
-Sofia seems pregnant.
-What? - Mikhail even sat down on a chair from such news. - How do you know this?
-I was recently in her store and saw her. Sofia constantly felt sick. And she constantly tried to hide it.
Mikhail could not digest all the information in his head.
-Thank you for what you said. And now can I stay alone?
-Certainly. I hope you accept correct solution. And you can't make Sofia suffer.
After this, the mountain hastened to leave.
Mikhail remained in a sitting position on the chair. And he sat there for about an hour, constantly thinking about what Yegor told him.
Is this all true? And Sofia is really pregnant from him. And she tries to hide it from him. How can she do this? This is his child too. And he has the right to know about her pregnancy.
Now he must talk to her and put all the dots in place.
Whether she loves him or not, it doesn't matter anymore. But the child will definitely not be left without a father. And she will have to marry him. Whether she wants it or not.
Jumping up from his chair, he ran out of the house like mad.
Mikhail rushed along the road, not noticing anything. All he could think about was what Sofia had hidden from him about her pregnancy. Or maybe Yegor just imagined it, and he’s wasting himself now in vain.
Having arrived at her house, he jumped out of the car, and within seconds he was near her house. Knocked in the door.
Sofia opened the door and stared in surprise at Mikhail, who was nervous.
-Shall we talk? - He entered the house without waiting for an invitation to enter.
-About what?
-About you. And about your pregnancy.
Sofia staggered. She clearly did not expect such a conversation.
-Where are you from...
-Doesn't matter. This is true? - He looked at her and tried to guess what she was thinking about.
-Is it true.
-Sofia. Why didn't you tell me anything?
Mikhail was starting to get angry, but he didn’t want to shout at the woman he loved. Therefore, he tried as best he could to control himself.
-Because you have nothing to do with this child.
Sofia turned away from him so as not to look him in the eye.
Mikhail jumped up to her and grabbed her hand:
-You're lying. - He said loudly and rudely.
-No. - Sofia shouted and pushed him away from her with hatred.
-So, we need to congratulate Oleg. And I thought you wouldn’t forgive him.
Mikhail moved away from her and said angrily:
-I don't want to know you anymore.
He looked at her point-blank and silently left.

When Mikhail left, Sofia began to cry. She somehow kept herself with him so as not to cry. And now I gave vent to my feelings. Why did she do this to him?! She was going to tell him the truth. But in the end she lied.
Seeing Mikhail's wild look when he entered her house, Sofia was very scared. She almost immediately understood why he had come here. And looking at him, and seeing how he was freaking out because of her pregnancy, Sofia decided to save him from his problems. Why should he bother? He is together with Nastya. So let her bear him children. And Sofia can handle it herself. She has money to raise her. So everything is great. That's just how he knew everything. She hadn’t seen Mikhail for a whole month. And Lisa knew nothing about pregnancy. It's strange somehow.
Sofia cried for an hour. And finally, having calmed down, there were no more tears left, I made myself some soothing tea.
While drinking tea, she kept remembering Mikhail’s words, and with what hatred and rage he said them. He doesn't want to know her anymore! These words hit my head like electricity.
While she was drinking tea, she had already decided everything for herself.
Sofia decided to tell Lisa everything. They are best friends, and I have to give some advice.
Rising from her chair, Sofia took the phone in her hands and dialed her friend’s number:
-Are you awake? - Sofia asked when Lisa answered the phone.
-Lisa, I need to tell you something. - Sofia said excitedly.
-What's happened? Tell me. I'm listening to you carefully.
Sofia was silent for a minute, wondering whether she should tell her everything or not.
-Lisa. Just listen to me and don't interrupt.
-Sofia. I will be silent and listen to you.
Sofia told everything to Lisa. From the very beginning. She didn't hide anything from her. And she, as promised, listened to her silently, without interrupting.
After Sofia finished her love story, Lisa said in a calm tone:
-Well, you give it. I couldn’t even imagine that the woman my brother loves is you.
-I don't know. Whether he loves or jokes, he was not happy to hear about the child.
-Sofia. You take it wrong. My brother loves you, and could not be afraid of your pregnancy. And in general, there was no need to lie to him. Even though you are my friend, Mikhail is my brother. And he real father your child. Your his.
Sofia cried again.
-Yes I understand. But it's' too late. He doesn't want to know me anymore.
-Calm down and don't cry. I will talk to him. I'll try at least.
-Okay Lisa. Thank you. I'll go rest.
-Go. I'll come to you tomorrow.
Sofia hung up. But she had no intention of sleeping. She was sure that Mikhail would no longer believe her. And he won’t listen to his sister. Why did she lie to him?! Shouldn't have done this.
So. You need to talk to him yourself. It will be more correct this way. Sofia department jeans and a zipped jacket. She ran out of the house. It was completely dark. But she didn't care. She needs to talk to him and explain everything. And then whatever happens.
Sofia got into the car and rushed to Mikhail. In addition to the fact that she is pregnant from him, he does not know another, very important information. That she loves him. Loves very much. After they spent the night together, Sofia thought about him for a long time. And I realized that I fell in love with this man. But seeing them with Nastya, she hated him.
Arriving at Mikhail's house, she noticed that the light was on in the kitchen. So he's not sleeping yet. This is good. She has a chance to explain everything to him.
Sofia knocked on the door of his house.
The door opened, and Sofia immediately forgot why she came here.
Nastya stood in front of her, almost naked. She was wearing a light robe. Apparently she interfered with them.
-Sorry. I didn't think...
-What did you think? What do you want from us? Get out of here. We're getting married soon. So don't interfere.
There was so much anger in Nastya’s voice that Sofia took a few steps away from her.
-Who's there? - Mikhail shouted.
-I'm sorry. I'll leave now. - Sofia said, and turning to the car, she hurried towards it.
-Who came? - Mikhail asked, appearing at the door wearing only trousers.
- We made a mistake.
Mikhail looked closely at Nastya. He immediately noticed that she was lying. And he looked outside. But I didn't see anyone. I just noticed a car in the distance.
-Nastya. Who came? Tell the truth. - Mikhail insisted.
And Nastya knew perfectly well that there was no point in lying. Better to say.
-Sofia came.
-Sofia? And what she needed. - He asked furiously, closing the door.
-Don't know. You need to ask this.
- This doesn't concern you. You and I have already agreed. While your apartment is being renovated, you can stay with me. But then, you'll leave. And nothing will happen between us anymore. Understood.
Nastya with sadness in her voice:
-Understood. You explained everything to me clearly.
-Well, that’s great. Let's go sleep. You to yourself, and I to myself.
Mikhail went to his room and locked the door. So that Nastya doesn’t come into his room. And she will try to do it.
Mikhail, tired, fell onto the bed and fell asleep until the morning.
Waking up in the morning and looking at the clock, Mikhail jumped out of bed and began to get dressed in a hurry. Today he urgently needs to be in one of his stores. Suppliers must arrive. And he was already late.
Mikhail jumped out of the house and went to work.
At work, he made a cup of coffee and sat down in a chair after calming down. And he began to wait for suppliers.
Twenty minutes later the suppliers arrived. And Mikhail went with them to his office to resolve work issues.
An hour later, he escorted the guests to the exit. And he also went to have lunch.
He hasn't eaten anything since this morning. There was no time for that.
Now that all the problems have been solved, we can have lunch.
Arriving at his favorite restaurant, where he often visited. Mikhail went to a free table and placed an order.
While waiting for the order, Mikhail thought about why Sofia came at such a late time. And why did she leave so quickly? Many questions and not one answer.
The waiter brought the order, and Mikhail began to dine.
The phone rang in his jacket pocket, and Mikhail pushed his food away. He took out his phone and picked up:
-I’m listening to you, little sister.
-Hello. Don't you want to tell me anything? - Lisa immediately attacked her brother.
- I’ve already heard this somewhere.
-Not funny.
-Lisa. You are again starting to speak out for me about Nastya. I told you. I don't love her.
-No. I'm not talking about Nastya. I'm talking about Sofia. - Lisa corrected her brother in a rather rude voice.
-What about Sofia? - Mikhail made a surprised voice.
-And the fact that you will soon become a dad.
Mikhail was silent for a minute, and then shouted at his sister.
-First of all, this is not my child. And secondly, it doesn't concern you.
People sitting at neighboring tables began to whisper and glance at Mikhail. He threw the money on the table and left the restaurant so as not to scare the people.
-You are a fool. This is your child. Understood. And Sofia was just scared that you didn’t need it. So I told you a lie.
-Where did you get the idea?
-She's my friend. And I can feel a lie from a kilometer away. You know. Brother, believe me, Sofia is not lying.
-Let's see. OK. Come on, I'll call you later. There is no time now.
Mikhail no longer knew who to believe. And the point is not at all about who the child is from. The point is different. He was infuriated by the mere thought that after everything she had learned about Oleg, she was able to sleep with him. Oleg is a scoundrel. And she forgave. Or maybe the sister is right. Sofia lied to him everything.
Now we will find out. Stop procrastinating. He is already thirty years old, and apart from business, he has nothing. And I already want a normal, real family.
Arriving at Sofia’s, he did not find her at home. I looked at my watch and went to her work. She's probably there. Where else could she be?
He walked up the store steps in seconds and entered the store. I saw a girl and approached her.
-Sorry. How would I like to see Sofia.
-She's in her office.
The girl pointed towards the office.
Mikhail said thank you. And he went to Sofia.
Knocked in the door.
-Come in. - He heard Sofia’s voice.
Mikhail entered the office and saw Sofia sitting at the table, who, without raising her head, asked:
-What. Was the buyer the first to get caught again?
Sofia dropped the pen she was using to write something from her hands and raised her head.
-Why did you come?
- Find out the truth.
Mikhail walked up to the table and looked straight at Sofia.
-So what?
-Mikhail, leave. And be with your Nastya.
-What does Nastya have to do with it?
-You are together.
Mikhail laughed.
-Sofia. You slept with Oleg.
She looked at Mikhail and answered rudely:
-No. I didn't sleep with him.
Mikhail took Sofia by the hand and forced her to get up from her chair. He pulled him towards him and kissed him on the lips.
-Sofia. I love you.
-I love you too. But..
Mikhail closed her mouth with a kiss, not allowing her to finish. He was incredibly happy. From what he heard, he lost his head.
-Do you love me? - Mikhail asked.
-Yes. I love. Very.
-So let's go to the registry office.
-For what? - Sofia asked in surprise.
-I want to be your husband!
Mikhail took her hand and led her outside.
They got into his car and drove to the registry office.
Sofia didn't mind. She was happy. She found the one she had been looking for for many years. And he was always there, only Sofia didn’t notice it before.
A few hours later, Sofia and Mikhail left the registry office happy, holding hands.
Now they are husband and wife. They were painted immediately, thanks to Mikhail’s charm.
They got married without telling anyone.
-Well, let's go to Lisa.
-Go. - Sofia answered and pressed herself close to her husband.
-I love you.
-And I you. - Mikhail did not believe his luck.
He promised himself that he would always love her. And it won't make her cry. She will be the happiest woman. And he is a loving and beloved husband.

Seven months later, Sofia and Mikhail had a daughter. They named her Lisa. In honor of sister Mikhail. Because if it weren’t for her, maybe everything would have been different.
Lisa also got married. For Alexander. And Egor met Nastya. And they began to meet. Nastya fell behind Mikhail. Now for Nastya, Egor came first.
Everyone was happy. Everyone found their happiness. And no one else had secrets from each other. Sofia and Mikhail became an example for many acquaintances and friends.

Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd/

They say that from love to hate it is just a step. Who would have thought that Elena would walk this road there and back. She was so confused in her feelings that she rushed from one extreme to the other. Either she was ready to give up everything and fly to her beloved on the wings of love, or she hated him with fierce hatred. And she had no idea how to find the line between these deep feelings. At times she even thought she was going crazy. I so wanted to at least glance into my own face, to hear my favorite voice. However, another equally strong feeling took possession of her with such force that it was impossible to get out of these snares. It was jealousy.

Only six months after separation did she realize that she had fallen in love again

Seven years - no love

The bus stop, as always, is full of people. Peak hour. Just recently it was twilight, but the winter morning was already bustlingly dawning. Fluffy snow swirled in the glare of the lanterns. Lena really loved this kind of weather, when winter, as if making amends for its prickliness, creates quiet happiness. Suddenly, in the dark corner of the bus stop, a ball moved. Lena came closer and sat down. Two mournful brown eyes, and immediately buried his wet nose in his hand. “Dog,” Lena whispered and stroked the cold fur. - “Where is your master?” But then the bus arrived, and Lena, already squeezing herself into its cramped bowels, almost forgot about her find. Having warmed up a little, Lena plunged into obsessive thoughts. But in fact, she was not much different from this lonely and cold creature. Also abandoned, no one needs it either. Such thoughts made her nose tickle treacherously, but she restrained herself. Lately, all Lena has done is hold back. I hid my sad eyes from the prying eyes of my colleagues, who were always minding their own business. “Well, what do they all want from me? I don’t ask them how they live, with whom!”

It should be noted that Lena was always visible. And not only because she had a striking appearance. It’s just that someone had such an attractive effect on those around her that people were drawn to her. I just wanted to stand next to Lena, watch her facial expressions, gestures, and catch the rapidly changing range of feelings in her eyes. Open and trusting, she could not hide her emotions, and was all in full view: defenseless, sincere. This was her appeal.

And Lenka also believed. First in childhood - in fairy tales, then - in your dreams. She got married early, but not out of great and passionate love. She wanted to quickly become an adult, independent, independent. Just take it and leave from under parental care and the gray, insipid life. At that moment, it practically did not matter to her who the father of her children would be. And not because she was so frivolous. Perhaps naive.

Seven years of marriage flew by unnoticed, in troubles and worries about children. Over the years, Elena was still able to find reciprocal feelings for her husband in her heart. Vladimir, it seemed to her, loved her sincerely, but still not in the way she dreamed of in childhood. Rather, it was all due to the gray life, behind which gradually all the ardor of feelings was reduced to “no”. It’s not for nothing that they say that at the age of seven a difficult period begins in the life of married couples. And only now, when Lena became interested in astrology, she began to understand that not everything is so easy on planet Earth. There are no simple accidents, there are simple patterns. It was under them that her family fell. Moreover, in last years Volodya somehow quietly became addicted to alcohol.

When Lena, tired from work, returned home, almost dragging her youngest son Sashenka, she wanted to fall asleep as quickly as possible. Dinner, chores around the house, cooking for tomorrow, washing, cleaning and, out of nowhere, endless showdowns with my husband. She was not just tired, she was exhausted from some endless vanity and routine. No, Lena knew that it was the natural lot of many women to pull the family cart. But when her half-drunk husband also fell on this cart, her patience came to an end.

Volodya was actually a good family man. When the youngest was born, he generally walked around proud. Indeed, the long-awaited heir. Everything was fine with them, as, indeed, with most families. There were quarrels and stormy reconciliations. There were both joys and disappointments. How can you live without them? But in recent years, my husband has changed. Maybe he was also fed up with everyday life. It’s not that Volodya became an alcoholic, just “ quiet lover" I drank quietly. Lena often found open bottles in the most unusual places. They say about such stashes: you need to clean more often so that nothing gets stuck in the corners. So with each such “spring cleaning” a scandal arose in the Semyonovs’ house. When Lena threw a vodka bottle into the center of the room and exclaimed indignantly: “How long will this continue?” Volodya made innocent eyes and shrugged: “It’s not mine, I don’t know where it came from.” Yes, you planted it yourself. You can't live without hysterics. Don’t feed you bread, let me yell.” And then she was no longer indignant. Just one fine, or rather not very rosy day, I collected all my husband’s belongings and showed him to the door. Now don’t believe in the magic of numbers: at exactly seven years of marriage, the horoscope promised difficulties and even divorce.


And yet, breaking up with her husband was not easy for her. Sometimes Lena woke up in the middle of the night from hopeless melancholy. The children snored quietly in their cribs. She got up, straightened the blanket on her little son, who was scattered in his sleep, and stroked the silky curls of her now grown daughter. She sighed, went to the kitchen, and for some reason looked out the window. She didn’t know what she could see there in the pitch darkness. I poured a glass of milk - and not because I was thirsty, just out of habit. She tossed and turned from side to side, having difficulty falling asleep. And in the morning there is chaos again. Getting ready and leaving for kindergarten, always being late for work. Lena didn’t know that it would be even more difficult for her alone. “I wanted to be strong, proud, this is what you got,” she reproached herself in moments of accumulated fatigue. Sometimes she painfully wanted affection and warmth, and she quietly cried into her pillow, feeling sorry for herself. At such moments, Lena was ready to call her husband and ask, no, beg him to come back. But she didn’t call, and he didn’t call either.

Volodya came to the children on weekends, bringing toys and gifts. I took them with me to visit my grandmother. I practically didn’t communicate with Lena. He became somehow independent, different. And every month it becomes more and more alien. Lena felt that they were moving further and further away from each other, that each would soon begin to build their own destiny. All this hit Lena hard on her pride, and then jealousy awoke.

Volodya came to one of these Sunday meetings in high spirits.

Hello Lenchik! How are you? Are you doing well?

Volodya had done things to Lenka before, but then she didn’t pay much attention to them, she was used to her husband loving her, being proud of her and admiring her at every opportunity, emphasizing all her advantages. It's like a drug that you get used to, but can no longer do without.

Unexpectedly, Lena flushed. It had been a long time since anyone had said something like that to her. But she didn’t show it. “Here’s another thing, I need his tenderness. I’ll somehow live without them.” She proudly turned up her nose and pretended that she didn’t care. Lena wanted her “ex” to suffer, to ask her for forgiveness, to admit that he loved her and could not live without her. But he was silent. At such moments, some cold toad lay on my chest and pressed mercilessly. And sometimes Lena caught herself thinking that she was jealous again. What is it for? After all, she had not loved Volodya for a long time, maybe she had never loved. But when I saw him sober, well-groomed, my own and at the same time someone else’s man, jealousy again reminded of itself.

One day Lena learned from her friends that Volodya was going to have new family. And no wonder: he’s a distinguished guy and his hands are in the right place, he won’t be lying around on the road. “You’re a fool, Lenka, you missed such a guy. And whoever doesn’t drink now, they’re all the same. But he loves children so much. And he didn’t seem to hang around with women,” Lenka’s girlfriends used to say. She herself knew that she could not find a better father for her children. But the job is done, and there is no turning back.


In her free time, and it appeared when the whole house fell silent in a quiet slumber, Lena called her bosom friend. Tatyana could always find the right words for her, calm her down and cheer her up in moments of weakness.

Tanyusha, I'm so lonely. Nobody needs me.
- What are you, stupid, you have children, they need you. And also for me. Well, how am I without you, you are the best, smart and beautiful. Do you even look at yourself in the mirror?

Lenka thought about it. When was the last time she looked at her reflection? She walked up to the trellis and looked intently into her eyes. God, how sad and somehow empty they were. And yet incredibly blue. Lena smiled, and immediately, out of nowhere, a gentle ray jumped in the heavenly blue of her eyes.

- Well, did you look? So, come on, get yourself in order. I'll come to you now. There is no need to prepare anything. I have it for you.
- You are an intriguer. Tell me immediately what you have in mind.

Tanyukha had already hung up, and Lena was seriously worried. Before she had time to paint her eyes and lips again, the bell rang.
- Open yours.

And Lenka almost suffocated with happiness and excitement. Tanyusha stood on the threshold, and Volodya was next to her. He was holding a bouquet of snow-white roses in his hands and smiling mysteriously.

Why are you two together?
- Yes, I brought you a groom. Meet...

As she regained her composure, Lena heard a quiet squeal.
- Oh, what kind of little guy is this?
- This is Sashke. He had wanted a dog for a long time.

Lena squatted down, and the dog immediately climbed into her arms, his wet nose cooled his sore cheeks, and his cool tongue was already licking his face with might and main.
- Ugh, no need!

Lenka laughed enthusiastically and looked at her friend in surprise. What a surprise! It’s true that Tanya had made her happy before, but so... Taking with her her friend’s enthusiastic gaze, Tatyana ran into the kitchen. It's a holiday!

A ex-husband and the wife still stood opposite each other, unable to find words.
- Here, this is for you. You love those.
Lena pressed the tender buds to her face, hiding uninvited tears.

And the poodle has already run to settle into its new home. A joyful cry from his son was heard from the bedroom.
- Mom, mom, who is it? Whose is this?
- Your son, yours.

Volodya picked up the child in his arms. Pink from sleep, he just rubbed his eyes, smiling from ear to ear.
- Dad, is he going to live with us now?
- Of course, where should he go now?
“And you, dad, aren’t you going anywhere either?”
- No, son, I’ve already come. I am at home too.

Lena looked at her family and friends and didn’t know what to do out of happiness, whether to cry or laugh. A wave of emotions, like an unexpected typhoon, hit her. And she no longer saw the line that separated her from Volodya. Now, instead of hatred, love splashed with might and main in her huge eyes.